HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-20, Page 3OOOKIDST N(.1$11, 1.1X.11 O SubSeribers in Arrears, 0,00,10.t. eovint there ate over 50 SUbecribere eirt our net in Alamo for 'thenUrrent year., and a eoneiderable Itreportien of them for two years. This , delinettentriiee repreeents a large Burn Vntyoutbink it is too had, in view eof the lame and intereeting paper we *re giving, that We Should he worried fl mit finanging tinting this weather • Aly! this, thoughtlessnees of sone sub- tecrlhers,--40r it Is largely thOuglitieee. as P 'With this money in hand the lpnblisher would be able to undertake many projects he has in mind for the :turthet improvement of the paper, Xen 't it too bad that the majority of Netdeee'should be punished by the DIM, •*rity in this way? for with el> much , tinOney outstanding it is impossible for , ihe publisher to increase the expendi. . ture on the paper. Dear reader, if you are one cif.these delinquente, look at the label on your •. paper, note the date to which your Illabscription is paid, and if in arrests, , Mt down and write us, enclosing the *mount. It will be the most welcome ' letter we can receive. If eyery sub scribe*' were to do this, the burden of life to the publisher would be greatly *Ahmed - Address the NEW Ens, Clint n, Cot,. 'ated use registered letter, postai note O. order, or Express order, 011$ It.b,DAY, DEC 20h191, To any one who knowrethe London Free Press, It is amusing to see how • ardent an advocate of prohibition it has become. A Canadian Gold Mine. The demand for Portland cement bas increased at such a very rapid rate that the supply is wholly unequal to .s...-ssithesdemand and 450,000 barrels wepe imported into Canada last year,though • the capacity of the Canadian plants was taxed to the utmost. The uses to whichcement is put are multiplying and the demand is certain to enor- mously increase. The industry is A profitable one, the different 'cement iplante throughout the country paying large dividends. The Ontario Portland Cement Co., with headquarters at Brantford. have acquired wiaat is known as Blue Lake, hi with adjacent marshes, where /they will erect a modern plant for the man- ufacture of cement. The works will be situated in the Itownship of South ' Dumfries, three miles from Paris, ten from Brantford, and 603 fr om Toronto. The Company will have exceptional trausportation facilities, which will pet there in a splendid position tosup- ply thedernana Of users of cement. The directorate of the Ontario Port- land Cement Co. is a strong one. EL. Gould, W. S. Wisner and' Harry•Cock- ehutt, the well known manufacturers, are on the board of management, Mr Gould being president. With them are ass.ociated other wealthy and pro- minent citizens of Brantford. The Ontario Portland Cement Co. is represented in Clinton by Jae. Twitch- ell, who will be pleased to furnish fur- ther information regarding the Coin.' piny, and from whom shares may be cbtained. Encouragement for a Deserving Institution. (Toronto Globe, Sept. 28, BM.) J. B. McKay, the proprietor and founder of the Dominion Business Col- lege, .Confederation Life Building, is meeting with unmoral encouragement in his new enterprise, and the pros- pects nre that Toronto will very soon have another large educational institu- tion. be proprietoi, 2f thiEl PONY gollegela mle of the most popular buelness ge men in Canaria, and he has a boat tr warm friends, who artwiehing the !flominion Bueinese College every M- eese. Mr McKay is the pioneer in Can- ada. of touch-typewritirg, and his stu- dents are already noted for their great si ed ». the typewriter. r Matey is also one of the best teachers of penmanship in America, batting won first place in an interne- -es • Venal competition held in New York City b, few years ago. An American penmanship paper in speaking of hint, after his demonstration before the • members of the Business Educational • Association of Arnecicas said gave' his somewhat, blase American COM3i1313 a wholesome lesson in enthes- ,asm and niMblenese cif. tongue and I and, showing he was fit to cope with the atrongest teachers in his specialty." With tite bestmethods of instructicn and the finest equipment, including 75 New Remington typewritere, sem- see= is sure to crown Mr Malay's ef- fete. • SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING,. , (From The Aribur,Enterprise)• • Catarrh is more prevalent than it formerly was, and many people are afflicted with this dengerone diem= long before they are aware of it. Thee it heft • developed into the worat forth, ittid the Buffeter tushes for the doctor from Whom he geettaittle or no relief. Aapedial study thii.dihearre was made by the Catarrh°. . note Otiiiipany and their labors have been 'r eV/aided by the- discovery of the true speoffie' "Oatarrliozone" which they iir. 01 Mite° is a sure owe. The Entern se can • vdiarl for.."Catarrhozone"as e member. of • the editor'sfamilyneed ji with most "sat. isfactory results ; it hi pleapatit tense end, sitei illetent relief. •-• •••• • Btiehleite 00114e. The advertieement of the Central Business College, Stratford, Onto may be seeh, in our adenine: We are intern- ed br.the Principal, Mr W. J. Elliot, that Many Canadian and American BileiriesttOolteges employ graduatee as tertetherre.,Duriog the past three yearir. ^ the del:120)3d for conimerciel and sizert,.. bariatirtehers hire been five times .the eiipply.iThis certainly ehowe that the tollege.fidoing goodwork. The 'Winter • terht opts on Monday, jantiary 0th. • reessionsise ,Chfl1e td the bona. A teriepeonful Of :° in a cep of hot teeter eweetened will Ajottbil times meek good than rum 0-1141.' Avoid Substitutes, there id hitt bizei Pein-Eillerr, Perry Davis. 260 and 50o. The Ring's corotittAfoli will take Otte° June 20 nett. December Meeting et the 'County Council* The cduneill.met on the arci inst. Tbe Warden thouOt the council whauld- consider the matter of, tilitring in the appropriation of volley for road lea- provement inedo by the Ontario Gov- ernment and. euggested the appoint - went of a c =rah tee to report ap the January meeting. Applicatione for the position of jail surgeon were received from Des Tay. lor, Giallow, WbLe1y, etteeidY and Hunter. • Dr Whitely eubsequentl withdrew hie appitcation, and , Spellman moved, seconded by 13.04,11. telon, that Dr Taylor be appointed. - Moved by Mr Bert, seconded by Alr Millar, that Dr Hunter be appointed. On. a vote being taken, there voted for Dr Taylor, Messrs Cantelon, Co,nnolly, Chamber, Fer neon,. Rays, Lockhart, faktereeu.Seac man.Torrance--0, Pox Dr trunt r e•se Holt,Cit:ft;111838d The gounty gnginear was instructed to have proper notices against furious driving placed on the county hmdges, and haves the law relating thereto car reed out, A delegation waited on the Oi MOB, asking to have a bridge built be ween the townships of Goderich and Col- borne and ehovving the urgent neces- sity thereof, the following persons ad- dressing the couneilinfavor of itl.Ree've Johne, and Moises Burns Jewell, Jas Leith waite, Joe. Beck, W. Hill and R. Holmes, LP, The matter beintr re- ferred to the Road end Bridge 00E1, mittee, they. recoinmended that a steel joist or seperstructure bridge be built, (at an estimated cost of about 89000) provided the townships of Col- borne and Goderich would built Olean. preaches, thus reducing the cost. Al- ter some discussion this was amended, and the matter left 'over until June next, when the council will visit the proposed location in a body and take action. Other matters before the council are diepesed if in the following reports ;-- 111sPoltT OF MUSE OF Etyma Com- arxriegs. On Sept. 12th we visited the bowie, made a thorough inspection, and found everything satisfactory. • On Dec. ard we again visited the' house and examin- ed the accountsrand find that the total expense chargeable to the house for. this year, to date is 18212.97. • The water supply is running short, and sornithibg sheuld be done to remedy it. • Mr French reports that difficulty 18 experienced in drying the clothing, and asks that a dryer be purchased, which Would cost about $290, The report was adolited, excepting the last item, which was left over for consideration until • the •January meeting. • - •. SPECIALUOMMITTEE'S REPORT. The committee recommended that the financial year of the House of Refuge end with lst of Dec. instead of lst ofJan., so that the report may be place4 before theDec. =salon ot the Council. ,The Warden and Clerk were inetructed to sign the petition relat- ing to eattle guards, and forwerd it tO the Huse of Conunons. • • FINANCE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. The Committee's recommended pay - meant of a number of accounts. • _ EDUCATION/It, (.1051mITTIOE'S IMPORT A petition from, Frank Wheeler. and 9 other e of Morris and East Wa- wanosh, •asking that arbitrators be . . appointed to adjudicate on the forma - non of a pew school section epee - prising parts of the aboYe townships ;' also a counter petition from L. Wil - Hanle aud 40 others from S. S, No. 5 Morrie, asking for • no arbitration: The Committee iinamiously recom- mended that the following persous be apipointed to arbitrate in this matter - 11,8. Herndon, Exeter; W. S. 'Mc- Kercher, Wroxeter ; and Isaac Erratt, of Varna. REPORT oF nEncterPvE COMMITTEE. The Committee recommended that a grant of 025 be made to the Huron Poultry Association ; that no action be taken with reference to the request of A, A. Drupe, of Gerrie, for a three raorithe trader's licenseethat the =hal grant of 815 be made to the Walton Publie Library for 19024 that the county pey for .the maintenance of Florence Kellv, in St John's Industrial Home. and also for be 13roWn in Victoria Industrial Home. REPORT OF THE 00. PROPERTY COM - We Visited tile 3041014 residence and. found it occupied by the jailer and family, and apparently well euited for the purose. Wei vieiteu the jail and fOund the inmates to correetiobd with the jailer's. report, there being nine males and found everything satisfac- tory. A request from the Sheriff for A telephone in the Turnkey's house, was deferred until bete January. Before the Council adjourned Mr W. H. Herr, in the brief • speech, moved a vote of -thanks to Warden Holt, for hie eXciencyt urbanity, and ability in the eihrtie during the past year. This Was endorsed by Meagre. Chambers and Hays and nnamiouely passed. Mr Holt made a brie- reply, after which the Comic!l ndjourned to meet in the fourth Tueeday of January next, • Waits, Versus Moles. • Ara either a mark of beauty/ Thie wanIdbe a suggeetive topic, for deluding • Booietiee. Vor the information of Muth, let it be known. that Petnrun'e Painless Cern Extreetor rerriovee trainlersly wafts fil a Very *alert time. Druggists whosell the teet always eell Putnani's Painless 'Corn Extrietor: '• Joheph waribanged at Mon- treal tOr the murder of Madame Lefebk vre, ' • IfeW life for a sinerter;Miller'i Compound Iron Pills. Sold by EL B. Carob° and IL P. Beakis.. Edward Secorci of Ridgeville Vise fat ally injured by an OS010131012 'while he *as ulearing out stumps. : The .best pbyeiCiane eprairwell of Miller'i recund IronPills. Sold H, 13, Prdredv:IcalPtilindRe6sleyil,itteilne Shulte, Was found guilty at Stolle Ste. Marie of the murder of Mrit. try' Milkers Giiiinile4 Sold 'by V. J. Cloni he, Ana It, P. Reekie. : Lotiiii PreOiette", 01i1) of DO; tiehbi Prechette," the ;well known Poet, died at Montreal, aged . • Miller'reGranrdee mire mellow skin. 'Sold by H. B. Cothba, told RP, Rookie. • St. johritett Man Catholic clilurnt at Whitby Wier lirnod, PAIN IN THE JOINTS. May be mueoular or rheumatic.. The 1 jointer are herd to get et and rentiire * powerful and penetratbutremedy to reach the, diaeetred surfaceit. reeryillrie very ex, toils,- meets- the reqtiirettlelitit, for il is both retworial and penetrating The pain is ex, Ipolled elmoet as it by map% One drop egnal in etrengthin five drops of other rein edits Borah% — nerve pein cure l)ruggiete Nell it • , ofet*. woe cr Tr r's farm ot 100 el . let irrie townehlp, Was 'pent of Binevale, for $ ediTuckeremith, herr !Reposed of a ve _,Nie young boll, 8 months old, to Thos. Llyingetone, of Builett, near Alma. The eyropathy Of Many Blyth friends Is extended to Mrs D N. Atriteller, of Tavistock, owing to the recent death of her mother. Mre 'Wooer, vrhich occur• .. red at Denfieid. Auother of the first settlers ofIJs- born e townehip, in the person of Mrs, AdatIegAo ordmos old angge, aot ss9 pyeesasresd, away at Word was received in Exeter last week of the death of George john Hil- ler in Grant's Pans. Oregon; deceaSed formerly resided in Exeter, with his mother and younger brother, Another old eettler of Morris passed away on Friday, in the verbal of Jelin Bowman in Ins 84th year he was a resident 'here for about 4-1 ;ears. Mrs Bowman died four years ago. Pour sons survive. J. N. Howard bite disposed of a 125 acre farm on con. 5, Hay. to Moses Gar- diner, Exeter, for $2500; he also dis- posed of his Exeter lot, opposite the foundry, toThos, Baseell, of Timm Road, for a good figure, A 'quiet wedding took place at the residence of Nelson Reddy, Exeter, on Tuesday week, when MISR Olive Waite was married to Sidney Englieh, Prof- essor of music at Hamilton. Rey E. Millyard performed the ceremony. On Wednesday emery pleatgoit event took place at the Methodist parsonage, Hensel', when Alfred Scruten and Miss Minnie Coxworth, Tuckerernith, bus recently. of Hensel!. were united in Marriage by Be'' Geo, Jewett. Last. Priday evening another mem- tier of Geo. Lott'e family, of Bromide, died, in the person of Ellen Irenf, the second daughter, a bright little girl of three years. Three of the other chil- dren were also down with diphtheria, We regret to chronicle the death of John Houghton, Hensel!, on Wednes- • day evening, after a very painful ill- ness of over four years. Deceased was a native of Lancashire, England, emi- grating to this country in 1860, Re leaves a wife and three sons, A pretty wedding took place Thurs- day evening. November 14, in Vancou- ver, B. Co When Mr Harley D, Wylie and Miss Sophia M. F. Ingram •well' known in Renee.% were united in mar- • riage, The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rey. John Robson. At Exeter, on Wednrsday, Andrew Lamnaie, of Detroit, formerly ot Hen- sel], was united in Marriage with Miss Susie Tait, of Exeter, Owing to the re- cent death of the groom's motbee, the' ceremony was performed in the niarise by Rev. Mr. Martin, there being no guests present. . • The, death of Mrs Walter, widow of the late Wm. Welter. Godericb, occur- red rather suddenly from heart failure on Monday. sveek. She had been in failing health'for sonie time, but was. able to be about the house on Sunday. Mie Walter Was an octogenarian, hav- ing passed the fourscore mark by 20 • The late ;has. Wheeler, who diedon Thursday morning of last week, in hie Med year. was one a the oldest resi- dents of East Wawanosh. Besides a widow, who has also reached a good oldage, and a large number of ['rand - children, he leaves four sons tind'one •daughter. The death of Mr Wheeler makes the first break in the family. • Mrs W: J. Chapman, of Whighani, received sad news recentlyIter sister, Mra W. 1.1.hrower, resided with ber family on a farm near Sanilae, Mich. Last week the bongo caught fire, and duringthe conflagration Mrs Thrower went back to secure some articles, and was so severely burned that she died shortly after. She leaves a husband and two children. Miss Moue Cummings, Seafotth, suffered a severe and painful accident on Saturday night; she was washing a pair of gloves with gasoline, when it exploded, and her hands, on which she had the gloves, were most severely burned. She had the gasoline in•it dish, and there was a lanur at the op- posite side of the room, but• the gaso- line, escaping, formed a gas, which be - Mime ignited from the lamp and filled the room with tire. ' • WE DISPENSE DRUGS OP STAND ARID STRENGTH AND PCRITy Oar reputation in the drug businees is es- teblished on sound and lasting prinoipleit. We give our oustomere just what they tick for, end guarantee all our drugs •to be of standard purity. This mean° numb when your dootor'S presonptione are to be ma. Buy yodir Perfumes, Toilet requisites, Sopa, Brushes, Cambers Atonigege from tie, OvIt 559! mime. • 'We call epeoiel attention to Paine's Cel- ery C/outpound, our best eelhng medicine, It is a, true health and strength restorer for weak and run down people, It gives that buoyaney of apirite end nerve energy so neceesery for the establishment of sound' • heelth. Paine's Celery Oomponne Aimee fateabove all otter needicinee. • E HOVEY, Drtiegilt, CliniOng As an index of the large suits of money that have been apent in this country during the past year for horses for the British Array in South Africk the London Advertiser givee the fa, lowing in tercititing particulars of.horses and supplies putchaeed in that city by only two dealers. James McCittney has told 1.8115 hories . for an meows price of $120' each, which amounts to 9187,800. ihe average mice paid by Mr McCartn4 Was about $100, aenoirnthig to 111110,600 or the 1,565 horses. 'During that tithe over MO tons of- bay haye been sent to the stables for Mr MoOart, new each' load Would crest on an aver- age about $9. a' total of $4,500 for the 500 loada. The 'oats bought would amolint. to about $1,500, and . bran Venuldebet $2,000. These figures. *curia total $8,000, which vernier an esiormoue Snuf te enerld on . proyendor for horses. in stVillort a timeik A viell'andiworking hinere eats eimutat pounds (Obey and, 12 Owl* of nate Ina day. , :The don., teenteof Dr. eJsr,H. °Well arneUnted, to aboutS75 hollow, ap,apignataptlitips etiotrbribut and flteri_tao_a„wngth.$1,15,,, nt Was reserve& %fro, tilo,htoVettltnellt. 4tbd„ for ,Wialcb • the doatim pilot:OM . 2100 to.11110edcb Theee hin*Ots ate An the neighborbood rot 125 Ions iothayi', obettnrati a. load, silent 22 tone of pate, 'lleitineefan, andg bran tO t00,eittent. of $500. In all about.2,815 homes have been skipped from thia putty of Mid- dlesex, ana 720 tons of hay, 220 tent; Of „Oat; an& '004150 tone of bran have been, absorbed for the feed of these hotter! While 'awaiting shipment, The horterc would ,aVerege weir/lit aboet 1,000 lbs. *bleb viiikes a total of 2315,. 000 the of borer 'gosh shipped from Lon. don in the pest six months. The deal- ers have toad $6,/50 for hay, #0.860 ter oate and $3,300 for hoop making In all 1113,056 for feed. writt Of tee uty of the tienoritas Of MOE* Many e. tourist pee there • Penh exalted i4eau Of the °hernia ot the 'nigh -code young women with raven heir, soft' olive voinplexione and hewitolitng eyes. Evidently the chorine of that matehleSety balmy en - Plate and the Wonderful picturesque. • nese 4>f scenes everywhere liars blurred the critical vial= of many of tiro writ, - erg, and all a result they dwell upon the beanty oe the senoritas. ROwever, according to one •Niextean correspon- dent, the beauties are by no Ineane PleutifuL. "A large part of the Meets can young women haVe Prominent, heaVY 0086.8. This characteristic, iri more noticeable .among the peopla in the rural pueblos hi the valleys. Prom leurteen to twenty, most eenoritasi are In their nrilne so far as tadel beauty Is concerned. From twenty to thirty the dark pigment in their complexion develops TaPidly, and nine out of ten of them ruin the softness of their porn- plexions by inordinate use or the cos - viatica and face washes whIcli comprise * surprisingly large proportion of the national imports from Euroneand the United Otatee, There le no denying that the eyes of tlie average Mexlean nirl, except la ithe lowest dresses, have a peculiar mildness.. The long, heavY eyelashes over the dark eyes giVe an expression of Seriousness and pathos that cum never tomato, The hair of tbe O enorliet JO seldom fine and flossy. the' women In the peon claim dock thePr coarse hair squarely across the fore- head, While the young women of the upper cions deck 'their foreheads with W it infinite lot of frIzzal and intricate Mazes of final) VIM curls. A. curious fact is that eore of the old famines 31i:fer1ae have followed hPfaehion in hair arrangement, charstoterlatle of the par- ticular family, for Several generetiona. }Per instance. there is the rich and pow- erful Yorba family of C.rhilanahun. ere' wetnan in the purely for mere than One hundred years' has -frizzed, curled and 'plastered her hair atter the style • Grandma Yorba, (a famous, belle In her day. and on .acquaintetnee of Old Queen Mercedea), adopted in the last .days of Spanish dominion over tdexieo. The ex. quielie black -lace Mantilla shading tile ayes,: the, high comt, and the coral' and pearl jewelry beottilne a 'senorita more than .theY would any other woman in the world. Perhaps it Is the oddness Of these graceful °berme that has won the general prate" of so many visitors' to Old Mexico. The senorita at the op-. era, .witia her coquettish fan, her be-,. W iled hat, and her gorgeously colored Olken gowns, looks very,attraptive, but at olose' range only a few of: the wo- Imp haVe the freshness, the vigor and the clear -out, yenned expressions of American yellng Women Qt, like sta.. Non." , • , ' , • • - • More 'Ade are cured by Periy•Baleam than any other one , remedy. It • cures qideklea,nd certainly. l3ronohfril affec- tions glee way readily *0 1*. Manufactured by the proprietors of Perry . Davis' Pain - Killer. The Times' correspondent at Pretoria estimates the Boers in the field from •eight to ten thousand, but adds that for fighting purposes they must be eetirna- ted as numbering twenty thousarld ex- ceedingly mobile troops, • Up late nights, endless eneagernents generally run down? rake the D, & L. Emulsion of cod Liver Oil It will toile up your system and =eke yenfeel your- self -Again. Made by Davis & Lawrence Cte,Ltd.• . . Winter Terra begins Zan. 2. 1902, Our rates are reasonable -sour courses of study iliorough and practical. Send for our Journal to see what we teach. ' Students may enter = any time, • Two courses of study. Commercial end Short -hand. 0. A. FLEMING, A. L MoINTYRE, Preeident. ••Secretary Owen Sound.. Lietowel The Student • At this busisess college 10 • Sur - rounded by every - incentive andassistanceto good work. That is the reason our students learn so' rapidly and also the reason 0:0 graduates are in constant demand. Book. keeping, , stenography, ,type- writing, penmanshipAnd bud. Radii practice. • Forest City Busi- ness College,'Y.ICO.A. hand- ing, London, Ont. W , Westefteli, WILL tem TOD BUTT/4111E END. CANADA. RUSINESS College Chathani,, Out., will 'dye yen in this and succedding issues ot • this piper, testiMandide NOM four of its form.. eritudentie Whoesnolteleedasliniee are Met $11,000_per entwine -in Mem, Of $2750 each. , what do renthint of M7 .Watth ,Mery iesueet thAtriediton".steniMebivill hot O&M' Mof leurtalo, Ififf 0us reseller merman remember that We ripat PeokinAiell?", Shorthand ani Penman' TIF KAu4:' Win Cannot regehns ,er , w reektiouontitATALOGDAR or Arp n rimeleyste., t • ,• • • v. i• • Viql009.<;.TSwhoet it ease amnion I -As / • Tifsitte EMI Street LW:attire Om, Beattie. wh mloafxelaVtrottba,ensedafit afurctsimoisathecorectlfre, Chet ei 0 t.;iteiveetile miner latiestire to reconiniendthathistittition to the favorable otiletiletatial 6005r110 Meditate slick & 7%1ritaileithietien lifteis lir Mr `ifoTatelilan's • leisidetieffieOf that thorotigh and eyete- tie ober/ester wia ch enouree itemise to all these who are torten et e ellongli to receive it. Witliese the hundreds of young Men. and Ivo. men who hold excellentDevitione 'n alt of the principal cities of thie continent. • ,Tetireilitteerelt. - W. WALTERS "Treite. • (PormerIe Of Northwood, Ont.) ,NO High School DrItelitial In 0;366401s roetellegstudi it gaiety" as Mr Walters le, mho (otribieed eatninge ofthe204, bf our .,trat Pile who were pleteed during the pas. Year re- proeents 4 sum dose to Two hundred thoneand (tonere (ee0e000), DNA it not pay to attend the befit/ Met4A0MAN &co., Chatham Ott, To Rent. -- Lot 88, Maitland Comm.1m od�rt8b TOW'S - Oat. 11-tf. ohm. 41ne) to JAS.tI5 fil ten. llt • To Rent, tplret cities bracer *tore, enitable for any bud. Pees. AnDiv to W. C. SEAJIL/31, Clinton, .Nov15-tf, To Let. large two story holm°, opposite Commer- ofal Rote . Also, for Sate:•••••A tante coal par- lor ecolistove. AMA)y MDR BIDD146,0021408 Sept. 97-11. To Rent or For Sale. That desirable brick and, frame dwelling 00 south side Wellington' Street, OlIntell, 00334, prising Lots 85. 86, 94 and 91, containing one aere of orchard, and garden. Apply to Oet. 17. W. W. FARRAH . House to Rent Comfortable dwelling houee to rent on Fed,- eriek Street. lately eocupied by 14r Bend, containing three rooms operaire and three down. Plenty of water,every convenience rent moderate. Apply WATTS DRUG ST011:6, Sept, 21-tt To Let. That beantiftd store in the Jackson Bloolr, Huron elti•cet, lately occupied by O.Witts. an- PlY ZACKSON, Sr., Sept, 8-11 Clinton ..,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..r......m... Cottage to' Rent. A coinfortablo and roomy cottage on Ts° Street, lately occupied by Mr h Geo. (hie "tile offered to rent, Whoianarter eef° wtee,ntZot adoin1flg will V to MUS Bt7)D,aar° gtr e • a4 Opt. 4-41 •• Farm For Sale., The trot half of lot 24, BayReld 0o., God - °rich township containing 100 acres or good land, is offerecefor sale on easy terms. Good barn, log house, plenty of water and mall orchard. Partioulare on application to Mend 11- .L?. TISDALL, Clinton . ' House and Lot for Salt Allan;11 lot, 86 It frentage, and comfortable frame . housewith woodshed attached • on William street, near. Show Ground, Will be soid cheep, Anply to W.,BRYDONE, barrister, or T. II. VOSt.....Ett, Tara. Nov29-4. • ..FARIII.VORSAIX, • . , • Subeeriber offers for sale his farm of Its sores, situated on the lefaltland concession, Colborne. About 140 acres cleared, frame house, bank barn, plenty ot water and in good state of cultivation 4 of a mile from sehool and .2 miles from Hoimesville.. Terms reasonable Dee14--tf =HARD BAKER. Clinton 11.0 Vor Sale or to Rent. The dhoisie brick house on the corner of Fin. ton and joleph streets, belonging to the estate sof the late Richard Heywood. is offered, tether for side or to rent. It containg room for ordi- nary family, le practically new house, with all conveniences, and threedenths of an acre of land. If the property le not sold or rented, Vert Of it will be rented. Apply to W. co..s.Te Executor Clinton. FOR SALE. .. • ; The framecottege on Orange strecd, occu- • pied. by the undersigned, is offered tor sale on reasonable torsos. The Mt is of an acre, with hard and safe water, stable; good fruit and vegetable garden. The bowie contains Mee parlor, two bedrooms, clothes oloset, dining room, summer kitchen, cenar and woodshed, is ceetrally located, vomesslon given any time to suit ourchaser. ELIZABETH GRAB/al tf • Real Estate tor Sale. --- - The parcel of gronnd adjoining St. Panl's Rectory, consisting of lot 218, Rattenbury fit., and lot 2e2A. Princess St., is offered for sale. Eitel. lot is slant 80 by 152 feet. Together they make att exceptionally fine site for a firstolass residence. Apply_ to Wm: Q. Phillips or 0.0. Ranee, Church Wardens, Clinton. August 16-tf. • Farmiu Tueliersmith ,POR SALE. • For Sale South half of Lot 89, 2nd, "cotteee- don of Tuckersmith. This farm contains 50 acres all of which is dee red and in a good date. of cultivation except .13 sores of good busb. le wen fenced and under drained. Mere 1. on the eremites a good frame barn with stable attache& frame house with Wood shed also good orohard with lete of email fruit plenty of hard • and soft water There is 6 acres of wheat sown it is, come iently satiated for ohnreb and school .within 5 miles of Clinton and 7 of Seaforth Sept. 20---1 Apply to LIDDO MICH, (Hinton. • For Sale. ,•t A the story and a half frame house on On- tario street, containing 9 rooms withentire cellar underneath, aloe hard and soft water, quarter of an acre of land :and a good num- ber of he:eating shade trees, situated on clue ef the pre:Lest and principal streets in Olin- ton,being on the corner cif Ohtarlo and Innely 'treats. Will be eoldreasonable. For further partionlare amity to MRS Also for sale -stove, extension table, side board; and' moral smallerarticles. Cot. U-tf. Clinton. Ont, Water—Water. The heveyuwlsh to inform the Dublio that they are pre &red to put down ertodan wells, in thevIolniVyor Olitit.on, at reasonable • rates, and as they have had a long experience both at Petrolea. and Ave yeara With the Stand - 018101100. in India, feast:we that they wilesat- isfy all Wanting good wells. Any infoi nation in regarato the business catt be had from Notr 29-4 D BalENNEDY Clinton. Smeat 111110 girl. 16 ambit in light holies - 'wet& on Saturditysi and during the holidays, apply atieleW ERA -Office. For Sale. 10 sore tiark:lot for sale Chelan, apply 40 NoY15-tf. 111D01.71, & HALE, Clinton, On . Bush for Sale. About 15 or 211 sores ▪ of good bush -Meek esti and soft elm. Can be la:aught cheap, foe var. tionlars axed) to . THOS. MURPHY, Clinton, P. 0 Nov15-tf. •• Apartments to Let. • Wanted. • • Antes layse roota front !with entail robin attashial twit bedroom* no stairs, Morin all suitable for inarriee ocande. APITle 80 Ring 131 • Wanted • deed girls for genera▪ llionse work, between ages ef 20 and 85. Itttleactable homes and good *wapiti, (froin40 to , et week), Refer. eneee given and re Addreets Heine Science Bitrean Boom.. 814415 Dearborn St. chleago,111. Nov.1154f. • Notice to Creditors 11.-0t100 h hereby gtven that alt persons having eleims or detnatide agidest the estate of ThoMat Etna, late of the tolvneltip of Htelett. btickmaker, deceased, whe,diedeit or about the 28 of NoVeinber,1801, are required 10 Send or delerer to Ann Feet ExactitriX, nut- lett.0iinton, ont. on at before- the Met day of Jannary,1002Intl peetjete am of the* claims. And take Indict) that after the lestmentioned &tete the Exrcutore will proc, ad to distribute the M. ets of the *aid deceased among the partiseentitledgereto hating regal only tothe eleime Of W ithell then lave. no- tiee, &with. mid ex cantors Wilt not be liable for said asset& to any nertiOn of whose Claim 'little() Obeli eot heve been received . JAMES SCOTT, Benoit= for Beery sot and Ann 881, *ii. Exeouterd, Dated itth Deeetaberr1901. larDet18 W th• &alai warm, tioplir XellASOTSICITilt rtinosse et. canton. Organ *or sale, a large finitatleitelP• organ. APPI) STEIVENSCIVii, garniture Dealer, NOY 2J-4, WANTED-tieverat persona :of obers,eter and toed reoutatien in esteh caste eine he OM 0014114 required) to represent and ndrer« t Joe QLd. einabliseed wealthy bureneue house of solid financial etandieg. rielery$18.0aweekly with expellee/4 addltienel, M1 payable 10 clash mob. Wedneldey direct from heed billeee. Horse and oarrOkge furrilithed, when rumen miry, References. Facies° self-addressed stamped envelope. Manager, ing patter' ButIding Chicago. Sept, 18-15. $4 giio FIR SALE .04 260 saw wort! tbtrYarttrt fanti fifo0robi ot°14 eaP:1 3:0:r ,noti Nitoh• 7 r1h1n• ga 01 the t three horeee a few bead of cattle of fine breeti, urdo date farming implemaits finest orchard in county of 4 acres* I It miles from good mart et; 10 miles from ocituaty mat. The caller bold s 300 buehele ef implies in MOO. 40 acres isevr 'yeti, balance hardwood timber. Nice rolling land, clay loam, This property cost present owner $13,500 cash. Ration for seilliag,party is going to the old mitre. This is a bargain. Sohool and church 1 lroxn farm. All goes for $4,260 if teem by the 251,13 of t Clear tMle, Address, JOHN D. DVBIIESS. West Branch, Mich • Logs and Heading of all kinds wanted. Highest prices given. Soft elms to be cut 11 feet, 12 feet, and 13 feet long, BAMFORD, Stapleton Salt Works • . - Wanted! Young men and women to prepare for goad situations. Apply to . • Dominion Business ; College The best equipped Businees and Shorthand College in Canada. Reduced tuition rates, • Write us regarding our °envies of study, and prospect° of securing Bituatione for. graduates. Catalogue sent free. Address .1.8. RieRPIY, • Dept "C" Confederation Life Bldg. • Toronto, ent• Dr.MeCabey'sHeave • For Broken- -•I; inl IdgeEt tioCerofigErtbeeaThvelre; Chatrndic1,13:nugalh' 51114°h,..re°aInitaffe:• j the world that will cere the above disease, inaking t animalsound.in wind and useful tohiscvnier. Price, oil Dr, MeGalietee Irldney & Con„, -wit PoWdera toren Aoute Affections of the throat and luniak such 110 Distemper, eta For swellbig_and stocking of the legs, ammthe rriesualret iolfevhsddrt e,randotivointoxiiwimpureProbl ; nprieoe,,e50tich:,one 'HE DM McillitHEY MEDICINE 00.4 • KeitiptvIlle. Ont. For sale bytt B Combe druggist Clinton amain Tow Ma rble &Granite womms The purchaser of a monument ehould have complete confidence in the reliability of the firm, fr3m • whioh he bur, for the materiel and workmanship is something • very few buyers are familiar with, If you do not know us, please ins • • quire &bent our • reliability from those who know us beat. We are - the only practical men here in our line. tIs Bs Hoover, Proprietor Next to Commereintnotel 44÷44.*4-•44-tt2••444....444-044 Yon Neeltornow If intended in Practical Ed =Minn• I is the 1111D34 of our splendid 4, gohool, Central Business College • TORONTO • We thoroughly prepare young people for the business duties ootoplelre octirsee in steconeting Telegraph) • Shorthand typeermune, me, We provide 0 dozen capable teachera and 80 typewriting maohniee, and I• produce good resting. •Enter pnV time.. diroalars Free. Shaw, Principal • Younathteerrardstit,Tar (MN ise444seeit," espeeesoseseeesest The Rest YotWeekliesi • ; TOE. esternAdvertiser IIINI.Ana. It. AND /11PROVVD. ' The Lestdits* W., ;telly In • Weittsri It a 1 o ° 4000Ura1I1ith . , PAR. M HOME A. somfaniontlilY pubiloatton'-ooe et 'the beet telAinericert--is senkto enY ad4rese iri Cookdo �r the United Stated for 75e II Year •Send for our Oiroular containing *07 El Oloba, ale° our Bet of premiums, Annetesi Western ittittertIser, 140nd01,4 Ontario. •,1AW11141 *Garr Teorrneen, Sellettert 014111TOS. Orriegm-Itilistirt Meek, Dale Street. mONST TO 140.4%, • Ws ORTDONIS BARRIBTRItf SOZIOITORI MART PUBLIO,EO . 011lee—Bettver Block, tipstotss, Oppostmor Phohe *Xs, R1DOUT HALL OONITETANOBAS, 003raussioNEXIS, Real Estate and Ineurance AgetICF. Money to Man, G., P. HATA - PLOW/6' CHARINIES SEAG Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and, Terence • Orace-Oppoilite ColbeenAteetel itederlelp M. O OitiViERON airtaerly or cameron, uoit a camera* BARRISTER AND 801iP0iTOR. Ofilee-diemilton oppeelto Oolberne Bono • aoDnitUa, ONT °ARROW .14 GARROW • BAnnISTERS, So/J=0h% irro. 41111043 --Corner Manillten St. andthe Molar el. Goderfeh, Onto: J. T.:Gamete, 9. o, ono. wautow, LL. D • PROUDFOGT HAYS, ti Bannensins, Souorrons, worannie Puna. rneceons 1X TEM MaluTillel Conlin, &O.. °Mee: Norma., nex4 door teingnal 00100 Private Fundi to lend at lowest ridge • of intereat. W. PRO-UW*00Z • 11.0. HAYS. • Gummi ' •rteileiall, Surgeon, Aeoottober, Etc, • Oillee- ntario Street, Clinton. Night calls. at front door of °Moe or et hospltal, "Victoria St. • . • DR.4. W. SHAW PHYSICIAN, SORGE= Aeconehee etc., aloe and • residence On tario fin, opposite Englishchurch, formerly ecte. envied byDr, Appleton, Clinton Ont. • DR. VV1V1.. GRAHAM meentiate of the BoyarOollege of Physiehm • Loodon, England. Ofilee and Residence-. • • •.-^"' • FERRIPPa 111,004 Hp Stair; • DR. C. W. THO,IVIPSON.1 , pbsreielauo surgeon me. ' Speolal attention given to ;Itemises of the • Eye, Ear, Throat and. Nose, Cflice and Reeldence-, • Allbert Streetyli Blocks North orlitatNiburte DR: G. aNtalEiir HoLivieti ' •(Successor to Dr. V. C. Orme) • Specialist lit Craver and Bridge ',Fork L, D. S. -Graduate RoyalSollette Denftlne •ge D„ st-olase Honor graduate or Den. of Ontario, Toronto, , • University.- taepeeialagerion penaid to preservation of rtm t `of l'oronto children'e teesh. Will visit Barfield .very. Monday. • °Moe ov.r W. Taylor & Skinse shoe store. DRS. AGNEVV & BILLINGS • •DENTISTS.CX.INTON. • •, Office adjoining Photo• St Office lieure--.-9 to 0 every day strict Saturday until 10 p. m. Branch officere in Manchester, Dungannon•, Blyth a,nrk • . Bayfield. •• Veterinary. 7 E. BLAOICALL -VET}31)11,NARY 813BallOby • •HonoraryGresdnateof theOntagieVeterinarte College, Treats aildiessees of domeetiosted see male on the meet modern and ectentineiprinee; Pleti cffice-immediateryeouth oftheNewEra ' Onto. Residenee Albert St., minton. Cal • night ruiner attendeoo promptly. • DR. FREEIVIAN., . —. TETEEINAEY 8171i4EON, Member of the 'Veterinary Medical A.steeits. • *ions of London and Edieburgh, and eradi- ate of tlie Ontario Teterinery College, TREAT DISEASES or ADD ANDICALig • • ' Office open night and day, opposite Bte Paul's church, Ontario Street. Clinton, Ont.. XiSCelianeallS, II ARRIAGE IlcEllitiCS issued by the ma dersigned at his Residenee, Mary stns- . • 01 ton. . JAMES SCOTT, Sit TAM:ES CIA.BIPBELL,LONDESHOE0,_ . , • e" ISSUER 07P MAIIRLiGE LICENSE; No 'witnesses required W.1ABNCO241:1, MEMMet OF ABIPN Or • P. L. 13., Provincial Land Surveyor and owl Engineer, London, Ont. -08100 at Ge&. Stewart's Grooery Stora Clinton W. OLEN CAMPREL . Orgenist and mosioat Director of North Street Church, Gedetiob, and Meeker es . PIA NO, PIPE ORGAN an THEORY, is Atm. fligliot4) takrat CAlitBEL.L,niiiy be teen from 11 at DUI, • 2 p.m,, at the Clarendon Hotel, Friday of mob week. • L. MACPHERSON 11111IIRANCH. Fire. • Mile.• Sodden* FiedieGlase Oseecte leteetalf Etottki LIMN* • CLINTON WOOD and COAL YARD* Subsoriber le preuared to promptly 11 all cue dere for Wood or Coal which w he sold at •lovreet Nitta °Moe on Marie Street, at LAY'S IMPLEMENT ROOMS • W. WHEA.TLICT JOHN io iablegsvz.i.,,,- ' . ...,, ter the Matiellutrialulfilli Alen • Oa of lifattelreeter„ Rutland, whom fnude teenrity 'travail r 14,500,000. the MO it xator_IttproAr. arca co. lasettet .. farai Mkt, Elide WA „, iw ,Citet. ty Ail 'Sneed rates. t-entee Loan puttee also representedvKpney tit lee had froze eine Up . treeiMg We •el retralisa • einW "HUN , setitior *Mit fiPARiciood/ isoti..ig Ttfr" T'OIVA'f,.*UgPl•FuTti''' PilLXs , , ,,.. inqs , '- . . ,, ,, .oeixoette , 4 .7,0. mama% PreshieutiVeren.r. 0.; Thar , Tater. vice-creddent, Xtrueedeld Jr. O. t_Thosp,; It. Bays, secy•Treas.. seaforth P. 0..; W. 4W Broadtoo*. Inspectorof Laisee, Seater" 11.0. We:40180M W. O. Joicadfook tfeatortittrIoht G. Grieve , justaWiatinvivorteizpv.t..0Ab ecrgawazigniesi,SearoaocothugooJelgte 04 John Watt, er eeni'. 04 Tbonlate lers/361: IlretefteM_Ljohn B. Madan, Itite)013 Iittnee Otinnbill,401intett, • , tellim , allia Robert Smithy 0010* obt.Ikrotiiiiaftz ferth,_. Stone, ClinvOing, oildvilhil J. W. xleootri, %lei, atreenmitorelle s.aeorie ardicana.achrt 0 Pardee desirous to tired Diennee or twit - sot other businees Will he promptly attended to- 011 therfeleergee 0104171. On ePplicattott DI sterol the., ebote Offiteere