HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-20, Page 2-45111,1
*.Conotond tito Now Erik to
your trioudo,
nserelasmon 1905. 1
PLAT UnIdelete, Pub i
We want You to read
our advertisement on
Page 5, of this issue,
and after you 'have
done that we are sure
you will come and see
our beautiful Xmas
Wprt. Watair Repairer
Wewelet. And Optician
, NOTES. -Mr and Mrs Hunter, Grind-
stone City, Mich, are visiting at the
home of J. Redmond. The revival
Meetings • whicti were to have been
til this week have been indefinitely
cstponed. Mrs M. Whitmore, of Eg-
ondville, is spending a few days at
e home of hey parent., Mr and Mrs
. Densmore. Misses A. and M.Wight-
iatan entertained a few of their friends
,on Friday evening. Wm. Henry, of
Washington'Mrs J. Bell, of Manitoba,
;and Mrs D. Henry, Michigan. all as-
' *rived on Saturday to spend a few weeks
, with their mother, Mrs Jas. Henry,
near Marnoch. Mr and Mrs Morrish
were in Goderich on Monday. J. Kil-
, itiough and W. McDowell have taken
' several contracts for cutting wood.
SMALLP0X. - Quite an excitement
has arisen here over an epidemic of
what the doctors think to be smallpox.
One of our young mon who recently
. returned from Manitoba was the first
, victim Several houses are quarantin-
' ed au l
arge number of vaccinations
"breve enbeniade. A number of cases
--eTireye a, - sffeveloped in the vicinity of
.- . laarnoch from the same cause,
NOTE8.-Mies Mary Snyder, Benmil-
ler, and Mies M. Clemens, Washington,
ispent Sunday and Monday with H.
Snydig and sister.
CHORcH -A missionary meeting was
held here Tuesday evening ; the meet-
ing WaseMnasually well attended; the
;program was as follows :-Opening
niarks by the leader urging a deeper in-
terest in missionaser work at home as
'Weil as abroad, chorus by the choir, prospect of e,ny opposition to the pre -
treading by Chas. Girvin, solo by Miss sent council this coming year. Mr
Mamie Girvin, duet by Mr Snyder and Charles Crawford moved a, building he
purchasedfrom Mrs John Walker, to
is own lot bet week. Mr George
Johnston had the misfortune to loose,
by death, a Canary bird that was over
15 years old. Mr John Granger has
recovered from his sickness so that he
made his first visit to the village on
Wednesday. Mr William Geey's hand
is doing as well as eould be expected.
PERSONAL.— Certainly one of the
most 3ovial and well-known personages
of this place is "Jack" Laebam, and if
any one wants to be entertained -and
well entertained - Lasham is the one
who can do it. He doesn't have to work
(being on Easy street) - consequently
he doesn't work, although he boasts
that for 30 years he owned a farm in
thislocality, and catty sold out his in-
terests this fall, As one of the oldeet
residents of the village, and a faithful
LOrldesiboro. St Helens
ACCIDENT. -The wife' of Mr John NoTieS.-Rev .W. T. Hall. of Arthur,
Manning met with a nasty accident the visited at W. E. Gordon's for a couple
other evening. They had been over to of days last week. D. B. Murray and
Auburn visiting their daughter, and on sister recently visitedfriende at Rivers -
the way home the horse got off the dale. Miss Evelyn Lockhart has re -
road and upset the rig, tneoveing both turned from Toronto, and was the given. Rev Alr:Coep ancl, of Londee-
out, with the result that Mrs Manning , guest for a. few da,ye of her friend, Mrs bero, preached in the Methodist
had her right arm broken. D. Todd, jr. church last Sunday morning and
evening, Next Sunday evening the
Methodist choir will give a Christmas
musical service irthe programto be
given will be of such a nature as to
please the large congregation expected.
The armivereary services in connection
with St Andrew's Presbyterian church
will be held on Sunday,' January 12h;
Rev Dr Walden, of Toronto, will
preach morning and evening.
N0TES.-0. L. Laing, the new man-
ager of the Bank of Hamilton, has
taken charge and our late manager,
Mr Bennett, Mrs Bennett and •child
have gone to Moose Jaw, N. W. T.,
where anew branch will be opened.
Two car loads orflour.mill machinery
have arrived for the Blyth flour mill
end. a staff of six mill-wrights are
busy putting it in position; Mr Beese
is pushing the work ahead and expects
to have the mill, going by the first of
the new:year.
CHURCH. -Ott Friday, the 27th, a
Ohristmaelree on behalf of the Meth-
odist Sunday school wili be held; A
good program consisting of quartettes,
duets, solos, readings, etc.. will be
CHUR0H.-There are not many coun-
try places the size of Londesboro that
can boast of having their church prop-
erty practically free of debt, The
Presbyterians own a good manse and
church here, which, we believe, is paid
for,and the Methodists have one of the
best church properties to, be found in
the countr -..consistilz of parsonage,
Suestetrox.-Many are the surmises
as to the final results cf the smallpox
epidemic which has broken out in
Whitechurch, there being five cases
out of three families. The school has
been closed, and other necespary pre-
cautions taken by the Medical Health
Inspector; we hope the epidemic may
soon be stayed, for the sake of all con-
church an driving she , on w ich tne cerpecl, for it seems rather near for
debt hi less than $50. This shows that comfort, both to our citizens and other
the people are loyal to their churches. interested parties.'
STATION NOTES.- Mr J.. Derazolth DEATH, -It was with dee ti regret
shipped his third car of hay from the that the news was received on Settle -
station this week: it was intended tor day of the death of Richard Tooke,who
export. Ordinarily about 25 or 30 cars went out to Africa last winter as one
of apples are shipped from this station, of Baden-Powell's police force; the
but an idea of the crop will be formed cause of death was enteric fever. Dick
when we state that only three cars have was of a quiet, retiring dispdsition, in -
id f t, here this season. "Mrs Ashley was dustrious, and well ' liked by hie corn -
ticketed from here to Chicago on Mon- rides. He was only about 24 years of
day. . Our -highly-esteemed station age. Much sympathy is felt for his
agent, Mr Jeffrey, leaves on Friday for aged father and ,sorrowing sister in
a two or three weeks' holiday,which he their rad bereavement.
has well-earned; he expects to visit De. CHURCH OPENING, -The services in
troit, Cleveland and other points; his connection with the opening of the
two sons accompany him, and the eon new Episcopalian church here on Sun -
who is in Clevelana will return with day last were well attended. At 10.30
them; his place here will be supplied a.m. Rev R. J. Shaw, of Woodsteck,
during his absence by Mr McEsvan, re- preached an eloquent and practical
lieying agent, of Palnaerston. sermon; in the afternoon he gave an
ORIIROEL—Missionary sermons were address. and at 7 poet. again stave a fine
preached here last Sabbath by Rev sermon to a crowded church. Service
W. Penhall, and notwithstanding the in the Presbyterian church was with -
rough day the congregations and sub -1 drawn in the evening. The choir was
screptions were good. -Rev Mr Coup. assisted by Misses A. and L. Clark, E.
land preached at Blyth. The annual Murray, 'W. S. Mcgrostie and C. A.
meeting of the Methodist Sunday Tebbutt. On Monday evening a sacred
school was held on Tuesday night; Mrs concert was given, liVingham choir
Coupland resigned her position as sup. furnishing appropriate music. A&
erintendent; Mr Webb, who was as- dresses were delivered by Revs A. H.
sistant was appointed superintendent, McLeod, Ripley; C. A. Miles, B. A.,
Mr Jeffrey assistant and the other of- Kincardine; S. M. Whaley, B. A., 'of
linear and teachers were re-elected; the Calvin church, and T. Hall,Bervie, ell
school is in good shape, several of its of which were much appreciated. We
members having joined the church understand the finances are in -excellent
during the year; the report shows neee- state, as nearly all -if not 'all -debt is
ly $50 on hand with which to begin the wiped away. At the close of the Mon -
ensuing year. The echool will give a day evening concert a sumptuous fowl i
cantata n the church on Xmas night, supper was served by the ladies of the
entitled "The old time Xmas party;" a congregation to the clergymen and the
good time is expected. 'choir, all enjoying it very much,
NOTES,—EL E Fair, teacher, Varna, P. S. EXAM. -On Friday, Dec. 13, a
was the guest of Dr' McCallum, over public school examination was held
Sunday. The wife of Mr John Taylor in S. S. No. 4, St. Helens. Owing to
underwent a surgical operation a few the disagreeable weather, the attend -
days since, and,her many friends will ance of visitors was small, in compari-
be glad to know that she is doing es son with other years, but all felt highly
nicely as can be expected. Miss Elva satisfied with the work the pupils have
Adams, one of the popular young done and are doing under the able
ladies of the village,ptayed the welding eutorehip of C. A. Tebbutt who has
march at the marriage of Miss M. taken a keen interest in his work from
Couch,Clinton,on Weduesday;we heave the *text, Mr Tebbut was ably assisted
some day to announce that a011ne other by Miss Clark, of S. S. No. 3, A. P. Me.
young 'Lady has been called upon to play Donald, of No. 14, end Rey S. M.
Miss Elva's wedding march, 3. Bruns- Whaley, of St. Helene; the pupils were
don reperts a fairly good season for the thoroughly examined in the different
disposal of machinery. Our stores are subjects, most of ,the lessons being,
putting on their Christnaas airs. There chosen by those who taught, and the
must be considerable tobacco used m pupils showedthat they werethorough-
this neighborhood, for Mr Adame re- ly grounded in a knowledge of the
cently received a premium clock on the work they had gone over, and their
sale thereof, and this week Master excellent deportment was in harmony
Charlie Ouimette received a double- with t he rest of the proceedings. Af-
barrelled shot -gun for similar results. ter the different classes had been ex -
The Hallett council finished up the emitted, luncheon was served by the
year's work on Monday; there is is no ladies to all present, and a program
given by the pupils, consisting of songs,
recitatioas and dialogues, in a verv
capable and interestine manner; words
of encouragement were given by those
who had assisted Mr Tebbutt in the
work of the day, expressing apprecia-
tion of the way in which the purills
had acquitted themselves. The day's
proceedings were then brought to a
close by the singing of the national
'--1141sriSteivart, address by the pastor.
recitation by Miss McLean.solo by Miss
McVittie, recitation by Miss Sprung,
' intermission and collection. Next
'Tuesday night will be "A Night in Jail"
taken by the Literary committee. Next
sfSunday will be S. S. anniversary; morn-
' line and evening Rev. Mr Whaley, St.
wilr preach.
Ladies' 4,
• Of 100 Lather' 90 at least prefer Ring
-Jo any other kind of Jewelry.
For this reason our Ring Department
receiVes more attention at our hand than
hnost any other. in .mber of the municipal council for a
dmitting that Lady has a good Ring good many yeare. he has been brought a
or two,another one will always he weloome. ini o close contact with eyeryhody, who
pripprregard him as a "Jolly good
• IT
There are so many sty! and such fell r• . He reads the NEW ERA with
varied oombinations of cones that hiclork- tze regularity - has done so for
one oan always promre something 34 ye t,•• • -but its influence on him has
• totally different.
We have a choice line of Rings -every-
thing at its very beat -both as to value and
s quality.
See large ad. -Page 5
A. J. Grigg,
Jeweler and Optician
t Xmas Time
Iya ken of friendehip and good cheer.
The tetin of the year is again at hand
" Ihen we all feel ienderly and kindly to,.
-Wards ern% other. We greet our many
vatiotafwith She Compliments of the Sea -
400, and wieli them in health and promperi-
17 many returns,
Tier the holiday trade we offer our owl-
? e
moo some exceedingly good values in
oy 'China, Santa Bowls, Bread and
ger Plates, Berry Bete, Cups :and San-
SPeelal Sated Dinner anaChttraber eels.
For the , housewife we bey° nioe fresh
fend, Currant° and Peels. In Layer.
leins we have exile. fine Bleak ,Basket.,
Id Royal Olnstere.
\ The Crown Layer Pigs only 100 per lb,
°Ur snook of Tualoges China, the
tOrni are rem end designs beautiful.
Leave your order Lfor Xmas Holly and
osa Wrsithing.
been ee .light that he votes the oppos-
ite ticket every time; howeyer, his in-
terest in politics is not as great as he
pretends, for he has not attended a
political contention in 20 years, It he
does not own any farm land here, he
does in Manitoba, where he has rt clear
title to something less than a whole
tovvtaship,on which he expects to make
a snug fortune after Manitoba has two
or three years'auccession of good crops.
He says he will move away some time,
but we hope it will be e long, long time
in the future, for they would greatly
miss him if that event happened,
le aCo
litteteelted ego, Owns tfl
Bernoratua-The store of Messrs
Anderson & Elder was entered by
burglars one night last week, The
marauders helped themselves liberally
to underwear, overcoats, socks and
handicerchietS. Entrance was made
by lowering the upper half of the win-
dow in the milliner y room and the
amount taken the owners have no
idea until they look throuvh their
stock. They are supposed to be
MEETING.—Owing to the nea'vy rain-
fall of last week some parts of our
town were smite flooded; the Ashfield
and Weeb Wawanosh councils were to
meet on the 16th, inst. and naake furth-
er arrangements regarding the insetting
up of a large drain through the town
to remove the surplus water, and thus
prevent the celle,re from flooding.
nual meeting of the electors of Hullett,
will be held at the temperance hall,'
Londesboro on Monday, Dec. 30%, at
one o'clock, for the nomination of can-
didates to fill the offices of reeve and
four conncillors, to serve for the next
current year and in case an election is
neceesary, polling will be held on Jan.
Oth, 1902, in the usual polling places.
TAX GA.Tuelnittete-Robb, &atm, the
efficient tat' gatherer of thicaownship,
collectors do, with the exception of
less than $4, which was virtually& mis-
take in aesessment, he collected every
celit of taxes the roll called for, and b.0
expects to do the.same this year. As a
rulethe great bulk of the taxes are in-
yariably paid before the 14th of Dec.,so
as to avoid the addition of 5 per cent.,
which are put on tales not paid before
that date.
'4 The publieher watild esteem it AVM
er if readers would, when making their
_441 purchasee, naeutron Oust they paw the
merohant'eedvertisernent in this proper
, latter Ise cash; eggs 170 trade. Buy your
Christmas presents from W. T RIDDELL.
TEA. MEETING -There will be a grand
tea meeting hatter) Methodist church on
Xmas night; tea will be served in teee
temperance hall from 5.30 to 7.30 o'clock
after which a choice program will be
given in the church, including address-
es by Revs W. Penhall, Blyth, and M.
J. Wilson, Nile; recitations by. J. A.
Mackay, Whitechurch, and . Misses
Ferguson and Sprung; meek by the
Westfield choir. Come and enjoy the
eyening. •
Maitland lodge No. 304, celebrated their
42ad anniversary in their hall on Mon-
day evening, Dec. 16, by having an At
Home. All who ever belonged, and
also the parents of the members, were
invited, and responded by their pres-
ence. The evening was spent in nave
ic, games, dialogues. recitations, and a
speech by Bro. Munro, wherein he
stated that of the 15 charter members,
9 were DOW deceased, and the remain-
ing 6 were living in various parts of
the Dominion, ever upholding temper-
ance; hewent on to ten how well they
had laid the foundatiOn-bester than
they thought -for the many various
temperance organizations. Maitland
lodge had survived them all, and the
work is still being carried on, their one
aim being prohibition -and it is coming
nearer every day. •
Dneerer,-Mrs Hambleton, Lucknow,
who hes beep boarding at Mr Little's
since the millinery season opened this
fall, after eating her supper as usual on
Thursday night, felt ill, and about ten
o'clock the doctor was 'called; she died
about.8 the next morning, of heart
failure. The landy wvii taken' in the
;Imbalance to Luc!, .ovvi the funeral
N'olers..-Mrs R. Miller spent part of
last week visiting friends in Clinton.
Mies Ida Murphy, of town, visited
friends here last week. Messrs W. J.,
SlcBrien and R. Miller spent Satins -
day in Seaforth. Master Secord Mo -
day to fail into a pot of boiling water,
Brien lead the misfortune last Tues. I
scalding his leg badly. While Le. 3.
Draper's boys were working around
the cutting box, (Aryl met' with a
Veil, painful accident, in having the
two centre fingers of his right hand
taken off; they are healing nicely and
we hope he may soon be around agent.
Wm. Flintoff, of Sand Lake, Kent Co.,
Mich„ is visiting his sisters, Mrs John
Hardy, of the base line, and. Mrs•Aaron
Eltilier, of the Huron road, whom he
has not seen for 30 years.
GOderliell Townehip
NoTES.-Mr and Mrs J. D. Murdoch,
Godericb, spent a day in town this
week. 13. Cummings was in town
Monday evening, accompanied by his
mother. F. R. Munro is home for
Xmas; all are pleaeed to eee him. Miss
Fanny Arthur. has returned to her
home in Parry Sound, after a long
mit with her grandmother. A. Wilk-
enson intends working fee T. McMillan
this winter. Wm. Patterson is laid up
with bronchitis, and his wife is suffer-
ing from la grippe.. The item stating
we had a case of smallpox in our town
is incorrect; this it; a healthy burg. A.
Robinson has purchased a fine driver
from Mr Erratt. The grist mill is run-
ning night and day to keepup with
orders. Mrs. Jas. Young s laid up
with rheurnatism. G. Sprung, G osier -
lett, was visiting in this neighborhood
this week. Ed. Helwi.g is on the sick
list. Aso, Wilson, sr., is laid un with a,
sore foot, the result of a rusty nail
being runinto it last week. A. Knot
was down at Blued:led one day last
week. Mrs R. Roberton has just re-
covered from an attack of grip.
Dram -From an exchange we notice
that Mr and Mrs John Beacom, for-
merly of this township, but now resi-
dents of London township, suffered the
loss of their second daughter, Elizabeth
J., aged 2 years, on Saturday. Dec. 14.
We extend our sincere sympathy.
N OEs. -We think T. Tebbutt must
be a good feeder as he recently sold a
pig which tipped the scales :at, 634
pounds. William Cantelon, of.
401.' oder ich township,who has been liv-
ing in Michigan for about a year, re-
turned here last week. John 14 oon
has a' black e e; it is not the result of a
pugilistic encounter but of an accident.
William Perdue has sold his thrashing
outfit• to T. W. (Merle ; Will has been
on the road a good many years, and a
right good thrasher he was and we will
MISS the old familiar "watch out there".
Mies Lena Marshall has returned
trom Toronto and looks as fresh as a
daisy. Thos and Edward Perdue
from near Grindstone City, Michigan,
are over 'here visiting -relations, which
is albout 14 years since they left tiocler-
ich townohip ; they are both farming
and doing fairly well. At the dire
tribution of presents at Cole's church
entertainment, George Cooper was
presented with a pig and Peter Cole
a pipeaamid roars of laughter. Robt.
Marshall issuffering with a sore finger,
haying come in contact with the pulper.
CHURCH NOTES.-Thei service on
•Sunday evening was conducted by
Mr A. William; the pastor was ab-
sent preaching anniversary services
on the Hayfield circuit. An Epworth
League has been formed in connection
with the church here and the meetings
are held on Thursday evening ot each
week; verybody is invited to attend.
The Zion people are making prepara-
tions for one of their old time tea
meetings to be held on Monday even-
ing next; a grand program is being
prepared tor the occasion.
NoTna-Chas ..01se is at • present
under the 'doctors care; we hope for
his speedy recovery. The A. O. U. W.
held their annual hot supper on Wed-
nesday evening of last week. •Wilhe
Risley who had the misforture to
break his leg a few weeks ago, is pro-
gressing favorably,
NOTES, -Mrs Duncan McGuiness, of
Detroit, and her sister, Mrs Win. Mc-
Farlane, were -visiting their mother,
tars Hugh McGregor, sr., during last
week.. Mrs Walter Moffatt has been
in Cliriton at the hospital with her son
service was sld einday night, and 1 Peter, who underwent an operation on
lett for Drayton cm Monday, morning hie eye last Week; the doctors lolled it
for burial, accompanied by her adopted necessary to extract the blind eye as
daughter Flossie. 111 Was likely to affect the good eye; ' the
NOTES. -Quite a, namber from Nile lad is doing well. Wm. Baird returned
and Crewe attended the evangelistic home this week frona Hamilton Nvrnial
meeting held here on Wednesday of College, for the holidays. Me and Mrs
last week by lVfessrs Turk and Kerby; James Gleeson. of SaltLake City, 'Utah,
the church was crowded, and all veere are visiting J ohn A ery and other
greatly pleased and berrefitted. Many
around here are suffering from senora
,colds.• Percy Sanderson was brought
home on Wednesday of last week, and
has been under the doctor's care ever
since, owing to throat trouble. Mrs
Jane Pentland has been feeling rather
better lately. Harty Bick le and daugh-
ter Winifred left for their, home in
Gladstone, Man., on Tuesday; they
went via Toronto, and intend calling
on bis brother, Will Hinkle, Rey Mr
Robinson, Goaerich, will,preach anni-
versary sermons at Crewe next Sun-
day, and on Monday an entertainment
will be neld; supper will be served from
0 to 8, after which a program will be
elven; Rev Mr Hobbs wilt give his pop-
ular lecture on "The Triangular Men."
Rey D. Rogers will be present at the
Sunday school anniversary New Year'e
night, and deliver an address. T. A.
Mallough returned on Saturday trom
London, Where he has been spending a
few day*. Mr and Mrs Geo. Manners,
Wingham, apent last Sunday with Mrs
Manners' father, Mr MeMath. The
public school entertainment on Thurs-
day' was good. Revs. Turk and Kerby
had dinner at the parsonage With Rey
Mr and Mrs McNair on Wednesday.
NOTES.—A, J. Conetice, of Chicago
Dental. College, • is ' home for the
holidays. Mr and Mrs Cassels,
Wine -ham, are visiting at E. Rumballs.
• MEETING. -The Chosen Friends will
hold • their annual meeting for the
election of officers and transaction of
office business on the evening of
Monday, Dec. .
Cariton.-Rey Mr Steadman preach,
ed twice here on Sunday and hie ad-
dresses were much enjoyed ; we will
enjoy hearing _Me Steadman again,
The pastor fdr Wieser will preach on
Sunday eyening subject "The angels
acclaim" a Christi:nee sermon. •
ENTERTAINicENTS.--,, entertairt-
inept, consisting �f recitation% diald.
quee, mueic, le to be held in the
echool house of section No, 2,T. Minch,
teacher, on Priday,Dec, 20th, Trustees,
parents end friends of education are
cordially invited to be present on the
oceasion. A. farewell entertainment
Will be given in.S. S. No, 8.on the even -
ng of Friday, Dpe. 20 ; an excellent
prOgratTi bas bee repared.
Ciannotr,-The communion Was ad,
ministered In the Presbyterian church
on Sunday morning and. a large num-
bet, of the tnernbere Were present, the
pastor concluding the service. The
preparatory sermon was Preached on
Friday by Rev Mt llieLennan, the
friends; they return bothe Saturday,
Mrs W. McFerlane land Mrs Meinnes,
of Michigan, are visiting at the home
of their mother, Mrs H. McGregor, sr,
Comacir,.--Stooley ,•council met as
per ,adjournment arid statute,members
all present. After .the reading and
signing of the minutes of the last meet-
ing, business was taken tux A lengthy
discussion took place concerning the
course the Bayfleld rend WAS taking
through John McKinley's farrn,outting
off about fifteen acres ; this resulted in
no action being taken by the council at
present, Mr Logan's dram was then
considered but on account of not get.
ting the legal advice from the lawyer
for Borne unknown reason no action
was taken in that Calle. A by-law was
passed appointing the returning
officers and polling subdiyisione, which
resulted in placing the same ones in
their reppective divisions. The follow,
ing were refunded their dog tax: Robb.
Drysdale, Rqbt. Piereon, Jae. ,Keye, A.
Brown, Jas. Love and John Spark,
Several gravel account% road accounts
and officers' salaries wete paid.
'racket smith.
NOTES. -Mr Buckler, who has 'sold
his farm, has rented one of P. McGreg-
or'e new brick cottages in Brucefield ;
THosE WHO Triseviels -Mrs Thos. I itirk**********************1
Turner and Mrs lebenezer, Koy, from
Thos. Eludoon, Wilfred fludecin, eon of See our
Alpena, Mich., Melvin Hudson, son of
Mrs Margaret Hudson, Mr and Mrs
Keys, Mrs, John Robison, Geo. Steph.
ensoo and Mrs Henry Stephenson, all
from Marlettt, Mich., are visiting here.
NOTES. -Beatty Bros, are buying large
quantities of chickens and shipping
them alive to Toronto for Xmas trade.
Hall. Little is doing an extensive busi-
ness in horse dentistry, Harry Arm-
strong is sporting a dandy new cutter
purchased from .1. Hart. Mise Ina
Andrews vaned Clinton the beginning
of the week.
&moot Exaais-A very successful
school examination was held on Tues-
day afternoon; there was a large
attendance and the teachers present
complimented Mr Trewartha on the
standing of the pupils: lunch and a
program of recitations, *dialogues,
speeches ect. closed the exercises.
Comasioet.-A collision occurred on
the Huron road a short distance east
of the village during the storm of
Monday, Messrs R. Acheson and W.
McLeod were the owners. but nothing
more serious than broken" rigs resulted.
G. McCartney drove Mr Steadman to
Ebenezer on Sunday afternoon and
when they weird ready to return found
that the horse had 'lefts after coming
hemewead some distance however it
Was recaptured; get a stronger halter
George. ,
WEDDING, -The happiest event of
the season occurred �u Wednesday
last. when Miss Elarriet Fraser,nieee of
J. Fraser, of this place, was united in
marriage to Mr Jas Donaldson, of
Bruce Mines. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rey. Mr Elliott, of Nairn, at
11 o'clock a,m. The presents were cost-
ly and numerous as well as useful.
A great many were at the depot when
the happy couple left for their future
hem° in Bruce county,'
. BOUGHT. -The Presbyterians have
Purchased a lot from Mr Gairdner on
Clan Gregor Square, paying $90 for it,
on which they purpose building their
new church.
NOTES. -A Christmas tree entertain.
ment will be held in the Methodist
chnrch on Christmas eve. when a good
program will be given. Miss Maud
Wilson is at present ill with appendi-
citis. Miss .Annie Howe, Clinton, is
visiting at the home of Mrs Wilson,
American House. Mr W.Baird is home
from Hamilton fcr his Xmas vacation
Additional Local Aews.
• LOOAL.-Jas. Hearne is still con-
fined to the house and we also learn
that, Mrs Moray is not yet able to be
out. The school t,rustees who retire
this year but all of whome are eligible
for re-election are: -J. Taylor in St
Andrews ward, C. J. Stevenson in St
George's, Wilber Manning in St James
andJ, W. Irwin in St John's
MUNICIPAL -- There is not the
slightest ripple on the surface of the
municipal waters at present During
the summer time there was some talk
of prospective changes in the composi-
tion of the council board;but this seems
to have died out; unless the present
calm is indicative of an approaching
storm. Mayor Jackson ,will probably
be re-elected without opposition, and
do far as indications go. the same may
be said of the members of the council.
COMING EVENTS. -There is gen-
erally around about Christmas time
many events. particularly of a rsocial
character which keeps nearly everyone
on the bustle. Quite a number have
taken place lately in the way of enter-
tainments, weddings and others, but
still there's more to follow, among
which are :-Friday, Dec. 201h, Baptist
church Sunday School Xmas tree en-
tertainment; Monday. Dec. 23rd,
Xmas tree entertainment at St. Pattie'
chinch school room, Christmas night,
Bachelor, Maidens' At Home m the
town hall ; Thursday. Dec, 27th, Jessie
McLachlan concert in the town hall;
Friday, Dec, 261h. Bachelors' Assembly
in Cardno's hall.Seaforth; Friday, Jen,
3rd, 1902, New Century Club Assembly
• in the town ball. •
Mt L, McOonnel bee rented the other.
THE IfEEVESHIP,-It 93 eat& that
Mr W. Doig, at present attending
Detroit law echool, contest the
reeyeshipwith the present occuptint
of that office,111r Horton. Mr Dolg has
been awa a considerable portion of
newly inducted minieter Kippen the year, ut is & hustler When he gent
and after anything,
West WanfarleSitt
INSURANCE. -The West WaWatadeh
Mutual Insurance Co, of which Mr J.
M. Roberts is the efficient secretary, iff
about the tourth largest strictly Mut-
ual Insurance Company in the Prov-
ince. Number of members and risks
carried being censidered. The amount
of insttrance carried by this Company
last year was $5,014,598, which is cer•
tainly a ,yery respectable amount) of
businese. •
ROOM FOR MORE. -Clinton has
leaned the Messrs. R,ansford te Brus-
sels but we have been tee pioneer in
this reciprocity movement in supply-
ing thern with Dr Shaw, their ex -
Mayor, Dr Graham, Jae Danford, Geo
Roberton, 8sc., and we are quite sure
no fault can be found with the sample.
-Brussels Post. The sample is all
right and if you have more like them,
send them along, for after they get
the Brussels backwoods air worn off,
and became refined and citiyiled by
their surroundings here, they make
very good citizens. But it was very
suggestive on the part of Post to put
the above paragraph preceding one
recommending people to go to the
ilouse of Refuge.
Porter's Hill.
N0mX8.-3ack Sluice retie to Banfield
on his bike on Saturday. WalterLind-
say started for California on Monday,
Ln search of better health, Quite a
number from here took in the tea -
meeting at' Cole's church on Monday
night, and'report a good time. Mies
Mabel Johnston is visiting her elate%
hire F. Moore, Gorrie. The heavy rain
of lest Friday proyed serious for David
Cori as the force of water stashed out
part of hie mill dam, leaving him in-
capaciated for winter trade. A young
daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter cVest-
on hag been very ill with appendicitie,
but is tecovering. Typhoid fever le
raging on con. 1, north of die cut line.
WA s SITCOESSETTL.-tfany congratu-
lations are extended to our friend,
Letter j. Robertson, who hati recently
wooed his final examination at the To-
ronto Pharmacy college '; he Is ZIOW a
full fledged pliarnaacist.
SUMER WatnnitiO.--Mr and Mrs Et.
J. Morrie, Morrisdaie FAME, Will cele-
brate the 25th anniversary of their
Wedding, on Dec. 28. A large number
of stoats have been invited to partlei.,
pate in thie pleasitig event.
R. P. Reekie's
Presoriptton Drug Store
Bummer to Sydney jaokeon.
N,B. - In BelOKERS' sundries
WO: have Cigars in 10, 25 and 50o
boxes. Tobs000 Poreshes, Piper; in
Cases, Cigar Oases, &o'
Death of Mrs. Thee. P. Ranee.'
One by one the older residents of the
town are passing away, and in a very
short time a new generation will haVet
replaced those who were more or less
directly connected with the early set-
tlement and development of the town.
To the list is added another 138,010 this
week, of one that has grown up front
infancy to mature womanhood, and
during her lengthened residence here
has deservedly won and ietained the
very highest esteem and respect of all.
We refei to Mary Rattenbury, relict of
the late Thos. F. Rance, and eldest of
the family of eleven children of the
late Mr and Mrs Wm. Ratteribtiry.
Deceased had been ailing for several
months, and her death on Sunday was
not unlooked for, nor did it find her
unprepared, for she has been a most
devout and true Christian, and died in
the fullest assurance 01 hope. •
She was born °lithe 26th of August.
1834; in Muddy York (no* Toronto),and with her parents rnoved to the
Huron tract, they settling on the Lon-
don road, almost directly opposite the
Avery farm. Here she was left alone
with her mother, while her father was
absent helping to quell the rebellion of
1837. They sdbsequently moved to
Goderich, and afterwards to Clinton.
where she grew to woman's estate,
tarring at that time an active part in ,
all social matters that contributed to
the pleasures ofs_the early days. On
the 29th of Oct,. 1855, she was married
to the late T. F. Rance, who was then
and subsequently a well-known busi-
ness man of .the place. There were
born to them six children -Mary Ann.
Thos. F. and Frederick, (all of whom
are dead), and Wm. 11., of Grand Falls;
Montana; Charles O. and Alfred; of
town.. She was 9ssentially a woman
who loved her home, and her children
were her first care, but not to the ex-
clusion of others who required her
sympathy or care, which she was ever
ready to extend to those in trouble:
Her husband died in 1870. She was a.
consistent member of the Episcopal
church, and the oldest communicant of
St Paul's church,,Olinton, The years of
her widowhood n particular have been
spent in the quiet retirementof her
home, her name a synonym of good
deeds and kindly remembrance of all by
whom she was surrounded. . Of her it
may truly be said "she is not dead, but
, The funeral on Wednesday was very
sleeping." •
largely attended, the services- bessaig
conducted by Rev C. R. Gunne, ot"Ht.
Paul's church, and the, pall -bearers
were her nephews -VV. Jackson. Dr.
Shaw, W. Harland, Will Rattenbury,
II. T. Rance, of Myth, and J. Dodds, of -
aminations in connection with the
model schools for Ontario was held
Last week 'from Tuesday to Frith%
Dec 10th to the 13th. The questions '
are printed and prepared in Toront0.,
The next two days are occupied in ex.
arcuning the candidate in practical.
teaching, each candidate teaching two
lessons. After examining the" papera
the Board of Examiners meet on na
urday, Dec 2Ist to consider, the e
and to decide on who are to atiL,
Tomand Hobb, Inspector Robb.
and Stratford twice in this Part °f presided at Clinton and Inspector Tout
Ontario besides in all the principal at Ctoderich. Owing to illness in hie
cities and tovvias elsewhere in the faroily.Mr I3oyd's place was taken by
Dominion and in many cities in the
Mr Baird, the Secretary ofthe Board.
MUSICAL TREAT. -The coming of
Miss Jessie MacLachlan, the great
Scottish Prima donna, will be a musi-
cal treat not after the people of Oita
ton peril have the pleasure of hearing.
Her tour through Canada has been a
'triumphal one many places seeking to
engage her for a return date. She has
appeared at Lucknow, Kincardine,
Brussels, Goderich and in Settforth
exanainers are IdeeGial Boy , Tiggert.
United States: At the concert in Clin-
ton, on Thursday evening, December
28th, she will be assisted by R. Buch-
anan, jr., ,the noted Pianist, and Will
McLeod, comedian of Seaforth. Re-
rierved seats are for sale at Jackson
who know the excellent qualities and.
management of this institdtion do not
need to be reminded of kis flaws, and
that it literally fills "a long -felt want",
but there -are still a fee, people in the
County to whom the following excellent
paragraph from the Brussels Post ap-
plies, and Who should act on its sug-
gestiobst-"No person who visite the
Huron House of Refuge, and sees the
comfort and contentment Of 78 occu-
pants will leave the welninanaged in-
stitution Without thoroughly apprecia-
ting the good. work done for the poor
If there are still people oppb d to such
and helpless in connection rewith.
humantaharbore of refuge they should
themselvee," A great ne et in ,
make a visit 'to Clintonir satisfy
nection with the House gooki sup-
ply Of water, and therefore the connty
committee have decided upon an dr.
tested well; Moore Beyans are now
engaged drilling, and bawl gone
down about 00 feet, With the excep-
tion of a feW slightly ill at times, the
inmates all enjoy wood health. Thoe.
Weir, formerly of Goderich township,
who WAS sent to the House of Refuge
a short bine ago, and subsequently to
the asylum at London, died. there thie
Several tinzes we have mentioned thn.
schools secured by our modellites and
up to the present time there are Some
18 out of the 24 now in attendance
who are engaged for next year. Misti
McMichael and Miss Govenheck.pier •
pose going ngoig to the Collegiate next
term,eo that there are only a few who
are not yet engaged.
L Christmas Greet!**
How can yon better greet a NANA et
Xiinte than with a Photograpkteletentit
Photo studio