HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-06, Page 10r
comber 6th, 1901'
FRIDAY . DEO. et b,
LOOMillinery •
, Potatoes and lartedApp1es Wanted.
Oct 25-tf.
tg0Wil 1#4[0;$0.
OANTALONB11013, Olinton
Contunencing Saturday, Dec. 7ih.1
We have come to about the end of the Millinery season and are going to
make the week commencing Saturday,Dec. 7th, a memorable one in the records
of that department. The letting go time is here and we are determined to wind
up the season with clean tables and shelves. The Milliners leave in a few
weeks and there must not be a single Hat left behind when they go. This has
been the most successful season in the history of our business and we are willing
to be very generous in our bargain giving .in order to wind up • with an empty.
showroom. These special prices go in force Saturday morning and continue all
the following week. or ot eas•ceit Qtt tati
Trimmed Hats at $1.25 and $2.50
friends will re ret to learn of the death
of Cynthia,be oved wife of B, J. Wade,
who was at one time a photographer
here. She died at her home in 13. au t-
fcrd on Noy, 30th, and was a sister-in-
law of Mrs King, Victoria steeet,being
a sister of her late hueband. The fun-
eral was held on Monday, the inter -
went being made in Brantford ce.metery.
THE ILL, = We are .very sorry to
know that Mrs Nance is not improv-
ing and is still confined to bed. Friends
will regret to learn that John Bell is
sail confined to to house although able
at times to get out for a drive, .Alf.
Goodwin has been confined to the
house for awhile again. Another who
has been somewhat indisposed of late
is John Ridout although he kept to his
office dutiee.
meeting of tue Provincial Directors of
• The Huron 0o-eperative Pork Packing
Co., Ltd., was held in the council
chi! mber , Clinton,on Friday,Nov. 28h.,
President Mayor Young*, of Carlovy, in
the chair. The matter of site for the
ne a/ factory plans, etc., etc., were• up
discuesion hut no definite conclu-
sion arrived at yet. The affairs of the
Company have advanced to that stage
when monthly meetings of the direc-
tors of •the Company are necessary,
h 1
the next meet ng to e e d on Dec.
You know the kind of Trimmed Millinery that is turned out4our work room, The 20th. Mr D, McCorvie, of town, has
been appointed head canvasser of stock
chance to getTrimmedMillinery like it at price only comes in a very oreat h 1 th t h f th
w e• a c ance or e company.
you - have to -day and it will be to your pat to take advantage of this week of special
st Ling that we are holding before winding up our season.
Trimmed Hats at $2.50.
We•want to clear the trimmed Etat tables.
'quickly, every hat must be sold before Miss
Doyle goes; the best way to do it we know of
is to cut the price right 11 two. This is what
we have done, and commencing Saturday you
•can buy the best hats for $2.50 that have ever
been sold at that price in Canton.
Trimmed Hats at $1.25
In most cases the shape alone is worth
more than the price we are asking for the Hat
readytrimmed. We have taken the last ends
• and pieces of trimming's that go on Hats that
would sell from $3 to $3.50 aild use them up
on theso. You get a Hat worth $3 or $3.50
• and all you have to pay for it is $1.25. -
12 only Trimmed Hats, all good shapes, this season st les,
best of trimmings used,worth in the regular way $3.50 to
$3.50, (thole° of this lot, oom mewing Saturday, eaoh.... 1..40
15 Tticamed Hate, every one new this esason, some "
of our most popnlar dyke, the last of these Hats sold at ch
$4.00 $4.50 & 55.00, choice of the lot........ ... . ........ X.4M1
Outing. Hats $1.00 :Untrimmed Hats 50c. •iChildrens Hats 50c'
Your choice of any of our We are going to make short
A.11 our fancy Hats for chil-
Outing Hats for a $1.00 bill, work of the balance of our
dren go on. 8a10 . Saturday at
just 25 or 30 of th:em lett to
sell and every one of them uonnetrimomeedleHaisft h,not a solitaryd
50e a piece, none reserved no
worth double or more the price
we are asking for it; . .
we are going to sell them. s5 Ohildrens Hats plain Felts, fancy
25 Ladies ready-to.wearHats, all new ,
shapes this season, aold at $2.00 All our untrimmed Hats plain Feltand stitched, ribbon and cord eimm.
. Camels Hair, stook and colors, hats • ing colors, Blue." Red, Gey and .,
and $2.50, choice of lot oommeno-
1 00 that sold trom K.00 to $2sia eaca,, Fawn, sold at $1,00 & $1. 0,chohie
ing Sett r lay, each
choice of lot on Saturday each • WC of lot... . . ...... ....... ......., . OW
how matter what the former price.
up the season. This is
Cam's -Hair Tams 25c
A couple of dozen fancy
Camt la -Hair Tams to be • sold
at hi.lf price
Girls' tanoy Cati3els-Hair Tame, as-
sorted fancy patterns on Grey and
Fawn grounds, regular 50c, clear
Saturday at each
Childrens Hoods &Tams 10c
We have a lot of odd. Hoods
and fancy Hats for children 75 Birds and Wing 0, acr:ea at 25o i
e cis that origintitll old
thatiowe are going to clear at]• Nco*
new thio season, ;is
piece, that is barely a' gstlitliaripntah7e5m; in one lot for quick
fraectaion of what they are or*. choice • 15e
: g and mark them at your
ginally worth. Tips 10c .• . •, . ••
Childrens fancy woollen Hoods and 75 colored ostrich tips, medium and
• Caps, white,reds and fancy colors,email sizes, nearly every shade •
regular 25c and 50e, wear at each 10C .. presented in the lot sold at. 25o, . ' yard .. , ... .. ......... .... .... 50e
Fancy Millinery Trimmings Greatly
Reduced in price.
We are going to make short wdrk of the balance of our
Millinery Trimmings, former prices or values have not been
considered when making these prices.
Wings 15b 400and 50c, choice of lot to IOc
clear each
VelVetS 50e a yard
We have a lot of short enda of plain
and fancy millinery velveta,
• they are the remnants of lines
that were our best sellers this
" season. The original •prices
were $1.00 to $2.00 per yard,
choice of the remnants at per
Ulster Oloth at 60c a yard
60c is just about half the real value a these cloths. „We have too iany of them.
± and that is our only PXcuse of cutting the price to this low figure. Q lities are all
f good and you are not likely to have another chance to buy material for an Ulster as
cheap as this. •
i • • •
100 yards fanoy ulster Cloths, will make up stylish and Wear well, Mostly all dark colors, regular $1.25 and $1.50
ohoice of lot 60o per yard
. •••-•-•-•-••-••-•-•-•-•444444•-•-•-•-•-• 4.44-04-60444444-4144444-144-444-,
Mantles at eletarinq Prices
With the Millinery we will put on sale some MANTLES at prices that
border on the ridiculous. They are not this season's Coats, but some odd lines
carried over from last season. .All are good Qualities, and if there is one in the
lot you can use you can have it at a fraction of the original price. Here is the list: fisr;
Chit drens Reefers $1.50 •
1 5 only Children's Reefera, .F....
nobby little garments nearly
• all small sizes, your choice on •l'E
THE 0, 0, F. DINE. -In last issue
we mentioned that the Canadian Order
of Foresters had the swellest lodge
room in town, and perhaps in any
piece in this district. This room is on
the to. floor of the Stayely Hall, and
having recently enhanced the interior
by new furnishings, they thought it
prudent to mark the event by a dedica-
tion and supper on Thanksgiving even-
ing, The lodge was opened and closed
in regular order, and • then brethren
and invited friends were entertained
a hic'h class program, Isaac Dodds
occupying the chair: - Instrumental
duet, Metiers Hays and Smith; address,
High Chief Ranger Elliott, Ingersoll;
duet, "Canada, our Home," Messrs
Gravelle, Flolrcesville; quartette, med.
ley, Messrs McRae, Emmertcin, Kerr
and Downs; solo. Mr Sravelle; address,
Mr Bailey, Dungannon; duet, "Canada
our Horns," in French, Messrs GraV-
elle; instrumental duet, Messrs E mmer-
ton and Kerr; song, 11 Downs; inatro-
mental duet, Messrs Hays and Smith;
address, John Smith. After this in
teresting and enjoyable part of the
evening had been spent, an adjourn-
ment was made to the lidascin Hduse;
where the large assemblage eat down
Lc an oyster and fruit supper, and then
an impromptu program was given,
which was kept up until the early
hours. The C. 0. F. here is a progres-
sive society, and has a large member-
ship. Its high court officers are all
business or professional wen of high
standing, and from the remarks made
by the H. U. R. it is easily seen that
thi. Canadian Order is increasi ng stead-
ily in numbers. During the 10 months
of 1901 $228,125 have been added to the
ini.urance surplus, the total now read-
ing $1,110,115 There is also a surplus
of $6,252 in tile Sick and FuneralFund.
.9 now engaged at Haagen* Woo Pel -
ace In the place of Mies Couch* who re.
igned her position on Saturday last;
Mule Pouch will be greatly missed be -
Iliad the counter at Lille popular etore
by her numerous friends, who will be
pleased that she does not intend to
leave town ....The annual meeting of
the Horne Circle will be held in their
lodge room on Thursday, Dec 5th; of.
ticere fOr the ensuing year will be elect-
ed, .The Dominion Draft Horse
Breeders' Society, will hold ite annual
meeting at the,Rattenbury House, on
Vireclneedayl the lith of December...
Christmas is two weeks from nexi
Wednesday, and juet enough time to
make arrangements to send the NEW
ERA for 1902 to some distant friend or
relative; no more acceptable present
could be selected as the Nnw ERA. ie a
weekly letter ever welcome to Clinton-
ians away from their native town., .
rhe next meeting of the musical club
will be held at the residence of Mrs D.
F.Macpherson ....Saturday was a busy
day in town ,and many farmers were
in; the merchants did a good business,
several haying told ue it was the best
day for some time., ..Friday last, Nov
29th, was St Andrew's day and was
honored many places by a "'Haggle
Supper."..., Mrs Malcolm D. McTag-
gart will receive at her home on the
afternoons of Wednesday and Thurs-
day, lith and 12th of Dec. and after-
wards on the 1st and 2riel'Thursdays.
....Now at the season for snow has
arrived it is every one's duty to see
that the sidewalks are clear and °epee -
tally on the principal streets; if
..householdere would follow the ex.
ample of our friend G Swartz, on Rat-
tenbury street, there would be no
cause for complaint....A Pinkerton
detective was here last week but on
what business we ken not or will not
tell, ...Another new phone has 'been
added to the list in town ; it being i”-
etalled in the residence df ()apt M. D.
McTaggart. Fred Kerr has taken a
situation in Davis & Rovvland's hard-
ware store....The telephone men are
still around repairing and overhaul.,
ing the lines,- a number of new poles
have been put in .... Dr Thompson
sold his driver to Robert McLean for
South Africa, if accepted by Col. Dent;
he got $125 for him....We hear that
our friend Robt Gardiner, (son of Mrs
Gardiner, cf town) who is now in New
York, is to enter matrimony on the
2.3rd of this month ; his bride is a lady
from Rochester... .Mr Chas Johnston,
near Bayfield;" and Mr J W Gibson,
Huron road, near Goderich, have each
recently bought fine pianos 'selected
from C. Hoare's wholesale stock of
instruments. ..The cutter- and sleigh
dealers are looking for agood f all of
snow so as to give the' sale of their
fine winter outfits rt. send off ; we learn
there has already been quite a number
of sales of new. cutters ....The work-
men at the organ factory are being
rushed with work and the factory is
running at nights....The curlers are
preparing ice at tbe r ink for the season;
the boys are commencing to talk of a
hockey club.... An "easy corner" is on
view in J C Stevenson's window ; it is
a beauty and was made by W N
ker, who isa. splendid uphoisterer. • , .
The House of Refuge committee met
here on Tuesday and went over the
books, &c., so as to report to the county
council meeting at Goderich....The
examination for the Modellites starts
next Tuesday and will last four days.
. -A: Weir has discontinued his milk
b.usiness in town aP Len intends to take
up a line of business in Loudon; we are
told he may start the milk route again
Illustrated XMAS Papers
The Graphic
Pear's Annual Mgr"
. London News
• Black and White
The above now in stock; "The Globe" in a few ys.
Please let us have your order.
For the Young Folks
Boys' Own • Girl's Own
Chatterbox • British Workman
Cottager and Artizan • Our Darlings
The Infant's Magazine, Little Folks
• Band of Hope Review, Etc.
The W. D. FAIR O0, Clinton
"Often the Cheapest—Always the Best."
46/*W11111014i ,e‘lib4% 10101111111611
Shoe Talk.
For the fall and winter trade our stook is very cow..
plate. Never before were we in abetter position
•to give you just what you need in all kinds of sea-
sonable footwear, and our continuously increasing
• sales • is the 'best evidence that our systems of
,is just what is needed by the buying publio. Give
us a call for your next pair, and see what we can do
Pull stock. of the •celebrated Granby
Ifubbers, for which we are sole agents in town. •
. : We guarantee every pair. We do not handle
' second quality rubbers. It will pay you to see our
BARGAIN Counters, which are being constantly •
replenished witlithe best bargains ever offered here
See our Misses School Boots, sizes 1142-13-1-2, at 85c & $F
I• • , • , • . .••••
either laced or buttoned; they are great value •
The Old Reliable,
The Store That Never .Disappoints
Taylor at Soes
SutterednI9ELTs takenras Ca ew
4/16' 11.„";:v././..Novi.Aviketa
aturday, Dec. '7
onderld Bargain Day for 13(iys.1:
067 -
An Opportunity
Seldom Offered
Mantles at 95c.
Ten Ladies Cloth Jackets,
all good qualities sizes 32 34&
36,make a good Coat fel. rough
wear, choice of lot, each.. 95e
Ladies Jackets at $1,.50
25 LadieeJaeketsmadoofgood quality
Beavers,Fri zes,and rough Glottis,
Blaok and colora, good garments
bat just a,little shorter than are
Mir17.'n8r.gc7 10 $&00 choioe 01
lot on Saturday
.50 Saturday 1 50
Sterling Good Value in Men's Underwear •
It is our opinion that it will pay you to do your Underwear buying here. Of course it
is natural that we bhould think so,
however we are willing that you should hes the judge, and
would like you to put our claim to test, compare these values with those of any other store in
town and you will not likely go very tar from here for your "Underwear.
Mens' Woollen Underwear Men's heavy woollen "Under.'•Extra good quality fleece lin-
fine aoft finish, ribbed on ffia wear, eoft •finish, will wear Mens' fleece lined underwear, ed Underwear, will give ex -
and ankles, will not irritate well, shirts double breasted, heavy weight, soft fleecing, cellent we r $1.00
special v sine per garmeni50e to sell at 51.00 per garment, sizes, each.. .. 50c eanh
the skin, will wear Well, extra ribbed cuffs and ankles, made will wash and wear well, all quality, . sp.
• our special pride Will, ..75c
2 .440:0104+14)44444444.444I4•444.0 Pet44.4042.441044.04:4444,44444444 G04.444004•444444444000.444:044
Special in Men's Gloves . ...
14 X et
,•;..: sa_s•X
We got a chancC of a bargain in Men's Gloves the other day and took it. Now e,
. we pass it on tryi. The best Gloye Bargain of the season ,4
. X ( *
Men's Kid 4loyes, sot wool lining, will wear well, tegular 51 and 51,25,
od, 4. .j.u.s.t.i.n.l.a. s. h week1•
Z. ,e04:40.44444.:44400064.44144:•4:404,44.444444,400+444•1,44441.'.4444.44:44444444:4( 4,44.0444+:404.440440444'4404444.
One of the greatest opportunities ever offered to a keen buying public' will a
be given on the above date when all this season's Overrnakes in our Factory-,
*Will be placed on our tables at prices that, will astonish most purchasers. We
have now filled all our fall and winter orders to our many customers through-
out Ontario and the Northwest, and instead otclosing out our odds and ends
to some city house we are going to give our own customers the benefit. You
E can buy full suits or you can buy odd Coats, odd Vests, odd Knickers and ileef-
ers. No mothbr who 'ants to fit out her boys can afford to miss this chance
because you will be able to get two suits for the price of one. Study this list
and you will find some interesting items,
t I -50 airs of Boys Knickers in sizes 22 to 23, • 50 2 piece Children's fancy Suits,sold as, high
as $6, but we are bound to clear them out and
on Saturday the price will be, sizes 22 to 28, $2,65 ."11IP
• We will have a great many other lino in boys' wear that will be offered at 7:111:
such sacrifices that it must interest all keen buyers, It is a chance that is rieldoni
offered but being lnannfaotnrers we have deoidedthat ogerrnakee and odd lines ea•allP
wilt be sold for the benefit at our own onstorners. , •..dos
sol regularly for 50e and 69c, sale price 63e
Lot me
d, odd g Vests all sizes, well made and. trim -
d, worth' and $1, sale price 48c.
Lot 3gx=14 Boys ° Reefers, heavy serge and beavers,
Velvet Collar, well,linea and strongly made
reguls,r.selling price $3.50 and $4, the quantity is small
and first comers will get them for the reduction price of
Lot 4..25 Boys' odd Coats in Halifax tit eels and
fancy natterns,our regular Lion Brand make,
regaiar selling price $2.25, while they last you can
have them for $1.48
Lot 5,3=13 Boy's Suits 28 to 33 in plain brown cheviot
Halifax Tweeds, pure all wool goods, sold in
the regular way for $4.50, as long as they last the price
Will be $t.88 Onr Ladies' Astraehan Coate tegula't 520, eize 38, *vice on paturclay..4.04'50
for 525, Saturday'ie price only, . ..................
JACKSON lEntrhe Tor, No • • CLINTON•iiii.ia.911LOTIIING. STORE, NO ,1111110 o•
. .......
Retiring. from the Ladiesp Fur B - ustness
i.. ......,
We aro crowded for room and are giving up the Ladies' branch of our Fur ....
business, and on Saturday we will offer the balance of onr Eur stook et the fol. •-•ill,
lowing figuree; - .....
Our:lpu, si —or
ieye.tric Seal storm Collar, regular price $10 but you Oat have it for55.98
Ourreoppoeum Cape 30 in longsold for $25 but Saturday's price is 0
on Sattirday„ to itottt•tot to. . t• .. trt.••tr•s ....... o ... .... 40. .de
Our line raleotrio So.11. Cape, regular 530 line, extra good length and1ito
beautifully lined and made, Saturday's trice...p ... to . ... 0.10.0v
Our Ladies' Astichan Omits eiZe 8, Satin lined anettlo' Id ha the regular way /5
Two Greeeland Seal Capes. 27 in. long, good selling at 25, but we will take sig- oo.00ist