HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-06, Page 88
DEvantet 6.th 1N1
• Genuine
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signatufge of
See Par..25Imile Wrapper Below,
Nary small and as emir
take as eager.
; P1171.S.
pricti 41.341121ISIM MUIRRAVZ NATURE,
' 23 costs Il'uraty Vegretame.
, •
, A girl in a pale -pink kimono.
Picked up a young fellow—a Jonah;
Said she, "Well, for lunch
I'll have reed bird and punch.", •
"Not enuch; you'll have beer and bo-
A Bad Guess.
First Boy—It's six o'clock. Let's go
home. Second Boy—Nitt if we go
borne now we'll git licked fer stayin'
so late. If we stay till eight We'll git
hugged and kissed Ter not bein'
His Ideal.
First Cat—If you had your choice of
all the world, where had you rather
live? Second Cat—China! They say
there is a wall there 1,250 miles. longl
ffust think of moonlight nights—and a
;wall like that!
FOR A aasith.
'Students may enter at any time, either
for a Business or Shor-hand Coarse. Rakes
reasonable—send for Journal.
Pr esident. Seoret,...y
You nay Need
Burns •
All Bowel
It is a s•re..afe and quick remedy
There 8 t,n'y one PAIN-iiILLER.
• Two sizes, 25c. and 50c.
11 (your own selection) to every sub-
scriber. Only 50 cents a year.
re%* •41W. CALM
Loj, elustsi fmulakionlo, &yet ; fancy
work; household hind; action, etc. Sub-
scribe to -day, or. Bend 92. for latest Copy.
Lady agents wanted. Send for terms.
Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up -to.
date, Economicat an4 Absolutely
Perrectooritting Paper Patterns.
-AA Seams Allowed and Perforations show
the Basting and Sewing Lines.
l in nearly every city
Only yo end ts cells ettett-trone higher,
Aids for them, So
lindtoWn, or by mil from
113-11§-11Y West 31st itts NEW YORK.
The Novelty Bakery
and Restaurant
Christmas Cakes
Now is the time to order your
Christmas cakes for as yoa allknow
fruit ashes like old wine become
better whit' age, we nee the best ma-
terials procurable, and pity greatest
attention to baking. 1
•We alWaye have in stock a nice
variety of tenor breaa cakes. and
, ratty and if anything special is de -
aired, will Ile pleased to make on
abort habit; we a0 not Use Cottolene
"in any form.
'we are now in a position to sup.
Pit' SOU with fresh fat oysters in
geed taliasttre, WO serve them hot or
cold its dertired
OfeCormitat'S celebrated Mara-
egitio Choeolatee and dallitY bone -
befit for eale here.,
Motet% 104001 20o per lb, and an
Wilde fresh getteoriftble frit strailt.
, 00attootatatid eatetititte tO all.
3 ?
*Clay, Clinton.
One N6 I.
Twenty men Vete killed arid about
meet's set tautly 'Owed by it boiler
exnioeion that wrecked the Penberthy
Injector Company's works at Detroit.
Are you not well ? week -
it, depreesed in sorties, melencholy, thee
nervous and irritable 9 Try Millerie Cora -
pound Iron Pills, Sold by 11. B. Coinbe
eind 13, P. Iteeltie, Clinton.
Kingston Council has adopted a by-
Iaw izing the use of voting., roa..
chines at the Maine* intaticipal elec.
Ice blocked the street railway power-
house pipe at °awe. As a result the
city was in da knees for a time and
the street Car eervice was demoralized',
Killer's Grip Powders Clare. Sold by
II. 13. Combe and R. P. Reelde, Clinton.
Areh. Itlettonald was struck by a
locomotive at Sault Ste. Marie and pro,
bably fatally tujured.
Frank 13ingharn, a voting man frora
Flari.iston, attempted to commit sui-
cide in the Klon like H. tel at NeepaWa
Grauulesotire Constipation. Sold
by EL B. Combo and R, P. Emilie,Clin-
The Bank of Liverpool has been rob -
bad by a. trusted rlerk of something
Geo. Efner, a O.P. 13 yardman, was
ran over and killed at Loudon.
Pyny-Balsairt curers all scoughe. It
soothes, it heals, it 'tures quickly ;ma °ea
tautly. Pyny-Pectoral sells more widely
eyertayear, Manufactured by the proprie-
tors of Perry Davis' Bain -Killer.
A robber shot and killed J. Asling at
W, Bournes' house in Cartwright Man,
Geo. James was rub over while h y-
ing to cross under a train at Stratfor
His leg was mit off.
If your tongue is coated try Miller's Gran-
nies. Sold by H. 13, 1Jombe and B. P.
Reekid, Clinton. • •
Mr Chamberlain's health is causing
his friends anxiety.
British Columblu, ranchers are mak-
ing heavy parchases of cattle in Oa-
Dsvid N Won has been granted a di-
vorce from Mrs Carrie Nation by the
Kansas courts.
Magical because it is' potent—a concen-
tration beoatise of she most soothing and
pain subduing remedies known to the med-
ical world. Nerviline is simply out of
comparison with any other remedy. Thou-
sands who have used it can testify to this
Nerviline is an infallible remedy for pains
internal and pains external. Druggists ae
it everywhere. '
FOR BARBERS.—San Francisco
barbers in forming a union have
adopted the following preeautions
against disease which would be well if
Ontario barbers would copy their
example:—The emersion of mugs and
brushes in boiling water after every
operatton • the wiping of razors with
alcohol beise. and after every shave;
the sterilizing of hair brushers; the
cleaning of strops; separate clean
towels for each customer; prohibition
of power puffs, finger bowls and
eponge ; disinfection of all instruna
ents after using ; no pereoa allowed
to sleep in the shops; barbers are to
keep their fleas short and clean ; alum
for cuts is to be applied only on a towel;
barbers are not to blow hair from a
patient's neck. nor to blew or wipe
with bare hands the razor etops.
Are you weak, nervons, irritable, cagily
worried or fatigued? Do you dread your
daily work and feel like lettina your duties
go undone? Dr. Chase's Nerve Food will
restore your nervous syatem and sendthe
thrill of new life and energy •• through the
body. It is above all a wornan"s medicine,
as its inviaorating influenee on the nerves
insures regularity in the fubetions of the
bodily orgaes. 0.
¶1IJJ.i IfArtaillitai WIVE. 1
is very careful about her ohurn. She !
colds it thoroughly efter ming, and givers '
it a sun bath to eweeten it, She toilette,'
that if her °burn le amnia will taiut the
butter that is made in it. The stomach ie a
tMiura. In the stoma)) and nutritive trots i
ere performed processes which are exaotly I
akin to the churhing of butter. Is it not 1
apparent then that if this etoratteli churn I
le 'abut' it sours ell which le put into it? '
The evil of a WEI OWE:MIMS not the bad
taste in the mouth and the foul breath
caused by it, but the corruption of the pure
current of the blood and the dissemination
of disease throughout the body. Or,
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery reek' 0
the °cur atm:cacti sweet. It does for the
stomach what the washing and sun bath
do for the churn—absolutely „ removes
every tainting and corrupting element.
"Golden Medial Discovery," isoateins no
alchohol, whisky or other intogioant and
no narcotic.
If Fox's Revenge,.
Literary Notes. '
"Her Feewell, Words to Me", a,
ballad by R. M. Stolle', author of `The
Sweetest Story Ever Told," opens the
Novemher niimber of the J. W. Pepper
Piano Malec M sgazine. The magazine
RASO includes 22 pages of entertainino
mueical literature and halftones. 21
complete pieces • for the piano -10
songs, 11 instrumentals -25 cents. For
sale by all newsdea,:ers. •
The Outlook was the first weekly
paper to publish an Annual Illustrated.
Book Ntunaer, and for tavelye years
these Book Numbers have been speeial-
ly interesting features of the autumn
publishing season. This year, in addi-
tion to this, Annual Illirstrated Book
Number, The Oatlook 'publishes two
supplementary Book Numbers, one
dated Oct, 1.0thatnd theca h Or Nov 10th.
($s a year. e ook ita 287
A gentientaus out ;sheeting ono thell
came to a river, where he saw di
geese beyond Oa. He determined to
wait or them to approach the shore.
While sitting there he saw a fox Conte
down to the shore and stand some
time and observe the geese. At length
he turned and went into the woods and
came out with a very large bunch of
moss in Ids Mouth. Hethen entered
the water very silently*, sank himself,
„and then iteeping the moss above the
water, himself concealed, heflouted
-among the geese. Suddenly ope of
them was drawn under th,e Water, ana
the fox soon appeared on the shore
with the goose on his back. he as-
cended the bank, arid round a hole
made by the tearing up of a tree. This
bole lin cleared, placed in it the -goose,
and covered it with great care, strew-
ing leaves over it. Th a fog then left;
and, while he was away the hunter un-
buried the goose, closed the hole and
resolved to wait the issue, In about an
• hour the fox ,returned with another fox
in company. They went directly to the
place where the goose had been buried,
and threw out the• earth. The goose
t be found
c • no . . •They stood
garding each other for some time, when
Suddenly the Second fog attacked the
other roost furiously, as if offended by
the trick of his friend. During. the
battle the hunter shot them both. ,
Down on the IVIodern Theater, 1
VERYOND IS familiar With Gen* kings' servant although he wile, that he
Starlets of Crlapl.
I The late Francesco Orispi neaer forgot,
eral Sh.errnan's famous donnle bad also been one of ‘,139 kingmakers.
tion of war. The great Italian To the unhappy Master et' ceremonies of
actress, Eleanore Due% now the Quirinal, on the that occasion When
applies the same harsh epithet he was 'invited to dinner .apd hle wife
. to stave life. She Says it ie wee omitted, becauee of the unconvela
"b011--doWnright bell," tionalita of the relations between the two
PUSe lias conformed to an interviewer befotai their marriage, he cried, "Interns
that site is "tired of the theater, but not hie majesty that if the insult to me is
of art, tired of the theatrIcal part a net repaired before tonight e repubilo '
t t
stage life, tired et the necessary cos wUi De proiujr all art
shifters and lamp -lighters." On another occasion- he Was asked in I
operation of artiete, managers, scenes eight hours." '
"Yes," she continued, "I am tired of the chamber by A colleague if he belongs I
all and everything liable to obstruct ed to Manias party, "No." replied t
MY artistic endeavors and to friterferi • °elope 4711ell perhaps you • belong to
• with roy plans, executed or intended. 1 Garibaldi's?" "No." "Then whoseparty
'ern dreaming of entering the • leoturil do you belong to?" "Crises!"
platform, but will do things in quite 4
different wafrom the ordinary. "I mean. to eullven the lecture plat. Oldheimer (standing la Ms garden
y eltrategre
form and broaden its scope by retalra showing a friend the neighbor's near
Ing some of the stage'a features. 11,13 fence) --You flee, doctor, at bust MY
American tour will be in swan's sone neighbor has put up a new fence in,
as far as stageland is Concerned. I %stead of the old hedge through which his
"after that I will endeavor to realtze chickeus came and scratched up my gar -
this drearri of making the world ace den,
quainted with the great ralbitarpiecet I Docter—How did you melange? Go to
ot literature without detracania theli court about it?
. by une efets anI Odheimer—Court lathing! llveryfew
attention dufcd l
the awkivardnese or stupidity of actori 1 days I sent him a couple of dozen eggs,
Playing incidental parts. • and•when I had him used to the eggs I I
"One or two ladies or gentlemen will ' stopped and told him kis hens had fetid
be engaged as my assistants merely to them in my gardenIn less than a week
look their parts and give me the cue, / aaw that fence go up.
• As for myself, I' couldria think of as s
earning several roles as some do at WE DISPENSE DRUGS OF STAND
dramatic recitals. 1
• "I needn't repeat," she continued,
"that I leave the stage without regret,
Oar reputation in the drug business le es-
, Yet at the same time am almost tablished on sound and lasting principles.
1 .
can't be for ever Playing Dumas eaul
Sardou, Ibsen and Suderrnann. No one
of account is writing new plays for mei
and those that are written might as
' well remain unacted. •
- tell you la Duse Is threatened bY
literary famine. Shall I wait unttl the
Pablic tires of my repertoire? Besides,
• must rid anys,elf of the 'slavery of
stage life. That's no life Pt all. I as.
• sure you it is hell, downright hell."
•• forced to do something of the kind, We give our customers just v3hat they ask
for, and guarantee all our drugs to be of
standard parity. This means much when
your doctor's prescriptions are to be filled.
Buy your Perfumes, Toilet requisites,
Swale, Brushes, Combes, Atonizers
from tie,
min BEST sums% .
We call speoial attention to Paine's Cel-
ery Compound, our best selling medioine,
It is a true health and strength restorer for
weak and run down people It gives that
buoyancy of spirits snd terve energy so
. • . Curious Whims. ' •
, .
Eccentricity is often nothing but the
exaggeration of •individuality, as with
a scholarof some distinction who died •
towards the end of the last century.
His peculiarity ocaressed itself' in the.
A Sluggish•Liver way in vvhieh he tried to' carry hie
BringsABillousnessa Zoch.gesagebralpv.
'headache, indigestion and Coneti., •
pation—To set the Liver night
You must Use Dr. Chase's ifidner.
' Liver
Good health Is impossible when the
liver is deranged. The akin tells' of
the Poisoned stath of the system by
pimpled, blotches and liver spota • the'
tongue Is coated, the head aches, di-
gestion is Impaired and the bowels are
irregular. There will cern, .spells of
dizziness and weakness, pelpitation,
shortness at breath and rnenetrual
raaigexnefltS. In sympathy vrith the
liver the kidneys become clogged and
the most serious complications arise. s
Search whsrayou will it is impossible
to and a better treatment for bilious-
mess and liver complaint than Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Having a,'
direct and combined action on the kid-
neys and liver they are so thorough and •
searching as to promptly afford relief
and cure. •
There is 'scarcely it home • in this •
• whole country where Dr. Chase's •Kid-
ney-Liver Pills are unknown. They
have made their way by'foree of merit
until physicians and people alike re-
cognize in them most unusual medicin-
al value.' • One pill a dose, 25 cents a
box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates.
& Co. Toronto.
. Love's Omission.
/ have 'whispered my love to the • hrisbd
• ears aobovee, moun na.
To the echoing hiller; to the niurraurina
In wood an and va e ye o mat
' .. —.
Not a v1.9,0fue_adwevoortion; grove
my nov
My eariationl -
.1 have spoken as well to each flower In
the dell, • •
• The bees ranging •
My passion reveal as the honey they;
Bite' al'Sw. eats .exchanging. •
And the stream as it news ,nil ma
• eesta.sy knows,
Ah, sweet feeling! •
To the alr, • to the sky, my love . secrete
am • -
All revealing.
To the moon shining height I have
breathed my delight, ,
Ah, my pasmoni •
All below, all tbbove, I've informed Of
o My love o
Inoa resbion; '
But though I have cried my desire fe,r
and wide,
• I'm afraid I '
nevi yet to impart the true state of
My heart—
To the ladyi
—" Punch."
sister on condition that his funeral
was carried out on curiously -prescribed
lines. His coffin was painted -green,
and was followed by only six gentle-
men—no relatives being invited-awho
were to receive ten guineas each pro- .
• aided they did not drees in black. The
body was fully dressed. 'Under the
head was placed a copy of Horace, sad
at ate feet Bentley's Milton. In one
hand. Was a pocket edition of
Roraces and. In the other a small
Greek Testament; and another oopy
of Horace was laid underneath.
The .hired mourners sang over the
closed grave the lest stanza of
the' twentieth ode of the second book
of liorace; and subsequently, after a
generous supper, estother ode was
sung: •"'Which done," ran the final in-
junction of the will."I.. would have
••them, take a cheerful glass, and think
no more of ma" A French historian
had a whimsical Caney for reading and
writing by candlelight. At full noon-
day, in the brightest slimmer weather,
he would have his candle by his Ade,
and he would carry it in his hand when
showing his 'visitors to the door,
Appearances Deceived Him. •
The Bather—I like this mixed bath-
ing idea, It's worth dressiag for.
, Her Friend -4 had an idea from your
appearance that you thought the re-
h A enue New York •
A book of reel value;alive with good
matter, practical, scientific and 'relig-
ious, purposely designed for the busy
man and mere than likely to 'settle in
that beings mind the tascinating but
unsettled question Of the seventh day
among the heathens, FlebreW and
And Obvistittis peoplets is announced
for immediate publication by Clippies
Schoenhof, Boston. The author irr
the Rev. 13 j Floorly,at one time a fam-
iliar figure in Clinton circles. and now
one of (Inc pasitors in the noted Shaw -
mut Congregational Sr ciety, who
names his book ."Tbe Scientific Basis
of Sabbath and Sunday."
"I would be glad if the Canadian
Housekeeper, a woman's magazine de -
'voted to home life, were widely circul-
ated and geterally read. I know it is
doing an educational work of the high-
est value:" These are the worde of
Hon, R. Harcourt, Ontario Minister of
Education, while other prominent.
educationalists join in its praisee.
Those subscribing now receive the fine
Christmas Number and special engre.v.
legs and the:15-eolor supplement. At
81 per annuni (10 cents per copy) this
magazine should be in -every home.
Canadian tHousekeeper Pub. Co., Tor-
There is no lack of the Uhristnins
spirit in the DeceMber number of The
Ladies'sHoMe JoarnAl. Among the
stories that an to till thismaga eine are CURES PILES IN STAYS
"The th
Baby Behind e Curtain," by
ElizabettiNfcCritekeri 10hristinae Eve
on Lonesome" ble John Pox. the Ken.
Cocky author ; "How the h'irst Letters
wee Written', by Itudyitfd Kipling,
and the first part of an winging story
of Western ways called "The leave:11s
in Chicago," arid niftily others. There
is it charming (Varier ma's litety for child,
ren, and a anal& page et college girla'
pica deem, This is the fir -1 instaithotit
of The Sour,- al's greet picture et ry of
"What a Girl Doe; at College." The
regular departmenta lir( most ably
presented by tbeir respective etlitore,
and the holiday cover le the work of
Thos. Mitchell Peirce, By The Carter
Publiehing Conmany, Philedelphia. $1.
a, year ; ten eente a 43py. ,
ahoarriatiern reed attatiast are teas,
o 1st . . eases ed..
0va.:10.3‘.; eel (.5 fe,1,,,e,-;
• ',I.-4, f I • Si • • f •
• 4]) a • • • ' • t•
Sold by 1, E. Hovey and R. P. Reekie
J. ere is eeported to be a first-class
demand for Canadian butter m Eng-
land now, and in places the Canadian
product takes the lead in the esti-
mation of buyers. This fa as it should
be, and if our makers keep up the
standard of quality there will be no
trouble in holding the market.
Five new l000rnotiveti front the Baldwin
teethe, Pittsburg, have arrived for the
Canadian Northern Railway,
The Arlington Hotel and Mee. Sinelair,e
mummer cottage on Hamilton beaoh were
a istroyed by fire.
Or. Agnevele Ointment might
have a thousand testifying
to Iti m erfts as an abeoluto
CLIYA for lellos only, but
ettres porrnanontly ail man-
ner Of skin diteasos•too.
Adam Braion, of Poloware Atn,, Chatham.
Ont., is a well known nun in tpo, vo4, a/Walla
he saga of lir. Agnew'!, Ointment c,';n,
" t wn9 tronilled rud, Ign,iti time witl
On tint recommendation or Ellr
ltriq 1 trii cl a box or t1ii renntrkabla oat..
nom, ond aron. applymn tor Mile or live night,.
it ,nroplotclv eltrod Inc nt till troubIesonm _or
In-nt, nog '1 mn
l it to nil ,.t
2111;itret,L.'" 05 ca. 71)
Sold by 3*, ffeyey ancl R, P. neer&
Wit and Wisdom From New Bobks.
"When the lights are Out,he. said;
, when forever and a nista the aetor
bids the stage farewell; when stripped.
of . mask and 'tinsel, he . goes 'home to.
that Auditor ;whoset him his part;
then Perhaps he will be told what Man-
ner of man he Is. The glass that now
dresses • before tells .hint not; but he
thinks a truer glass would show a.
• shrunken figure."—"Audrey."
.is a miserable thing to Unger on
the threshold. The daring spirits pass
across and close the door. --"Sister Ter -
Mut." • •
The devil 'peewees no one who does
• not desire hina—PSistee Teresa." .
. Men are born to hardship. It is the
• alley which gives firmness to their
.xnetal.—"When the Land 'Wits Toung."
The over exercise of a. critical facul-
ty as alwaYS dangerous, and by too
much judging of port Beojamin ruined
Itis career.—"The Seal of Silence."
'Professional saints are very tiresome
people. ' Amateur sinners are much
more interesting.—"Casting of Nets."
To learn the worth of man's relig-
ion, do basinees with him.--s"Aphorisins
and Beilentions." •
Boles of grammar cannot give US a
mastery of language, rules of rhetoric
cannot make us eloquent, rules of con-
dact canhot make Us good.--"Aphors
isms and Reflectione,"
4 A poet. may be a good companion,
but, soar as I know, he is even the
worst a fathers.—"Diri and L"
Altruism is a privilege rather than a
duty.—"The Syrriphony of Life."
Heaven and hell are very real, but
they are states of mind.—"The Sym-.
phony of Lite." •
When the law sets out to punish, If
doeenit stop with the guilty only.—"The
Manager of the B. arid .
They took his humor for flippancy •
because their own flippancy was de -
veld Of humor.—"Men and Books."
•••• •
The Up -to -Date 'Undertaker.
,A. Yankee undertaker . aitretitiaesi
"Why live and be miterable, when you
Can be conifortabily buried tor twenty
&Mara?" We shall expect something
of the kind over here soon, 'Don't be
surprised when you take up your Morris
'Pig paper if you read this isort of
easing; "Billy Morgan looked dowit the
barrel of his daddy's gun See Where
the bullet went to when it went off.
The funeral teas handscsinela conducted
by Smith & 0o,, who have always a
large eat on hand, and, etre open to
bury the WhoIe neighborhood at twen1.
tY-tour boatel' notice. A pound of tea
altos itwa.Y with every ooten. °Net
early and avoid. disapnointment."
• Mr 0 L Reed, near Lon Ion, Ont., ie
Thomas 'W lIolinee, of Oheateevilie,
banged hitneidt. •
David Nation has been granted a
• divorce front Mrs Cerrie Nation
KallSaft eOttri'S.
The ocean shipping from the port of
• Montreal shelve a falling off for the season
Whit% closed yesterday,
necessary for 'the establishment of sou
health. Paine's Celery COMpound stands
far above all other medicates.
J E HOVEY Druggist Ointon
A young man, who rooked the boat for
fun on a lake in Maryland last eummer,
and thereby oyertarned it and caused. the
death of a young lady by drowning, is most
righteously to be tried for manslaughter.,
'When remonstrated with at the time by
the other occupants of the boat, he laughed
and boasted that he was an • expert swim-
mer, and could save the whole party
should anything happen, When some-
hing didhappen, he made no effort to save
tnybody bat himself.
The Hungarian papers; allege that
King Alexander of Servia desire's to
divorce Queen Drage, in order that he
may marry his sister-balaw, Helene
There are now 31 cases of smallpox
in the Montreal Uivic Hospital,' and
fifteen house e are under quarantine.
Inspectors have been appointed to
prevent cases being sent into -the city.
Ottawa water suppiy was rebut tiff
• on account of anchor ice choking the
turbine wheels at •the pump house.
The electric light also suffered, and
street railway traffic was stopped for
a time. • •
. Lord Strathoons isconfined titans house
with a seyere cold and has friends are
• Hamer R Harris of Kinloei t.townehip
pleaded gailty at Guelph of trying to buy
counterfeit money. • •
The Mug of Ikangee,--
0"B‘i31t'5 flappa- Thought'
have beenmade for modern
cooks and the careful housewife
Who requires to use econonty
and get the best results. : :
Happy Thought Rangee are not experiments. The yhe.ve been
. tested in 150,000 Canadian home a and have been inlitated by
More stove manufacturerS the any Other Range. „ •
n :
Buy a Happy ote. 'it, you'll get Quality
Manufacttired by
that Means a" 'Ting if you dot
The Wm. BUCK to•ve Co., Limited. Brantford
Write the Manufacturer* for an illustrated, Catalogue.
„ ..
eeeeeeeeE'E'Cd'IeeeeP eeee **
1301.D BY •
Bones Imagine that because
the head -aches or the hand
shakes that the head or'hand
Is the seat of the trouble.
Niney-nIne times In a hundred
you could trace them as un..
: • mistakable symptoms that
the kidneys are In ,revolt.
AmericanSouth Kidney C 1 ns thes •
tent of all impurities in nature's way—eradicate*
all the disturbing symptoms—quiets thdleadand
steadies the hand—it puts the kidneys to rights.
As a kidney 'cure it's next to infallible. Relieves
in six hours. • 713
S Adby J, E. Floyey and R. , Reakie
Canada exported during the season
of navigation this year 372,051 bales of
hay, an increase over the previous
year of 138,372 hales. The great' bulk
went to Great Britain, but 28,705 bales
went to South Africa. °, The prospect
is that the exports of next year will
be larger. Hay is a vood thing to
cultivate; The prices for Canadian
hay in New York last week ranged
froth $16 75 to 618 per ton.
Th 0 tl .
There are theist when every woman is
tormented by itching akin and .would give
anything for relief, There is a prepara-
tion, known as Dr. ChaAe Ointment,
whilst' is a prompt relief ter them aufferings.
Women prize it both Or their own tale and
for its won,derful effectiveriges in miring
Bab, Eczema, scald head chafing, and ...the
Varions skin diseases of ohildhood,
%he Hungarian pavers allege that
King Alexander, of Semi% desires to
divorce Queen Illraga, in order that he
may man y his sister-indaw, Helene
• And S. clear complexion, thc
pride of wornan—HaVe; ypp
lost these Otxrpis through
Torpid Liver, Constipation,
Bitioutriess or Norvoutnosa
Dr. Agnewis /dyer ems will restore their.
to yoit•-e0 Little otrtubies" in
A pie:Isere to take them. Act like
ebsrm. • Never wise. Pleasant •laratia •
dose's, and a certain cure, 25C. Size con
ns Iri,E
SHovey and IL P. eelt7le
The population of the Anatralian
CoMmonwealt h.aciording to the latest
returns, is 3,775,350,
FOR CWRNC ePtiAltitt, WOUNDS, bath.
Used Internally ;Ind Externak
0MITION1 Mehl the weak watery witch
ereparettena representel toile "the
lame e" ('ant's Extract, which easily sour
aid elle e sinewe Denton ele a n imbed
externally And, WWI ititernaio, *poisons
• •,
Clinton Sasn., Door, and .
Blind 'Factory.
. .
. General Builder and 1 -Contractor. ‘k‘"
• r .
This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved me -
shiners', capabie of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stook and prepared plans, and etas estimates for and build all °lam-
es of buildinge on short' notioe and on the closest prices All work ia supervis-
ed an a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We roll all kinds of in-
terior and exterior, material. • A`
Lumber Lath Shingles Lime Sash Doors Ilhnds, Ete
• e
Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBELL SCHOOL DESK, manufacturer
• at Waterloo. Call and get pricee and estimates before visaing your orders
irst class Buqqies
auc•ns .
' We have.a large assortment of firstclass Buggics
to choose from and intending buj,.ers will tind our stock ttp4c-
. .
date.: Prices are low for high-grade goods.
. . .
Geo. Lavis
General implement Dealer. Clinton
Awt-n lleae Brings Instant Re let and Permanent
Cure in ill Ca es
There is nothing like • Aethmaleee. I
• britige instant relief, even in the' worst
oases. It cures when all else fails.
The Rev. O. 2. WELLS, of Villa Ridge,
/11.,says: "Your trial bottle of Asthmalene
• received in good condition. In oannot tell
• you how thankful I feel for the good de-
rived from it I was a slave, chaired with
putrid Score thoktt and Asthma for ton
yeares I despaired of ever being Cured,
saw your advertieement for the °urea'
this deeedird and tormenting disease, At,
threat and thought yoa had overspoken
yourselves, but resolved to giye it a isial,
• To my astonishment, the had acted like'
*////J(a- charm. Send me a fall size bottle."
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
Rabbi of the Cong. Tined Tenter, .
s a, ,L _ New Yenta Jan. 3,1001,
t r ' . ASO/
Gentlemeni Year Astiamaiene hi an ex-
• and its oompoeition allevie,tea
e il tam
riellent remedy for Arithrntilaid Hay Fever,
awhich combine with Aothmit. Its sus
'V* is astonishing and wonderful.
., e
After haying it muddily Analyzed, we
can state that Asmthenalene containe no
•opium, orphine, chloroform 'or ether
CLIA4 g Z13
ofz. ALS
•Okz .
BEv. DR. MOsitRIS wEgastiER
Very truly yours.
11 Geetlemen: I write this testimonial from a game of duty, having tetted‘the wonier-
-TAITIkkaue, MaracINA CO.
ful eftept of your Atithmitlene, for the mire of Asthma, My wife has been afflicted with
speerriedin itsthma for the past 12 years, Boring exhausted my own skill as well as
many otheuel °helloed to eee your sign upon your windows on 1801h Week, New York,
/ at oboe obtained a bottle of Asthinelene. My wife commenced taltitas it About the
flub of November. very eton noticed, A mitred improvement. After using one'
bottle her Asthma has distomearee ate she is entirely free from, all symptom
eau reessaaend wadi sin 3 all WhO are &filleted with teie
ctintriistang aienee
Dn. Tart Mos. Mumma Cl'o,tnititrealle6fullY' ID' D. PITEIJR8'11*
Oentleinen I Wei teenblet with Aethina foe 21 yearn, 'have tried limner
outtrernediee, bet they have all failed. I rail &arose your advertisement and
eterted with *Wel bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased your
full -laze bottle, and 1 am Ewer grateful. I liar) a family of km children, and
for six years WAR unable to work, / am now in the best of health and AM doing
businetui every day. This testimony you can 42 S. ItAP.E/AEL:
nake such use of as voa see tit
67 East 1.20th et., .New York city,
Home addrese, 235 Itiviegten etreot.
• nal nrat litttotty IUtCY Milts! Of !Oa
no not dele$: Write ateitoe, iddretning D13. Te.IPT BROS. MED/Olttel
7s test 130th St..N.Y. City,
Sold by all amorists. 4
saa 4'71
, , •
••••• ,