HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-06, Page 7•
Deeewber 6 t
- Is
Our sales of Stoves this fall have been unusually large and
have experienced considerable trouble in getting our orders
filled as the demand for the Happy Thought Range and Ra-
diant Home Base Heater is constantly growing all over the
Dominion, and the makers have been unable to ship promptly
but we are now pleased to say we have just received another
large consignment of Happy Thought ht Ranges, Eminent
Cook Stoves for coal or wood, Honor Bright Wood
Cooks -the farmers' favorite, Radiant Holme Base Heaters,
also a variety of surface burners for coal and Todd Heating
Stoves for Woc d.
A Few Points About The HAPPY THOUGHT,
It has a Duplex Grate. Corrugated Oven giving one third more heating enrfaoe.
All parts are fitted like a watch; the oven doors are almost air tight, thus taking half the
amount of fuel. All parts that are Niokle Plated are beautifully done, being first
plated on Copper, then finished in Nbklo. The drafts are so oonstruoted as to keep the
range in perfect control, thus saving fuel. This range is made of pare pig iron and is
thus leas liable to crank than those made of scrap iron. It can be truly said of this
Range that in the art of Range making -•it is a HAPPY THOUGHT.
We. all use the HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE.
Mrs J Johnson
W Jackson
W W Ferran
W Manning
JFarr jr
A Armstrong
J Fair sr
W Doherty
J P Tiydail
E Turner
F Pickett
J Pickett
J P Doherty
W P Spalding
Dr Gana
J Morrish
John Bangor('
John Bell
Jae Levey
Jas Shepherd
" J Miller
Mrs 11 B Chant
' Thos McNeil
" John Wiseman
" S Smith
" R Agnew
" 0 Barge
D Mc' orvie
" RJCIuff
" Joseph Curry
J A King
" D Itobertxon
" R Manning
" John McGuire
' John McCartney
" K Brown
" K B Carter
" G D McTaggart
" F Alcock
" A Stewart
R Walker
" H Baker
Mrs Jno Emmerton
1J McDonnell:
" H Wilson
" Geo Able
Geo Davis
" RGraham
" M Dowser
" Thos Lavin
J W Langford
' W J Paisley
' MJKee
" Geo Levis
" N Fair
" M D McTaggart
" E,Hovey
" A Porter
" Mogridge
" Jno Pinning
" 0 Johnson
Walt King
" Jas Scott
Mrs John Holmes
Wm O'Neil
" W H Webb°
" G Swarte
" I Jewett
" D Tiplady
" Jno Johnson
" W H Simpson
" Dr Holmes
" MayorJaokson
' Thos Beacom
Geo Stewart
" Isaac Jackson
' Joshua Cook
Geo Cook
Miss Cole
Mr T Jackson it
Mr F Rumball
Mrs C Hunt Wield
" A 0 Pattison
If you could look through the keyholes of the following homes you would
tee that they are enjoying the comforts of the justly cel.brated
Radiant Hoole Bette iieater Goal Stove,
A Wilkeli
A 0 Iiattli;on
Brig Keyser
Macpherson & Co
Jas Keine
Joseph Wheatley
Mrs Kine
Chas Milne
Mrs Shannon
Silas Pratt
Joseph Chid el-
yH Wiltse
A Couch
Jno Emmerton
Jfrs .las Howe
H B Chant
Mr Stoneham
Wm Beacom
A .1 Grigg
1 Walter Manning
A Mackenzie
B GibL1,gs
A J Holloway
Mrs H Andrews
Joseph T wnsend
Alex Armstrong
Rev A Stewart
H R Walker
John Wi,eman
J W Langford
S Lawrence
Dr Black all
Wm F• ster
Og'e Cooper
R Holmes
it Mnnnlrg
Ed Can teion
J B Rumball
F Alloocic
Joe Copp
Wm Tiplady of
John White
Ralph Tiplady
Thos Lee
R Reynolds
W Weir
Mrs Mills
M Dowser
WmTip adyjr
Walt r Cole
John Tiplady
Mrs Moffatt
John Le•lie
JA King
Thos O tbbings
Mrs Mitchell
Mrs McMurray
en tr0113
Ar. bur Cork
Fred Pickett
W N.wcomle
Frank Grant
Wm Jones
Frank Hall
John Shannahsn
Mrs John S- ith
J McGarva
Mrs acid
Jep Holland
R Fitzsimons
E Rumball
5 Brown
Chas Hunt,Bruc' field
The'tollowing Second Hand Stoves for sale cheap.
Taken in exchange for Happy Thoughts and Radiant Homes
1 Grand Peninsular with tank and high shelf
1 Imperial Oxford withltank and high shelf nearly new
". 1 No 9 Favorite with tank.
1 No 9 Glyndon coal or wood.
1 No 9 Famous Model, good as new.
3 Box Stoves.
3 Challenge Heaters,
All sizes of the best Lehigh valley coal on hand at all times. Plumbing and
furnaces a speciality, a oall will convince yon that this is the place to deal.
Cheap Stove and Hardware House,
J. C. Stevenson
Furniture & Un dertalking
Albert St., opposite Town Hall, Clinton.
RESIDENCE -Huron St , in house lately occupied by Mrs.
Biddlecombe, opposite Commercial Hotel.
Night calls at this place.
U1.11`1TOA 51,4RKFTS.
Ourreater' every Thursday afternoon
Thursday, December 5, 1901.
Fall Wheat 0 70 a 0 72
Spring " 0 70 ,a 0 72
Oath .... 0 40 a 0 42
Rye 0 40 a 0 45
Barley 0 46 a 0 48
Peas 0 05 a 0 67
a 200
Flour per owt 2 00
Butter, loose or tub .... 0 14
Eggs per doz 0 15
8 00
Sheepskins 0 25
No. 1 Green trim. hides 5 00
Potatoes, ..per bosh., 0 25
Chiokens, per pair ,0 25 a
Danks, pair 0 50 a
Geese, per Ib 0 05 a
Tnrkeye, per lb 0 06 a
Pork,live 5 00 a
Porkdressed 7 00 a
Wood short 2 25 a
Wool 0 13 a
Applee, per bag 0 60 a
a 0 15
a 0 16
a 9 00
a 0 50
a 600
a. 030
0 40
0 06
0 08
7 00
2 50
0 14
1 00
Live Stock Markets.
Montreal, Deo. 2. -There were about 800
head of butchers' cattle, 30 calves,°and 500
sheep and lambs offered fpr sale at the east
end abattoir to -day. The wet weather help-
ed to make a doll market even more •dell,
and the ruinously low prices of last' Thurs.
day for common stook prevailed to -day. A
few of the best cattle were sold at about 4o
per lb.; medium beasts brought frau. 8o 0
310 per ib, and the oannere paid from Ito
to 2o per lb for lean oows and small bulls.
A carload of common dry cows, whioh were
held over from Thursday's market, were
sold to -day at 2o per Ib.; oalves Bold from
22 to 28 eaoh, The butchers paid from 2io
to 3o per lb. for sheep and 310 td Bao per lb.
for lambs. Fat hogs are a shade lower in
price, and sold at from 50 to a little over
6o per lb., weighed off the oars.
Scut Agtertiiittlittlig
New calved cow or about to calve. Apply to
Dec. 6-1, TYNDALL BROS.,Ohntcn.
A good funeral servant immediately.
Den 6-1, AI ply to M13S J, H. COMBE.
Servant Wanted.
Girl to do light house work No Scrubling.
Dec. 6-1. Apply to MRS O.CRICH,Clinton.
Varnisher Wanted. on organ work,goodd
wages and steady job. Apply at once to
Deo. 6-1. JOS. PA1TIOSON, Bowmanviile
Wood Cuttting.
Subscriber desires to let the'o.ntraot of out-
t. ng s quantity of wood. Apply at once to
Deo 6-2. R. TASKER, lot 12. coy„ 3 Hallett.
A large sized furnished house also some
small house -hold effeot, for sale. house,
to be made at once. Apply to
Deo 6-1"
Came to my premises on Nov. 7. an Oxford-
shire Ram, rising two years old. Th. owner
prowing property, paying costs, is asked te
take the animal away
Dec.6-4". R. A. ROBERTON,Manohester.
For sale, a large imitation pipe organ. Apply
at J C. STEVENSON'S, Furniture Dealer,
Nov 29-* Clinton.
For Sale
Roadster colt 6 months old ; also young
pigs -overstock.
Nov. 29-2 J. H. LOWERY
The Hallett Collector will attend at the fol-
lowing pplacesforlthe purpesti yilreceiving taxes:
Clinton . ... , . , December 10th
Kinbnrn •• llth
Auburn .... 12th
Londesboro December 18th and 14,,h
Ratepayera will please remember that 5 per
cent will be added to all taxes unpaid after Deo
Nov 29 -td. Collector.
We're never so happy as
when we're able to give some
extra price inducements.
Some of our leaders :
E lbs Raisins
3} lbs Ourrante 25o.
6 lbs Fig4 25c.
Cluster Raisins, New Nuts and
Lemon, Orange & Citron Peel
22 ibe Granulated Sugar $1.00.
25 " Coffee " 21.00.
6 the Rice 25o.
6 " Tapiot a 25o.
4 cane Vegetables 300.
Highest price for good butter and eggs.
No trouble to sell goods as
we "fear nae foe;
W. T. O'Neil
Our telephone number 19 48
We have just received a
shipment of our ' justly cele-
brated line of Standard Shoes
for Boys. These goods need
no .introduction as they are al-
ready well known and are re-
e•cognized to ibe the best wear -
pig Boys' Shoes on the mar-
They are made of a choice
quality of Milwaukee grain
and without seams,
Insoles and counters guaran-
teed to be absolutely solid sole
No Shoddy
No Paper Soles
REPORT. -'The following is the report
of S.. t5. N'-, 2, Colborne,the order of
merit being based an marks obtained
in exams held during the rnotth:-Sr.
Oke, Leo Olde, Pearl Fisher,
Benson °' ;Long, Johnny id,edr:le,. Ray
Marring; Jr, 4 -Nellie .Morrish, Jessie
Oke, Lily Morrish; Sr. 3 -Lonnie Oke,
Maggie A1cMath, Nellie Straughart,
Ethel Straw hen, Ray Moore, Nellie
Jewell, Mabel Straughan; Jr. 3-W11
son. Oke; Sr. 2 -Clifford Gledhill, May
Dewey, Vera Manning; Jr. 2 -Fletcher
Fisher, Arthur McMath; Sr. Pt. 1 --
Clyde Gledhill, Victor Newell, Steil,' Mor rich, Colin Edwards, Louise M•
Math, Willie' Risley, Leek** Flay ley;
Jr, Pt. 1 -Lavers nce Mugford, Lea
reuse Meare,•-A. FERGUSON, teacher,
EILBER.-In Stephen, on Noy. 24, to 14r and
Mrs Chas Eilber, a son..
t,RA WFORD,-In Londesboro, on Nov 19th,
the wife of Charles Crawford, of a son.
LEE. -In Hallett, en Nov .2lst, the wife of
William Lee, of a son.
GIBBON. -In Howick, on Nov 17112, to Mr
and Mrs James Gibson, a daughter.
BURROWS.-ln Seaforth, on Noy 24th, the
wife of Deli' J Burrows, of a son.
PURCELL.-]n McKillop, on Nov, 20th, the
wife of Mr Thos Purcell, of a daughter,
NOBLE, -In Westfield, en Nova 28th, the
wife of Thos. Noble, of a son:
CRA WFORD-In Tuckertlmith, on Saturday
Nov. 80th, John Orawford, aged 84 years 6
months and 19 days.
ADAMS-WHEATLEY-At tlib residence of
the, bride's parents Hullett, en November 18th*,
1901, by Ile r. r', B. Coupland, Mr. Isaac Miller
Adams, to MissMary Deletia Wheatley, both of
EMECISQN-BRITTON-At the home of the
bride's parents. Hallett on Nov 28,'bv Rev T li
Coupland, Mr Edwin Emerson, of. Killarney,
Man., to Mises Ida Britton, of Hallett..
WALKER-SNELL.- At the home of the
bride's parents in Hallett ou Dec. 8rd : by Rev
T B Coupland, Mr Elisha Walker, of East Wa-
wanosh, to Miss Mary Snell, of Hallett.
SANDERS -WOOD. -At the residence of the.
bride's parents, London, on Nov 27th, Mr Jas.
A Sanders, son of Mr Samuel Sanders, of
Exeter, formerly of Stephen, to Miss Emily,
daughter of Mr Wm Wood, formerly of
GILL-CARNOCHAN,-In Grey ou Nov. 20
by Rev D B McRae, My William, Gill to Miss
Mary .7 Oornochan all of Grey
manse Fordwich, by'the Rev"A B Dobson, on
Thursday, Nov 21st, 1901, Mr Richard Bennett
to Miss Margaret Jane Montgomery, all of
WALLACE-GREENLEY. -0n .Wednesday,'
Noy 20th, 1901 at the residence of the bride's
parents, Lakelet, by the Rev A B Forney, Mr
William Wallace to Miss Lizzie Greenley,
both of Howick, • •
DALY-PHELAN.-In.St: Patrick's church,
Hamilton on Nov 25th, by Rev Father Cote,
Mr John 1!' Daly, jeweler, Seaforth, to Miss
Mary Ph.lan, daughter' of the late Edmund
Phelan, of Hamilton. •
HIGG1N-HUMBSTON.-10 Hensall, on
Noy 27th, by
Mr Jewett, ef
t MrRobert eber
Higgins. on otMrBen' Higgins,of
to Miss Mary Humeston, of Hensall.
residence, Hensall, on Nov 27th, by the Rev
Geo Jewitt, Mr Jos Bonthron to Mise Bertha,
daughter of G T Yungblut, all of Henson.
Nov 6th, by the Rev . Alex Ester, Mr Wm
Muldrew, of Collingwood, eldest son of the
late John Muldrew, of Egmondyille,' to Miss
R Buswell,:of Brantford
ABHBURY.- In Oakville (formerly 02 Blyth),
Nov 21st May Ashbury, in her 8th'year.
GRAM.-- In Hay township, on Sunday, Nov
24th, Mrs. George Gram, aged 80 years.
LAOEY.-ln Goderich Township, on San-
dal, Nov 24th, John. Joseph, son of Mr Thos
Lacey, aged 3 years and;11 months.
GREEN. At Sault Ste Marie, :Ont., on Sat=
urday, Nov 23rd; Andrew.1 Green, son or Peter
Green, Sheppardton, aged 82 years.
COAD. -In Wingham, on Nov 20th Esther,
relict of the late Thomas Coad,' aged l7, years.
HAWTHORN. -In Wingham, on Nov 23rd
IFern: Hawthorn, niece. • of Mr and Mrs' B .1'
Jenkins, aged 1 year, 1 month and 18 days. '
EAST. -In Hultett, on Thursday. Nov 23th
Thomas East, aged 71 years, 7 months and
7 days.
CAMPBELL. -In McKillop, on Nov•24th,
Catherine McDonald, beloved wife tf James
Campbell, aged 47 years.
STEWART.-In Paris, on Nov 17th,Isaac
Stewart, eldest son of the late . William .Stew-
art, of East Wawanosh.
BLAIR; In Sault Springs, Missouri, on Nov.
13th, Mas Marion Blair, formerly et, Howick
township, aged 89 years.
PUIi0ELL'-in Egmondville, .on November
fait, `ural O'Neil, wife of Mr Jami Purcell,
aged 55 years, •
LAWSON.-In CoIbOr'ne township, on Thurs-
day, Nov. 26th, Miller Lawson, aged 66. years.
WADE -In Brantford, en Novemder 80th,
Cynthia, beloved .wife' of B. L. Wade, formerly
of Clinton,
HOUGHTON. -In Hansa' 1, Dee. '4th, John
Hottahton, aged 63 years. • •
KENNARD -In Seaforth,Nov..28th . Harriet
Kennard,.daughter of the late Theo. Kennard,
of Bruceeld aged 42 yeary..
MARRIAGE. -On Wednesday of lad
week the hate of 0 F' Yungblut was
the scene of a happy event, when hie
eldest daughter, Miss Bertha, was unit-
ed in marriage to Jaynes Bonthron,,.
leading 'salesman. of McDonell estab-
lishment, The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev Geo Jewitt, under a Aural
bank. The bride,escorted by her fat her,
looked very attractive in a wedding
dress of white organdie, with longi
train, and carrying a bouquet of whit o
costa. Miss Smith, of Godericli, laved
the wedding 'march, and Mies Flossie
Bonthron, sister of the groom, acted as
iing•bearer, and Lily Yungblut, sister
of the bride, as maid of honor. After
he ceremony the happy couple were
warmly can,xratulated by the aasembl-"
ed guests, numbering about O0, after
which all
partook ofthe
dinner that
awaited. • The newly wedded couple
are taking app their residence in the
house tormerly occupied lay W Elder.
DEATH oP MRs GRAM - On Sundays
the 24th ult., death removed one of the
oldest and most respected residents of
Flay township, in the person of Mrs G
Gram. Mrs Grain had ' attained the
good old age of over. 80 years, and was
born in Sing tgwnship, York count y.
When abut twenty years of age she
married Gree Gram, and movedwith
him to Hay township, about 45 years
ago. Had the,deceased lived' till May,
she and her• now bereaved husband
would have enjoyed 00 years of mar-
ried life. They moved to Hay, when.
this section was a vast wilderness. The
deceased was an exemplary Christian,
a kind wife and mother,and a neighbor
loved and admired by all who . bad the
pleasure of her aequairtance. Besides
her husband She leavestwo sons and
three daughters to mourn her loss,
George who resides on the farm.Orland
of South Dakota, Mrs Spikeman of near
Bayfield, Mrs James Jarrot, of Hills-
green.and Mrs Wm txrandy,of Decker-
ville, Mich.
o'clock on Wednesday, the 27th inst.,
a wedding tookplace; at' the residence
of the bride's mother, Mrs Humeston,
when her eldest daughter, Mise, Mary
Alice, was united in married to Mr
Robert Higgins, of Usborne, The
bride, ' who was handsomely gowned.
in whiteorgandie and carried`a bou-
quet of white roses, looked charming.
L>ttie Ena Jewitt acted as maid of
honor. The wedding march was
played by Miss Higgins, sister of the
groom.' Rev. George Jewittperformed
the ceremony which made the happy
couple bee. About forty guests were
p ent c'udin those from Peter-
born,.IfLondon, Exeter, St. Marys,
Wingham and Bruceield, Wand other
points. After the ' eeremnythe
happy couple were warmly . congratu-
lat ed, and the company •sat down to
the bridal repast, The: presents were
numerous and costly. Theyoung
couple intend settling on a farm. in
TJeburne, a little to the east' of Ex-
eter. 1 he hi ide wily he greatly
rnisetd; in the Sunday School and
Epworth League of the Methodist.
Church, where she wasalways; a will-
ing and helpful' worker. Their many
friends w ish them ever y happiness
and a long live to enjoy it, inwhich
the New ERA joins.
NOTES. --J E McDonel was in Goder
ich Wedne day, 0 .rnnie Cook was
in Stratford on Saturday. Geo : Sweet
was in. Aliso. Craig on Wednesday: Miss
Lala Hoover; .Clinton, and Miss Clara
KellervisitedMiss Vera Murdoch over
Sunday. Misses Murdoch spent Thanks-
giving in Lucan. I Buchannan is visit-
ing hie parents. G McEwen was in
London on Wednesday.; Mr. McMartin,
oflLondon, spent Thankeegiving Day
in town. C. 13riathwaite. Lucan, visit-
ed in town over Sunday.
Mrs, Sohn Haber was struck by a train
near Simooe and killed.
The manfactnre, of whisky from water-
melons will be tried at Baltimore,
Miss Adelaide Tait wasthre,wa out of a
waggon near Winnipeg and fatally inj red.
Sale Register.
Auction Sale of British -Columbia Horses, on
Saturday, Deo, 14b at 1' p • m,at the G. 4 .. B,
stook yards, Seaforth 25 horses and colts, all
halter broken and some brbken to harness.
Dc. 6-2.
Ebony Goods and Perfumes
Finest and largest selection ever ' displayed in
Ebony Hair Brushes 59c to $3,00.
Ebony Mt1%teryBrnahes $1.50 to $3.00 per set.
Good values in Ebony Mirrors,Cloth, Hat,Bcrinet and N ail Brushes,.
Perfnmes,beat retention 'we.have ever had, ranging from oz bottle good
perfume at 100 to fanny' Out glass in morocoo-case at $4.00.
Purses 254 to 25.00
Call and see our goods it is a pleasure` to show
T. E. HOVIW, Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton.
i ;
Where Are We brow..
In the Lead. Again -
Great 'Bargains for Xmas and New Years
4lbs new seleotedRaiein! for 25o - I 8i lbs new cleaned Currants for 26o
7 lbs good Cooking Figs for 25o I 61 a Rice for 25o
61bs Tapioca for. .......25c 1 6.lbe of Sago. for., ...... . ... . ,25o
4 cans torn, Peas or Tomatoes tor 25o
Sugar 1 Sugar i Sugar !
261be Bright Coffee Sager for 1.00, 23 lbs extra Standard Granulated Sugar for $t',
Table Raisins, Royal clusters, Black Baskets,Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels, Filb*rte,
Almonde, Walnuts, Peanuts, All new fruit at the lowest prices.
For a Christmas .remembrance bay a Dinner, Tett or Toilet set, Fancy China, or a
Lamp, which we offer at a snap. Call and,
"lino quality and prioe and yea are sure
to buy. Wanted good butter, fresh dr
eggs, ptolea and good potatoes.
Phone 4'i. J W. IR,VVIN , Clinton
0.4•••••00404•00 wo•••••
ivzciciiiiiou ' o,
Singe we introduced the celebrated Stanfield Unehrinkable Underwear
Ithree years ago, the demand for these goods is inoreaeicg very rapidly, and thin
year will he a reonrd breaker. The more these goods are known the larger our
agree, Stanfeld'eUaderwearis made of thebest Nova S.otia wool and pu. through
l♦ patent process whichmakes them unshrinkable. Wash them as you Ilk, -
and if they shrink fetch them beck and get your money.
Beware of imitations, none are genuine except branded "Stanfield." We
lore local agents for them, you cannot get them in Blyth 'except from us, We
lalso carry a large stook of other lines of Underwear at primelike these:
Men's Plain Shirts and Drawers, all size, 25o.
• Men's Fancy Stripped Shirts and Drawers, 35e
Men's Sootoh Knit Wool Shirts and Drawers, 50o.
Men's Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, double, breast and back, very special,.
in all sizes, 75o. .
Stanfield's Unehrinkable Shirts and Drawers, iu fine rib, all wool, med-
o inmweight, $1. .
Stanfield's Unehrinkable, ribbed, heavy weight, all pure wool, Shirts -and
Drawers, in all sizes, $1,25,
If you want anything in fine Furs, yon h tntd Bee -our immenae,' stook of
Caperinee, Ruffs, Astrachan Jaokets, Fur-tine.l Capes, Men's Fur Coats in
Racoon, Wallaby, Siberian Dog, Galloway, and Cab Bear.
McKinnon & Co., Sly
..e.. 0....N....i WNW1
Christmas "resents,.
You will need some, so we have a good variety -Pretty
Dolls,' Looking Glasses, Books, CardsTable and pocket
Cutlery, Purses, Handkerchiefs, Stick Pins and many other
'useful articles besides Cups, Saucers, Berrysets, Fruit and
Salad dishes, then 'if you want o make Christmas cake, our
Raisins, Currants, Peel, Essences, Baking Powder, eta ,cannot
be excelled; do not fail to give us a trial. Do you want good
Tea, Cheese, Coffee,, Biscuit or an endless variety of Candy,
why just come here.
Terms cash or produee.
Bring your Butter, Eggs,Apples,
Patronize the New Shoe Store Lat'al,'pallovr,•,�'ou try, etc., we can handle all. Wishing, you
and get neer Shoes, a 14Merry Xinas. Yours for Business.
---� 'THEM TWO
Buy your new hat
Before Easter, before the style and
size get broken. We make a epeoiality of
bate and have a larger' stook than in any
previous season of the beet English and
American make, styles and sizes. .
In English bats we Thrive 'the • cele-
brated Wakefield, Sackville and Leslie
makes. Oar American Hats combine good
style and quality in all the new colors from
pearl to black,
A. J. MORRISH, Clinton
Pants and
We bave'a line of pante that cre going..
to be cleared reit at 75o, and another. line
at 90o,T both of these' would be good buying
at more money; ^
Tall men have had a lot of trouble
getting overalls Iocg enough in the leg and
not too large inthe waist,•. we have justwhat
is wanted, 36 inches in the longest, they
cost more to make them that way but they
are of '
n at u„ same price.
We have an 'extra good black worsted
suit made to order at $16. Wig the reg-
ular $18 quality. but by buying a large
quantity we can sell it for 216.
A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton.
The Bankrupt stock of 0. B. Koenig is yet well. assorted..
We have been adding new goods as we sold out, the Bankrupt
Stock, and we have nearly everything in Staple Goods requir;-
ed for the Falltrade.
We do not intend to replenish our stockbut shall
to sell what we have at big reductions, in order to `clear out as
soon as possible, as we shall positively close up as soon as pre-
sent stock is disposed of.
We ask all parties desirous'. of getting good goods at lows.
prices to call and see us as we can give prices that cannot be
equalled rn town, having bought the goods :at58c on the S.
We shall sell everythingcheap,'but havespecial bargain*
in some lines.
We will mention a few specials -Dress Goods, Prints," '''
Flannels; Flannelettes, Cottons,.Shillings, Denims, Cot- '
tovades, Tweeds, Underwear, Small Wares, etc.
We havejust opened up a large stock of Ladies' ' and
Children's Jackets, all'new, that we shall sell at about
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits at Big Reductions.
Men's, Boys' and, Children's Overcoats at Wholesale.
We have a lot of Men's Odd Coats (50 or 60) at . about
price. Odd Pants and Vests, Overalls,. etc,
Boots and Shoes
Men's, Ladies' awl Children's Boots and Shoes at cost.
Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Goods, Sox a:d Rubbers.
Rubber Boots at Cost and under.
Come and see for yourselves the bargains we have.
Plu nsteel • 8 Gibbing
r' .
P• -
W. L. 4UIMET rE, Londesboro.
It's a good time to buy a sleigh'robe,nit season le Wet opening and we may
expect at least four months of delightful winter weather, if you have not a good robe'
y'n'Il need one, bay the best, that id the Sasketohewan, it is without -yearns, handsome,
warm, durable, and waterproof, ie lined with a superior astrachan lining, and hag An
interlining of rubber i,iiebting to make it both wind mid waterproof, with ordinary oars
it will last from ten to twenty years, if not longer, will shed the water better end dry
'quicker than any far robe and never gethard, it is also moth proof, which is a great
point in its favor. Sizes: -52 x 54 27.00,'54 x 64 $8.00, 54 x 74 $0,00.
Goat Robes, Long Bair, dark grey, $6,00,
The Astrachan Cloth Coat, made by the slime People who make• the Saekide s.
ewan robes,le a handsome ongtom'mede garment, with el high rolling collar, lined frith -
Mach Italian quilting, and rubber lining in the body part and sleeves to snake it wiled
and waterproof; many prefer it to it ins coat, Pride 1115,00,
tlnderwoart-Stanfleld'e unehrinkabls at $2,00 'to .$2.50 a gust le the trails
ratisfaotory and 000nomioai nndorwear in the market, try if,
We pay highost prices for Butter, Eggs and Pota'oeg,
Fred T, Jackson , ndesho R. ;. W. L.
OUIM TT ,' Loudes