HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-06, Page 3se. THE CLINTON NEW Era DWI '41tere le just one thing to Use if your stomach is 'tout of order" and that "One thing" is Dr. Here's Golden Medical Discovery. The atmposition is that you want a prompt Care a.nd a lasting cure. That is wily the "Discovery " is recolnrnended as the one thing for your condition. It cures premptly, perfectly and per- Inanently, diseases •4:tf the stomach -and -organs of digestion and nutrition. It's •titre to help. It's • ahnost sure to cure. It has completely • cured ninety-eight cent. of all ose who have given It a fair and faithful trial. "About ten years ago I begim to have trouble with my stontach,” *writes Mr. Wm. Con- nolly, of 535 Walnut St., Lorain, Ohio. It got so bad that I had to lay off quite often two and Mete days in a week, my stomach would bloat, *would belch up gas, and was in awful distress at such times.. I have been treated by the best doctors in this city but got no help whatever. Some said I bad cancer of the stomach, others dyspepsia. I have bought and tried everything I saw advertised for dys- pepsia and stomach trouble, but continued to get worse all the time. .S.bout twelve months ago I was in such a condition that my friends had sonie fear allout my recovery. It was then I Wrote to yOu for advice. You told me that by fly symptoms you thought I had liver complaint and advised the use of your 'Golden Medical Discmfdry ' and ' Pleasant Pallets' in connection. These medicines I have taken as directed, and am very happy to state that I cotnmenced to get better from the start and have not lost a day this summer on account of my stomach. I feel tip-top, and better than I have for ten years.” Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the bowels and stimulate the liver. • Sold by,All Newsdealers Furn shes Monthly to all lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most popular authors. 04 Pages of Plano Role Half Vocal, Half Instrumental 21 Complete Pieces for PIRO Once a Month for 10 Cents. Yearly Subscription, $1.00. If bought In any music store as • alf off, would cost $5.25. vIng of $5.15 menthly. 7La one aryougetnearIy8O0Pagesef Music, comprican' g 252 Complete Pieces for the Piano. you cannot get a copy from our Newels:aka lend to us and we will mail you a sample fess. • jPEPPER, Pubfialtee. 41114ntift* Locum Sta., Pim tadisiolas pet. The. London Daily FREE PRE8 Two o'Clock Edition, PER YEAR This edition 19 published especially for towns, villages and rural districts in Western Ontario. It gives all the news up to ONE O'CLOCK each day, including Foreign, Canadian, American, District, Local Dad porting. ' It contains eight to twelve pages 141ve days a week, and sixteen pages on Saturday. Half -tone and other Illustra- tions of important .doings and prominent people appear every day. The Saturday edition alone is worth the price. Sabecriptions received at any time, Address- -Re London Free Press Ptg. Co LONDON, ONT. Mention this nano. Si YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS . Anyone sending a sketch and description may illicitly ascertain our opinion ft ee wnether an iEdoothm is probably patentable. ComMunIca. eons strietig cone &mufti. Handbook oidon Patent* sent tree. espiegency forsenringliiatente. rents taken through mann & Co. receive weskit notko, with2ut charge, lathe Scientific A handsomely Illustrated oeekir. tarizot ealation of any scientiflo lournal. Terms. Ea ears tour maritha, $1. Sold moan newsdealer& ptio &c0,3611311adwat• New York who& St - Washington D. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE"' A FAMILY 1.1i3NertY lho Best in Current Literature 12 Comm -TE Novkl-t, MANY SHOFiT ST�REtS AND PAPCRS ON TIM MN TOPICS $2.80 rognVMAR ; 26 Cll. A COPY NO OONTINUILD STORMS VOW' HUM tree tort ettra IN Mery What Became Cif the Porn. peilaus ? AX NORDAII raises au interk esting question eoncerning Pompeii. He writes as fo1. lows to the "Neue Freie Presse" (Vienna): "One thing hasalways peen a puzzle to xne. Here was a flourishing city of about 80,000 inliabita,nts, most of whom evidently were well -Ueda, A few hun- dreds, at most, lost their lives in the • destruction Of , the city; the • rest esoa,ped. The eruption of Vesuvius continued, only a few days, after which the district returned to its usual placid conditien. In many places the deposit of ashee and lava was only a yard thick, and it was net snore than three • Yards thiok at anY Point yet excavated, 1. "How did it happen that these 80,000 homeless persons showed no desire to return to their beautiful houses, so well 'built that they are standing to this day, and which could have been restored, at the time, with very little labor? Why did they not make the slightest attempt to regain their valu- able property in la,nd" and building% furniture, bronze, gold; silyer and Jew. els? Did the men of that time have so little love of •home that •they could leave it withouti a backward glance at' the first unpleasantness? Were the Pompellane so rich that the loss of their perfectly appointed homes ap- peared trivial to them, s� that they preferred settling•elsewhere to rester - Ing their city? Or did superstition prevent the attempt? ' "This • indifferent renunciation of their patrimonyby a. whole cityful is to me an insoluble. enigma, which forces itself the more strongly uporrmy Eaten - tion now as I walk along the finely paved streets between houses which need only new roofs to make them , again habitable."• , For Sale—An Island Kingdom The chance is now opento any Mile lionaire to own -an island kingdom or to become a Highland lord and live in an historic castle., The advertisement offeringthese estates appeared in some United -States newspapers,. And Was signed by the business agent • of the Duke of Argyll. . •• "The Island Kingdom. of Tiree," as the advertisement calla it, is one of the Inner Hebrides, an island a.bOut thir- teen miles long and nowhere more than six miles Wide. It, Is only 'twenty feet above the jeVel of the sea; :and there are hardly any • trees .on it; but the land is mostly fertile, and •the ten- ants, who live by farming, cattle -rais- ing and fishing, pay the duke rentala aggregating more than fifteen thou sand. dollars a year e' ' - •• "Excellent winter bathing, 'good. golf links,. splendid • beaches., sage liatbing and good sea -fishing" are Some pf • the island's attractl'onsthat might• -be ex- pected to appeal to a purchaser. Inverary Castle, Argyllshire, the an- cestral abode of the bukes. Of' Alwyn, is also advertised; but it is not an ate:. 'cient building. The oldest • part •of ' it dates back .to a period got ea,rlier than • 1750, and much of the castle has .been rebuilt since 1877..•• •'• • • The scenes pictured by Scott In 'th0, "Legend of Montrose" were •supposed to have taken peace In what is known as the "old" castle, Which stood near the sea and • has been duite swept away. No such romantiq interest at- taches to the present castle. . • But the man who buys the island Isingde of Tree—or,Tyree, as some of the books probab1y1 find in ' modern fictio a good many allusions to it. Fro the novels of 'William Black alone tnight be compiled a pretty • good guide -book to the.HebrideS, is- lands that, as another admirer has , said, are "beautiful in cairn, wondee-• ful. in storm." • Life A Burden One 01 Valtiaria'e Creat Lines. (From the Montreal Star.) The Ciooditioo ot Mr oortliner, ' In the Lentlen Times correspondence SW.101'4 Palls f descriptive of the reeent ilroyal tour of 1 Canada, naany kind things: are said of , Ile Spent . Miserable Days and Sleepless the Dominion and her Interests. 0 P R AC a representative CanadiTheanin- Nighto—Hanaut Pe0 and "Arabs Stiff etitution. cornea in for considerable and Swollen, , notice, For instance.' "Illoreov.er, that wonderful Corpora - Evan the Record, Smith'e Falls, Ont, tion the Canadian Pacific) on which a Dr railway iourney • of 8000 miles may be "There is wonderful talk about taken in restfal comfort, Is a very po- Williams' Pink Pills, wby don't you try them ?" . tent influence towards the unification These words were addressed to Mr And, 0 Canada. There are those who ob. ject to the Canadian Pacific,. deecribing rew Gardinerl of Smith's Palls, by a friend when he was in the depths of despendeney it as a monopoly and the like;andthere regarding his perimai condition. For are those who dunk that when you three years he bad suffered ea much that have Said. 'monopoly' youhave begun and ended the Wilt le argument, But I life bed become a burden to him' and am not one of those, for 1 judge by re - oftentimes. he says, he almost wished that suite, • I find that the Oan Alan Pacific he might die, Then he 'spent miserable daze and eleopines nights, now he is en. railroad really has helped to open up jiving lift,. non . eie got, hands and .the country and really hese helped to unify Canada, and to make it prosper- tor were stiff and swollen end he was OHS. That the prosperity should be to torreented with a constant stinging, creepy sensation in his body which gave hithe pt•olit of the shareholder!, Who are m no rest day or night • now ho 18 as eripple largely English, as, to ntiv mind, 90 as ever he was, with the stiffness, the swell- much the better. Moreoverahis much I knew and 1 have so indicated by tela. lug and the creepy sensation all gone, fie attributes it all to the use of Dr Williams' gram, when you go further than the Pink Pills. Canadian Pacific. Railway, even in • Mr Gardiner is a man ouabotth 65 years, Canadian Pacific. Railway carriages, an old and highly respected resident of you fare very considerably worse. You 8.mith'S Fella: Having hearda good. deal als c'n a line that does not pay,an d you see valve it 16becanse it is 111,naanagecl. to talk abut thelinprovement effected in Now the line that does. not p•ty-its ilia healt by Dr Williams' Pink Pills the owners is also of very little wine to Record ht a reporter to atieertain . the the public, and the line that does ...pay exiact truth and Mr Gardiner fold him sub- the really* useful to the publie, That le stantially what is related above. He said ' 'whY, to use a sporting. term, I erre a backer of the Canadian Pacific.” that he tried a 'lumber of dootors -as good dootoks as there were in the country—but got no relief. --Exactly what. the writer refers to in He was given to understand that the trout* was mined by bad cir• speaking of another toad .where mis- oulation o1. the blood, but nothing did him management prevails and tbe under- taking does net pay, is uncertain. At any good. He could not wear boots. his . feet were so swollen and when he tried to the same time a word in this ,connec- walls) hie legs felt like atlas. Finally he tion must he said for . another of our was induced to give .Dr Williams'. Pink great Canadian highWaystone in which British energy and British capital have Pills a trial, . He took six. bertha, he eaid, clone not a little to develop the country but did not see that he was .1=0i better. now He determined to quit 'taking them but which isanited under thanarne of was persuaded to continue there for a ()aria" he had taken The Grand Trunk Railway Company. little while longer. . When ., came upon' . the scene when railway ten boxes he was • greatly ' improved . and b ' .when he had taken twelve box( s he was so uilding was still in its youth. The first railroad in Canada was opened in well that he did not need any more. It is, 1853, and when the Grand Trunk Com - several monthe since. he has Wren them. pany opened the first of their • main ' and he has had no return. of 'the trouble. line—three years later-- we only had• When the reporter saw him - he was wear about J00 miles of road in all Canada, °hie ordinary bode and ha said he could t outside of their oval line. By 1860, they get into and out of ii.beggy,a0 well art .any had constraoted and had in oPeratiolf mart of hie years in the .country. ' ,' ' close upon 900 Miles of railway. They ' Dr Williamie,Pink Pills are the friend of the weak. aid ailing,They surpass alr bad ,achieved an erigineerinemaryel by , Other nieaieinee in. their tonic, strengthen - bridging: the St Latorenea with the:. world's greatest bridge. They . had ing qualifier+, and make weak -arid des - , pendent' people . brought cornfort,convenience,progress, 'bright, active and health ' These pills are geld by dealers iii.niedfoing, to sections of the country .. which hall beerstagnant. . They opened np try settlers rich and fertile farm lands; to the luinberinen, Valuable forests. They. putt the petiole. of Canada Within,. the reachof marketeeand. gave to this country' its &it great.upWare: impetuts., It was during the pioneer Work of the Grand Trunk people that many of the great problems in railway construction -were solved.. -They.weetno such thing. . as standard ', gettge in • railroading in ;those days. . Each read. had ' its own , gnaw), Some even more than one. The width between rails varied,. from less. than two feet to five and six feet..-, The eporionay of reads .exercising running ,.powers over each other'S. lines, .ot Int`PY eng'PerfeCted traffic 'arratikenients be- tween: the various. cOmpanies. on the continent; had not yet beerearri tied, at. The experfirientat stage of railroading; it must be renlembered„Wae also an ex- pensive period. period. Now that we are reap- ing the .benefft of the leesenslearned by thepasit;ilow that the railway system of a whole continent- IS connected and each line is &feeder to every Citlfeteno or, that we seeprosperOwitowns and cities where the pioneer railway men found wildernessor hamlets; new that we are enjoying ' a proeperitylargely 'contri- buted to by the,enterprise, the courage, the energy Of those who came among riti as strangers nearly half a century age, lotus net forge t *hat they dici. Ler pellet permit ourselves tosay unkind things of r holsb who did so Much to build Up this Canada of ours.; to instil into Canadians a deeper, spirit of BrifishlOyal ty.- And: let, us not, in silence, bear ethersespeak slightingly of an enterprise •so worthy. ily Canadian, so theroughly Imperial. Mr Reeves, the present menager.. of the Grand Truett Hallway, IS about to retire from that position. During his brief term of tidies he has held most ' • cordial relations with theeonernereial and travelling .public. He retires with the bestwishes of all who have had hairiness:With the road, and the kindli- est feelings of those who have been len- der his authority. The return of Mr Hayes to themanagement of the line cannot now be regarded as other than . an important event in the history of Canada. It means that he comee,with. the added experience ot a period seer* in contact *ith . the great roadsof our Southern neighboiewith fi fuller. know - lodge Of the requirements of Modern. railroading with • all his well-known energy and force of character, Lo devote himsel Fentirely for the future to ad - 4 . r 11 interests ef, Can. avdrni4,)e It iiii i. eed a • important event for the (*ranTrunk;l animportant event for the usiness interests of Can - ad 1. or can be had, post e std. at 50 cents per box or six helps for $2.50•: by addressiwe the Dr Williams Medunne Co., Brock. • . . 4 Sober Country, eaoada.' • The drink Itebit in, Canada 'has dergone, in the past fe w years, km ost marked change for the better. Thi is In open evidence on every side,: es- pecially in the smaller country towne„ But the change is also shown by the reverue returns. They reveal that Canada conethries a'great dear of wine of the lighter kinds. And •sign is the Inerease in the consumption of beer,' which has doubled in 30 years, though it only stands to•day at 4,737 gallons per capita. The fall in the. consuinpe titan Of alcohel is Moat remarkable, and those who recollect the days when whiskey of more or less doubtful character was the ordinary beverage. must be surprised as well as, gratified at the reform. The table showing • the comparative consumption is • as Per COnsumption Bead • allons. Gallone Canada (WOO)... ; ' 0.765 Unit ed Kir-is:don; (1.660) 400•00b 1•12 F ti . • ra ce (1 fle)) .. 78 44000 2.0Z President Loubet's Wardroba , I A correspondent of the "Cri Ide Par- is" has ascertained certain facts in re- • gard to President Loubet's wardrobe which are being copied with extraor- dinary avidity by the Parisian and pro- • viricial press. It seems that M. Lou - bet has five Prince Albert • cciats—two for summer,two fol. winter, and one • extra for grand occasion's. Thie last one has been. worn only .three times—at the operiing of the exposition of 1900, at the reception of the Xing' of •Sweden, and at the garden party in. honor of I the Shah of Persia. This "gala" coat , differs from the others Iry that it has ' heavy silk lining and lapels. M. Lou- .1. bet invariably wears a Plainr black !' satin tie—not tled by hand, but sewn : together and attached With a clasp. M. Loubet used formerly to wear false 1 tuffs, but one day, while making a, - sudden gesture, the right-hand , cuff slipped -off and rolled ori the floor. This happened at the Luxembourg Palace, I when M. Loubet was president of the ' Senate Since t: , n, M. Loubet's shirt have been riaee with permanently at- tached wri tbands. 31. Loubet's trous- ers are ve„, 'peculiar. They are big.* or gray in ceior, but their cut is of the old-fashioned pattern, with the top of the trousers coming up us high as the armpits. M. Louhet has always 'twin trousers of this quaint type; and Is .so accustomed to them that he has an inveterate dislike. for 'everiffig clothes, which, with low-cut, open waistCoat, render the armpit trousers Impossible. The president's wardrobe is, however, provided with seVeral airs of evening trowters suitable for low-cut, open waistcoats. •• Oerrnanl (1904) 107,800,000 Ti United States 1899)- - • 81.008,000 100 Canada le the eoberest ca the lot, and the 'only conclusion a Inch can be ar- rived at is t hat the drinking habits of her people are a low average, and are eetting lower evely few years. The Dominion will, probably, in 14. very short time,, present the stiiking spec- tacle of a county in which prohibition, even thnugh it be advocated, will be wholly unilec.eesary. • Otilt PAST RECORD. Onr past record of successful cateringi the wants of a critioal publie is the ) sit guarantee we can offer to all who are not yet nambered among our permanent ens- tomer% Please rentember that we make a specialty of filling physicians' prescrip- tions. Oar stock of perfames,toilet articles, brushoff, sponges, et., is large and varied. Tut HOST RELIABLE Axe POPULAR. Paine' s Celery Compound is the most re- liable and popular family medicine, and is epecialty recommended for the cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, lierVOUS diseasee and sleeplessness. If you have not succeeded in bewailing your trongles, come to 118 for a bottle of Paine's' Celery Com. prated. It will riot disappoint you. Australia's Governor-Gotteral. • It is feared In some quarter's that the Earl of Hopetouri wilIl hot be able "ter complete his term as Govetrior-General of Australia. His Lordship has never entirelyshaken ciff 'the effects of the illness whith preetrated ,hirn in India on his way out to Australia., and though he was really prominent ati the 'host of the Bake and Dudhesti df Corn - Weill, he has Since, Owing M his un- eattetattory health, been unable to ful- fill madly of hie public. engagements. • Prod' Adduced.. "Everybody sari the baby is just like "What nonsense. Why, it hasn't Gard a word since it was born." A /timeless Case, "Are die Guggletons itt emelt re- duced cirettmstanees?" "Oh, yes, WilSei I Undertitand, they are obliged now to live within their ineritne."—N.Y. "Life." TO °tam A, CORN IN TWENTY407.1/a HOURS. There In Ile leek of moaned arms for corns. The vegetable' animal, and mineral kingdoms have been rammeked for euros, It is 6 eimple matter to remove corm with- ont pain, fora you go to any druggist or medicine dealer and buy a bottle of Put- nem's Painless Cern and Wart 1;4'1ft/toter and apply it its direct the thing is done. Get “Pnttnan's" and )1f:tether, eettititeatieellitai. B COMI3E, Druggist, Clinton, Ont. BbJe TrannIallons. The following. translations of part of the lst chapter of Luke are lutnCleil Us for publication. Most people will find them exceedinwly difficult to read and understand, but can form some idea of the English le nguage that was spcjkerfl ili thoee early dart. WICLuo TrtANSLATIoN, 1380 A. Di 07 And Ztearia, his fadir, was fulfil - ed with the holt goost, and profealed and said 68 Mined be lord god of Israel; for he bath visited and made redempciouri of his puple; 69 And.he hath reried to us an horne Of heelthe, in the Imue of dairith his child. 70 As he epake hi the mouth of his boll profetis that waren fro world 71 Helthe fro our eneMes shed fro the hond of ell men that batten us. 72 To do limpet with our fads and to haw tilyned of his holi testenaent, 73 The greet ooth that he swoor to Abraham our fadir, 11/1131IMNIS 1632 A. D. • 67 And Zaeharie his father ivas re- plenished with the Holy Ghost and he propheeied, saying 68 Blessed be our Lord God of Israel, because he bath visited and wrought the redemption of his peopel, 00 Ai. ',lilt erected the horn of sal - nation to vs he honse of Dania his sernatit. . • 70 As h e snake by the Month 0fllit4 holy premhets thae are frorwthe beginning; 71. Saluation for our enemies and. from the and of al that hate vs; 72 To worke mercie with our father and to remembet his holy testament, 73 The °the which he swire to Abrea httin our father, •• •Dvery housekeeper must often act faniily phyeiciati, PitheXiller for pill the little ilia, outs and OPrailld, as well Me fee all tovtel eampleints, is indisporillible. Avoid subetitntee ineee Is bto One reein. Killer, Perry Davie'. 25o and 000, ki Ecfitsr's Watt,' O the Marvellowi Restorative Quill- • flea of Dr. Chases Nerve Food. Mr, A. It. FaWcetty • the We:140'10*n editor and pi oprietor of The Leader and Recorder, 'i'oronto Junction. arite8 "It Is verv selacm that„1 traa meat - of any rkscriptiore but thin spring I got so badly run dowri and out of „sorts generally, that I beeante some- what alarmed. Chancing to read a teStimogial.abOut the results derived from Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, from a gentleman whose ease seemed to be identical with iny ov It, I purchased a box, and commenced using IL "The result was -Imply Imarvellourt I 'was benefited from the first, and goon restored to my usuagood health,. I never felt better in my iffe them 1 do now, To tell the simple truth, -I dM not have very great faith In any rued!. eine until 1 uSed Chride's • Nerve Food, but now I have no heeltation in strongly recommeilding this great remedy to others, WS a valuable and of. fective remedy." Dr. Chase's NetVe Food, the greet nerve restorative and blood builder is making hosts ofcures in all parte of • this broad Domitdon. Gradually • thoroughlyit builds up the .8 te and OVercoMee weakliest] and sons Go cents, a box, all dealers, or edinen,, tron Bated ift Company, The experiment Of supplying wbi 11 the letter-cardere, which is now "n oper- ation in Montreal, will, also be tried in Ttronto, LieuteCol, Sam.Iftrgbes has wired the Minister of Militia, offering to take eommand of the force to be sent to South Africa. Step* the (tough and Works oft the eoie. Lexative Bronx -Quinine 'Dtblete euro 010610doialli oned, to Cure, No Pay, Pilo Loos of appetite and genera (maim ere quiekly overeorne bythe um of a few bottles ' of the D & L Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, Manursoturea by the Davis ra Lawrence Co., Ltd. The resignation of Judge Ha niI of Halton county, has been received at Ottawa aud A T Gorham, of Port Arthur:has been appointed in his piece. Be Sure You Get the Kind You Have Always Had. - Owing to the great popular- ity of the D L Menthol Plaster, unwrap - alone makers are getl lug up one llice it. For rheumatism, neuralgia, ete, nothing is better. Blade only by Dayis rt Laatrenoe Co, Ltd. Mrs Emanclie Breault, of Tecumseh, was killed by falling through a bridge with a waggon load of cornstalks, which hurled apd smothered her. POOR GIRL, pmr HER, Growiug Yes, Ipto weakness, but not strengthen. Studiee-eplenty of them. Tried, of ammo s10 is, and weak t00. Does not est enough, and digests far less than enough. This condition is so fre- quent, but how. seldom noticed even by fond parents. Give her Ferrozone then watoh her appetite improve, her cheeks and lips grow ruddy, her stop elastic), her spirits bouyant, A.11 this simply the re. suit of eating and digesting enough, mak- ing blood, and thereby strengthening the nerye and brain pOlver. Ferrozone gives a woman's strength to Weak girls. Your daughter or wife needs Ferrozone. Get it today -at Comb's, price 503 British Conservatives, in convention, paseed a resolution calling on the Gov- ernment to arrest Colonel Lynch, re- cently elected M.P. for 9alway, should he land in England. Grip.Quinine Tablets (Cnocordimn COATED) Grip -Quinine Tablets cure all sorts oi gold and damp weather diteases. Grip -Quinine rattans all the curative virtues of Quinine, with the disagreeable. netts left out. The Chocolate Tabletform makes it pleasant to take, much nicer than: capsules, and better in results. Remember the name .Grip-Qu'inine Tablets. • The genuine are in boxes only, with Deg's Head Trade -mark, Refuse all otb.ers. Price 25 cents, at all druggists. of Cod Liver Oil. (Trade Mark.) For Lung Troubles, • Severe Coughs, Colds, Emaciation,&c, • • Few 'systems can assimilate pure Op, but as combined " The I). & L.", it is pleasant' and digestible. Will build you up; Will add soUd pounds of flesh; W111 bring you back to health. . • • 50c, and $1.00 bottles. _ DAVIS 86 LAWRENCE c0„ Limited. J.1:. TINDALL. BANSEK CLINTOX, ONT. Private funds to loan on mortgages at west °arrant rate" A General Banking nsiness trenseoted • '.:ntereet allowed on deposita. • Sale notes bought • THEIROLSONS BINH • Incorporated by•Aot Parliament 1855. • • -- • CAPITAL $2,500,005 : REST FUND $2,150,000 HEAT') ornop, MONTREAL Wu. Morfiox MACPHERSON, Presiden James Estiot,' den..114anager. Notes discounted, colleotiOns made, drsfte issued, sterling and Amerioan exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. Same° •BuiX —Interest allowed an sums Of $1 and up,' Money advanced to farmers on their own notes, With one or more. endorsors, No mortgage reqaired. 11.0.• Brewer, 151inagei„ Clinton. G.D. McTaggart BANKER. ALBERT ST, °LINTON A General Banking ll1us1nesa • , transacted XOTt S DISCOTINTRD Drafts issued. Interest allowed On • deposita. • New Blacksmith Shop. December etb,190 Co e Dandruff Cure SAVES THE HAIR Is a Tonic, cleansing and invigotating. It causes the hair to grow luxuriantly) keeping it soft and • pliant. Imparts to it the lustre and freshness of • youth. Permanently removing dandruff, and, pre. venting the hair from falling out, Coke Dandruff Cure is the most cleanly a all hair preparations. • Perfectly harmless to the skin or clothing. • It contains no coloring matter or dye.' a1.00 a bottle at all druggists. as a euppleMent to „Coke Dandruff CoCurkeeeaUngbge.Sushanip edforoloight cases of dandruff or where it is . loose ba the hair, An excellent hair cleanser for lediera At all druggists. • 1.L. BRBIMmE CO., LIMXPEHE.. TORONTO First -el iss Ciatters and Bug ies • I am handling the celebrated leoLeteehlin make of buggies and other makes of first-class Ontario firma Also of my, own manufacture including top hug' glee, mikadoes, etoof all the 'Meet and modern styles. Repairing of al • kinds promptly attended to. JOHN LEM:ATE .atiron StrOt, 91.1.3te3/1 Bargains in Furniture Just arrived a large consignment of new goods, Col:misting, of Bedroom Sets, Sideboards and Ex ension Tables. Theseeoods were bought right and will be sold cheap. • . • • .0fir stock of Window Shades was Wright before the riga. The ad- vantage is years, Now Picture Moulding, Mattress, Vire Spring, Mor- ris Chair,', Couches, and Iron Beds. , • ' Price of every artiole low as the quality will permit. Your tame back if yon want it.J. . . • 01-11.11-4M3177 331.1-5r1111, azzonzasmazz I For pure blood, kbright eve and ° w A Ow A %.Den 9petite, Aa Ors, digestion Ana refreshing sleep. W.4.14KM ristol s rsa arilla P >4. ,a o„oi.J*. e.• te4 so> . .7a It arouSes.the Liver, ti Quickens the. oiroulation,. Brightens the spirits- .and Generally, makes life worth -living. silFty seven years trial have proved it to be beyond quiegtiota, ' the 'most re! la Dia L,.00D purifier known. E. Ail the leadirg RrogE;sts BRISTOL'S SABSAPARILLAI 6m;wmammlamucratzmmmmmmiz;zeimml====== •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••oset•••••••••••Sottoo Subscriber hexing rented the Adis adioin i pared to do alt work in hid line. Re -has had • ng Leslie's Carriage Shop, Orange Rti. id pre. 1 a good many years' experience in the busi- 1 nets, and will give personaLattention to al l work entrusted to him, Special attention given to • Illorseshoeing andthe care ot Horses' feet. tiop +Artie Of VL tog. t4: 14 -reationable - 11t 10 LOIPPT. Clinton a•e'14)••444-104-4-tr 4 -e -e • vere•••444+, i, Orders delivered promptly to fill Pettit of the town. NA—Perkins having • hogs for shipment will confer a favor by • , leaving Word at the eller. Central Meat Market Theving putobased the butchering 'mintiest! Of P. H. Powell I AM ore. pared to ftirnieh the people of Clin- ton with all kinds of Presh and Oared Meats, Sausage, bologna I lard, butter and egg e always kept on • . hand. • it.. Fitzsimons & Son. Tel phone 76. THE KING; THE QUEEN and 'THE DUCHESS ; OF DEVONSHIRE. Remarkable Offer. Here Is the best offer over made in this community. By a very excellent ar- rangement made with the Saintly Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal we are enabled to offer Tian Oraierotr Nnw Etta and that great Family Paper, the Family Herald said Weekly Star for one year for the small sum of aL75 and in elude to each subscriber three beautiful premium pictures of which the follow. Ing is a brief description. XING EDWARD VII.—True te life, a beautiful portrait, size 18 x 24 inches, mi beautiful heavy white satin finished paper for framing. Thiel portrait has been taken since his accession to the throne, and is the very latest and beet obtainable. It cannot be had except through, the FAmiLlt HERALD AND WEEKLY STASI each picture bears the King's. autograph, This picture has the great merit of being the first taken after the King's accession, and has therefore an historical aaleti that no other ?Jaime can possess. t QUEEN ALEXANDRA.—An exquisitely beautiful *toe of the remark. $ ably beautiful and good Queen Alexandre, also taken since the King's acenseket to the throne. It is the same size as that ofthe King, the two hunting a hand- some pair Of *tures that alone Wohld sell for many thrice the sitheeriptimi PrI44 of paper and pictures. No portrait of the King.and lensed taken at the seeend or succeeding alt.), tinge can have one fraction of the value of the first. These go down to hibtoty. THE DUCHESS OF DEVONSIIIRK—The Renowned Gairoborottgh Pia trtre. Sold at auction sale in London twenty -Ova steers ego for $310,500, stolen by clever thieves, hidden for over twenty-four years and delivered to its owner on payment of $25,000 reward and since sold to Mr. j. Plerpont Maratha for 1176‘13" At brief, le the history of one of the premium *tune, which, la 6,ever stroke of enterprise, the publishers of the Faintly Herald have rieoured theh• eubstribers. The picture is 22x28 in ten dolours, and is reproduced line foe use,eolour for colour velth the original. COpied Of the reproduction are now sold in New York City, Montreal and Toronto for $12 each, and this is the picture Family Herald subscribers are going to get absolutely free together With the pleturee of the King and Queen. ' Is that not big valuet Oall at Trim akar mu, Office and tee sourer* Of these beautiful pastures. ° You went Tun Orarreoze XEW ESA, for the 16061 more and yen weal that great paper. the Family Herald, for it' 21 pages of genetell news and trendy reading. Its agricultural pages alone are worth many Untie th0 prink Being ot send your subtorlptiott to THE NEW ERA OFFICE* _