HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-11-29, Page 34
........ ....., ,
"A' number of years ago," eal4 the
SECURITY 1 ;I: piliTillifir:71:LIP:ttlt:::lueNtitteleswIsitt:Italtafaullu!ii!nnu' ?;1111;"
A rrealliSter'$ Story
Ail els sockwoodunan Wires Vie
idea of isAi 00tb,
•win It for a number ot reasone, and I
Strained every nerve to get a verdict in
iay client* favor. I bad everY hope that
would succeed till the opposing counsel
•put an old backsyroodarean ou the stand
Whese testimony was particularly dem-
ising to my client's case. believed
then, and I believe now, that the old map
Was lying, but , to prove it was another
raatter, as he told a istraight story and
etuck to it, so I was rather dlecouraged
when he was handed over to ale to be
cross examlued.
" 'You understand, of Course,' said 1,
'the solemn obligations of the oath you
gave when you took the stand
"He merely grunted in reply.
"'1 'suppose,' said I blandly, 'that you
understandthe nature of an bath?'
" guess I do,' he growled,
" give me an illustration ofsyour
Idea of an oath,' said I, .
"I was totally' unprepared for what
followed. The old man shifted his quid
of tobacco, took a firm grip on his chair
and ripped out a string of oaths that
threatened to raise the roof. It was sim-
ply awful. I• have •heard hard swearers
In iny life, but nothing to compare to
that. The profanity he used would have
kept a six mule team on the jump for a
week. Ells expletives were highly pic-
turesque, abounding hi fertility of !even -
don and unlimited lung power.
"When the judge caught his breath,
he fined the fellow for contempt of court,
and when I addressed the jury 1. made
the point that he couldn't be believed
ander oath and won my case. I could
afford to be .tharitable, •so X prevailed
upon the judge. to remit the fine against
the old man." -Detroit Free Preis.
tittle Liver Pills.
Must Sear Signature of
See Fac-Slmile Wrapper Below.
Vary small and sts eas'
to -take as safer.
FOR 11171INESt.
oxiavalaron euirro.s.'ive
owls I Y.
s- • • • _
The Whole Story
in a letter :
'Pain -Kale
From Capt P. Loge, Police Station NO.
5, Montreal:- 'We frequently Ub0 PERRY
Davis, Pets-lizmann for pains the stom-
ach, rheumatism, thrums, frost bites, chi&
blains, cramps, and all afflictions which
befall mania our position. I have no hesi-
tation in saying that PAIN -KILLER if, the
. best remedy to have near at band.".
Bead Internally and Externally.
• Two Sizes, 25c. and 50c. bottles.
Your Attention
Londesboro Mills
Have been remodelled by the •latest
system of our making by replacing
Ireele to the Wolf Gyator Sieve
System, which will enable me to maks
a more superior grade of flonr:
Trusting my attention to businese
will solicit your trade in general. I
cordially invite you to see the mill and
inspeot the flour.
It. S. Webb, - Londesboro
Students may enter at any time, either
ler a Businessor Shor-hand Course. Rates
anseonable-send for Journal.
Pres ident. Secretary
(your own selection) to every sub-
scriber. Only SO cents a year.,
145 CALL'S
A gem; beautiful colored plates': latest
fashions ; dressmaking economies ; faneY
work; household hints; fiction, etc. Sub-
scribe to -day, or, send sa. for latest copy.
Lady agents wantetl. Send for tertns.
Stylish, • Reliable, Simple, Up-to-
date, Economical and Absolutely •
Perfecst•PItting Paper Patterns.
All Seams Allowed and Perforations shott,
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Only to and 15 cents eath—none higher.
Ask ler them. Sold in nearly every city
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113-115-117 west 3ist st, NEW YORK.
A F'S 11.111.V LIBRARY
The Best in Crent literature
I$2.60 PER YEAR : 25 CTS0 A COPY
Sold by All Newsdealers
garnishee '11Aorithly tafl lovers of
Song and. Amick vasiVoitittie of New.
Choice Copyright Compositions by
the most popular authors:
64 Pages of Pimp pole
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21 CoMplete Hues for Plaito
ce a Montis for 10 Cents,
• . Yearly Subscription, $L00.
Wight In any Intl& *tete al
one -had °drama cost $5.2.6.
a Saving of $5.16 month*. • a 1
In one year you get nutty 800 P•..41
Maki comprising ZS Complete PkCa
tot iht Pial10.
If you comet get a copy fain*, Nuiettaika_
mad in tit and we wilt Med *Et* SDI* tikk
• J. W. PEPPER, possissy.
‘46suststs., Aso
The stranger stopped' on Madigan
street bridge to take's look at a .tug that
Was passing. •' • •
.A. sudden puff of wind blewhis hat
off and it fell into the river. '
• Into the Chicago river! •
And it was a new hat.. . •
. Instantly n. boy ran down the ladder
at the east end of the bridge, and as the
hat can* along he managed by menus of'
a pOle.to fish it Out. of the water,. • .
He brought it to the grateful owner.
• The gratefial owner took a look at it.
"My boy," he said impulsively; "you
may keep the het as yourreward." '
Then the. boy tocik a look at it and
.slowly shook his head. . ' • .
"Mister," he. said "couldn't you give
me a dime?"-Ohigago Tribune
• Getting EVen With Her. •
'"You may tell him," the said lanigh-
ely, "that 11 do not 'caroto meet people
Who 'deal in dressed beef."
Naturally thiS proud eastern aristocrat
thought she had him properly put down,
but she was in error. . • •
"Yononity. . tell her," he said by way Of •
replY, •"that whatever. I Put on the mar.
iket is at least dressed." •
. •
Then he looked.long and fiXedly ;at her
decollete. daughters -Chicago Post.
HI. Mother,. Explanation.
"Mamma, what's the difference be.
tween reality and imagination?"
••'The difference between reality and
Imagination isexplained by the difference
between your papaand your Uncle Ab-
ner.. our Uncle Abner takes the saw-
buck, goes out in the back yard, says
• nothing and saws wood, and your papa,
takes the ease chair and a pillow, goer'
out In •the front yard, says nothing and.
laws wood. --Indianapolis Sun.
• Rules and ExoeptiOnst.
"Politeness is never wasted," remarked
the man of Chesterfieldian manners.
• "Well, mister." answered the roughly
clad, weather beaten person. "that may
be trne in your part o' town, but if. you
Was in the canalboat business you'dloiew
that there ain't any use whatever. of
Kaybe 'please' to 4 mule." --Washington
• One Big Advantage. • 1
•"Dumbwaiters," said the architect, "are
becoming more and more common and
More and more necessary." •
"I wish to • thunder • they • had them
everywhere " •returned the man who
lives at restaurants. "That's the kind
ltd like to see. A dumb waiter couldn't
ask you for a tip." -Chicago Poet. .
• Cheerful Liars:
"I painted a winter scene the other day
that was so true to nature that the ther-
mometer in my studio fell twenty de-
grees." •
"Iluiriphl That's nothing, I painted
a portrait of Mr, Brown last year that
was so lifelike that 1 had to shave it reg-
The Traveting Hat.
"The great essential or a traveling
le that it should be flat at the back
order that one may lean one's head in
perfect comfort," says 8 won= Who
goes about a great deal. "That it should
• be light and In no sense extreme goes
without saying. Many hatters now, pro-
vide hats that are of amiable Inclination
at tbe back -hats that are mostly just
plain or banded ,straws, but there is no
...arisen why any of the milliners' hats
'should not take the right flattened Shape.
I think it Is for this reason that the tri -
tome is the favorite traveling shape with
the Parisienne, it tilts up at the back so
• oicely and jautitily. And that is wlaY
Frenchwomeli dress perfectly. They gel=
:tom etterifice coinfort or mem for style,
but make seneible and comfortable things
• look pretty."
Three Operations Failed
to Cure Itching Piles.
Nestle Of a Marvellous Cure Eller
Across the Continent -rather and
Son unite In Pralidng Dr. Chase's
Ointment. ,
Some 'cures effected by Dr. Chaseat
Ointment seem like miracles. Here is
a case where doctors labored in vain
and operations failed US cure.
Mr. Donald McLeod, Terbotvale,•
0. writes' "1 received the sample box of
Dr. Chase's Ointment, and it has dent(
me a considerable amount of good. X
aun now encloeing; payment for a large
hex of Dr. Chase's Ointment, which
yen will Please send to my address.
I have had itching piles for four
years and did not knot?' of any meal -
cine that would relieve me until last
tall, vhen X resolved a letter from inY
$1011 in Winnineg, who said that three
.doctors treatea him and operated for
altos but fallea to cure him. He now
thanks God arid Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment for a perfect cure. He had plies
in the worst form, and suffered terribly.
fe itt now working hard every day,
arid does not fent any sYmpterneof
pike returning% You are at liberty to
use title letter for the benefit of othere."
There its little Use trying to Mire lathe'
1111105 YOU net Dr. Chass Oin -
Meat. It is eertein to afford tailek
relief and uithria tete thorough cure.
60 ate a box, nt all dealer% or Eldrrian.
ROI Bates ge Co., Toronto,
Suffered Greatly From asthma
• and Kidney Troubles
Spent Borne Time in a flosp'tal and al -
meet Impoverished Himself Buying mod
Imes Without Benefit -Again Dr WI!,
llama' Pink Pine Cure After Other Mea-
ltimes Fats
Frain the Recorder, Halifax, N. S. -
Mr William Coohrane, a well known
teamster, who lives near the Helifax Polo
Grounds, is one of those who wiTithgly
beer teetimons to the curative powers of
Dr Williams' Pink P1114 A reporter of
the Acadian Reorder who had heard of
Mr Coohrane'e sufferings and subsequent
owe, called at his home, tvhetz he gave an
eccount of his experience sabstannally as
follows: -"He had for many years been it
constant sufferer from asthma, &mom-
panied by an aggravated form of kidney
trouble. The latter trouble owned severe
pains in the back and loins, and st times
his sufferings were very acute. He said
he bad almost impoverished himself in
buying medicines of all kinds, but to no
pnreorie ; the trouble' continued and seemed
to grow as the years paned. Mrs Coch-
rane timid that she had frequently seen her
husband choke up e,nd fall to the floor an
though dead, and he' would have to be
worked with and rolled around before he
would revive. A few yeare ago he epent
"ten days in the Viotoris General Hospital.
The doctors then thought that thalami* in
the back were due to over-exertion in hie.
business RS it teamster. but gave him no
Material help. After leaving the hospital,
he used bottles and bottles of medicine,
but failed.to find it cure. A neighbor of
his. Mr Lowe, whose wife had been made
a well woman after yesrs of siokness, bv
the use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, ad-
vised him to try them. He used it couple
of boxes without apparent result, and felt
somewhat discouraged, but Mr Lowe ad-
vised him to continue the use of the pins,
and before the third box was finished, he
began to improve. "Dr Williams' Pink
Pills have been a Godsent to me." said Mr
Coohrane ; they are the only medicine I
have taken which seemed to do me any
good. I had one presoription from a doc-
tor which coat me $1.75 S battle, which
like many ether =Moines 1 took, was
just so much money wasted, !have need
eight or ten boxes ot Dr Williams' Pink
Pills, and can say that before I began
their use life was an intolerable burden.
' I have reason to be thankful that I fol.
'lowed the friendly advice that urged me
to nee this medicine."
Most diseases hay -Ss -their origin in poor
blood or weak nerves, and it is becalm Dr
Williams' Pink Pills make rich, rod blood
and strengthen the neryes that they hitye
met with such success in Curing kidney
taouble, rheumatism, paralysis, St Vitus
dance, anaemia, nervous prostration e,ud
kindred troubles. See that the full, imme
"Dr Williams' Pink Pills for"Paie People,"
is on the wrapper around each box. If in
doubt, send direct to ' the .Dr
Medicine Co„ Brookville, Outs and t'he
pills will be mailed post paid at 50 cents a„
box, or six boxes for 62,50
now loin Brougham, Reetored Pelee
Witk a Well Turned Joke,
"There have been a good many stories
told Of the quick wit of actorswho have
mined an accident or a • panic .or •a row
'Et° a joke," said in old time actor the
other day: "A. good •many of the stories
are fakes, X suppose," he eontinued,
"but, some are true. ' and there are lots.
that 'have never found their way intc
.nrint. The press agent wasn't as numer
ous or as clever in the old days as he is.
now. • .
"I remember 812 instance In which Johri
Broughcam arried off . a most Melia
situation . a clever hit of improvisatiot
and se.vi( t tent(' Winter Garden in New
York froin the disgrace of a riot. It war
the first night ea which he played hie
burlesque . 'Columbus' 'there, aud thi
hints° was filled with Ms friends.
"Among the most enthusiastic of these
lends were a great crowd of Fenian, •
headed by Mahoney, the man who had
just then been elected president of the
Irish republic at the old Fenian heed
quarters in Seventeenth street, There
was a jollification in honor of his election,
end • as he was a personal friend of
Brougham's it was natural that he and
his followers should buy up nearly all the
orchestra seats in the house for the own-
ing night, as they did.
• SI was in the Cast, and so was Jack
Studly, but if anybody else in the com
pany :s now alive I don't remember whc
U is, I played the part of a big Indian,
Who first appeered on the stage aa mes-
senger bringing dispatches from Wash-
"Just as I came on a discussion that
had sprung up amoug some of the ex-
cited Venians deeetoped into a quarrel.
The house was already disturbed, and
there was every prospec of a dazht in
the orchestra in another mi ste.
"I delivered my message and Etrough-
arti replied to.me in the words of the
piece: •
" 'Confound you, have done!' '
"Then turning nom we to the foot-
lights he went on, aii if it was apart off
"his speech:
"Or would you. like a band of Fenian brothers.
All tame abandon to defame each other?
. It with such sentiments I omit out any,
Remember, I'm read cent& nem, Mahoney. ,
"There was a roar ef laughter frollt
the whole house at this, and the h'eniana
joined In it as heartily as any one else.
There was no forther talk or indication
of trouble and the play went oft without
— .
. Iciest tete.
Idealiste are persona who profess to
deny the existence of material things,
and claim that ideas,beliefs and facts
re all that there aro n the world. For
example, we are never ill; we only fancy
or believe that we are. If we had full
• faith that we were well, We weilld be
so. There is something in the ideas, for.
\ every one knows that the mind has
\ muoli to do With the condition of the
body. It Bs entirely. possible to cure
some diseases by' persistently believing
that they do not exist and acting accord
itigly. But all Maladies Will not yield to
inch treatment. ,
An Interesting Experiment.
The Mirror and. Farmer says: Vi`e
have an experiment in progresein which
five 'spayed heifers are being fed against
five open heifers and both lobs against'
live steins, the entire fiftee'n head being
all of the same age, raised on the same
farm, sired by the saint; bull, and all
from the.eame kind of cows. The °b-
led of the experiment is to determine
not only the test of producing beef
tinder these conditions, but the quality
Of the beef as well.
_ _.
A Beautiful swiss Custom,
A SWISS 'nether believes thather child
will have bad dreams unlems it le crooned
to Sleep. And so, bending low otter the
drowisy little one's couch, she tillage
1 seething songs of green pastures and
dill waters until the little one hu
breathed Riga peactlfully into the lend
of Nod.
8(UJ5 SA1t).1i A UTION
Well 914 it, reader; for it vould look
neseernly to begin a story with an oath
like that Gus Gurley swore, standing
over his wife's dressing table' that MOPU-
igg. And Gus wasn't a Wearing mall
How twee he, then, to commit Mita
breach of etiquette and ethics? Well,
may be wouldn't have done it but
don't be too sure till you've heard enough
to be able to "put yourself in his place.
Imagine it )4:pang husband :of eix
months' standing,ardent, fond and trust-
ing, casually entering his wife's &OW
ing-room in her absence, 8,nd stumbling
on a Inischiotious-lookixig, rose-colored
note, freshly opened, a cupid in every
crease, and a lurking lock of another*
fhottre-Tred-peeping stealthily from its
The very paper blushed guiltily as
Gus caught it up. Eagerly mad wildly
his eyes, ran over the contents. For a
moment he stood amazed and maims -
lees, and then broke out-. But we've
promised to skip that, Perhaps any
other man would have given utterance
to as much, reading such amissive as
this, addressed to his wife:
s Armorer. Aug. -01,18-,
"Damn= KATE (-How could you go and
marry that gavot hulky fellow behind my
back, and without a word of notice ?
"Though I've returned too late to forbid the
bans, I'm still in time to give that lord and
master of yours a hint -which I mean to do -
that an older love than his won't quietly suffer
another to monopolise its rights.
12c'Entr me by ErialgrIPT
Smith! Smith! Sam Smith! Faugh
What a name( Had it been Brown,
Jones or Robinson, there might have
been some bearing it. But Smith! And
red-headed, too! 'Frailty, thy name is
woman I" .Yet it might be that Smith
was some presuming puppy, whose vile
epistle was the sheer result of hts own
impudence. But no; tne wife that
could receive suoh a communication and
conceal it from her husband could not
be else than false.
Smith's heart's blood was the very
• least atonement the case admitted of.
'Rad Gus been more collected, he might
probably have bided his time and, taken
hispeace.destroyer unawares and then
"tripped him," trusting to an intelli-
gent jury old proof of a mental alibi to
bring him out all right. But he was
not sufficiently rational for that; and so
adopted the foolish plan of summoning
Simith to mortal combat, '
Gus had a 'friend, Captain Berta, a'
retired quartermaster,thoroughIy versed
In points of honor. The captain was
just the man for the emergency; but, as
ill luck would have it, he • was out of
town for the day. ' • .
That no time might be lost, Gus de-
manded satisfaction by mail, directing
his challenge to the address indicated in
the caption of Smith's note, and fixing
a time and place at which his friend,
Captain 'Borax, would be prepared to
confer with any Weed of, Smith's. At
the same time a brief message to lire.
Gurley explained that important 'busi-
ness necessitated her husband's absence
for the next few days. Meanwhile,
sett* took up quarters at an obscure
country inn, leaving everything to the
nianageraent of the captain, whena he
had succeeded in finding at last, and
• who, proud to be eciughtlor such.a ser-
vice, promptly repaired to the appointed
rendesvons. where he was punctually
met by a friend of Smith's. The -pre-
linainaries were speedily settled, and a
meeting was arranged for the following
morning. '
. As the time drew near, Gies grew ner-
vous. The fact iP, Sraith'a alacrity had
taken himaz little aback. lie had felt
quite confident. ;that that miscreant,
would shrink from encountering the
man whose honor he had outrage& But,
instead, without turning the word,
Smith's second had chosen pistols, and
lamed ten paces as the distance! It was
'lain the wretch was as bloVdtlairety as
=scrupulous. Besides, Gus was no
shot, which. Smith, judging from his
ohoice of weapons, no doubt was How
much better, Gus • began to think, to
Love fled forever front the scene of his
unhappiness, or to have invoked the be-
nign aid of the laws of South Dakota. •
131.A it was toe late now to retract.
Frain a troubled slumber, Bitches COn•
demned criminals are apt to fall into in
the last hours of their last night, Gus
was startled by a sensation as of a bul-
let piercing his thorax. It was only
Captain Borax poking him in the ribs,
by way of reminder that his "hour had
alinolit comet"
In a brief space -how very brief it
peemed-they were , on the fatal field.
At nearly the same instant a close car
riage drove up, containing the enemy's
Smith's second sprang out, closing the
door behind him. He took Captain
Borax aside, and the two held a hasty
consultation ; which over, the ground
measured, pistols loaded, positions allot-
ted, and everything in readiness, it only
reel:tined to place the mert and give the
back, and, combatants were to stand bacto
Gus had already taken his place, and was
struggling, manfully but doubtfully •
against an inclination, will -nigh'
irresistible, to leap over an ad-
jacent hedge, and run as fast and
far as his legs could carry hint, when.
an exclamation from the captain caused
him to turn his head.
"In Heaven's name, who's that?" said
Captain. Borax, accosting the fellow -
second, in the act of conducting a young
and beautiful lady to the very spot dote
t md fyo rp itpha.
gentlemen, Miss Sam.
antha Smith -'Sam Smith,' BE she's
called for short,' the other answered
GI* flaw it all. Flinging down toe
pistol, he rushed forward, and would
certainly hate hugged and kissed "Sam
Smith," without ceremony, if her see,
oinl-no other than her affianted lover
-hadn't looked like a chap that. would
Stand no nonsense. As it was, BO Man
was ever equally pleased by the die.
covery that he had made an ass of him
Te lock of hair was the may puzzle
unexplained, and " Sain " goon cleared,
that up. It was one of Guy's own, given
long before to Kate as a souvenir,
"Sam " had stolen% totems her friend.
and had taken the method *we have seen
of returning it. Of course it wasn't red,
but auburn. •
"Sant" and her friend went home
with Gus, Ant soleMnly promising, as
did the captain to keep the secret, and,
above all not to let Kate know; but,
bless you, such thing's always do get out
Ile Rad /* Bad.
Isaac Newton was very abseatottieded.
Sometimes, after arising in the morning,
he would.often sit with one leg in his
breechesand thus remain for hours eon.
Bidering some mathematical problem
Without ever thinking Of the other Wt.
if titiffering from pain, but go at 0110 510 any
drug Store and buy a bottle of Nerviline,the
great paint:lure. Never faile to give immed.
iate relief, Nerailine is dompoaeti of the
most wonderful peiresididuing subatancee
known, Nerviline is endoreed by Mediefil
Men eVerywhere. DMA welt 5 single hour
Without trying Nerviline, The beet mealu
eine in the world to keep in *ebonite in an
OrnertielleY. Deuggiete everywhere
Novembel: 2
A Naval Battle on Botaeback, .
ENERAL PAEZ was the first pree
sident of the republic of Vene-
• zuela, and to him p- - tylp .,
than to any other miss, tri....i Cse
exception of Simon 13olivar, Venezuela
owes her Independence, 1,ez W DA A
Honore -cowboy - on the Maws or
plains • or the Orinoco, anti at the age
of eighteen was superintendent of A
large cattle estate.. One of the most
remarkable incidents of modern war -
.fare, In which Pees played the princl-
al pert, is chronicled In Mr. W, E.
Curtis'e book on Venezuela.
- General Paez is the only man who
ever fought a naval battle on horse-
• back, With his cavalry he -actually
• attacked and captured a fleet of ships,
While I3olivar was :trying to cross
• the A.pure River with Ws s,rtni, dup.
• ing the elruggle for independence, he
was prevented by a half-dozen or more
of Spanish gunboats, which anchored
in the street's, end moved up anti clown
as he did.
• "I would give the world to have pos-
session of that Retina," exclaimed' he
to Paez, who had thee risen to be sec-
ond in command, "for. I can never
cross the river as long es it is there! It
it belonged to us, instead of to the ene-
m', the • croesing '.would be an easy
matter," .
"X will haye .hose tlecheras (ships)
or eller exclaimed..Paez; mid, militia
upon his Unnerve -his regtment of cow-
boys -be said: "Let those • follow Tie
who dare!"
"Tio" was the pet name by which
• PaeS was known among bis reoklei3s
• followers, but he never uSed it ,Iiitn-
;self except in an emergency,
He spurred his stallion into the.
Stream, 'followed by three thousand
Ilaneros, "and their horses, which are
• taught t� swim as well as to gallop,
carried then", dh`ectly to the gunboats. .
It was night. The Spanish fleet was
taken entirely . unawares. The ilaneseS
'clambered ' from ',their sa.ddies to the
decks.of the ver -^1s, and then let their
• horses savinr back to shore. Thus, af-
• ter putting off their own retreat, it was
a question of Win or die. They fought
' desperately, . and oyery, vessel' was cap-
' tared. .
They Cure Coughs
GRIP -QUININE Tablets are • a new,
safe and speedy cure for coughs, colds
and similiar affections. Grip -Quinine
has all the beneficial effects of old.
fashioned quinine without its nauseous
taste and unpleasant consequences. Grip -
Quinine breaksuptheworst cold or cough,
cures LaGrippe,, chills, fever, malaria,
etc. A dose at bedtime breaks the cold
before Morning. Relief in one dose.
Cure in one day. The genuine has the
Dog's Head Trade Mark on every box:
Refuse all others: 25 cents a box at
your druggists,or by Mail from the
Canada drip-ainine Co., Ltd., Brocg.
title, Out,
The next meeting of the Huron
Presbytery is at.Blyth, on January 21.
Rev Alex Birks, of London, has been
a4ked to remain for his third year,
and has accepted the isatne. • '
Doctors. Man% give Mrs,
chimes look to live—but Dr,
Agneviee Cure for the Heart
' foiled them ,and ,cured her.
For fifteen year! Mrs. John A. James, of Wiar.
ton. Ont., was a . great •aufferer' from Heart
Disease. For days at a time she was confined to
bed, and It seemed as though. every breath might
be her last. Her physicians said that she might
"drop off" any minute. Withwoman's tenacity
In suffering, and believing that "while there's life
there's hope," she started using Dr. Agnew'S'
Cure for the Heart. Three(bottles cured her.
This remedy relieves in thirty minutes, 75 •
Soldbv.J. E. Hovey and R. P. Reekie
• Rev A.. H. Drumm, of Thameeville,
(a well known Clintonian) who for
some time has been engaged in jOurn-
anode work, has decided to „xe-enter
the Presbyterian paatorate.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo
Lucas County. 53.
Frank 3 Chesney makes oath that he is
senior partner of the firm of F J Ohetiney
Ca, doing business in the oity of Toledo,
county and state aforesaid, and that (said
firm will pay the eum of One Eandred
Dollars for asoh and every case of catarrh
that cannot be oared by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Care,
Sworn to and before me and subecribed
in ray presence, this 6th day of December.
.D. 1886, s
eseee A. V. GLEASON,
{ "AL Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts direotly on the blood and mucous
sorfaces of the system, bend for testimon-
ials, free, ' F J CIIEsNelt & Co.,Toledo, 0,
• solo by Denggiets, 75o. •
Hall's Family Pille are the beer.
Rev J. W. Rae, of Toronto junction,
recently declined a call to Kriox
church, Aylmer, Out. Mr Rae Who
is a good staunch Presbyterian, has a
brother who is in the Methodist
Our past record Of successful catering to
the wants of it critical public ' is the beat
guarantee we can offer to all who are not
yet numbered among our permanent OUS-
tOiners. Please remember that we raake a
epecialty of filling phyrdoitais' presorip-
tions. Our stook of perfumeatoilet artiolee,
brashea spongee, eto., is large and varied,
Paine's.Celery Compound is the most re.
liable and popular family medicine, and ie
specially recommended for the cure of
rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, nervous
diseases and sleeplesenese. It you have not
ettooeeded in banishing your trouglet, ooMe
to Mt for it bottle of Paine's Celery Coin.
pound. It will not dieappoint you.
El IA CONIBB, Druggist, (Minton, Ont,
Over 5,000 coal miners in France
have gone on strike.
Jacob Steel, jun.,of Arden, ehot him-
self dead While hunting.
!Faith, patience and six bottle
of' South American Nervine
"made Witte" MiaWelaht--and
ail hitt troubles8....Arted in a
disordered stomach, •
" As
it generat till of the system 1
believe nhthing cut e., n .1 8 m..4 itmt ;tier.
vine. , At Dne rv,41 t,r/a5 tta c Wet %%Ail
a1t110get111 the iliq thAt t!., I Taqv to -it:dive:Aloft,
.nervcsmnesi, cr,t 1.1ni .11 ca. ,(:‘11. mut
liver:nut '71.51 rom,•I'y
Wal recomm,naeil to / riv tan r te,; itt
all, Awl what \51 t,twt ,1t;
was ntnettly atat 1'orno,a1 pmeti., 1
self igliproVt.0 LAnit 1.1v ,I. 5W ,1,0)
liVriglitt •;.% 'PA 1.4
Sold by J. E Elovey and IL Iteelde
Think before you Buy
(i.,,: When buyingA range think before buny. aud then you will
riaYe athilea' uPnPsYtinTt4ed°urgellcotm° minenbrIrtijoung3motalf 150a,13001307pTreliviTtVit happyyou
r„ ,
ots, sU_Ca $
e 44t
The ning of Ranges
")514c15•'s 11"PP7' Thought"
• purchasers, Range building ie a
Specialty with us -it's not a side
issue -we leave no room for improve-
ment in our construction of the
Happy Thought,. .0 .0 .0.0
They are manufactured. by
Itimited, Brantford
Write for an Illustrated Pamphlet.
f101,31 XV • :
Clinton. Sasn, Door, an
Blind Factory.
General Builder and Contractor.
Thug factory ie the largest in the county, end has the very latest improved ma-
ahine*, impala* of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
' and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all class-
, es of buildings on short nt ;Me and on the closest prices All wort is supervis-
ed in it mechanical Way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in-
, " terior and exterior material. .
Luther Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, .Blinds, Ete
. ,
Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL4. 801100IC.i DES/IX, manatiouree
ot Waterloo. Gall and get prima and estimates before placing war, orders.
irst class Buggies
We have a large assortment of firstclass Buggies
to choose from and intending buyers will find our stock uptc-
date. Prices are low for high-grade *goods. •
Geo, . Lavis,
General Imulement Dealer.
Utica tlene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent
Cure in ill Cases.
There is nothing like A.stlitnalene.
brings instant,relief, even in the worst
cases, It cures when all else fails.,
The Rev, C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge,
111, says: "Your trial bottle of Asthmalene
received in good condition. In mama tell
you how thankful 1 feel for the good de-
rived from it, I was a 'slave, chained with
putrid ecore.throst and ,Asthma for ten
year's I despaired of ever being cured.:
saw your advertisement for the ours
this dreadful and 'tormenting disease, AA
alma, and thought you had overepoken
yourselves, but resolved to give ita wial,
To my astonishment, the trial acted like
it oharin. Send me it full size bottle."
RAW. Dr. MOMS Weohsler,
Rabbi of the Cong. Bud Israel,
New Yong., Jan, 8,1901,
Das TAFT Baos'. Alamo= Co.,
Gentlemen: Your Asthmalerte ie an ex-
cellent remedy for Asthma ana Hay Fever,
and its composition alleviates alt troableii
which combine with Asthma. Its smooesit
is maciniehhig and wonderful. .
• After haying it carefully analyzed, we
can state that Asthmalene centaina no
opium, morphine, ohloroform or ether
Very trttly 'gents,
Gentlemen: X write *his testimonial tram it 0011130 Of duty, having tested the wonder..
fel effeot of your Asthnialene, for the cure of Asthma. My wifirhas been afflicted with
eparnuodie asthma for the paat 12 years, Having exhoited my own , skill ad well 'as
many °that!, X ohaneed to see your aign Upon your windows on 1801h street. New York,
I at once obtained it bottle of Asthmalene. My wife Oommenoed taking it Abed the
first of November. I very non noticed it radical improvement. After using one
bottle her Asthma has dleappeered ansi ebe is entirely free from all symptom*
et teen coneistently reoommend the medicine all who are &Mated with thia,
clistreeeing disease.
roan; respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. D.
Gentlemen was troubled. with A.stlima for 22 years, Maya "tried utitnet
one remedies, but they have all failed, 1 ren acrose your advertisement MI&
started with a tried bottle, / found relief at mule, 1 have Alto purchased rate
full-eize bottle, and X 1102 ever grateful. I have it family of, four children, and
for aix yeara was tumble to work. 1 am now in the hest of health and tail doing
bOsIllese ever,' daY. This teatiniony you oan make each use of au you Nee; fit
Robie addrees, 285 Itivitagton street. S. nstiRth
!MIL ItIttl 11141101111LT BIS CI !atria Of tOnita
1.10 not delay, Write et oboe, addregehig DP., WAFT ItIt08, AtEDIO/NS 49144 It
79Etiot lootb �t,N,Z 041
Sold bir all Draggista'