HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-11-29, Page 2'
oeuiber 29 1901
To Silloseribers in Arrears.
By actual count there ate over 500
inisscribers on our list in arrears for
*he current year. and a considerable
proportion of them for two years. This
delinquent Bet represents a large suin
Don't you think it is too bad, in view
of the large and interesting paper we
are giving, that we should be worried
fp our financing during this weather
-by this thoughtlessness of Bono° sub-
* sitters -for it is largely' thoughtless-
tess ? With this money in hand the
publisher would be able to undertake
many projects he has in mind for the
further improvement of the paper.
Isn't it too bad that the majority of
leaders.shorild be punished by the min-
ority in this way? for with so much
money outstanding it is impossible for
the publisher to increase the expendi-
e on the paper.
Dear reader, if you are one of these
delinquents, look at the label on your
paper, note the date to which your
subscription is paid, and if in arrears,
sit down and write us, eecloshig the
amount. It will be the most welcome
letter sse can receive. If every sub
scriber were to do this, the burden of
life to the publisher would be greatly
Address the'New ERA, Clinton, Ont.,
ard ogre registered letter, postal note,
P. is. . ruler, or Expr ess order,
FRIDAY • NOV. 29, 1901.
Prohibition Upheld by Privy
The Privy Council judgment in the
Manitoba liquor case given is a
triumph for the Province, their Lord
ships declaring that the Legislative
Assembly has jurisdiction to enact a
sa law. On the subsidialy questions, the
principal' of which were whether the
Manitoba liquor man ufs cturers licensed
by the Dominion Government,and also
H Aeon's Bay Company, wet e subject
to the Manitoba Act, their Lordships
slid no useful answer could be given.
Tneir Lordshipsdescribed thepr °visions
of the At as extremely stringent, and
said that unless theAct becomes a dead
letter it must interfere • with the re-
venue of the Dominion. with licensed
traders in Manitoba, and indirectly,
with business operations beyond the
limits ot the Province. No costa were
fill"Hon. Mr Ross Is the ablest leader
wthat ever handled a government.' -
Sir Charles Tupper at University at
Toronto banquet, 1899. Support Mr
Ross by voting for Mr Garrow on Dec. 4
The World's Temperance
To the Editor of the New Era :
We ask, what does the above head-
ing indicate? I presume that all in-
telligent readers are aware of the fact
that for some years past, at the sug-
gestion of Christian associations, rep-
resenting all evangelical denomina-
tions, the last Surulay in November of
each yelp has been designated' World's
Temperance Sunday", not merely to
be used as such in connection with t he
Sundity schnols (that comes in course
quarterly) but to be observed by the
churches generally -and what more
appropriate? I think it will be ad-
mitted on all bands that the liquor traf-
fic, in all its bearings. lie a great, if not
the gr eatest, hindrance to the progress
of truth and righteousness in connec-
tion with our work in the churches;
and yet how slow we are to recognize
our responsibility, or take advantage
of such an opportunity as is afforded by
the attention tnat should be given to a
The subject/is rarely hinted at in the
ordinary servicee a many churches,
and, strange to say, often very little
notice taken of the call which comes
to de at the present time. Fee,
there is much of inspiration in the
thought that next Sunday 1 can be
intimately associated with hundreds
of thousands of God's people in sympa-
thy and earnest prayer for the entire
overthrow of the drink traffic.
Etaa(lerOtta Overhead Wiring.
tite Editor of the blew Vra
Stn. -It may not be generally known,
that there are electric light wires from
which the Mutilating exterior has beeome
worn off, etrang nw in eome of our pried
pal thoroughfares, In the event of one of
these falling on in animal or hurcitni being
being the effect irt all probability woeld be
most disastrions. It %void -debts be 'It nice
question tie to liability; The t0Wri bettooil
or the Electric) N. Would One or both cora
tam to he open to ttn motion for heevO dam-
ages. Their responbihility and
are only toe manifest. thittl.
I 4 •I
Bev Father Station, of Brookville, is
The municipal election in Nova 'Sco-
tia were run on patty lines, and tile
Liberals carried, sixteen out cif eigh-
teen counties.
While endeavoring to cross the ice
front Norman to Rab Portage Joseph
Mitchell, aged sey'ehteett, broke
through and was drowned; •
Thomas Arleitil' 55 'Saes old, was
sucked into ',a ielatifie ati ISYlv.esteo
Brothers' grain elevator, Toronto, and
Wed gilftonated by downipouring bade*,
Thames Men who rent adrift on
the .eciwoner Marine City,. from Gado
have *been given up for leeti
They all belonged to Kingston.
The United Gas and +Oil Pedizipany
has stopped, the ppirig of gas from
Esser' fields. Ali etrplt, during the
continuance of the injunction pre.,,
,yontiog SheyitT Iler from disconnect-
ing the pipes.
Herman Steward Was shot in the
bead by Dr Harticittle, of Burford, but
the wound is not dangerous, The
doctor is it etroiag Boer eymPathizer,
and had been annoyed by his neigh.
bore, who objected to his viewS.
4.41•4* &Qat • -4•
West num Farmers' In-
Topic' OiseUssiedl.
• I M, • • • • • MI I
Below is a summary of the addresses
given at the recent meetings of the
West Huron Farmer's Instit utei-
*Dr, A. Q. Reid, of Georgetown, on
...Horse breeding for profit" said in his
remarks that he had always heatd
Boron county spoke of as having good
horses. There was a time when anY•
thing would sell, now quality was ail
that brought a price. In breding don't
make violent crosses. If you have a
well bred mare breed in tier line. A.
dam with a pedigr ee has a. better
chance of having good ofrepring than
one egirally as good without pedigree.
In selecting sire always look, for one
that :was over -developed where dam
was deficient.
In speaking of the diseases of the
stonotich of an ox the Dr said .if a. case
front eating turnip top, clover, 4s0„1ie-
came bloated in / he a seuee of a veter-
inary don't kiesitate to make an open-
ing with a knife to allcvs the gas to es-
cape, Adelinister a pulgative. If off
feed and mouth dry 18 suffering from
impaction of stomach give a dose of
salts and procure medical assistance.
If choking dont try to pushdown with
whipstalk or forkhandle, locate the ob-
stacle and move it up and down if pos-
sible, pour in, little oil very., carefully
or take piece of garden hose and try to
push down very gently; If it still
sticks call in a veterinary itt onee.
Prof J 11 Reed, Guelph, on "the
education of the horse" said he did not
believe in the breaking of a horse any
more than he did in leaving a child till
he was grown and expect hire to know
as much H.F3 his brother who had been
trained oi educated from childhood.
Start the education of the horse when a
few days old, lead him, Cie him up, ,oget
the colt accustomed to you and you to
him. When a year or a year and a
half old get him accustomed to harness
and bridle'let hint run m stall or pad-
dock wi; hthem on. In speaking to him
use as few words as possible, only. tell
him what you mean and expect him to
do it. Teach him to go, back, stop, go
steady, etc., before hitching. Altivavs
bitch to something strong, handle
gent ly, and when once hitched keep at
it, but not too much at ft time.
Hon J T Garrow on what be called
"Familiar law in connection with the
sale of a horse" said if a man eays he
will give you '$100 for your horse and
will take him away next week, your
horse is not sold. Must give moneY,
sign contract or leave article delivered.
Make It clear that if horse is to be kept
nfter sold it is at the buyer's risk. Price
has nothing to do with warrantry. To
avoid trouble after always puts cofl.
tract, in writing using yourown words.
Speaking generally anything that, in-
terferes with a hoi se's usefulness or
looks is an unsoundness.
3. N. McKenzie spoke at St Helens
on "Leaks on the farm." Farming to. -
day was a business. Ventuted to sa-y
not thirty farmers in Ashfield could tell
what they made every6year Not al-
ways the noan that vvorke the hardest
does the best, as fanners are all too '
jealous of each other. Perhaps we pay
too much taxes. Not the counciie p.ro-
bably but the system is at fault. Sta-
tute labor is a great leak in the farm,
Mr McKenzie said that in his exper-
ience in the councihboth municipal and
county, that the day of statute labor
could have been done for 50e, arid in
some instances 10c was all it waswortb.
All bridges of 20 feet and over should
be built by the county and a good prac-
tical man appointed to oversee them.
"Care of brood mare and her foal"by
Dr 11 .1- Reed. Be good to her during
the winter, though light exercise is
good avoid extra exertion. Above, all
things do not use horse treatment. If
possible let mare and foal run three or
four months in open pasture. .After
weaning feed well choped oats morn-
ing and evening and whole oats at
noon. Train to halter before weaning.
Never let him know what • a whip is
for. Prof Reed said a few words on the
transportation of road horses into Can-
ada. The class was inferior, we didn't
want them. The way to stop it was to
stop buying. They are not, profitable.
Too small.
Prof Reed spokeon"Feeding horses."
He said that. horses of same weight do so
not always eat the same *eight of bay.
Hnrses for light work or driving do
better on hay twice a day and then only
what will clean up in an hour and a
half. Clean ou;; manget after eating.
Don't keep hay always before the
horse, the digestive organs require
rest. About 1 lb of hay to every 100
lbs of berseie generally considered cor-
rect, Prefer chopped oats. If working
very hard would rather give four feeds
than the four gallons In there feeds.
Straw and oats make good rations for
idle horse. Not goon to feed an idle
horse a big feed of grain before a hard
day's work. If you want to be good to
isitp wait, till the day's work done;
Crisp County Clippings
News was receivun
ed on Sday of the
death of Dr Thos McLean, one of
faloderien's old-time residents.
Mise HattleDowning has Nen enilag^
ed to teach 10 union t,chool section No,
12, Grey and Alelcillop, for next .kyear,
Geo. Barber, one of the beet known
oitizens of Gerrie,passed away at his
home on the 10 i
,h nst., at the age Of 115years.
Jas Stewart, of Cioderich, has sold, his
5 -acre corner lot near the Dunlop prop-
erty, to Mr Alex Henderson, 'Sanford,
for $500.
Mr e Thos Code, of Wingharn, was
picking up some wood in the yodon
"VVednesdity week, When she suddenly'
felt over dead,
A.. O. Secord, lute of the C. P. il,staft
at Owen Sound, and a, former Goderieb
boy, has •been removed to the ewe-
Party'e office at St John, N. B.
Wm idodre has disposed of his frame
residence ie Hensall, now occupied by
John Pope, to Jos 13onthron, who may
shortly take up his residence there.
An old resident of Beigrave -peseed
away en Thuredayweek"in the person
of Mr John Wightrnan, at the age 01 77
years, He leaves a wife and family to
mourn, •
• Stephen Lamb has disposed of the
Patrick Keating property, in Seaforth,
to Mr John O'Keefe, of McKillop, for
the sum.of 51,300; the latter intend's
to reside there. s
Many regret to hear that Mrs J.
St Clare Walker, of:Minto, Man„ has
been seriously ill with stomach troubles
at the residence of her father, Mr Edwin
Gaunt,of West Wawanoeh, recently,
Vmn Forgfe, of .14 ingha,m, and Miss
Maggie Taugher, of Colo:mi, vvereunit-
ed in the bonds of matrimony in the
church of the Sacred Heart, reeswater,
on Wednesday of last week. They will
live in Wingham',
'rhe Mildmay Olazette says that Mr
S. C. \Nilson, of flowick,has rented his
farm for a term 01 s.ears,and purchased
a half interest in the firm of Cochrane
and Johnston, marble dealers of Brus-
sels aud Wingbana.•
ArnoldCase hill' sold his farno on the
Huron road, a, mile east of Seafortb, to
John Keefe, of Dublin, for $5000. The
fatan 000(8.108 10() acres but there are
no buildings on it.
Mr Morrow has disposed of•hie lease
of the Dixon hotel at Brucefield, to.Mr
Cieo McDonald, of Chatham, who takes
possession at once. Mr Morrow in-
tends goiter to Vancouver,
very pleasant event took place at
the residence of Mr and Mrs Thoe
Cann, Usborne. on the evening of Nov.
4. This was the • celebration of the
twentieth anniversary of the marriage
of Mr and Mrs Cann.
W rn Penhale,of Exeter, has purchas-
ed from the herland-Innes Co, t he
Rennie lot in Hay township, paving
therefor the sum of $1000, The Suther-
land -Innes Co have cut til the timber
off'the lot and Mr Peishale will cultiy-
ate, the property.
The•announcement last Saturday, of
the death of Miss Ivy, daughter of Mrs
Walker,London,and niece to J. Wynn,
Brussels, came as a sad sutprise for
while itswas known thather health was
not good few expected that death was
so near. •
A very happy event tookplace in the
township of Mullett, on the evening of
Wednesday, -the 13th inst., the occa-
sion being the marriage of Miller
Adams, son of Mr Noble Adams, of
Hullett, to Miss, Mary Wheatley,
of the abnve township. The ceremony
was performed by Rev T B Coupland,
of Lori 7.1).703
An ol resident of Wingbano, and
native o Caned% passed away on Sun-
day last, Mrs Dulmage, rhe
deceased was in ber 86th year, and
with her husband, who predeceased
her about 15 months, was . born in
Prince Edward county, She leaves to
mourn her loss nine children, forty
children and fifteen grand children.
Death has removed another, of the
old residents of this neighborhood, S.
McGeorge, 1st con„ Grey, having pass -
'd away on Sunday, Nov 10th, in his
9th year.. He was treasurer of the
Molesworth Cheese & Butter Co for a
number of years and was one of its'
principal promoters Owl patrons, He
leaves it grown-up family, comfortably
Mr Monk, the leader of the Quebec
Conservatives, seems 1 to stand upon
the same footing as Mr Bourasea with
regard to Canada taking,part in Brit-
am'a wars, and particularly on the
irnproprietsv ot sending Canadians
abroad to fight without first consult-
ing Parliament. The papers, which
have been going for Rnilrassa, ought
to turn their batteriell en 11191Ilt but
they won't do it,
Much regret Was felt on it becoming
known on Friday of last week that Mr
Robt A McElroy, of • Roxboro, Willi -
lop, had passed to the great beyond
that morning, He was the second son
of Kr John McKiroy, tone of the pion-
eer residents of McKillop, and he re-
sided on the homestead farm. He was
only 45 years of ageanci leaves a widow
nd five email children,besides hie aged
ether who resided with him.
thietigh hetet feed a whole meal to a
very tired horse. As a rule, water
When the horse is thirsty, though not
best to water heavy after big teed of
oats or immediately before going te
work. Heaves often caused by over-
loading the stomach, especially if food
is not clean. ,Dress his teeth once a
-year. Give regular exercise.
It is the little rift within the kite which, f
ever widening, malice the Mueio mute," It
is hulk it little rift in the health of a WOltail 1d
often which gradrielly tekeo the spring
from •her step, the light from her eyes, the a
Also front her cheeks and .the fratirde from
het *Moe.' Perhape'the beg -bear which has
frightened the wobutir from,the timely help h
needed at •the liegitinhes !so's' been the, g
dreaded ottestions, the obis:Woos essroins.
tion, the local treatments of the biome s
phydiciem 'Therein nelleed foi theee, Nor 8
is there need fortontintied suffering, Dr; h
'Mute's Itobrite'Presoription otur be relied 7
On by every wohoenoipufferiag from ;vrhat.
are otilled.*PfetintletronbleeVI torreenevi the
'healtbfanitours the,diseakte.. i•Women are 0
astiniohed lit thermopile, of the! 088 of this
xneflioilnyt litnotoblyinakee!woak women
ferebnott. and roey.blieseked't but it 'give 11
thetdixicikthe Tiger min& vitality tit 'smith; IV
' Free. '''Dr Pierols'erPedera Comindu bowie g
Miallost Advisers4008, gestii tent free '
ItirdeitStof Skogiatiint anipstotrety.expoill a
ofttiailing aktillniatonsa. 14Iddreas Dr- RIT
Pleittioditiffalk "1
114 01511,6414 �f 4'; a
tierr014:tPctir.,k,Ogtea. 4'„the' D'etnin
elon 1,p itSk-Uhited Statea ves-
OP tti1P1 ft• •
in Wormiest lifenouitl-
ly cOnleOkiveen the ogee of fottyarid fifty
years arid iti`inotired• by -*ratability, bead-
atihe,;‘dizilhe„,si likagtilar
appetite; ferebddhigi of Oil, 011460511,AI
iheheire arta .0haselt
Nerve Veocl IN istkoeilit teddi»
eines because it help her through this
itg i3PriOa. 11i °iambi% the 'hloOdoitrerigfht'
rine tueeereelo regulates the functions- of
the fluninice organs end tones and tnyii0:,
&teethe rshole body.
Aguinkldo, the Filipino loader,
wante't,0 go before the United Stets*
Consgtess arid explain the desires of
his people;
John McIntosh, of the 12th con,GreY,
led on the 11tb Re,was born in
Perthshire, Scotland, and Came to (Jan -
da When 24 Yeare of ages locating in
North Eairthetiel township, Perth Co.
Coming to grey township in 1868 he
ought the farm &Men Which he resided
entintionsly for the past 85 years. Mrs
McIntosh pre -deceased her husband
mnifetWelve yeara and is survived by a
00 and daughter, who are both on the
einetitehd. Mr McIntosh was in his
2nd year, ° °
Recently John Cook, an old resident
t the cirey and McKillop boundary,
was shot in the left hand by b,ts emit
who WO armed With a, rifle, and MO
eaten attempted to eater khe Aducie:'
mutable Scott, ofiklruseele, Watt Obi-
raphed for, nutthe young man had
olearect,put before • his arrival •and bid
rreat hate,beett,madei 'The. tronble
over &family disagreentent,, r(30. (look
Witarsottery seriously injor,odt forfoh-
telyO butihe might have been, ki1leil;Oic,
eseris not/Midge the eirildivalit40081„/
dfl 'Witt hada pb'opI 1m
been oallod.away, ane Cunningham;
relict of tbslate Joseph Carr departed'
this life Nov-.o*Olitidliyir19th, agedN
Yeitt.11,(1°,811,e-,filte bortil.in
SoOtland; .andemigratedto /Canada in'
1$61.Atict sittledlitlMooketootit...ficuXib'
totPetifintY. .-'fittnacusiMitfriced W Josi
Carr(*hie Pretledeatedhel4 three )feare,
iiitirried".life was
spot:Won the fafin, rig (Theyl(livecl in
Leandrigttni Seiredynaie and moVed to
wthoolioei ityear ,ago tiagt, Atigtelt.
Shelleci0Ocitvadhildren and a brother
add alitter; • ' '• • • • 4 -4'.,
• • a .e ^e. • • .
The,materialatudedi in the D & 14 Emul-
sion are the finost the market affords re.
farclielis of cost Taken in oases of wad.
ng diseases, loos of appetite or l000 of
Weight, with great benefit, Davis & Law -
°nee Co., Ltd., manufacturers,
Oita 01 information.
The horse has eyebrowe.
Smallpox scars cannot be removed.
Photographs were first taken in 1802.
It cost e 213,140,0M a year to run Lon -
Only 900 yeoPle in a million die of old
ews are not preriutted to buy land in
• •
For every. 100 civilians, 380 eoldiera
coranalt suicide.
Axtificial ivory is made from con.
deinned skim tnilk.
There are two eolid silver tea -tables
at Wi el 0 tl
Fully 95 per cent, of the opals obtain-
ed are of no value.
Potatoesi in Greenland never grow
lartser than 8. tnarble.
A ton of soot resulte from the horn-
ing of 100 tons of Oriel.
In the eye of the States all religions
are espial in A.ustralia„
There are no- tevte- than 8 printlng
offices in Jerusulem.
A man should weigh 26 pounds tor
every foot of his height.'
A. too of coal is said to yield about
8,000 feet of purified glass.
Seven in every 10,000 people who le
in Ennland are murdered.
A single vvorkman can cut by hand
6,000 watch -glasses in a day.
Cope Colony exports the feathers of
40,000 ostriches yearly.
• Five boors is the utmost sleep indulg-
ed in by the elephant.
37,000 git ls attend cooking classes in
The friction of steel on ice is exactly
half that ot ice on ice.
It costs the average vessel g800 to
pass through the Suez canal.
There are nine kilted battalions al-
together in tine British army.
Belgium is the only-maritinse coun-
try in Europe without a navy..
Of the 1,900,328domestic servants in
the United Kingdom only 140,733 are
At all seasons of the year 5 a. m. is
the coldest hour of the twenty-four.
Russia is now opening new savings
I banks at the rate of six hundred a
Out of the 507 theatres burnt dur-
ing the last century 173 were in
Am •
.about one -sixteenth of the paper
output of the world is converted into
A racehorse galloping at full speed
clears frost 20 feet to 24 feet every
That we are fully prepared to supply your
every want as far as pore drugs and medi.
(Ono are iscneerned. Careful and accurate
family dispensing is our forte. We contin-
ually aim to please our patrons in two
great essentials-- quality and low prices,
Our stock of toilet 'preparations will in-
terest your. , • •
Faine's Celery Compound is the medicine
you should use when you lack nerve energy
when the body is poarly nonriehed, when
you are weak, rundown, despondent or
sleepless. •Paine's Celery Compound
braces the nerveastrengthens the liver and
kidneys, and oleaneee the blood.
R. P. BERRIE, Druggist, Clinton, On.
Rev Jas Livingstone, of Windsor,
president of the London h1,st hoclist
tsonference and the minisier who re -
joys the distinction nf holdieg the re-
cord in the riumber of wan iages per-
formed in a year, has accepted an
invitation to Petroles. His successor
has not yet been named, but it is said
that the Quarterly Board will invite
either Rev Jos Philip, Petrolea -, Rey
T E. E. Shore, of the Fred 'Victor
Mission, Toronto. or Rev R. D. Ham-
ilton, of London.
Rev. A. Rapeon, of Deloraine, Man.,
son of John Rapeort,Hullett, appears to be
suceeeding well in the west. He wrote
upon three subjects this fall, connected i
with his farther advanceent n the min-
istry, and passed eticoeesfully. He has
still one subject to write upon, which he
expects to peep in the spring, preliminary
to ordination. .
W. F, Luxton, a former Huron - county
newspaper man has been appointed in.
speetor of public instittitions and public
buildings for Manitoba. He has assumed
bie new office and will live Si Winnipeg,
The faot that people hie and digest food
after the stomach has been removed provesthet the important part of digetition takes
part in the intestines, Hence it cornea
that Dr Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are so
Wooderfully suceeseful in curing chrobie
indigestion and dyspepsia. They aot direct-
ly on the kidneys, liver and intestinee,mak-
ing them healthy end vigorous, andto itos
kite perfect digestion ma prompt removal
of poisonous waste matter.
Douglas Cameron' died 25 yeare,
was found dead onthe floor of his
father's barn at Alexandria.
Cape Brouards, an Arctic explorer,
reports that from the northern shores
of Kotzebue Sound to the Arctic
Ocean, a distance of 800 miles, is one
immense bed of bituminous coal.
George R, Hawea, of Delaware, was
killed by tbe accidental discharge of a
Pain•Killor is more of a household rem-
edy than any other medicine, It meete the
requirements of eyery home, Cureeerempe
aAvoidnddyionebnat uttion gd; itabtebreebat lbinuitmoennet rap:dine:
Hiller, Perry Davis'. 23o &IASI)°,
Oharleo and John MilIer, brothers,
Of Toronto, were shot by Robert Co-
burn of Chicago, 'whose barn, they
entered in search of lodging. Coburn
thought they er. re after hie poultry.
Charted vied fatally wounded and john
seriOnsly. "
" thur pttOPeseii°10 entertain
gerie,Maoleenzle and Minn it • a
banquet -' 9i1 „the ceheletion ,of
the,Vario ;tThRiver Raliway
w he Within
a Month. • -
ollife. John, Davidson off, Thameevilie
Was nominated for the Legislative AS-
aembly by thiL44)Onservatives of East
Fontv cmn•Ohariele Henderson' le the
Sante fiatVe oholectin Mbireldere
ligis X4'44'11444" Sibtait italled
XitS ISS Oh"tisaiiisfki7: , 'th
'h�titiali 9 j 2 8 ti18wi
y which
roohl WliereWthi datitiny
'bnatCand Matte ot'theiled,en bad to
ROf4-1t°11.',.. j,„•;'‘ .
11 Is Akelznabt,the Dom.
'Inion byo-itiettiope. will,0ot taka place
before Jan, 15, 1902,
(at but* °rale° SS. Petrel seized
52 gill nets iflth2 vicinity of Pelee to,
, Canada will make a display of Agri.
cultural. exhibits at Wolverhampton
and(Jock next summer, '
Stops the OOttgh
ed Werke off the 00101.
Loxattve &OUT, ninine Tablets core it
cold in one day, NO Cure, NO ray. Price
Properties for Sale or to Let
To Rent.
Lot 88, Maitland Concesslon,C4oacrIch Town -
slop. APPIY to JAS. KOTT, Banister,
Oct. 11-tf. Clinton. Ont
To Rent,
Firet elites brick store, suitable for any bust.
MOO. Aisplv to W. C. SEARLE, Clinton.
Nov lb-tf,
To Let.
A large two'story house, oppOsite Commer-
Mal Hots . Ale°, for Sale: -A large coal par-
lor cook stove, AO1)13c MRS BIDDLECOMBE
Sept. 27-tf.
To Rent er For Sale.
That desirable brick and frarne dwelling on
south side Wellington Street, Clinton, corn- Wanted
prising Lots 85, 86, 90 and 91, containing
A 1
10 acre park lot for oleo cheap, apply to
154!,Nov 15f. 1111)011V4DlialA Oltotea, Ont
Second hand fireproof safe wanted. must be
cheap. Apply to It and 3. RANSFOltD, '
NOV. 8-tf. TOWII °Mee.
1 Busb for Sale.
Abut to or se aores of good busk-blaek ash
and soft elm. Cu be bought cheap, for par;
tioulars cs7)PlY 1) THOS. MURPHY,
Nov 16--tf, Clintor, P. 0
Apartments to Let.
A nice large room front with email room
attached, two bedrooms at:3 eteirs four in all
suitable for married couple. APP1S 60 Xing St
e o omrd d Sord ell, 1,
...pay: 0.
eft. 17,ho w. w. ARRAN
House to Rent.
Comfortable dwelling house to rent on Fed,
mi.* Street, lately occupied, by Mr Rand,
containing three rooms upetaire ano three
down. Plenty of we.ter every convenience
Sty.t. 27-tf.
OUSE for SALE or to RENT.
on victoria sit., near Organ Factory. $ 300
will buy &roomy, comfortable house with good
lot -the property recently occupied by Frank
Michell. Apply at once to- • •
Barrister &o. Clinton.
rent moderate, APPly WATTS DB,UG STORE.
To Let.
That beautiful store in the dackson Block,
Huron Street, lately occupied by C.Witts, AP -
ply to
Sept. 6- 15 Ciinton
Cottage to Rent.
A comfortable and roomy cottage on Isaac
street, lately occupied by Mr Geo. Crieh, le
offered to rent. The quarter acre vacant lot
acljoining,.will be Bolden easy times. Apply
to MRS RUDD, Mary St. •
Oot. 4-tf
• Farm For Sale.
The west half of lot 24, Bayfield Con., God.
erich township, containing 100 acres of good
land, is offeredfor sale on easy terms. Good
barn, log house, plenty of water and small
orohard. Particulars on application to
tf- J. P. TISDALL, Clinton
.1.1.'AR111 roit SALE,
Subscriber offers for sale his farm of, 1E6
sores, situated.00 tbe Maitland. concession,
Colborne.. About 140 'mires cleared, frame
house, bank barn, plenty of water and in good
state of oultIvatton,1 of a mile from school and
2. miles from' Holmesville. Terms reasonable .
Deo 1e -4f . RICHARD BARER. Clinton P,0
For Sale or to Rent.
The choice brick house on the corner of Ful-
ton and Joseph streete, belonging to the estato
of the late Richard Heywood, is offered either.
for sale or to rent. It contains room for ordi-
nary family, is practically it new boucle, with
all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
Of land. If the property is not sold or rented,
part of it will be rooted: Apply to
W. COATS &mentor Clinton.
' The framecottarie on Orange street, occu-
pied by the undersigned, is offered for sale on
reasonable terms, The lot is * of an acre, With ,
hard and soft water, stable, good fruit and
vegetable garden The house contains hall,
parlor, two bedrooms, clothes closet, dining
roorn;summerkitchen, cellar and woodshed„
is centrally /coated, possession_given any time
to suit Purchaser. ELIZABETH aRAD.AM tf
Choice Farm for Sale
Subscriber offers for sale his fine farm 05 147
acres, being lot 25, con. 18, Efullett, All clear-
ed but four acres. Brick house (and Mao frame
house for hired utan),bank barn, spring creek,
bearing orchard of 2 acres, t14 miles from Lon-
desboro, soil first-class and in good condition.
Possession at any time, terms to suit purchaser
jau 4-41. m--tf W, HILES.Londesboro.
Real Estate for Sale.
The parcel of groti-n-d adjoining St. Paul's
Rectory, conaisting of lot 218, Rattenbury St.,
and lot 2626. Princess St., is offered for sale.
Each lot is about 80by 132 feet. Together they
make an exceptionally fine site for a firet-olass
residence. Apply to Wm. 9. Phillipe or. 0,0.
Rance, ChurchWardens, Chnton.
A.uguat 16-tf.
For Sale South half of Lot 89, 2nd, comma-
sion of Tnekeremith. Thie farm contains 50
sores all of whioh is °leered and in a good
state of cultivation except 8 acres of good
bush. It is well fenced and wider drained.
There is on the premiees a good frame barn
with stable e.ttaehed frame house with
wood shed also good orchard with lots of
small fruit plenty of hard and soft water
There is 6 aores of wheat sown it is, conven
iently situated for Church and school Within
5 miles of Clinton and 7 of Seaforth
Sept. 20-1 Apply- to IDDO MICH, Clin ton.
r ramie*.
For Sale.
A fine story and a half frame house on "'On-
tario street, containiog 9 rooms with entire
cellar underreath, alas hard and soft water,
quarter of an *sere of land and a good none
bar of beautiful shade trees, situated On one
o2 the prettiest and pr-ocipal streets in Olin-
ton,being on the corner of Ontario and Mealy
streets. Will be soldreaeonable. For further
partioulars apply to MRS J. MoMURRAY,
Also for sale -stove, extension table, aide
board, and several 'mailer article'.
001. 11-1!. Clinton, Ont.
Stray "leiter.
Camelnto reubieriberge premises, lot 4. Base
1 tie, aborit a week since a red and white' 2
rear old heifer. Owner le hereby notified to
'Provo ptobertY, pay charges and take away
NoVi ki-stf ' . Auburn. Ont,
'rho Congeal of the county of Buren will
Meet in ocluncil chamber, in the tOwn of God's
*rich on TeoadaYS the ard day et December
next, at 3 o'oloOki P 1!1:. I ist
lagtigli!S i4VV°9' LBlit !ClertY.1316-
Ntiv 22-2, .
• Notice.
agra= trscoBtittittl sag titritchZa P4 sr r,
thererore request that SU neving outstanding
attoOtnitt would settle then ea :mono. Possible.
• trAi4CFlerg• 1100V#
' • .
• • ;
26 cents,
)4sibitidol •.
• PlOitftEti ;
Cis -A ttb,t4, magi „1.n afl01:11StrAffer„.
dons of the Throat and Lungs The onI i.cdbltes "
tee votd that will mire She above disease, mak ng t
'wheel sound lu what anils useful to hitt owner. Price, ebb
bratfoonhers 'Kidney & Cough Powders
retell steitte AffeetiondOt th6thtoSt and Ittegienielitts
Distemper, ete, For lorellint_and enrich* Of HUI less:
the remit of hard &oink, ccidn0 Trouble, e10-, ene
Aose witi relieve, and bee box Will min. Price, 50,4
'1"14111 bR. MoOAHIV M1D101141t CO,
, SIOMMOiV1116. Oatt•
Pologe by R /3 COMbe,draggiat, Clint0
osooe girls for general house work, between
ages of 20 and 85. Respectable homes and
good wages, (from 88 to $0 per week), Refer-
ences given and required. Address Rome
Science Bureau Hoorn, 814-115 Dearborn St.
Chicago, Ill. Nov. 15-tf.
Plain or Fancy Sewing.
' The undereignek who is a competent seams.
tress, will undertake all kinds of plain or
faney sewing, either at her own home or
home of customer. Furs also made over.
Nov. 22-3 • Princese street.
WARIED-Sereral persons ot character
andlgood reputation in each state (one in
this county required) to represent and adver-
tise old established wealthybusiness house of
solid financial standing. Salary $18.00 weekly
with expenses • additional, all payable In cash
each Wednesday direct from .head offices,
Horse and carriage furnished, when neces-
sary. References. Enclose self•addreseecl
stamped envelope. Manager, 316 Caxton
Building, Chicago.
Sept. 18s 16. .
SALE, 84,250
Eighty acre fain) in -(3g ein an County, Mioh
vrith $700 worth of mops, modern new .house,
good barn and outhouses, fine stone caller,
good water, ohm househOld furnishings of the
bests three horses, a few head of cattle elfin°
ree , up-to-date farming, iraplemsrits finest
orchard in oopnty of 4 acres; 1 4 miles from
good market, 0 miles from county seat. The
cellar holds 800 bushels of apples In reeks. 40
acres improv d, [balance. hardwoed ttrober.
Nice rolling land, olay loam. This property
mat present towiter 88,500 cash,. Reason for
selling,porty ill going to the old o uatiy, This
is a bargain. ;School and church 3- mi.. trore
.farm. All gocie for $4,250 if taken by the 25th
of ingust Clear title Address, JOHN D.
BURGESS, West Ilinnolis Mich •
La dile &Granite
The purehaeer of a monument
should have complete confidence
in the,reliability of the firm, from
which he buys, for the material
and workmanship is something
very fewbuyers are familiar with.
If you do not know too please in-
quire about our reliability from -
those' who know us hest. We are
the only practical men here in our
• line. .
J. B4 Hoover, Proprietor
Next to Commercial Hotel
If interested in Practical Education
is the name of our splendid
school, -
Central Business College
We thoroughly prepare young people
for the business duties of life by
complete CORMS in
Accounting Telegraphy
Shorthand Typewriting, Etc.
We prcvide a dozen capable teachers
and 80 typewriting machines, and
, • produce good results.
Enter any time, Circulars Free,
W. 14. Shaw, Principal
Younge&Gerrard Sts,Toronto
Going to
No chances are
taken if you enter as a student
of the Federated BlIgillOBS Col-
leges with schools at
London, Toronto, Hamilton,
Ottawa Sarnia, Berlin, Galt,
Guelph: St.Catherines. They
've the student A practical
knowledge *3/business subjects
that mean an increased salary
from the start.
Handeome year hook and all par -
genius on application to
Forest City Busi-
ness College, Y.111.C.A. build.
ng London, Ont.
W. j. Weetervelt, Principal,
The Rest of Weeksilyl
. ..THE
• • •
ThO Leatilig Weekly ,in
Weistern entor
,LAOCOMPAlflib bt-
1 • ; k
A. twin'. tioethly palslicatioft-sone of the
best inlAiteriCatt-is sent to 1112Y addrees
to Canada or the Vp,lted
States for
75c. ti Year
Send tor our ',meteor cohoteling term
Oltibes 6110 our Hat of premiums,
Western advertleer,
London, eittaria.
Barrister, $ofleltor, too
°Meg -Elliott Diook, Liaise Street -
Offiee-Beaver Blocks
Cip•stairs, Oppoeite Fosterle Photo Gallery
Real Estate and Insuraece Agency,
Mown to loan:,cists
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Conveyance'
oince-Oppdsite Colborne Hotel
formerly of Cameron Holt & Cameron
Office-lismilton St oppoeffe isotherm Hone••
Office -Corner HandIton St. and the Square.
Goderich, Ont.
T, GARRow, Q. 0, CRAB. Gaito0w, ILL LS,
Office: North st., next door toSigual Office
Private Fluids to iend at lowest rates
of interest.
W. PROUDFOOT. • 130. }L&Y13r.
• .11JECS. GUNN ,ffla SCOTT
PhYslciane, Surgeons, Accouchers, Rio
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls. •
at front door of office or at hospital, Victories
r '
Psi SICIAN, 811R0 RON .
A soonchenr, eto., office and residence on
tario St., oppoeite English church, formerly 00.• -
Oupied by Dr. Aepietoussninton Ont.
Lieentiate of the RoyarCollege Of 11.17SiCiaat
London, England .
Office and Residenoe- '
• FERMIN'S BLOCK, Ui. Sliilrs,.
Physician, Surgeon, Eto.
Special attention given to diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.
°dice and Reeldence-: .
Albert Street, a Blocks North ofDR5Hattenburys '
D ,
(successor to Dr. T. C. .11ruee)
'Peja.tl(roV4.1ndirdrWrrkD. g.GracittRoys10ollelIntaBOT•
D. S.".CierognststiolioTrogriandLte ofj. 142:
mondait.al Department of 7ro,nto4iUsti, vers77-, •
Special attention paid to pres/tetiOn of
children's teesh. . Will vt Bayfi , *very
• Office over W. Taylor & don'tk. oe store. ,
• Veterinary.
esr • HonoraryGradnate of theOntarloVeterinsrge •
College. Treate all disea ses of domeetioatedat• •
mats on the most modern and solentificirrinee--
pies Office- imasediatelyeontb of the NewEra
Office. Reeidence - Albert St,CJli n. Cal
night ordav attendedto promptly
Member of the Veterinary Medical Assails-
tions of London end Edinburgh, and Gracia-
ate of the Ontario yeterinery College,
Office open night and day, opposite' St.
Paul's church, Ontario Street. Clinton, one.
'MARRIAGE LICENSES issuedby the on -
11111 dor9igned at his Residence, Mary .tree
No 'witnesses rem:tired
I! • I'. Is 8„ Provincial Land Surveyor Mid
civil Engineer, London, Ont.-Oillee M feu,
Stewart's grecery Store, Clinton
Organiet and Mtudeal Director of Metall
Street Church, Goderieh, and teacher , en
pared to take it limited *Amber of
the above. For terms apply this office' or to.
MR CAMPBELL,may be seen from 11., in.,to
2 p.m., at the Clarendon Rolm], Caintond
Friday of each week.
Fite, . .Zift, accident Plate Giese •
Ozwical Atmore* Btook, Cram at
SubsOriber is pre promptly A ail or -
dere for Wood or oh. Will he sold at
overeat ra de Street LAWS
neurattes. oimero-iedirawtoaaohi
jOHN.,We; YE0
cor of mst,nab}10004,1soihrgVialLncionyLth,901fando mut
Agent for theliancitestarrIsnia Attronattalt
Heourity are rated at 4.0o the AM
/1.11a,OP 1,1112MATIDOVOASOICASS. -AM claimer of
farm riga -Mad - taint - property- taken • at
aUweeretlyrteast4ensied"r. Irlaeirta0 1/1"tiltandarivanileesi Pee
few hiink . 1.4
melt npcaceordintr itatnft.;
Dail mail to liolniereille - pastel csrd wa
Witt initP1/8014TIllY-1'OW#A0PICliTT
ONW 4417B41,1
osiritteetie " •
J. 13.1teLeatr. Vglisidelbl3gpistikPi0:: Theo,,
Fraser. Idee-oreinaent4 Prnaelleid P: ThOl.
3, Hitys, _fleolarreal4 Seslgth P..0.• W. O.
MIP40410004illareiltattt liestoah Mit ink* P, O. •
t . • nrei;••agYITP,
W. O. oresdfeet; Seatortoi Jelin .0; Mien
Virtiltht‘ MI P. 04 Geotaa, Dale. Seater:an Joh*
We,1y?niOnon Fre
beliah maJanea
Caino .0at;
RO4tt tart Oarlock uObt‘
ferth:Alt tunnling; W.
Ireo,;Heldi Madhya:1(1401in Pi
Aleirtleciniettaitona.,. ,
I'*t4 de lyl 10&gent ,Theenee ar trate
ttot other ianeniede wihl be prinnttir attended to
00 aPhlioatiols tO env of the above ofilieeti
addreseed to theitteet nitre
0. S. 1)0A.*; Clinton