Iffeeotnniend the New Oro to ;
your mends,
It's all right to have faith in
your watch -in fact there's
small reason for carrying a
watch in which you can't have
faith. But first get a reliable
watch r buy it at a safe store.
We guarantee our watches and
we tell you the facts about
them. There's a wide range
of choice, and your safety is
made doubly sutra because the
sale isn't bottled till you are
• COod Watches
are fairly priced
Expert Watch Repairer
Jeweles And Optician
NOTES. -St. Andrew's church will
.hold their Sabbath School entertain-
ment on the evening of Dec 24; the
teachers are already diligently prepai e
Aug the program. Trinity church en-
tertainment will be held on Dec 26th;
• the program will be compased of choice
selections and an excellent entertain-
's:newt is expected. A.Vaustone has re-
turned after spending the summer. on
the water. Misses McCarthy and
Whiddon have started a dressmaking
-establishment over J. Whiddon's store.
Miss Galbraith, formerly of this place,
is reported as lying dangerously ill at
Winnipeg. Jaal
• Tucker smith.
MARRIAGE. -On Wednesday week
a very happy event took place in the
softy of London. We refer to the mar-
riage of John Robertson, son of Peter
Robertson, of this township, who is a
young, respected and progressive far-
mer, to Miss Margaret Jefourth daugh-
ter. pe P. McIntyre; of Williams town-
shipir see wing to the recent death of
the briON mother, there was not the
• usual marriage festivities, and the
happy couple returned the same even-
• ing,
week a Woman's Auxiliary was organ.
••Aged by the wife of Bishop Boldwin, of
London, whc gave a very profitable
adeess on Missions and then the fol -
owing ladies were elected officers for
the Varna branch : - President, Mrs
J. Armstrong : vice, Mrs J. McNaugh.
eon ; treas. Mks Anna, Foster ; sec.,
.Miss Rachel Baty.
OHURCEL-T. A. Steadman, who has
.charge of the Tuckeramith circuit, is
still holding 6+ pecild services, and rs
meeting with lunch success; Some
. twenty have professed conversion since
the meetings have commenced.
Eyes for
the Aged
When print blurs
astd reading is only
possible at an !neon.
venient distance,
eyes ne•d help.
Our glasses restore
the vision of youth.
peir of Gold -Glasses would make
e Christmas present.
tzewill test the eyes free afterwards.
A. jr. GRIGG
Scientific jeweler
and Optician
Goderich ifowilablP
POISONED HAND, -Charlie Beker, of
the Maitland, has been nursing a very
sore hand, the result oi a trifling cir•
curnstsnce. He got a thistle burr lb be-
tween two fingers, which he picked Out
with 4 pin, Some days later it began
to fester and consultation with a doc•
tor showed that it was poisoned by
something getting into it. He suffered ruI an address, and Mrs as Htnchley
considerable agony from it, but it is presented. her with a purse. Miss Brit -
now getting well. • ton made a suitable reply, after which
SUNDAY SOHOOL.-The minted meet- l there were short speeches made, and
after lunch wad served a couple of
PaesittimaTios,-A large number of
the members and adherents of the Kin -
burn Methodist church, having decided
to present Miss Ida Britton with some
token of their esteemassembled at her
father's resitlence on Thursday evening,
Ast inst., and after appointing Mr Geo
Ste henson chairman, Mr Robt Clark
ing of the Sunday Scheel of Cole's
church, was held last Wednesclaj, even-
ing foe tire re-election of officers for the
enstung year and for an enniVersanft
tea -meeting and Christmas tree
combined to be held about the 14th and
hours was spent in singing and a sect -
able time spent. All went tome highly
pleased with the evening's enjoyment.
The following address was presented: -
Deem rafgem.-It is with f Itnes of glacier -
est pleasure that we have assemb ed here to -
15.h of Dece We understand that Net- , night, We have a duty to perform towards
son Y eo was re-electdd Superintendent. You and that duty is also a pleasure. Long
have we known you and been associated with
you, and as months and years have Pawed time
as only served t� ripen our early acquaint.
fume into a deep, and we trust, an everlasting
friendship Some of us here assembled have
known you as a child, others have been your
playmates ard have grown up with you
while the acquaintances of others is of marc
recent date but all with one accord havetcle.
dared their trust in and esteem fur you, -Ifrom
your earliest years you have been associated
WEDDING, -Our Young friend, Har-
ry Miller, has joined the noble army of
benediets, being married at the Metho-
dist parsonage, on the 20th,' by Rev'.
Mr Yella,nd, to Mies Et sid of Tucker-
smi h; much future happiness is ex.
tended to the yoling couple and may
their union be one of blies.
with all branches of the church work of this
FARM SOLD. -The •term belonging t• o
,u..iiwnittistrtianndiyilm have_ always endeavored
the estate a the late Samuel •Holneass by
Huron road, was put up by auction, on erring example heilVOTe=1
right which you were trasesuine. ArnoPng the
Saturday, and sold to J. Holmes, for most ()attain of your duties amon et us was
83,625. McLeod Bros, bid it up to
600. The farm is well situated and
good land, but requires new buildings.
SALE -She auction sale of Mr Wil-
liamson's term stock -andimplements
•last Thursday was fairly attended;
the hripleinents brought about their
full value although a little slow ; the
stock sold good.considering that • they
were hardly in conditioe.
NoTits.-W. Sinclair, of the 16th,
who has been in Manitoba for three or
four months, returns on • Saturday.
Since the nfrivalsofseesonsand
Grigg weacs a unite as bread as:a barn
C7017NOIL MEETING, -The council will
meet on Monday next,at IQ a. m,
Elohn esvilli
NOTEg.-We are pleased to know
that Mr W. Crooke, who has been on
the sick list for several days is now
much better. Rev Mr Hussite has
also been laid up, but is able to get
around, .though not entirely better.
Special services are being continued
in the Methodist churcht Rev ,• Mr.
Howson, of Clinton, assuitinct one
night and Rev Mr Robinson, of God-
erich, another. A meeting in the in-
terest of Mr Garrow was held in the
hall, on Tuesday evening, Mr 0
Williams in the chair• the attends
ance was not large and R'Holmes,gave
e short address; our friends on the
other side will hold a meeting here
on Friday night. Mrs Fred Elford
will spend thanksgiving with' London
friends. A meeting of Liberals for
•polling sub -division No 5, will be held
at the'house of Mr Chas Willianis, on
Saturday evening, at 6 o'clock; a good
attendance is desired. •
MAIL MATTERS. -A. J. Courtice has
received official melee of his appoint-
ment as postmaster ;the nrobebilities
are that a mail post will be er ected on
the side of the track here, to facilitate
the exchange of mails when • the trains
do not stop. It has always been a
dangeronslob to put a mail bag on A
flying train, and t here is no oecasion
to in see a meet rim t be risk of accident
and it•jury When it can be avoided.
NOTES. -Me Fred Biford is one of
the eptakers at. t ho ineetmg of the On
tare) Agricultural Experimental
Union, in Guelph, on Tuesdey, Dec. 10.
His topic will be "Lucerne Growlers':
, 13rucefield
Curates. - ehanksgiving services
were•held in the Presbyterian church
on Sunday and a special sermon was
delivered by the pastor. Anniversary
serv;ces will be held next Sunday, Dec.
1st, to be conducted by Rev. A. Ste.
wart, of, Willis church, Clinton, an 1
on Monday evening following, Dr. R.
Johnston, of St. Andeews' church,Lon-
don, .will' give his -noted. lecture .flfl
ncottish heroes in church and state ;
general invitation is extended to all
and a large attendance is eupected.
NUM. -Pupils of the . Stanley
school near our villttee were last week
given the prizes won et the Goderich
fall fair for writing and drawing; the
prizes ranged from 25 cents to sl..00
needless to say thescholars went home
rich ; those who received prizes were
Misses Maud Wilson. Kittle Jacobs and
Andrew Murdock, Howard Campbell
and Hugh McGregor. The school has
a lately purchased, the charts sold by
Me Stephen, the price being $36,
Xmas Cake.
Like wine improves with ego.
• Now is the time to meke your Cake
and give it a chance to age a little before
, *Imes. Ilr...23
The Beer! mit in the market it none
good for your (take, tee have the best
iiitsuit Peels and Spices
that 'money tan buy, and we pavan.
tee the pries; -
Oar Xmas China
• Is beginning to arrive, and in a few
dayWe wine able to show the met own.
plate stook of fano,/ ohina in town.
Wake& look at oar stook of Dinner
sad Chamber sete,.and we think yon will
agree with as in eaying that it is the mord stook in town; next week it will
be still better.
• ' We carry a stook pattern of 0102460
011112A Ware; you can make tip a dinner or
Tea set to mit yourself and be anie6 of
matching it at any gnu yon wish 10 au to
your set,
A 41500.00
A.00ident Insurance Polley good
for 8eyen days, given with every bail ptsr.
that of organist in our church, whieh you so
conscientiously filled for so many years, With-
out any xneroonary reward but merely for love
of your work. But time brings many changes,
and you are,we believeantending soon to leave
us to take up your work in another sphere in
life, and when the years have rolled on and the
memory of Milburn and Kinburn friends be-
come indistinot,perhaps you may in retrospect
again see those friends as they are brought to
your mind by the associated ideas connected
with this small token of love, swhich we now
beg of you, to accent, not for its intrinsic value.
but merely symbolic °flour esteem for you, and
as you continue An life we hope. and pray that
your lot may be a pleasant one and that eaoh
new acquaintance forn2ed maymily serve to add
another link in your chain r,f friendship, and
may those new•friends always find you as we
have found you.
"Cheerful and helpful and firm.
Langour was not on your heart,
Weakness was not in your word,
•Wearfness not on your brow."
Sfgned Members and Adherents of Hinburn
Methodist church.
DEATH. -We regret exceedingly to
record the death of Mrs Jas Stanley,
whichoccurred on Saturday •last, at
the age of 61 years. Her death' was
due to cancer,for which she underwent
an operation, but could not recover.
She was -a woman held in the very
highest esteem, being a Member of the
Methodist church andan active work-
er. The remains were interred in Kin -
burn cemetery on Monday.
- Next Sunday Rev Mr
Ooupland will hold service as usual.
Next Sunday evening the League will
hold consecration and roll cal.; Mies A.
Rapson will take charge of the service.
This church is getting Into much bet-
ter shape than it was and proeision
has been made to wipe off the small ex-
isting debt by Christmas.
NOTES. -Miss Parsons, Hayfield, is
visiting at the home of Mrs Thos'
Simpson. Miss Rathevell,
was last week the. guest of Miss Arm-
strong, Tuckersmith, B R Iiigg, ins
attended the S. S. convention held in
Hentall last week. The Micon house
has again changed hands; Geo Mc-
Donald. is now in possession.
WEDDED,-MiSS Britton, who was
this week married to Mr Emerson, of
Manitoba, will not go west, but they
will take up their residence for the Toronto,Mr Emerson haying
disposed of his western property.
SERVICE. -The League Will held a
Thanksgiving servile on the evening of
the 28th, to be conducted by members
Of the League. •
Windham. i!Ondesboro.
Wanted -Bright dried *VOW • orders dile Ietenoistne.-The friends of Mr
eat from
and Raw eurs-0ny.3. BING
Germa, Also Roll Butter* Fowllin
l ebbe
W =DING .eforriat.e. -The Methos he pleasreadtgne112:f rlitheth13ethtehw
takeni 1
4, Wingham.
dist personage Was the scene of a very 0. change for the better, andhope to
Itiv Richard Hobbs, move into as sn ae Mr Grainger IS
was united in wedlock to Mr it V Hut-
pretty wedding on Wednesday of last iiismanbaietoeenimnoeve: again. Their beaUt-
week, when at noon Miss 4lennie M„ Ifni new house is finished reedy to
eldest daturhter of
' tont of Brantford, The ceremony was ram= (4axtreniset.-Mr and Mrs
performed by the father of the bride, Elsley entertained their cousins, the
assisted by the Rev Mr McDonagie, of Lyon and Garrett families, Saturday
ethYeerneIngw'ithMt%iraeud MGrisasnalirhorenneWeelieerhe
caused it good deal of anausementeefter
lune"' was served, Mr Lawrence
tOOK at flash light picture of the crowd,
Oerunort Ncires6.---The Methodist
church is engaged in special meetings
bridal veil ; she carried. a bouquet at which ere bein nite successful ; last
week Rev Mr Eason, of Goderich,
gave Ira some y substantial hells,
and several people are turning to the
Lord; The Rev Me Green preached on
Monday and Tuesday nights. ' Thanes.
giving service will be held by the
Methodists and Presby teriansi on
Thursday °night in the Methodist
church. On Friday night Dr Gifford
is expected to preach. A Christmas
tree and Cantata will be held in the
,Methodist church on Christmas night.
Rev Mi and Mrs Couriland received a
choice piece of venison from their son
at Meaforcl last week. •
Stratford, who married the father and
mother of the bride, and took place
undera large floral wish -bone, where
the happy couple received the congrat-
ulations of their friend. Always
charminv, the bride's beauty w4s en-
hanced by her dress of white silk and
roses. Her travelling costume was
brown broadcloth and white silk waist.
The only attendants were two pretty
little flower girls, in white, Delight
Hobbs, the bride's sister, and G. Verity.
Toronto. The wedding semarch • was
played by Master Arthur Yellosan. The
groom's present to the bride was a gold
watchgaard with diamond set slide,
and to the flower girls an opal and
pearl ring. Only relatives were pres-
ent. The laride„wa.s remembered by .
matey useful presents,frorn the church
where she vvas ft prominent worker,.
and from other friends. Among them
we may mention a piece of silverware
by the Epworth League and a Parisian
.Newcombe piano from her father .and
mother. The groom is a highly respect-
ed young man, holding it responsible
position with -the Verity Plough Co. of
Brantford. The happy couple lett on
the 3.10 train for London and other
places before going to their future
home in Brantford. Guests were pres-
ent from Toronto, London,. Waterloo
and Brantford, Sincere Wishes for a
happy future fellow them to their new
home. •
NOTES. -A standpipe system is like-
ly to be instituted ID Wingham ; water
foe„cloraestic purposes is badly needed
as the wells are becoming in a bad
state and such a system would greatly
increare prcitectioa in case of fire.
There is considerable adverse criticism
of the waterworks since our last fire
the same occurrence as that which hap-
pened at our late fire may prove dis-
astrous sometime.
Mnsteare-A competition, or rather
a contest, with three students of the
NOTES. -A public meeting in the in -
Wrest of Hen. J 1. Garrow will be held
here on the evening of.Friday, Nov 20,
to be addressed by a couple of speekers.
John Ettling left .for Miteritoba last
weekelie wife and youngest eon go this
week; another son went out at har-
vest time and returned bore on Satur-
day; he. purposes to stay the winter
and go to Marritobe in the spring.. W.
Stapleton, who has been tailoring here
for a few months, has•left for where he
hopes there are greener fields; this
leaves the village without a tailor. T.
Hill has perchiteed 'another horse and
will run a, small livery. J. Melville
has sold hie fine trotting mare "Lucy"
to R. McLean, of Goderich. R.A.darns
has built a house to protect his salt
from the weather. Mr Webb would
like to purchase 1000 bushels of .good
wheat. Geese are very scarce here arte
many are asking for therri. There is
considerable other poultry for sale.
St Helens
• LIBERAI? MEETINO..-A very succe:E.;
ful meeting in the interests of the Lib -
London Conservatory of Music at the eral caudkLate in the Vest Huron'
auditorium was recently held to decide campaign was held in the town hall
torthe proud honor of being adjudged here, on Saturday evening last, 0 A
the best pianist of,the.year among the Tebbuttt in the chair and a greed aud_i-
hundreds of students en attendance at ence .present, which included a good
the Conservatory. As may be suppos- showing of ' the ladies. The first
ed,the conditions were sufficient to try speaker of the evening was Hon J T
the nerve of the yr:twig musicians. The Garrow, who gave a concise speech
pane was.the Barron Raid medal and showing forth a few of the pleas • pre -
the Heinfzinan & 0o. scholarship of sented by the opposite party, all of
$50. Mr (Thai Marsh; A. L. 0. M., of which sound paltry . and non-political.
South London and a pupil of Mr Bar- Be was followed by Hon Dr McDonald,
ron, won the first place. Miss Belle of Wingham. Inlet speech on Sa.tur-
McLennan, of Laurier P. O., also a day night is a sample, we Judge that
pupil of Mr Barron, had but eight the Commons have the proper man as
paints fewer than Mr Marsh. Miss Deputy speaker. He gave it good re -
Irene Armstrong, A. L. C. M., of Luck- view.of the progress our own province
has made under the Liberal govern-
ment giving figures always to sub-
stantiate his argument. No smelter
appeared for the Conservative candi-
date. Meeting clotted with the singing
et the national anthem.
- •NOTES,-Mtee M Salkeld spent a few
days with Goderich friends last week,
returning on Saturday. Miss J Mc-
Donald who pent the summer months
with friends in Elora and other points,
returned on Saturday, Mies E Rob-
ertson, of Lucknow, was the guest of
friends here last week. Quite a num-
ber from here Went to hear Miss Mc-
Lachlan, the famous Scotch singer, at
the ccncert in Lucknow on Tuesday
evening. Mrs McGuire has moved to
the village for the winter and will
occupy the house recently vacated by
R McGuire. Saturdey is certainly it
busy day here AS regards chopping
grain, the mill almost always having
more on hand than can he completed
in one day. •
now, was a great tavorilee. The deci-
sion of the judges, however, was'gener-
elly gratifying. .notwithstanding that
the young ladies had to stand aside the
• brilliant young artist of the sterner
sex. This is indeed gratifying to learn
of our young lady friends.
try Hall, on Friday evening la f• Noeits„-Mr A. Holmes has just com-
Reeve Sims occupied , he chair. A. V. titis':vleydoti;ennig°pdeeolpillnegfil.loitn4 htluts9ev. il(ilaugieteatA-
Wr ight, 0 0 0 se rval ive
nrgsenizer. "P tended e, surprise petty at Belfast the
peered on behalf of Mr. Beck, while
Hon. P. Mr-Doi-m.1d, M. Pi. and le of her evening. Mr Daniel Steele, • of
Holmes. M. P., spoke for Mr Garrow, eucoe, is on a visit to his parents at
ed a good hear- Oramsford. Dungannon knit one of its
All the speakers receiv
ing. The Coneervetives hold a meet- oldest residents in .the person . of Mr
Dr Lunen; he had reeitled here for over
lire here to -native.
... fifty years. Mr Abe Culbert intends
RETIRING PR°31. BUSMESS r= Mr S " , erecting concrete toundations under
McKinnon, well known in Blyth and, his barns the cotning season. The true -
Heron county, who during the thirty. tees of S. S. No. 6, of Ashfield, have en -
years has been actively connected oozed Miss Kilpatrick for the current
with the wholesale millinery trade of . year. Mr Arthur Preaney, of Knorr,
Canada and builtup one of the most wee on a visit to his brother Andrew a
extensive connections in t his cennt ry,
is retiring fermi act ideation In bw days week, The Dungannon
ive p Ire i
the firm that hears his natne. and after scholars are get og to have their annual
urn to schciol entert moment. on Dec, 17. T.
a short holiday abroad will ret
Toronto to look after other 'commercial E. Dnrnin has i eturned from a husi-
altars in which he is in He .ness trip to Manitoba. Miss Dora
has sold the greater part of his hold. 'Johnston paid a vieit to, Mr and Mrs
Dreamy the other day. Mrs Neilson,
POLITIOAL.-A very good and well
tended meeting in the interest of
lion. Mr Garrow, was held in Indus -
ings in the wholesaIeemillinery firm of
S le McKinnon st Co., Limited. The
company wee eetablished with a cap
ital of $300,000, and Mr McKinnon has
sold pare ot his stock to the extent of
$262,000, still retaining some shares,
hut giving the control and manage-
ment to the new purchasers. They are
Mt Jaynes Alexander, for the past
three years viee.president of the corns
patty, who was before a share holder ;
Mr George Oaldbeck, of I'Voodstock,
a wealthy retired merchant there,
and Mr Sohn S McKinnon, it nephew,
and a director of the company for
three yeers back. The dean" in the Nelson Masse is no,w the butcher and
firm will take place on January fleet. is doing quite an extensive bushiest+.
Mr S McKinnon is a brother off Arthur 0reenen and Arthur Geoffroi
Postmaster McKinnon and 3'ohn S is arrived from Dakota the other day.
MARRIED IN 'run WEST. -A few
days' since it foriner popular resident
of this township was Married in Dako-
ta, Miss Alice Neilans, daughter of the
late Thos Neilans,
NOelts.-Jas. Reynolds, jr,, Was out
again on Saturday after halting been
confined to the house for over a month
With a sore knee r the trouble Mune on
him unawares and he cottld give no reit-
sob for it. Alex. Leech; reeve of the
townettip, has bought the farm on COIL
7,1010W11 as the olttelhistirion farto,froift
the Dale estate, It consists of 100 acres
but there are no buildings ot any re-
count of the place ; the price paid was
S2,800 which1.$200 less than what was
paid for it by Mr Dale, 11, Adamis, of
the 9th done is building a fine pig pen,
18:22, on his place.
of Menchest er, is paying a visit to her
hien& end relativee, flat ry Edmunds
intends leeving for the lumber woo&
shortly. Henry Muff had. a valuable
mare sick it few days lately, but is
improving nicely now. Quite a num-
ber of deer hunters have arrived home
to Dungantion.
Sc Joseph.
NOnts.-His Honor Bishop Mame
of London, after the blessing of the
Zurich Catholic church paid it visit to
the perieh priest, Father Prudhonem.e.
a son of the pOstmaster. The load of the ships that Were
. . --as—, wrecked on the lake tecently lodged
fienntiller. . along the'shore nighlto this place; it
0Ho'ROIT. -The special services which consisted ot cedar posts and pulp wood.
have been in progrese during the trait Mr X Cantle. is again away on it pros -
tour. Mr Jerome Bedard.
three vveeke, are being' continued. The Penting
Meeting on Sunday evening it cOn• teacher of the separate school here,
ducted -by Mrs (Rev Shaw and Mists A. leaves at Ohristuatte to pursue a higher
education; he has for three years
• labored incessantly for the welfare of
the section and has proved himself to
be a voting man of excellent abilitiee
and sterling character; he had been
offered the school for another year If
he desired to stay but he declined it;
his succeseor has tiotyeb been engaged.
NoTti3.-Geo. joyrit WM; in Seafortli
on Saturday, Mies Freeman,Crediton,
is visiting at G. F. Yotingblub, Chart
Mantis was in Walton on Saturday, a.
McDonel woe in London riper Sunday.
Mr Spear,Exeter,tvas in town Tuateday,
Mrs Babcock and. 00h lett Wednesday
cheat of $2,00 and upwards. morriing for London. Mrs l Hannie
Ogi Cooper sa co and Mrs T Nealands left Wednesday
e morning for Wallateburg. Miss Smith
Fergeson; it prove very interesting
and helPktil.
NOTES. -Thos. Jolene, Sam Gardiner
and Geo Moore returned from the West
on Monday last, Emerson Mehring,
who has been critically ill during the
past tow weeks tte .Denver, Colorado, is
still very low, Mrs Jas Long, who has
been on a several daytevieit to A.shfield
and attending the marriage of her sis-
ter, returneclitome on Thursday last.
David Warner and Wife; of Goderich,
spent Sunday at the home of the latter
in this place, Miss A. Perguson, who
has tatgeht succesefully here for the
Goderieh, and Miss Wanlese, Blyth,ar.
ova, fot bott;44, iktut egitt pitetiew, rived in town this reek,
Notits,-Mr Theo Baird has gone to
Ashfield this Week to viab triode and
acemtintances there, Misses Lill Mc-
Cowan and Tena Hard and Master 1.
McKay have on te Hamilton. for
Aitet year has resigned and the re- , been working Thanksgiving. Chao Duper, Who lutis
the we understand
year ; .
for MrsOampbell during
signal:ion takes effect et the end ,of the euteheeebait finished 1113 engage
that she Merit and gone home. Chas Walinale
has oleo finished his term with Mr j.
Moffatt, and left for his home ha Bay.
East Wawanosh
DISTIMCSSING APPA.111..-4 very sad
and unfortunate affair happened in this
township, on Monday morning, the re-
sult of which may be the death of a
highly -respected citizen of this locality,
For some time Mr D. Anderson, of the
Oth concession, has been in a melan-
choly mood, due in some manner to
losses and reverses. In the euramer
time he lost a goad horse;
ly his sheep were worried by dogs, and
lately he has had a couple of horses
sick, these combined circumstances af-
fecting his mind ti,) Much that he breed -
ed over it. Fearing possibty that he
might do himself personal injury, the
family have kept a little watch On him,
but he escaped their vigilance on Mon-
day morning and attempted suicide by
cutting his throat, With his wife and
conple of neighbors he went to the
stable at.about 830 to eee a sick horse
the neighbors went home and he wen t
up to the granary, as his wife thought,
to get grain for the other horses. Not
returning when they thought he
should, his wife went tip to look for
him, and was horrified to find him
in in the granary, behind it fanning
mill, with his throat cut. He *as car-
ried to the honse and • a doctor sum-
moned, who found that little
could be done for him, as be had com-
pletely severed the windpipe and ali-
mentary canal,the injury being inflict.
ed with a common jack knife. About
all that could be done was to dress his
wound. lie was perfectly conscious
after the circurnetance, brit of course
could mit epeak on account of his sever.
ed windpipe. • He has a large family,
and the gteateet sympathy is felt for
all. At Iasi) account ne was lima, but
it is hardly thought he can recover,
intends, well that is not our bueinese.
The trustees have engaged Mr Harry
Long, who has taught for two years in
No. 4, Colborne, for the year 1902. A
for from One place took in the hob
supper at the Nile, on Thursday even.
ing Iaqt;.
tittiLptilte."--The town of Exeter is
enjoying it boom in the building line,
the like of which %has not experienced
in many years; a number of the new
structures are being erected In the
business section,
onzino and 0000.
The peblieber would esteem it it Air
if rade ro would, Vibell making their
purobs000, nientiou that they SIM the
znerchaneessivilatisement in this paper
Mise Ede Bali has been visiting her
Aunt Alymer.
Miss Mani eloNang4oeis away on a
two weeks' 'visit to G-pderioh.
Min Davi4 has been yisiting at bee
unolree, Wm Cadman, ileneall.
Mrs P Tisdell to spending Thanks-
giving with friends in Toroeto. •
Mrs Dark, of Goderioh, was it guest at
she leettenbury House for Sunday.
ing • her friend, Mies J Tamblyn, of
Miesit,0,.Besse.1 Porter, tof Clinton, is visit -
0 Msitsaen::a. co Stewart, of Benmiller, is
visiting. Miss Maud &rite ce the 2ad con,
friMenedJs.ohn A, Nellie, of Guelph, formerly
town clerk here, is visiting old Clinton
Ur H Pallnean Evans,- • of Toronto,
visited relatiVes and frieads in town for a
feW days this week.
Mrs Barge left on Friday for Chicago,
where she wilt take up her residence with
some of her children. • '
Dr Agnew was up to Wingiram seeing
hie father who ia yet corralled to bed, ale
though somewhat improved,
Mrs Steep, Mary street, and her sister,
leave this week for Toronto, where they
may paasil3ly remain for the winter.
Mies Mabel Ilarlind went • down to
Dashwood Wedeeedey to visit Miss Flos-
sie King; she will ;remein until Monday.
E-Iloward, of the organ factory; left on
Monday on a trip to Marietta, Ohio, and
from their will go to Virginia. He will be
away a week or so.
T Jackson je, is et Windsor and other
western • points for the Jackson Bros,
firm. This week Will end up travelling
until after New Years.
B Moore 13013 taken it temporary situa-
tion at the Maned:tan furnatire factory at
Stratford and. GeoMoRse has gone for a
Wort while to 131enbeim.
Mrs j• B Lairg who was over from Saxe
CitytIllinois, attending the fan ral of a
relative in Stratford, spent 'a few days
last week at her father's, Mayor aa'oltson.
Itir T R Foster, of Tara, -at one time it
woolien enanufaotarer here, is visiting his
old friends. Mrs hooter sociompenied turn
and they are the guests of W. Cantelon.
Mr Indio, who 'opmmitted imicide by
jumping into the Detroit river the other
clay, wee formerly it well known Commer-
cial traveller whom business often brought
him here . •
Mrs D P. Menzies, of. Staples (formerly
of Clanton), was in town lash week. She
had been at Auburn on the sad errand of
attending the funeral of her sister, Aire
Young who died et Londesboro.
. Her many friends in town will.. be sory
to learn that Miss Nellie Harris, Goder-
ich, who heti been ordering from appenr
alpine for some time, is now in Stratford
Hospital, and partied through an Oper-
ation on Wednesday.
' Mr Jae elcott returned from Wood-
stock on Monday, having been called there
on amount of the scalene illness of his
father. Michael Scott who Tweed away
from earthly oare on Tuesday, at the old
advanced age of 94 years, Mr Ssott went
down again on Wednesday, to attend the
funeral. ' • •
Mrs Kaska, qf Buffalo (daughter of the
late Henry listing), has been sp.ending
three weeks among her old friends in this
vicinity, returning to her home on Satan -
day. She says there are a number of
Olintoniane in the Bison city, among them
being John Roberteon, jemes Thompson,
John Cook, Mrs Whitt, and others.
Dr J L Turnbull, formerly of here, and
hie college mate, Dr Rutherford, of
Listowel, are in Chicago taking their an-
nual course ofstudy' in the hospitals. Thie
year they are finishing up their courses on
electrical trertment and epeeist work in
surgery and dinettes of the eye, ear, nose
and throat, Mies Keene (daughter of
J Keane, of town), is attending to office
duties on Saturday afternoone,
Eittle,-An accident °centred, in J.
Balfour's house On Saturday week
which may have resulted attribute,
large lamp whichvvas lit and upse •
on the floor exploded, The .1
room WAS in ablaze in it few minutes
but after hard work managed to be
put out. The interior of the house
Was badly burned and many of the fur-
nishings destroyed.
Hon Thos Greenway has been down
Hfmninron°orYosutly°wIthli'le6loaveri ecia:ttdonvibsiritsilingeel.
He was veining his sisters, Mrs (Dr) Rol-
lins, of Exeter, and Mrs (Rev) gohnes, of
Brunelle On his farm was au avereee of
80 bushele of wheat per acre auti a total
crop of 80,000 bushels of wheat, oats and
barley. The crop repent based upon
theshing returns plums the average at 24
brothels or 48,000,000 for the whole
Wm Prendergast, B. A,, Toronto, in.
imitator of Separate 'wheelie is an old
Heron boy, The Advertiser sego he has
been in London inopeeting the seven imp-
arate sohoole in the city. Reis one of the
three separate sohool inspectors ,required
to supervise R. O. sobiols in Ontario and
Itis district oonsisto of tbs eountiee west of
Simooe, Halton arid Wentworth, incluse
ing the Niagara district and also inspects
tlie wheels in the SON Rat Portage, Port
Arthur and Fort William, Elie dunce are
to visit all the town and city schools'
twice it year and the rural whoole once a
Joseph Whitely, ex -reeve of .Goder-
lob township, but now 5 resieent of the
doubly town, was here on business Friday.
Henan very property lay °ham to being
oise of the oioneere of thie dietriet, having
moYed into Goderioh townehip in tht3 year
1882, The family, mutating of his par-
ents, and seven children, drove from Ham-
ilton to the Huron treat, b ox -team, Mr
Whitely desoribing the road as the roughs
est kind of bueh corduroy, and he nye
that as he looke beckhe wonders that
every bone iti hid body was riot broken.
After settling on the 715 coneeeeion of
Goderioh township a few months the
;3urroundifigs were so unoongenial thal Us
Whitely, en concluded they had made it
mieteke, and determined, to move to the
States, bat Providence interfered ; ktrii
Whitely wad taken sick, and being unable
to receive a &eta, lay ill for rerferal
months. Ort her reoovery her hnoband
deoided that he would remain having be.
come reconciled to his,eireamstaneee, and
he never had mansion to regret 'his deci.
Sion. Air Whitely ie yet an active emu,.
iyeear sy
li (1man
tOf h7i8sYoTertt. with it good many
Erner year be adeeneet
teem when riot ott paid
For Ladles and
Moderate Prices
• Also full, stook of
.CharnoiseSkins,50 up
R. P. Reekie's
Presoription Ding Store
Sagoessor fo Sydney Jackson,
N.B.-Our Compound Sy-
rup of White Pine and
Tar Cares Colds. 25o
all taken up vvith-the country round about
Calgary or even wet* of thartrtheRookies,
and spent awhile [wound in this locality
going north to Edmonton and McLeod in
the south. It was on the 1.6th of Jane-,
the first horne-seilterie excursion. to the
weet-that he went on and his three
months' ticket running out an extension
of two months more was secured so 111r
,facteool spent five months away. On gcae..
ing out he went to the Calgary and Rookies
distriot but most of the time wart latent
back in Maniteke, at Pilot Mound where
it brother lives and where is- was elute
familiar to him. There are many changed
as to improved) nts ranee he WU out *sr
before, He put in the time at throhii g
takings:Merge of the engine. Crops were
good and work plentiful; be heard. reports
as to ones damaged and wet weather in
otheeparts of Manitoba and the territories
but it was not so at the Mound. Some of
the crops can remain. until late to be
threshed; he was getting $3.59 per day
and other hands were getting gorse- wagers.
He would have steyed it 'month later if
his tioket could have been extended for it
longer time, Col Dent was up there for
horses for South Aeries, and took many,
14hande high, that had never been in a
stable nor had it mouthful 'of hay. He
thinks it a grand country for • ranching
near the Rookie) as it is too cold in Beane
itobs. It is his intention to return in' the
early spring and take a homestead of 160
sores•which can be had at $10 from the
Governmentend has in view it place some
twenty-five miles north of Calgary..
Pollifng SubsaVosnions in West
Arsanden,-No. 1, McArtbutes shop,
Dungs.npone No. 2, School 'Mese. No.
9; No. 3, School House No. 5; No. 4,
Forrester's' Hall, Port Albert; No. 5, •
School House No. 2 ; No. 6, Mouse of
Hugh McIntosh, lot 15, on, 12 ; No, 7.•
School House No. 12.
()OLBORNE.-No. ',Temperance Hall, •
Benmiller ; No. 2, Temperance Hall.
Saltford ; Nn. 3, Town Hall, Ca,rlow ;
No. 4, Temperance Hall, Leeburn. .
litreaarree-eNo. 5, School House, No.
5 ; No. Temperance Hall, Londese
boro ;No. 7, School House No: 9.
Hall, con. 4; No. 2, Bernie Wilson's
House, lot 17, con. 7; No. , Wm, Sine
clair's house. lot 17, con. 15.
E. WAVirANOSIT-NO. 1, SC11001 HOW%
No. 10; No, 2, School House, No. 13; .
No, 3, School Hose, No. 9; No... 4,
House of Jas. Dore, lot 29, con. 10.
W. WAWANOSM,-No, 1,, Old Court
Room, Dungannon; No. 2, Young's
Harness Shop, Auburn ; No. & 'Town
Hall, 'con, 8; No, 4, Public Hall, Sbe
Helens , No. 5, Patron Hall, lot 19,con.
GODERioEt TON-Vxd-No. 1, Alex. Kirk -
bride's Shop, Kingston street ; No. 2,
Videan's Feed Store, .Bast street •,
3. Town Hall • No. 4,Runciman's Shop,
Victoria streei't ; No. 5, Phillips' shoe,
West street; NO. (3, Brophy's Furniture
Sheet, West street ; No7, Meuse of Den-
nis Neville, formerly Jes. Hay's House.
BLYTTL-No, 1, Industry Halt ; No.
2, Office of Wm. Campbell.;
Ceusq0N.-No. 1, Town Halt ; No. 2,
Jae, Ferguson's Pump Factory, High
street; No. 3, reed Runaball's Carriage
Shop ;Noe4, john Stevenson's Pump
WINGIIAM,-No, 1, J. B, Cumming's
Shop ; No.2, VVm, Sarrettes Office ; No.
3, Town Hall: No. 4, W, A. Sohnie
NOTtiii,-Among thetas who returned
from Manitoba on Oriday last were
Meesre. W. and M. McDowell, Tunny,
W. Weldon and Miss Et, Stackhouee,
Mr and Mtn Geo, Curry, of Nile, spent
Sunday ab W. J. Hoover's. J. Killion&
spent a couple of dart last week with
Breseels relatives. Geo, henry is ripen&
ing A few weeks with hie sona. Henry,
V. S,, Dutton. Mies McOlenneghan,
former teacher on con. 8, anent Sunday
with friends here, Miss,A. Densmore
and Mrs and Miss Fothergill are lin.
• toying. W-Ilenry is en toted with
is brother-in-law, N. Olethents, of
Hespelet, for it year and left lei* week west(furtherWeet f or 1100, lived for, seine
for thrat, place4 10 yeare in Manitoba $i one time), He is
NOTHS,-The Messrs. Bevens ate en-
gaged boring an artesian 'well for j.
Cochrane ; they, have gone deem a
considerable distance.
Since his return to town we.haye ho
Chat with James McOool who has just
conte beak from ilia west, arriving home
Wednesday of Iasi week. Mr Afogool
after having disposed of his bad -
'Swisher° to S W Elliott took it notion 10
0 %feat !Mateo the country in the north.
Particulate of the estate of tbe lete Ne
Choke Wallace were filed at the Surrogate
Court, Toronto, on Monday. Dee:towed,
who died 'Mutate, left an Mete valued at
04,000. Of this, Sitf,000 was in real estate
in Woodbridge, ()Hawse and Manitoba,
with small holdinge in Montreal, Tonal*
It:Motion, Vaughen township, do. The
personal property is $19,000, and is darks,
mortgagee, notes, aebte, eta The widow
is petitioning for adtniniekratien.
There is nothing niter
for a Christmas gift
than a good' phdba
Taken at
• PhOto Shia.
Csal and see our Xmas
enders. Studio open 0*.
Thanksgiving Day.