HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-11-22, Page 8Vovomber 222 1901 -
Priestley9 1: 4 JIM**
11W1, NOTES —D. G. • McLaughlin wha
s- Famous in4 RA
left Clinton Some twenty year; ages
and le now living in Aberdeen, Dako
when renewing hos sithecription recent,
I * NOV 24 t1901
t le an 014 sebscriber to the Naw ERA: k
111 said he never missed a weekly
LOCAL NDTIOES copy in all this tirne except once or
ac Dress 00 s g2 tilr46174414°Mriftrarigli WIN '8. ..:4v4ilelliIsn(ill lilltt:cr C1:84141:11" tran::.
Are known the world over for their style, durability
and general excellence. The name Priestley' stamped
on the selvage is a guarantee of worth, and Black
Dress Coods bearing this mark can be depended on
absolutely. There is a liberal representation,of these
famous dress goods fabrics in our black dress goods
stock. They are shown in the newest weaves and
materials, and can be depended on to give satisfactory
wearoancl retalh their color until the last 'thread is gone.
Here are a few of the many lines we show, They
are hints only of the completeness of our range and
the breadth of opr assortment, but will do to give you
an idea of what the stock is like.
Priestley s Wool Sateen, a very fine skirts, extra speoial value at per
fsbrio that makes a stylish and
serviceable costume, emery thread
pure wool, 4bsolately fast dye, 42 we
inches wide, per yard
60c Extra fine Cheviot Serge, fery popu-
lar for suits or skirt, imported
goods,all pure *era 48 inobegyvide
per yard -•` .0
mid Pried 11;1 t
(1)11 er
rotatoe OeriodriNtIllOtt eliatOn rlraecr 0113 ftri°11411Itig gighlt I:: bee:
titeleeted laisisins, os for SOo. 1 taken by Conductor Burney...I.
titbs4 Ucellageticir '*6°' has now got nicely settled
6 r . Stevensonin airs Biddlecotrihee House, Heron
?,Ititilitglita=nts for 25o street... A number of telephone Men
(041711 a0114€11.
If taBg.tur, ROOM.—Everroe
ttar trrrrileentt °L(;142 tr. arle i""Cl at
egrgardnatix,:%dPtifoTi re-
t oo
Rooms, in gt?b AmitheglOg,°111=1:
rihtlf:ga)11b1;gtst:tri4. room
riage which will prove tesitl'eatti
took place at the fathr's home in Sea,
root Hamilton are here making necee-
eery repaire to the line... • It, D. Shan-
ahan had the nrisfortune to lose a good
caw and calf on Saturday...Geo.
Potts has rented the house on the cor-
ner of Princess and Queers street,
The Oounty Council will meet on the
2nd of Dec... Jelin lffe0ool has rented
a house on Ontario street and moved
his fatally Wog from Watford ....Since
taking charge of the cemetery, Care-
taker O. °rich says last week way the
busiest he lies had since assuming
charge ; graves were dug for five in-
terments the deceased being Jae. Mc-
-.Dongall (Brucefield), 11. Smith. afar J.
or last week. Mise Henrietta, Ladle, Cleo. Rumboll and Mrs T. AVery
daughter of Mr James Yoeng, for- (Stanley)....On Thursday and Friday
merliy of alinton,was wedded to George lad week farmer said there never
Wesfey Martin, a prosperous Yana:1g was better sleighing on the London
farmer of Oakville Man the
molly being performed by aeir road,..,,John Jatvls, formerly of Step. given on ednesday evening at the
leton, but now a resident of Wawa home of o. Rathwen, Goderich
Wallwin ,on Wednesday evening, the Eng., writes in appreciation of the township.. • .A. A, Shrenck, who has
13th inst. They will make their home Nava ERA, in renewing his subserip. been agent here for the Frost & Wood
in Oakville where they have gone, tion ; we have several subscribers in °°'s has 130°,00 out the Klondike hotel
ens. .Mies Cooley is attending to the
oftlee'cluties of DLI. Cairene slc
The fire department held a special
meeting....on Tuesday evening...ROY
W. G. Howeou, of itattenbury street
church, performed a 'Marriage at the
parsonage on Wednesday afternoon;
the contracting parties were Levi Erb.
of Ethel, and Male Sarah Mamie" of
town...Geo. McCartney, Holmeaville,
had a runaway In town on Wednesday
afternoon/ hie horse took fright in
frontof Uombe's drugstore and he marl.
aged to get into his buggy, but was
afterwards thrown out; no serious
damage was done, and the beret* turned
in at the Mason House_.... • •At the WA'
Meeting of the London Nominal School
Literary Society last week the program
had been arranged under the superYie-
ion of Miss A. Stout, which the ellen'.
Mall said. "elope waestrfacient to assure
the society a pleasant and profitable
evening": Alias Stout was formerly one
of the public sehool staff here, and hie
daughter of Rev W. Stout, Xirktou. • ,
The other day 0. Hoare sold a tine
piano cased Doherty organ to Mr Tyner
for his daughter; Mr Tyner recently
bought the farm of N. Bingham, and
has moved on to it. Henry Diehl, of
Stanley, brought in a turkey on Tues-
day that weighed over 30 pounds...R.
Fitzsimons is supplying venison from
a deer shot in Muskoka...A number
of .young people went out io a party
teith, ot Ontario street, recently re-
ceived word that hi b h
rot er John had
died in Liverpool on the 21st of Octe-
t:sec ; he was a much respected man of
ara years. This makes the second
.. ............. C brother he has.lost in two months, his
Priestley's Bangalines and Poplins, brother Robert, who was 75 years of
very fine qualities, all pure wool, age, Posing away on Sept. 13; Mr A.
fast dye,meke very stylish amen Moiateith the on! o f
per yard..., ,.75c and
Very /Inequality Black Camel's ao,
Dress Goods, soft cheviot finish
Makes very handsome costume
ane of the newest fashionable fab
ries shown this season, 44 inches „,„,
wide, per yard .... . . . 11..X0
All wool Cheviot Serge, 48 inches
wide, soft finish, will wear end
make up well, Especial value at per
'yard .I5C
8c who came to Canticle to reside, and a
sister, Mrs Bluett, of Liverpool, are
the only surviving children of a family
of twelve, a number of whom died in
marriage of Mies Alice Bowey
Mr W. A Treat took place at the
aidence of the bride's father, Mr
liam • Bowey, 458 Warren aven
Chicago, on Tuesday last. Miss Bo
(formerly a resident of Clinton, 0
has a host of friends in Western
tario, who will extend their congra
lations. A number of friends fr
the United States and Canada w
present, and if the nurnber of gain&
. . •
*****************,-440*sireo 4414444.4.41.**********Appopmw*
Skirting Frieze $1,00 per yard ,
This is the best value in a skirting or suit material
we have shown this season. It is made from good Clean
yarns, comes in Nick or dark Oxford. Grey and is heaty.
enough to make up without lining. -„ •
Heavy Frieze Suiting, full 84 inches wide, does not require
lining, will give excellent wear and will retain its appear.
anoe,black or dark Oxford grey,will nob get nutty loosing, --
extra value at per yard 1 UU
itavran1114;41,4414weatauaatvl,ta/f-VauPPO ¥Y44*******VatatgAtatitat.v.af**44
New Wrapperettes
This has been a 'big season with us for Wrapperttes.
We have had the right patterns and values and as a natural
result trade has come our way Some new lines came in last
week to replace sold -outs. The price is a popular one, 1,2i
cents per yard ani they are real goodivalue for 'that money.
New Wrapperettes,red or Walk ground, wi‘k scroll or stripe, patterns„ri
in black, red r:r bine, good weight, feat aolots, per yard ..
English Shakers 12 1-2cts.
The best selling shaker Flannel we have is a line
we import direct from England and sell at 12 1-2 cts per
yard. They are a very soft make, good weight, wide,
fast colors,and come iu a nice assortment of fancy stripes
and combinations Of course we have plenty of the
cheaper lines, all good value, but if you want a real good
Flannelette you will find it hard to beat this line.
Ladies' Underwear
You will get good underwear if you do your buying
here. There is not a poor Make or inferior garment in the
whole stock. Whether it be a cheaper or more expensive
make you want you will find here, values at each price that
yon are not likely to duplicate,
Ladies' Hygeian Ribbed Vestematur-
al finish, long sleeves, open front,
a real good garment forthemoney,"
Ladies' Ribbed Vests, fleece lined.
open front, long oleeves, good
weight, fancy ribbon trimming
around neck and down front, each
Ladies; Ribbed Vests,nearly all wool,
just enough cotton mixed in tokeep
them from shrinking,plain or fano),
ribbed, open front, pearl button,
long slreves,drawers to matoh,eaoh
ladies' line ribbed woolen Vests,cot•
ton fleecing, silk trimmings, pearl
tural, eaob
buttons, long sleeves, white or nit -
Ladies' natural wool under vetitS,very
fine quality, if washed carefully •
250 will not ehrmk, shaped high neck,
a' long sleeves., one of our best falling
liners, drawers to match. EirdalL
medium and large siZea..$1 and 1.21;
20e Clhilciren's garments in same quality
ijete ea 8Se
Ladies' black Equestrian Tights,one
of the most comfortable garments
500 made for outdoor wear, fine (mai-
- ity woo; fastelye,elastie bande,per s tin
telt . 6 . 6664.61411666,6646111.,66 . 606 1.11"UP
ohdartnem assorted tv.k,
60e *ad doe
Our Two Big Hosiery Specials 47 .1:
We are selling a greatquaritity of our two lines of
manufactured over makes of Cashmere nose at 250 & SO0
per pair. It is no wonder for on ;every pair you buy
you Have from 5c to 20c, and they are beyond question
the best Hosiery value in town; you will be money in
pocket if you lay in a stipply while our stock,lasts •
*****A******;***********c* aro 'wow,* .v49/4414,441441.
gifts received is ae indication of p
ularity, the young coupe have a la
circle of well-wishers, ,
Agnew, of town, has taken in as p
ner Dr. B, A. Hidings', ofToronto,
has bad ten yearee.experienee an
thoroughly familiar wall every.
pertinent of deotistry. Be has on
particular attention to gold Riling, a
the ttes,troent of teeth, and.bas a
had a large experience experience w
a new local anaesthetic by which te
can be extracted absolutely with
pain. Office open every day fro
aass, to p.m., and Saturday even
until 10 p.m. Drs. Agnew and Billi
will open branch offices in Mancheet
Dungannon, Barth and Hayfield.
man, the Vet., thinks this wint
weather of burs is somewhat "chopp
compared with that in merry old R
land, He had an experience of it
,Thursday night last week while .
turning from attending a case in 0
erich township. The storm was at
worst and he could tu.t see on eith
side. Between the snow and t
muddy condition of the road
'hugOY wheels were down to' the hu
and finally horse and buggy bs ca
separated. Nothing could be di
but come in with bis horse and lea
buggy with grip behind which
Wheatley went after next day.
A. SWELL HALL —The. Canadi
Order of 'Foresters, can easily boast
having the swellest lodge room
town. Tbe lodge bore has 'a lar
mernbersh`e, and -thereby a good a
plus. Some time ago (bey moved fro
their old quarters and Teased the t
floor (above the public library) of't
Stavely Building; several other soc
ties also hold their regular rueetin
here. Tbis lodge loom can ccinpa
with any in the cities as it us now bee
tifully furnished, they baying just
cently bought from the Canadian 0111
& School Furniture Co., ot ?mato
some new chairs fur the officers and
number of settees; a good new carp
was recently purchased from R. Coe,
Son, and the room is equipped wi
electric lights. In ala the cost of ;
new furnishings is nearly $850, T
next regular meeting is on Thanksgi
ing night, and arrangements have be
made for the dedication, it which
number of high court officials will
present, including High Chief Rang
Elliott, of Ingersoll. entertai
rnent, to be given by local talent, an
a supper follow. It will be b
night with the 0_ 0, P.
d is
m 9
he .
011v -
—A great success in every way was
the commencement entertainment
given by the Collegiate c a last Friday
evening in the town hall. The pro-
gram was splendid and given entirely
by the students with only one excep-
tion every lumber was excellent and
appreciated by the large audience who
attended and showed their interest in
our high school of learning. Those
Wile had taken part deserve credit for
the success of he affair and particu-
Iarly Miss Parlee who had spared
much of her time to prepare for the
program ; the tableaux were well eats.
cuted under her direction. The solos
and readings as well as the in t
mentals were All attentively listene
to and thoroughly erjoved by all. PM
fig:itseill'iaVrisienr:te/4313e1111)1e :111iloeltin 'a
tory ever sweet and true', Miss .Ten
isle Jones; reading, Miss Flora Mc
Owen ; vinkin solo, "Hungarian dance
Mies Irene Jackson ; solo, -"Re was a
Pritee," Mrs Iteekie ; physical dril
with arms, 8 students; solo, "Oradi
song,' Sae Doherty ; I tableau, "Rin:
Alfred," W. ShipleyL•reading, "Ring
iduet. "Parada Review," Misses 0 ats
Alfred,4 Mise- Edna Manning ; no
and Scott tableau, "Tram king
Alfred," Mies B. Robson atlf4 hdys;
reading, "rhe discoverer of the North
Oape,"" Mise 0. Copper; solo, "Greet-
ings to tbe. King," Norman Murch;
tableato "Xing Affred"N.13ollespreedi
"Alfred the King," Mies Lela. Hoover,
The preeehtation of ' certillcatesand
diplomas by Principal Houston and
the presentation of sports prizes by
Mrs 3, Tindall WAS a pleasant flntile
Of the evening's entertainMent. The
DrriZ nr141,1. ae:tiagEtem1:2;1!
the old country. ... .Last week Seale 8a
Bice erected a *monument in the Wrox-
eter cemetery to the memory of the
late Mr and Mrs Jas. Magill, parents of
Mrs F. W. Watts, of town, ; they were
formerly residents of Wroxeter, hav-
ing lived there for some time...Miss
Pugh has discontinued keeping house
and digressed of her household furni-
ture on Saturday afternoon by auction
sale; D. Dickinson wielded the ham-
omfek.e:L.witi.tcjh'el411w, oitfeChleilniff:troRisenaggaalli.linn
possession of the laundry business
there, having bought out E. Peart.
who had been conducting it for the
Plat year....E01 and Beattie, a former
liveryman here, was married on the
12th inst., to Miss Lottlealaughter of
Geo. McIenzie, of se, inghaver, ...A,
Hewitt, of Brussels,ham bought out the
sale and exchange stables of J. Gentles,
of Kincardine. who is well known to
many in town ; Mr Gentles has made
himself wealthy in the horse business
at Kincardine.. ,. A number. of the
young people in town have received
invitations to an an assembly to be
given hy the junior bachelors, of See.
forth, in laordno's hall, on the evening
of Thanksgiving Day....E. Holmes.
formerly of Clinton, who for the vast
eight years has been itving an a small
fruit farm just outside of St. Cathar-
ines has quit the same and moved in-
to Ate city where he may take life
ettSielv ; he well deserves a rest, being in
his 79th year, but itwill be hard to keep
' him quiet, he has been so active ail his
life...Thanksgiving Day will he a
general holiday and all bit -loess places
will be closed ; the NEW ERA" will be
published on Wednesday instead of
Thursday. —There is to he a, wedding
here on Wednesday nee, ; they sae
two young. people of town.— .3. 13.
Laing wasinGoderich last' week in-
specting the books of the lounicipal
treasurers of Huron and among them
found those of Clerk Coats a model of
neatness and correct in e‘ y detail.
...The regular m anthly meeting of
the collegiate board on Monday even-
ing was not held, there Wing no quor-
in hisbrother in Harriston, and goes
there to take charge in a few weeks;
the.town arency will be taken by Rich.
Baker, of Giederich township, although
he will not remove his family here ua.
til spring, ...noise who wantjto buy a
good property should not forget the
auction sale of the 5 -acre lot belonging
to Mr Straith, to -morrow, at 2 p.m., at
the Rattenbury House.
RUMBALL DEAD. --There pass-
ed away on Thurielay, Nov, 14th., qeo.
Rumball, of town, aged 43 years, who
was recently brought back from Lon-
don in a critical cou,dition. He was
married to a Miss White,who survives
and two sons; Ernest -end Bert. The.
funeral took place to Clinton cemetery,
many friends showing their respects to
his memory by attending and who
Sympathize with the bereaved ones.
but pretty wedding was solemnized in
the presence of a number of friends at
St. Paul's church, Thursday afternoon,
when Miss Bessie Bye and Mr Arthur
Couch, both late of town, but from
England, %ere joined in the holy
bonds of wedlock. • At 1.80 p 111, the
brideaeaning on thearra of Mr Richard
Bamford, who gave her away, marched
to thesteps of the chancel amidst :the
strains of Mendelssohn's wedding
march,being played byMiss May Bea.
ley. The rector of the church, Rev. C.
R. Gunne, performed the ceremony,
during which appropriate hymns and
chantawere sung by the Choir. Tbe
bride wes.beemnIngly attired in a rich
Silk of blue ladies' cloth, Eat= coat,
showing a white silk waist, .with hat to
match. Altec the knot was safely tied
they left for the station,. to take the
2,45 train for Portland via Montreal to
take passage by •the • Dominion Line
steamship "Dominion" for England
where theywill reside in the future.
They Will Vika 'at Mrs Couch's parents
in Suffolk for some time before finally
settling in Cornwall, where Mr Couch'a
Hits reside. They were. ticketed to
Liverpool by A. O. Pattison, ,
"The New Covenant"
"A Lost Secret"
Mrs Anna Ross
Late of Brucefield and Clinton.
Neatly bound in Cloth with gilt
top, well printed on good paper.
Price $1.00
The W. D. FAIR 00, Clinton
"Often the Cheapest—Always the Rest.".
For the fall and *inter trade our stock is very com-
plete. Never before were we in abetter position
to give you jest what you need in all kinds of sea-
sonable footweer, and our continuously increasing
sales is the best evidence $bat our systems of
is just what is needed by the buying publics. Give
us a call for your next pair, and see what 'we eau do
. .
Pull stock of the celebrated Granby •
Rubbers, for which we are sole agents in town,
We guarantee every. pair. We do not handle
second quality rubbers. It will pay yon to see our '
BARGAIN Counters, which are being Constantly
replenished with the best bargains ever offered here
See eur'Xisses School Boots, sizes 11-12-18.1 -2, at 85c & 81
• . either laced or hattoned; they are great vaine •
The Old 11:enable,
The Store That Never Disappoints
eaah and One Price.'
Butter and Ilimotakea as Cash. •
Famous Clothirg Establishment.
4110••• e Puritan Coat
Manufactured for people who are exposed to wet and rough weather—,, -4P
•••4011 •
made from extra heavy duck and lined with heavy cloth lining—t4or,..1 :rial
oughly vulcanized, which makes it absolutely, waterproof, We BOW a
..large number of these 'coats last yearand they gave perfect satisfaction -i-Z
—the price is only $2.75Hthey are worth inspecting, because no man
exposed to wet weather can afford to be without one if he values good
• roil"
1110•••• •
di•.- The season is now here for Fur Coats and We want to say that our a
...., . 4
E stock is the finest to be had; undreds of people will be buying Fur :4'
aii.- .
' Coats this year and we aro ready for a big sale. People are beginning =
.... to realize that it pays to buy a good article and it pays to go to a relia. 3
a.... . ble place to buy, . In tlie Siberian Buffalo Coat we think we have got , --',"1•4
E,,, ' . the best Coat ever placed on the market. It will wear equal to any Coat 4
on the market no matter what the price is, It is a Iandsothe looking 53
: E • mistake if they miss seeing this coat; Our *own Dog Coat at $18 is .403
6 E coat and oilr close'cash priee is $25: Buyers of Fur Coats will make a '
, E worth looking at. 1
1 =
, .4.
. ....
' Underclothing
,.. ,..,
The cg.rigee' brand of new ribbed Underclothing which we :sell at 7&i .,....7.1 . .
perhaps the best line on the market for the money. They are especial. 4 .
ly made for hard -wear and goodimen buyers should see this great line. a
Our fleeced lined goods at 50e is the best to be had for the money. a
en's Ct)ats
tadime,a2u1sPotesjii.-yern..:oti.vtat . . . . oleitoTioN mut •
'TUE RIO • •
• • ma •
Alice Worthington, 2nd lean Carling ;
Penn 1st IVIatiold Coats, 2nd Lela
Hoover, Theproceeds which amounted
to about $2G goes towards prizes for
next year's exams.