HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-11-22, Page 4veutber 22 1901 ra• .1` 4144 TRE curroN NEW ERA 1 404+044.4444.",""' 4 "r +.444644k 4+.+.44444+ . Special Notice. Commencing Friday morning, Nov. 22nd, we will place ou sale 250 bunches of the best quality of Shetland Floss, in white and black, at per bunch 7o Each bunch contains 1.oz, Hosiery and Underwear At :Saving Prices. The Special Sale of Hosiery and. Underwear we started 5011* time ago is the most Ccessful we have ever had. The sterling merit of the goods and the great values ave made it so. Dozens of new customers have been added to our listoduring the ast month, which proves that people are fast finding out that best values are here. Commencing FRIDAY morning, Nov. 22nd, we pace on sale 500 garments at a sav- ing of 25 to 50 per cent. Many lines have just been !received from the maker at a great saving—hence tnese bargains. Hosiery 20c i.DSC at 2 for 25c. Boys' heavy uaion Hose, made of good strong yarn, sizes 8i, 9 arid 9 regular value is 90o, while they last to go a 2 pair for . . . .. 20e 35c Boys' Hose for 25C. Boys' extrelheavy all wool Hose, made of good quality of yarn, in assorted sizes from 6 to 10, just the thing 'for a boys' eohool wear, regular price 35o to •go.at per pair... Jodlesand children's fine wool Hose, soft finish, very warm and comfortable, all sizes from 5 to 10, prices 25c tO 23adies' and Children's Jereey Gaiters, buttoned part way up, they are selling fast at 7.50 and .• e 35c Vests at 25c. Ladies' hesyy union Vr.ets, rnade of extra quality yarn.with fleece baok, nicely *rimmed and finished, open' front, ne,; regular yelne 35o, during our eale daye to go at each -WV Ladies' 45c Vests at 35c. Ladies' fine union Vesta, rnede of good qintlity yarn, fleeted nicely trimmed with wool lace and silk tape,reg- War value 45o, gale! price . ,...... ouu Vests worth 70c for 50c. . 20ft Ladies' Vas ts and Drawers,made of very:fine quality wool •, yarn, sat finish, well made and nicely trimmed,regular value is 70e, • We bought thorn under price and offer eA,„,, your °holm at h 4. ... . .. , ow; 85c Vests at 70c. Men's Underwear, regular prices were 650, 85o and ,$1..26 Ladies' -fine ribbed wool Vests, made of it very good qaality. at • Mc, 60c and 85e J yarn, nicely trimmed with wool leo and silk tape, reg.. • ular value 85o on sale at moll I Ye •4 • ... • .......... ••••*" Extra Values in Blankets For this week's selling we direct particular attention to Two Special Lines which we regard as values hardly to be equalled. k The first is made of very fine quality of wool, with cOtton warp, size 56x74, all with fast colored borders—These would be considered good value at $3—while they last as our price will be $2.50 per pair. • , , , • The Second is a PURE ALL WOOL BLANKE1' called the "F'ERFECT,” good large size with 'fast colored border, our price is $3.75. Corsets the best kinds All those thinking of buying a corset should visit ibis store. In getting together our fall and winter stock we have ever had in mind that we would keep none but GOOD Corsets, those which we can guarantee for fit, wear and perfect satisfaction—and the prices continue to be those that have made this store the bast &eel to get your corset needs supplied. ViCtiONEZI Steel Filled Corsets at 50c. ... A Corset that will not break. 100 pairs of Corsets, made of good quality of Jean, all is the B & I biae fitting Comet We are sole agate for filled with best steel filling, sizes 18 to 00, well -Forth Clinton. Ilave you trieJ slump They oome bleak 76o, to be sold this week at per pair .. ................ and grey. Frio . . .. ,....... .4. • • • .. . ;MN Yew money baCk ityea want it. CLINTON sburch °him" 1 Wrtade Cerratort. - The choir rendered "Hold thou my band" at the evening Service on Sunday ; Wheel; Via Ross and Tena Matheeon have 1PecORIO annual thanksgiving eerVice I will be held in Willis Presbyterian church at 11 a. M. ; ;the services Will probably.be conducted bk ;ter Mr Thiplop, of the Baptist chore& I Theo Somerville, of Brantford. editor ' of "The Gleaner" and other religious publications,preached in theBrethren's hall, Searle's block, on Sunday even- ing ; he is an earneat and pleasing Opeaker. There Was a fairly good .number present. Tke blessing and. re -opening of St. Bordface Church at Zunch has been postponed to Nov, 24th. Rt ftev.P.. P. McBee's', the Bishop of London, will bless the edifice, assisted by the Very Rev Father James, Chatham; Itey Father Meunier, Windsor, and many' of the priests from surrounding parishes. ' _RAtTronitum STELEUT OiltMO/1.- wile league held a missionary meet. ing at League on Monday ,evening. L. Doherty presiding; miesionery papers Were read by Mies Washington and Miss Powell which were very Interesting,...The pastor win take foe his subjects next Sunday, at 11 a. M.. "The sours soliloquy"; at 7 pin., "The- noophy, and its doctrine of Re.incarna. thine. The ushers will be pleased to thoWstratigeis to sea& Ottioartro ST. OntitiOlt ---,We believe It to the Intention to re -open this church on Dec. 8, Rev 1. Livingstout, President of the Conference ofticiat. ' a tea:Meeting wilt also 'be held the following Monday °yelling, for Which an excellent program -musical and otherwiso-will be provided. At the League on Monday evening the Mtge &events treaded and the topic 441anadian advantages" was dealt. With by the pastor At the fabler .league thla Friday evening "A. book for every say', will be taken by C. Gifford. rits3ti Sr PAtir:e Clatirtelt.-, The first of *OW of concerts to be given by the lee Guild wag held On Monday , Sty ning lb the Smiday school room; , theta was a goodly number present ' And the Colleetionlakeri in at the door ... *Mounted to $0.06. The chair Wae taken by the reetor who after *pole. erizing tor not aterting promptly 011 Littler goodArlatureillY oaf& that expert. .0106. WW1 taught him that time set Xneant a,greater or levier nuither Of f niinutes lost. The program which was realinteresting was as follows: - Hymn, choir ; readine. Mioo Mount. cootie • duet. Miss it and W.. r._ Latorned ; recitatieb, A. Beeton 6010t Thoa Jackson, Jr, : reel- PAtiont Mies L. Grant; solo, W, U. Laternel ; recitation, "A Voice from the Guild," Mies U. H. Mountcasle ; anthem, choir; recitation, Miss C. Hi Moinitcaatle ; duet, Thos Sackoon, Jr., 'end eani SteWarg ; God save the King, Fai rmers nstitute liteungs. IChicken Preeding", and the others all took some part, the musical features of theci3rogram being mouth -organ solos 1." Ub.buttouctrorpe.o.a. by (I- 0 y c male. AT BilLORAVE on Thursday, meet-, tinge were also heldt the additional speakers being j. T. Currie, reeve of Bast Wawanoeh, and Mrs Ritchie, of Wingbatn. AT LONDESnoit0 two very good meetings were held, the speakers being the same as at Kintall, the Mimes Jen- kins, of East Wawandsh, taking the musical part on the program. The meetings were all practical, fairly well attended and resulted in a considerable addition t3 the membership. [Weiwill next week give a short rnary ef the different addreaseslnot hayingrooM for them this week ---Ed. NEW Last week , a series of four special onetime:, were held under the auspices ot the Weetiluron Farmers` Institute chiefly for the discussion of matters re- lating to the' horse a number of Hub- jects bearing they. eon Were taken up - The education of thehorse,the common diseases .of. the stomach Q4.1; ox, breedinK h9r1/66 for profit, feeding • and ottre of the horse, the inipOrta- Hen of ranch heroes into Canada. The ontaide speakers were Dr Iteld,Georgetown.and Th. 1 II. Reed, Guelph,the latter being connected with the -Ontario ,agricultural College, Vo show thatthese meetingsarenon.politi- cal (suchsubjects being chieflydebarred) we may state that both the gentlemen are pronounced Conservatives. The first meeting was held on Tuesday, at Krirrarz. A 'wagon of the Wonsent? institute Wet/boldly the afternoon, ad. dressed by hire Bitord, of Holmeriville, on "Horne making', and Mrs C. °Arno - bell. of Goderich, on "Bread making." both of Which were good addreseeo. The speakers at, the afternoon meeting of the Partners' institute, held In Mc- Donald's Hall, were thePrenident. Jas. Snell,- and Dre, H. G. and J. H.' Reed, 0r/toffee* demonstrations of judging the vittlone volute of a horse being afterwarda given. In the strolling the hall was jamnied to the dooreanatty ladies being present. Very interesting addregoes were given by Mrs Elford, Mrs Campbell.thereeti. dent, Morgan Dalton. Moors, Reed, nab, IT. Garrtiw and It, Ilohnessel.P. Mush) eras gupplied by the Mime Mc. Merehy. The evening Wag a very en- joyable one, and many* new members o ried bothInetitutert, Me Garrow's ad - dram *akin "Patnillat law" and dealt With points relating to the buying and , gelling of horses that wits ot practical benefit to every farmer.. AT ST. 1111r.1'its, , On Wednesday IrnIhir meetinge Were held, J. N. Mc. Henzie, ex.Reeye of Ashffeld, ePeakitig In the atternoen,on "Leaketton the:farm." In addition to the othero. At the night meeting, F. Elora gave an addreso on newish. NOTES -Mr and Mrs Rose, of Ex; eter, were in town on Wednesday. Mies Lyda Duffus, Goderich, visited Mrs A. hfurdock -on Monday. J. E. McDonell was in Exeter on Sunday. Mies Hattie Sutherland' is vieiting friends in Wrest. Will Carlisle is vis- iting at home Ref. D. Wren. of 13ee- yie, Is visiting at his home tide week. CONVENTION. -rhe anntial Ineetink of the Stanley, Hay and Tuckeramith Sabbath Schenl conyention was held In the Methodiat Church herei, on Tuete day. In the absence of Mr Jones, the preeident. Re*. GS, tong took charge of the meeting with his uvula ability. The inserting bessiott Wag ehiefly a businessmeetingaux address was given by j 0 Stonencian on "The S. 9.tesober In the school," which Was taken from his long experience at; teacher and sup» erintendents At the afternoon oesaion Rey 38 lienderatni dismissed the prim. ary teacher and her chits; he gave stags potions which, it put into effectemust result in greater Intereot and profit of the class. . Mr W; II. Johnston, In hie usual able and intereeting manner,dire Cussed the oubject "The S. S. worker and the Bible." The Bible is the teach• er's text book and as such the teacher should be thoroughly conversant with It. lhe (Neaten of making the bound. Aries of our convention gonform to those set down by the county con fen. tion Was discuseed and finally resulted In the breaking up ot the aid bound. aries,and will now consist of Ha filen. gall and the part ef Tlu3ker- amith. In the evening oessione Itev. M. t J. Wilton, of Nile, and Rev F. II. Lar- kin, of -Sertforth, gave able ad laetrile* 0 tive addreoeee on 8. topics, GRAND TRUNK RSYISIVE nab giving Day ,zxciatafix*8 Return Tickets will be boiled to all stetions it Canada, also to Port Huron, Detroit, Buffalo and Suepeneion Bridge at SlIgcLIS PAR,E. Goa going Noy. 2703 and 28th, reternle0 up to Deo 2n4, 19014 ParchaBe your tickets Town ofdoe and -Save (Uhl at ;dation. F, IledgenS, TOWO costes, oat. NM *W0%411001010. X131118 calse-0 Cooper &CO .pao. gro,..„—Pasei Hosiery and tuiderwear--Newcombe 4 A cheerful call—Cooper a Co ... .. 4 Stoves and ranges—Harland Bros 5 Carriages and outter—Rumball kNOmath 5 Cloth and fur Jackets—HoRinnon,. 5 5 Pigs for anis— Longman 5 Dissolution—Gunn & Scott ,. 5 Sewing—Mrs Plintoff . ... ••• ...,•• • 5 Stray heifer—A Osbaldesten • • ... 5 County Councii—W I,ane .. . . — 5 Liberal meetings-• Hon J T Garrow..., • • 5 Locala—J W Irwin .— . . .. . 8 Dress goods—Rodgens Bros 8 iltittnn CIO tt$1 FRIDAY, Nov. 22, 1901. West 1Fluron Election. Meetings in the interest of the Liber- al candidate, Hon. J, T, Gamow will be 'held as follaws Holmeaville, Tuesday, Noy: 26 Wedriesday,Nov, 27 . Auburn, Thursday, Nov, 29 Olieton, Monday, Dec. 2 Or her meetings &reale° being held in different sections of the Riding. .The meet ing in Clinton will be addres3ed by Hon. J. R. Stratton, Provincial Secre- tary. A meeting will likely be ar- ranged for Londesboro some night next week. • west Macon Election - • One point that the electors should Consider -and a very important one - is the claim the Ontario Government hes for suPport on its own record. A vete for hlr Darrow is an expres- sion of confideace in Mr Ross. In every branch of its legislation the go rernment has looked after the wel- fare and interests of the Province. It reseurces have not been sgpandered, they have not been parcelled out among party favorites, no ceruption can be shown in public affaire and every cent collected is accounted for. The ratepayers do not contribute directly a farthing towards the gen- eral expenditure, the Province has not v. cent of debt, and looked at from any and every standpoint, the government record is eo good and strong that it has every reason to look for an ex - 'Hesston of confidence. • Let the electors of Weet Huron ehow that by voting for Mr Ga. ro w Dec 4 Additioval Local News. OMITTED. -A Couple it communi- cations and some local matter are up- aVoidably left oyer until next week. JA.C/KSON BROS PRIZES -A few weeks ago Jackson Bros offered a competition to boys under 12 in femur- ing the larghst number, of words (no two alike) from "Jackson Bros." Owing to the great number who com- peted. the . contest which closed on Saturday, Noy. 16th, it was impossible to find out winners of the prizes this week. We will glee the names of the lucky boys' in next issue. COLLEGIATE HOCKEY TEAM. --r The boys at the Collegiate have organ- ized the first hockey club in connection with the Institute. The meeting held last Tuesday evening was enthusiastic and the boys promise to have a good team ill the field. The following of- ficers for the coming season were elected; --President; E. M. McLean ; secretary-treas, Chas Porter ; captain, S. Doherty; committee, R. aeiyar, E. Button and S. Laird, • ennesday the Mayo fined a young PIN1D POR•SNO %ALLING.-On lad in town ill and cos for throwing snowballs and fie Wishes us to inforizi the boys that he will 'fine every boy who is brought up before him for this offence. Not only are the young lads found throwing balls but we have seen larger boys at it who ehould have bet- ter sense. To be struck with a ball of snow packed as hard as a stone may be a serious matter, for a person may- be struck on a fatal spot. A warning is all that ehenid 41.1994d sedate boy who throws anowbatta at palieett.by Should be severely dealt With and fined every time he is brought before the Mayor. SHIPMENTS. --,-Mason and Forres- ter Meth a shipment of a couple of car loads of cattle for Toronto on Monday the bunch were all firrit.clage beefers; the partiee who deliyered them were ifullett-Sas. Vanegmond. 4,. Sohn TIP. lady, li, Eph. Ball, 2,,W. Weight, 2, C., Dale, I, Bowden. orawford, 1; Goderich township -A. Oat:Adrift, 4, S. Switzer, S. Colter, 2; Tuckersinith- T. O'Brien, Colborixe-A. Way, I. On Monday and U. Wallio made a shipment ot horee.s for Ahrome, and also Went north to dispose of !hem; In their last shipment they did fairly well. Among other outputs this week were a carload of hogs by A. Grainger tor To- ronto, and one by R. Fitztemone for Collingwood; a carload of cattle by S. Smith for Toronto; a carload of turkeys by Fisher & Ateheson for the northwest THE FIRST CONCERT. -The pre. motets, Messrs Cooper and Rorke, are to be congratulated, and ought to feel satisfied, on the suecela of the first number of the course. The entettain. metitgiven by the Crystal Palace cert 0o. on Tuesday evening vats an excellent one for all ',were of music. The town hall Was fairly well filled With an appreciative audience, but it might have been larger. The compeny consisted of a pert:gentile of five. Every member la an artitt, and hearly all the numbers were encored. Stanley Mc. Michael, reader, watt in eplendid forint 'and showed great adeptibility. Mi5Et Jlilda rtlebardbOng , as rcelleist, claims first notice, although many thought the playing of Mee Conatonce Veit& was not behind; Prank Smith and Silo. Switzer, with ler. and 2nd violine ree. pectively, proved themselves aecona. Pliehed imisituttis, and in sOl0P, dude, rine and ouarlettee, they won the ap- plause of the audience, The next Con, ert will be giyen hy .1.Williame Meer, ot New York, on Tuesday, Dee, 17, L ^ • ' Successful Gathering, Considering the very unfavorable ueath.' er of Thursday evening laet, the tee'reeet• ing in Itattenbury Street htethodiet olluroli was a gratifying Imam, and would pro. bably have been more op had the night not been so stormy, A large number partook of the bountifui supper to b ladiee, served in the lecture rooms, and reenY remarked about the snpp.r that it was worth more than the admiesion prim* the ospreaci" wee exzellent, the waiteri obliging, SO the tittles looked very datritv* After the popper an adjournment was made to the oburch. The pastor Of the church, Rev W. G. Hoarsen, performed the apnea of chairman in a moat efiloient and h,Baappptiya mthieunrnober,opneenve dltithr eDun3neel orin go wf ?the prayer, Mireellent solos; were rendered by Mrs Beale, Mrs lt, J. Gibbing, Mra Emmert Master Stuart dookson, and Mr Norman Mord; aeleotione by a ladies' quintette, lare ES. //tarok. Mrs Hoover, Missies E. and S..Tarner and X, Goodwin; male quartette, Meurer Sibley, Tanney. March and McRae. The addresses given by clergymen of the town were short, but exceedingly happy and appropriate; Rev. Dr. Gifford was unavoidably absent, owing to a previous engagement. Rev Mr Stew, art, Rev Mr Dunlop and Rev Mr Gunne were the local speakere, and this being the first time the two latter had over spoken in this (thumb, both created a very favorable impression, Mr Stewart alluded particle. lady to the pleasenevelatione that had al- ways existed between himself and the pas. tore of tnig church, during his nearly 24 vears' residence here,and the pleasure it bacrgiyen him, to exchange pulpits matt - *It Waif natural that Rev W. MoDonagh, of Stretford, should be the principal epeek- er, as he was a formerpastor, and his re- marks being of a reminiscent character, poeticise more than ordinary interest, and were listened to with a great deal of Wen, tion. As thie was probably the last event of .the kind that would take place in “ota Retteubury" he was pleated to have an opportunity of saying "good night" to the old, but would have enjoyed also an oppor- tunity of saying "good morning" Mate new. After some general allueione to the growth of rtligions moieties in the .Dominion and elsewhere, he alluded to the feat that min. ton beoeme a cirouit in the year 1854, un- • der the Superintendenoy of Rev Alex. Campbell, with the late Rev a. Hough as associate the firet year, and Alex, Suther- land, now Missionary Secretary, in the second; he then gave a list of the ministers who Wive been stationed here, with their assistants,from that time downto.his own i 'pastorate n lftel .2. -Those who were for - :mer pastors of ,Rattenbury St. up to 1882, and are still living, are G. H. Cornieh- 1869; Jelin Mills, 1860; W. J. Hunter, 1868; G. A. Miteliell, 1865; GeorgeLeeoh; 1866; W. S. Blaokstook, • 1873. Since 1883 the only former pastor who is deceased was Rev. Jan:188 Gray, Mr MoDonagh showed that he etill possessed much of the vigor and fire of hie earlier years, and le as firm. ly as ever the uncompromising opponent of whatever he believes to be wrong. At the close of the meeting he was surrounded by otd friends, glad to shake biro by the hand. There are only three prrsons still residing here who were members of the first official board; tl3ese are Metiers F. Rumbell, R. Stevene and 3. Jackeon ; and these, with fdre William Robinson, are , the only sue - violas members of the original church, A social for the children on Friday night brought the proceeds up to over 5100. Additional Loettl News ON THE SICK LIST. -Mr Tames Twitchell, who ordinarily is the pict- ure of health, hasbeen laid up for about ten days with a severe cold; we are glad to learn that he is improving. We learn that Mrs H. Hunt, Princess • street, has been somewhat- afilicted of late from which we hope she may soon recover. A young sou of Isaac -Moore, Tuokersmith, -underwent an operation at the hospital for a cater. act the other day; itproved success- ful and he is now doing nicely. We 'are sorry to team that Mrs Rance, Ontario street, is not improving and is very low; it is not expected that I3he will recoyer. • • • CLEVER IIIUSIOIANS,-Mastet Stewart jackson(son of T, Jackson,jr.,) will be one of the soloists et . a concert at Mount Forest on the evening of the 22nd, and his sister Irene will wo with him AR aeeoMpanyist ; he was also down on a program in Luanow on the 26th, but he will not need to go as other arrangements have been made, • Master Jackson, who is quite young In years, gives promise of making a etar singer, and will undoubtedly take a leading place in musical circles In the years to come. Another youth who hes a fine voice, and also gives promise of good ability, it Norman Much, son of Mr Thos Murch; he has already won favorable opinions at entertain- ments in which he has participated, and has a brielit future before him. WITH THEMODELLITES.-The mcdellites are having an "at borne this evening in the model school and „tiu.se from Goderich are expected to accept their hospitality by attending. Two more of the teachers -in -training have secured schools for next year Which now makes 18 out of the Din; W. S. Dunlop has been engaged for No 7, flulletf,at a salary of 11325 and H. mow in No 10, Myrtle, at 0800. There , are oeveral very clever yeses men ” among the modellitee but one in par. Ocular bas made a record for himself - and we say this 'without the slightest reflection on the others. Mr Beaton, Who comes from W,hitechurch, has the reputation of net alone beleg bright and brainy, but in addition, is an ex - cellent public speaker, possessing abil- ity in this direction far beyond his years; he le trot quite a Clintonlani but is very near it, his mother for- merly being a Miss Holmes, of town. Cooper's Bookstore, - Olthion LII t,$UUKS 104 riss4s4mgasilirxrvstssn- 2i cheerful call to Xmas :buyers At the Big • Bookstore Beautiful Gifts, Never. so Geod. Never so Chew, Our due display 01 Holiday goods is .opened and ready, With pride and coat:fence in the variety, Richness andCompletenea of otir trnmenite stock we invite your inspection. , Those 15e Pictures. Are splendid valne s. The eecond ehiproent now on hand. Splendid as- sertment of famous pisturee, ninety mounted with large colored oer4139ard mats, average size about 14x18, price 100 each 1111111100111111 Our Window.Display of Jardiueers Gives an idea of the assortment we carry. We have eetwohed the markets care- fully and oan truthfully -Bay- that we heye the quick of the various makere in domeetio and foreign goode. • See the amortmentin our window and note the pump. ColjOr Oo., Clinton, Ont. Coming and Going. W. Grigg went to Staffe Tneeday to vieit relativee. Mrs F. Whitt, Buffalo, is the guest of Mrs J. C. Stevenson, . Mr and Mrs Wf Owen, and daughter, of Chicago, are the guests of Mrs Combe, Mr and Mrs. R W MoKenzie,of Goderich, was the guest of Mrs Mollardy-Smith thi week. Mrs W. and Miss Carnochan, Harpurhey were visiting Miss Johns fot a ew day lest week. Miss Calcine Macdonald left last weak to take a mune of training at num at tit Basta, Mass,, hospital. Mr and Mrs John Hunter returned from Kincardine after a pleasant visit with an old friend, Alex Campbell. Mr and Mrs Geo Cook are Visiting the •latter'a eider at Port Blake and expect to spend a couple of weeks there. Mrs Harrison and two children returned to their home in Bayfield after spending several weeka at her brothers'. J. A. King. Mrs M.:Hardy is here from Nelson, B.0., and the guest„of her daughter, Mrs Moe Hardy -Smith.. tt is expiated she will re- main here, . Jernert Scott was Galled to Woodstock on Wednesday, owing to the serious illness of Me father, Michael Scott, who is now over 90 years of ego. W. C. MoNsughton, of Chatham, was around here last week, visiting his fasten in town, end other Members) of the hardly in Goderioh tovnisbip and Stanley. Will Moffatt has moored good position in Woodstock, leaving on the first train on Moaday morning; John Clarridge has gone to Preaton, wnere he bas a position. Mr 'Peter H. McKenzie, of Kinloss, D, D. G. M. of. the Ancient Order -of 'United Vitorkmen, paid an official visit to Clinton lodge on Tuesday evening, and Waltotren Wednesday. Our responded °Mean W. 0, Searle i8. now wearing a happy contented counten- ance,. but he does not now need to /seep bachelor's hall, that is, keep home. Mrs Searle returned home on Saturday after having bean visiting at her father's, R. Lee. at Indian Head, W. T. Mr Lee watrill.for awhile but we learn Ile has reeeVere44 W. Cudmore, of itippen, the Well known exporter of hay, was in town last week, having only returned t. few days previously from* four months' visit in the old country epent principally at Liverpool and Ghee gow. He says that the demised for Can- adian produce is ranch greater than °for- merly, the Enelish people allowing else a deeper interist in Canadian progress. The many friends around Clinton of Thos.. Paltertnan, who have been expeotine a visit this fall from hint, are hereby in- formed ghat, he has lately been much in- disposed, and is at present lying quite sick at the residence of his daughter. Mrs Robi, Habkiett, • in IfoKillop. As he is far ad. Yawed in life, hie phyttioien is somewhat. apprehended for the %sue. This fact is herefore the reason of the disappointment. The many Mende of Mrs It J. Tuffts, of Belgrave, will regret to know that she has decided OpOn removing to Phoenix, B. 0. She dote so owing to the ill health of her eon julints, who has been living there for *Me titnktind not bemuse she is at all dimatisfied with Ontario, where, she has spent all her life. She is an old Olin- „Seniani well known tte the owner of oon- siderable property here, and her motherly imamate are torrstrong to permit of her remaining here when her presence is re- quired elsewhere. She will probably shirt from Vingheru next week. We are exceedingly sorry to Ieern that our friend Dr. Scott hi going to leave Own and therefore bit dietio/Ved partnership with Dr. Gunn. His initny friend* in this neighborhood, and pirtionlarly in Shelley, his old home, will regret to leern the fact. Re just recently retailed born an atonallye trip to Washington, Onlifornia and British Columbia, returning henna through abe Northwest and Manitoba, Which his friends though* was largely for pleasure, but we opened agent” and gagged right. He hae the WNW% fever, but will not beide in Canada. He has been offered an excellent opportunity in Portland, Oregon, but Tacitima, Webb., Moo bloke bridling to him; in an prebebility it between these Iwo cities, Be in favorably impreseed With *be far wed of the 913tatie,ana Woke it will grow to viol the eastern Staten at any rito money fiesta more readily and rim are better. Although we regret his aperture we sincerely hope hie fixture may be euccetsful lamely way. He is a grad. nate of McGill tintvereityi Montreal, and bee had considerable experience general pro ado itsa eurgery; he Is a speolalist In dieesace of the eye, tar and boss* he bait also taken pont gralittate mimes in ,Edlir. argh, Scotland, New Yo..k and Chieago. r, Stott is go Well and familialy known remd bete that he wid be dutch reload AS Oitigeng If ability and popnierity octant e will very goon build ap large praetkie ioxatintbrey, y yro &reit:y/411e, in, that weoterrt • Coming and Going Mre Johneton was the goat of Miss, Alice Campbell, of Seaforth, last week, : T. J. Brown, of Tiverton, was a peat of ' John McEwen for a few daye las; week. Mr Lintel Taylor of the William L Company, vent Sunday with -friends here while. Ingest who been at Bramdel till summer, is here and will remain for Jur and Mrs W. Newcombe' were visit- ing Mrs J. B. Evans, of Tiverton, !alit weektown. Clerk W. Coats went to Toronto Mon- „ day morning to diepose of debentures for - the W. Ramie is here from Great Falls, Montane, being •oalled on-am:91nd of hie mother's illneas. R. B. Reagens hiss been away to Chid - lie on a liminess trip; Geo, Hagens Is at present in charge of the Grderioli store _ Mrs and Miss Lucas, efarkdale, and Mies Riohardson,,Toronto, have returned to their homes after visiting here as the guests of Mrs J. E. Hovey. , . • John Biggins, son of Mr W. J. -Biggina.. of Elmhurst Farm, will probably attend the International Live Stook Baia, which takes place in Chicago the latter, part of this .12th8°.nitaitrity, formerly of Clinton*: is now travelling for the 0. 11. I:rubber& Dental Co., of Toronto, end' was around here last week. He has just returnedi. from 5 good trip from the PaoMo comet. The friends of Mr John Kernighan, of Goderioh, formerly of Colborne, will learn with regret that he ie 'eerionely ill. We express the wish of his legion- of Mende in. hoping for hie epeedy restoration to health and strength. . Smith went up north to Wier-- - ton: ion Tuesday •to purchase 'wither for the new manner hotel- at Goderieh. The foundation has been laid and *etr- e/31y trouble to get things pushed ahead hr. delay in getting 'anther. W, Wallace, N. Bingham and Geo. Pepper, all of Mullett, were ticketed by W. Jaokson, U, P. R. agent, on Tuesday for Lethbridge, Man. They will remain for a, short while and then go on to Montane, where it is 'their intention to. locate. Wo /earn that Hugh Mohltath. the Pre-. sident of the Huron Old Boys' Aseekiatiea met with on accident wrich betel him in Toronto recently. Be Was wheeling home from the new Court bonne and in turning the -other of Queen street and University . Avenue the bioycle slipped, and he was. thrown to the pavement. He wae_picked up and conveyed to hie house. The so- oideut will lay him up.for some time. Mr• Mohisth la *oodein of Jas. Mollathdown. • MISS It0B11 ENGAGED. The special meeting of the school board was held' in tte town hall on Monday evening,being called for the considera- tion of applications for the 'department tendered vacant by Mies McKay re. fanning to teach in Seaforth for next year. At the regular monthly meet. leg the week previous there were five applications -Miss Robb intlaty $825, Mies M. Dohetty $300. Mies Mary L. Holmes OOP, Miler A. Stout OM, .61iso Same L. McLauchlan *290; none of these were Considered but the engage- ment of a teacher at a fixed Wary of $275 was deferred until the *Octal meeting, Applications Were received from the former applicants except Miss Stout., and on motion Moe' Robb Was ebgaged for 1902. The salaries of the entire staff are now all increated for next, year, ellegeo O'Neil and Tay. lor alto receiving an additional $25, at the last board meeting; which we think, was proper as these two teeth. ere, in foot eyei y 0110 on the *tat, have enough, work to do to 'warrant the salaries received which ate tar nelbWV". RI -Lough, principal $850 Miss O'Nein ............ 400 Wil0011..“*...x. tr.. 950 Mite . ... . 275 Miso °mho 11,49109999944 too Mite, Taylor 850 a Mist Tartlet' •... .. . .. 310 82815 e yabablaua!a, , Liberal Meetings.. Meetings ir the -interest of , lion.J.T. °arrow - Will be held as follows: ' Belaratre-Friday. SO% 22,1* 8 p.m. - How F. MACDONALD, M. P., •110BT. 1101,111413, M. P., , G, F. BLAIR, alai other,.• SU Helena -Snit:IA*3's Nov, 28, at Sp. m., Hon. P. MACDONALD, 11. Po • an Ron.3, . A.1tROW. lloiritestrille-Wneeday, Hey. 213, at 8 p„ ro. 11.-HOLEIRS,Itf.1 P., end B. A.'. FORRESTER. Grant'sSehool nous e-Ttteaday. • Nov. M. G. eArasuort "nal - A, BATINDE1‘. Nomination Day -Wednesday, Nov. 27, et 2 p. in., Bon. J. It STRATTON Ind Hon. 3. T. GARIIOW. Benti11110r--Wednesday,NOV. 27. 9 ni.,Hon. J.T.GARROW end R. HOL : 1.1. P. flUlutrn-Tbnisclay,INcv, 26, at 8 1 In., Hon. 3, B. STRATTON. Hon. d. T. GARROW and it. HOLMES, M. P. • Dttlatiatintia-Friday, Nov. 29, a* 8' 11. M., Hon, J. R. IITItATTON, lion. 3. T. GARROW and R. HOLMES, kf, P. litIntalli-Seturdey, Nov. 30, at 6 val.. Eton. 211, LATtIlIFORD, M. G. CAM- IERON and D. ALAILI.I0IIDDY. WIttahant-Monday, 1300, O. et 8 k, in., ilen. G. W. ROSS anct Eon. Pi. 11Au. DONALD. Gothirign-Monday, Dee. 9, at 8 pOn,0' on. F. A. LATCHFORD, and BIM, I T. GARROW. elinton -Monday, Deo, 2, at 8 pan., lion. J. R,STRATTON and R.110LMEEI, M. P. St, Kilfillatints-Menday, Dee- g al . r 8 p. in., la. G. oatinnott and others. A meeting will probably be ham at Len. a esboro, date not yet decided, Th Conservalye Candiditte le invited to. ettend. . oionjuviTnn A,. • . .1