HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-11-22, Page 2roVember 22 1901
.To Subscribers in Arrears•
By Actual count there ai e over MO
subecribers on our list in arrears for
the current year, and a considerable
Vroportion of them for two years. This
delinquent list represents a large• sum
Dent you think it is too bad, in view
of the large and interesting paper we
are giving, that we should be worried
Ip our financing during this weather
•, by this thoug,htlessness of some sub-
scribers—for it is largely thougbtless-
00, Tis ? With this money in hand the
publisher would be able to undertake
Many projects he has in mind for the
turther improvement of the paper.
Isn't it too bad hat the majority of
• leaders.should be punished by the min-
, ority in this way? for with so much
.: -money outstanding it is impossible for
4 , the publisher to increase the expendi-
ure on the paper.
•"• Dear reader. if you are one of these
'delinquents, look at the label on your
paper, note the date to which your
subscription is paid; and if in arrear s,
sit down and write us, eaclosing the
amount. It will be the most welcome
letter we can receive. If every sub
ecriber were to do this, the burden of
life to the publisher would be greatly
Address the NEW ERA, Clinton, Ont.,
and use registered letter, postal note,
V 0. order, or Rept ess order,
b &TIDAL NOV. 22, 1901.
Raising a False Isgue.
the fault of the riding having been un-
represented is due to ,M.r Garrete. The
fnult of this, if fault there be, is due to
the dilittorine,s of the courts. Mr
Garrovv, in common wIth neatly others,
believed he had been, unjustly unseated
and be appealed from the decision of
the trial judges to a higher court. This
he had a perfect right to do, and no
doubt the Star and Mr Beck Would
have acted in tS like manner had they
been similarly situated. Mr Beck has
no grievance 9n this nor any other
grounds. He is not an object of syra-
patby in any sense, and m trying to
paint him a, victim of Grit Wickedness
the Star is not doing hiro a good ser -
Vice, but is making itself and him rid-
mulous, and at tbe same time justifies
the suspicion that it is only preparing
a soft spot upon which UR p otege can
fall when he is defeated at the coming
From Manitoba, °
Birk Bowdon, of Clinton, returnede few
days ago from the Northwest, where he
spent the last three months, He reports
haying, on tbe whole, a eleitsent time but
the work was hard and the hours leng. HQ
spent a few da s in Winnipeg before going
west to work. From Winnipeg he took in
an excursion on the Canadian Northern te
Delta on Lake Ontario, thus viewing a part
of Manitoba not so familiar to the most of
us, as the region along the C. P. R. • The
C. N, R, goes south of the Assiniaboine
river through a rougher and lower. country,
than that on the north side, From the
line could be seen the ekirting of forest
along the river, which , consists of biroh,
poplar, oak (sometimea felrly large) "nd
some elm. The villages are small on this
line but at White Plains and other places
the gigantio elevator, so oberaoteristio of
the province, is in exhibition,.proving that
here too tbire are parte fitted for growing
tbe cereal that is the staff of life, The O.
N. R. crosses the river at Portage la
Prairie, and proses thence through a plain
that is level end fertile,except a large mare
keg in the north part, to Delta, en the
h id f L ke Nitwit ba Here it con.
(From the Seaforth Expositor)
The Goderich Star of last week says
that the bye -election in West Huron is
likely to take place during the first
week in December and it has already
commenced to tone up its readers for
• the campaign. According to the pro-
gram laid down by the Star, the con-
duct of the Government and the merits
of the legislation they have given the
people are not to be issues in this cam-
paign. These are to be laid aside until
the general election .and a special issue
is to be provided for this coming coo -
test. It says:
"Major Beck has twice, we believe,
been fairly elected as the choice of this
riding, and each time the will of the
people has been thwarted by means
which, in ordinary business matters,
Der °arrow would condemn as an out-
• rage. The desperate attempts made to
cover tin the carnival of corruption
that marked the last election by spir-
iting away and keeping () of the
country the chief witnesses, and then
• by lopg delays and legal tricks seeking
tO Weer oUt Major Beck, have made Mr
-IlarroW and those who assisted him
L. open to the charge c,f con3plicity
with the boodlers and pluggers who
overran the riding in his behalf. Be-
cause of these efforts) the riding has
been disfranchised for two sessions of
• the Legislature, and now must under-
go the turmoil and expense of another
election. Under such treatment as
this, representative government be-
comes a farce, and the franchite a
thing of no value or reverence. The
people owe it to themselves tc condemn
this scandal and iniquity at the first
• We do not think the Star can run an
election on any such lines as this.
The people are too intelligent to per
k(mit of anything of this kind. Accord-
:1to the gtar, Mr Garrow and his
..,aupporters are "hoodlere" and "plug -
gout eo a o
neots with the steamer that brings gypsum,
dao., from the north-east side of the lake.
On this exoureion Kirk heaths company of
his cousin, Wm. Houston, who hes for
some time been teaohing neer Virden. On
his way west he had the pleasure of meet.
ing Rev. E. B. Smith, who kindly lent him
his wheel to go out and see Bob. Fergueon,
of the Big Plains ; LrFerguson is a cousin
of Mr John Houston and spent his boyhood
near Walton in thie county, He Was • one
of the pioneers ot Manitoba, going there
about tbe time of the Red River Rebellion,
and settling with his brother William near
the Portage. In those days they walked to
Winnipeg (sixty miles) when their embryo
city at the Portage failed to give them all
supplies they needed. The brothers sold
their quarters for 'about 55,000 eaoh in
boom times and went further west. Robe
has einoe poseessed two fsquare miles on
the Big Plaine, which he has sold to settle
nearer Carberry, while William is now
near Carliale on the Pipestone branch ot
the O. P. R. From Carberry. Kirk merle
hie way to Griswold, 35 miles weet of
Brandon and worked for IT month with Mr
Hitchcock, son-in•law of Wm. Ferguson.
He has 800 sores of land and 110 • heed of
male. Part of Kirk's work here was to
ride off at 4 o'clook in the morning for the
milking cows. From tbie settlement the
oream is taken to Lelean on the Pipestione
• branch, thenoe by rail to Brandon. Mr
Hitchcock is one of the well.off farnaers
haying One brick house with bath rooms,
dm., and a good barn and stables. The
rest of Kirk's harvesting was done with
Joe Wood: mar Indian Elea& Tie returns
In wheat in th1 section this year was
grend, reaching se high as 42 bushels to
the more, Me Wood had 4,500 buehele;
teat year be had on the same ground • only
BOO bushels. This was due to the pro-
longed droutb. Joe says he is goinghome
this year to England for big girl. If he
had 3999 bushels she would have had to
wait another year.' Kirk thinks ft great
deal of the eeotion about Indian Head. To
the north of this lies Kenlis plain; one of
the finest in the notthweet. Much has
been said about laborers not finding work,
but Kirkwai offered $2,50 a day to stay
longer to complete -the threshing, this Wee
pretty big wages for a boy of 17; he had not
Winter °ugh of olethes with him how.
emit Your Ballot for Mr Garrow
on Dec, 4.
Why should any Liberal either vote
against Mr Garrow or abstain from
voting ?
Re is a clever lawyer, a good citizen,
an able man and a true Liberal.
His parliamentary experience shows
that he is a good rep sentative, able to
intelligently discuss a :public questions
as one. of the
and that he is regard
best men of the Ho de.
He supports a government that is
progressive, that has neyer misappro-
priated a cent from the public chest,
that has wide good laws, and aids in
the development of the proyince.
Electors should not vote for Mr Gar -
row simply because they have voted
that way before, but they should vote
for him because he is in every way
worthy of their confidenoe, has the
ability to look after their interests, and
represents one of the best governments
the world has ever known.
On Battu day week Miss Naomi Swat-
fieldrpassed away after a long illnees
of eensumption.
Mies Casembre, of the 2nd cod., Mora
ris, had both ar ms broken on Monday
• night of last week.
Wednesday week:A. Morrie,Leeburn,
followed the example of many others
by taking a wife m the person of Miss
Ethel Rundle, who has resided thee
during the summer,
T F Byer, ot near Ohiselhurst, has
!sold his fine 50 acre farm to WJ Miller,
carriage maker, Hensall, who has in
turn disposed of it to B. Jecobi,harness
maker, who Intends starting farming.
The price paid was over 83,690, Mr Mil.
ler accepting in part payment Mr
Jacobi's business in Hensel!
Crisp County Clippings
Mrs Secord has sold -her property in
Varna which Thee: MeAsh,posteaverter,
purchased for 5175, -
• D. Crawford bought the farm of D.
Boyd and Mr Boyd purched one of A.
Diktat; near Leadbury.
Jas, McTavish bought the house now
occupied by Mr Woodley, Seaforth, for
5475 and intends to live there. ---
P. Wells has eold his farm in Turn -
berry to Messrs. Wm. 5, and Chas.
Mitchell, of that township. •
• On Mednesda.y last week the young
son of Rev AB Farney, Gorrie, had
the misfortune to fall and break one of
his arms,• •
We understand that Dr. J. J. Wit.
lianas, of Lisle, has disposed of his bust-.
nese there and will move to Gorrie to
open out a praatice.
Jas. Parr, near Be tassel% and Mies M
Crozier, of McKillop, were married by
• Rev, A. MacNab. at the manse in Wal-
ton on • Wednesday.
A former well-known Brusselite in
the person of J. Grieve died in Tucker
smith on Sunday, Nov. Srcl, He was
in his 62nd yew-.
• The Walter Irides farm, 5th line,
Mei de, has been leased for 5 years by
A. Grant, who has been living in Tuck-
ersmith for a number of years. '
Alex. Wilson died on Sunday week at
his home, lot 1, con, 6,Morris. He had
been a resident of the township but a
short tune, coming from Enna.
Vanstone has purchased from D.
Stewart, the store on Josephine street,
in Wingham, now occupied by MrVan-
stone as office, and W. Diamond as
butcher shop,
. , . •
Mies Lizzie McLaughlip has tendered
her resignation as teacher at Berrie's
school, 6th line, Morris the same to
take effent at the close cif this year. She
intends going west to Regina locality.
Death visited Hensall on Saturday
Morning week, removing Mrs Trott,who
resided with her son George. The de-
ceased came from Englanci 20 years ago
and spent most of her life in Seaforth.
She had resided with her son during
a portion -of last year and left in the
spring to visit her daughter but return-
ed about a month ago. The remains
were taken to Tilsonburg for inter-
Manyi people remember John Henry,
who for a number of years kept the
hotel nt Elma Centre, DOW Attwood,
and afterwards at Fordwich. -On Mon-
day morning he got on a train at
Palmerston, intenaing to go to Cid-
fart hut found out just as the train
started that he was on the traitl for
Mount Forest. He attempted to get
off theaneving train, but fell and was
dragged under the train. from which
he died. He was about 60 years of age.
A very pretty wedding was solemn-
ized recently at St. Andrew's church,
Vancouver,, B. 0., which was beautiful-
ly decorated by lady weathers of the
choir. The wedding was that of T F
Paterson. secretary of the Canadian
Pacific Ldmber Company of Port
Moody and formerly of the W orldstaff,
to'Mise Olive Tait, second daughter of
T B Tait, manager of the Fraser River
Lumber Co., of Vancouver. T F Pater-
son is a son of A T Paterson, of con. 2,
Huron. near Lucknow.
We chronicle the death of Mrs
Noble Cluff, of Seaforth, who passed
• away on the morning of Saturday,
No rember 9th, About 12 months ago
she caught cold, which developed into
chronic bronchitis. Mrs Cluff's maiden
name was Margaret Knechtel, being
the second daughter of the late John
N. Knechtel, of Brussels. She was
born or the 8th of April, 1857, and re2:
sided in Brussels until her marriage.
This event took place at her parental
home on January 29th, 1879, since
which time she had been a resident of
Seaforth until • death, To her were
born two daughters and a son, who,
with her husband, still survive her.
Mr Cluff having been married before,
two sons of the former family also
survive. Excepting her eldest brother.
.who died in youth she is the first
break in a family °ell ; 'given brothers
and two sisters still remain to mourn
their lose,
On Wednesday week Miss Maggie.
daughter of Mr and Mrs A Simpson;
was married to John Montgomery, a
most worthy young man,of Winthrop.'
Bev, John Boss, B, A., ot Brussel%
• officiated,
hitfield Jetmone has sold lin farm
on the B. line of Turnberry to rhos.
Holmes; He bought again the farm
of Jno Boman, Winrharn. between
Wingham and Blueyale, now occupied
by Rat. Yeo.
• Ja's. Carr had the misfortune todrive
a chisel through his hand at the Wing -
ham chair factory on Saturday week. It
will lay him off work for some time.
Ile met with a similar accident a few
months ago.
• Arnold Case has sold his farm, pn
the Huron road, a mile east of Sea -
forth, to John Keefe, of Dublin, for
15,000. The farm eontaine 100 acres,
but there are no buildings on it. He
will go to Seaforth to live.
ever and as the weather wee hemming very Word has been received announcing
oold he thought it safer to return. He ie the death of Arch. McIntosh, Virden,
well satisfied with his trip and values the Man., who passed away on 'Oct. 24tb.
practical knowledge be bee gained of New Mr McIntosh was' well known as 'lt feta
Ontario and the l'ierth. Weets mer resident of Gorrle for a number of
years, having been proprietor of the
Albion Hotel.
sere", while Mr Beck and his fri eri4 1 John Day, another who came home.
are angels of light and purity. You froorot)Biloanitaokbea loatteke,V3tfrasanamearne-
others/ who have returned. He says ifmet make the people believe any such P
skug as this, Mr Star. The people Manitoba had the same clitnate as On-
, •
know that both Mr Beck and Mr Gar -
row tire reputable members of the com-
;nullity, and that one hi not any more
likely than the other to encourage
"boodlerir and "pluggers" or to desire
to profit by euth manipulations, and it
le foolish, if not impertinent, for either
side to hutl accusations of this nature
against the other. It equally silly
for the Star to try to creatiVeeting
of'sympathy for Mr Beck in 613e way
it is doing. If any person is entitled to
sympathy it is Mr Garrow. But we,
do net eoppose that either of them de-
sire election as a matter of sympathy,.
but that both are willing to appeal to
the people,on their merits and the mer-
its of principles which they present.
to them. It is ad'nontentie to say that
Mr Beck has been twice fairly elected
to represent the people, and it says
little for the boaeted institutions of the
country to affirn1 that having been
• tints elected he could be cheated out of
lierights. The Star should give ups
this/ sort of whining nonsense.
. Mit do Mr Beek any good, /cud if he
countenances it he iss ',lot half the man
we take him to be, nor does he desinve•
• to mecca
We cannot speak of the first electioti
because the petition never ment to
,:taial and4ihere Win"
,the. ,secataLeleetioa. how -
tario the country could not beaten but
much of the crop has been damaged by
wet weather and high winds which pre-
vail there. Quantities of wheat has
been destroyedby hail storm as well.
The weather is too changeable' to suit
him. While up there he was at Killar-
ney, Man., where his brother William
is located, having left Londesboro
about six years ago and now has 169
acres of land. Both Mr Day and Henry
Perdue, of Goderich township, who
went up and returned together, were
employed with st, Staples, a former
resident of Kinburn, who has been
there for 18 years; he aleo.hed leo acres
ot land. It wee on the eth day of
August they went away, and all this
time kept' at threshing, (*milt for
21 days lost by high winds and
At first there were altogether too
many hands and the harvest was net
ready but after a month Many return-
ed tb Ontario and work was then ob.
fatinable by those who remained, $2 in
' waiters 'being paid for farm hands. His
brother William had some 1550 bushels -
of Wheat eff75etresesadMrStitPleaabout
1500 bushelsfrom 80 aeres,thiedifference
being on account.of eransolight spot%
The wheat averaged' ab,e. t 22 bushels
pilr aoresbailey wasigood at an average
rot3Aboshels ./pst4 tberale tio,•pecte or
barley ot any, account.. Boot woos are
,all gctodaparticalarlypotatoese .When
I abet* he men,a !motherof old Hurrfin-
hum among them beinrEowlere, and
.Clarke.of Itinburn, Seboavere a doing
.well, stet . letter ,havjpg • had ,,a, barn
blown down,bylthe windawhile lago.
Theroarehtandrale.of itertat,of,,wbeat
la the stook yat,untlf to threett'and this
/vas Owing to Ou !wet weather. If a
person had it good start Mr Day thinks'
M'nitkib Is air tight,ltint mitli oat soma
Capita It icerlff 010'h/oder, t� 'start Well.
O pnblic ,Artsokscsmupefent to
• t Thera:, mass a ver*
ti nity was
andlds frlSnlle t�make
' 6t5ttut.- d the
luctd'dde�u*solits fy the
,n the
, ett *estto show
tEnne sidg5 jb(' Bob; the el-'
lon:had been re ark 'free froth'
Ption, and thleishila Liao was
t.-tcy whie.
• Kay, and wink -Pond eked In amen
48-torobtritihaitit*aosths,..Work of
imbeciles. And,
furthertnore, it was
not shown thateven one singlioeote
had been gabled for Me Garrote by the
orruption, or attempted corruption,
Practiced at Wingham. But notwith-
standing this fact it was ,this which
dot Mr ("army, his seat and a good
deal of money and anxiety besides. So
that, if any person is entitled to eyrio
' pathy iri thie connection, it is Mr Gar-
-. TOW, who Wrie, deeldedly, the T)"incipai
Offerer. But we have a better opinion
Of bim alan, than to think he would ap.
peal to the people 00 any such ground),
slt *equally theatraat itta foollen on end WO are sure they will *dye Mr Gar.
,ho pot ot the SW to inelAtiate that POW their cordial !tonna%
The home of Mrs Daddsof McKillop,
was the scene of a very pretty wedding
on Wednesday, Oct. 30th, it being the
occasion of the marriage of her eld-
est daughter, Miss Naney,H., 10308, It
Bloomer, of the same township. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr
A very pretty wedding was solemn-
ized at the residence of 'Mr' and Mrs F.
R. Sproule, Fort. Williern, on Oct. 21,
when 1)lies ,Essie Blair, formerly of
Bayfield, becente the bride Of Alex R
McKenzie, son of Roderick McKenzie,
Lucknow. Rev, ,T B Wileen perform-
ed. the ceremony. •
• F. Vanstone received word of the
death of his uncle, Chas. Vanstonemho
died at his home in Marshall, Miesouri,
on Oct, 7, aged K. He Wae WOE known
in Wingham, having been miller in
Fisher's grist mill for over three year%
He Went West and ,iniceeeded in busi-
ness by industry and tact. He leaves
a wife and dye children.
Properties for Sale or to Let
To 'Rent.
Lot es, Maitland Conceseion,Goderich TWA -
shin. APPIY to JAS. SCOW, Barrititer.
Oot. Clinton. Ont
To° Rent.
First oleos brick store suitable for any busi-
ness. apply to W.,(7. SEARLE, Clinton.
There died in Fergus on Monday,
November 4th, Dorothy .Heefer, be-
loved wife of William .1Snechtel, of
Wingham, after a severe attack of
pneumonia. Toe deceased had been
living a ith her daughter, Mrs W. A.
Boss, for the past three years. She
was a native of Germany. In com-
pany with her first husband, August
Pereal, she came to 'Canada fifty-two
years aro. The latter departed this
life at Preston, Ont., in 1859, and in
1862 she was marti d to William
Knechtel, who survives her. They
moved from Pi ezton to Brussels,
where they reridna to* nearly thirty
years. Becoming old and feeble with
no one at home to take care of them,
three years ago they broke up house-
keeping, Mr Knechtel going to reside
with a son in Wingham, while the de-
ceased went to Fergus, By her first
marriage she had five children, two of
whom are living, one soh and one
daughter, and to her eecond husband
three daughters, all of whom survive
her. .
To Let.
A lArge two story house, onPesite Commer-
cial Kota . Alec>, for Sale: -A. urge coal par-
lor cook stove. Apply ITtat3 B ODLEVOMBE
To Rout or For Sale.
That desirable brick and frame dwelling on
south side Wellington Street, (Mateo, cora-,
lirleing Lots 85, 86, 90 and 91, containing one
acre of orchard and garden. Apply to
Oct, 17. W. W. FARRAN
l'ionseriatiViie*,' Who 'itraiitst blinded
by party' prejud1ce-4nd there are
inen*.Laritepenly ("that me (latest,* is
tbereen °who ehisted 'be 'their 'parlia.
'Mental yrePreeentative.
' We'hopelliese Men will betrue to
'their coniktions, arid give Mr GoirrOw
their ,eupport. They ehould not be
Mieled by appeals to neyrepathy.!'
, Men should be Sent to Parliament
because they possess the qoalities that
got° make it proper representative,
Being 'a jolly good fellow" is all right
au fee as It, gore, hut that in iteelf le not
an adequate qualification.
The electore of West Ifirrot —Liberal
and Conaervatiye shonld earefelly
weigh the ittathie and eatit their ballots
In actordanee With their convictions',
On Tuesde*,,,-NoVember 1.2th, River-
view, the residence of Mr Gep Mc.'
Kenzie, Wingham, was the scene of
one of the prettiest sveddinge of the
year, 'atheist the youngest daughter,
Charlotte Louise (Lottie) was united
in marriage to Boland Beattie also of
the 'Bathe Place, a Mho ceremony wart
performed by the Rev D. Ferri% pail.
tor tlf the Preebyterian church.
Another of the Huron pioneers hair
Imeeed away, Jae. Kerney, Age ,
years, after an, illness of about t rea
weeks, :The deceeeoci_avect,born TO-
rentootowrohiOniee'l and 'moved try,
Morritin 1851 endr,settled on hie late:
farm.,let 15,on. 4, where helm) lived
ever s4ce., In .1860 be married Mies
Mcifachtefl. He leaves e widow, four boys.
ckei Volth Who& - thby had el*
tiVr°.3/h* ".o
one 'nf !the pientierm, stt Zetlatid
Pelted riteati aft/ei Iingetidg Armee.
'erilTatilar Net.° 'Pavid Sr • MacDonald
lastthls re of 705yinehtig+Id
his, Par.,"
0blbon wnsh nee he
engaged intim millhusiness ever since.
In1867 he was ./parried to Miss Mit-
thee, of Tirisherry,'Who survives him,
Savet1 Children,' •
LastJUns BOrfqn was sent
up to Goderlich;lall from Brownie on
account of h a being of unsound ' mind
occarsiocied it is said, by the death of
hie daughter, Mrs Austin, Who was
horned Bo badly that she died a few
houts after, It Was intended to send
Mr Burton On to London Asylum but
his health failed. Thursday Morning
of lad week death relieved him of all
earthly tares. Deceased once !IVO& In
T ekerenaith but sojourned In New
York State for 60111e time before, dom-
ing to Bruteele. Ile is survived by his
wlf� and two Children,
House to Rent.
Comfortable dwelling house to rent on Fed-
erick Street, lately occupied by Mr J, Rand,
tiont-iining three roma upstairs and three
down. Plenty of water, every convenience
rent moderate. Apply WA.T'JCS DRUGSTORE,
Sept. 27-tf.
HOUSE for SALE or to RENT.
On Victoria St, near Organ Factory. $ 300
will buy &roomy, comfortable house with good
lot -the property recently occupied by Frank
Mahan. Apply at once to-,
Barr;ster &o. Clinton.
Apartments to Let.
We*. •••
2:000 laves room front with small room
attached. two bedroomsun etairs four in. all
suitable for married couple. Apply 60 King St
WANTED -Several persons ot obarteiter
and goodreputation in each stet') tone in
this county required) to represent and adver-
tise old eetablisbed wealthy buoiness hooka of
solid Ananotal stan din g. Salary WM weeklY
with expenses additiolial, all payable in oash
eaohWednesday direct from head offices.
Hone and carriage furnished, when neces-
sary. Referencee. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope. Manager. Ole Caxton
Building, Chicago. .
Sept. 18- 18,
2 .0 ,) it, SALE $4,g5O
To Let. .
Thaj. beautiful store in the Jackson Block,
H uron Street, lately occupied by C.WittS. Ap-
ply to
Sept. 6- tf Clinton
• Cottage to Rent.
A comfortable and roomy cottage on Isaac
streettlately occupied by Mr Geo. Crier', is
offered to rent. The quarter acre vacant lot
adjohling ,_will be sold on easy times. Apply
to MRS RUDD, Mary St.
Oot. 4 --tt
. Farm For Sale.
The we:at half of lot 24, Bayfleld Con., God-
e rich townehipoontaining lea acres ot good
land, is offered for Bale on easy terms. Good
barn, log house, plenty of water and small
orchard. particulars on application to
tf- .7. P. TISDALE, Clinton
Eighty acre if$1111 in Ceeroan Coiurty, Bich
with $700 worth ot orops, modern new house,
good barn and outhouses, line stone cellar,
good water, also hourebold furnishings of the
beat three horses, a few laced of cattle of line
breed, up-to-date farming Implemsints , finest
orchard in county of 4 acres; 1 16 miles from
good market; 10 miles from county seat. The
eellar bolds 800 bushels of apples in racks. 40
sores improved, 'balance Icardw000 tonber.
Nice rolling laud, clay loam. This property
cost present owner 88,400 trash. Reason for
selling,u1rty is going to the old .t ‘untry. This
tuirgoesCleart or
is i
bargain. SCheol and church mi.. bora
Af takenddr e o 8 N2Ipt 1 f,
BURGESS, West Branoh, Mich
• . •
Subscriber offere hie farm off 106
acne, situated on the Maitland concession,
Colborne. About 140 acres °leered, frame ,
. house, bankbern, plenty of water and in good
state of oultivation,I of a mile from school and
2 miles from Hohnesville. Terms reasonable •
Deo 14tf RICHARD BARER, Clinton P.0
Many Conseryativesadmit that there
are few abler lawyers in Ontario than
Hon. 3. T. Garrow. They go even fur-
ther, and acknowledge that there is no
more conscientious and upright man
than he. •
In a residence • of 45 years in the
county they are not able to point to a
single dishonorable or unmanly public
,transaction. He bee been befnre the
public a great many years,bas filled
honorably several offices in county
matters, and in every respect has pro,
en himself a worthy public man.
lathe House he hasdisplayed marked
ability, either as a debater or 111 help -
rig to shape legislation.
1.1 Conservatives • admit these things
—and they do—there 18 110 Liberal who
will notadmit them also, and every
Liberal in the riding should feel a per-
sonal obligation to stand by a man of
finch good character and excellent
, •
• For Sale or to Rent. .
The choice brick boded on the corner of Ful-
ton and Joseh streets, belonging to the estate
of the late Richard Heywood. is offered either
for sale or to rent. It contains room for ordi-
nary family,Is practically a new hone°, with
all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
of land. If the property is no sold or rented,,
part 01 11 will be reot,ed. Apply to •
• W. COATS Executor • Clinton:
Subscriber offers for gale his farm of 100
acres, lot No, 34, situated on 10th con., town-
ship of Hallett, Huron Co., about 90 acres
cleared and in a good state of cultivation, Intl
once bush. On the farm ir e, good frame house,
large bank born and other out buildings, good
bearing orohard; 8)0 well watered. Apply
Mar oh 22-tf Londesboro.
The framecottage on 'Orange street, /occu-
pied by the undersigned, is offered for sale on
reasonable terms. The In. of -an acre, with
, hard and soft water, stable, good fruit and
vegetable garden, The bouse contains Ian,
parlor, twobedrooms, clothes closet, dining
room,tsummer kitchen, cellar and woodshed,.
is centrally located, voseession given any time
to suit ourchaser. ELIZABETH aRARAM 4.1
• •
Mate of Ohio; City of Toledo
L 1 .
Liana ()priory. as.
Irraoka.plievoey maker oath Shit he is
100310! Pitrtnar ?r, fibs firm Of P3 Oheeney di
Op., doing husuiese in the City of Toledo,
county and.state aforesaid, and that maid
ftraiwill pay the seta ,of °One "litandaed
"Dollars for. eabh and every case of c etarrh
that innuot be cured bp she nee of Hall's
C,14,' 64' 7. h Cut.
.-r' ,, Faure' a' Chasm. '
Elwero,to and.betere me and etitnoribed
fumy preteens, this eth day of Deeeinbet.
A.D. 1 181, '' ., A. 'N. Oman%
0 .11,44. .
' luth6" 44 4121111411°m' bend. tiil;041:., Tr:: rt;nol,:ele):.''
' Halts AIM (pure is taken Internally
sod %obi , ly pa the blood and intiorne
'gal:xi' blui7;_,B,;167. , •
-'11,11's haafaly,ealle are tine hest.
Choice Farm for Sale
Suliteeriber'offers for Bale his fine farm of 147
acres, being lot 25, con. 18, Hallett All clear-
ed but four acres. Brick house (ands's* frame
house for hired man),bank barn, spring creek,
bearing orchard of 2 sores, 1 miles from Lon-
desboro, soil first-class and in good condition.
Possession at any time, terms to euit purchaser
Jan,4-21 m-tt W. HILES, LOndeeboro.
Real Estate tor Sale.
The parcel of ground adjoining St. Paul's
Rectory, °outdating of lot 218, Battenbury St.,
and lot 262A. Princess St., Is offered for sale,
Each lot is about 80by 1 t2 feet. Together they
make an ,exceptionally fine site for a flret-olass
residenoe. Apply to Wm. Q. Phillips or 0,0.
Rance, Church Wardens, Clinton.
August 16-tf. f
Ortrin, fertnerly M. F. for Centre
`WelfingtOri, dIedat,Winnitteg,
"My hair now measures jug 4 feet, 6
hieltee,in length; What • Ayer's Hair
Vigor hos done for me i Certainly be.
Ileyo it will do for others. I cheerfully
recommend it to all Who Wish abundane,
beautiful, and long hair,,,—Anntio.
PrairnornaW, Oelrich, S. Dak.
South Bruce Conservative have born -
floated De Clap0, of Mildmity, for the.
Legislet Ivo Assembly,
Stops the etonah
and Work* Off the mild.
Laxative Breton -Quinine Tablets Mire a
cold in One day, No Care, No Pay. P/103
in Tueliersmith
Ma rble &Granite
The purchaser of a monument
should have complete confiderce
in the reliability of the firm, fr.=
whioh he buys, for the material
end workmanship is something
very few buyers are familiar with.
If you do not know ne, please in.•
about our reliability tram
• ,those whb know us best. We are
the only practical Men here in our
• line.
J. B. • Hoover, Proprietor
Next to Commercial Hotel
Barrister, Solleitor, Do.,
OSTIOS-41111iott Bleck, Lame Street
Office—Beaver Bleak,
Up -stairs, Opposite Foeter'e Photo Gallery
/teal Estate and Insurance .Agenoy, , •
Moue) to loan.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Conveyance -
Office -Opposite Colborne Motel
, Goderich
formerly qf Cameron; Holt & Cameron,
Office-Hamilton St opposite Colborne Hous
Onlee-Corner lianillton St. and the Square..
Goderich, Ont.:
J. T. Gamow. Q. C. Vries. Gengow. LLD,
°mere North st., next door toSignal Ofilerr
• Private Funds hi lend at 1owet3t ratea
" of interest. .
• Medical.
eet, . calls'
Physicians, Surgeons, .A.cconohers, Eto
Office -Ontario StrClintonNI, •
AllYoulicedtoXlitiw at front door of office or at hoopital, lotorie.
DR. J. VV. SHAW. 1 •
Aseouchenr, eto., office and residence
tario St., opposite English church, formerly otn.- .
.oupied by Dr. Appleton, Ozinton Ont.
If intereated in Practical Ed ucation
is the name of our splendid ' •
Central Business College
We thoroughly prepare young people
for the business duties of life.l.by our
complete °curses in
• Accounting Telegraphy
Shorthand Typewriting, Etc.
We prcvide a dozen 'capable teachers
and 80 typewriting machines, and
• produce good results. ,
. Enter any time. Circulars Free.
. '
W. IL Shaw. Principal
Younge&Gerrard Sts,Toronto
For Sale South half of Lot 89, 2nd, canoes,
akin of Tuokersmith. This farm contains 50
sores all of which is cleared and in a good
state of cultivation except 8 acre of good
boll. 11 1. well fenced and under drained.
There is on the premises a good frame barn
with stable attached frame house with
wood shed also good orchard with lots of
small fruit plenty of hard and @oft water
There is 6 &twee of wheat sown it is, oonven
% nib situated for church and sohool wlthln
6 miles of Clinton and 7 of Seaforth
Sept. 20-1 Apply to IDDIXORIOH, Clinton.
• For Sale.
.A fine etory and8 half frame house,on !On-
tario street, containing 9 "r6Onts With entire
cellar underneath, aloe hard and soft water,
quarter of an sore Of land and a good ante-
ber of beautiful abadetrees situated on ore
0: the prettied and prinoiptil etreets in Olin-
ton,being On the corner of Ont,irfo and Dir sly
street& Will be edldreasorable, For further
particulars apply to MRS J. MoMURRAY,
Alio for talc -skive, extension table, side
board, and several *mallet articles.
Oot. 11-11. ' Clinton. Ont.
No chances are
taken if you enter as a student
of the Federated Business Col-
leges with schools at
•1..ondon, Toronto, Hamilton,
Ottawa'Sarnia, Berlin, Galt,
Guelph, St.Catherines. They
give the student a practical
knoVdedge of business subjects
that mean an increased salary
from the start. •
Handsome year book and all par-
ticulars on application to
Forest City Busi-
ness College, Y.M.C.A. build.
ng London, Ont,
• W. J. Westervelt, Principal.
Acton Sok of Good Beal Estate
The undersigned Will MO by Public 'motion,
on thopreMbes at the north and of William
etreet, near the Collegiate Ittstkute, at 2 lean-,
on Saturday, Nov 28, a five acre lot, excellently
!situated.' There is on thie Imill1 feria an or -
°hand of very fine fruit, 8 *brae of the eholeest
of respberriesiend there is &large tind veluable
and gravel [pits of all grades for sewer
grainflithic naiements, etiN and there is
sem plenty of water very corbenient on the
Pitteet JOSS the Place fern- former Who wants
to retire on a few acres. Only, reason for sell-
ing mammy of owner to Work lt,
Kerma Cash.
P.113TRAI2It, Prop. b. JaNbtINSOlf, Amt.
Nov 143 •
Dr.McDahees Uudue
At 1 tt AMU,
Aii • I
n 1
Per Broken.
Wm Homes, Chinni° Mush, and all ChronleA fre18
dons of the Threat and Ulnas. The onkr ..eatebo,
tho world that, *Ill cure the oboe diem" retiring t
snitual sound in wind and useful to his owner. Price, it A"
br.ritertattey's Milne* er Cough Powders
ter ell Acute Affeetione of the throat and tnntiti, Auch m
Distemper, ate, For ,wellingand stooking of tho km,
the result of hard &brim, Kidney Trouble, ofe., one
Aose will Mime, end One boa Will eure. Viet., 50e.
HI DR. Mc0Allgif 610010INE CO.,
For lisle by n 13 Conate,druggist, Olhdon
Tenders For Supplies, 1902
Licentiate of the RoyalTollege of Physician'
•London, England. •
Office and Residence-.
• PERRIN'S BLOCK. ire Stairs,
• Phyeician, Surgeon, Eto.
Special attention given to diseases of,thel
•Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.
Office and Residence --
Albert Strect,•2 Blocks North of Ilattenburr
• DR. AGNEW. s
Office adjoining Photo Stntd.iti,
(Vice Hours-44to 5
(Successor to Dr. T. C. Brune)
• Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work •
• L. D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sue. -
goons of Ontario, Toronto, . •
• El, D. S. -First -oleos Honor graduate of Den.
tal Department of Toronto University...
Special attention _paid to preservation or
children's teesh. Will visit Baylleld overy
Monday. .
Office over W. Taylor & Son's shoe store. "
The undersigned willreceive tenders up to
noon on MONDAY, 25T0 INST., for supplies of
butchere' meat, creamery britter, floes, oat-
meal, potatoed, cordwood ole.,eto., for the
following institotions during the year 1902,viz
At the Asylums for the insane in Toronto,
London, Kingston, Hamilton. Mimic°, Brock-
ville, Cobol:mg, Orilla; the Central Prison and
Mercer Reformatory, Toronto; thelleforznatory
for Boys. Penetangpisli en e; the Institutions for
Deaf and Dumb. Belleville, and the Blind at
Excavator...Tenders are not required for the
supply of meat to the asylains in Toronto,Lon.
don. Kiageton, liarailton and Brockville, nor
for the Central Prison andMercer Reformatory.
Torentb, • n
..6.attarked cheque for five per trent bf the
estimated amount of the ciontract, payable to
the order of the Honorable the Provincial
Secretary, must be furnished by each tenderer
as a. guarantee of his bona Saes. Twe snill-
, dont' StireSies will be required for the dna
fulflibtrient of each 00raraoS, and should any
tender be withdrawn before the Contract is
awarded, or should the tenderer fail to furnish
inch security, the amount of the depoeit will
be forfeited,
_ Specifications and forms of tender may be
had on application IA the Department of tha
Provincial Secretary, Toronto, or to the Bur*
stirs of the respective institutions.
The lowest.or. any tender not necessarily
accepted ,
Newspaiors, inserting this . advertisement
without authorityfront ,the Department will
not bepaid for it.
Previndial Secretary.
Parliament Buildings. Toronto, Nov let, 1901
• Veterinary:
U • HonoraryGraduateof theOntarioVeterinerp
College. Treats alldiseaeee of domeetiosted an
male on the mdet modern and scientific prince'
plea Office-immeRiately south of tbe New Era
•Office. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Cal •
night orday attendedto promptly
The 'test Of , Weeklies!
' M4;045744 hiknovnn.
theteiading Weekly in
' r'...ACC0MP4NIR1114-,
A setniemonthly publioatiO0-.One of the
best in American -ie sent tri any adareea
In Canada or the United
States for
75c Year
Sild for Our Cit'Oriler continin g term
°lobe, sleo our list of prorairtme..
Amass: '
Western adiNftlsor,
London.' enter's.
Member of the Veterinary Medical Associa•
tions of London end Edinburgh, and Gradit- •
ate of the Ontario Veterinary College,
Office open night and day, opposite St.-
Pierre olaurr.h, Ontario Street. Clinton. Ont.-
• Miscellaneous.
MARRIAGE LICENSES itsuedby the an--
dersigned at hie Reeidence, Mary 'tree
Clinton. 4 .
• No witnesses recinired
.L's P. L. S., Provincial Laud Surveyor and
civil Engineer. London", Ont.-or:me at ee.
"Stewatt's Grocery Store., Winton
, row
Organist and Musical Direaor of North
Street Church, GoderiohLand _teacher on
gram, PIPE ORGAN an THECHITy is jinn
pared to take &limited atniber tif Panilsfirr
the above, For terms,apply °Moe' or to
CAMPHELLYdrif be seen field 11.. en.....40
2 p.m., at the launder." Hotel, Clinton.:
Friday of each Ht.
Fire,• Life, Secident Plata Grail
Orwros Iraoicar timers Lanirtrt
dere for eour_or I .,_whic4 Will be sold at
Sunni/par Is prepared tri,protnptly orr
Riviera rate... Off! 6 on base streekaa...6.7721,
JOHN -W.; . YE*.
itoraitgavitk ,E; ,
Agent tir the;1444Mi***Nitit tkatintinsa:
Co. 'of Metrehester..glarid, whose fund' slur
**writ, are,rAtedf illi 4.14140000." '41eAtlie Ye.
HILLor MuTuAL LonnuiterZ DO.' All aliases 01' .
farm risks and town Oro Sy ,..4.4.2k,..16_,
'owed ratesp • tielaiso Loin
,c abaci represent mete (a had FrieWre7er
reir nitil iitinIatT, Zevit -bormiTer*Ittit
,.., r ..t.rt ,:-.. V.L.,. i- .1,..!.4 '51.,•' it'
riffn,4 IittnoVnt PEOPERTX;
spr1.,8E, Amos. eglyn:.0,21.Presidesoffres:neetotrut,nrtEceiptfihrettemp.14:0. tw.00.0
BroadfoOt, Inspector of LONICA, Beate.% P.O.
WWint.httoIltil6P,d0r,?‘°, ol3Carght6DartileBeafigrneitha.rGiitt_
Bennaroraie, Dublim JAL treat, Beeohwood P
O.; John Watt, Herleck P. 054 Thatuas prase;
Rrucefield John D. McLean, Rippen Jam*
Connolly, Clinton.
fortb; James Cumming, Egmendrilj
lel . .
Yob, Rolmeeville ; George mcwaisand Joao
Itebert Smith. Sanwa; Boat. Moilinantettl:
Mortimer atiditom.
Patties deeirotis te reed IngliriCe or tame. "
wit eiher business Will be proatptIy atter3mded to
Addreseed totheirrerettIfttIMA.," °""vii-
• •