HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-01-23, Page 8PAGE S, -THE BLYTH STANDARIi--January 23, 1it30 Myth Nortiounural Society 1 The annual meeting of Myth Horticul- tural Society was held at St. Andrew's llnited Church manse on Tuesday even- ing with a fair attendance. The financial statement for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1929, showed- the society in a healthy financial condition, The election of offi- cers resulted as follows: Hon. Presidents, T. J. Iiuckstep, Mrs. A. Taylor President, Rsv, Geo. Weir 1st Vice President, Cv1rs. G. D. Leith and Vice President, Mrs, McCallum Secy-Treas., Frank Metcalf Assist, Sec'yTreas,, Miss Metcalf Directors, 1 year -Mrs, G M. Chain - here, Miss Gillespie, Mrs. A, Taylor, Mrs F. Little, Reeve J. R. Cult, 1. H. 11. Eilio:t, Mrs. R. Wightman Directors, 2 years -L, J, Williams, R. Watt, Ezra Bender, Miss L. Herrington, Mrs, Chellew, Mrs. F. Marshall, Miss Steinhoff, Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw Premium Committee -Rev. G. Weir, Mrs, McCallum. Mrs. Chambers, Mrs, A. Taylor and secretary Buying Committee - Miss Gillespie, Miss Steinhoff, Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Cham- bers, Mrs. Chellew, Mrs McCallum Canvassing Committees Huilett-Mrs. McCallum, Mrs. Frank Little Morrie.- Mrs,. Wm. Craig, Mrs. Leslie Fear East Wawanosh-Mrs. Frank Marshall, Miss Edna McGowan . Auburn -Mrs. W. T Riddell, Mies M. King, Mrs, C. Straughan Londeaboro-Mies R. Woodman. Miss Julia Brown, Miss L. Mains, Mrs Wm. Brunsdon. Blyth- Miss A. Gillespie, Miss Louie Herrington Representative to Provincial Convent - tion -Mrs. A. Taylor; alternative Miss A. Gillespie. Concert Committee -The president, J, H. R. Elliott, V. M. Bray and secretary. Park Committee -G. M. Chambers, F. Argent, Ezra Bender, Jas. Laidlaw. V. b1, Bray, Mrs. A. Taylor IN R r1 Mr. Albert Quinn is at present confined to the house with an attackot pleurisy. Miss Louise Mills is taking a stewgra- phic course at Westervelt College, London Mrs. A. Fawcett was a visitor with her mother, Mrs. Jos. Livermore, in Clinton, on Tuesday. Quite a number of local radio fans listen ed in on Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock to the King's address to the Naval Parley now in session in London, Eng. Mrs, Goodall. whose maiden name was Laving Marshall, and was a former resid ent of Blvth, passed away at her residence in Port Huron on Thursday, Jan. 9. She was born in Hullelt Tp in September 1870 and was married to John Goodall, of Car- sonville, Mich., on Aug. 13, 1893, and was a lmmber of the Methodist Episcopal church since girlhood. She leaves to mown her loss. her husband, one dangly ter, Mrs. Jno. Wilson. Carsonville, Mich , two sistcre, Mrs. Sarah Simmons, Port Huron, and Mrs. Jane Kelly, Deckerville, and four grand children. Deceased was an aunt of Mrs. Wm Morrill, The Y. P. S met in the basement of Queen St, United Church on Monday evening In the absence of the president and vice presidents, Mrs. E. Cartwright convenor of the Missionary Committee and in charge of the program presided. After opening the meeting with prayer and song, several of the members repeat- ed sentence prayers. The missionary topic "The Finn's in Canada" was taken by the following:-' The Finnish People," ,lean Pate; "The Finn's Contribution to Canada and Canada's Contribution to the Finns," Gladys Fawcett; "The Port of Entry," Annie Richmond. The meeting was also favored with a chorus by the C. G. I. T. "The Whole Wide World fur Jesus " also an orchestra selection, These two numbers were very much appreciated Rev. Mr. Anderson closed the meeting with prayer and alt joined in repeating the Mizpath benediction. The funeral of Mrs. R. 1'. Gibbs, 927 College Ave„ Regina, who died of pneu- monia in Grey Nuns hospital, Regina, on Sunday, Jan. 12, was held from the home of her sister, Mrs. Jacob Heinbuch, lot 36, concession 4. near Stratford, on Sunday afternoon. Rev. O. Stockman conducted the service. burial took place -in Sebast- opol cemetery. A funeral service was held at Speers Funeral Parlors, Regina, prev- ious to the body being brought to Strat- ford. Mrs. Gibbs, whose maiden name was Anna Doerr, formerly of Auburn and Stratford. was married to R, T. Gibbs in June. 1921, and has since resided in the West.. Her husband and one sun, Donald and brother, Joseph, of Laird, Sask.. ac- companied the body to 'Stratford. The many floral tributes from friends both in the West .and East showed the respect and affection In which Mrs, Gibbs vas held. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and son of Regina; her father, Wm Doerr, of Auburn; two slater5, Mrs Jacob Hein- 1110011111;ip111110■110110111■111■111111111111■0011111/111111111■111111101110000 Tremendous Reductions AEIINIIHIIIMIIMKMIINIINIIHMMIFOESUSNMZWSIMMINS on Ladies' and Children's Cloth Coats with fur trimming. Every coat is included in this sale. If you ever had a great chance to buy real good coats at a very low price this sale presents that opportunity. We lose. You save. OUT THEY GO AT HALF PRICE A $25.00 Coat only costs you $ 12.50. A $12.75 Children's Coat will be $6.35. Please bear in mind all our coats are this season's coats. Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue and Heather mixtures. The newest styles. A $35 Overcoat now $24.95. A $25.00 Overcoat now $17.95. A $19 coat now $13.95. Boy's Suits & Overcoats 1 rack of Boys' Suits 63.'95 all sizes. Values up to $16. 1 rack of Bays' Overcoats at IEBAE.'95. sizes to 36. Values up to $15. OUR GROUP OF MEN'S OVERCOATS in fancy overchecks Brown & Grey mixtures, etc. All splen- did wearing clothes nicely lined and ex- ceptionally well taih 8.95 ored. Regular val- ues up to $25.00. Your choice of this choice lot IlatrinIMMENEWENEMO CLEAN UP OF ALL ODDS AND ENDS OF DISHES. All odd dishes reduced to 50 per cent. and less. Make it your business to see these values. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. YOU ARE WELCOME GROCERIES Cooking Figs, 3 lbs 95c Peas, Corn and Tomatoes, 2 tins -.- 2;,c Kellogg's Pep, 2 for 25c Kellogg's Cornflakes, 2 fur '25c Tilson's I3aking Bran 2 for 25c Shredded Wheat, 2 for25c THE STORE 'I'IIAT SE'T'S THE PACE. M aENDER "Service with n Solar:" BLYTH, ONT. All men, women and children's Underwear reduced 20 per cent. TIP TOP TAILORS SUITS $24 * 4 Men's Red Label Boot and Shoe y * Shirts & Draw- S Department ow ers, each $2.00 S W e have a l a r g e * Men's Blue Lab- S stock of Men's Heavy !4 el Shirts & Draw S Rubbers, Overshoes, 0,4 * ers, each $2.25 ti Leather Boots in all 1 sizes and prices, $4 4 Woollen Blank- ti * ets to clear ti Men's Melton .4* $10.00. Special Sale Cloth Spats Price $8.50 * S $1,50, sizes 7 to 10 iSale........."...$1.19 Haigh's Black S ' Overalls 4 sizes 34 to 42 to clear Lumbermen's 0 * $1.69 S Socks a * S for Children, Boys 4 *Broom Specials t and Men 50c, * 50e. 5 string sale 60c. 65c. 95c. 39c. S ' * GOc quality, 49c S Men's Negligee * S Shirts. 0 Soap Specials S Gordon's Special a 10 bars Pennox 40c S $1,95 & $2.00 ,IE 10 brsP&G...-40c S __ 10 bars Pearl -...40c Mats to Hook All Large Full �F Falcon r Large Sizes 75c 4 * Canstomatoes 1� c i 9 S Stamped Goods do Peas 14c A fairly good sleek do Corn 14c at present. A * T i I s oln's Pandried S Ladies' Collar & Rolled heat per lb Cuff Sets * 1 Oc per lb. S Prices 50c to $2 � ' Robin Hood fine O 4 1 2 lbs 25c S 0- ------ -- \k\ Fc : Sunmaid Raisins 2 S Pricesancy 35cFlowers to $1 $ lbs' 23cats S 6 Symrna Figs, ' 21bs 25c Silk and Wool Symrna Dates Hose . # 2 lbs * 25c Prices 75c to $1 *POPLESTON E STORE* 4 * McKINNON'S OLD STAND : ■01100010101111■1lrlmeal10111111000001111101.011100111Ir0i11I111101111i11101111i1 BLYTH BAKERY WE HAVE ON HAND DELICIOUS CAKES ALSO PREPARED ALM- OND PASTE FRESH ASSORTMENT OF BON BON BOXES, CHOIGE XMAS CANDIES - FRUITS & NUTS OF ALL KINDS CAKES PASTRIES AND DELICIOUS BREAD. F J HOLLYMAN 'PHONE 38 BLYI'II. • ONTARIO MEETING CF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the County Council chamber, Goderich, at two o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 28th day of January, 1930. All accounts against the County, and applications for 010 Aveensions should the ins m lee in the hands o Saturday, the 251 ,ere action at thi Council, and th armee, Applicants for 0, A. Pensions should see that all questions are properly and plain. ly answered and all forms properly execut ed. Be sure your Post Office and the Municipality you live in are correctly given. Municipal Clerks are asked to send per mail as soon as possible their certificates of election of Reeves and Deputies. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich, Jan. 10, 1930, CARD OF 'THANKS The undersigned w to thank all those for their kind es d ex essions of sympathy duri eiha ne and death of the late Allen . B ' on; also for the beautiful floral ri s, he family and brother erk on or before in order to en - ting of the County f A. Pensions Com- huch and Mrs, E. E. Heinbuch, near plias Elizabeth Mills, is attending Stratford; three brothers, John, of Au- Loudon Conservatury of Music. b io f Laird Sask and Albert of urn, , os., , ,• Erindale, Ont. Those who attended the funeral from this locality were; -Mr. Wm Doerr, of Auburn, father of Mrs. Gibbs, Mr. John Doerr. a brother, Messrs Her- man and Ernie Doerr, Wm. Weber, IV. 1' Riddell and Mrs. Sam. Kechnie the The Standard Book &'Stationery Store and I.. J. Williams' store will close on Thursday evenings until the end of March FOR SALE Th r' teesa d Cous- ins to Lady Vicriho Ids rcc rd for world --3X14440 ply to Joe. Postill, 4+ °l++.144 + +.13^„Ilit +++ ++ .1. 10 IN ER 00 ALL WINTER GOODS AT GREAT- LY REDUCED PRICES DURING ÷ + 4 + JANUARY TO CLEAR OUT WIN- TER STOCK JAI. DODDS + i. BLYTH -- ONTARIO + + + WANTED -'lb exchange on farm, 50 LOST --Black and tan hnund with slit acres preferred, a gond comfortable dwell in left ear. Etudes will please notify ing in Blyth, For particulars apply at Chas. Riehl The Standard. . Ontario F�7.ytl�, ********************0,4**** K ++ar'S'sir.I ++fir++++ ++++ardr+++l'fg + .. rr' + + F'L•��®U1t + + "'YOU` A/ Ps. NT 4. I. You'11 find the flavour you want in + every cup of our Coffee 4.4.+ ? OUR GROCERIES ARE ALWAYS + 4. FRESH + + + + Naval Oranges, + l+ + Seedless Grape Fruit, 4- 4. Table Figs + 4. And Grapes. - + + OYSTERS, FISH, + + ICE CREAM BRICKS. + +r + + GOODS DELIVERED ++ 4. 4.to JAS. S IMS , "1' + BLVUU. ONT, 'PHONE 14 4 .4t+ +++++++++++++.4.44++++++++++ - sim....n.a.........smoismarsoommormm........N.lt HAVE YOUR PICTURES FRAMED FOR SAFE -KEEPING. Those pictures you have just received and the ones you have laid away would look much bet- ter framed. In their !resent state they are unseen and unappreciated and unless carefully stored will soon lose their value. Bring them in to us, we will be glad to help you select ap- propriate mouldi gs for them, and in our com- plete lin, of frarnhd pictures you may find oth er subjects thatwill go well with those you al- ready have. We specialize in framing and our prices are reasonable. j aC E L.L.E'i19GI ON ir. -..nates