HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-11-15, Page 2November 15, 1901.
lialattee of This Year Free.
4 •••••.,..
Tilla 'New Elie and Weekly Global dt, , ft,.
hem now to 31st Deo., 1002., I eta IMO
TheNswEna and Montreal Daily Z
Vereld to 3let Deo., 1002.. • .
To those who have not subeorthed to the
Clinton NEw En, we make the following
1jbe&1 offer .—
Vet $1 oath We will send the NEW Eta
r.x.* .0040 eny address in Canada or the United
OttMes from now to the 3let Deo., 1002.
— —
;,._ We also offer the NEW ER& and Weekly
Glebe, with two handsome pioturee,. for
11,60 cash,and new subscribers will receive
the balance of this year free to both papers.
We have made special arrangements with
tbe publiehere of tbe Montreal Daily Het
sad, whereby we can supply the Daily Her
aaa and the NEW Ene at the exceptionally
low -rate of $1.75 for the two papers, This
Will enable you to have one of the leading
daily papers in the Dominion togtther with
the NEW Ene for less than the price of two
weekly papers. In addition to receiving
the two papers a handsome picture of King
Edward VII is given with them. The fact
' that the regular aubsoription of the Daily
1614 Herald alone is $3 a year will give you an
'• idea of the exceptional liberality of th43 of
- i This is an opportunity for those not now
r. subscribers of the NEW ERA. If your meg
.1' bor does not take the linw Elle show this
, natio° tohim and perhaps it will induoehim
Lr • to become a eubsoriber.
We have speoial rates with several other
Vapors, whioh in conjunction with Tan NEW
Mee will furnish you with all the best read
ing matter obtainable at exceptionally low
figures, Let ns add your name to the long
list of others who now enjoy the weekly
visite of THE NEW ERA, whether you wish
pr v of the other papers or not.
ReDAY. NOV. 15,1901.
11 Reeerd to be Proud of,
lion.G.W,Roee, Premier, was Ten Orrig,
-Waked, for the tenth time, on TueedaY,
and in the course of his speech Made
the following remarks: -
Is it not a wonderful thieg that the men
of this country ).aye no real grievance
against the Government? The proudeet
It is understood that Canada's offer
of a ca yalry regiment for South Af-
rica w ill be accepted by the War office.
• • •
The vacancy. for East Kent in the
Ontario Legislature, created by the
death of the late • Robt, Ferguson, of
Thamesville, was filled by the election
by acclamation of John Lee.
• • •
All the Liberal candidates in recent
bye•elections in Quebec have been re-
turned. This condition of affairs leads
the Montreal Gazette, the leading Con,
servative organ in Eastern Canada, to
call for new leaders.
moment of my life is now, when I have the
nudiytded conlidence f those I have ponied
for the !met 30 years, and wlaat is true of
this riding is true of tbe Province as a
whole. You oan consult any interest in On-
tario you choose, and it will not be found it
has any substantial ground of grievance
against the Government, Asktbe farmers
what they have to cemplain of. Have we
not been helpful to farmers? We bave giv-
en between $3,000,000 and $4,000,000 to
sgrioniture in the last tbirty years, Has
that not been usefully Been'? We have Im-
proved the breed of horees, cattle,swine and
sheep; iniproved dairies and oreameriee,im-
proved the highwaye by the distributien of
surplus funds -there as no interest that
touches tbe femora that can be named
that we have not assisted, and if the whole
farming people of this country, represent.
ing two thirds of the people of Ontariethave
no grievance, 1 think it is a great compli.
ment to the government, Take even our
drainage laws and our municipal franchise,
the whole body of municipal law. and there
is no substantial grievance wlaioh might be
seta to be shared in by a great many.
It shows how careful the govern -
rent has been in the interest of tbe
people, when the foregoing can be said
without fear of successful contradic-
tion. The Opposition may criticise the
government's actions,but it is an indis-
putable fact thab there are no real
grievances against the administration.
Strong as this statement of Mr Roes ie,
he makes an even stronger claim for
support in the following remarks: -
The Liberal Administration had been
free from eoandal each as had been exposed
in the Conservative Government at Ottawa
some years ago. They had spent $107,000,-
000, but the Opposition had been unable to
lay their heads on a dollar corruptly *mat.
They had not spent all their income, and
on Deo 31 last they had a enrplus,after die -
°barging all obligations, of $2,580,000 and
he hoped it would be as large this year.
This he contrasted with the heavy debts of
other provinces.
The point that is here brought out
should not be lost eight of — here is a
government which has spent over one
hundred millions of dollars,and not one
cent corruptly spent. We doubt if any
other government on the face of the
earth (outside cif Canada) could make a
similar boast. It speaks olures for
the sterling honesty of the present ad-
ministration, and pet sons who are urg-
ed to vote againat the government
simply because it hasbeen rn powsr for
along time,, should remember that it is
all the more to its credit, that having
been in office for a long time no charge
of corrupt expenditure can be brought
against it.
- Crisp County Clippings A Case of Kithey Disease That Coubl
• • •
In the last three elections Hon. Mr
Ross has been opposed by three differ-
ent Conservati ves in West Middlesex,
each of whom has met with the
same stingy modicum of success. In
1890 Mr Ross' majority was 121; in 1894
it was 112, while in 1898 it had grown to
151. In the Dominion election of 1900
the municipalities constituting the
Provincial riding gave a Liberal major:
ity of 422.
• • • ;
In more than 3,000 schools in Great
Britain the boys are studying text
books on Canada which set forth her
histot y, explain her system of govern-
ment, and lay stress upon her natui al
resources. These books are supplied
free by the Dominion, and Lord Strath
cone, Canada's High Commissioner to
the mother country, will give valuable
medals next sin ing to the scholars who
pass the best examinations on them.
The aim of Strathcona and his country-
men is to intones British youth with
the advantages of the Dominion as a
field for emigration.
The death of Li Hung Changremoves
hot only the acknowledged foremost
Chinaman of the world, but one who
Is generally spoken of as a great stateir
man. His death may have important
consequences to his already unfortun-
ate country. Of late years he has
seemed to be more the agent of Russia
than the friend of Great Britain. A.
few yeare ago Li Hung Chang was
through Canada, and when in Toronto
was carried in a sedan chair through
the Exhibition by stalwart city police-
men. He was a powerfully built man,
with a large, smooth face, and bronzed
like his own "heathen Chinee," but his
was marked with power and ambition.
It. is said he was a multi -millionaire -
one of the wealthiest in the world.
•r- • • • • e
There will naturally be much disap-
pointment at the decision of the judges
in the case afiainet the Toronto Street
'fiailway do., and the SWIM° Gas and
Electric Light Coo., by which it is
Properties for Sale or to Let
a Whe old sheds at the 'Methodist To Rent,
church in Wingham has been sold to
Amos Tipling. Cottage on Printed St. APPIY to
G., McKee MeKillop, receetly sold to tidy 18. tf
Not be timed y rdivary
• prugs att MedicioE,
3" McMann, ISesforth, a three-year-old
ge ng or $
After forty years'continuous business ,
in Brossele John Wynnbaa disposed of '
his business to E. Speirau.
Chafe E,McManus, formerly of Wing'
ham, is now in the employ of the 0. P.
R. at Wetaskewin, Alberta.
Lately Mrs A Williamson, while get-
ting a pail of water, slipped and fell,
breaking her left arn3 at the wrist.
J. Joynt has beer, engaged in S. Si
No 5, Ashileld, for 1902, He is at pres-
ent attending the model school at
Sam Stacey has purchased the resid-
ence which he at present occupies in
Heusall, from Mr John Zuefle, Bramp-
ton, the owner.
Thoe. Cassels, who lives about half a
mile eouth of Wingham, has sqld his
farm of 133 acres to R Stein, Fordyce,
for $7,000.
An old and respected resident of
Dungannon passed away on Nov. 2nd,
in the person of Mr Edward Durnin, at
the age of 77 years,
ldi f 200 To IR t
J F Berry,Lucknow,leftlast week for
PortAtt hur,where he will engage in the
drug business in that place, He 'wall
formerly of Howell,
Mrs Sage and daughters, formerly ot
the Walton hotel, have gone to Wind-
sor,where she has purchased a resid-
ence and will reside in tuture,
Word watt received in Wingham last
week of the death of Mrs W Lewis,Tor-
onto, at the age of 60 years, from heart
failure. Her death was sudden.
,Mr Weber has disposed,. of his hotel
property and businees in Dublin to
Mr John Hachnel, of Logan, for 43,100
and he intends returning to Seatorth
to reside. •
1-1 Ruronian in South Africa
The following extracts are .froin it
letter written to his mother by Horace
J. Fisher, son of Amos Fisher, of Col-
borne, (and cousin of the Turner fam-
ily, of Clinton), who is with the South
African contingent, and will be of in-
ter est to our readers:
JACOBSDAL, Oct, 1, 1901
We were camped out from here
about six miles, for two weeks and
had three days' sports while there -
horse races, foot races, tug of war, etc.
There was another Canadian troop
of about fifteen men sent over, to take
part in the sports, and they took away
the tug of war prize, which we would
have had it they had not been there;
but we did not care intleb, as long as a
Canadian troop got it. It was the first
time we had seen any of the Canadian!!
in about four months. The Beers cap-
tured it convoy the other day; we got
an order to get right out about nine
o'clook at night; went about eight
miles, got, there at twelve o'clock, and
so went to bed. I say bed,, but it was
not much of a bed; we only had one
blanket. I laid down on the bare ground
with one blanket over me, and slept
until four in the morning; we got ready
to move off without any breakfast, and
rode untilnoon; we thee had an hour's
rest, and went on again until 8 o'clock
that night, so you may knew we were
pretty tired, and our horses nearly
played out. I felt that trip more than
I ever did any on foot. I heard that
a Canadian sergeent Was shot near
Petersburg recently; he went Up on a
kopje and encountered two Boers who
told him to put up his hands, but he
turned and started to walk mean
when they shot him. He was not killed,
but lay out there all night; next morn-
ing when they went out to look for
him he was not dead, but died on the
way back to camp., Hie name was
Thunpoon . You asked if we had to
buy the focd we got extra; we do, as
we get nothing but the army- ration:4
atia, sometime, not al! that: a altos
ration cenobite of ' five hardtacks, one
and a half peunds of meat,three'ounces
of tea, coffee and sugar; this, with one
still affirmed that the poles,evires, etc.,
of these corporationo are to be assessed
as scrap. That it was the purpose of
the amendment passed by the Leg's-
latufe last eession to do away with this
injustice 110 one sincerely doubts. The
amendment, as was the original act,
intended that these concern!! shook
-pay a fair and equable tax upon their
Wires, poles, rails, etc., which are just
as, much it part of their respective
plants as the engines and other mach-
inery. It is difficult for the lay mind
to understand how their:id:gee could so
COnetrue the la*, but haying Rine de-
cided, there is nothing left, pending
Vie passing of another amepdment, but
to appeal or submit to their Honors'
• ABOUT APPLES. -The apple fain-
-hie which dealers have predicted is
now said to be an assured feet. Ever
pincer the unfavorable apple weather
lathe Spring buyers and growers beth
'anticipated a shot t crop and now it is
mid the situation's even worse. One
&tiler is _reuoted at estimating the
trees at 26,000,000 barrels rei against
48,a10,000 last yr3ar and 70,000,000 the
year previous. An old apple man says
that in it few years the apples in
obtarlo will be utterly metes* for
ettipPing-purpeses unless more atten-
tion is given to orchard& It le Use,
lope tie gays, for 0110 Dian to 'Spray
tile orchard While his neiehbor left his
erindonet m the pest vihichr. niight
• driyeaverty return. The emit
thleYeer id not ati good as it mitrht be
and those who sprayed theft trees ttiet
'BOW reaping the benefit of the high
•leg paid. ,
The Dread Disease was Ban-
ished After Use of Two
Bottles of
Paine's Celery Compound.
John MeLean was married on Satur-
day week, in Lucknow, to Mrs Adam
Johneton, They have taken their resid-
ence at Mr McLean's fent at Moscow,
Bruce county.
A very sudden death occurred on
Monday evening of last -week. Roy, a
13 year old son of Harry Deacon, ot
Eaet Wawanosh, became suddenly ill
and died before medical aid arrived.
Jas Lee, who has resided for 80 years
on a tarm on the Huron road, it short
distance east of Seaforthi having sold
his farm, has purchased' another farm'
in Brant county and intende moving
Jas G McMichael, Seaforth, recently
purchased a sow pig which weighs 760
pounds. it is if the Yorkshire breed,
fi three years old, and was raised by S.
McKenzie, Tackersmith, near Bruce
11 Statement earrying Warning
and Encouragement ito
. Every Sufferer.
While the blood is the life of the sYstem
carrying to every part its share of forte and
energy, it is also the means by which :the
waste matter, the result of diem:imposition
of the tinder, is ram:loved from the body, If
dieease has touched tbe kidney, there is
grave danger and deadly oppresaion will
'teak upon the body and mind.
If you have any of the eymptoms of
Bright's dieettee or diabetes, Paine's Celery
Clompound is tbe only naediaine on earth
that oan stay the ravages of the disease'end
Mire permanently. C. Kevill, of Damien',
Ont„ testiges as follow!! ;
',For the past fifteen quire I have been
troubled with &aimed kidneys. Often
while working in a stooping position I
would find, it diffio-ult to straighten up at
onoe, and could only do so after repeated
efforte. Winie under .very ,severe attaelts
of my trouble. I became nervous and con-
tinually had tired, wornout feelinge. My
red at night seemed to do me no good, as I
always felt tired in the morning. I had
been taking medicines and was getting
worse all the time.. At Iasi I decided to
give Paine's Celery Compound a trial. I
procured a bottle, and took it as direoted,
and found its effect wonderful. Before I
had finished the. iirat bottle I began to im-
prove ; after I had used the second bottle I
felt as well as ever I did in • my life. It
banished all my aches and pains, and my
nervousness disappeared. I can go to bed
now and elsep well and riee in the morning
noted and retreated."
• Miss Lizzie A. Bisbee,of Detroit, for-
merly of Winghanewas united in mar-
riage to E F Trernpe. on Oct 9th. The
ceremony, was performed by. Rey
Bronson Allen, of the Methodist -Epis-
copal ',tabernacle.
• Joahita Dennison has sold his farm
ou the lath concession of McKillop, to
Mr Joseph Love for $5,100. It con-
tains 82i acres, with gond buildings
and is in good shape. Mr Dennison
intends removing to Moose Jaw in the
spring. '
Rev R. Hebb!! tied the knot for a
happy couple on NoV 6th, at the par.
sonage. Miss Neilie Bond, Wingham,
was wedded to J. Howard McKenzie,
of Listovvel. They will, reside in Lis-
towel, where Mr McKenzie b as a posi-
tion on the Banner.
rhe Best ehrlitmas Gift tor a
Little Money.
Teacher 'Noted,
For S.S. No. 7,1ffellett, duties to commence
en Mae first teachtng day of 1301, state salary
expteeted, quallfloations, etc., Personal aPPll
catielie preferred. Ap_piy to
rovl, Slyths
Apartments to Let.
Lot 8$, Maitland boncieesion,Goderioli Town. Annie large room front with atoll room
tam). APplY to .jeati. iseerr, Barrister, attached, two bedroomeuu eteirs four in all,
Oot. 11-t• 0 inten, Out . suitable for married couple. Apply 60 King St,
To Let,
A large two dory house, oppoelie (Ammer -
Mal Hete • Akio, for Sa el :-A.Blairimorologiei.
tor cook stove. apply mite 0.1iilevelsed. wheel, in good repair, for sale at
Sept. 27-M. 00,t 4-tf J. E. HOVEY, Clinton.
Wheel tor Sale.
To Rent or For Sale.,
That desirable brick and frame dwelling on
eotxtb •Side Wellington Street, Clinton, com-
prising Leta 83, 86, 90 and 91, containing one
sore of orchard and garden. Apply to
Oct. 17. • W. W, FARRAR'
House to Rent,
Comfortable dwelling house to rent on Fed -
°rick Street. lately °coupled by Mr J. Rand,
containing three roeMe nestairs and three
down. Plenty o wa
red moderate. Apply WATTS DRUG sToitg.
.Setit. 27-t1
HOUSE for SALE or to RENT.
On Vidoria St., near Organ . Factory. $ 300
will buy a roomy, comfortable house with good
lot -the property recently occupied by Frank
Upshall. .Apply at once to-
Barr:staor Clinten.
Sent as it year's subscription to the
Youth's Companion, $1.75 will buy the
'Hy -two weekly issues of the Youth's
Companion for 1902,
It will buy the two hundred and flftY
fascinating stories in the new volume
for 1902.
It will buy the tifty interesting spe-
cial articles contributed by famous
men and women to the new volume for
It will entitle the new subscriber who
sends in his subscription now to all the
issues of the Companion for the remain-
ing weeks of 1901 free. •
It will entitle the new subscriber for
1902 to one of the Companion's new
calendere for 1902, lithographed in
twelve colors and gold.
Full illustrated announcement of tee
new volitrae for 1902 will be sent to
any address free.
Mr Knechtel, sen., of Wingham, was
summoned to Fergus by the death of
his wife. Deceased was taken ill on
Friday week with pneumonia, and
quickly succumbed to the disease, palm-
ing the bounds of time on Monday,
aged 72 years. She had been residing
Ith her daughter for some time in
Rey W 4 Doherty, incumbent ot St.
Paul's church at Hensel' for a nuniber
of years, who been appointed by the
Bishop to the charge of Thorndale and
Evelyn, and who left for his new fleld
of labor was made the recipient of a
handsdne easy chair from the Ladies'
Auxiliary and a chair and fountain pen
from the Bible clase.
Miss Casemore, of the 2nd con. of
Morrirehad both arms broken on Mon-
day week. She got up to go down
stairs to close a storm door, and in the
darkness missed her footing,. and fell a
distanceof eight feet to the floor. One
arm had both bones broken at the
wrist and the other had one bone brok-
.ep in About the same place,
Thos Weigh 'Mende replacing his
present engine and one of it larger
capacity at Heim% and speaks of en -
bilging and extending hie present elec4
tric light service, ao as to take in the
farm dwellines betWeen Haman and
Itippen, and in ail probability as far as
Brucefield, as Kippen and Brucefield
are desitaus of having an electric light
ohn Dulmage, of Gerrie, passed
away suddenly 011 SUndaY feeeilinsi
week, Ile Weht WIngbam from
Parkhill in 1e70 and opened -the Brune -
wick -hotel. Irs lived there until shout
tin of jem a week, and sobietinies a 1 a yegke ago, when hewent to Gerrie. In
little rum or lime juice, ie all we get. all these plates he was a respected
1 do niat know when we will be eta- reSident. Idle wife died some years
tioned, but 44 WA think it will be until ago. He leaves one eon, W H Dui -
pew! detlared- - - '- mage, and three deerghtero.
Vernier Ruroulan.
A press despatch says F. Lux-
ton, former editor -of the St Paul
Globe,. who is expected to return to
WineMeg,will not accept any position
createdby the dienliesal of a mebiber
of the -Civil service. It is ttlintifired
that' the, Manitoba GoVerriMent has
deelOed to ceeatielf netessarry,a new
office wbtch Lux tun 'fill."
hirIeittoe it meepf the inehreeho have
experleneed the, upe atiddriWne of life.
liteteriapublisher of the
,Pretrilee Of rifle. Alan, se hie
'WW1' the rieht
to ituvreciebtOw er he Went to Goder-
1613 and etetted ri'dhily- paper,- putting
in an eirPeeiyer outfit, As the heathers
did teat vay hoLlett there, andnett
turned u# at. Edit Crafty, where he
Went into' partnershin With the queen's
Printer,' ancl'etatted the Mariltobe Pree
Prese, which WM it adOCtiae freer the
Mita& Litetrin Is ' a geed joartiallet.
With the developtirent of the Prairie
City, the pellet.' "meanie a Valublae pro-
perty,and 'Leiden fairly bittedil1011e 1,
but his proeperiqy Was more than ' he
could Stand, It was said that he totall-
ed on Greenway because the latter did
iiiit make' him a member of bisCablnet.
He eyentualle lest hid 'petition as
EciltOr-irectifef, of the Free Press. and
?deo. couple of years has been inanag•
EOR:ltditor of the St. Pattl Gletre,Whieli
position he recently lost by a ' change
of dWnerilitip, Re could beery been one.
1 of the Wealthleg Med In Wintlitie had
he peirtaled tediffeteat coiirse,_,...a we
are totit thnt id hit adyettelne y
it bi riehestaty for him to depend upon
government favors,
Mr John Wilson, Of Maple Groye
Farm, McKillop, woe egreealily eUr•
prised by & vlelt frOM teachers of the
Roxboro ' Sabbath School, who took
posceSeicui of his tesidebee and merle
thenieelY.es At home. He was MIR
more eurictleed when they presented
him,With an Address,' accompanied ' by
a handsome peesebt,- In 'the shape of is
beautifully bound yolueie of "The
Sunday at Home." He has been sup-
erintendent. of Roxboro,. . $nnday
11301.fOr OUITI139p Of YlliMf 8..
It is sad hews ,to residents of Wing -
Nun 80iearn that Chm Pines* had
died on .Wodnisday of last week.
lieart failure owes, the, final cause ot
death, though he hark been ill for six
age. The decegeed Wee; isle- eat,tle
weeks or more. aile, wes 44 years of
beerinese ,at Whltecb h Ontl
Years.ago. when.lie "9Yed info, town
and entered into the/ iredace,imeineer,
witleh he has pan .L !tett since. He
leavema wife and th r• small children
to mount a. kind' hus d and father.
An aged Mather
f h techurch sad tothor John,
rte'2)t Metthie he hag • rea are3sident
Of Litektiew f few' yeare,ded
at the hem of Mrs Thos Metthie on
Tuescity w .ek, In the th year of hie
age. The eceaseel, spent many years
of his eArl life mining in California,
and was on of.the few =en left of the
elft brigad • OfLgolacleeekere who went to
that court y in Ile ale° opent seY-
bray in the Cariboo country and
•.tith parte, ef British COhlinbia itt
eh of the preeitut metat. Ge wade
hit home for sotne years In North Da-
kota, and the bodywas taken to ink.
stet, rm., for burled.
195 Colurunue AYE,. Boston, M.ase.
^ Tried snuffs, Ahoy failed, Ointment"
and waehes failed. Said other° was no
-erne. Knew %are wain' because he had
tried them Tail. This is how prejudice
acts. There is however a balm in Gilead,
a sovereign remedy for Ostitirrh, not dang-
crone became it acts quickly, not unpleaa-
ant bemuse it it/ euro to cure. Its name hi
Catarthozone. It destroys germs, it
soothes, it heals. Ai urban as death to
care, as pleasant as dinshine to use.
That's Caterrhozone, Your money back if
is not so. 260 sus $1.00.
T. M. Humble of Toronto states that
Rio end Lieut -001. Belcher of South-
ampton are promoting a, trolley line
through the county of Bruce, with
Soutnampton as one of the termini,
and circulars have been sent to the
various municipal councils, Toronto
Capitalists are interested, and Mr
Humble, who has recently effected
strong financial and, political alliances
in Montreal, may let a, few of his
friends there in on the ground floor.
To Let. ,.
For Sale.
Secondhand Ensilage Cutter, Jack, and
Horse power; aU complete . etw441.,
Lot 26, Con 3, W. Wawanoeh, A.uhurn,Ont.
August 23-tf
IWANTED -Several, persons ot telemeter
and good reputation in each state (one in
this county required) to represent and adver-
t lee old established wealthy business house of
Isolid financial standing. Salary $18.00 weekly
with expenses additional, all payable in cash
each Wednesday direct from head offices,
Horse and cerriage furnished, when noes -
r References Enolose seleaddressed
stamped envelope, Manager, 313 Caxton
Building, Chicago.
Sept. 13- 16.
That beautiful store in the Jackson Block,
Huron. Street, lately occupied by GeWitts. Ap-
ply to
Sept. 6-81 Clinton
Cottage to Rent.
Acomfortable and roomy cottage on Isaac
street, lately occupied by 1,1r Geo. Orion, is
offered to rent. The quarter acre vacant 108
adjoining will be sold on easy times. Apply
to lees Ebert, Mary St.
Oot. 4-te
Farm For Sale..
State of Ohio, City of Toledo 89.
Lucas County. 5
Frank 3 Chesney makes oath that he la
senior 'partner of the firm of P3 Oheoney &
Co., doing business in the City of Toledo,
county and Istate aforesaid, and that said
'firm :will pay the sum of One Hundred
Dollars for each and every me of c starrh
that cannot be cured by the %roe of Hall's
(Werth Cure.
Fairer J CRUM!.
Sworn to and before me and suoscribed
in my presence, this 6th day. of December.
A.D. 1686,
). A. W. Gramme
eerie Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and ado directly on the blood and mesons
ourfaces of the eyetera, bend for testimon-
ials, free, P3 C111101012 & Co.,Toledo, 0.
Sold by Drariste, 750,
The west half of lot 24, Bayfield Con., God -
°rich township, °containing 100 acres of good
land, is offered for sale on easy terms. Good
barn, log house, plenty. of water and small
orohard. Particulars on application to ,
J. P. 'ffiSDALL, Clinton
Suhsoriber -offers for sale his farm oft 166
sores, situated on the Maitland concession,
Colborne. A.bout 140 acres °leered, frame
house, bank barn, plenty of water and in good
state of cultivation,/ of a mile from school and
2 relies from Hohnesville. Terms reasonable
Deo 14-tf RICHARD BAKER. Clinton I",0
For Sale or to Rent.
The choke brick house on the cruor of Ful-
ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate
of the late Richard Heywood, is offered either
for sale or to rent. It contains room for ordi-
nary family, is practically a new house, with
all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
of land. If the property is not sold or rented,
part of it will be rented. Apply to
W. COATS Exam:niter Clinton.
$41254 FoR SALE $4,250
Subecriber offers for sale his farm of 100
acres, lot No. 3 4, situated on 10th con., town-
ship of Hallett, Hume Co., about IX) acres
domed and in a good date of cultivation, bal-
ance bush. On the farm is a good frame house,
large bank barn and other out buildings, good
bearing orehard; and well watered. Apply
Marcia 22-tf Londeelioro. •
Ornox-leillott Isaito Street.
011100 -Beaver 1310ek, ,
Lip -stairs, Oppopite Foster'e Photo Gallery
Eighty nor° farm in Ogemae County, Mich
with $700 worth of crops, modern new house,
good barn and outhouses, fine stone cellar,
good water, also household furnishings of the
best ,• three horses a few head of cattle of fipe
breed, up-toelate 'farming implemonte finest
Orchard in county of 4. acres; le miles from
good mark et; 10 miles from county seat. The
cellar holds 800 bushels of apples in „racks. 40
acres improved, tbalance hardwood timber.
Nice .rolling land, clay loam. • This property
-cost present owner -$8,5(0 ,cash. Reason for
eelling,Porty is Oleg to the old maw y This.
ito a bargain. School and church mi.e' from
farm. All goes for $4,260 if taken -by the .25tk.
of ngust Clear title, Address, JOHN 1).
BURGESS, West Branch Mich
The framecottacce on Orange street, oceu-
pled by the undersigned, is offered for sale on
reasonable terms. The lot * of an acre, with
hard and soft water, stable, good fruit and
vegetable garden. The bouse contains hall,
parlor, two bedrooms, clothes closet, dining
room, summer kitcheo, cellar and Woodshed,
Is centrally looted, poesession_given any time
to snit purchaser. ELIZABETH GRAHAM tf
Haller Fami y 131116 ire the bast. _
For Sale.
ChOiCe Farm for Sale
• -.-. •
Subscriber offers for sale his fine farm of 147
Ores, being lot 25, con. 18, Mullett, All clear-
ed but four acme. Brick house (and.ahto frame
house for hired man),bank barn, spring creek,
bearing orchard of 2 acres, be miles from Lon-
desboro, soil first-olass and in good condition.
Possession at any time, terms to snit purchaser
Jan 4-41 m-tf W. HILES.Londesboro.
Real Estate tor Sale.
The parcel of ground adjoining St.- Paul's
Rectory, consisting of lot 21e, Rattenbury St.,
andlot 262A. Princess St., is offered for lisle.
Each lot leabeut 80by 1£2 feet. Together Mier
maks an exceptionally fine site for a first -olds
residence: Apply: to Wm, Q. Phillips or 0,0.
Rance, Churoh Wardens, Clinton.
Citizen's Star Concert C ourse
Farm in Tnekersmith
' For Sale South half of Lot 89, 2nd, conces-
sion of Tuokersmith, This farm contains 60
sores all of which is cleared and in it good
state of cultivation except 3 acres of good
hash. It is well fended and under drained.
There is on the premieee a , good frame barn
with stable attached frame house with
wood shed also good orchard with lots of
small fruit plenty of hard and soft water
There is 6 acres ef wheat sown it is, maven
leen, situated for church and school within
6 miles of Clinton and 701 Seaforth
Sept.20-el Apply to IDDO.OR1011, Clinton.
Eight fernlike were rendered home -
lees by a destructive fire in Vaudreull,
Quebec, '
A Builder -Are You Losing Weight 1 --
"The D. &L. Emulsion will always help
and build you no. Rertorer proper diges-
tion and brings back health. Manufactur-
ed by She Davis &Laminae Co., Lid.
T. W. Rodgers, editor of the Jarvis
Record, shot hirnielf through the head
with it rifle, and to dead.
Bronobla1 M.oblonu, coughs and colds,
all coicity tired by!Pyny,Belosm. It ham
no equal. Aces promptly, 'soothes, heals
end ears', blenefaetared bythe proprie-
tors of Perry Davis' Pan -Killer.
The Worelletrn mill at Woodstock
Wes recently burned.
Michael Sante( loot his life by being
caught in the shafting of hie mill at
Queen Alexandra is presenting the
soldlere In South Africa with briar
pipes as Christmtur gifts.
Our past reeOrd of sueseesiul °Marine SO
She wants Of a 01400111 public Is the beet
guarantee we ma offer to all who are not
yet numbered among our permanent ono-
Soraero. Plead remember that we make 6
spsaielty of filling physic:fairs' prate:x-4-
*We Our Wok of perfames,toilet articles,
brusher!, sponges, ett,„ is large and yowled,
T118 stoat 1411LTIIII.3 AND POPULAR.
, Paine's Celery Compound lethe more re-
liable and popular family medicine, and 11
opeialy reoonimended for the cure of
reetimetism, heurelgie, dyepetiale baryons
dittatet and tleeplestnest. If you have not
tflitieeeded in Whistling plot trouglet, °once
SO la ter tebotile of Paltuti Wert COM
pound. ft will net dirreppeint yot.
' H B COMER, Druggist, Olittion, Ont.
A. fine story and is half frame house on On-
tario street, oontaining 9 rooms with entire
cellar underneath, also hard and soft water,
quarter of an sere of land and a good num-
ber of beautiful shade trees, situated on one
of the prettiest and prineipal etreets in Clin-
ton,beilog on the comer of Ontario and DirielY
streets. Will be soldreasonable. For further
board, and several smaller artieiee.
Oct. 11-81. Clinton, Ont.
Real Estate and 'neurons:a Altencri
Money to loan.
C. B. HALE, JOHN' Itmourr'
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Conveyancer'
Office -Opposite Colborne Motel
formerly rif Cameron; Holt Cameronr
eflice-naranton St opposite Otilberlfe HOW.
Office-Corn,6r Hamilton eit. width° Square.
- ' Goderich, Ont.:
J. T. Gamow, Q. 0. CHAS. GARROW.TALD.
Office: North st., next door toSignal 011ifeel
• Private Funds to lend at lowest rates
• of interest.
Selections from the Great Eastern Ly- •
ceum Bineau for the season of ,
, 1901,-1902, in the
Town Hall, Clinton.
5 high-class CONCERTS for $1.00
1 The Crystal Palace Concert Company,
London England, TuesdayNov. 19th. Plata
openNov. llth.
J. Williams Macy, of New York, Tuesdall
Deo. 17t11, Plan open Deo. 10th.
3 Mdzart Symphony Club. of New York
January, date not decided. • .
4 Swedish Ladies Qatar eet, Tuesday Feb .18th
Plan open Feb, lith. .
5 Tyrolean .Yoillera, of Bavaria, Theaday
March 18th. plan open March llth.
'Plan for each concert open to the public
two days later than dates..
Those wishing to subhoribe may sign at
CoopersBook Store, The reserved seats will
be 10e extra for each concert and i he plan of
hall will be at Coopers Bookstore. •
Mr 'Hartman says this is the beet Ceara
concert over given in Clinton.
Local Managers.
Agin $ale of Good Real Estate
The underelgnectwifl Olen by iniblie auction,
on the preMilies at the north, end of William
street, near the Collegiate Inetittite, at 2 p.m.,
on SaturdaY, Noy 28, alive acre lot, excellently
situated. Tnerole on this small Lam an or-
chard Of very fine fruit, 8 acres Of the choictiet
Of ratifibetriall and there is a large and valuable
sand nd gravel/MU of tilt grades for sewer
gratiolithio pavements, etc, and there is
also.plexitY of wider 'very convenient On the
Others Jtibe the place for a farmer who gents.
to retircion terew Ores. Only reseed for poll-
ing, inability of owner to work it.
Terms Caine
Nov 1-3
prillerlaileY's Heave
For aVoiten-
C'ur"11°4"*, thrstilcatleh, sedan Cbronfeefee'e•
dons of 016 Threat Mut nes. The ode
the world that trill, etare the 680WS dieettlet TOftkiStit"t`
unmet sound rewind and useful te his miner. Prkei
Dr.rdeGveheyia Kidney de Cough Powders
toreirAente tenli 01,016 thrt'Vd lugoLochie
Diatennier,‘ent. ,rdireltteg_se eue sne, Les ere
die week of hod &hien Eldon, Trounlei MAI 0111
4010 will relieve, end one box will euro. Prier, 60o.
1101 bk. MOOkittilt, Mitbi016111 00‘,
latinstrilla toss
For tele by fl B COnthr,drigg1st,01itton
TO.INT•••-• •
The purchaser of a monument
should have complete confidence
in the reliability of the firm, tram
-which he, boys, for the material
and workmanship is something
very few buyers are familiar with.
11 you do not know us, please in.
quire about our reliability from
those who know us best. -We are
• the only practical men here in our
.line. •
J. B. Hoover, Proprietor
Next to Commercial Hotel .
Sold by All Newsdealers
Furnishes Monthly to $11 ken* of
Song and Meek Vast volume of New.
Choice Copyright Compositions by
Ike most popular author*.
64 Pages of Plop 'Husk
Ralf Vocal, Half Instrumental
21 Complete Pleces for Plano
Once a Month for 10 Cents.
Yearly Subscription, $1.00s
If bought in my music Owe at
otwhalf off, would coat $5.2.5.
it saving of $5,16 monthly.
In one year you get neatly 800 Pages of
Music, comprising 252 Complete Pieces
for the Piano.
If you cannot get a copy from your Neendeatee,
mod to us and we will enall,you a amok free.
.1. W. PEPPER, Publisher.
eighth &Locust Sts.,
Physicians, Surgeons, Accouchera;Eto
Oftloe-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calla.
at front door of office or at hospital, 'Victoria.
e Lead
A sooneheur,.etc., office and residence On.
tttrio St., opposite English church, formerly ee•-
envied. by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont.
In the following:
New Raisins
New Currants
New Dates
New Figs
Beat SClectedRaisins 50 lb.
28 lb Box, $1610
Also in Breakfast Foods :
Fair's Food
Cream of Wheat
Malt Food
Swiss Food
And many others.
We are welling oat Toilet Sete Cheaper
.hsr, others can bay,
Fresh Pork Sausage int" Tenderlion
on Toeneloyn old Frilleys.
Jepor end Ilyson Teas 1.0cl•and 16o lb.
fl13b3 (*tomtit
W T. O'Neil
Our telephone number is 48
Licentiate of the Royal`College of Physician
London, England.
Office and Residence- .
Physician, Surgeon, Eto.
Special attention giyen to disedes of,the
Eye, Ear Throat and Nose.
Office and Residence -
Albert Street, 2 Blocks North of Itattentury.
Office adjoining Photo Studio,
Office Hours-kto 5
(Stuseeseor to Dr. T. C. Bruce)
specialist lit Crown and Bridge Werk
L. D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur --
goons of Ontario, 'Toronto.
D. D. 8.-First-olass Honor gradtutte of Dena
tal Department of Toronto University.
Special attention paid to. preservation of
children's Wash. Will visit Bayfield everlf
Office over W. Tailor & Son' a shoe start
ellonoraryGraduate of theOntarioVeterins rya,
'College. Treats.all diseases of doinestiested an-.
male on the moat modern and dioxide° priace-
plea. Office- immediately south of the New Era -
Office. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Cal
night ordap attendedto promPtiv. .
Member of the Veterinary Medical Associa-
tion. of London and Edinburgh, and Grade -
ate of the Ontario Veterinery College
OiESO 011021 night and day, opposite St.Panne church, Ontario Street, Clinton, Ont.
ARRIAGE LICENSES issued by the On. ;
IVO derSiinHid at his Reeldence, Mary dm
No witnesses required
.11 • P. L. ft, Provincial Land Jitirveyor
eren ongineer, London, Ont.—Office. at cos..
Stewaree Grocery Store, Clinton.
Organiet and Musical tereetor of Nortk
Street Church, Goderieband teacher ea
Pared to take a limited at mbar of Pripilsiiit,
the above. For terms apply this circa; or
MR CAliPI3ELL,may bemoan from 11 a. tn., to
2 p.m., at the Clarendon Hotel,-011atos,
Friday of each week.
se_ .7a
Fire. • 1.44, accident ,""Tiale Glans
Orison MADEAY Btook, Warm
Miss Elizabeth. Walker,
Graduate of Threat° Coniervatory 6! Made
will resume her elams in Voice Culture, Piano
and Ilsrinony(private or by correspondence) ow
WedneedaY. SepteMber 11 and Thursday. eV
each week. For tering simititt her studi ,o
A:ust 10--tt-; ClintOn.
Subscriber is prejiated tOrrOkinktY ea
ders for Wood or coal wh oh vriu beribur at
lowest rated. Offtoe on Isaac SUeet, at LA.7V18
Mint ter the lisalatiseten• Free Assuatitelli
00, of lasauthester,,Kneland, whom funds and
security are rated OA 11404000, Also the MO.
faint detest and Wien property WNW at
nwesb rates, First-elass Loan Companiell
shoo rePemented. Money to be had. front 4* per
eentneoeseedding to nittire of satenrity,-.
Daily udl
ntil to ohneevlihr Postal card wit
AGENTSlliWANTED-For the Life of the Late
Pleaded:at" McKinley. Price only $1.60. A
meitemeentgorstalt of Preitident mounter,
er x 21 Whale Will be given as it prenenin With
each copy sold. Or, if preferreda Choker of
nine other premium. lectures, inelnding the
Duke and Dueliess of York. Peespedus free;
send 100. to pay eost of mailing. credit given,
literal term, freight paid. Sell Mu Xmas
books, they are the beet. premium. with
every one, Addred, WO r rtyBuslinfo
And sitoEpsfinis,
0., S. DO.A.Nt Oliiit0114
1 1,