The Clinton New Era, 1901-11-08, Page 9'November , /901
ew American
'r Selling at 50c a 98c.
HIS weekwe have some new American Cotton
Flannel Waists to sell at less than cost of pro-
duction. The factory that made them is one of the
leading ones in Canada. The time for making fall
goods is now over and they are busy on Spring gar-
*lents. Before changing from Fall to Spring goods
, they took all the Winter material they had on hand
It, gopiLmade them up into these waists. The material
, that- they made 'tip early in the season to retail at $1,
' they cleared out to be retailed at 50c; their better line
what they made to retail at from $1.50 to $1.75,they
cleared out so that they could be sold at 9 8c. We
were fortunate enough to secure a good assortment of
both lines, and put these new and stylish waists on
sale, commencing SATURDAY morning, at the low
price of tat tat satt east sag tag 4s,t
50c and 98c each.
FRIDAY . NOV. 800901.
Boarders Wanted Apply to Wsw Mutt:010e.
Oct. 18.
Pet atom and Dried Ajmies Wanted.
0.t 4 -tr. CANTM.ON BRO4 Clinton.
been requested by the secretary to
call attention that owing to the de•
predations of boys the trustees of Wil-
• lis Presbyterian church have been
i 7filintlielltrrottia iillo away with the that, -
wish thetepucbiTerc: property
1 and they
same in mind,
BROUGHT lEIOME. -Geo. Rumball,
who has b.en in Lc ndon for some time,
owing to mental disability, has been
brought hack home. Ells friends will
be glad to learn that he has entirely
recovered mentally, but they will at
the same time deeply .regret to know
that he is paralyzed from his body
down. It is presumably due to soms
spinal affection, and we hope it maybe
only of a temporary character.
There is every size from 32 to 40, and a splendid
range of patterns. It can't pay you to bother making
when you can buy at prices like these.
The 50c Line
Ne v Waists made of good quality
American Cotton Flannels, unlined,
madein popular styles, olaok and
navy grounds with white strip, or
red g ound with nar. ow blank strip,
all sizes. garments made to retail
at $1 on sale commencing Sat-
urday, at
The 98c Line.
New Fancy Waists, made from good
quality Americaneotton Flannels,
French flannel patterns, plain and
tucked, lined thronghout, colors of
red, ol 1 ..ose, sky and nayp • bine,
garments sold early in the season
to retail at $1.50 and $1.75, all Biz-
NOTES.- One of the elaters. who
worked on the 'roof of the Wesley
glineCht had helped to slate several
houses in town twenty-five years ago,
and had not been here in the means
time. , , . A Remington type -writer has
been purchased for use in connection
with the commercial course of inetrue-
tion given at Clinton laolleglate....
John West recently sold a ccuple ofin
acres of land near the ChClub
1 grounds to W. Doherty for something
over $250...,The Nnw Era& eubscrip
tie n list is growing, for it gives all the
news; $1 in 441/twee gets the NEW Elsa
for 14 months -to the end of 1002 ; send
it to absent friende if you take it your-
s lf....It le said there are six weddings,
at least,on the In °gram liel ire the New
Year begins ; the expectant brides are
Clinton ladies as well as live of the
gentlemen ...The railway will issue sin -
Os f ,re tickets, today, 'or the King's
Birt,hdaY, tickets good to return on
Monday. , ..The provincialgame war-
den has issued between 5000 and 6000
deer hunting licenses tor this season
there will be a number from lann-
gannon, Goderich and other places
in Huron but none of the Clinton
sportsmen will go this time....Tues-
day, Nov, 5th was Guy Favvire' night..
Lewis Moyer is in this neighborhood
buying several thousand bushel of oats
for the firm of Titterington & Co., who
are extensive roduce dealers at St.
• SOCIAL EVENTS. -The long' even-
ing e are with us and the little social
events are being given by the ladies of
town. The younger folks had many
a merry gathering on Hallow'een night
with taffy pulls and other kinds of en-
tertainment. On Saturdry evening
Miss Lucy Brewer entertained a few of
her young friends in honor of Mies
Eleanor. Br( der, who left for her' borne
in Morriebu, g this week. To -night (Fri-
day) the fit t assembly of the New
• Century Clul I mill be given in the town
KING'S BIRTHDAY.-To-roorx ow
(Saturday) Nov. 9th is the King's
Birthday and as a result it is a bank
andpublic holiday, The railways will
recognize it as such and single fare
ra es vvill be given for the •return trip
to go on Friday and return on Monday.
Many places are against a holiday on
account of Saturday being the best
business day of the week and we learn
that it is likely all the business places
here will keep open all day. The
post office will of course observe the
day as a holiday and have etated hours.
98 1
GOING WST,- On Monday morn-
ing the family of John West left for
Victoria, ,B. C. One of his sons has
been there for some time, and having
50c es, your ohoioe of this line C P
to the city, it is proposed to work it as
urchased a out 20 acres of land close
Right Stylesin Mantles
a market garden, Mr West himself ex -
pests to go later on? he very . kindly
consenting to remain with Mr Bans-
' ford -where•he has been employed for
The correct style in Ladies' Jackets this season is a coat some time -until a successor con be se-
iliire. Jas Flynn,
Ijiiyanstz;vvivil2aolisso emreigozned here
with a semi -fitting back —between those with the extremely
Theey are an inclustrions and very re -
loose and extremely tight backs—an.d 27;36 and 42 inches sgr4itlesef:=,2 move away,
long, with a tendency in the larger places towards longer gar -
them te.eyery success in the west. They w_e_Ig•rhed ' 57 I.P.°-u-rlaus • • "J. R. Shaw'
naents. In our Mantle stocks you will find a generous assort. leerier ficestattArneggh ti(T:3VvVe.rJiation, en
) foined,t11 Den Insuranceitiron e6)ourity was
t he
ment in these three popular styles. There is a varlet/ that t this,. w over
o Brussels week paying a matured
you will find in no other store here,an.d in the better an more TEIANKSGIVING • end wninent policy for this comPan
the evening wile pleasantly vent In
Music after which a dainty lunch was
provided before they returned horae..
a A. T. Cooper has been around :neer-,
lug subscriptions for the concert course
to be held this season and has received
quite a nuraber; the first entertainment
"The Crystal Palace Uoncert Company"
is billed for Tuesday, Nov. 19th....The
local telephone system was somewhat
disorganized this week owing to im•
provemente being made ; a new switch
board has been put in and other chang-
es made., ..Toanorrow, (King's Birth-
day) is the 10th annual Fall Shouting
Tournrment of the Clinton Gun Ulub
to be held on their grounds here cons-
menciug at 10 a. iss ; it is anticipated
that the competitions will he hotly
contested as word has already' been re-
ceived that a number of crack men will
be hers..., VVe learn among those of
the Modellites who have secured echopls
so far for next year are Misses 0 Uhrd-
ley and J. Wiseman at Landesboro ;
Miss Murdie at Ni. 5, Turnberry ; Miss
Hattie Bielby at No, 9. Morris, known
os Button's school at a salary of $280 ;
Miss Bessie McDonald at No. 6, Grey,
at a salary of 4265 ; Mr I3eeton at qui -
rose ....Among the„,ehipments during
the past week week :-On Friday two
carloads and one on Saturday by S.
Smith for Toronto ; and on Saturday
one for the same place; 011 Monday one
of hogs by R. Fitzsimons for Coiling -
Catharines.... he November meeting wood, one by D Vanstone for the Don,
of the school board is on next Monday• I one of lambs by Chas. Reed, for
esrening....J, Johnson, of Huron Toronto and flye of cattle by S. Smith
street, hits rented Mrs Barge's house for the same place.... Considerable
on Ontario street east and will re- local matter is unavoidably left over
move to it shortly....Mesers till t
nex wee
and Hill returned from the Soo, on
Tuesday, where they had been with a HOUSE OF REFUGE. -Miss Brown,
consignment of horses ; they had a of Bathgate, formerly of Clinton, and,
successful trip....On Tuesday an ex- Mr Marsh, for many years a eesident of
curet= was run from. Berlin and other Godericla, were added to the inmates
points to Bay Cit y, Mich, in order this week....00 thelith last the House
that those interested in sugar beet has been open to inmaSes for six years,
cultivation may visit the factories and the success of the institution is be -
oyer there and learn the Weide of the ing demonstrated every day, and most
scheme; a large number of Waterloo of the prejudice against it has died out.
farmers intended going and it was ex • This is due, in part if not altogether,to
pected that a dozen or so would go the excellent management of Mr and
from around here, but we learnt, Mrs French, who have demonstrated
however,that D. A. Forrester and W. the possibility of making an institu-
Weir were the only excursionists. tion of this kind comfortable and home.'
....Peter Straith will offer by public like to the fullest extent... .Over 11,000
auction on Saturday afternoon, Nov, visitors have registered since the open -
2341, at 2 o'clock, on the premises, ing of the House ; on a holiday, no less
William street north, an excellently than 300 visitors have called, and it is a
situated five acre lot, also three acres very common occurrence for 75 persons
of choice raspberries and a valuable to call during an ordinary afternoon..
gravel pit ; being unable to work it is ....Rev. J. Greene conducted the re -
the reason, Mr Straith is selling this ligious servile on Sunday- last.
having an auction sale on Saturday
afternoon, Nov. Rith at 2 o'clock ; at was laik up for a few days last Week
valuable real estate....Miss Pugh is
but was not kept from hie school duties
her residence On William street, op•
posite the xublie school; having de- ....We are sorry to know that H,
Punasteel has not improved much of
clued to iscontinue her boarding
she wilidispose of a quantity of good late and has been kept considerably to
household furniture, also a lot of can- the house. We learn that Ambrose
ned fruit and other requisites. The Sa3irh. of Molson's Bank at Hensall,
wedding cake for the Yeo-Cantelon well known here, is continually ' im-
wedding on Wednesday vitae procured proving lrom the operation' he under -
from McOlay the baker, and was the went performed by Dr Gunn assisted
Ferguson and Campbell, due ter,
largest ever turned out since he came bY Drs
an attack of appenditiris ; one time
here ; it was a five story structure and
it loaked serious for him and recovery
was doubtful but he is steadily'regain-
ing under the skilful nursing by his
sister, Miss Smith, who is a graduated
trained nurse ; Ur Smith is a, young
man of ability and it is the earnest
wish that he may soon' be able to re-
sume his duties. We are glad to
learn that Mr John Agnew, of Wing -
hater (father a Dr Agnew, of town,)
has improved so much of late that
anxiety for his recovery is over. Mr
Henry Smith, Victoria, btreet, was
taken with a. twiralytic stroke 'Wed-
nesday, of which iris many friends
will indeed be sorry to lean.. we
trust he will be around again soon.'
Ladies' Aid Socie y of Rattenbury of$1000 to Peter Scott, of that town.
-.....W. Fisher, of the Hal on road east,
is arranging for a shipment of tur-
keys to Tor ea' o ; he says he can get
plenty of geese, but has hard work to
find a nattrket for them.. .Ta e evapor-
ator finishes up entirely this week....
The Clinton Modellites accepted the in-
vitation of the Goclerich pupils and
about eighteen drove up last Friday
night, and were royally entertait eo,
Mise Kelly accompanping the party ;
extreme garments you will not find more than one, or at the
most two garments alike. The number ot Mantles leaving the
• store weekly is proof enough to us that our styles .and values
are meeting with popular favor. Here are a few of ourleaders.
A Good Fawn Coat at $5
These coats have just come i a this week And are the Iciest
$5 Coats we haye had this season, • -
Ladies Beaver Jackets, good quality matetiel, dark shade of Fawn, Beret -
fitting back, 27 inohes long, coat collar, 6 fancy Ivory Buttons, :extra ape • A
cis] yalua at, eaoh ,,, 0.1111
Ladiee Mantles in dark Oxford grey
rough jlieviot, coat oollar, fla”rerl
flarred onff, tlapps on pookete, 6
pearl buttons, semi -fitting back, 36
inches long, lined throughout, eaoh
Ladies Beaver Jazkete, cood quality
36 inehes long, semi fitting back,
6 fanoy pearl bnttons, 6 rows silk
stitching around bottom, silk lined
velvet olllar, black or fawn, each..
L Blies Jaekets, good quality black
Friez!, (3 pearl button;.velvet colt- •
ar, 27 inches fong,semi fitting back
mercerized lining, each :5.50 k L Idles B )avecJitokets, 83M i fitting
back, 27 inches long, velvet collar,
mareeeizsd lining, p3arl buttone, c, „„,
silk stitsihiqg around botto:n, eaolifa.U,V
We have received another lot of French Flannels and
farcy Cashmeres for Waists. The Flannels come in
handsome Persian designs in cream, fawn and blue
grounds and the Cashmeres in small white polka dots on
black, red and blue grounds. The prices are
The Flannels 50c a yard
47 The Cashmeres 60c a yard
2i yards of Flannel or 2ya,rds of the Cashmere will make
a waist.
Blanket Wpather
This is Blanket Weather and this is the Blanket Store
of the town. Whether it be a cheap or a good pair' of Blankets
you want you will make no mistake if you come here. We
know of no poor blankets in the entire stock; every' pair is the
best for the price that money can buy.
Flannelette Blankets Our Two Leaders
Two of our popular makes
• in Flannelette Blankets are a We have a big sale for these
'e at 75c and one at
7 ., r. The 75c line is
ian Blanket, and the
$1,35 is made in Engl
ztt 75c
Flannelette Blankets, good w
and size, soft finish, grey or o
with pink or bine borders, at per 75c e
$1 35 a
two ng 8;th it is no wonder
a °anti,. for such values we have never
line at given before.
and. •
At $2.75
Heavy white Union blankeisa soft
eight fluffy finish, firmly made, large
ream size, tancy colored borders, extra
epectial value at per pair..... ,
At $1.35
Very betevy Flannelette Blankets,
extra large size, these come in two
impetrate pieces which makes them
easy to hendle, Eugliab malto,
8 eoial value at pa pair ..... 110)
Very fine quality white Blanket% just
a tittle cotton mixed with the wool,
a blanket that looks well and will
wear well,. assorted faney boedets, n A A
atm dreamt yells) at p pair.. ,....14VU
street Methodist church purpose hold-
ing a thanksgiving supper on Thurs-
day evening, November 14.h ; supper
will be /served in. the lecture room from
5 to 8 p. m. An interesting entertain -
addresses will be given by Rev •W Mc-
ment will be held in the church and
Donagh, of Stratford, formerly' of
here, and other clergymen. The
evening's program will include the fol-
lowing: --Chorus by the choir, solos by
Mrs R. P. Reekie, M B. •J, Gibbinge,
Mrs J. B. hoover, Mies Bell, Stewer t
Jackson and N. _Mu eb, selection by'
i he Doherty Male quartette, selection
by the Ladies' Quintette. The lathes
are anxious ta a .4 here be a large atten-
dance and it 18 not likely that they will
be disappoieted. Every one is invited.
Bros. have gone into a new indtistry
this year, and while it is all in the
na'ure of an experiment, they will go
iuto it, much more extensively should
it prove a surcess. This is the menu
facture of "Angle Butter". They agave
made nearly 60C: pails of this product,
26c to the pail, and it will be shipped
to the northwest, this week, U. Cente-
l= going to dispose of it. Itis rnanu-
factnred from selected apples, care be-
ing exercised to prevent wormy or
otherwise had fruit being used. It is
certainly well made and palatable, and
should find a ready market, especially
in the west, where fruit is so scarce. A
quantity has also been put up for John
Govenlock, of McKillop. Messrs. An-
drews, who also run cider mill, state
that the demand therefor,is this year
much less than formerly, as about 2,000
gallons is the extent of their output.
ED.-Olinton has has had little trouble
with fires lately but the citizens were
aroused by the sound of the alarm on
Tuesday morning at 230 o'clock. It
p ^oved to be at the Mayor's residence,
on High street, the servant being
awakened by the smoke and gave the
alarm. The fire was located in the
dining. room behind a bureau which
stood Just below where the stove pipe
hole goeti in the wall and is thought that
fire had dropped down from a defect in
the chimney. Mr Jackson, seeing that
it was going to he dangerous, gave a
general alarm and the fire department
quickly responded, In the meantime
its progress was checked by line of
pails kept going and when the engine
got going was thoroughly put out. Al-
though the fire did not appear much
and was confined to this rear of the
house, the damage is considerable,
mainly Irons the water.' The dining
room and kitchen were badly scorched
and both up and drown stairs war!
flooded with vvater. 'There is no insur••
ance carried and it is estimated by some
that the damage will be about $300,
while others say msre,
The enterprising salt manufactures, R.
& J. Bamford are always watchful to
extend their business and have leased
the Brussels salt worke from Thos.
Coleman. and the junior member of the
firm was over last week making ar-
rangements to start the works at once
and other matters in connection with
•it. He waited on the council at a spec-
ial meeting and flaked for a fixed rate
of assessment at MOO to be put on the
tleterprise Salt Works for a term °MY°.
years or so long as they were the leasee
or If for a shorter term, 13y Motion
the requeet was granted unanimouslas
and a by-law was passed to,that effect.
The Post in its remarks, regarding the
Meeting speaks favorably and feelta
elated that the industry is to be kept
oit It ea -"Mr Raesford ave
"The New Covenant"
• "A Lost Secret"
Mrs Anna ANS
Late of Brucefield and. Clinton.
Neatly bound in Cloth with gilt
top, well printed on good paper.
Price $1.00
The W. D. FAIR CO, Clinton
"Often the Cheapest—Ilways the Best."
Shoe Taik.
For the fall and winter trade*our stook hi very cons.
plete. Never before were we in abetter position
to give you just what you need in all kinds of sea-
sonable footwear, and our continuouely thereesing
sales is the best evidence that our systems of
is just what ie needed by the buying public. Give
• us a call for your next pair, and see what we can do
stock of the celebrated Granby
Rubbers, for whioh we are sole agents in town.
We guarantee every pair. We do not handle
second quality rubbers. It will pay you to see our
BARGAIN Cotinters, whish are being constantly
replenished with the best bargains ever offered here
See our Misses School Boots, sizes 114213-14, at 85c Sz$1
either laced or buttoned; they are great value ,
The Ohl Reliable,
The Store That Never Disappoints
Taylor 49E So*
• Bash and One Price.
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. .
Ri •-a
Famous Clothing Establishment.
New ideas always shown here first If it's here it's worth having.
We sell at a small profit but sell often I We are not only up-to-date but a date ahead.' -"VS
do -
• •
ase -
A Reefer for the Boy
instead of the Overcoat ---
Every mother in town should bring her boy here and. get
him fitted with one of our celebrated $4 Reefeks, made from heavy
frieze -cloth, all wool, slash pockets, big storm collar, throat tab,
well lined and well =Lade, the kind that gives satisfaction not the
kind that fades and wears out in a few weeks,but the kind 'that lasts
for years. It pays to buy good goods.
A good Overcoat has saved many a doctor's bill) and righ
here you get the best for your money. The goods we sell are re-
liable. They have a style and appearance that cannot be equalled
by ordinary goods. The cuto make and trimmings are better than
what you see elsewhere.
Our three great lines are sold for $5, $8 and $10, and we
are convinced that no better lines exist.
It pays to daal with reliable clothing people.
Men's Tweed Suits
Price $5
A. great many cheap tweed suits are sold for knockabout
pttrposes, but nowhere can you see such value as the suit we offer
for $5. You will be surprized at the out and make for so little mon-
ey,but remember we are elothing people—first, last and always, and
the best for the money is always here.
This particular line of Suits are worth $7.50, but big buying
enables us to offer a, leader for the low price of $5
le •
41/0"." 0..4111
00"." •
A Snap in Men's Hose
400 i of Men's Blaok lArool Hose worth 35e as long as
considerable interesting information .40
'the Council for the favor grant- me..
Thb STORE WILL be open all day SATURDAY about the salt business and thank- they last we quote 20e, A wonderful bargam
tit d
ed. He stated that he had en.
(S-iassas*.°1 sawed Gordon Mooney aaforeman atia t
would novir inatruct iiitn to itave the rasa .
WIII not be entrowful new; for Brits* E seielw OICIAOTHIIVG STORE,
neceasnry r evens) made Mid get the I alb'.
block at vvork W011 poaqible, MIS
1'4441 amount of ° WAWA illUU
sets and .