HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-11-08, Page 6ouNtroN NEW ERA Bankrupt The Bankrupt stock of 0. 13. Koenig is yet well assorted. We have been adding new goods as we sold out the Bankrupt Stock, and we have nearly everything in Staple Goods requir– ed for the Fall trade. We do not intend to replenish our stock, but shall proceed tQsell what we have at big reductions, in order to clear out as soon as possible, as we shall positively close up as soon as pre- sent stock is disposed of. We ask allTarties desirous of getting good goods at low equalled in town, having bought the goods a,t 58c on the $. We shall sell everything cheap, but have special bargains in some lines, . We will mention a few specials—Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, Flannelettes, Cottons, Shirtings, Denims, Cot- tonades, Tweeds, Underwear, Small Wares, etc. . We have just opened up a large stock of Ladies' and Children's Jaekets, all new, that we shall sell at about Half Price. Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits at Big Reductions, Men's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats at Wholesale. We have a lot of Men's Odd Coats (50 or 60) at about price. Odd Pants and Vests, Overalls, etc. - prices to call an see us as we can give prices that cannot be Boots and Shoes Men's Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes at cost., Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Goods, Sox and Rubbers. Rubber Boots at Cost and under.' • , Come and see for yourselves the bargains Nye have. Plumsteel Gibbhigs, Clinton • SeIIing u • Great Clearing Sale of Boots, Shoes, Etc. As we are positively going out of business we offer our stoe at prices that will save you money.. The following is only a few of oar specials: Lot No. 1—Women's Fine Kid Button Boots........ 02.75 now $1.75 Lot No. 2—Women's Fine Kid Button Boots... .... . 2.50 now 1 75 Lot No. 3—Women's Fine Kid Button Boote ........ 3.50 2309? 2.00 Let No, 4—Women's Fine Kid Oxfords 1.50 now 1.00 Lot No. 5—Women's Fine Kid Button Boots 1.60 now 1.00 Lot No. 6—Women's Fine Kid Button Boots 1.90 now .90 Lot No. 7 Women's Fine Kid Button Boots 3 26 now L50 Lot No, 8—Women's Fine Kid Button Boots • . 3.00 now 1.75 Lot No. 9: --Women's Fine Kid Button Booth ,, 2.50 now 1.50 Lot`,No. 10—Women's Fine Kid Button Boots ........ 3.25 now 2.25 Lot No. 11—Women's Fine Kid Ch000late Oxfords .... 140 now 1.00 , Lot No. 12—Mimes' Fine Tint ButtOn Boots 1.50 now .90 Lot No. 13— Woracu's Pebble Oxfords .90 now .50 Lot No. 14—Women's White Canvas Oxfords 160 now .75 Lot No. 15—Woni-n's Fine Batton BOOB 3.25 now 1.75 Lot No, 16—Misswe Ch000late Button Boote 1.45 now 1.00 Lot No. 17—Children's Lace Boote 50c to 990 now 25o to 30o k • CLINTON 91A MOWS 0 or eoted every TintrOday*ftiernowi. '.1.bursday, Novoniber 7,11901.) 'MTh" is virtually not much activity in the markets. The town Merchants Hay that business is keeping about the Barge. Cantelon Bros, made a ship- ment of 21 half barrels, about 2500 lbs. Geo Roberton was over to Brussels on of roll butter and 3000 lbe. of tub for Sunday visiting relatispe. Halitax; a carload of potatoes wal Nies Laura Diit ggart ent §unday with also shipped by them to Illinois. But ulnas in WIDOW. ter le quoted at 14c to 15c. Wad eggs Mr and Mrs R. J. Olnff spent Sunday have advaaced at 14c to 15o. Pota- toes are still...retailed at 25o to 80c per buehel. Apples are a scarce coratoo. dity, and the price varies. Poultry is in good supply and demand; ducks are quoted at 40c to 60c per pair, geese 5c per lb, turkeys 8c per lb, and chickens 25c to 40c per pair. Hay still sells at 88 per ton; grain quotations are about the same. Cattle are bought by the drovers at 3c to 33/4c live weight, and hogs from $5 to $5.13 Fall Wheat 0 64 a 0 65 Spring " 64 a 0 65 Oats .. .. • .. .. . .... 0 85 a 0 36 Rye • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • 0 40 a 0 45 Barley ..... 042 a 0 48 Perm 060 a 005 Fleur per owt 2 00 a 200 Butter, loose or tub , 0 14 a 0 15 Eggsper doz 0 14 a 0 15 Hay , , ... . ... . .. 00 .a 800 Sheepskins .... . . . . 0 25 a 0 50 No. 1 Green trim. hides 5 00 a 6 00 Potatoee, „ per 0 25 a 0 30 Chiokens, ser pair 0 25 a 0 40 0 Ducks, pea 40 a 0 60 Geese, per lb 0 05 a 0 05 4 Turkeys, per lb 0 08 a 0 08 Pork, live 5 00 a 5 13 Pork, dressed 7 00 a 7 00 Wood short 2 25 a 2 95 Wool... ... .... . 0 13 a 014 E; Appals, per bag 1 00 a 1 50 Coming and doing J. Merrit 'isited Mende in SeafOrth on Stindey., Mr and Mrs J, McGuire were visitors M the Pan last week, Miss N. McBee was over Visiting Wends in Brussels on Sunday, • Live Stock Markets. London, Nov. 4. --Cattle supplies short; trade firm, United States cattle, 6 5-8d; sheep-, 68. Liverpool, Nov. 4.—Canadianloattle,rid to 5113; sheep, 51-d. 5Iontreal, Nov. 4.—Therewereabouil,000 head of butchers' cattle, 30 calves and 2,500 sheep and iambi' offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to.day. The imbibers wees present in large numbers, and there was a fair demand. Four oents per. lb. was about the highest price paid daring the early part of the day but a pair of choice heiferg were sold et higher figures. Pretty good stook sold at from 30 to 82o poi lb cowmen dry cows end thrifty yonng cattle et from to to 3o and the canners paid from 1 1.2o to 8o per lb, for small butte and lean stook in general. The calves were a rather poor lot being mostly grassers and sold at from $2,50 to $7 each, Shippers paid 313 per lb. for gosd. 'ergo sheep and the butchera paid from 2 1 2c to 3o per lb. for the others. Good Iambs sold at from 8io to 510 per lb: and the others at frora 3o to 3 3.80. .Fat hogs sold at from no to a little over 6o per lb. weighed off the oars. Other lines in Men's,Boys' and Youths' at great reductions; also full assortment of Rubbers of all kinds, both American and Canadian makes; also Men's Felt LiuedGoods,high,loose Socks, as well as buckled and laced. Women's felt plain and leather foxed styles,laced, button and gaiter all at reduced prices ; also a ',age stock of Mens' and Boys' heavy buckled Rubbers, the "King quality stubb proof," 1 and 2 buckle; the Yukon, 4buc- kle. We have a large stock of heavy Socks for men and boys. Men's Overshoes, both heavy and light,the Manitoba 4–buckle, as well as Women's Overshoes, Over gaiters and Cardigans. Men's felt and hair -lined goods—the Klondike 4 -buckle with heavy felt lining, also Sterling Bros' Grain Bluchers felt lined. Hand–inade boots in French and veal kips, all first class. For men the "Invictus" Shoe made by Geo. A. Slater in different styles and all sizes. HARNESS —Only 2 set Double and 2 set Single Harness left. Rugs'Blankets, Gallows), Goat and. Saskatchewan Robes, all at Bargain Prices. TRUNKS—We have a good assortment of all kinds of Trunks ; also Valises, Telescopes, etc.,all of which must be sold, Frank Miller's Best Harness Oil 35c qt.; Beaver 20c fiwelling House*For Sale. JAMES • TWITCHELL, CLINTON 1' Smyrna Rugs • „ Reversible From 16x32 inches at 40o to 6 ft 6 ins by 10 ft at $8 Floor Oil Cloths in 36, 45, 54 and 72 inch widths. Oil Cloth Squares lhx134 yards and 2 yards square • We Lea In the following : New Raisins New Currants New Dates New Figs Best Selected Rebult i* 5e lb. • 281b�OX,$1.lO Also in Breakfast Foods • Fair's Food Cream of Wheat • Malt Food Swiss Food And many others. • We are selling our Toilet Bets Cheaper than others can buy. Freeh Pork Sausage and Tenderlion on Tuesdays and Fridays. Japan and Hyson Teas 10o and 15o lb, ' IFIKJI3 GROCERY W. T. O'Ne Our telephone number is 48 CIjLt F1'01•T week at 0, II, Bruasels. Mies Norma Bentley was visiting in Langside as the guest of Mrs Jas Morrison, Mr Braider and her daughter,Miss Elean- or, returned to their hone in Morrisburg 'hie week. Mre Ed Munro, Goderioh, spent e few days last week with her parents, Mr and Mre R. Fitzsimons. Mrs Wes. Heapy, of Nebraeka, is via- iting her brother, Mr J. W. Hill, and is accompanied by her daughter, Mrs Carter went to Hamilton Thursday to visit her daughter, Mre Higgins; she will be away for three weeks or so, Mr George Hodgens who has been in Imminent in Detroit has sold out there and is home on a visit. He has not yet decided what he will do. • C. U. Ranee was in London last week buying Spribg bath for the Jackson Bros firm; he says be has some very nobby hate telehow.for the spring season. U.88 Ids Holmes was np to Goderioh on Saturday last attending the funeral of the late W. hiatris, father of her 'friend, Meirees. Nellie 'Jerrie who has many friends h Mies Ida Holmes left this week for Tor- onto, where she purposes flubbing her course at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. She expects to be away about three montlie. D F Meophereon was down to London last week on business,and in company with hie brother, John, took a trip over to 8t Thomae to see their old friends around there and Fingal, Mise Jamie N. McLauchlan, the dis. tingnished Scotch num who appears in Seaforth on the llth inst., is I oonein of Mrs James Logan, of Stanley, and Mise NeVin, of Bromfield. Miss Scott, teaoher et the O'Sullivan Business College was down to St Maay's last Wednesday attending the wedding of her friend, Mee Robertson, to John R. Blake, barrister of Galt. • Fred Bak'es, of Stratford,has beenepene. ing.a few days with his father-in-law, W. MoKeown.and leayes this week for Los An- geles for the benefit of his health, Be ex- pects to spend the winter there. Mies Allis Harris who has been visiting in Goderioh and her Meter Mies Maud, Mtending, theGoderioh Collegiate, were -.tinting in tow'n over Sunday. They were the guests of Mies Elva Shaw while here. Messrs W. Ji.okson and F. R. Hodgene are in Montreal this week attending a meeting of the Ticket Agents Aesoeiition. They went clown ob Tuesday to be away all week and Were a000nspanied by their better -halls. Mrs Petrie, of town, paid a visit to her deter, Mrs W. Leitch, of Hallett, lest week. The latter, who met with an ao- oident not long ago, suffers considerably therefrom, which at -'her age, renders re- covery a slow process. • Mr John L. Courtioe (father of Mr Ed. Courtice)and wife Moved to town last Week from Holmesyille. We are exceedingly sorry to learn tbat be is 'suffering from an attack of dry pleurisy. bat hope may be:only of short duration. Mihail & Myers is the name of e firm recently started in Brantford, to represent Douglas, Limey At Co, Bankers and Brokers, of New York. The sesond, mem- ber of the firm is Mr W. C. Myers, well known ase former resident of Clinton. Augustine McGuire, only son of M. B. McGuire, of sr Augustine, was a caller at the Now Eni office last week. He had. been attending the Pan, end was on his way home. He is a bright olsver boy, and holds a prominent position in the C. 'M. B. a, of that place, James Watson, of Seiforth, son-in-law of Mr J. Leone, was in town last week and and met Mr Lane, Co. Clerk, in reference to insurance on the Hones of Refrige the policy of which is carried by . his father. Mr Watson is a wide awake hustler after business. • J,T.Sibley was here from New York this 'week visiting his parents. Mr and Mrs B. P Sibley'. He is koleyer, young man and eonversant in American politics. Pie is e bright conversationalist and in the mechanical engineering is well up; he is at the preset* time buildittg nn automobile for himself. Mies Lillie Andrewe left this week for Winnipeg, Mar.,where she will reside for some timeat least with her sister, filre(Dr) Steep. She goes there to oontinue in her music and wall take np vocal. Mies An- d e is will be much missed by her many' •MAKINS.--0a Suntin.s,k the ard 'net, tbo ampimpampeposampe 0.40 wax. Wife of Mr Wm Y Arne. Of 0 sOn• LOCK W000.—In Clinton, on Nov 6th, the wife of Mr Fred LoekwOod, of a daughter. JAMIESON.—in Irowiek on Tuesday, Oot. 2919a, to Mr and Mrs Robert J. jamieson, ciallght(3r. • MURRAY —In Egmont:1'0110. on October 2let• the wife of Mr P. IL Murray, of a son. daughter. Osborne, Thames Road, on Oct 28th, to Mr and Mrs Wm Monteith, a Huron on Friday% Oet, 80n. THOMPSON.—In Huron, on ThursdaY• Odaetu.glhOttehr,.the wife of Itobt Tholabgoill of MrAaNnDdEmliresOuNo.bil uBdrasoenis. , o1 11 so nn. . 28th, to MAoKENZIE.—In Chicago. on. October 24th, the wife oft Mr Wm MacKenzie Mee Miss Christens Molliroy, of Blyth, of a BM STICOKLIC.—At the Bronson line. Stanley, cn Oct. 27th, thewifo of Mr H. Bteokle, of a daughter. REGIER.—At the Goshen line, Hay, on Oct. 28th, the wife of Mr Joe Regier, of a daughter. TA‘KER.- In Hullett, on October 22nd, the wife of Mr Lancelet Wasker, of a dangater. ANDERStm•—In Brussels, on October 28th, the wife of Me Robert Anderson, of a son. a•3:01nD.DLEPoN Goderich township. on Nov, 2nd, the wife of Mr Ohas Middleton, of TEBBUTT.—In Goderich township, en Oot. Mr John Tebbutt, of a dgsautg' htt4hre. • 'wife of the if of nd McLennan of a MARRIED. HUNT SIMPSON—At the reddens of Thos, • Simpson, Brucefield, Nov. 6, Miss Edith Simp- son, to Charles Hunt, of, Brut:Wield. i0- YE° -CANTELON.—At the residence of the bride' father. Clinton, on Nov. 8, by Rev. Dr. Giffor, , Mr Frank Yeo, of Mt. Forest, to Miss Leoatuttiee 120antelon, eldest daughter of Mr H. ELLIOTT - WOON.—On Wednesday, the 6th Nov.. in St Paul's church, Clinton, by the Rev. C. R. Gunne, M. A., Miss 'Sada D..Woon to Mr Wm J. Elliott, •both of the •towaship of Goderich. • , ' MoMARTIN—McDONALD.—At Fingall, on Wednesday, Oct. 28rd, at the -residence of the . bride's parents, Mr Peter McMartin, of Exeter, to Miss Celia, daughter of Mr 'Donald Mc- ' Donald, of Fingal bAKTLETT--MOORE.— Oct.. 12th,_. 1901, at St James' Church, Parkhill, by Rev John Berry,.M. A., Frederick Bartlett, son of Thee, eaxrettleert.t, of West Williams,to Mary Eliza- beth Moore, daughter of Jame!. Moore, of n , HANTON-LFRASER—At Windsor. Ont., on the 18th of September, by Rey J. O. Tel - rale, Presbyterian minister, Thomas Manton, lieu tenant, Fire Department, Detroit, Mich., to Sarah -11. Fraser, second daughter of Thos.: Fraser, near Ripley. ' FORREST—SOUCH.—At the Methodist par- sOnage, Brantford, on Tuesday. Oct. 22, by Rev Mr 'Hamilton, Mr Robert Forrest to Alias Cora Sough, both . of morris. Huron county. • MONTGO mERY-SIMPSON —At T mestown, on Oct. se,. at the residence of the' bride's par- ents, by Rev Ino A. Ross, B. A , Brussels, Mr jnO A. Montgomery, to. B. M. Azelea, daughter o Mr and Mrs Andrew Simpson. MoLEAN—JOHNSTON.—At the manse. Myth, on October 26th. by Rev A. McLean, Mr John McLean.. to Mrs Maria Johnson, both of • Walkerton. • • • . MELICK—ORT.—At .the residence of the bride's parents. Bronson line, Hay, on Thurs. -day, Oct. Mat; by the Rev C. S. Finkbeiner, of Zurieh. Mr Alfred J Wick to Miss Lavine M Ort, Ls lief Hay .V.yrnshi.,. ex.,00mieft—DonDs—On October sal, Dy Bev P. Miisgrave,'ot the residence of the 'bride, Mr James' Edward Blooiner, to Miss Nancy.' Heys Dodds, all of McKillop ' • WATSON—CUDMORE.—In the . Methodist parsonage,. Ne w Westministei,—Biltish Col- umbia, by. Rev George H Morden, on October 17th, Mr .1 Seymour Watson • to' MS, Sadie. second daughter of VVilliam Cudinore, .Esq., of Tackersmith, and both lately of Seaforth. CARTER—ST V13 —At • the home . of the bride's aunt, Mrs Saunders, 444 Balmoral at .eet, Wizinineg, by ltev GB Pitbalbo, on September 25th,Mr $ Carter,' of Pilot - 84 ound' Manitoba. se,cond son of Mr 13 Larter, of East Wawanesh, to Miss Maggie M Stove, eldest 3.f daughter of Mr Henry. Stove,of Goderich.• • ma rbie &Granite !.t::::4:titit2r1,1:41:hwur611F° gilabe Ear noticeable. • • William Barge Who wee hers attending J. 1770BAKS • • ..... • The purohaeer of a monument should have complete confidence in the reliability of the firm, train which be bur, for the material and workmanship is something very few buyere are familiar with. If you do not know ut, please in- quire about our reliability from those who luto,w us beet. We are the only praotioal men here in our • B. Hoover, Proprietor Next to Commercial Hotel SHTANDARD OES elleen. r We have just received a shipraent of our justly cele- brated line of StandardShoes for Boys. These goods need no introduction as they are al - the funerel of bin father, D Barge, last week returned to Chicago Monday after- noon. Two daughters, We Gardiner re- turn!' to her home in Detroit *hie week and Mra Martin will shortly leave for Chicago aocompitined by her mother who will spina the winter over in the Statea with her children. The many Mende were pleased to see Major Thomas Jackeon again. He re- turned on Saturday after an absence of wen weeks np around Owen Sound and Teeswater where he was employed pack- ing apples for EL S. Laing, of Exeter, one of the larg,estdertlere in Ontario. The nen under his charge packed some 1000 bar- rels and in the seven weeks some 4000 bar - rola were got ready for shipment, Dr Solt returned from hie western trip on Saturday evening. He bad bean away about nix weeks leaving here on the 23rd of September and all We time while away had a real good One. On the way on* Lake City to San Francisco Oitint, in the the route wee by Clild.Vo,. Denver, Salt alty by this name); he also visited 1.1e0Ma and Seattle from which place he took *Ii beat to Victoria, B. 0., and then over to Yanoonver,the piok,in hie opinionor, all the places visited, for business,as it le bound to forge ahead as the coming oily of the west, at any rate, in Western Canada. The dootof Spent a pleasant tiMe in the provinoe On.the Coast, Meeting many an oId friend out there who were formerly ready well known aud. are re„ from Huron. On returning he was in Nilson and all through th cognized to be the best wear., district at the mines where he menu% of profit to him. Moosemin is where pig Boys' Shoes on the raar- his brother is bawling, laying off for a few ket days with him, and then came batik direst by Winnipeg, North Bay and Teronto. Mr BOOM; bra been out in the west before and this was not altogether new for him he would not lilts Ini. prairie county but he is partisularly drunk on BriCigh Col- umbia and war always favorably impressed with 'bat province. Be has vissm it and bis oonviotiona as to lie prosperity all stronger. In his travels ever 8000 miles were ooyered. 3ttv Arlvtotottittott DIED. •HOWSON.—In Clinton, on Fridar,INev. 1132. James lioween, aged 78 years and •7 months VLINTOFF.—In Clinton on Sunday, Nov. iird, George Flintoff, aged 53 years and. 7 ;months. • ' RILEY.—In Mullett, on Noy. 2, Mos Annie Riley, daughter of hir John Riley, aged 24 years, 11 uroliths and 8 days. • BRYANS.—In Morris,' on Oct. 130th, Alex Bryans, sr , aged 114 years and months. PERDUE.—In Morris, on October ' 26th, Henry Perdue, aged 75 years, 9 months sad 16 dews, •• STEELE.—At the Victoria Hospital, London, Ont., on Saturday, October 26th, 1901. Sophie C. Steele, thircc daughter of Rev H •D.„Steele. of Port stanley, formerly of Eirkton, aged 88 years. . • WHERIFF.—At Langside, October 23rd, Peter Terriff, aged 31 years. • ARCHIBALD.—In nickel -smith. 071 00*. 25th, Andrew Archibald, aged 79 years. BROWN. --In Grey, on Oct. 80th, John Ed- ward, only son of David Brown, aged years, 10 months and 25 days. FOX. -1.3i Grey, on Oct 26th, Will!e Jas., second son of Mrs Edmund Fox, aged 12 years and 17 days: • MoNAB.—Ixi Morris, 0/1 Oct. 28th, Alex Mc' )ir ab, aged 69 years Aha 7 daye. • RED).—A.t Varna, 011 October Zirdthe infant November 81h, 1 ItIcKinnon dr Co, "Jack Frost” Is flitting around these nights and very soon he will be getting in his work in the daytime. Look out for him and be prepared. We can assist you in warding off his attacks, either night or day, with articles like these: Heavy Union Blankets, full size, blue and pink borders, verylspeolel at $1 00 per pair. Super -wool Blankets, large eize, soft lofty finish, at $2.25, $3, $3,50, $4, and 35. Heavy Grey Flannelette Sheeting, double fold, very special at 25o, Heavy Flannelette, in stripes andplain pink,32 inches wide, (note the width) worth 8o, for5o. Wrapperettee, heavy weight, reversible, good patterns, Ifast colon), regular pi ice 12io, for 10o. Men's Shirts and Drawers, plain Scotch knit, ribbed and fleece lined, at 25o, 35o, 50o and 75o. Stanfield's Unshrinkable all fine wool Shirts and Drawere, in two weights, at $1 and 81.25 eaoh. Ladies' Vests, in Union, at 15c, 25o and 40o. Ladies' Wool Vests and Drawers at 50o, 75o and $1. • . Children's Vests in all sizes 25o each Ladies' Astrachan Fur Coats, fine glossy ourl,iined with satin or flnefarmer'e satin, in ehort, medium and long lengths, from $20 to 040. Men's Fur Coats, in Cub Bear, Wallaby, Uoon, Siberian Dog and Black Gal- laway, at rook bottom prices, Ladies' Oaperines, in great variety, from $2.50 to $20, Men's Lined Kid Gloves, a great snap at 50o. : Men's Heavy Wool Soole, worth 18o, 2 pairs for 250. • lificlEinnon, .Co. Myth! 0001100410001/04100.11110140011011011 eaughter ot Mr and. Mra 3. W. Reid, aged two days'. • •Apprentice Wanted. ApG3ordtostrong ;boy toTec• ArEllictligkg/iittlat •TioY 1-2. Apartments to Let. Anise large roomfront with small room attached, two bedrooms= stairs four in all, suitable far married couple. Apply 60 King Si. Teacher Wanted. Forri30.8v.i..No. 7, Mullett, dhties to commence on the first teaciamg day ol 1901, state salittg expected, qualifications, etc., personal appU • • cations preferred. Apply to JOHN Bitionem, Sea Tress. • Blyth. • They are made of s choice quality of Milwaukee grain and without seams. , 1• 11111111011111411311111131001111 ' Insoles and counters guaran- teed to be e.bsolutely,solid sole leather. No Shedd, • . No Paper Soles Wanted. Teacher Wanted Hello There!..? Where are you going ? • Why, to J. W. IRWIN'S to see his great 'assortment of Dishes which he is selling at a remarkable, low price.Dinner sets you use to pay from 615 to $20 you can get them there for $8.' and $9. Also in lamps and fancy dishes he carries a -Lull stock—having the latest etyles and a good assortment. In the•Grooery line he handles nothing but the beet. Yon 0512 rely on getting any thing you won't there and always fresh on account of the large quantities sold every day. Have you tried his Bacon, Hams, Bologna or Sausage, they are the finest that can • be had. • • All goods promptly delivered to all parts of the town, . Protestant, for 8, S. No 0, Hullett, for 1902. Apply stating salary and experience to Joan Envoraen, Auburn Ont. Oct. 184" Second hand Sreproof gate Yianted,_nstat be cheep. Apply to R. and J. RANSIFORD, Town office, Patronize the New Shoe Store ' • - and get new Shoes. Found. " On the %leaflet& road, a Ladies' Fur Conine, Fred T Jackson zle:ftn'aTess advstime.,,„, R. Coats &Soli• Teacher Wanted. Call and give him a trial. He is sure to please yori. • phone " J 177. IRWIN inter oods The time has come for such as Blankets, Sheetingsi Flannels, Flannelettes, Mitts,Sox, and Stockings. • Then Overcoats, Suits, Tweeds, Underwear (see our unsbrinkable Shirts and Drawers at $1. each). We have comfortable Wool Hoods and Caps. Perhaps you may need a Robe and Horse Blanket. If so, try us, Try SOM0 of our Shoe and Harness Blacking. We still have a supply of Barb Wire on hand. Bringyour Butter, Eggs, Lard, Tallow, for which we pay highest price ' Terms Cash or Brodie:ie. Emporium, Lon.d.esboro R ADAMS Nov 5, 1901 • Male or female teacher wanted for S. 8.1o, 10, Ooderich township, duties to begin Tan. 8rd, 19112. Auplicatiohs received up to Nov. 2nd, personal applications perterred. JOHN THOWBON, Secretary Oct. Clinton P.O. Citizen% Otai Concert Course • Seleotione from the f..1.rast Ustwil,L7- 0111117). Bunton for tha. OINK% ot • 1901-1-1901, la the Town Hall Clint° 11. ssortment STOVES Happy Thought and National Pearl Ranges, Honor,Dright Wood Cooks Radiant Home Base Heaters Hot Blast Coal Heaters And all the latest designs in all kinds of Stoves A few good second hand Stoves cheap. HARLAND BROS, Cheap Store and Hardware House, CLINTON. 5 high-class CONCERTS for $1.00 1 The Crystal Palace Concert Cotopaoy, London England, Tueliday NOv. 19th. PLsu open Nov. 11th. J. Williams limy, of New York, Tuesday, Deo. 17th, Plan open Dee. 10th. 3 Messer* ityassibuy Clab, of New 'York Januar, dote not decided. 4 Swedish Ladle. Qum. et, 'Tuesday Tel). lath Plan Open Feb,11th. 5 TIretten tedlers, of Bavaria, Tatisdal Ilaxch loth. plan open Marsh ilth. Plan for eaoh concert open to the puldis two days WA* than dates. Those wishing to subeetiba may slim at CoomrsBook Store, The reserved seats !AU be We xtra for each eons:lett and be plan of hall will be at Coopers Bookstore. Mr Etairtmon,seis this is tho best Como Coneert ever given iiielintori. H. E. max& A.M.0001901, Looal Itanasere. CashAtitides And SHEEPSKINS, O. S. DonX, Clinton. ' Men's Underwear. 1 At prime ranging from 500 to 0,50 a suit. Stanfield's Unahrinkable, ttn derwear is the most eatisfaotory goods on the market. They are made o purely -001, and are warranted not to ehrink, prima, 11.50, $9,00, so 52, a suit. Ulsters and Overcoats. Ouri All Wool Ulster: at 5 land Grey Kelton OterooSit at $8,50 are i lined worthy of your attention. Robes. If you 'rethinking of buying a robe we Want to sell 11. We hind% i Saskatchewan, it is made without siessme, handsome warm, durable Waterproof; is lined with superior Astraohan lining, and has an in lining of rubber sheeting, to make it both wind andwater proof. WI ordinary oars it willlitet froth ten to twenty years, will shed the wa better and dry (picket than a fuerobe and never get hard. It le also m proof, which is a 'Wong point in favor. Sizes 5264, and 89174 hie Potatoes. We ere whipping a few oar" of polatoer. If you have riore than ya bring them in. W. L. OUIMETPE, Londesboro