HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-11-08, Page 5r Tvet fiber 8, 1901 Important Store Nears! DO YOUR BUYING PRIDAY andA TURD.AY. THURSDAY �D,A.Y _ SA, There's but one proof of money -saving in shopping. Quality must meet quality and the prices compared. 1 his test our store seeks. No !natter how rigidly made it at once proves the big advantage you have dealing here. Buying in five stere lots direct from the manufacturer and large jobbers bring. unusual concessions in price, these we ive to you. Selling for cash only is another advantage 'you have in. trad- ing here. We have no bad book bebts for our customers to a in credit stores the' g e pay. cash customers have to pay extra for the• losses. Women's Jackets and Skirts • Some Bargains in Tailor Made Suits The newest in winter styles. We 'have never before .been in a position to show such an elegant assortment, such good qualities and linkingwith this fact we state that never have prices been so low. These values speajc for themselves. Tailor Made Skirts at $18. Tailored Suits for $9.50 $2.75, $3.50, $3.75 and $5.50. Ladies' Tailor Made Snits of fine quality homespun in light oolore only, ekiri lined with beet lining, coats -lined with Bilk and eatana cloth, nioely trimmed with silk on coat and skirt, these were travellers' sample suite for fall and we bought them at a big reduction, the regular value was a18, the last of the lot clear at 9 t .59 Ladies' tailor made skirts of lustre, serge and homespuns, mallein the very newest styles for fall and winter wear. The re -tees are t to less than in most stores: Lu +re Skirts, good linings, brush binding, perfeot in fit and fir,tot, tt 2.75 Serge skir te, heavy quality, best linings and trimmings, at Os 59 Skirts made of heavy grey homespun, some plain, others trimmed, but all made to fit and give good wear, well worth $4.60 to $6, our price . 3.75 ,!lie 5.59 Two Bargains in Waists TIE OLNTON NEW ERA GRAND TRUN SYS EM King's Birthday, Noyenther 9th, 1901 Taokete will be sold on Nov, . eth and 9th, good to return on or before Noy, llth,1901, SlNG,LEPARE. Purchase your tiokete M Town ()Aloe and t Gaye delay at station, F. R. liodgens, Town. Agent, Qlintoe, Ont. Ladies' Rain Coats, All Great Values. Ladies' Rain Coats in fawn, navy and blank, all made with new blank and eleeves, every coat guaranteed not to go hard, prices $3.75, $4.50 .15,50. We are always on the alert to give. our customers big value. We buy only 'those waists that we know are of good make, good material, that fiterfectl• , which 'we' can. guar- antee. antee. These two bargain s we ran across last week.. $1.25 Waists at 45c. Ladies' Waists made of American flannel, in spots and stripes, colors of navy, bleok and red, made in the very latest styles, regular price would be $1.25 each, on sale 9.4 at each r' $1.75, $,2. and $2.25 Waists at 90c Ladies' Waists, made of the beet quality of American flan- nels in assorted colors, the newest Persians design, also spots and neat figures, in the lot will be found greys, The Late John McMillan. SOME INCIDENTS OF MISS LIFE, to avtuartiormanio. Your friend -N B Henry Page 1 Store news -Newcombe ..._ Bargain in.pietures—Cooper & Co 4 Safe wanted—Ransford Bros 44 Cape found -J Wiggington . 4 Smyrna rugs- Coats &Son.....••.•• •••. 5 Jack Frogt--McKinnon &Co • 5 Hello there -J W Irwin Winter Moods -R Adams... . 16 Big assortment-HarlandBi'oe ..... 8 Flannel waists—Nod ens Bros . . 8 The New' Covenant,- air & Co....., , .. , Famous clothing -4o on Bros.. 8 Silk Waists, at .$5 This is without doubt the`best waist for the money ' ever' made, it is made of a fine quality of English taffeta, soft finish, nicely hemstitched and tuoked,lined,through= out with fine near silk lining, sizee. 84,. 86, 88, well, worth .$6:50 for .. �.. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Winter Coats Loner' Jaokets made of the beet. quality of frieze, beaver and kersey=cloth, in all"the.newestlengths,` 26, 36 and blees; redo, etc., the prices were $175, $2 and 112.25 42 inolies, values that are hard to surpass, prices rang each, allto se. 90 in from. ;