HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-11-01, Page 8evcreber 1, 1901
�e 2nd Week
Dress Goods Selling
. This selling of New Fall Dress Goods stuffs at
prices that are less
ess than r
e c
r brought
us Lots of
'business the ast week. It co ld hardly be otherwise,
for new, perfect andstylish Dress Goods for Fall and
prices wear are going over our counters at prices not
matched any . anywhere else in town.
We start the secondsellingw ith generous
assortments ents all along the line. The price cuts are
genuine, the bargains are real , and people 1? p e who buy. will make a material savingtheprice of their Fall.
dress. Until the end of next week you' can buy
The J'1+mes un at 70p.
These have beengoing with a rush, no.. wonder, for'' the
value is good enough to make theca sell at sight.. We have
'p'ever sold as good goods for as little money.
54 inch homespun Saltines,'pnre wool goods, good weight, shades of
dark,and mid Grey, and Blatt); 20 to SO offs less than regnlar_prices
at per yard. . ...........•........,+.•,.
The Homespun 'The 25c
Pit 98c. . Plaid.
$1.00per was the in a nice
yardThese Plaids come
wholesale price of this line,: range of colors and fancy cam -
Jit. trey were willin to take . . g . fancy
- x -
.,..�..n g binatlons, they will ` make e
a httle less in order to clear cellent school dresses for child-
out the last few. rices, we 11.. ; The
p ren and will wear we y
bought the lot and now can
buy it at 98c a yard.
Extra good quality Homespun Buit-
ing, every thread pure woci,does
not require lining, special finish,
dark and light Grey, and Black,
a spe dial bargain, at peryard.. C
ought to sell for more money.
150 yards ''of : good quality fancy
Plaids, mostly darkand bright
shades, 36 to 38 inobes wide,
good value et 35o, special for `'..
sate..,..:.: zitt3
The 60c Mantle doth
.. . l and do ..not want it
If you want a Ulster for your Girl
costyou veryranch moone you cannot d0: better. than take
advantage e of this offering. • We have only a limited quantity,
g offerin g : �
to sell and when theyare;gone will lave no more at this price;
t colors of Reis, •Browns, Greene, glues,: end
100 yards 'Ulster Clothe,
fancy miataree. The regular value is $1.00 and 01.25. for sale, we plot,
Onto *
FRIDAY , NOV. let, 1831,
hoarders 'rvanted•.Apsly tozvaw lti;a Mee.
Oot. Oolt oanes.aud PNApL1,ON Wa0dU
wow' illaPt$0.
4..co )ENT.-- Word was received
the other day that Fred, eon of john
Stevenson of town, who is out in Souris,
Man., met with an accident recently,
whereby his left hand wasconsiderablp
injured. Fred is employed with his
uncle on the farm and in some way Ale
hand carne in contact with the straw
carriers of the thresher resulting in it
being badly mangled,
sell it et per yard ,.... .• .•. .+:, .•• ' '
4 mu ,• 4 4104-:4!)+04.4->•:-:44-:••1•'• --7 w,id.be•given at the town 'hall. ()apt.
' t td s
HORSE rfiOTES. There: is not much
activity among horse buyers thesedays
although a number of sales have been
made this week at good prices. Davie
Davis. sold a white mare to Mr Crich,
near Leadbur�y, and oleo a brown mare
to Robt. McLean, of 1 oderich, wlio
was around buying horses for South
Africa; Drs, Blackall&Ball also: sold
him their brown driver and bought a
nice driver frum a farmer °near Dun-
other day Rev. Mr Glenne, Rey. Mr
Howson, Rev. Mr Gifford and Rev. Fr. •
McMenamin all .happened to be in eon•
versation together on the street, when
one of Mr McMenamin's parishioneers
happened along. 'Turning around to
him and with a broad smile on his face
Father McMenamin, in that bland way
that is, his forte, said "Well, you sae
the kind of company they have gob rile
into now". All the, other clergymen
enjoyed the laugh that followed.
-Some time ago a .certain farmer fu
the county. . who shall he nameless,
bought a machine, say a cutting box,
from the manufacturers,givinR, his note
therefor. The manufacturer eventual-
ly found it necessary to take the article
offthe purchaser's hand.. No.'soon r'
had the machine gone off the farm
than, the farm at, went to his nearest
town, and boughtonefrom the local re-
presentative of the same manufactur-
er, a machine of exactly the same kind
as he had before. . .
NOTES. -Mr Robt. Welsh le nt w
performing the duties or night-watch-
man, and an excellent man he is for
the reaponslble position..1hr William
Smith .has rented a home in Goderich
and the family will live there ; he will
commence at once to make arrange-
ments tor the erection of the large
summer hotel of which the town voted
him a loan of $10.000 end other induce -
orients. . , . We extend our emigrate to
Mr and Mrs S. W. Perry, of Kincar-
dine, formerly of Winton ; their bottle
was blessed on Oct, 10th , by another
daughter....The appearance of the
premises of T. McGarvey and Mre Mc-
Murray have beenunproved by the
cutting down of a number of large
trees ; there are other •places that
might be improved in this wa ....We
learn that our popular friend, Dr. Ross,
will locate in Seaforth and enter into
partnership with Dr, Bethune, one of
the leading medicos of that town ; Dr.
Rose was at Glasgow last year for a
post graduate course and is well versed
in all branches of the medical line; we
are sure that he will receive ' a fair
MORE MONUMENTS, -The firm. of
Seale and Bice are still kept busy, with
getting monuments ready: for setting
up in.the various cemeteries, and the
work thry have to turn out made it
necesQaiy for them;to : secure cinuther
marble critter. During the fore
part of the week • they set up a
monument in memory of W. Bingham,
wife and three children in Clinton
cemetery, one for thelar,., iloht. Nutt,.
in Turner's cemetery told a small one
in memory of the infant child of .:Mr.
and ;Mrs Newton Crich' in .Turner's
NE'V CP,IT171IY CLUB. -A few of
those interested met on Monday even-
ing and for m'd the New century Club
for ;the�;ppurp'e of having :a number of,
dances during the winter. Many will
be delighted to know' that the start
has been .made and a monthly assembly
s a 'n a ,_ a is
M .D:111cTa gar wa pc,at pr
cr r- eaurr.
* + w a gliance a eta tr s e
loth at 50 a aril dentand0 C s y
The Blue � Y
This is the:cheapeat .Dress Goo .s we ever sold, never 1 fyi.l be ilveheld,the dates probably be..
4,,' The London ' harpers will be engaged
far'each hop, , aid: it is expected
given as good value tor half a dollar. It :_� . ing Noy 0th, Dec Bth, Jan 3rd, Feks 7th
before have we
Venetian flnish,:'ever . thread pure wool, and :S..
_. and Apt<il4th. It wits be..eeen the
has a bright t j above will not interfere with those
is worth every penny of 75c per yard; itis justd
Oantelon, the popular daughter of Mr
ld Cantelon, of the Hotel Clarendon, to
a p•onpinent young man of Mount For-
est; Ihe
or,est;the event takes place next Wed-
nesday.. ..R Jenkins lost two valuable
cows on Tuesday; they were killed at
the railway crossing "by the morning
train going to Gedericb....P. Anning,
of Kincardine, is engag..d, with Seale &
Bice as 'e atone cntter....Albert and
Ontario streets have <�been gravelled
where necessary which was attended to.
and it: by Street Inspector Garter:...
Miss Pugh, who has kept an excellent
boarding house in town for some time,
osem and
has decided t give .'the e
will have a, sale of her furniture on Sat
urday, November 16 S. 11. Smith is
the owner of a valuable Ayrdale terrier
in the city;
• it
is a rare breed, there being only a few
of them' in Oanada....A. Taylor has
contributed a nice sum of money for
s ital•
the fitting up of a room in the ho p ,
it will be. called the 'Andrew Taylor
Ward... Among the list of those who
were' successful at the recent supple -1
mel'ital exam in theology at Victoria
University. we notice the names of A
E. M.Thomson, B.A., formerly ot'Tut•
ner's appointment, now of llodnay,and
T. A. Steadman, ,now at Alma ; we. ex-
tend Webb
end our'congratulations
bas improved the appearance:of the
boulevards in front' of the residence of
Miss . Pugh, William ` street...... Mi
Wright is leaving the•house he is in on
Queen St and.has rented one ' of Mr
Walkingshaw's houses oh • Maple street
..3. O. Stevenson has rented drs.
Biddlecombe's house and. will move
from oyer his store..;..G. A. McKee has
rented the new house built by T.. Gib -
binge on Towneendstreet and will move
to it shortly;. he house vacated will be
occupied by Mrs. Watt; mother of Mrs
Boles ..;.'1iss Carrie Spindler,: former,
ly of towu,'was married a few days ago
to John H. Smith, Strathr"oy.. •,Mr
McClay is making a wedding cake this
Week which is going a long way• before
it participates in the ha festivities ;
it is for a laxly, cousin of T.Miller, Lon-
desboro,'who visited here a couple of
years ago but is now i•esiding> in New.
Ztjaland, where she ,is,to be martied,and:
to which place the cake. is to be sent,.
, . We understand that J, lions, late of
town,has bought out the clock business
of 0.Ccats, Chicago, former Olintonian.
d we
..)lire itis the 1st of November au
are having. delightful weather, more
suitable for the month of August'; the
farmers have an excellent chance to get
their fall work done this season. ,
the shade
wishing to observe the Lenten season.
of blue that is so much [worn and. will make a stylish WORKING AT NIGIiTS,-Thestaff
Navy blue Broadcloth, good 6h9,de, pure wool, 40.to 44 'inches wide
suitable for girls'. wear or ladies' costumes, and (tailored suits,
and neper sold for less than 750, wale' at par yard: ...50o ,li'
at Hoover's marble •wooks are kept ea
busy of late that it has been found. nen
esssary to ' work every : night until, 9
o'clock to et:apace. with the many or-
derh"and the: proprietor Sags he cannot
see the: end yet. They lied it difficult
to get time to,m set up tLe.'monuments.'
Among the oiders are some froplaces
where'other' large. firms • are brit we
glad to learn that.local ' workman-
ship and eaperiority bring their orders
here. 'This week they •set up a large
Scotch granite cap Satcophague, one of
the largest in this section, iq' memory
of the.late W. Whitley, in the 13th of
Hallett cemetery; a red Swede for. the
• We have brill a few ends of thesewhnlesale rem -lents of Houtespune, Berges,
and Ladies' Cloth, that we got at one-half price, if there is an uid in the Iot you
oan use you oan have it the same way we bongbt it, ,
Exactly Ones!' all the regular prlee.
tO4•4•••i'•4.0.0•�.•iNi••i',i•0.i••i••i••• ••••.• So••1, 10,0-:!-:-41»;-4--:-.444444.4•146.4...:4-1-004:414
Wer making up a big order' English
Hosiery Manufacturers often have a few dozen
pairs over, these they call over makes. At
he end of the season these left overs from all
the orders are gathered together and sold at a
price per dozen all round. : Last week we
were fortunate enough to secure over 500
pairs, 'assorted plain and ribbed, and are now
selling them at from 10e to 20c per pair, less
than they would cost you if we bought . them
regular way, that is the reason for these low prices.
11t 25c At 30c .
• 240 pairs ladies' plain cashmere hose, 300 pair Iaddieceribhed:cashraere hose,
assorted kieds, goods worth al some worth more, some not quite
the way to 50c ser pair, choice of 50c, all worth a good deal more
lot LGc. than our price 30c
eyening.... J Hearne and S Davie were
out hunting iu Goderich township on
Monday and did not retina empty
handed,but.were rewarded by bagging
some half a dozen partridges....: Miss
Mary' O. Lough was last'week elected
by the lady students of Varsityas cur•
ator of the V tieing Club; Miss Lough
bottle some half a dozen positions in
the varlouei societies 'connected with
the University..., Among additional
buildings recently built we notice that
J Stephenson has enlarged his pump
factory by raising the roof of the back
part c•f the building.:,. Mr Sibley, who
gave up housekeeping owing to the
delicate state of his wife's health, has
rented a house on Yrincese street east,
and will again take up 'housekeeping,
Mrs S,bley laow being much better....
Henry Watkins, sr,, bee moved to Mr
Twitcheil'e house on Maple street....
Among the shipments from the yards
here were: -On Mnpday, a carload of
hogs by R Fitzsimons for Collingwood,
and one by A Grainger ter Taranto; on
Tuesday one of cattle by E Watson for
Toronto.... Miss Mable Hill has taken
share of attention in the town to the n osition in the store of Mr Jas. Twitch-
so ithof us ...This fine weather has ell,eat bookkeeper,,.:Invitatitns are
iven he tanners a splendid chance to out for the mrriage of'Mies Lathe
i3' p
gather in their potatae crop and most
of them have laude good use of the
tune ; it is said there will be a good
crop notwithstanding former reports
to the contrary....A partial eclipse of
the moon took place on Sunday but
was hardlyy visible here....Single fare
tickets willbe issued by the railways
to hunters, good -going Oct. 25th to
Saturday, Nov. 2nd, land good to re.
turrbup to Dec. 14th ; we understand,
there will not likelybe any of our
sportsmen go to northern Ontario this
fall in quest of deer:. ..The farmers
tell, us the roads are exceedingly geed
for this time of the year.... W King,
of the base line, moves to the Spooner
property he bought, this week ; be
bee been in delicate health for some
time but. is somewhat better and we
hope both
himself and wife may, long
be spared to enjoy the comrade and.
conveniences of town life ; they are an
estimable' and worthy couple.... Dur-
log.these fine days the past tew weeks
many of our people,go out tramping
on long walks and of the number N.
B. Henry and 0. Joy beat the record
and maybe classed among the noted
pedestrians; last Sunday morning they
'walked over to Bayfield,which is about
ten miles, in about two and .a half
' the er.
Dura returningin ft
The followintken from the Morden,
Manitobs.,0hronicle, refers to a former
Olintonian and a brother of Mrs Oliver'
Johnston:; -"Ed. Newmarch,of Winni-
peg, was ea Mercian lastweek doing
the graining on the new Arlington
Hotel, and made a first class job of •'it
in the short. space of a week ;' Mr New -
march isone of the forewnoet. of Win-
nipeg's pictorial, artists • and . the con-
tractor was fortunate . in secriring his
services to do the graining".. The
ChanceryDivision of the High Court
of Justice will open in Goder ich before
Justice. Meredith .onMonday.,':: We
notice that many. are Sur n' the:fallen
leaves ; they having ' fi Pers wolitd
find them very; useful< to cover -the
beds Air theiwinter or can be used £or
'cattle bedding..: :We are pleased to
learn that Miss -M try ;McEwen (daugh-
ter of D:' McEwen, of: Stanley) who
wrote on the reidsumtner dens a•tmental
exams, and.only tailed'by a few ,narks,
was this week granted her appeal by
the Education Department and award-
ed her Junior Leaving certificate; Miss
McEwen has been attending the model
school this term . .. .The ` fire depart-
ment held its regular monthly meeting
on Monday evening; the town council
meets. for November on neat 'Monday.
We us the word bargain advisably here, al these three
lines of underwear are undoubted bargains. The prices we
uote are only made possible by fortunate purchases of three
lines away below their real value.. Instead of holding them
for a regular and higher price we pass them' on to you at a
aving of at least 1-4 of the regular price.. Two lines are Tall
wool, one is fleece lined•
aLL WOOL, 15c.
Mens heavy all woolShirts
and Dra vera, soft finish
Shirts double breasted,
Were made to sell at $1.00
our price will be eaoh7oa
Thie is' an extra good• line
of fleece -lined i; nderw,ear,
with wall .fleecing, It
was made by the best mill
in Canada to Sell at $1.00
per garment, We brought
it at a price that allows us
to sell it at oaoh....76c.
ALL %vee . See.
Mens Shetlandwool Shirts
and Drawers, soft finish
well node, natural color,
If regular pride bad been
paid we would hay+e to
sell at 75o as it is Our price
kip!' eaoh....,...,gOc.
We will not be able to do licatethese linen at the above
prices once the are sold out".so if you want to save on your
underwear buying, e ar bu n our advice is to buy early.
tette at 124c I
jeourHeiish Flanne
late Jr Crich, in Turner's .'.emetery; a
red Swede for the late J. Tomlinson, of
Stanley, in Turner's. cemetry and a
number of smaller monuments, all of
which amounted to about $1,000 worth
of work.
Nothing More
Elegant and
They are. the newest thing of the kind women's wear—they give to the ,
wearer a degree of refinement and a knowledge of being well dressed, and tut -
1 ke manythings About whioh the above oan he olaimed they are use 1
ood lanto carry your coin-y.ourr keyyouurhandk�erohief-.-your purse and
emellp panels. We have a. good assortment in calor, style end pvioe, The
e P
smallest and. lowest primal is thirty ciente. At sixty ciente, aliberal ei-ed one
and extragood value; Int higher close
g p , we have them in, finer leather and
more elaborate frames.
A. sensation in our Leather Goods Department is or thirty cent puree,
several, oolore, three styles, all good and the beat value we ever had ..the
chance to offer you. •
The " %. D. Fg1R 90, . Clinton
"Often a YS. the:"
the Chea est . A w y Des*,.
STOCK' SALE. -There were some
good cattle •offered by auction on Sat-
urday at Ferran's stable, Victoria St.,
by auctioneer Thos Gundry: ' The
bunch 'included 44 head of yearlings
and two -year-olds and a miich cow in
calf, -which were purchased by Mr
Gundry for adealer in -the Northwest,
bot were never delivered. All were
soldwithout any reserve and some
went at good prices,still.taepurchasers
are well satisfied. The proceeds of
the sale must have run up to nearly
WOO; the yearlings averaged about $14
a head and the two-year•olds about $23,
Among the buyers we noted the follow-
ing: -Geo Shipley, 3 two -year-olds at
$22, $22 and $10 each and a fine big Jer-
sey at $32; J Chats, ,if Hallett, 2 two-
year -olds at $21 each and 3 yearlings
539 25; AInnes,o£ Stanley, a two-year-
old at $23 50 andyearlint at $13 50;G
Marshall, of Grid.�ri\rh township,4 year-
lings at $10,:14.50, $10.25 and $14 inch;
T Com, of town, 2 yearlings at $10,50
and $10.75 each; J Allaneon, of town, a
yearling at $14.
THE SICK. -Mrs W, C. Searle is de-
layed in the west by the illness of her
father, Roger Lee, an did Clictoniau,
whose friends here will be glad to learn
of his speedy recovery.... We 'learn
that H. Plunisteel Pilfered a .relapse;
last week, and ha 1ier'n in.a critical
conditions for seV''•a1 days .but we are
hopeful he may seed be out of danger;.
ILFolland has lien laid up since last
August by same stomach trouble ; we
are pleased to say that he is getting
around rig on, though yet very weak.
J, Cunts'n;;hame has recovered from
his late illness, and was able to attend
the Yon -American on Saturday..,..
Many will be sorry to learn that Am-
brose Smith,of Iiensail,formerly of the
Mulson's bank here had been laid up
with an attack of appendicitis, and
was operated upon by Dr. Gunn and
others on Monde ; at late reports he
was doing nicely but had the operation
been delayed any longer it would have
been very serious for him....Recentiy
the little daughter of 'Win. Routledge,
about two years of age, fell while at
play and broke her right arm ; just a•
yearttga the
iSwaz, Rattenbuy
street, suffered a severe attack of rhea -
raglan), which made him unable to
raise his left arm ....Mrs Allen is Ora-
ggressingfavorably and will be able to
leaye the 'hospital for her home this
week Mrs (rochrane' ia also dome
nicely after her re.;ent operation,..:.
We regret to know that G. Flintolt
continues verse low, with the chance of
recovery against him, poll, while.,
there's life, there'd hope,
Shoe •Talk.
For the fail and winter trade our stook is' very Gem.
plate. Never before were we in abetter position
to give you just what you need in all kinds of sea,
sonable footwear,, and our continuously inoresain
that our systems I
evidence y.
aloe is the best Qi
is just what is needed by the buying public..'.Give
• us: a call for your next pair, and see what we oan do
"Pull stock of the celebrated Granby':
Rubber. for whioh we . are sole agents'm town..
W,guarantee every' pati. VVe do , not handle!
second qualityrubbers. It will pay you to see our
BARGAIN Counters, (whioh are being constantly
replenished with the best bargains ever offered here
See our1�;isses School Boots, sizes 1142-13-1.2, at 85e Sc' $1
either laced or buttoned; they are great value
Store e Old Reliable;
The ThatNever Disappoints
aylor 8L S
and One P
Slitter and Eggs taken ..as Cash.
• $141;11110111111111.11111A1101101
rr ttr .. _ ! n O11tMi11litttlltttttMlltlt
Famous• : Clothing Establishment.
You save money hereby spending it
- The best here means none better anywhere
New ideas shown here first
We sell at.small: profits but sell often
•r-�' • 1. ` we give awa �a Suit to the boysending us: the largest:number of words z:
�,... Oft Saturday,' November 6, give y - thesecond largest..�
made from the firm name of JACKSON BROS. A. new Cap to the boy ,.sending usnutnber,
""= anda new Tie to. the bo
sendingus; the third largest number. Boys, spend your evenings making out this list,
for:Whave alreadyreceived a large number, but there is two weeks left yet for some ` shrewd boy .
.t..... .It will pay you. We
"``' to get a new suit for nothing.Whn your. list is
com • )led send' it to us through the post office.
.•▪ -.
41111P.-,,..;.. •e
Fowne's English . Gloves
a►-. , , kind.kind that fits sewn in such a° munuer that -+
,te Ina else. They are the reliable The kind that wears and the h , .-'4.
..- thief. never rip. The prices run. from $1 to $2.50. Try this make, ___
gm -
alai.-▪ • 0•11111
Not the kind that is made from shoddy and cotton- .
not the .kind that fades and lohks like a dish cloth in a Immense .
week—but the reliable .kind, made front all wool cloth,
Boys' $4 Reefers
high storm collar, throat tab to protect youngsters on a
stormy day, slash pookets, good.
linings, good
and a
coat that gives satisfaction. Buy this coat and you will
get your oneys worth.
equalled. We arcs the Hole manufacturers of this brand
and we supply the whole country. You are missing it if
you do not purchase these goods.
• •
4 Sells by the thousand
throughout Ontario and
'Manitoba, made from all
wool cloths, double knees,
double seats, double sewn;
and goods that cannot be
That's what the boys say about our great line of
Boys' Shirts, made in sizes from 12 to 14, from the nob,
blest patterns ever shown in town. The price is only 75e,
and you get something reliable. If you have a boy that
you like to see well dressed buy him one of this new limy
and he will be a proud boy when he gets it on.
No. 1.12
▪ Amin
Is one great line of Men's Black Cashmere Hose,
a line we have sold for year and a line that cannot be ^.leg
equalled for the money. It will do you good to wear
this great floss. We have t1n all sizes