HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-11-01, Page 5:••
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I '
Gorreeted every Thursday afternoon.,
[1 irUTHEThere
( changes in the market repasts except
f I MARICIaS.—are n
in the price of eggs which have ad
vanced slightly, butter being quoted at
Thureday, ()etc'. 31, 1901.
1,t1nat lfic t1,4e •4co5411111.0cleggs o
00011141, (1)
The Bankrupt stock of O. B. Koenig is yet well assorted.
We have been adding flew goods as we sold out the Bankrupt
Stock, and we have nearly everything in Staple Goods requir–
ed for the Fall trade.
telon Bros shipped Over 3,000 lb's this
week ior the Halifax trade and also
made the usual shipment of 1,000 dozen
of eggs fcir the Montreal market. Fruits
are done, only apples being on sale.
Potatoes axe retailing 30c per bushel, a
carload will be shipped next week by
Cantelon Bros to Illinoie. Poultry
prices remain the same a8 last Week
and hogs live weight are quoted at
$5'.50 by the buyers.
Fall Wheat., . 4 ..... 0 64 a 0 65
Spring " ..... “ .. , 0 04 a 0 05
Oats •• •• off.••••••••• 0 33 a 034
Rye •••••••••••41,6t •• 0 40 6 0 45
Barley ,, 040 a 0 45
DM .. A 0 00 a 0 65
Flour per cyst ,,,,. ... 2 00 a 2 00
Butter, loose or tub.... 0 14 a 0 15
Eggs per doz . . .. ...... 0 12 a 0 13 °
Hay ' , 8 00 a 8 00
Sheepskins .. ... ..... 0 25 a • 0 60
No. 1 Green tritn.hiclers 6 00 a 6 00
Potatoes, ..per busn..0 26 a 0 80
Chiokene, per pair .... 0 BO a 0 40
Ducks, pair... 0 50 a 0 60
Quo, per. lb • • 0 05 a 0 05
Turkeys, per1b0 08 a 0 08.
Pork, live 5 50 a 5 50
„Perk, drowsed 7 00 a " 7 00
Wood short 2, 25 a 2 26
Wool....1.: . 0 13 a 0 14
Appels, per bag 0 75 a 1 25
Live Stock Markets.
We do not intend to replenish our stock, but shall proceed
.to sell what we have at big reductions, in order to clear out as
soon as possible, as we shall positively close up as soon as pre-
sent stock is disposed of.
We ask all parties desirous of getting good goods at low
prices to call and see us as we can give prices that cannot be
equalledin town, having bought the goods at 58c on the $.
We shall sell everything cheap, but have special 'bargains
in some lines.
We will mention a few specials—DreSS Goods, Prints,
Flannels, Flannelettes, Cottons, Shirtings, Denims, Cot-
tonades, Tweeds, Underwear, Small Wares, etc.
We have just opened up a large stock 'of Ladies' and.
Children's Jaekets, all new, that we shall sell at about Half
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits at Big Reductions,
Men's Boys and Children's Overcoats at Wholesale.
Montreal, October 28.-Re0eipte at the
east end abattoir *hie morning were 700
head of cattle', 50 calves, 300 sheep and 200
lambs. The demand waa good at the follow.
ing pricew-Cattle, choice,40 to4io; good; 3c
to no; lower grades, 20 to 8o; calvee, $2510
each; sheep, 2io to 3o; lambs, no 4o; hoga,
50 to 6o, •
. We have a lot of Men's Odd Coats (50. or 60) at about :Walter E. Maesey, president of the Maas -
price. Odd Pants and. Vests, Overalls, ete. ey-Harrie Manufacturing Company, died at.
his summer residence at Dentonia Farm
near Toronto on Monday.
Boots and Shoes
Men's, Ladies' and Children's Boots .aid Shoes at cost.
Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Goods,. Sox and Rubbers. •
Rubber Boots at Cost and under.
Come and see for yourselves the bargains we have. .
Plum Gibbings
Great Clearing Sale of
Boots, -Shoes, Etc.
As we are positively going out of business we offerour stock
at prices that will save you money.
The following is only a 1 ew of our specials :
Lot No. 1-Women'e Fine Kid Button Boots.., 52,75 nov0 51.75
Lot No. 2 -Women's Fine Kid Batton Booto2.50 now 1 75'
Lot No. 3 -Women's Fine Kid Button Boots 3.50 now 2.00
Lot No. 4 -Women's Fine Kid Oxfords 1.50 now 1.00
Lot No. 5 -Women's Fine Kid Button Boots 1.60 now 1.00
Lot No. 6 -Women's Fine Kid Button Boots 1.90 now .99
Lot No. 7 -Women's Fine Kid Batton Boots 3 25 now 1.50
Lot No. 8 -Women's Fine Kid Button Boots 3.00 now 1.75 •
Lot No. 9 -Women's Fine Kid Button Boots 2.50 now 1.50
Lot,No. 10 -Women's Fine Kid Batten Boots 3.26 now 2.25
Lot No. 11 -Women's Fine Kid Ch000late Oxfords 1.40 now 1.00
Lot No. 12 -Misses' Fine Kid Button Boots 1.50 now .90
Lot No. 13- Women's Pebble Oxfords .90 now .50
Lot No. 14-Wsmen's White Canvas Oxfords ,. 1.60 now .75
Lot No.15-Woin-n'8 Fine Button Boots 3.25 now, 175
Lot No, 16-Misges' Chocolate Batton Boots 1.45 now 1.00
Lot No. 17-Children'e Lace Boots 50c to 990 now 25o to 30o .
Other lines in Men's,Boys' and Youths' at great•reductions ; also
full assortment of Rubbers of all kinds, both American and
Canadian makes; also Men's Felt LiuedGoods,high,loose Socks,
as well as buckled and laced. Women's ii felt plain and leather
foxed styles,laced, button and. g.aiter,all at reduced prices; also
a large stock of Mens' and &by's' heavy buckled Rubbers'the
"King quality stubb proof," 1 and 2 buckle the Yukon, 4bue,-..
kle. We have a large stock of heavy. Socks for men and boys.
Mens C*rshoes, both heavy and light,the Manitoba 4–buckle,
as well tis Women's Overshoes, Over gaiters and Cardigans.
Men's felt and. hair -lined goods—the Klondike 4 -buckle with
heavy felt lining, also Stelling Bros' Grain Bluchers felt lined.
Hand–made boots in French and veal kips, all first class.
For men the "Invictus" Sboe made by Geo. A. Slater...in.
different styles and all sizes.
HARNESS—Only 2 set Double and 2 set Single Harness
left. hngs'Blankets, Galloway Goat and, SaskatChewan.
Robes, all at Bargain Prices.
TRUNKS—We hnve a good assortment of all kinds of
Trunks; also Valises, Telescopes, etc.,all of which must be sold.
Frank Miller's Best Harness Oil 35c qt.; Beaver 20c
Dwelling House For Salc,
'e .Lea
In the following:
New Raisins
New Currants
New Dates
New Figs
Best Selected Raisins 5c
28 lb Box, $1.10
Also in Breakfast Foods
Fair's Food
Cream ofWheat,
Malt Food .
Swiss Food
And many others.
We are Belling oar Toilet Sets Chea
PEZZO.-In Clint13°on,Itof esday, Oet. 24, the
WAY, of 0, M. Boaz°, of a datighter.
SPAI,DING.- In Clinton, on Tuesday, Oet,
29tb, to Mr and MrOW. P. Spalding, a daughter.
GRIelt47-11k (1elblirrie, 011 boTotOF rd, tho
w fo of 2,Ir 1 dward(3trigg, of a daughter.
STEVENS.-At the Methodist parsonage
liarrisvill Jo Michigan, on October 14th, to the
Rev L. 11. and Mrs Stevens, a daughter.
(Rev Stevens *son of XV IL Stevens, of town.)
WALLER -in Seaforth, on October 19 h,
the wife of Mr Frank Waller, of Brantfot
of a on.
MURRAY.-In Egmondville, on °eta, r
21st, the wife of Air P. 11. Murray, of a
L AMMIE,-On Ootober lUth, the wife o! Yr
Wm Lanunie, of Hensall, of a daughter.
PERRY -In Kincardine, on October lath. to
Mr and Mrd Perry, formerly of Clinton, of a
WEST. -At the Nouse, Bluevale, on October
18th, to Rev and Mrs W, J. West ; a daughter.
ItJACKSON4nKullett, on Oct 25, the wit- f
Harvey Jaolaion, of I i(Jfl. .•
MoTAGGART-13R6ER.-At the residence
of (3) D MoTaggart,Esq.,01inton,on Wednesday,
Oct 81, bv Rev A Stewart, Capt I) McTaggart,
of Clinton, toMiss Edith Broder;o1 Morrisburg,
HUNTER- CAMERON. -()1i Ootober 16th, at
the residence of Mr &MO Campbell, Luoknow,
by Rev A. McKay, Mr Jacob Steel Hunter,
Lucknow, to Miss Bella, daughter of the late
John Cameron, of Ashfteld.
SALTER-GOULD.--At the residence of .the
bride's parent's, on Wednesday Oct. 23rd, by
the Rev C. W. Brown, B. A., B. D., Mr Martin
Salter, to 'Miss Emily, second daughter of Mr
Richard•Ciould, all of, Exeter. '
'MoCRAE-COSENS.LAt the residence of the
bride's father, Trowbridge, .on Ootober 28rd,
by Rev T. W. Cosens, brother of the bride,
Hugh McCrae to Miss Mazy Helena, daughter
of Chas Cosens, all of Trowbridge.
Tuesday, 22nd inst., Mr Geo. Brenner, to Miss
Martha Albrecht, hotha former residents of
.flay township. . •
SWEITZER-SAERCHER. -At • the real -
donee of the bride's parent, lir and Mre
Aaron Saercher, Bronson line, on Wednes-
day evening, October 28rd, by the Rev C. S
Finkbeiner, of Zurich, Mr Edward Sweitzer,
of Crediton, to Miss Adeline Karcher, of Ha
FLYNN-EVANS.-At the It O., church
Irishtown,by Rev Father MoBwan, Owen
McKillop. ofH ullett, nMin le 'EvanMcKillop.p.
MoktILLAN-In Hullet, on Oct 31st, John
McMillan ex-M.P., aged 60 years.
merALL.-In Fordwich, on October'16th
Mrs MoFall age 87 years. •
WATT. -In Hullett, on October 16th, Mnry
Elizabeth, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jam
Watt, aged 9 months.
cArdtet.-In Et Marrs, on Monday, Oct.
Emma Este Jane Carom, wife of Eieliart
Camm, Usborne, aged 86 years, 9 months
8 diva,.
BOWYBIL=In Gerrie, on October 21st
Jemima johnson,l relict of the late Th3ma
Bowyer, aged 84 years, 11 months, and 7 days
SANDERS. -It Chicago, 111., on Oct. 18th
Dr Wm H Sanders, formerly "of Exeter, agot
87 years, 8 months, 18 days.
THOMAS. --In. Fordwieh, on Oct. 22nd
-Edmond. Thomas, aged 97 years.
than others oan buy.
Fresh Pork 'Samuel and Tenderlion
on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Japan and Swain Teas 100 and 15o lb.
W. T. O'Neil
Our telephone number is 48
O. as
DODDS.-In Tarnberry, Oct. 19th, Andre
Dodds, aged 80 years,
CAI,BICS,--M New Westminster, B. C.
' The purchaser of monument
should have • complete confidence •
in the reliability of the firma, tram
which he bur, for the material
and workmanship is something
very few buyer's are familiar with.
If you.do not know ne, please in..
quire about our reliability from
those who know ne beet. We are
the only practical men here in our
J. B. Hoover Proprietor
Next to ComMercial Hotel
The Latest Puzzle.
can Seeley & Turner sell Bleycles so Cheap?
Why, becanee the season is drawing to a close Ana they intend to ton off the below of
their stook of wheels to make room for new ones, and they do not want 10 oarry them
over winter. Good Seeonatshand wheels from $5 to $20, All new wheels to tell at coot
front let of Nov. to 15th. Now is the time Weave monily if you halts any notion of
wheel. It will pay you to call and Me them.
Seeley Turner,
on Pot. 14th. e,t the residence of her son -in -la
Cart J. W. Rogers, Agnes et., Mary M.
relict of the late W. A. Calbiek, in the 6,9
Tear of her age. ,•. ,•
TORRANCE.In•Vire-t Hall, Man,. on Oct. • • C
Oth, John ' Torrance, brother to. Mrs David. • A. J MORRISII, linton
Ross, Brussels, aged 74 years and 7 months,
VANSTONE.-At 817 East Bristwood street
Marshall, Mo, on Monday. Oct. 7th, Charles H,
Varistone, aged 67 years, 1 month and 17 days.
Success on the Perin.
In addition to hie Arst-olaas home newie.
poper, no former who wishes to make farno,
ins, a pleasure and a profit can afford to be
without a paper like the "Farmers' Advo•
este," of London, Ont.ospeolally devoted to
he own business. It is written by praot.
Wel men for praotioal mon in all bronchia
of agriculture, and is beautifully Otteri
Onto Write the "Advocate" publiehers fur
a free sample copy. It willbear inspeetiou$
re id the r announcement, entitled "Mak
the Farm Pay," elsewhere in this issue.,
Sale Register. •
Household furniture belonging to Miss Pugh,
William street. Clinton on l•zaturclay Nov. Atli,
at -2 p.m. D.Dickinson, auctioneer.
Five sore lot on William St., Clinton, bc,-
lanais v to P. Straith, at 2 r. m., on,Satar day,
Nov. 23 Do Dickinson, Anct.
New ACOnvitoentruut .
Gooctgenera servant, apply to
Nov 1, North St.
Apprentice Wanted.
Go2c1 strong lboy to learn Blackemithing,
• Nov 1-2.
Apariments to Let.
A Moe large room front with small room
attached, two bedrooms tin Oahe four in all,
suitable for married couple, .Apply 60 King St.
., Teacher Wanted.
For S.S. No. 7, Hallett, duties to commence
on the first teaching day of 1901, state salary
exPeoted, qualifloatic ns, etc., persona). appli•
cations preferred. Apply to
Foy 1, }Myth.
' .
WANTED, Reopens) b'e Manager (integrity
sr must be unc)ltstionable) to take charge
of distributing depot and office to be open ed in
t Canada to further business interests of old ee.
tablished manufacturir a concern. Salary $150
, per month and extra:sprats. Applicant must
have $1500 to 112000 pash, and good standing.
Address, Supt., P.O. Box 1161, PhilacielPhia, Pa.
1 . .
. loctin.11 Sdle if Good Real Estate
The undersigned will sell by public auction,
on the premises at the north elld of William
;Ettreet, near the Collegiate Icstitute, at 2 p.m.,
. on Saturday, Nov 23, a five acre lot, excellently
situated. There is on this small farm an on
, chard of very fine fruit, 8 acres of the choicest
l of raspberries, and there is a large and valuable
sand and gravel pit of all grades for sewer
. piping, granolithlo pavements, etc, and there iE
also pl, nty of water very convenient on the
place. Just the place for a farmer who wants
r to retire on a few acres..Only reason for sell
ing, inability of owner to work it.
Terms Cash, •
: . Nov 1-8 '
November tt,i9Oi
8r co
Below we give you a few prices taken at ran-
dom froin our immense stock which will show you
the advantage of buying where business is done on a
cash basis.
26 lba good Baking Sugar for $1.
Fine Selected Valencia Ramble, 6 lbs for 25o.
Choice Cleaned Currant's, very fine, 3 Ibs for 260,
Melee Mixed Pickles, 10o per bottle, or 3 bottles for 25o.
Gloss Starch, per package 7o
Yolk Baking Powder, the best in the market. Try
it at 100, 15o, and 20o per paskage.
The old reliablebrand Tea Sittings at 10o per,lb or lbs for 25o,
Fine Breakfaet Coffee, in one lb. tin pails, 25o,
Choice Japan Tea, our own importation, regular
, price fro.c SOO to 350, our price 250.,,
Grey Cotton, yard wide, heityy, worth 8o, for 50.
Plaid, Drees Goods, in bright colors, suitable for wrappers or
o ' at 5
Homespun Dress Goods, in grey and navy, 56 inches wide, re.
gular 500, for 85o.
Lace Curtains, 54 inobea wide,n. yards long,regular $L35,for $1.
Men's Frieze Ulster, regular price $7.50„ for $4.95.
Men's Beaver Overcoats, bine and black, velvet collar, Italian
• lining, at 55.95, $7.50 and $10.
Men's Tweed Suits,Shorey'a make,at 33, 5450,80,87.50 and $10.
Ladies' Wrappere, made* of heavy yrzapperette, in new patterns, •
very rsyelial, at $1.
• •
McKinnon Co. Blyth
WI -1M TWO. .00...
Buy your new hat
Before Easter, before the etyle and
size get broken. We make a,speciality ot
bate and have a larger stook than in any
previous season of the beet English and
American make, stylee and sizes.
In Englirsh hats we ; have the cele-
brated 'Wakefield, Sackville and Leis ie
makes. Our American Hats combing good
istyle end quality in all the new colors from
pearl t'o blacIti • •
Incorporated by Ad of Parliament 1865
CAPITAL $2,500,000
REST FUND $2;150.000
Wm, Marl MiallEatIONs President
lunts Exam, Gen. Manager.
Notes disoonnted, oolleetions made, Arsits
haled, sterling and American exchange
bought and sold. Interest allowed on
depogite. SavMo Bram -interest allowed
on gums of $1 and np. Money advanced to
farmers' on their own notes, with one or
more endorsera, No mortgage required.
BM. Brewer, Manager,
Pants and
. We have a line of pants that Are going
to be °leered out at 75o, an another line
at 90o, both of these would be good buying
at more money.
Till men have had a lot of trouble in
gaiting overalls long enough in the leg and
not too large in the waist, we have just what
is wanted, 86 inches is the longest, they
exit more to make them that way but they
are going at the same price.
We baye an extra good black worsted
suit made to order at $16. It is the reg-
ular 318 quality. but by buying a large -
quantity we can sell it for
A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton.
SUBTLER. -At Dathwood, on Sunday even •
ing. Oct. 20th, Abraham Metter, at the age o •
22nd,:Win Lambert, aged 77 YearS. Soethig:- Sel.!
61 years, 4 months and 10 days. m
LAMM:MT.-In Ripley, on Tuesday,' October npcta
THIS is not to be a Millinery Opening
But a STOVE DISPLAY Openbiz.
S. De•AN,. Clinton We intend making a special display of all tbe newest designs and im-
provementa in Cooking Stovee,Heating Stoves and Heating appliances,
TANDARD On Friday and Saturday, Oct. 25 and 26,
HoEs In Our Three Stores- (
- We lave just received a
'shipment of our justly cele
brated line of Standard Shoes
for Boys. These goods need
no introduction as they are al–
ready, well known and are re-
cognized to be the best wear -
pig Boys' Shoes on the Mar-
. They are made ,of a . choice
quality of Milwaukee grain
and without seams.
Insoles and counters guar-
anteed to be absolutely solid
sole -leather. •
No Shoddy
No Paper Soles
Patronize the New Shoe Store
and get new Shoes.
Fred T. Jackson
Announcement !
THE MoKAY BLOCK GROCERY his New Bulging, Currants, Figs and
Prune°. !Ideated Raisins and New rigs only So a lb.
New Sweet Potatoes and Cranberriee. No, 1 Labrador Herring*, Codfish,
Smiled Herrings,Finnan Haddiee, ()Woes. •
• Pork Sausages fresh every week.
Teas, Coffees and Spices.
We givo you the very best value In Teas, Coffees and !Video. Our Chinese
Mixture Tea Is selling feet. We sell a Tea for 25o, good enough for the
Duke and. Duchess to drink,
piNiAlt—. We lead in quality and quantity. klioe Suisr Byrn p 40c a p1.,
1 ihe a quori,
in Fancy Cliskat Ofiktitto Tea and toilet Sets we have tinellty.
quantity and price, and we are sure' to please. No trouble to show
goods- whether you buy or not. Kindly give tut a call.
Highest prioe paid for Butter and Egge. • . •
The noted Tea Store and China Hall, ,
week. 25.-1. D. A. FORRESIE. R. . Cooking Stoves end Barges the
attend,whether you• want to purchase or not. We waist you to eee what
And Pittend a hearty invitation to all -both ladies and gentlemen—to
we have. We will have three eeperate,departrosists,
Mangoldg for Sale.
Mtingolds fOr sale, $8.p7a. ton delivered ,ne;tt
Centre Store.
--. • Coal and Wood Heating Stoves in the north Store,.
General Servant. Second hand Cooking and Heating Stovers in the South Store:
Thie will greatly facilitate tbe seeing and examining of the different
General servant wanted. apply to
MRS. W. BRYDONE, Immo St., Clinton.
Oct 2,!.--tf.
Teacher Wanted
Protestant. for S. $. No 9, Hullett, for 1902.
Apply abating salary- and experience to
Joins Fisrowan, Auburn Ont.
Oct. 18-42
Teacher Wanted,
Male or female teacher wanted for S. S.No.10,
Goderich township, duties to 'begin Jan. 8r d,
1902. Applications received up to Nov. 2nd,,
Personal applications perferred.
Oct. 16th -4. Clinton P.O.
Bargains' in Pursiture
ASA arrived a large oonsigntrient of new goode, consisting of Bedroom
Sete, Sideboards and Extension Tablee, These goods were bought right
and, will be sold cheap.
Ostir stook of Window Shades was liought before the rise, The
vantaga is yours, New Miura Moulding, ilattresitem, Wire Spring.,
Morrie Chairs, Conches, and iron Bede.
Pries of every artiele low as the quality will permit. Your money
back if you want
J. II. 40111MIL4IL.Eili%re
For Sale.
A floe story and a half frame house on On-
tario street, contains g 9 rooms with entire
cellar underneath, sIeo hard and eon water,
quarter of an sore of land and a good nom.
tier of beantifol shade trees! situated on one
of the prettiest and pr noipal streets in Clin-
ton,being on the corner of Ontario and Dinsly
stresto. Will be soldreasonab'e. For further
Particulars apply to MRS 3, MoMURRAY,
Also for sale-stoye, extension Mble, side-
board, and several mailer articles'.
Oct. 11-tf. Oltptdif, Ont.
Progressive stock breeders,
men, poultrymen, grain, root and
fruit growers, beekeepers, agricul-
tural students, and home makers
find the articles and answers to
questions: in eyery issue of the
simply unequalled and Indispensable.
It you are not already a subscriber
to the most helpful, beat printed and
beautifully illustrated farmer's paper
published, we invite scrutiny of a
sample copy. A post card will bring
it free. Address
subscription price, $1
per year, includes also the superb
2‘tnatt N, umber.
°lessee of stovee. A. Move is an artiole, if of the right kind will almost
last a lifetime --therefore people of good judgment always uy the •
We keep nothing else. It pays to sell the best -such as The nappy
Thought Range, Nailonal'Pearl, Honor Bright, Radl•
ant Home Base Ileater.VIctorlan, Modern Jewel, Pam..
one • oak, etc.
Don't miss geeing our display, yon could make no greater mistake than
to fail to visit our store before finally deciding to purchase a stove. If
you want a STEEL RANGE let ne figure with yon so that-yangl not
have to pay two prioee.
Cheap Store and Hardware. House, •
Men's Underwear.
At prioee ranging from 50c to 52,50 a enib, Stanfield's Unehrinkabre, far
derwear is the moat satiefaotory goods on the market. They are made of
pure wool, and are warranted not to shrink, prices, 51,50, $2,00, to Oa
tsers and Overcoats.
Ottrl All Wool Ulster- at 5 land Grey Helton. Overcoat aro iwO
lines ,worthy of your attention.
• If you are thinking of bnying a robe we want to dell it. We handle the
Saskatchewan, it is node without seams, handsome, warm, durable
waterproof; is lined with a superior Astrachan lining, and has an in
lining of rubber sheeting, to make it both wind 'and water proof. WI
ordinary care it will hot from ten to twenty years, Will shed the wa
better and dry (picker than a fur:robe and never get hard. It ix lsome
proof, which is a strong point in Ito favor. SiZetA 52x64, and 52174 '
We are shipping a few oars of potatoes,. 11 you have more than tau
bring them in.
W. L. OUI,MUTTE, Londesboro