HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-11-01, Page 1Wale esi
A, MANCE FOR NEW SUBSORIBERS--The Clinton NewErawilibe sent to new subscribers to the 1st of 4anuary„ MO, for SI cob.
fiteleeteinend the New Aro te
yogi, Mendes
OEM U07.4111116,1intri
It's all right to have faith '
your watchsein fact there'a
small reason for carrying a •
watch in whiell you can't have
• faiths But first get a reliable
watch.; buy it at cl, safe Store.
We guarantee our watches and
iive4tell you the facts about
, them rhere's e wide range
of choice, and..-yeur safety is
, made doubly sure because (he.
sale isn't settled till you are
I satisfied..
Good Watches
are fairly priced
nispert Watch. Repairers „
t elf a And Optician
Omani Time Bean,
T nelteramith. •
enema -Mr Ed Bell, of llullett, has
taken a situation with Mr A. Elcoat,
and, with his wife, will occupy the
small house on the farrn. Miss Bertha
Crich,Seeforth, visited friends here
this week. Mrs Wm. Townsend, ere
has returned home. after visiting her
son in Algoma. Mr and Mrs I. Mode-
tileaforth, spent Sunda,v at the
home of her mother, Mrs Sas. Crich.
Misr/ Cora Reweliffe spent Sunday of
last week at her home in Usborne.
Miss Maggie -Davis, Clinton spent.part.
of last week as the guest of her friend,
Mre Ira Johns, Mrs J. McQueen, Stan-
ley, visited Mrs Little and other friends
<in the 4th con., last Week,. where She
- &innerly resided. •
Noma -The managers of the Preis
layterian church are on their rounds to
sillietip the subscription lista lee the
new church. : Inspector Tom visited
the &bile school on 'Mondays and
-Dudes. very. favorable report. ' W.
-"Trani:Ion is building a new heirs° on
emain street. Sone Ferguson has a
new stable in course of erection. John
Talbotter made a visit home last week.
H. Dramen has put a' stone foundation
-sander his house, and built it new shop
trontein order that his tailor shop and
dwelling house will' be combined. G,
sLindeay, who is under the care of Dr.
Woods, is dangerously ill with feyer.
We are gIad to hese that W. Derby
is recovering ferns typhi id fever. Miss
Martin is having some impottent
changes nut& in her telephone • wires
J. W hidd. n's evapnrator will close jil
einother week. C. Falkner retureed on
Monday from aloosejau , Man., where
•.he has been for Borne mouths; he re.
.11300 s -big crcps,
neetett sight ieriewast
• Pon &it portirct sone/
moats & mechanics.*
rawest which wss am,
we erw ea era in ewe
rewrites! ht.
• scientuid leoweeless
' and Opticiets •
The Pickling
Season is
it Hand
And we want to emphasize
them faeta concerning our
Trinegarand Pickling Spices
they ark to he depended on bemuse
• their lugh totality.
We are it
"It does
tbet e
Thet is
thing i
th believer in the old Saying
pay to trifle with the confidence
ostler hes in ea and ear geode,'
we carry the beet of every.
tir line, '
We axe buyers of
Plums an#,Pears
• Th d easih a -eatery.
Ogle Cooper Cht
The Clinton New gra, and Week'ly (lobe, and two pictures, to the 1st of January, 1903, 'tor only$
M.41.0.1•14.0.,MX N
• i The riblieher would eeteem it 0 fever
If telt der* would, wheo reeking* their
purchases, mentwalhat they teiW the
mercheuesadvortisement in Ship prier
014ilsZ11PN, ONTARIO. NOV.E1V1131113 I 1991.
• -144StWawanon Helens
d .
Adams got a carload
coal last Thursday BO he expecte
keep 'orarnt this coming winter.
Saturday laet Meson Bacharcl-Wa.
Archibald Webster and N
returned from the prairie proten
Mr Thomas Gibbs hes had his he
trimmed 00 as to prepare for 0
Weather, Mr George JOhnson heti h
his house sided up with lumber
make it vvarnsers The Londesborou
" son have sold their house and lot to Mr
r- 1 LieLteesoe,-efr and Mrs Kugh Ander.
• II $ •
..dt-' , El Rorie who _gets possession in the
7,; Wine- Mr end Mrs Anderson purpose
' .
and as they haVe lived tagerly thirty.;
, tuovinnsto near St Thomas, to ye near
their daughter in their declining Years,
five yeats here their . familiar figure
il, will be much missed when they depart
a from our midst.
114,Nnes,-Miss Gordon, who left for
Winghant about a month ago,to nurse
e 6, case of septic typhoid, hats we are
1.1 Barry to say, contracted the disease
from her patient, and is now undergo,
n ing. treatment in the hospital at Lon.
11 __ . _ ever musb be very prevalent an
Wingham as Miss Gordon is the second
professional nurse in attendance who
a has contracted the disease,but we hope
that through time she may. return to
her home and friends here, in renewed
health and strength again. '
Ineonnnoe,-A few days einee Hi
inan Wightinan left this toWnebie f
the Soo, taking boat Owen Soun
Last week a zeport was. circulated th
the boat had gone down, and h
friends were very inueh alarrcied, bit
we are pleased to say that airman a
rived safely at his destination,
Beestotntlost. -Mr.John McClinto
collector for this township, holds
shows his efficiency as a cone tor of
record, which is hard to eurpet and
taxes. For six years he has he lath
position; and during the last. tWre
) has collected every cent hi
hit, tett calls for. When it Is know
attotuntht _erneobi snecessarily invariably iamae_cwerhtfaci
Is usually' returned as "uneolleptable;
it shows Mr McClinton% efficiency as
competent collector.
NoTas.-J H McClinton spent a few
days in 13tantford last week. Miss
Mary- Aemstrcing is visiting among
Mende here. Wesley Stackhouse has
returned 'tfrorn Plumes, Man.,' after
spending five weeks' with his mother,
who is seriously ill with inflammation ;
•we are pleased to hear that she is Ina -
Proving rapidly. Mr V Reeve, London,
the Manager of the Man ufacturers' and,
General Life Assurance Ca, was here,
last week looking after the intereste of
the company: he has made arrange-
ments With 'II I Morrish. to continue
lookine after the northern half of the
county, while S. liooper, Clinton.looks
after the southern part. A handsome
2eiterey brick bite been erected. for Mr
Vincent, on the 3rd concession;enotber
handsome house for Mr Jacobs is WO
built on the boundary; it is composed
of concrete blocks and is going to look
well when completed. Mr Jos Hoover,
of tht. 5th, is one of the pioneers of this
township,having resided in it for about
yearsithoueh uja in. yeaas he is near-
ly as. vigorous as the best of them, arid
can take his share of work every day in
the week. Me John McOlinton,sr4 one
of the moat highly respected residents
of the 'township, is also one of the olds
est teachers in the county, though re-
tired from his profession some time
ago, he-waseengagaisinestraining the
youth of our land•tor over 85 yeaes,and
for 17 years continuously heel the mas-
teeship of Londeshoro school; the good
principles he instilled in the lives of his
pupils Must be inestimable, and con-
tributed to their good eitizeeship in 'Af-
ter years; may he live long to en aty
the rest he has so well earned, est
Wawanosh Should be, and is, a good
'mine teen:Wire; for it has not a hotel
within its borders, while the beneficial
.effects of ;three churches shed their
light and influence on the community.
The new union echool on the boundary
is a handsome brick buildimearod should
prove a benefit to the itinnediate neigh-
horhood;we are eorry that there is any
friction among the people the com-
bined sections, and hope that all 'died -
titles will be ansiably adjusted; they
hOuld; what's the use of 'keeping up
wife, . Thi a is a report, with what de-
gree of truth we cannot saY. that Mr
John McClinton may qieit far•rning and
move to somepeighborirg townehould
he do so he will be very greatly missed
in the conimunity, for be is a usefel
pan in many respecee,
. Underfelt Township
Noetts.-R, Thompson, ir returned
last week Eisen Manitoba, having en.
payed it very mech. Mrs J. Sininame,
Biyt hsvisitcd her sistertel rs J. Stewart.
last week, G. Lindsay is laid up with
typhoid fever. '
fa •
Etoneg LoesseeWhen Mr O. 'Nesbitt.
of the 16th core, went to his stable last
Friday morning he found his driving
horse lying dead in the stall, it having
pulled its halter around its nose in such
a way as to strilocete itself. The enitn.
al was quite a pet,and while not intrin•
*ally as valuable as %others on the•
farns, "eta One thattannot easily be re-
piaeed; it was so thoroughly reliable
diet his danghters could drive it with-
out- the slightest dattger; it was not
afraid of a train, would not shy, was
very easily kept, aril knew almoet as!
'much as sonee human beings.. It,
is not to be wondered atethereforeetute
all felt very bad at de lose,
.1.1•1•41,•=•••••• ....0•••••.,•.my,amer
NOTES, -The Jolly Pulls Coe which
was here last year, is at; Seaforth
during this week giving' entertain-
ments. The "loupe(' has been having
much to do of late in ronnection with
the new grairolithie walks; they have
found it necesssary to adjust a number
of cases of damages sustained by citi-
zens. f On Wednesday, Ott 30th, the
Ladiee' Ail of the Presby terian eh nrch
will have an entertainment, aed Chao,
Kelly, basso, has been engaged for the
Notts. -.Mt and Mrs T McMichael
spent ambulate of deem last Week with
Mende in &toter. Mr and Mrs gerbil
Ileticlerson returned home on Friday,
after spending a week at the Buffalo,
Miss Ethel Glidden, of Baylield,returta-
ed borne on Seuday, after spending a
mutate of. weeks with her aunt here,
3 McKnight, of the London roactepetit
Sunday with friends here, Miss Berg-
in, of Seafortb, la spending a few days
with her brother here. Quite a
bet from here attended the oyster sup-
per at Constance on Friday evening
last and apent an enjoyable time. Mho
Maggie Scott addressed the League at
Turner's appointmenton Sunday even.
ing last. A. series of special services
are at present in progress in Connec-
tion with our church here; Service eV+
cry evening at /.30;cortie and enjoy the
meetings with us. Mr Prank Story, of
spent Sundae with friends f
here. rs Geo bale spent a couple of a
days at Fetniondville. Dulmage, of n
MeXillop, spent Sunday With hissistee,
, .
DEATEL-It was with deep regret we
learned ef the death of Wm Barbour,
jun., of the 10th con. Althopgh in
rather poor health during the summer,
he was comparatively well when he
took suddenly ill again and lived but a
short time, kidney trouble being the
immediate cause of death. Be was the
main support of his and parents, who,
with his sorrowing widow and three
small children, have the eympathy of a
large in
of friends and acquaint-
ancesen their bereavement. The re•
mains werelintereed in Bethel cemetery,
Rev Mr Whaley conducting the ser-
vices at the house and graye. •
Naree.-Rey. Mr Whaley conducted
annisrersary services at Exeter on Sab-
bath last, while Rev Mr Mirth', of Ex-.
eter, eupplied here for Mr Whitley in
his absence'. A number from around
her attended anniversary services at
Whitechurch and also the tea•meeting
on Monday evening last. W 0 Webb,
j_who has returned from Menitobielooks-
'the better of his trip West, and reports
good crops and pleasant elate with
many acquitintatices and friends. Who
formerly lived in these 'parts. Misses
Rene and Winnie Gorden,of Lucknove
&pent, a deer last week at their uncle's,
W Gordon. Ur Neeley, of Michigan,
who was visiting hitedauetters Mrs D
Todd, has returned home aettin. Mr
and Mrs Harrisoneof Gotierich, called
on friends in tine -vicinity last week,
0 B., Everitt, Auburn, wite assisting Mr
Mr Murdock to move his furnitues to
Godench this past week: tdr Tebbutt
wheeled to Goderich on FrideY, having
a pleasant return spin again on Satur-
,day. .
' Bullett •
lameetteret.---Mr A E Wetheral, eadie
has taught so satisfactorily in No. 7
for the past two years, purposes mak
ing a change with the new year, • he
having secured the principalship of his
home school at Auburn. lie, however;
regrets havine to sever his connection
with this section and will alwaya hold
a very Web opinion of it. Mr Wether-
al is a young man of excellent abilities,
sterling character and genial diopeei.
tion, and the Auburn people are to be
congratulated on securing his services.
reoees.-Miss Mary tticbmond, of
Mepte Ridge. visited Hullett friOnde,
tetelyt The tru -tees of S S No 7 are ati
vertising tor a teeehee for next year,
Geo. Tyner, of the 9,..h can., intends,
moving this week to the Place which
he purchased from Nelson Bingham, of
the /eh con.; Wm. A. Vadden teketi
possession of the place vacated by MI
Tyner. Miss Lizzie A. Cunningham,
teacher of S. S.- N. 5, spent Sundey
her father's house in Rest Wawanosh.
WEDIUNG.-Acr event of interes
took place in the It 'O. church at Irish
town. on Tuesday, when the marriage
of Owen Flynn, Hullett, to Miss Minnie
Evans, Meleillop, was performed by
Rev rather McEwan, in the presence
of a large assemblage.- The bride ve3.8
beautifully dressed, as also was her
sister. Who assisted as bridesmaid, the
groom being attended by his brother
A.ndrew. After this important part
was over, the party repaired to the
home of the bride, where a Yninpftlotts'
dinner was par taken of. 'The presetite b
included very valuirbie gifts, to the d
bride, who hue:natty intimate blends gl
The happy couple then drove over to Je.
their future home in Ilulletts where Mr sh
riven ts a popular and progressive
on cohere
,, 0
ot weated.--erlaht dried apples ren Orders
to direct. from G011111kUnA160 Val butter, fowl
and raw tare -0, 1..KirtC4 Wtochsun. Novi.
On '
Niaires.-Itir and Mrs Alt Ireland are
est at the Pan-American this week. Miss
ese Alberta Pauline, of Bay City, Mich., is
use visiting her sisters, Mrs13. Jenkins and
eie Aire tem Henderson. G. Newton, of
ad re sHill, returned to Ms home on
to Prides., after an extended visit to his
,,.h uncle. O. A. Newton, of town. Miss J.
ene. 1 Jenkins, Bluevale road, entertained a
W, - party ot young peophi from town on
tig , w,ecinesday night.
r-0 4,
er aR9101) D.'e Aneatters-Ilpon see
ry arrival of Flarold D.. the ,fastest bred
horse in Canada, on Tuesday afternoon,
ly .quite a reception was held at the etas
on !lion, and a parade was headed by the
cid Lucknow.Band..• He were a collar of
roses and chrysanthemum, presented
by. the business men and ordered from
the London Floral Cies e, number of
horse lovers from other towns were
creamery slipped the last of the s
son's batter on Wednesday. Ale
L. Oliimette is buying and shippi
Potatoes at twentyseight (28) cents p
Intshel, Mr W. H. Montt had a ve
successful Rale on VVednesday. T
Council of Hullett is Putting a supp
of gravel on the road near the uni
cemetery; it was very much need
Air Hughes of the 8th con.
left for Manitoba on 'euesday of this
Week ; he rented his farm to one of his
neighbors and 'purposes etaying for
t est, Mr john StePhe
son has moved from the 61. T. It, s
tion houseto the house of Mrs Walk
Mr Gearge Nevvton, of Wingharn, w
a visitor in the village on Wednescla
Mr Crondall shipped two cars of appl
this week to Brighton. A ball is
be given at T, Hill's hotel, •here,
Oext Wednesday, night. ei
evening a large. number of the peep
around here had a very enjoyab
time. The occasion . was the celebr
tion of the twenty-fifth anniversary
the marriage of Mr and Mrs Marsha
Braithwaite, vvheir about eighty pe
sens.partook ot a racist europtuoes sup,
per, and enjoyed theraselees most
happily until ablaut one o'clock in the
morning. Mr and Mrs Beal thwaiteare
highly respected; a proof of. which
could be seen in the many kind words
that were Beaker, and the excellent
presents that were brought in. After
supper theVieddingentirch was played
by Miss Alice 'Moon and the honored
couple were invited into the pallor
and the following address was read by
Irev Mt C.oupland:- , •
Mu Ann, Masi .,Bnaznerwhaalt:—.The 25th
annversary of your wedcling day. affords us
tlie onPortunity of giving expression to the
esteem in which you have been held by your
neighbors during the Jest twenty-five years,
and assuinRag the truth ce what seine one has
said that, one lily placed on a living brow is
better than a 'whole garland of flowers after
he has fallen asleep." We seize .this °vapor -
tunny of adding a trifle to-your•alread Y haPnY
life. Suggested by what it is to regret a lost
goZilranh:3;iffedtilitill itogryin.sirettcrtwic,t
1,13reak,break, break, • • ;
, At the foot of thy crest, '0 See,
• Stit a tender grace of a day thai hi dead
. Will never comei back to me."
Let no vain regrets be ;ours.. As a proof of
our dincerity we present to you a few articles,"
the sight of Which we trust, may give you
Pleasure in days toeorae as you take a retro..
Sped ,of tile past and it Is, our desire and
grayer thatyOur Life may shine asbrightlY aS
0 these articles. And that you may continue
another twenty•five years if possible vrithout a
ripple in yoUr matrimonial life.nnd then that
ocimay celebrate'your golden. wedding with
even greater Joy than this, and when the time
of your departure conies. =Ivy ' it ba to the
isn'A of everWtlng eeace.."Signed in behalf of
your, friends,
. Mrs' Ceuplande sang "Linger with
them, precious Saviour," while Miss
Mable Uoupland•presiden at the organs
and than a very suitable reply was
made be. Mr Jeraithwaite and the
friends' were asked to make free ' to en-
joy themselves as beet they could. A
'lumber of phonograeh selections were
given byMr and MisieLawrence which
added a great deel to the entertain-
ment,: Mr Lawrence also made sonic,
records which repi educed the address
end eruple of female, which made a
great deal. of aniuseinent. After .the
midnight hour and hunch had been
served prayer was offered by the pass
tor and the company ditimisse4 by sing-
ing. •-"God be with you till we roeet
egam." •
' parade,
ec- •Ontsrunte-A box social was held at
er' Mr Turvit's, sr., East Wawanosh, en -
as der the auspices of the members of the
Y. Congregational church, and a Very
,e8 pleasant evening was spent by those
en present. Work on the Methodist
church.is being rapidly pushed ahead;
it is a magnificent structure and an
ay ornament to the town. The Epworth
le League is holding a *melee of special
le meetings this week, and . ministers of
a. the different denominations.aee a,ssist-
of bag in the work; Winghain Methedist
11 church has a particularly earnest and
r- active band ot workers aittong the
young people, .
LEOTUMfe.--Rev R. W. • Dickie, of
Orangeville, delivered a most eloquent
lecture on "The Reign of the common
people" in the Presbyterian church isn'
Monday, Ooe 28, ' Mr Leckie, mission-
ary in the lumber camp!, gave seveey
interesting and entertaining lecture in
the Methodist church on Tuesday even-
ing under the auspices of .the W. O. T.
U. He began by describing hisearlylife and addiction . to. drink, and later
reform. He followed vrith the story of .
his call to the work among the lumber
camps, and describecl many amusing
incidents of the lumberman's life, or
the "boys", as he calls them. He des-
cribed theelhantyman's "turkey", the
the dance. For overan hour
he kept his audience deeply interested,
and ofttitneissn laughter, f
Trona an oceasion,a1 correspondent)
Trns IRON ,WoRffs -The Wingham
Iron Works Co has been re-orgainzed,
new directors have been elected, and h
Mr Bullopit has. been appointed general
manager. His appointment is a good g
One, • Hoe thoroughly understands the e
business. He is energetic, and clever, h
and viell no doubt hettke the. t
businessa, success, if allowed to follow e
his own good judgment. The directors T
all live in Wingbarn, but do not kaow m
anything practical about the iron work n
business, than they do of the great de- d
testable question of"Who struck 'Silly b
Patterson." But Mr Bullock's able A
guidance will probablyrnake it all right. io
A NEW BANK. --The Dominion Bank in
have just established an 'agency inehis
town, The Bank of Harniaton has se
done remerkablv well here, anti, was
never more popular than at the .pres- oe
ent time, under the management of Mr
Carbould,ehly• assisted by Mr Smith
, son of our esteemed townsman, Mr
;Smith, hardware merchant. 13oth the
' Hamilton and Dominion bapke are
first rate, • but • the question is ."Oan
snow* business be found here for
both of them. We wish both success,
• Aubuin
TEES Penrao LIBRARY. -There is
• scarcely an institution in this Village
atom deserving of support tha,n the
Public Library. It more than "fills a
long -felt want', and is evidently ap-
preciated by the public, who are
(trough itS channel,,, able to get the
est literature, as well as mad the
ally news. The ettertaintnent to he
ven this (Friday) evening by Miss
ays, on behalf of the Public Library,
ould have the cordial support of the
entire commututy.
.'NOTES.-Nekt Sunday sacramental
services will be held in the Wuffotd.
and Dungannon churches, and in
Auburn Methodist church, on Nov.
1.0th. Rev. Air Kennedy preached in
Exeter on &matey, for Mr Mille -arc',
Wile WAS herding anniversary Services
in this circuit. A good deal of interest
attaches to the forthcoming action of
our union schoolhotted, for the reason
two , new teachers to replace them
that both teachets leaving, and
means considerable in a community
like this; (shwa this was in type we
learn that Mr Wetheral has been
engaged as principal; he is well kb/own
as an excellent teacher and a yeung
man of great promise.) At a joint
meeting- of the Presbyterian congre-
gations of.Auburn and Car ow, which
WaS held in - Carlow on Monday,
October 28, tor the purpose of modu-
lating a call to a. minister, * decision
could not be made. A nurnbee from
here who went on the harvesters' ex-
cursion to Manitoba in August are ex-
pected . horne this week, Mrs S. Lout -
enslaver beyery ill at present.
Leiteetra.--On account ot.the leoture
on Tuesday evening the E. L. will meet
on Thursday, Subject "Consecration."
Onaisan s lkimoNsTriaTtort. - Next
Tuesday evening in the church here
an addrese will be given by Rev M. 3
M;Eteori behalf of the °ranee.
men, The subjeeb will be "Orangeism,
its possibilities. in the 20th century."
It Will be ;worth coming to hear. A
collection vvill be taken which will be
donated to the Frotestant Orphan's
Horne at Toronto,
latisvattet, Miss Annie Grummet('
gate a pleasant time to her friends
14t Friday evening, print° her least-
ing fin Toronto, where she hies taken a
responsible position. Annie has been
away for some time and teach noissed
by beith social and Christian eircles,and
new that her stay is to he name per-
manent her leaving will be more keen-
ly' regretted. However, all join in
Wishing.. her every success.
NOTES,- Quarterly service Will be
held nexe Sabbath in the Methrdiet
church, M Sundayed at
her home, Mrs Edgar, who hairteen
visiting her daughter, left for home
last week.' Misses and Cooper
spent Saturdey and Sunday with their
nend, Misa Grunnnett. Miss G Potter
tul brother, of Chicage, are visiting
tider the parental roof, Mra A Kirke
Visiting fried& in Buffalo.
re Lloyd, .
McEwen and wife,
Mr A Stewart andwife,Mrs D McEwen
and daughter, Margaret Isabel, Mrs A
e wen, Mr John Alkenhead and sis.
ter Isithellit, and Mr joss Aikenheed
and Wife have gone tei ',tea this week
to attend the marriageof their relative, •
Mise Isabella Spear. Mrs Alex Fraser,
lately of Clinton, hilt1 nor/ <1 Visa
ForAtellf=2! '111.4.46 4 Rti:d re -
ed from his trip to oose Jaw on
Monday last; he hoary crepe
•in that dietrict.
ciash forbetter end egg. . PInsitelrelents , ,
NOTES, --Rett. Mt bectiermie who is
visiting at the home of his nephew, 11.
McDermit, Stanley, preached in the
Preebviarian church on Sundays even.
ing. Mr Campbell and wife, Lowe,
Ited his brother, 0, Campbell, last
week; they had not seen each other for
20 years ;Miss Lillie Campbell return-
ed tubes°, with them, Mr Grey,sts tion
tioaetehn Ar, and his mother, hail° has
Pi S. Reed's ce m h, as
10%11 itviAchk 1Z
held on 1Vionday ofthis week, Mr
'Sparrow, Stanley, returnecl this week
from Manitoba.
801130511,110TEL-The vote fon the
establishing of a summer hotel by as.
slating in a loan of $10,000 proved sat's.
factoey and is merely taken as a test
for the goidance of the Legislature,
authorising the loan, in the meantime
Mr Smith intends to start at °Age, The
hotel is to be erected oti the (Sad side
of Norfolk street, near Britannia road,
and the property will include also the
land on the bank Of the lake on the op-
posite aide of the rose. The main
bundling will be briek veneer of 1501100
feet and three, stories high, having ae-
co m modation for 200 guests. Mr Smlth
has taken Mr Adamson's house on
Church street, The firstsod in connec-
tion with it was turned on last' Satur-
day by Mayor Wilson, The whip was
cracked by Sas Mitehell. the lines were
handled be D, McGillicuddy and the
Mayor at the plow handles the first sod
was ably turned, The Work of excava-
tion was at once proeeede with and
the foundationh Will soon be I id.
Additional Local News
HE'S A GOOD j000.11. -A, certain
geritlemar who resides in this
who is an expert on certain lines of
live stock, and can "Wee up" their good
and bad points in a few minutes, has
officiated. as judge at no less than 120
shows in la years. He is too modest to
allow his name to go into print; and
the public will have to be eatistied eath
glossing who it is; •
wed koovvn farmer living near Kings-
mill, was killed bf an M. O. R. traln,
het Saturday a few mules from the
place, Miss Ella Cline, a hfirse in VW -
tone, hospital, bin, daughter and resid•
ed here last year at J. B. liooveris
giving lessons in painting, Theedeceas
ed is a cousin to our townsnoan, J, B.
Hoover, who went (Irma to attend the
funeral •on Tuesday.
THE WOODMEN. -At the monthly
nseeting of the Woodmen of the World
on Monday evening last three new
raembers were taken in by initiation
and one by card. After the degree
week was concluded. song, recitation
and speech prevailed.. Tne annual
supper of the order will be held on Dec.
0th, when it is expected that several of
the laea,d efecers will be present. The.
lodge has eutered the competition for
prizes offered by the executive for the
comp bringing in the largest timelier
of new niernbere 'during C'eteber and
A SEND OFF.esPrivia
to his jo nine' the benedictine ranks,
number of ftlends took the occasion
give Oapt. Mclaggert ro
seed•otf and oii Monday evening m
in W. D. Fair's parlor. The table w
set for ten aiia a few hours of lollt
and speech were whiled-, away. T
occasion of the gathering was specie
to. make a presentation of a veluab
piece of cat glass to the captain as
remembrance of .haePe days eve
with his comrades. l'hle (Occlusive e
of young bachelors,.at one time co
sisting of about a dozen haat gra
ually faded away into benedic
arid only one now remains out of t
original crowd. '
,TELE.i Telephon
Co. is now• introducing the metall
wire eystein,-from Goderich to Sire
ord; the line emit- of Seaforth • bein
completed; the line frotn London t
Wingham, via Clinton, wee, rnade me
ilic awhile ago, The central oLlic
ere is now fitted Up with alt th
&test improvements the company ca
e!.; and are having all of their office
quipped the same. Several expert,
avnbeen busy this week. chengin
he system and put in a new switc
oard for the long 'distance service
he line has been made into a doubt
etallic system, so that speaking i
ow much plainer, especially at ion
istarices in outside service. Vtre hav
een enjOying a night service now fo
few years which very few towns en
ye and wh'ich is due to the efforts c
he local ageet..J.B. Runaball, in hav
g secured a list . of over 1.00 limb
ribero •
i Si per year in advent
elm when seat re. pilot
of Cod Liver Oil
• with Ilypophosphites
• ot Lime and Soda
Large Bottles,
05c and 50e '
P. Reekie ts
Prescription Drug Store
Sumner to Syineff Jackson,
N.I3.--Our. Compound Sy -
rap of White Pine and
• Ter Cures Colds. • 25e
• bilyision entitle.
us I
The sittings or the ()putt weee held
here on Saturday last, judge Doyle
presiding. The only contested cage .
Teveame ptehraat coee andGeneral
ance 0o. vs Livermore. The action was
on a note made by the deft in tavot of .
the plies, , payment of insurance
premium. • The defence set up was
misrepresentation on the part of the
agents of the Offs. The deft's- Any '
Was that not betree able to read he did
not understand that he signed a note,
that the papers at the time the insure,
twee, which was for $1000, was effected,
were not readover to hineancl that lb
was represented to hint that at the end
of 20 years he would receive all that ne
had paid the Company by Way of
premiums, eiz,$30 per annum, together
with interest at current rates, and also
that the Company would pay his estate' .
the full face Amount of the policy athis
death.Tbe evidence given on behalf
of the plffs was thatthe deft' agreed to
take what is called& 20 pay life polices ,
that the nature of it was fully explain- •
ed on severe" occasions that the defb • '
seemed to understand' what be Was daz
ing, that the note was read over to the
deft before it was signed and was sign-
ed by the defewho wrote his signature: *
It was further shown that' the deft
get his policyebout a week after the
note was given,thathe had had it paid
to him and era no complaint watt made
to the„plffs or to their local. • agent or
anyone else for them bythe deft and
that no objection to the policy was raise
ed nutil the deft was threatened with
proceedings on the note. , •
The judge gave judgment In favor of •
the deft. .
Early SettIements.
ern.Oetana, was here in his °facia
capacity on Tuesday. Mr McNeil is
not uaknown to people in this section
. -kr
Walkerville, fruie inspector for west
, A private letter to the Naw ESA'
Ateetvgrisany.-The Methodists of
this segtion held their anniversary ger-
vices on Sunday and Monday, and
were fortunete enough to have the
most delightful weather on both dart.
On Sunday three services. were held,
R. Millyard, of Exeter, preaching. on
each occasion, and his excellent and
thoughtful sermons Were nIttch appre-
ciated by the large audiences present.
On Monday evening a, publics anniVer-
Sary was held, the commodious build-
ing being packed to the doors. A tea
meeting was not held, but in its place,
an entertainment, was. given consisting
of music and addreoses, and the fact
that so large a crowd was present is
evidence that a "tea" is not necessary
to draw a crowd. The services of the
Doherty Male Quartette, of Clinton,
had been secured, and this excellent
company renamed a number of pieees
in a manner that thrilled the audience
With enthusiasm, which found *ant in
rounds of applause; Arise Maggie S.
VVashington, of Clinton, gave a couple
of excellent reeitetione while good ad.
dresses weredelivered by Rev. R, Mile
yard, Exeter; Rey. T. itfcNitir, Dnb.
gannon and It Holmes, M. P., Olinto
The Pastor ot the church, Rev. Xe
necly, occupied. the chair, and Added to
the plWasure to the evening by his
timely remarks. The gross proeeedr
were nearly 0100, which (less expenses)
go towards reducing the debt on the
parsonage. Thin circuit is fortunate in
the fact that it is in good 'financial
shape, having only a small indebted.
11e89, and the probabilities are that this
will he wiped out ere long. - With it
strong and generous congregatieneuch
as exists here, there need be no debt
whatever if the people orsly make up
their raieds to clear it off,
yevehing lase
Week the annual meeting of the 'curl-
ing cid& was held at the faileen'il. The
club is one which has a. large member-
ship and the prospects are that there
will be it good season, The officers
elected were i -Patron, Jas. MO,
Michael s chaplain, Rev. le H. Larkin ;
president, F. O. G. Minty; Vete, Alex,
Wilson; tiecretary-treasurer, R. S.
Haps committee, W. K. Pearce, Dr.
P4 J, Burrows, J. Weir, %V, Anient and
\V. D.
WCOLEMANPnlehant to it
judgment hotted re the Coleman Salt
Company aatile was held by Ait t•
eer T. Brame on Wednesday at Sea -
forth. The property consisted et some
eleven parcels but those were not of.
feted for fide as all were privately
dealt with previous and only the per -
sonar effectir were tiold. The Property
known as the Coleman Salt Works at
Seatorth and also those at Bruesele are
bought by Thos. Coleman, the Brussels
saitialock being rented to It
fordw o wili still U11 it
have given horticultural and agricul.
tural addresses at eartners' Institutes,
He has been kept pretty busy this fall,
and has fairly well covered •western
Ontario with the performance of his
duties. He says the new ect concern -
Inv inspection of fruit lute been well
received by packers, that he has found
fruit fairly well packed, that only oc-
casionally has he had occasion to find
serious fault, the principal cause of
complaint being that barrels are not
properly labelled, as required. The
apple crop is very short, apples being
not as good as osual, as they were 'very
wormy and inflame sections under size.
Mr McNeil proposes during the winter
months to give talke, through the
Varmints' Institutes, on apple cultuee,
apple peeking, and the export trade in
apples and pears.
TE EVAPOBATOR.--A ' visit t
the Town 456 Case evaporator shows
howapplea, not tit for packing purposes,
man be utilized and turned oueinto the
best of expoetegoods. There are differ-
ent grades of e vapor ated fruit 'but Mr
Case tells us the material turned out
this season is the beet hebas ever seen.
Although the fruit is much scarcer it
is all of a better quality and cannot be
reached for odor or finish. The season
here generally taste for ten or twelve
weeks and the evaporator kept going
night and day but this year there will
only be e, half season of six weeks.
Next week operations will shut 'down
unttl next year's supply and only . the
packing of the fruit done will be attend-
ed to. The output of his . Dungannon
evaporator and also that of the Bay-
field factory which he bought from j.
Whiddon, will be all packed there,
Shiptuents hoe been Made to Toronto,
New York and ether places and he has
receivtd word. from the dealers that
this yeat's product is of extra- quality
and' better than that of former year%
VOTERS' LIST unvisumr.— Rio
Honor' Judge Masson held a court for
the Revision of the voters' list for the
town oteClinton on Pr iday. Oct 25th,
Jas. Scott represented the Liberals and
Mews. J. Beck and Wm. Campbell the
Conservatives. The appeals were con-
fined on both sides to parties to be add-
ed to the list, In the majority of cases
there was no dispute, but were added
by consent. Thera wereeightdieputed
cases on the Conservative tide and
seven on the Liberal side of whom the
lodge allowed three COnservittives and
three Liberals to be added. The tweet
result of the revision is to add to the
list 21 Liberals and 28 Coneervativea.
The case whim created the greatest in-
terest was that of 'Welter Irwin, the
8011 of J. W. Irwin, grocer, of town.
The Liberals appealed to add his name
to the list, the conservatives opposed
the appeal, at the outset on the ground
Of insufileient age, The 9facts proven
Were that. Irwin attained full age in
July last, Re had been In the Province
for a full year before the time for
appeal excepting for about a vireek
When he was its the Olen of Sault Ste,
Marie, Mich„ et a hotel hi search of
work ; Without finding work he return,
'ed to the reovinee. The -Judge held
that residenee in the Pro vineehad been
broken and dietaimeed the appeal,
Office, from one of the earliest settlers
in Huron, and one ofehe most hiehly
respected of its vesideits contains the
following remarks :-"Whem I came
to north Huron there were vey few
settlers in East Wawanosh, eforrlie•
Grey or Turnberry. But they came in
rapidly', most. Irish, and Highland
Scotch, and were, undoubtedly a fine
claim of people. Coming in as they did.
one after another, I got to know most
of them, for we gladly called anyone a
neighbor who lived within five or ten
miles. 1 remember the &at arrivals
with pleasure ; their honesty, kindness
and helpfulness. • Most of those grand
old settlers have passed or are rapidly ,
passing; away. Clinton wee thee the
market place for neatly all those norths
ern tOWnshipa. I see vshat thosetovon-
ships are now, and think the change is
truly wonderful. When I first saw '
Wingbast it was nothing hut a dimaI' •
bush, alive with Wild ducks and nide -
gamma now it is a, fairly nice town."
What about the Xing' a Berthdity?
The papers hi the eitieS are urging
that the King's Birthday should. not
this year be observed as a general hole.
day, the argument being that the 21th,
of May has already • been observed;
Thanksgiving Day comes in November,
and the Ring's Birthday also, and it
being on a Saturday, they think thero
have been holidays enough. It is not
observed in England. The Couneil
should take the matter up at ittt meet-
ing next Monday, and decide so far as
the town is concerned. •
has bought the house and lot ownecTbr
Thole Glazier, ,on Gordon street, the
Price Paid being $350-. it is e nice pro,*
petty and has peen well .bpught ; ihtt,
Graelis expects to occupy it in the. 4
Spring. .
Group Photographs,
• Onr gallery is exeeptionelli wall aqui
• ped for tneking gronp photogrephreesu
number of people, from it 001131e toare
telemetes sues with wideessele ieeseees
beekgroande end addOSSOrire of stiffielent
size -and the Hknow-hovt" that tureir Oat
petted work, Bee itt about groups.
'bury's - Photo • 'Studio*