HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-10-25, Page 6Oatobor 25) 1901 New Tall ress Stuffs at a saving of v. Buying new fall dress stuffs, and the most. fashion- able materials at that, at one-quarter to one-third less than the usual prices, may seem a little improbable this early in the season, but it is what you can do if -you come to this store SATURDAY, Oct 26th, or any clay for the next two weeks, Just why or ha* we can do it will not interestyou as much as the fact that we can and are going to do it. These lots re- present clearing lines bought by us at one-quarter to one- third less than regular prices. Now in turn .we pass them on to you the same way, and the direct saving is yours to take advantage of. The goods are perfect and have not been in the store.two weeks. Commencing the morning of Saturday, Oct 26th, - we will sell ti litttilitit ft Natal& • FRIDAY, OCT. 25, ISM. LOCAL NonoEs, noarerre weezeit-apoly to EW Etta Office. Oct. to. Potatoes awl Dated awes wanted. • Oct 25-tf. OANu.1...t34 BROS Clinton. gown UPI CO • PRIZES. -Our esteemed friend, Jos Allanson, did better at Blyth fair, than the priaeliet, as first published, gave him credit for. He protested against the award of the judges en collection of vegetables, and red pickling cabbage, and was afterwards awarded 1st prize on bath. Joe is a arse prize -.winner every time, if he gets the fair play he is entitled to, OIL DELIVERY,-TheStandard 011 Up.,wkilase representative is Jas. Howe, finds s present system of oil delivery eo satisfactory to retailers, that. Mr Howe is not able to supply the detna,nd an 1 his territory will either have to be z educed, or another delivery waggon put on to meet the demand. Mr car, rick, the London representative, was here on Friday to see ,what could be done in the matter, decided to cut out Goderich • tor the time being, and will probably erect a cant there next epring LEAVING. -The friends of the nub-' tic school, as well as her personal friends, with egret to know that Mise • McKay bee accepted a situation at New Dress. Stuffs Selling at 3 less than,regular. " . Prices that acre only pcissible'beCause we clearea out several lines away below regular price. The goods are new, the qualities are good . and a .buying chance like this come but once in. a, great wlii.le. Here is the Dress Goods list. 5/1 inch Home spun 10c. You can serve enough on the outside buying a suit. of one of these to gay for the 51 inch homespun suitings, all pure wool goods, good weight,shades navy,•dark and mid grey and black,20c to 30c less than regular prices atper yard 70c Homespun at 98c If wiitacl paid regular price .for this line, $1.40 would be the very least we could have sold it for,as it is we save you 42c per yard on it. Extra good quality homespun suit- ' ing,every thread pure wool, does not require lining, special finish dark and light grey, navy and black,a special bergamot per yd 98o Blue Broadcloth 50c: per yard. . One of the mostpopular cloths antl most fashionable shades this ,season. Not a yard but sold wholesale at more than the price we ask. Xv-ery thread guaranteed. pure wool. • One line never sold. for less thap'750., the other solcl for more. We ha to take 200 ',yards and. put it all on sale commending Saturday at509.per yard 300 yards navy blue broi-ideloth,good. shade, pure wool, 40 tat 44 inches wide suitablefor girls *ear orladies costumes and taffered suits,worthOeVery peony of 75e. per yard and neer sold for less, .mn„ special at per yd..-.......... .... . ... . . . . uv‘; . . . PLAIDS 25c • • Plaid Dress Goodfr in. a nice assortm.ent of at a respectable saving. Suitable for waists ren's wear. . . . • 150 yards of 1;,o Actuality fancy plaids, mostly dark and bright 86 to 38 inches wide, good value at 35c.,special for Sale.. colorings or /Child,. shades, 2k Mantle Cloths -60c. - Should be $1 and,$1:25 A saving of 40c to 65c a yard on cloths for children's ulsters. 100 yards Ulster Cloths, colors of reds, buowns, greens,blues and fancy mixtures. The regular value is $1. and. 61.25. ,For sale AA ,„ we sell it at per yard . . ....... ........ .. . ... WholesaleRonna'ts Pit Hall. Ptite•• ••• • We cleared. out the remnants of one of the large wholesale houses ateXactly half prize. YOU. ; call have them exactly the same way. The lot is made up of llomespuns, Friezes and Servs, ; and the lengths run from 14. to 4i yards. For easy selling we group them in three lots at 8c, 7Sc and. 98c per yard •• +. • • ..„ t Homespuns Homespuns Ladles' 2 : Rough SeigesVenetians cloth . w ' 58c. 75c9 8c. • A • Wholesale remnants of Wholesale remnants of Very fine qualities in .• ' rough serges and home Homespuns and Vene Ladies' Cloth Suiting, X 44 spuns; ends li to 41, yds, tums,ends li to 4i yards, 1 to 3 yard ends, shades 4 4i1 riavy, grey, black, also suitable for children's of fawns, blues,etc.,reg- 4:4 few fancy skirt cloths, coats,skirts or sluits,reg- ular $1.75 to 62, for sale ? tregular 61 and $1.25, for ular $1.25 to $1.50, for choice of lot per yard. Z sate 158c sale...... . . 75e ..... 95C 1 )4eMeaealaalealreaiealeteaaaalealealKaa 4.4aealetea6aiaretae1a$41.0HeataieaVa.:014 6 • SaviPg of about orp Gasimlere Hose These are wb.a.t. are called. Manufactur- er's overmakes, ana are the odds ana ends that are leftover after the season's orders are hipped. We have BOO pair ±0 sell and people who get them will get the cheapest cashmere hose ever sold. in town. They will be sold. at 27e, and 32c. per pair.• • • int 27c 240 pairs ladies' plain cashmere hose, asserted kinds, goOds worth all the way to 50e vier pair, choice of lot ........ • • ...... 1,411'4•4••••10 ;276 Tit 33c 800 pair ladierAibbedeaslunerehos. ,e some worth more, some not quite: 50e, all worth a good _deal more than our • e*, •••• Yea. -43••300•14. .12 Seaforth, for next year. She takes a salary,ot $300-625 less than she is get- ting here- but has the advantage of being at home. When we say that she will carry away the esteem and good will of every •one of her pupils and a wide circle of acquaintances'we steeply indicate her popularity this place.PRPORTIECHANGES. - Hi:am Hill bas bought a barn from M. Matte - gait, situated on the outskirts of the town ; he will probably move it to his own place....The house occupied by Lock Cree, on Mary •street, has been bought by him from Mrs Tuffte, Bel - grave, for the sum of $509, and the house and vacant lot adjoining, owned by Mrs Helot Wingham, has been bought by Mr Mcceigghey, for the sum of $675. Both are well worth the figures paid for them. CLINTON HOSPITAL. -The rooms at the hospital have of latebeen fully occupied by patients and it is ex ;aerated that a number of them will be ea for some time. The hospital thank- fully acknowledges the donation of a' useful,article of furniture for the com- forts of the sick from Dr Shaw and some beautiful china articled from Miss Rowley, a late patient from Blake. Miss Jean McGregor has return- ed home and is reported doing, nicely after having undergone an toper- Ation for etipendicitie. FAT STOOK SHOW.- It has been proposed to hold a fat stock exhibition. in Clinton during the week preceeding Christina, and an informal meeting of some of those interested in the project was held last Friday evening, ut the Mason House:- Canvassers were ap- pointed, emit a number of special prizes (Br poultry; etc , were. promised, It Was decided to call a meeting .Of all those interested for to -night, Friday, 25th inst., at 8 in the. council chamber, anent is hoped that there, will be a large attendance. TILE CLINTON NEW ERA NOTES. -We unde'atand that Mise ehoep at his snare. , ..011r loeal huntste men are having a good tine thee days particularly more tramping then game. The late date fixed upon for Thanksgiving this year ouggetits to ue that we are in luck if wet do not have to make through enow to our knee's to get to church to give thanks and sing all le safelygathered in ere the winters storms begin.... Dr. Holmes and J. B. Oantelon, while over at -Bayfield on Monday week, went out hunting on the river and bagged JO duck ; a eon of J, Whiddon, while out hunting recent. ly shot an osprey, which he is having stuffed by Mre Seale., ..The Monarch Thresher, always one of the best, will be further inproved next year by a number of attachments that are being added to it ; a machine, with these We. proven:tents, was put to work on the Fair farm en Tuesday, and it went like charm, Mr Milker, of Auborn, has moved into the house of E. Carter, William street... .N. B. Henry had a gathering of 20 at his studio on Satur- day last to have a photo taken; the family gathering included the children and grand children of Mrs; Ross, Stan. ley John Ridout has moved Into his handsome new residence on Rattenbury street which was built by' H. Stevens... ,3. Johnson, while out hunting on Tuesday, shot a fox and also bagged a number of, squirrel; the same day P. McNeil and Walter Irwin got a dozen black squirrels.. J. and S. Crollhave their hands full of work these days; they have a 'limber of good. bontracts all under way, among tbera being the plastering of the new residences of M. D. McTaggart and J. Leslie, of town, Mr Hill, of Goderich township, and that of Ontario • Metho• distand new Wesley churches...I, Rand has rented'froruJ, Gibbings the brick house, corner of Gibbings and Princess etrtets, and will remove to it next week....A number of new books of the latest edition haye been added to the library lately....Alf. Goodwin received a bad shaking Op the other day ; when driving Doherty's dray team, they ran away, and he was thrown,from: the wagrou....In going down cellar the other day, Mr Searle missed the first step, and, tell head- first to the floor ; hesustained several bruees about the head and body, and has since suffered intensely therefrom; in one way and another our good friend bas been having a hard time of it 'since his wife .went on a trip to her : friends. in the • west, and the quicker she gets hack the happier Mr Searle will be....Inspector D. Robb ,was at -the public school this week on official duty....A drain has been dug by II Carrick, from Wesley church to the big corporation drain, Grace Sheppard and Miselliousie King, both of town, attend the Ottawa Normal school, during its next term t they had to make application as far 'bac lq as last May in ordet to be wool. modated .... biro Ooate. Albert Street, received word on Friday of the death of her daughter-in.law to Chicago, the wife of Mr Charles Coats- -We Were sorry to learn that R Coats, of the Globe, was seriously ill lastweek, hav- ing Widen attack of appendicitis ; he has recovered however to resume his duties. ...The Guy Bros Minetrels are giving Clinton the cold shoulder and we will not have the pleasure of hear - Ing them on their tour this year ;they were in Wingham on the 1.8th and in Seafortb on Ibe 23rd ....Miss Christina lurnbnil, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs S Turnbull, of Milverton, was married on the 9th inst., to Charles Nelson, of Sault Ste Marie, Ont. ; the bride le a teeter of Dr 3. L. Turnbull, of Goderich, formerly ot Clinton, and Dr Frank, Of Auburra..,,A. well known medico of town had a' very .narrow escape from an accident on Monday evening ; as he was matting from a train, a misstep threw him down be- tween the platform, and the moving train ; fortunately be was not hurt.,. Mr French, of the House of Refuge, was judge on fruit at. the Zurich fall show held recently ; he has acted in this capacity for the past many years and the directors seek his services every vear....Mr Joseph 'Young; a native of Goderich tovenelzip, and eon .of the late Henry Young, of town, is now employed by, the El/minion Gov- ernment as emigration . agent for the state of Ohio ; his political views moot have undergone a reformation since he left this section ...*We are pleased to learn that Miss Mary Lough, daugh- ter of W R Lough, has been appointed musical director of the third year atucynts a Toronto Varsity ; this is .a position of honor arribng the students. and one which Miss Lough may..feel proud of, as it is only given to those whose ability canicialin it.... As Satur- day-, Nov. ath, is the King's Birthday and a general holiday throughout the Empire, it will be generally obseryed- us such and the•stores and public man- ufactories will be closed.: ..,The 20th century Club expects to give its first assembly for the season on Friday (Nov. 8th) the night before the Ring's Birthday ..... Dre Gunn 'and Ross were in St Thomas on Monday, where they were called for the performance of a surgical operation....S S Cooper has let the contract to the Safford Register Co., of Toikento, for 4,he heating of ,his house by hot water ; this, it wemis- take not. will be only the second house in town heated this way, Mr Dohertg's for water that may gather in the being the other one.... Mr 5 Wileer, cellar— .The Clinton collegiate foot- tinemith, who was a member of the bail team went to Seaforth, Friday Mount Forest Rifle Co„ in 1860 and • last, and tried conclusions there with took up ;tuns et the time of the Fenian the Seaforth Institute teeth, who are Raid, received his Fenian Raid Medal the holders of the Hough cup, but the SPOON,ER PROPERTY SOLD. - The executor's sale of the Sooner es- tate was held on Saturday, when the cottage with its half -acre lot and ihc store, both on Ai herr st reet,Were, off ei ed for sale by public auction by D. Dickinson. Jit Toceutly an.offer of. $800 was made by H. Warren, of tbe ease line, who intends to remove to town, but the highest bid at the sale reached $750. . Shortly afterwards it was sold for $805 to Walter King, who is coming to town tolive. • - The store was also put up; only a few were bal. eters, and it went:to R J °tuff, its Pres- ent occupant, for $i080. Both proper- ties are cousidered cheep. • IMPROVEMENTS. -The street com- mittee hae been wise in having the elevation on Ontario street, in front of St Paul's church. cut down. Consider- able wafer has lain at this place after a freshet, and the committee decided to hitve the hill cut so as to allow the water to run into the drain. The road has been plowed and scrapers used to remove the earth, which as placed on the street turther east. Inspector Car- ter is one who knows how the work should be done, and the corporatien may rest assured it will be rightly done.... J.,Stevenson is making an im provernent to Mrs TKerr's house, Prin- cess st., by putting new sills under it.. HOUSE OF REFUGE.- There are now some 71 inmates at •the House of Refuge and all in a goodstate of health except at times some slight ailment to a few of the most feeble,.. A very nice Dominion chapel -cased organ was re- ceived last week from Scott Bross, the agents at Seaforth, for the use and pleasure: of the inmates the or- gan, manufactured at Boom a,nvil!e, should have been secured long agb; it will be found cf much bene- fit in assisting in the services held.... Rev A Stewart took charge of the ser- vices on Sunday afternoon; his deliver- ance was one which gave much food for thought; the singing was conducted by T. Jackson, jr,, assisted by a num- ber of ladies, helped materially in the service which the inmates thoroughly enjoyed throughout. AMONG THE ILL. -Mrs Allen, who underwent an operation last week, is, we are glad to state, progressing tavor- ably at the hospital...J,Bell is improv- ing from the injury to his leg and will be out again soon; the has had a severe time, having been confined to the house for about a month.'.. Mr T.Clin. inghame,„express agent, has been laid up for "several days with a severe at- tack of rheumatism; in the meantime the duties of the office have been effic- iently attended to by Miss Flora Curt- inghame, who is a hustler...The latest report an improvement in the condition of Me J Agnew, of Wingham, (father of Dr Agnew); his chances for recovery were very slim at one time, but it seems probable he may entirely tecov- et.. We learn that Mit Rance .has slightly improved of late and is resting easier. Mrs E. Carter, who has been confined to her bed for the past ten days with bronchitis and congestion of the lungs,is able to be up again, Mrs G. Rtfinhall received a telegram on Mon- day- stating that her husband, Whole In London, was dying, and summoning her to his bedside, accompanied by her two children, she went down to see him on Tuesday..11irs Wail Can- telon was called to Mitchell on Wed. nesday, owing to the illness of her daughter, Mrs Brooks...Mrs Chas E Hovey has been quite ill for some time past, but is now on the mend; it is ex, pected that she will soon be around as usual..Mrs Cochrane, of Stapletem, who underwent a serious operation, is, we are glad to learn. doing well... John Derry is suffering from inflatn. hullo' of the eyes,_which laid him off work for part of the week, , from the Militia Department on Mon- day ; it alstaentitles him to 180 acres of land in New Ontario. ...A. disin- terested gentleman w ho had attended, the great military review at Toronto recently, in speaking to the Seaforth Expositor, says the 83rd Regiment of Huron had the largest and -.best turn out of men, of any regiment in tbe parade, and that the band was Very decidedly the beef regimental band in the eity....The. express train due • at 10.30 did not reach here until 1.45 -a. M. last Blinds.* morning owing to several freight cars being off the track at Parisi a number of double-headers" went through here on Sunday -and Monday beina needed for grain ship ments..,.J Taylor was laid • up for, a few "days last week, having injured himself in .removing a trunkful " of chellengers returned minus the cup; the score was 2 to 0 in favor of the defenders....Geo Cox, of Detroit, was in town this week buying first class horses: be got eight from J Mc- Mann at p 'c•R ranging from $125 to $175, and B Aubrey, of Montreal, was an Atter horse, buyer is to be hoped the senseless and often des- tructive Hallow'e've practices, some- times indulged in, will not be -perpet- rated next Thursday ; it is time this • sort of thing stopped .. We under- stand that the pay for the volunteers who went to the Review has net yet been received by the Captains of the Regiment.... Miss Lily M Johnson, of 'o n, who has recently la ea teaching at Alloa, has received a much better situation in Port Perry High School, t which place she has removed. • Nothing More • Fashionable • • Elegant and • Practical. THAN A CHATELAINE DAG. They are the newest thing of the kind women's wear -they give to the wearer a degree of refinement and a knowledge of being well dressed, and ma like many things about which the above can be claimed they are useful - good place to carry your eoln-your key-yourhendkembief-your purse and small percale. We have a good assortment in color, style and price. The smallest and lowest priced is thirty ciente. At eiety ciente'a liberal eine one and extra good value; at higher prices, we have them In finer leather and more elaborate frames. A sensation in our Leather Goods Department is oar thirty cent purse, several colon, three styles, all good and the best ,valne we ever hadthe chance to offer you. • The. W D. FAIR CO, mon "Often the Cheapest—Always the test." FAMMIVIMA MAANYMMARMANWARMA M eviies,44ssovseviv...%*****1 ,.. HQES at WHOLESALEPRICES We give our customers good value all the time, but just now we are ••$ in a position to give yon the beet valued ever offered an Clinton. We don't often get the chance of an np-to-date stook at Op on the $, but we have the. now, an while they , last we can give you first. of footwear 1 . , • • tit Idesthan Wholesale Prices. • ' Here are only a few samples of the values we tire giving:- • • Men's Fine Laced Bootie regular price $5 and $3.50,eale price 31:75 Ladies' Kid Buttoned Boote, " " . 1.75 Boys' School Boots,good weererd,worth $1.30 to $L50, " • 1.00 Girls' School Boots, laced or buttoned, 11, 12, 13, 1 and 2, worth .95 • , • You should see our bargain counters for an assortment of Boote, going at 'Me, in many oases len than Uaif Price. $ We ranet clear out this stook is double quick time and the prices are .. making them go. No trouble to show goods, It will pay yon to see what we are doing. ,The Old Reliable, The Stote That Never Disappoints AT. ele • eash and one Pince. Butter and Eggs taken as ()ash. lfrii1010111'W‘441111101V*Sili ..'..- t-tt.itiltit.tty-:•..'...::.:00.i.*tititH:tt-ytt''.:.:..01-iittl.-tt....i...-tt..'•-•.rtt. .i...i.tt.:.7:i.#0t.ttrtrit.t.)t.t.t.m. ...fttIttrit. ttitilmItttri:::::1,1111.:.::•*.....4":. • dee e , • • , "./ .1 :-°"""" .. - /•;`//,•?;//'•'' . i,/.aweee ., • • . ,/,' , - • , - . aa..--..- • • 'Or; ' ... • //''/ *4 L3ros. 1110-.0 ' . . ..,111110e#'• --. / , • f .1. ; 411..... . .•' / /1),11 411.rf. • . . ild:; IOW' 1.1..... • ! Iii... . • ' OM.. . ..' r ' - ,i''''k fr , !-. .. '11 ':'. <,'1"Iti,Alri (AV:, .,,,,'• iirilifoi .. • '-..4:::. , , ,., I V 1 \ \ • ' -...:- , ' .. 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Mee& readymades. Our Selection of patterns are new and up-to-date, and you can depend on getting reliable goods here. 3ACICSOBT,BR:O13. rlit CLINTON a