HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-10-25, Page 5'Nervous Reattach% Ortimn Fag, Dyspepsia.. The Suffering. of u Duatnees Man Ovegeoine by Worry and Dv. • haststing /train, 'Work -41r, Vliatisea Nervc rood cameo. Sick, nervous headache and nervoue dyspepsia or indigeetien are usually found together, and have a cabmen cause in an exhausted condition of the nerve. Modern headache powders are slimily narcotics that deaden the afflicted nerves. They are harmful' and frequently dangerous. The only way to effect a thereugh cure is to res Ogre the nerves by such treatment as Dr, Cheatee Nerve Food. Mr. Joseph Geroug, 22 Metcalf street, Ottawa, Ont,, 'writes -.•-• was; nervous, had headache and brain fag, / was restless at night and 09nld not steep. My appetite was Door, and I suffered from nervous dye- pepida. Litile buelness cares worried and irritated ma. After having used Dr. Chasten Nerve Food for about two months, 1 can frankly say that I feel like a new man, 111Y appetite is good; rest and sleep well, and this treat - argent has strengthened me wonderfully. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is certainly the best medicine I 'ever used, and .1 gay SO because I want to give full credit *here it Is due." . Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 00 cents a box; 6 boxes for 62,..50, at all dealers or Ednianson, Bates & Co.. Toronto. The Church Times, organ of the English ritualists, contains a virulent, attack on Xing Edward for attending the services at the Cirathie Presby- terian Parish Church. SUMMER HELPS TO CURE CATARRH AND DitoNomprs. • Sunshine, evenness of temperature out- door life, together with freedom from. re • ourrenoe of colds which winter excites, is a great boom to victims of Catarrah, Bronchitis and Hey Fevor. Fortify these blessings by the wonderful, certain and promp Catarrhozone treatment. It cures' always, but quickly in summer. Doctors approve of it, druggists recommend it, people who have used it go wild over it. You try Catarrhozone, then wonder where your Catarrh has gone to. It Ones. Do you know any other remedy :OAS does? All dealers 250 and $1 99 (S.O.Ilth Wei erloolaberals- nominated Dr Themson of Gait for the Legisla- tive Assembly. In the evening flon Geo W Ross delivered an address at New Hamburg. 4 44..44+*44 40 RED-COATa cage wbere the welfare of the maul' S • • • SLEEP AND DEATH. tre titters they; one "fantail, nicht of heart. Who takes us to her bread end leughs pearl One chaste ae tee, in her white room cloth lie, But him the levee elm never lets depart!. --Arthur Stringer in Mutat'. Magiudne, •941-e.04•14.4.444,..,4, Stackpole's Stump Fence Old Cyrus' Lucky Escape From the Recoil• of His Own Hate. BY JAMES 131CICIXECA.M. THE CLINTON NEW paik gleof the extra time and glad that hie field Of operations was hm hidden froe I the home by a rise et land. 'When be Caro° slowly vp Own the Orthth ard wi ' the tired axe; his wife met biro at tire I back floor. "Hereas a letter for ye," she said. "Slipper'e a leetle mite late, but the old mare linaps so I couldn't git home au soon's" planned, Better reacl the letter lore ye set down to eat, hadn't Ye?" Muswered Cyrus, limping to the barn with the Mu. "It'll keep until arter ree had a cup o' tea, reckon." Cyrus Stackpole ate hie supper delib- erately and then sank into the old pad- ded rocker by the window and opened te"" hte letter. Hardly lima he commenced 4144.4''''."4.4t. • to read it when, with a startling cry, he ' "I don't see but what you will Just Karam; tO his feet again and stun have to . subrait, (3yrus," said Colonel bling to the barn. Her husband's cry Bowker. "Teal:kw 'seems to be pretty and sudden leap caused etre. Stackpole clear on the subject. 'When the state to drop a lot of plates ahe was carrying grants a railroad a charter and a town to the Mak, but not even the terrific , grants it the right of way, the railroad elighterash of _broken crockery elicited the st atteartion from Cyrus. • The camparty pan take. at fa, .eair appraised s letter had fluttered from the old man's ,value any property lying in the line of band to the floor as he ran, and MrS its survey, Provided the .owner raw° Stackpole stooped and picked it unwith ,to sell at an agreed price. That covers Shaking finger& Something in that let - the facts in this mum .Yela refuse' to ter, she knew,. had caused her hue. Sell the 'Company, a strip on tbe South band's sudden dismay. . • side of your orchard. Thestate says to . She turned first to the signature. It the colimany,, 'We give yeti 'the right to Was from Frank,' their own dear boy, appropriate that land at our appraiimes ".froni whom they had not heard for two It's no use teethe owner to protest. The law ean do nothing for him,: If there was a ghost of a chancietteng.ht, Dear Father and Kotter-I am coming home a Cyrus, I'd be glad to do what I could" foe yciu. But a lawyer cling do any lub-spenticarbreb, sielit l nese been out of the world, wrote yen est-aving in a thing when there's no mwonhis side."' hut soo miles beyond civilisation. Will ten 7011 Colonel Bowker tipped his chair back au when me Pm Look for me next 'Vardar evening, 1 lean that 'you have a new railroad' and threw one leg over the n corner of • . and I can reach you hy train the same even. his littered table An old man, trema .in.TI get to 'Wilmington. God Nein you botht bling With iMpafent rage, pat In a rick- :Lovingly, . • num ety armchair on, the other "hide Of the What was theta) in that blessed letter table His" chin quivered- and hip thin that could have caused her husband :lipa. kept. °peeing and shutting as the ouch' distress? Mrs. Stackpole -wiped senior village lawyer spoke. - the tears of joy from her eyes and sped :"Then *ef the law can't dO anything. out to the barn. • • for me V11.. do it for myself," cried the "Cyrus," she cried, $1What on airth bin Mee bringing. his Withered net air ye doing?" • • • .down on the 'nig; :9g the chair, see pyrds was hurriedly replacing' the . aa man" kin be robbed of whit:kis yoke on the necks Wei" "en' his'n for 5e year and be'n in the family His hands trembled. His face ;75s.:DIrer" foe merVn a hundred!" . . • ' spread with an ,asben, gray "Pallor. • "1 hetpe you Won't do anything rash, • "Olt out o' the way I" be shouted as Omer," said the cobaner blandly. • he lashed the. oxen from the barn, the • year's and whom they had about glyen up for dead, since he disappeared in the ,Alaskan goldfields. • He *rote: long chain that d ang1 ed fromthe yoke overrides the vrelfare of the Mdividual. clattering behind. He etsught a lantern TUT TO BOOT AN ABM! OT. FORDMDAM ' TRESeeeseattl. • Conitipition, imminess, 'Pali. ender, the. ehouleer Blades, siek Mnidache,Deareased Feeling, Bloating atter NSting, -Debility and Insomnia, reran from an. inactive . Liver. . • • •, . . . Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills, 4o little Red Coats. :at. recost of to cents will let yon„. . eight in short. bider. • Piles. of Ms:dining to prove it. 'Vials Containing' ' zoo pins.Ceats. 05., • - • 37 . - • • • 8 old by J. E. Hovey arid R. 13.• Reekle e. • , A. Mireelou Deeleriptiori of His foga Wheal Ile Wag Blooevia Up. A, miner wee* Was blown tip vvhile, • * blasting a reek 'tieserlhes his seneatiens . • • • "You see, its so midden. It's over just about the time•you begin to under- stand that something is batipening. You know, I had the cartridge in my nd and put it down.. Then got afraid Of it. All at once everything was light. I don't think 1 saw the Rash. AnYway 'nice was net ex - tatty toward the explosiels. , "tut then everything got light, lighter Wan day -kind of blinding. There was an awn:it crash. It was. plat at *the same time. I was terrified and wanted to get away. It eves first as if a was 'having the nightmare. Somehow, though. knew just *hat the matter was. A man can think faster than he has any 'idea r knew that some of. the \others were nearer the explosion; and I said to myself. *They're blown bits, . that's certain.' ' "You understand,. this. was an In a second -all at once, realiy. Then It was exactly the same as if I had been hit .with. ajtick. I tbought It seas .a big stick,largger than any Man could sWing, and that it must be Worked by ma- chinery. .It eft me on the head end rill over. I Went stilling into the air a long, long way. My ears roared, and the Wind blew into my face. -truest :when struck the ground, for I. remember No. lug to Myself, 'Well. I'm dene for.' • "I don't know .just When I lost my, tight senses or when they came baelf. but when they did coma back It seemed queer that I was there still. I thought I had been thrown somewhere else. 1 could feel fire burning Me, It was my, elothes. They were inieking and al. most blazing. I' was bruised all over and could not hear very well, ity, voice sounded as thoneh.tennebotly else ' were talking. That'll all I crux tell /on about IL" • ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's .Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of eta Pew -Simile Wrapper Below. Veal saran ea& sus est* iUka 10011A0ACOrfr FON'OliZINESZL: FAICAILIONSNESS. unt10110111 LOYAL POI' CONSTIPATION", FOR *ALLOW UN, FOA TRECOMPLEXION imiL .;.06 CURE tiOK HEADACHit, 4, Owoher 25tb, 1901 Wiese it hoz se matt up e naii in his toot what does the duller do? Ave he whip the limpaig, laggiog eternal and rem him along? Not uniege he %sante to ruin the berm. At the drat eight ot lentence% he jumps down, examinee the foot and oare. fully removes the cause of, the lameness. Whet is celled d week etoniaeh" is lam the lamenees of the lime, only to be cured by removing the cause of the trouble. If you etituelate the stomach with .whisky wea,, Joiners" you keel) gOing, but eyelet° day the oondition is growing worse. a few doses soraetimee of Lit,t Pierce'e Golden Medical V imovery" will cure the wont ai1. menu. originating in dimasee of the stomach. It always beim It almoat al- ways cures. To owe constipation use Dr Pierce's Pleiniant Pellets, They're sere. The will of the hate R. Ferguson, 14,. P. Pebas heeit made public, and e meteg I be bequests is one of 112,000 to the Presbyterian church, Thamesville, to be used tovvai de peyiug the dem, :Four trainmen were killed in e coitigion between a aattle and a freight train as %ac., itey'e Staten, Nipiesing, The schooner Mont )31ane foundered oft Barr Point, Lake Erie. The crew was reg - cued after a night in the rigging, Mr. Cecil Rhodes, amid to be in a delicate state of health,euffering from heart trsnble, is leasing London for Italy, • Soft Harness TogeonaMOIM your bar. • nem le Don as a glove and ow tough mirre by Ming Strum Bar. rjhuoluivi_ou keat bee frac* as long as a ordlaiwily would. EUREKA Ns ess Oil inaameneor looking har- ness Merv. liado of peopureisatrtelar pare4bodledtoolvfl,lea staaepotaut: Itrivea.rxwta.;ir.ora elee`u-su'imee* BA humus eui "atm. is It is said the Ottawa sawmills have com- menced shipping their sawdust toNew York where it is used in manufacturing, Thieves broke Into the ticket office at the you sea The law provides no recourse from a nail and hurried after the star - Central Railway Station in Ottawa at noon for the individual in such a mesa"tied and bewildered beasts. on Sunday and got away with 6800 or "I .got done with the law, I tell ye!" "Where air ye going, Cyrus?". de- $1,00o. shouted the old man fiercelyei'm de- mewled his wite, following tb d woe, red blood is produced by Mineral tracted old man as he had 'the oxen 'over pendin on myself now. I said ef the • la,W 'emildiet help me I'd eelp myself, the crest of the hill tothe orchard bars. I'll .See ef.they kin run their conserised Cyrus:Made no ieplY, and Isis. Wife fols trains through mY orchard withOut MY lowed •himi, Then she .satv the bristling , . permission...", A : man's. .proputty'S latitatuntp ferigetteross the railroad,, and own'Tee' iiin'Cnci law that kin knock the whole dreadful truth flashed upon that fact out ra',. tlita :Ten Command - herCyrus had isailt a feliee to stop oil mentei,"' ' . '• " • wreck the next train, and that Was the 'Colonel Bowker , accompanied hie .very train that. Prank had 'written he 'Irate client to the cider, "Betterbe am- should take from Wilmingteni , Coe*. Cyrus," he Said as • the old .man :The. village ;station was. a mile be-. plunged down tbe steps, "Don't do any- ; yond ;the Stackpole farm Cie train , . thing in n•hurry. Take time to think it • would not haVe even begun tcessloW oVer. And reineeiber that I. am always • down When it passed. through the .or - 'ready to advise you on any point that chard. It was Already getting- desk. It. may COMO up," . • would be .pitch dark by the time the . Cyrus Stackpole drove home le a train came along in just an honr. blind raga , He :was one of therm old, Cyrus Stackpole never looked at . his men who' areas. set .0 the everlastingwife,but worked with feverish fiesta, bills, and the -.fact that everything. ' and she .did not interrupt him, for she. seethed to be arrayed against hie will. kodw that every element was precious. Compound Iron Pills. Sold by H, B. Combs and It. Reekie, Canton. An outbreak of typhoid attributed to insanitary barracks at Levis has attacked several of the Duke of York's Hussars' of ate steanser Eating ot the r. P. It, Use, way Line,rar on Jervis Island in a fog and fornidered, The passengers 'numbering 175 were all saved. Loss of Appetite and General Debility are quickly overcome be the use of a few bottlea of the "D, & L." Eibuision of Cod Liver Oil. Manufaatured by the Davie & , - Lawrence Co., Ltd. • Do m men s cents /dog d iabolical threats against (he Xing were received by Judge Morrie at the opening of the linceuMnson Session. Thev. pur- ported to emanate from the "United Irish League • . AGONY OF SLEEPVBSSNESS In this instance only served to make The oxerf strained mightily at the great TRE- • his resolve the stronger. He was bound stumps, but they were so crowded to- Did you over pass a single nig.n bed, try - ht in wake. and determined that the new railroad gether and interlocked that it was hard hi) miaery, tossing and rolling I ' should ,not pass through his orchard. to get them off the track. Cyrus had morn- ing id vain to dieep and longing for ..• There wag')20 particular reason why it Peeformed his defiant task unforttis ingio come? Oau You imaginethe torturof[Tending biglit after night in this vies,. should be denied this right of wee' ex- nately well.. • • each auomedirg night growing cent that Cyrus had taken a notion not "tight the lantern!" 'cried the pant- worse? This ie the most dreadfur s°yrniseptlinnmd to allow it. The trees in tbe orchard Ing old man at last. His wife took the of Nervous eabanstion and Debility. You had been set out by his father's father, match • be flung her and kindled the can be gradually and thoroughly cured of and their knotted and wrinkled trunks slight flame In the dusty globe. Cyrus sieeplessnees by the upbaildine influenza C and lim,bra had long since passed the bent and adjusted the chain anew by of Dr hase'e Nerve Food. It cures inpattire's way, by creating, new nerve cells age of fruit bearing. ,They only served the candle's feeble light. Their the and restoring lost vitality. • to cumber tee. eround. but Cyrus would: 'oxen strained together once more, but not cut thern down and Plant new ones. the biggest stump • of an would not Fred rldWald, who is ti the employ on VaUrquhart at Hensanwae meirried ednesday of last week at Zulich, things,' and CyrUs was a coaservadve wedged between and under the rails. to Miss Bendeadangh ter of Mr Bender, ef the conservativesA peck of bitter "Godl" groaned the .old Man. It was shoe merchant there . , . , They were a part of the old order of Mare. The long, , tough rotas were of D • , Werra eaten windfalls from the old the 'shortest of prayers, but it was e Compolsory vaccination will be en trees w as more to his likingthan a prayer and not an imprecation- forced an Ottawa on aecount of the . bushel of sound and toothsome fruit "Harkl" cried the trembling old.wife. smallpox.' . from younger and more vigorous stock. From far off through the darkness 1 etre Bleb. Oanam was struck ,by a That the pert modern railroad should Came a faint rumbling sound. It was train while driving over the Long desecrate hivenerable orchard was theOvening train from Wilmington! ' Crossing at St. Marys and atlled s "Cyrus," eXclaimed the woman, "red not to be endured. It went against the old man's grain and teat grain was exceedingly tough. As It happened, however, Cyril* Stackpole fell into the clutches of a se- vere Attack cif inflammatory rheum - Cam mon after his visit to Colonel Bow:keels law odice and about the time light '11 stop 'em. I've beard so. Biting We get anything to. make a red light with? (Weld" Cyrus disgorged fee contents of all hie pockets at one sweep. A.meng theW DEAFNESS CANNOT BE crimp By local appiicatione as they cannot witch the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to euro &einem, and that ie by eonetitutienal remedies. Deafness hi woe:tied by .an inflamed oondition of the was an old fashioned red bandanna Manfl lining of the Ettstacbian tube. handkerchief. PCS wife seized it, with When the tube is inflamed you have a when the railroad Men carhe to grade a Cr/ Of ion and, catching up the Ian- rumbling 8i:tun I or imperfect hearing and and prepare the roadbed across his tern, Intstened down the track toward itetairely ologed deafness is the orchard. The, work was all done while the approaching train. She turned up .ri suit, ar d unless the inflammation can be Woo out and thisdulae restored to ite nor - the old man was groaning and fuming tbe wick of the lantern until it smoked 1 h vvill he deetro .ed for - in bed, and by the time he got about agate the ties and rails were taid through his orchard. Then the drat train came along, roaring triumphant- ly and vomiting black emoke over what remained of the ancient apple trees, tfpon this Cyrus bestirred himself, though physical exertion still sent ex - eructating pains tbrough his joints. The regular passenger train (schedule had boon in operation just a day when be began to do for himself what the laW could not or wodid not do for him. At 8 o'clock on a Tuesday afternoon, bis•wlfa having driven to the village, Cyrus hitched up a yoke of ()ten and began to drag stinnps from the stump fence on the north side of the orchard to the railroad bed. He chose the lar- gest and soundest and toughest itumlal he could and and by 0 o'clock had a formidable fence built kerma the ran - road on the exact bOundary of his Orchard. The roots Of the 'stumps brie• tied in the direction from which the next train 'Week' Approach, the train from Wilmington, due to pass at 8 Web)* ita Abe evening. Should a loco - Motive Strike those formidable Mote the butt of the shinty would only be driven firmer into the ground. tome thing would have to stop or muesli, and Cyrus felt centidene that it would not teethe etump. wasseveral minutest past 6 When the horn blew tor sooner. Cyrus was TO Banalt UP A. COLD All you require is a little bit of sugar, a AM Of het water, thirty drops ofNerviline, Take it hot. In the morning you will wake up itithont a oold. Nerviline is good for other things-4inch as toothache, neuralgia and rheurnatism. Por pains inside and pants Miffed() Nerviline is simply marvel. lone, Druggists sell IL rlously. Then she wrapped the red ever; nine oases out of ten are °suited by handkerchief around the globe, held ostarrh, which is nothing but an inflirned the lantern up in both hands and slow- conditton of she maims surfaces. ly swayed it to and fro. . We will give one bundred defiers for any The train wile almost upon her be. case of deaf:lege caused by catarrh that oan- fo e the engineer saw the faint red net be onred by Hall's Catarrh Care, Send el nal. But the airbrakeedid their magic work, and the engine .topped within 20 feet of the last huge, brie. tithg sturrip of Cyrus Stackpole's fence ficrOde the railroad. Frank Stackpole was one of the first passengers to leap from the intercepted train. "What hi thunder -why, father's old orchard!" he exclaimed. "And here's - mother!" He caught a tottering, gray Mitred figure in las strong arms. Mrs. Stuelmole, like all beroltiets, bad Arse accomplished her deed and then faint- ed away. the railroad company did not enter compleint against Cyrus Stackpola and they and the horses were killed. Hes big, black bearded, healthy son Arrangements are now being made mity have bad something to do with in England for the reception ar the Duke and Duchese of Cornwall and York on their return about the end of the month. Ludlam's sash factory at Leaming- ton was burned. LOBS $10.000 ; well inured. for circular, free, F. 3. CHESNEY &CO., Toledo, 0 Sala by druggists, 75c. Haire Family Pine tire the beet. it MeCrimroon, barrister, of St. Thenlae, was nominated for the Legis- lative. Assembly by the Libetels of West Elgin. . johann Most the Anarchist editor, of New 'York, has been sentenced to one year's imprisoument for publish ,- ing a seditious article on the day f& - lowing the shooting of Pres. Mcitinley. • It Is reported that a stage coach on the Catiboo road, B.C., fell over a pre - °lake. Three passengerela 160 feet, that and be may not. Very likely the uhreetrleted and, undliputed riot , or way . throttgli the old MIMI' Orchard wasan. indeeertient. At any rate, the matter was dropped, and Cowl Stacie. pole pretted to be so itibilned in skit that only two days- after his stump fenee dh3appeared from the track he rode through his own orchard On one of tbe detested train' in his way to Wilmington with his on to buy a brand new duit Of clothes and "see the 1. tights."-o-Ninv ZOrk Veiling Pest WARPS AINT PRETTY Whydo,you hang on fte yours? ben't' know how 40 oure them I' Why Putnam% Painless Corn Extractor does the wotk in tihort Order -you met bey it. Guess your dragglat hat it all right -eek him. e momorini fountain erected a Mre Georgi compbeit of Athens, Niagara Falls in honor of gileen Via. Ont., aged 85 years, committed, suede toria will be unveiled by Adam Drown • by drowning, of Hamilton totmerreW, !Kt iiCure.Alls" Didn't Care Only A Kidney Speciflo of the gronul ne merit Of South American Kidney Ours Ban ever hope to cope with hulk's louts kidney disestiles In all Its fermis, "For two years I was greedy troebtedvdth ea affection of the kidneys --frequently unfitting me for work, I tried many patent medicine: and "cure-alls," without getting any relief, for I had %tease pain einiost constantly, South Mottles* Kidney Care was recommended to me. A few hotter aftercommenelng its Me 1 feat greet reliet Four bottle* cured. 15 is worth its ivelght ia god." -Fink S. Enteric% Alyinston. Ont. se s7ia by j. EL,Itovey and R. Pi Iteekle Viiite • be irelirti. Trn• None of the Agricultural Society fall , fairs baye been so successful that any one of them eall (inlet ve on its Wee I list. and eomething masb be done to annulate interest or allow them to drop. hareems they haye had, theit day. Yeats ago there was not a fah that clid not prove A succees but nee - tedays it is very different. A' few years the directors of the Clinton ex- hibition saw that to continue wr e to be a lose of moreey and dropped it until othue Peer oe-ct ottshweres"Whiellibear'veittowerolslow4 the Same plan. The Northwestern ; Gotler Mit corn menced with a week's exhibition, now it has dwindled down to a two dayfe fair and it having nor , turned out as well as it might, it may ' be that this exhibition will not e held ' next year, Iu tact all of them seem te be about the tame, uet one of them can claim any greater surplus of ri - I ceipts than ot Tot mer years. Perhaps Biyth fair Can only be distinguished as a paying one. It has held at the top formally years for attendanee and itds not that the showis much bettet than others but there seems to he an attrac- tiirenese about it. The clirectore shoulal feel gratalled at tha large attendance which have secured there every fair day, But nevertheless fair' day is wan- ing and many suggestions are be- ing made. The most fessible we think would be .to unite a number of , neighboring fairs or have One for the county at a central 'mint. This idea is a good one and would be much ahead of the present way,. ' We notice the directors of Turn - berry are meeting these of East. Wa- *mesh to see -if an arrangement can be made between the two.bodies for if unitieg of these two. The South Hur- on and Tuckersmith branch are united and have an exhibition at "Seaforth, which proves sueeessful in every re- spect. Everybody knows thet there are too many fairs held in the counties and wou'd be much more advantageous and business -like to consolidate and Clinton is the most centrally puint in the,.dletrict. The plan has proyed a success other places and is worth mit. ating., We would likb to see. 'etch a move made for next year, The jury who inquired into the kill- ing of 1VIrs Camm on a railway cross- ing at St. ;Marys found that the en- gineer and th einan 'on the train ne-' glected to give the proper signals on approaching the crossing. .You May Need. For: Cuts Burns Bruises , . . • ,Crearips* Diarrheas. All Bowel pomplair.‘to t Mamma, eafe and nnick reinedy. There's errlY one PAIN -KILLER Pertly pesos% Two eine, fea and Mo. LoND9N-.. Prints More and Later News than any otherLondon or Toronto paper circulated in thiscounty, intim el. receipt of $1.50 for _ Balande of this year 1902. Aachen all communi- cations to • The News Ptg. aid Pub- Co., London. P. TISDALL. BANKEIt. - CLINTON, ONT, Prieate funds to loan on mortgagee at west current rater.. . A Oeneral Banking Business tettneeotee ;merest allowed on deposits. Sale notes bought • 4 G. D. NicTaggart BANKER 'ALBERT 'ST., CLINTON A General . Banking Hastiness transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED. Drafts issued. Intereet alllowed on deposits THEMOLSONS BANK Incorporated by Act of Parliarnent11855; CAPITAli $2.500,000 REST FUND $2;020,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL., Wu, Mothoe Macre/mem, President Janis Elven, Gen. Manag Notes discounted, collection:made, isett hunted, eterling and American Mudiang bought Land Bold. Interests allowed On deposit& Savoie Ban -Interests allowed on sums of $1 and up. Miley advanced to fermete on their Own mite, with one or more endorser°. Ne mortgage required. O. BREWER, Manager, Clinton, Increase Your Wages The boy who starts work, after a course in this college, will start at wages two or three times greater than he could ope to obtain without this Special training, Colleges at London Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa,' Sarnia, Berlin, Galt, Guelph, St. Catherine's. Now b a good time to enter. All pticulars from Forest City Dust, ness College. Y.11.0.A. build- ing London, Ont. W. J. Westervelt, Principal. The Hirt of Pan,..., "Buolt's 11 lat"' A Range 1;:sie with a Good 11 or any Record fe.:46; • That's what you get when you buy a Happy Thought. TlieHappy Thought Range was one of the first Ranges manufactured in Canada. More Happy Thought Ranges are manufactured and sold each year than all other Canadian makes combined -150,000 being now in tise. not exttn beuxyip enrigmbenzt C. an a:d a ' a7rite "Thie ad: IVY' :Tildtt.ghttl. f Manufactured by The Wm. . Buck Stove Co, Limited, .Bntford write the lilantlfacturem for Illi'tatrated Dataloota. HARLAND BSTS7 - CLINTON. --,-ea,aeasosertalelleafeeisetterata For pure blood, A.)4right eveand u A deer .1!c.np1exion, A %tun 9petitpo Prs, digestion - Ana refreshing sleep. '13EmAILEC.Mi r 1 1 risol s 1)ail It arouses the Liver, d Quickens the circuatior, Brightens" the snirits rald Generallyf makes life worth iiviraj • SIKty Severn jr6are trta,' Is ave p roved It to be bey° nti,g tI:•'ritiot 1. thci moat OD- purif.',E.: known. • !he leading Orugl.th PP!STOI'S* SAITSPABILLA, warAmmensmonsnr*.=orzesemmx=xitri_. -.1=Awznottex "e'llated.:Toa.:store! ancl China Palace is IN THE.111eKiY: BLOCK,: CLINTON . Opened to dal 6 barrels Fancy Tab% Lamps, direct from the factory, and . will eell thein oheip, froin 50C to SS, Air() 2 orates of Dinner, Tea sud Toilet Sete, nine patterns an i new shapes. We are gelling them from el to $3 less man usual priees, OMl and see quality and pricier.. • . • - Fancy ehina;Siiirable for Wedding Presents RAISINS- 2a Pas Belezlcd R ileitis for $ 5,25 (hos) or 5o per lb. STJGAR-We lead in quality and quantity. Special prices on barrel ' and 100 lb iota , TEAS -Chinese mixture nice thvored tea, 15 a ib. Ws sell the best 25e Teain town. • We are ssents for Ram Leis, Blue Ribber), liforieoon, AppIeton's Packet Tea. We will 'give, you the highest price for Butter and Eggs, and eosds at. the Tower prices. Kindly give Us a call, No trouble to ahow guests, whether you buy , or not Stook ie up to -date in every respect. J W. IRWIN Cameras 1 Cameras 1 Caraeras I. Buy a.Camera and. be Happy - There is probably no pastime morepleasant and instru sive to both older and younger • minds thareplio.oeraphy. • It is'a pleasure beoanee it help to while away those long whiter evenings, arid 1* is indtruoti+,e beco.use it teaches care and precision and teichee to look for the artistic in the everyday surroundings et home. • The general impression is that it is hard to take photos, but each ie not the Cage. Amy one with a kodak end instruetion book min take photos. We carry it full line. In CAMERAS -Film, Plate, Magazine, Box and Folding. PLATES-Stanle., Eastman, Peget Prize. PRINTING PAPERe-POlio and Dekko. • Films, Davelopers M tints and Outflte. Call and see. For thoae who prefer to have their developing and finishing done we quote the toliow.' ing price& We guarantee work if exposure is good. 4x5 - 4.x3 ewi Btownie , Developing-, ............each • 4o 4o ao e exposures . dozen 35o 30o 25o Printing and Mounting... ...each 74e• 60 Se de • dozen 750 650 55o 450 Developing, printing, mounting, each 10o 90 ' 8o 70 dozen 61 90o 75o 60o H. R. COMRIP. Chemist Druggist THE KING THE OUEKN and ,THE DUCHESS OF !DEVONSHIRE. A Remarkable Offer. Here is the best offer ever made in this community. By a 'Iv czoolitt ar- rangement made with the Flintily Herald and Weekly Stir of naohtreat we Ars enabled to offer THE Crastron New ERA and that great Family Poen.' the Fatally Herald and Weekly Star for one year for the small sum of 1.75 and in elude to each subactiber three bea.atiful prenlitim pictures of whio the follevr- ing Is a brief description, KING EDWARD VII. -True to life, a beautilul portrait, size 18 x 24 Moires, On beautiful heavy white satin finished paper for framing. This portrait has been taken since his acceesion to the throne, and Is tile very letestt beet Obtainable. It cannot be had except through the PJAKIler Alm Weetrey Seen; each Dictum bears the King's autograph. This plot a the great Merit of being the first taken after the King's accession, and has therefore an historical yalue that no other'pleture Can possost. QUEEN ALEXANDRA. --An exquisitelybe able beatitiful and good (111netetandra, aleo taken eine* the King s secession tiful picture of kinb remark- te the throne. It is the gam -rate We that of the big, the two feeMing &hand. ormfrapoepeariarnodflitectrreese.that alone would sell frit many tinies`the stibearlptiOn price No portrait of the Xing end Consort taken at the second:MI sneeeeding site, tinge can MY* one fraction of the Valli° of the first. Thiele go down to bistery. THE DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. -The Renowned Gatersboreugh P10- ture. Sold at set:glen sale in London twenty -flee steers ago for .A10,500, etelen by teeter thieves hidden for over twenty-four laws and delfreted t.o its owner on payment of $25,000 reward and elnee sold tow. J. PlerpOnt Meagan for deter istraketor enterprise, the ublishere of the Family elerald have Bemired tor . 'Th 5,1a brief, la the Inset/ of one of the premium pictures, which, by a their srubsoribers. The picture s 22:23 In colours, and le re roduried line for line indour for colour with the or! Mal, Copies of the reproduo%ion ire now sold in evr York City, Montreal and Toronlo for $12 each, and tiifs is the picture Family Herald subrieribera are going20 get. absolutely tree together with the pictures of the Xing and Qaefill. le that not big *aloof tali itt'lltir Nilw En& Ofiloe mad see samples of these hekutiftil pictures. • tritaYtopuoWear,litthTelioN siOntryTireralidniNtfortecti four pthsgeesloottl.ot anItiwYtiopci *holt theta" " reading. Its agrioultural pages alone are'worth many tims. Ma suosaaption phi* Bring et kerd your subscription to THE New ERA OPPICIL ....f±±ttt.tt.•±0f±s•t.titt•••••• +4,..144.0.444.•••4 •