HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-10-25, Page 2J
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I I 000er 2A, I . . . � I . I I I I I . ., . I. I .. : I I . I ,. I '.. 1, I � I I . � I . . ,
I . * I . .901 �, I . I . N\ . TRZ . CLINTO , I I I .,� � . I �
� . I.. . I � I , . . ,.�', ,N NET, BRA - � . 11 . I
. . Z ""'I"o .... 11, .� —:- �l 1111=1= 1:1111ot!!1011=1 . . 11 . . . . I
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__ 1=
I , " ,�--l'�—.1'.4�.I.�—==�:":'!,��mi:=,.I ovidpoll woof.kodoodwou --- � I
I "TO Subscribers In Arrears, , crisp Couuty Clippings , � I . , _ . � � . .11 17�, � .
I 117 actutil. couut ,there ate ove I — . . . GER I . Provertles for Sale or to Let or Sale, , . _� I .
I , row On Wedueeday at the manse, ]BI, le. . . Stovik I ,
. . I , I __ '111 I , I __ . Legal .
, Vale, mi's Louise Bala was unite& in . . . Air V%I;a4 .... � 1. I
P, v I BY W. DOHNUTY, 0SQ, I I . unraborofture brad nd Nrado .
Ispbscribers 01) our Iletip. arrears for 011%ITIA96 with Mr Frank jail), , e W To Rents 11 obearlin r cestpor AMISS 600TT I
the ctirrelit year, And a considerable J West oM . Now commences ourlong and-laterest. IS, next to ZoadQtli, -Liverpool ou4 Ztew, vottAll, -- , am lam i, (Lot ) 4 1
I elating. , iug journey throuTh ,the Great Gertgaiii Ycrk,themostimportItutoom I -0 914 PINQ01 St. upors, fill from the VOTY beat stock, I "w" , 'u,srrutor, 0000w.ri 40,w
I , . ,* , AA
proportion of them for tw Empire, AS mlvht be expected, raeroialpl000 `pp'6 relsold at reasonable , .
I o yexfa� This LWattlauter, formerly of; Auburn, we ex. I .6 '81vom, �. CLINTON,
delilng I bamopened % general Store at Oadshill Pel'ieucedconsidetal)letnoonventenL,eiti in the world. Wis. IsdvAntsipostely Situated . ruly 0. 11! loot, 11-0 W. OlXt,Meq,�llsitw V� o"
not. t list repregente a large sun), 4 1 1 On tbQ � bl!0441� lower, Elbe, to . wbtoh the . 1� .. - I 4th On, of Stanley OIPV10ZRIl1ott Blook, UASO Stroot. I
. . : 11 I an wl I vperAte it 14 connection. with travelling without some knowledge pf tide 08011. twice daily �aeording an ea. ' __� . � MONET TO XOANd
'D on't you i hirsk it'la, too bad, I view big Rostock store, I the Oerroan lariguage, To corre if tratioe to voqjOlit of 24 f. drau8bt, Ana 1.0, To Rent.' . ale. . i
aper we. By understand the different rallwa 0'9 Also CODUO00a bY. ra4wi 0 Lot 00, Maitland Conce8slor 11 — ,
Pf the large And Inter Sting. � , For S
atOgIVI69, that _ we a je _dney J'obnF,, of the w � eat end of claNj the customs _*Ith every part I � , . . �
,bould. be worried TUckersinith, who recently porchAeod . officOrR, an even of Europe, the roopo" 'I of, UskmbirR to, ship, 'lGoderich Town A 1140 Story and a halt �ramo house on On. 13AUR .
. .�trrlx to ,iAS. bCQ T, Bart is to
. .15TER, SOLI T9g, $9
III Our fInAtIc ng 4uriog this: we the residence ot Fred Vs� I out, uwn agen-`@�taxedoiw Ingenuity to, chitfly owing, to ttojeoto, i 'bloo 11 � . taviostroet,containt NO rooms with ollstiro, . 'TABV,,
by this i: I I , Ather moved to Heaftirtb, ,, ,ustone, has the litmost. Ott one occiasloo a con- alreofoommu-1 i tit of that oat, ,�, alllstsp.rat�, collar undernemb, al so hard aud Isof t water, . , 01
bongbilessness Of oQm -, � duotor car , iC%01Q"'-A-,Wft 'Atdcriwk which , __ I qual Plulmic, � ETO,
� I , I ?ter of an &Oro of land and a good utim,.
. . . ,epub Mr -M. Lloyd, who bad real ,no into our Apartment of the todsk forms 1go maltioprib ,other ilommet. I I � , - � Totet. . Tier of beautiful filhisdo tross, situated on one 04100-Irsea,ver, 010-01k.
iwirlberis�-for it, is lar I dad in ME Tallway car and madesome remark, A. ofAl !mpo ,, , .
. gely th"Obtle'ls- � Robt , , rtaIioo, . gf t�e
- I efrota Rt end pr 4olpal itr6ots, In olin,
I UlEstnochan's house in Brueeffeld, I T 0 ontoprialtig aboraq . -_ I Up-lltblr4, 9ppoolts, 1postorlill photo Gallo" . .1
� $)look my head And tried to impress. ter of Ito inhabitants., aud partly, A lair On, a lie on thQ corner ouoata�to, and Dlaoly . , I
, -
. the great Me two story house, posita Comm . M. WTON I
1 4 . or.
I 140m. P. With this Money In hand the �sag moved to Hulletl und to Likods- upon, him the, fact - fire of -1842, some aptly Account for the al, ofal Ho at , Also, for Sale: 7 st"Oets, Will bO80;dXeasonAb*e, For furtbeir , ... , , , , .
. _
th ,rl . that I was not skifa .
0 0 1AgW �
.ove4 t Wee I I . lorpook staye, AV -ply Xj�j 119IM Coat var- .11 . - . � -
borough rem - F0.1loulars apply to 31as J. XON URR43r. 1. -
publisher would be� able to undertake k. cientlyfamillar with the German lao- most entire disappilisroacotif all I � . I 14 Lgoolava, Be -it, . I I
.,party projects be has in Wind for th The veterinary pract , rOliOO of Sept. 27-tf I . I t. 11;m. . 'Ounton'Outp "JOWT44 "ALF.,
, fee ot Dre, pow, guage to understand him. Re , th6n the past and for Ito thoroughly plo'dern %0- �, I � I I . ___,__4___._ 1
, ,6 .
',!Curthev inlProvem leir,* Low turned to MrClarr and repeated the P�?k Inkf4watreeto,bowever, I � I
, ,eist-of the paper. � ary Is, being looked after b , . There ar Val able Farm 0ONVUYANO'Blis, CoX.M10SION30113f , I
, V _�
. *be latter; the e ilogo, but with nn( Ater success, He Still Many baladsi:im4 residences 'of Raw! , To R ell t or For " Iteal satate sod ''' ... I
. � . former is attending th �, I Sale. . For ftlev`- .. ec
. —
1140% it, tob bad that the majority of . ry coll I then brought to b . . . . . - . . ; Money, U lost, I 'I
. I Vaterina fge as a professor for isald Another gentle. burg ?.nerobAnksof the 17th and l8th colatura . .
�11!10114ersl botilia be p ,a , . , . . . I 'the; desirable briek stud frame dwelling oa� r, Consisting of 80 acres more or ITS -roll felse. - i
.0 uniabodby-4he min ,.7mbile, I . man lvbo gave 'as th Faine eong and ;all., . . ed� bo, acres in good state of a t v tfoo, �
1.0rity, inothis W%,.? for with � Over 82,000 squAr 4413ce-all to nopurpose. Ffoally they The Harbor, wher� tin' � south Side Wallin on Street, olintou,cona, acres of 70ung bearin af, 0 2. 0. B, IIA.LB, JOE.W RIDOUT,
0, feet of Rratiolltbic morostavoseela from Prieto . , . orchard in good healthy - . I . I . _ !
, T I 9 ke quite loudly, � f Lots 86 80 and 91, containing One condltloh,W46res pas are, 7X acres of woo4� I . ' I .
9t, excited and 1 quarters of the Aerally Ro, P - Isomer orehar-.4 Q Warden, Vp land cohalsting of cedar,blaallh heralook,elfis CHAR11., �
. Pts muchi ' W 1k is b wit dc , 41 9 F,
. I 1. "' "" """ wri In $eatorth _ - ., glabe g( _n , I . I ES SISAOIER ;
' . urest I ;��
=0007 outstanding' th 'Xbey then. left us 011111 unenlightened, Seats, 46 buoy and plot ' lUe scene. - The at "�. t a soft maples; a good bank 1);rn,. . . .
, ,It its. impossible for I at I - IT. . and
. Is Summer, at A coat of $3,423.. Tbio .
I T ..., � f I "6 9004' Barriator, soilaltor,� .
Uil Publisher to increels' 'the -expand!- makes a Stretch of. early two miles in binking that their Inforniga i stretch Along both lianks. of ths'No' A-8 house, 2 hard water w. elIB, one At the , I Xy and Cos%veyaec " , .
. n , ton Was 3115v . r. . , I —� 9 -Nota, I I I
I I I .0 . . . quite important, I went tbrou8 no Se to Rent* " .barn and the other at th I I I 11, I .
tore OW the paper' . . � . length . . I I er.:Wlbefor4d1atanooOf,5,mJIpFI and .. ,a house and a soft I
. . I . . .%a, U . water clatbril. at house, being altuato on . 0111lic-OPPOSAte Colborne notel I
. John Weir, of Seafortb, . inail train to see whether I could * flnd,.any comodate vpwa,rdo of 70C sea -going vessels, � . . . . 'Hurou'Road, Lot 12, OPP I Goderich , , I
" , , . I I .
Dear reader, if-yoll, are one of these is 4 person who understood both*German about 12o . � � __ . . I � 'OsIte the. HolmesvIllo . -
� . . . 0 fr9ra the upperIllbo,sa a large I cheese factor . . �
y strike recently, a It %. Five. WAutea walk.to etkurch , x
- Some years ago a for I � so tore boffice an depot and Johig HdImeaTilio, i ,
. and Roglish and I egmencrose 4 young number at be 4 4 ,oMne ban n � . I . I . . I �
Aelinquentp, look at the label 6n your h1unk . irgealand smallor , riy6r Craft. MOO a ]a l,y Occupied by Ur - I :
I I urch%sed a. farm in Minnesota f9r man volia h4d inlr.:t rotmaell'tookTithf.ria. M-- Gi CAMIKRON . .
anda, few days %go, -be sold this a . studied English at his The oroater part of ,the port forms a free 3 1 in .00 rooms -us5stalro For further Particulars a V ,
J)aper,:- note tbe 44te to wl;l $250 olseed I wa . rebotise district, which 11 n I . - to . .
. . . , ich your . . chool, Together, we went to those harbor or b .1 eat of watewer _Ao i 01 formOrly Of CAmOrou,' Holt & Canter .
I�ti ' . I enriductors and t . , , Appiv ,9v 'Aug FU LZOXAI�D, .On :
aubscA farm tor $15K.,, .-Ont 0 era DR, 8011110 . I �
, #rtews, 0 A, 15opt. - . .
. an is paid, and if in .. . ,bey'told our young 001nPrises IJ60 Acres of latidana 7 area t I I . . . HOI1oOS*Me BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR r �
� Mrs George Bell died, on. lfri friend to impart I . . .0 ,
lut down And, write 119, b4closlug.the .1 I day list . to..us the astounding of water. Notbigg liable to duty shoula be . . — . .
. � at the bome,of at 3 n6we !'that we were to ebange cars '(it tflkeuirsoide . the free harbor jimits. b w4w " I
L . .9 Tichbonine, Qod- , M t 10 F At SAVE 44,950 Ofi"'—"Aa"1tOo Bt Opposite 001 orne so I
amount. ItWilltbe the - at welc6me erice, where she' hdd sp tbe'nextetation." The Young follow - The HOUSEArOr SAYX Or to OBNT.: - I . ., � � .
ant the last I I . . __ � ,
letter we 'cav recelvei Mg. e I of he ill e Chief articles of commerce Are coffee, itiliari ' ' . I — . I I . I � ,, . Eighty Aare, tqrm In I ,�)g*man county, Rich . . GOPERIVE1. ONT � . I
. Tery r I r It as. Re . 1. - spirits, dyeo4 wine, iron, grain,butter t I US . On Viathria at., near Organ wilis 6700 worth of crops, modern new kouse .
. ,,ab .few weeks � , rvewas laughed at us but we were thankful to -- �
. I . Factor& two
a thirty nine years, . . . � get off so eARfly and prepared to vacate. and fancy goods, buy amonsy, comfortablid'housew th 0.0 ad barn 'and outhouse fine stone Cellar; . GARROW -Ak QA, " ' I
I . . ..
.criberwere to dothis,thwOurdeaof .. . . the last five of wbicK Con'., IWOVI-the Property recently occupied by' ak goodwater 'also hQueshol, furafghiti I . . . RRIOW I ,
. At a small town on thle 'border we atitute the most important ezports. The Upidialli AjppVatonco.�oj� . 4 : .
life to tho IMI? l3uckler'9 Sale in.Tockeramith k a of the .
liublisher -Would be greatly 'At � wiIde the a�quxintanee of; the custorns best , thsr�* lliorges a few head of cattyle of fine - BAuitisTnus, souorrons, ETC, 1
''J"... . I 'trade with the north of Europe is � RRYDO aP,tQ date farming Implem.ats finest O$RO-CoritorURROI14OU St. aadthesquar.&.�
. . . '� . . I I Engliob� � N -S,
I .
selleved. - * I �. ` ��.. . last week good prizes were* realized, a. officere, but, had. no trouble,as we did -chiefly'aarri6a on yiek Hamburg. .-Theheat -_ � . . - 13 , llilt"� � .
. . . cow and calf going at $200;'a, Flip . . . arr'ster &a. 01 orchard In county of 4 acres; 1 1�2 miles tions .
, I----,--. .- . I
`firougb� Mr view of The port IN obtained in the0ourso of , . . . . - ..
Add iess,the Nxcw E410'linton, Ott., heifer for $98; 6. steer calf for an pot 111ITO much 1:6 Put't . mood market -10 mileofrom, Oonufy seat. The Godertels, * Out. - . .
� . a grade heifer calf for $80. �y N, a, �1. Olarry would pass the conteW; of his one of the circular trips. To the left beyonc . * ce law I-olds,Wbusliels of %%ples 131 racks. 40 J. T, OARRoW, . I i
andoserisplistered litter, postallaote I . bancl-satclsel as tooth brushes,mus I � . Totet, ' � Acres; IMLroved, lbalanle ardwood timber. . Q -'C, ORAS. QARROW. L.A.1s , � - , I
: , . -0 tache � . I � , .
' I 8 Gr4cey,, w] the customs boundary is the Somathor,11at- I I �'. . I Nice roll . This property . I
pre order, , I ,h were free. andwheie Weafterran6audBritish. and Dutch. That beantifut ate Cost Present owner.susoo cash, Reason for I PROUPFCOT A - '
3P. 0. order, 'or Ex ' 'as [to has resided in Blyth curling, tongs, etc., whir 6 Ian , clay oam.
. . ire in the Jackson Block$ HAVSo � I
� . . -since disposing of hi's business In Passports Are now as, % mile entirifly stoamers lie, it is interesting to watch the' q'ilarou Street, lately occupied by C,Witts, Ap. follingiParty Is gaingto the oict -u.lay, This 9ARRIS , . . I . 11
, Wingham, has decided to locate in unnecessary in Germ I . IS a bargain, PROM, SOX401TOR0, .
_any.. discharging of the English, colliers bard for P'Y'O . I . School and church mh�, lroax To a NOTARMS IFVML xc". .. .
- farm. All goeslor 26D If talron y, -the 25th . TI= COURT, &c. . .
ft Strafford and will open 4 .fuj,prilture Out first stop was at the beautiful which th� limited time of -12 to 151souts is: �� Sept.' 1$11, Addrkiili, JOHN D. . ..
Atim , . TROS. JACICSON, Sr f ugust Clear ti to, _ am "6 in Tax Mqu
40 and undertaking store in thativi y. ittle town of Hanover, which Mton , , 11
I 4# NOW.S. V I - 1 6�� -4; � 00 e: North St., -next door tosigkim exce. " "
� . t � has, a �rarslsedj To the south in the Ormashro6k. � . BURIES% West Branch, Mob. . - rIVa a lrtWd6 to load at'lovest rates
I � - . I . . I � � . . . ,�, . , .. -1 I . -
. FAX13A'Z OCT. 20,1901, .� At P. joint j:6eeting of -the Session an4 Population Of 900,000veople. and Is sit. Haden for the Atlantic liners-apti French . of In � ..
I I . . . I . managers -of ,Hensall Car . ma uat0d in a well cultivated plain on both and Swedish oteftm&h, No** is � the Basker- . . FarW For Sale. I . - . � -. ; . . taxes . b, - - R. 0. HAYS. . .1
I . held in the. .1 el' church banks of the Seine river. We' made, Hafea where lie the ,i6migrarkt Steam I era of. � . . -_ . , . - Wheel,fok Sale. . I . W. PROUDFOOT. I . .
. 1 a gr4 t, itt �de", . vestry on - Monday week, the roagnificent Bristol hotel., near the I . --7.- � — - ,- ..ld ill' '111in!%
1 � .. Fr� nk Raese, (if Toronto, was the Haraburg�Ameriosn steam Packet. Co. The w0st half of lot 24, Bayfiald Can.. (;ad. I . .., . I I _. . .
. .. . �_ . en aged station, . orich t . I . .
. I . . . .our basis of np�ratj'oil. _9WashI 'Containing IoQ acres O? good Cleveland wheal, In" Calf t for sale at � . I , �
. .. LLL
, As pre6en tor, for the rewalude QeOIR The AeFt:of 'ibiscompriny Coast - - . " ro'M, Clinton. . I � . 'ectical' I .....
� . r. Of Sto. Of 80 land, Is o 9 easy terms. Good $16 I . ; . -M o
. I barnil I 6 Oro' ANN . _ .
. year.' ' ' . this Str8080 Is the chief thoroughfare of the Cagan steamers, with an aggregate 64P he .. le -'.18 Oaf -
Every person in Ontario is pleased . . . . . &city . g ritif p v a ,water and small ---� � 1. I . � ,
. . . town. On this street or in its vicinity oiroba,od. aisla, a.. to - . . . . DR& OUN14 a SICOTT - . I J
� I . .
With Cho "getY satisfactory' showiLg Word has been recelved from -Moosd. may be seen the railway station, Royal of ov�r'400,'000, tons. - Our Steamer no* tf- J; F. VIRIDN'lolt, Clinton - . .Shrops .
=ade.b,y Outarlo stock; an r Cede the Elbe to -the bsnasoru4,3ron .. �� , . - , hires For Sale - I Physicians Surgeons A - I
dairy'producto at itte law, Xt W. T.. conveying the sadolnewso theatre, MarktkirbO, R rQC u . ...... I I .. -_ . I # rodw I . � I
. -Psn.Ame, icap� , a4thaup, Royal 0 y brPillgo and, the . . .. I . OftloezOntarl,6 Street, 019
owspa0ere'. irr of the death of Mte Jag Ronair, .former. - Palace, Kestner Mua6pm�the Hanover- we ,n descends bY ther - .T fo at front door of �oola ton� .N t oa]Jsr,. " ,11 "I
. PPPec* . ly Tackersmith. Museum, and the Poly.' in which lie the arge 0 . 4 � � . . .. a understred offers I . . a or at - hospit 1. lot � . . �
bicion. The n .' - . . ' roil Ank We ass the 6egelachiff, � . FA,RDt F01K SAL9$_ : re r saiO. seven thoro. . I � I is�v c � . . i
ez", f part�; Are' - She had been ill for a I&u Provincial south b . . . .H tend. , . . . . . . br2 shropsh reg -three St. .1 I I .. . b ria,
Me 0 - commenting'. fa�or- , f, migrant oblpd and .1 and four Iambs. � one-yeflmId bucks . . . � I.. . � .... � . I .
ablY on the honors we ire receiving, long time and leaves a husband but no teehnic School. 'In the northwest &rt .. .
Bu children. I . . ... thersalling vessels.- , . ,. Subscriber offers for sale his * form of ISO . . . I . I
_ 1 4 . . &ores,. aft . I a - alti Calico � 1 Apply to , JORNwo0X,BayAC1 Upti-aw. SHAW - . . . . .
. I . I : '. 'Of the town stands the Schloss Rerren- 0 The Olt Colborne.. , . I QoderA,','hd loon., I . : , .
181,011, I
I r, the Conservative papers foi got to . . . y proper conisists of 'two. eirbarbs - 0 4 clear , frame, oi�t - .184 '. * � . , . tp. ; . .. . � 11
I mention. and Mr. Petlypiece in I hie ' Miss Apes 9, Giieve,iteacher r,f 8.,S,. bdusenothe favorite residence of George at St. patiliand St. George. St. Paull, the I an I Is It sores r a in ood - ... . . . PfLo 01AN, STJAQ..("% . . .. I .. .
— I I .. .
r 00,431 . . ge.tol Rent. ,, Ailooticheur, etq., claca . . _� .
1'40- 9B%8t Wawanosb, will he.ve:good gar- suburb COntlAadus. to Hamburg o4 the woo*, O . : tanout.,o, 08111014aillislichurehi ormeriF I
Forest Pree t'reGoo and Mr Holmes in 1, George 11 And Ueorge,V. � Tbo .4 "I'll OUItivat a, 0 a lie Be ,� .1
. as I le_� or as ,a I.:. , .
his Clinton New H aeon to be proud - of herself and her the out in. !a Principally frequented .2 stf, -_ � 7 , 0 .
I ra..forkot to mention �e den, -120 acres, in. area, laid I -bi Sailors, 'for 8 I a Bona Is - . .. Cold.. 9qpIedbv1F1r.'Appletouj lintonont.. . . .. �
that a large extent of'. that' success is pupile. OuCof.laight prizes 1,�en for old - French'. styleo contains whose anculseas "-�_ I . . � an I . . -1 ------------ 4-4- ., � — . .. .'I
I ent booths And abovis of ivory - I Acomfortable and rociny,eattage 6 .I--- � . .
due to tne De writing and drawing at� the statutesl 'that7 have . . street lately odcuplOd by Mr GO. curloluis"O ,' - DR. WM- GIRAHAM', .-I .
artment, of Agriculture, 4iingbarst . been coi)ied from deoluriptivii,abound. , The scene witnesssa -For ftle.-.01-." ]Etc , offereA to rent. T na,ter acrovacaut lot, toolitlato of the 110,Y61,06110 ,
. at the bead or they ca � arstiquev.� monuments of 114noverian I 1. 1. ., at. - I
- which is HiDp.* John Dt V- turlid two first -prizes and . here on -a -Sunday or Monday afternoon is a . "_� . . ofnipfi.willbe.1 1 -on.easy times.. pply. L �,., SO Of Phy0lafar1r.' � ' -: �
.1 , . . A . ., . !
. ____ 1. � , , life. k houfleou tbe 06' - 4 11 and; . I
. � princes, fOlintaftifi%nd hot, houseis. The chareateristle phase of , I
,den. Yet tilese peoplei. would ,willingly frAo pecon?.prizes. ., . : , . U: I " . Loud6it, Elool
.. . , . ./ ' Hamburg low the choice biio I.abr of Fitl- t.%S UPI), Mary St. , , . I . ,. � . . I I I
thlow over a man like'Ur Drydeii, '� Fig $imphtip. f 430166641statue of toe Elaetress'�icpbia, Situpited lit tbia'anburb, is the ton and Jos,erh stl �e estate Oct. 4-4. �- ''.. I I I . .. Qiliae and Residplied- � , . - I .
.its- bpa,.�. of the -late 4 0 ar vetoi belonol.4 to tj . . . , - I . .. f �
ganisr-in a Andq op tbe a ot -whet e'she expired., Borse, the groat footie of - Hainburg's . Is d Heywood is o' 11 I . PFxltxx,x BILOCS, Iffill, own. I . !
. because lie. peraiii's .in in 11 I � ormerly or . , r . �Nxohisrge or ,C , . . � . I 1. . k I I . 1.1
L . . . 'Con ins room for oral- I . I . I i ..................... �� . .
eriv'Ate money Whe' 9 s. Lon�- 'balibeen appoin ; tbe Hileori6de, a Wood. belongin 6 P a . n I * prac S L ' I .. L
vesting'hip . Jqorlb W Methodist church Oodoricb, To tbfi northeitfir Of'tb6 town I$ located 46 a life where four or fiv thovsand� brok- . er for L L . . �
re h please ited 4rgqnis'� and chair I � Y, a now houoe,� with - stork , I 8 ale, � � Co. W,
don News, . . .. I.. .. f , . g to the era, merobsnta�Aod- thip'"'MeraL otina , regato convehienoes, 1. t re . . .1 . I . I... . .. . OR, * I L . .1
. . � . master im tile Upatral BaVet. Offord tellthoof an acre. .. -..r- , - . .. . I .. . I THOMPSON..,. I I.
, .. � d or rent0i p( if 1, __ -A, .1 � . , I )
,� 1, he I An . . I . I .. -1. - - ,. I � i
. colledened walks and contain . restaur- neotod WithL the -E . Irto - I . steers) In food condftlon,� :Jls)yo n L.. Ile . peofal atteationgiven to diseases 6f I . .
the, largest bealAtIful daily, betweiia, 1, S.D. ond,2.15 o'clock " , hot gol mr stockets, Octal t- . . *-Phyplolan, 4urgeon.Ntor,
. .8944r -aa PRA is L 90F* town, and. Which o, - , CO& Of I d. , th pr or . . . .
.the'Njmw L , . . � .1 � a numerous xohAige by two wingli, I � _kof'it Ill area . Cantor Ounton. Cow, to CA ve about Oat. I -, Be .vs. ble, Har, Throat and.Nose. . . - � I . I
up . .. . I . * ,: I .; 0 ... -
... - ., _. L. ., i . .
. - bbt to the Epg . I I , . , 1. I
$his is an I . ch4robepirs that .'city, and "Oner ww1ch - Ants, , Hametis,of P4ticolar , , ib;_a _Ae*_T on, , 16 I ,
- . . '. - fftir statement - " . , .. lotei . M-Kiw-, -rown-brilh,an impoilipg 1i r Bailin
. . . V9 Its '0061i .ripaidqli��00�,tej� ,' - I I dverstoaked� WILLILTICK I I I .
i. .. . ... . . . .
� . . . ce and P ' I L
' _111�Z . 01:410100. :, :- I ... �h - lIShM1%fi.61i `AdlbC)'tsb6 Lof adinaaluilIe &Ftniisu. mpe t*ia. " I Oct'.4 3 .0 eaville r OM tesidence.- I I .
- he H[ppite. I.iboughi ittfliolainfly W611of this �� FA I � ,� . I .1 .
t1ors. The:R10w fiiikntiver iekp-d fo*r '� Mjbffla6td�_ �' 1jeol'JAM6 . 6 : glaij t� L Irl; .�ing for, a I , jjqj6n�d.. � , , I.. . . Xft T94 0.� L . .4. � , , � I , . . . . �, , L ,
. . I .. . . I I . _Y W la ., ime it part.oft ' , LX . . All�ert Atr"i, 2 blocks North or RattOrs6stri.., .
. I sf , I , L . . b Rali ' - � - ' � ;� -v I -L , .' �- 'L ,� I . . . I- I � � . � .
' " . L I I I I . . I . . 'L
I .1 I ��� . .
his resignation. We Stated Our belief -G*-`X-R-AecUoriman,. and .a respected OnIV.& thO 40C.06019n:of qd4ep VictorlA. to.purblisselts th (I - 2. , � . � � , .
the' I -connec�iou With . Da .' (9,; 1totGoderich.for many years, -ildh 6" % ,QJ a 1, lc The qXtq9f9r lit Ptlttkiilt fit. mo er 0 peqr Auiscilb6r, oftera - for. .sale tit& , fArm. of lbo. . % I I I For- Sal , .. . . 4 �.' - ,.L' I . 1. ,� . . , .
t his resld6t audth�ou�b tho Opiate. f thL . . rio.bl) . gores, 11 .el',* . . I . . I - . - . . . ,
.1L tti: * Adowed with aoilip.. , �Ko. 54, situated an loth Con., town- . L .� . .. . I �, DR. AG.INEVV. I L .,:. : ,
, I
1 ,..4 1. kQ JaWLdid-the union,ceasO. -, WOW - 'a ille . shir of, ullott, H ut 9.0 aor L . __ L; , , * ` L' , L , ' . . . . — . , L. L I .. I I I �.. . I . IL I .
died on'Wednesday. Oth.inst, after an thI15 lit reA. * T I ,06611-i4it of the'Exobange. Cleaved and In a a U as - 'See DENTI I I . � . .
rAuch was a mist4, 6"thab It tras bad, ii1tiess -of, several v o1state of ouhlvatlois� bal- :md-hand .Ensilage Clatter, 4iiak �alld ... � . _$T. CLINTON, * �. , . .
.1 montbs� duilstio.n. - fle eountry'c4tlle GeO. I Abd 0160- 11., -to the ChufOh"bf 86 Nicholas. . The wast isno bash. On the farm b a good frame hohap Hors power; allcomp,ete.. . I . . I., . . , ' 'L L L . . .
valitlessand that it.*;u,ld be'used bylble Besides � her� h6sband, she leaves & the founders of ou� bra964J Uouse of towers, 405 feet In helkfit, is one of I I I bank birn and at . � , . I J. J-. WASHINGTON� . ' - . . — L , . ' .
. I . ' . , I I :, L. the high, urge h6ro"buildingi,.goda. , 011108, Adjoining Photo
,oppopents to 15r of two soils and two �. I . . . ' - 19ating orchard; and well watered. 'A . , Lot 25, Con 3, W. Wawaudib . . . I . . Studio. .. , - � .
, S'Oerilghs. - I , to, '' L . I L. .
grown-up famil iot buildingi InEtir vvly ,L .
.detlWopt, av4 that lau%hter to indiirutbe lo s,' I , . I oi , .
4 ,r . .1 . . I . I
h! ' ,(Ulm. Cathedral 528 . . . . . , Aubuth,piat. . . I
' ' ' I
h L, " , 'Btignessbeforepieltsurell was tbi ftq� Colopti'Cathedre 612'fiet), Inthe 1:16h: 'I$ , f JOSE.PH R IS) �' ."gust2la-tf - . L p. Ot"ce Hopi" to, 6 . L
.p , . a of: 0 sood . I . liarbli, 22-tf � � . . . . . .
.. .L
,of the tiattyl. Vel,hai�bh6tc astiged: loot, at, � . . . . . ' '' '� -I---- I . I. .. . .. . .1 . . L
e .. , �0=dog' I I
. , I ". I . .., 11 mottbot our trip a,nd Qbsr first duty, oculptiire of the exterior tsad'inlieriqrvit woo, 4' ' , ,AT BATrml�m Evzay W]WNIlsp&i,i2TaBxO*W,-. .. . . ,
. . . . � ': I . . . . . I . I - ' I
.. . I . . � I . . -
I . . I I L .
iffiat view. The 411ference -between. WAS to,call, on wli repTesentatiVelfi'thle intendedtoperpetuate the memory I , L " I . .. I
I ., L . I Miss Mag is Stowe# eld@it 't)augbiter toWn, . I L of All . .. � S.&L 'L 7 :' , , L
�. . _J& "
Vilat is' right spil whit Is. good, of Henry 5 owes of God�-richt, I . We found hiln to beitibice little 'the* tblat, promoters -and propagator# of ; . ...,I 1r;bA, ... .. �.. I .. . 'A ' IeSl W . *_ DlRi:d. ER41 I IS .1 , . I
. . � L ..
I . . was ma 'b , It. .. I .. : �, , .. . . . it I& _ . L anted � ' . I I SIST * H 0*1.M'
- . p, Ot, to our disruay�be-knew very chtiatisility--Northejost ofthe Exchange ..Th . . _ .1 '. .. . . I .. . I .1 IDENTIST * ' . .. .. . � I
. 0 fraii6cottatre on Oran#,P ef Vee%sCCOU L, ' , - - ,r . I � . I 1. I . Dr 'T. 0. Broje) , r � 1.
1b setics Politcally is. oarely.plain en6ugh mafriedAbointlipe on Wednesdayi little Ustalish and it- took him neaily.an tiaeo St Peter's church, the chief objects Of Oell by the undeveired, is 0 ored for Is -on Highest pride Pat for ran and winter apples ' .to . 11. . .
I 0 . h W . tember tA, to tam Carter,' who hour -to tell us I -big hiterest in which %re'the rIng a,, , the Alior M ) tarms� be at Is i of an acre, With L ON, (Suociss�i .
-for the News to Pee.. 'Mr Dry ien as ' e tims a a. wielded -the r that he had paid; L 1.� I . it L ionabli I . . .. I R-CANTEL Clinton . Spee Ust in ct6wx and'Aildge, Work . . I .. L. I
L ,,go azorLand draft.' The Dohe'rty Organ is bla-lead- Pulps , I A .. X,. D. S,-"Graduato ,
O .n ' a I :in . of the tower,.tbe cAn py over tl,e k or -and aott- water, stable, good fruM and AU94 9�-tf. . L .. .. . Royal college Dental S=d - I . .1 .
.. . O-ks'German oiganeas well. the granite colunisia it,, M"'ahe Fild.,!athearfil k * �v_ a , Is 0.'doatalnS hall' I . . , * �
,righe'tob yallbis-tstimesupplies,at. erich 'and is' now' . the at but beat P . �
. I . a &I - buslitsee xden. The kous . L . . - aeons of Ontario, -Taronto "I I . .
'd P 4) 9 be come, Oiotbag closet, dfaina . ",,i"- 0--musu-04ass.tionor graduate of Dan-, *
I . - ;1. I ' spent a day. with b1m, and bad the the now poi,itea',Oif%iz,t,,.�v,,,f)drs,�tF. ?%ad 4.11rib , "' Or.kitcheii, collar odshedi . Apple *86tter I 'tAIDODurtmeatolTotonto UulyewtF . L
A!ioroutu 'he Wants L L I .8 at Pilot Moufid� � . . .. .
el'ar el ' sto e'i - And, . L ... . .1 � ,� L I ' . ' . ; rleoure _ 0 VS find we . . , .1 I . L of I I . . .
to, but we do not�mthlpk lirwcu4.,�hislp ., ' I 61, hooking a ulco, oider. from. relief representiny llio-f-4-,mbineat. i �� I -, 0 Ily locs, dt ossessl VCR& 0 _1_4 . a A16V Atteationigaid.,to pradarvatt�n dr-., * I
� . I In St. Thomas church. SeafortIld.-on him. .. ! . . . . .. s � - - I I Hall I . 11 . . . 091.1dken'steesh. . in viett Ba old *vs* '. -
. - . � . - Itt the north . on age �, ILIZAB" 3 AM tf And Cider Mill at Blake,. now rqlaning to. 1, Monday A I
bile, election if he Aid so, ' Hene6d it . . of AMP oulililib we visited ., ,In . , .
. .
I L , . Thursday, .0at4 10tb-� Miss Katherin L The'next day on Mir way from Ran-; the,Zoological Gaxdlp�o�,.ie of _ .--. - .1, I ... - blast. Bring youtAppla and gotioma -of our 0imo� a L var W. Variar 4 San,ff shoo stairs. I. ,* . . .
' .
. . I U . TAOUlse.-daughte � air "' Over to Hamburg, whilli- riding in An' Pensive Lana best orgAnized in Germany, . C11101CO Faim. for. Sale, ' - make and ybu will q0iiia agairi. klaities.from L
would be bad tactics politiiia Y. -,' And rof 4ir H.J.Parich di . . I � I . nee 6tte. advise of their � : I
L L . I I
1&.the same way We belle'001i'Mr Dry- . w4wunited in matilisge to Mr Edround apariment by outgelves, a' I privilege 'The toast inter0stbag points aiC theetelabant .. . 9 ', A .. __ . . a dista ==�,_ . . . . I
- I I bostlea, the (Iong , L . ]Ott", as 0-106to Press of lansizesswe.cafin" '7,n, ` . .
. den made a mistake when, . b. Petors. The oeretpony,witsi perform., Which we - were, inyari ists'Lof proy. the' ubscriber offers for sale his fine farm of 147 � , game day, . .. A , � 1: . ,. - ., . . I I
. - Pot.pj-aw-4. ';�!,�,�' JOHN TfiIRSK, ' L" � I L -L � .. � ... I I I
ably - allowed of the has .1 acres, being lot %, cork. 18, Hallett, All clear otherwise attomd,o, iliew ..-y-eteritiar-yo -
be allowed, ed. by Rev�. Win. Cr4fg, B.D., rector. of thirmigh the courtesy ofthe conductors, ,oaaoade�grotto, "the bear's" den, and tho. edbutfouracres. Briahouad(ankilloOftsme -1 .
.. . , -� r I L Mission to efite . I . .. . '.. E11111. % .. � , . . I I .
. ,
his name to be used'in connectionwith Ofirlat Church; Ntrolia. . a gentlem an asked per , r _ aquarium. . Hore I'hid the pleasure of for _Vriag crack, I 1. 1 1. . I Auburn. Ont. * I E.BLACKALL vIlIT'SIBINARY SURGBOIV - I .
. . I . . I . I red i),bauk barn, r , I I I i .
A :4diet but prett waddlZig took wbiiDh we w�re only too glad to allow, : hearing ono of she finest German hands. .8 g. orch of 2 Re= 1% mines froin, Lon- � �:' . NonotorkGraduate of thoontorloyetaitiritry,-i - - L I
a Dakota ranch, while, �OL 9ectipied the PI . I Paid for L - condition. I . Dressi College. Tr6sts all diseases Of 401116stlefted kt-
I . . ace attite horn 9i perceived, that be.could speak our seats by taking a Cup of Ooffe# . 101, ana III good ., . .naking'L � .. inals On the .
. position of M, inisterof Agriculture. .'.If k and Mrs. Robb Wh a 11.11SAlt- me, terms t6 suit Purchaser I . . 1. .1 I . WoBtrooderpand actentlacps,jilee - . I
' . I . . Grahatia,-J,P.,Luckficivir, on the 16th Ra 'Re handed us his'dard, wlich ona Sam& biscuits and gorgolizola cheese. .. �� . W. HIM.Londeabors. __ . Plos Offloe-IMAmodia6telysoutbofibenewsks I .
the News will.quiiietly interview some inat, when their daughter, Misb Hun re4 Plerce,,Secretary.of the Am It ball just happenedilibal on'Onr arrival -at � __ . : I 'L The undersigned desires to Intimate to the Oince. aesiaehoe - Wbert St., Clinton, Call' � " , ,
. . I. � L lee . I . I — ladlesof Clinton that Fhe bag k6tur%ed to,. alobt ordaV Attendeato promptly
' ..
I A -, was .united , in marriage to R. H. i StL e G I �
thi' VO " Reat E at , for- Sale. . . Mont . . I . I . . . L
4of the Liberals of London on' . ll, ericah�Coasular'ugatiots'. St, Peters- .Hambura thei were itir aringagrea recep- i and openel4direasmakingootabdo . � 1 .
a Met Bu'trpll, of Toronto, by A&VA 0 Har. burg� Russl%" I returnedibe. compli- tion to General. a 71aldersee, Who was ' .. er a a A be pleased -to execute or V or- .1 r , L , ', . . .
I L L ' . . .
ter, it will get opinions that may - steer AS, Lubknowd,., . ' L ., .. .... . L .ineitandwhers he saw I was from returning1rom China, but the Japatent ' .. . . __ . . a 0 utste to hot. Herresidette is on , DR.� Jo- REF-MANt, I I . I
its conclusions. . . I., . .� . I . '. . Led . The POoolof around 'adjoining- st., Paul's ao .hrof . ttenbury and Oran a atreets,, ' d V=RWAity SuRaxos': I . . I .
i . i On nada, be,grasped my Empress Dowage'r abrilpfly. Rectory Consisting of lot 218, Ratteribury St. I I 0 (jot opposite theMetbod st charoh.
I .. .. On, Wednesday ot last. week Wm R. aHOW do yosid-, my . hand and -'said, death of the t. �. 11 .
. - . I . Drummowl, of, Blyfb, formorly, , o you Ar .. Is offered for sale. . I MI.% TREWARTHA. **, , "
. - . f � frotber? Though 'widled the fdotiWiles and. the Ilage were andlot 162A Princess St a 1-� I- . I .. I Memboi Oi tbe Votpriftary3fadloal Axso -
I . I . . . 8L . e from (Janads I am glad to see pliced at half most. - . , � .. . I Uoh lot to about 80by 132 feot� Togethorthey UOII� Of London and Rdilliburgh, mind 4=h. . - . I
L . witigham,,enteired, the -'rank of the . You as Canada odJoins InLy'n 'veland . ,zaake An exoeDtionally fine qlte�fcr & first-class ANTADi,-4. hTe Oftb6 Onta1j&Veterbi8ry,CO1IAX#. . .. I . ..
� Largi. Wholesale House TA"T L PTAZASZS OP ALL Alqpst"S .
A Question of Reciprocity. ati � Between the two suburbs and to thestorith residence, A to Wm. vs or C.C. W b I
� 1;ene icta,' The.ladi of his choice was ill. Phlill nn . a branch oflice in Ofifee,opess night and day, ,aniscolts
_, and you are jood nalebore." We h7A lied the. Binniii-Alellor and ho arlyfronir 'aaace, i-hurellpifardeall'Cl. nto Canada 4 desires Manager for same. Salary - , - ,
L.. . 7 1 Miss Bys, F. Wide, of Wingbam. The A, , Is, . .
I ,Vl .. I .. sto
, is lika,j to . . . r 1. oxidid time with . . I . $ .1 PS00 Church, Ontario Street. . o ,
President Roosevel 1116b, L im Ile could i#hlah ate anque4iosiably Nombuig's great- August 16'�-tf- I ' . . Per month 'and axtrgi. prollts. A Iloant . I Illison,
I , take MAkris.90, ceremony wits performed bi. imeak Sri . L.Rues!" - and eat Attraction. -This sheet of water of an . I . . o . ... . I - - . furnish good referonces and PA . . . . I out. I . I
sayanced ground on quos: . tion of L Wto, Low, at the r oldence of J. . German,. '. . I . have, 1500 -to .
. %rtat ' L Q $ a , Address Suporintencont, P. O' L �
the � 1. . 10 Vf .o . : , : . .. . , I : Polish. �, btaugh him We ,obtained a fitagalar quadrilateral fitim; So sicros, 111'ex- . . , 111011se a Lot tor Salo. 136M 1 1 elphta.jPa. �. I I. .. I Mliscelle,ileoli . '. ' L
Reciprocl(y, At he' will recompi good inalgith Into the most; ..successful tent.and upworat of a wife in 6iroumfer. L. , . Oct, 1. I 1, .. . . . I S. ,
L I end to 'All ,the leAchers in the Winglistm Way tomanage the organ busines I By MR14DUR, . . L. I .. 1. I . . I , r ,; — .
big 6 U,_X 0 I ence, is bounded on, three sides by quays .. . . , �_ . I . AARIAGZ IAORNSES Issued Py the in. I I
Vongress in messag L t 'Decem., pubhoschool have b ' to -en , ed his ser n I I . . r .L �"_ . � . L —
. . . een sited for Russia. He kindly plac . . I . . AGENTS WANT91)-.Vor the Life of the' 0* F denigaed Ut'lifir" Residence, maxy street '. .
. I . vices pleated with frees and Ranked with ip&la- Let . 0MoZG . I
bar the general princip16 of commercial, next yCar, at,the faiffeii : �' Atour disposal at any time, of which, lialbotals and handsome priwito dwellings. lb;ehostsoarsd tonPrInceisst.atpresout President MaKfuler. Prioaronay $i.50. A . . . . 1. .
� . OCTied,byXk&'WatkIpa, slid belonging magnificent Portrait of President maxialey � . I 41AMES a Sal, .
. . Miss Rober toon, Miss Re*y'nolds, Miss Mir Clarry will no doubt avall himself The fourth aide towaras the Aussen-Aloter to alterCook. of Navan
veciprocity with foreign nations. . , '? Mian, is - OffeM 18'x 22 Itchesi willbe?iteii.as a premium. witR . . I
But I Farquharson, Miss Reid, 0350 each -,Miss while on his preaentvielt to, our Rus. is ,laid out in promenades, connected by for sale by tender. All in ormation may be each copy sold. or, I 'TAMES CANK.Pan , .
- . _ , referred a choice of LL WNDESSORO .
he will not surgest any particularfolrea Vanstone, at the rate of $= fitirfirst tian slid Siberian skents, . I had the obtained from DAVID D1CX1Nl,ON, Olt to 0 niner other Presulu F, ...
. means of Lombards Brooke. , a n in 13 atursO, including the t ZSSUZA OF IMIAGE
I I . . 410 6138,
\ Of Application of'.tho principle. Ile re. half year and. $320 for second balf;xiss Arriving at Hamburg, -we put up , bywhom-tendartw bereaelvedupto Nov. Dukoand1sucliessof ork, roijectustre, , No witnesses .
at pleasure of a drive around this most exquig- 16, Thoblorhostbl, takes the% place, oth,ar sbudloo-topayoosto maill . , , —.rea , 1
. I . . Oronyn at tb# rate of 8320 for a . P, T, ng 8editai on, I
. I rob half the Continental Hotel and tit the earli- , ite'promenade, the like of wkich oat hardly, Conditions being. Satisfactory. . ., liberal terma, frolitht Valdo $oil out X as . #W-VAANCOMB, U911BIZA OV ASS -N Olp
. . I
.. . I
garde that as the proper 1unction of � i, and $335. for Second half;Prineipal eat converil(ifice visited our. house in be equall6d, , - The antfisce of the water to Sept. 20-1. . books. they, are the best,. A peemiu it F P. L. 0.* w6vinotai Zoud Surveyor and .
' Ma' . . . w . . . , 1, - elyll EnglAaer, London Cut,-OM06 atoee.,
the Congress, and as matter With' inuagrave, #7756. � . thiff city. We tound the proprietor to onfivinea wiwomaii screw Meabsora. wo _�_ evor one.'Address, WORM., PUBLIS � . �
I . " I . UUMPANYoGUEL119. ONTARIO, StOWSO'SOM60 Store. Uat*2 I
* David Mccroartell's Sale In .be a beautiful man, keen for business. � Ing boats. and :groups Of IlWaiis, and the � . _ - , I - , - , 1 ---.-------..r I I
which the executive has nothing td'do Hibbeit Choice Farm -for Sale. � WANTRD-Several. )POrsobs Of character .
'dent is 1p recently was a most successful one I and with a great prospect before bim bAriked.especially on line summer 'evenings, .. ., � I . . .
intheinitiLtive. The !?rest , . � 6 , _ I — . . . Wiv GLEN CAMPsEiLvo. ;
. Ode fine'three year, old, colt brou connection with our Organs. He ietif a picturesque ip and good reputation in -each state (01'ein
I or of reeiproc4larrabigemen I t8i and ,cows oeo consider, I I riance by gas That choice ind Well situated form of. 96 this coun.tyrelgired) torepresentabd adver � . . . — , , .. .
a, , - . Organist oud Musical DIr.
. be will quote from. the late L .6172; 0, two year old went fdr 0156.1 Me jobbing to the trade, Firgaht. . Of these pitimens, as I have in my aar6g. being lot A, Maitland Conceoslonj� on. tisA old estabi shed v, althy Iiiisimi,iKs bougo of Sfzeeo Church actor of Nortis � . I
President' brought from $40 to:$02, And I �of ! d It ice stock on-, ethlbiti6n - in. pooseadidu a photo finished ill mothe? of the Huron goad, Goderfols town4hipf bo. solldfirianeial'staudit.g. .1-alary qn-OD weekly I Godbrich And tesCheir isa
McKinley's now famous Buff4lo speech A a1r. lenging to the estate of the late Samuel lax antes ad( OkGAN ail �HRORy is . I
yearlitif steers sold tor $75, ' . � .bi , no ire -rooms, , Had big wife's peatt. on the soutbwest aide of this begin litional, all piq able in calsh P �takv ,
Holmes. All cleared and noarll ell Under tgered v
atifavorof that doctrine. . each' OdnOsda dired from head offices. Ab &limited 40aberof'Pipiclit., " . I
HOW -far Case, o Sbaforth,L Also no filic, fare him Lob hie offiCe'deek. He is altuaWlUe palstial Hambuiger hof or cultivation Brick house, barn, beat Air or'� v For terms apply, this ojnoo , of ta,,� .
Congrbea will Ov or what effect It will thorou ergs at � 6 9 furbished, when necei.
a bou was very proud of his city and took. hotel, bull$; like fto town hall', of a tkoh chard, wall watered with spring Creek, Sl- gary. efer 0. RIM1046 self-addressed g 0. In."1110 I
h1bred Lurh bulfil"le, , Or , 0 may be taiin from 11
have on CapalliAn affairs, 16 imPOSSIM6 which e aid $115. he vvb,d leasure In showing us around. colored Xed atone and was one of the m6st Wets 4 milAff Of Olinton and,8 rallos of God- stana ed an 0. Manager,, 1816 0AZtou . . at the 0 sailors, How, quitstom, . .
to say until the matteiv comes Illyt 9 I Safe great D arich. Will be sold oil reasonable term$. Ulf ing, hica . . . of Oh *"X . I .
Already arguments pro, and dob,, are realized 0875. , . At the &face Rostatirant, a banquet I was elegant buildibigo for the potpoge that I saw Apply to W 13. HOLMUS, Zxeaut� �r, LuokAoW opt is- Is, . . ,
. I
. I
ywhere and: the . Geor . Standing on the ramparts near the Low- -- - - -...- . GONTS, WAXTrb toti 11THIr, T I ARERSON I
being circulated ever, . PreParedfOr no and. we were hiVited to during toy wbolo,trip. . or to JOHN HOLMES 11011fiesvilie. Aug. 21"I _ � . � D. L.'VACPHIR �,
, ge Baldwin bag purchased from sample wines 15 and 20 years Old. � A AXD I . .
Republioans are, lining up for **&tso the Thomas Motor Company of Bug. For About Myeate our man in Hamburg bavds Brucko we otamand an 'admira,ble . RRION or � VIGTORIA, including I I -_.__�_ . . A �
U apeolla inemoria tributes front the most emw. LoStrit"Cul. I
, e, -Adetor to the I . Ont British and Canadian statesmen, and ,,nd �
against the Principle of trade arrant , one Of theirauto-bi roadster had been liefling Organs for Is, first olsogAto. V16W of the, expansive Aimsest FfirM In T CkerStaith - . . I � A �
wants. Among other t b 6 ie ' This is the (firstilmachine of - erfean House but a few yeats ago he .drop -r north with its bankis studded witii villas 0 -09 SALIL Llf of Mg Bd " VM" also Ilix7%, about g1re, .
'a"" ' .
Washington Bureau of, Statistics of 1310ye ls� his American agency and took Cars. and the BlImien-Aloter to the Southwest with .. . ' . ]Llft� teddtiat. VIA" 43060- , I
. this kind brough6 to Sesfarth. It to. , I . - . C " Illustrated than any riVal . _ I
e.Treasury has recentlY Put f6rth a ,driven bV a li , VorRI.E.6t� .
end, colide" Mr.1ho. Couliser, from Lon- �
-horse power gasoline , otay at 1: tufghi, however, I could never ex* the towers of the city in the background, Par sale South belt Of tots%. - don,Zng,'thadel ratied HIA&rIft and Joursia- ozncx %
tulletin pointing out in, det.ail the. onplae, and. is capable of going forty 046% fitbris him A 11datifession" tb the oddot The eye doild hardly real; upon a mpre slonof Tuakerstaith, This fatm. colat&lnerh t, kind .11 I I 6111tor 0 A _�. . . .1"CUr Dr,duir, C ."11=10
workings of allprevious treaties of thle to leg - an hour, ,and, can 'be run very that our otgans were the japetior. .'It - ra. boalitiftil soatso. , 09 the coat tampart Hoeg 'Urea All of which is Cleared � and fit A. good azina, 0 . . a I . I � .
sort .that the United States hag had cheaply. Whilo Gilt (Ora splathe otli , -the epitaph 6 I � liatoofoultivatiOnexopVtO acres of Cod cover. tt!a t " on. �, XiSS EliZabeth Walker, .
_ - minded we Of Paddy and f a beautiful eittao, of Rchiller, * � us it Well fenced and UCdOr dkiliflned. I Ono I I
andshowingthe reAt4dyantage4tilgi eO day, Mr Valdwiti went Vow Brace- the tombile'Daniel, Webster. - Shortly be. In the St George suburb is the Museum et�, Is Olt the remleas a good. frame barn or van; r fir a I Grft(LUM Of Toftistocongervator �
ariVea �� 14 , . at . on -T of Militia
h6ve been do with stable shached. frame house with IF,
therefrom, . Among field to.. Hensiall, a dietanca -of Six Inflog, take death, Webster issia, 4f I Ans dying but of'lildnsttiikl,&rt,,vrbi'ahootitsibe finecolloo- 'Wood ad also, Sc I I will resume her clegg.in Voice Culture. Plato -
others; it notes the results of the treaty in ood orchard .with late of and HaralbUrOrtVateor$ ,corr, ondence).*dck
twelve miinutes -or at; the.ratb of my Iffe'a work will still-livivola," So they flons of porcelain sod Japkinese postal work, smallfruitplontyof hard and.noft water, a, t ursday, a �' * I
with Can%dai ,Which existed from Sep thirtY Mites on bourt placed on his tombaftirse the ophalilb,"Des,d and Is second to that of Berlin 613hong Mau., mi 6 salreb of wheat down it Is oonv each week. or
Oro lituatod for church and sohooY wit1h,1111, we" mgr at b6irstudloa., I
_t. . � ton 'JOHN Will, YEO F - terms a .
]4 1864, to Marob 17, , IW, ttylbig the but livath.0 , Pat, while helping to, Stool; seamo of the k1AJ in Germany. The Galerlb 6 . of Clinton and 7 of Seaforth . . I it . I
� to 11OLMESVILLE, I W -ft, , * Jam TOWN13MD, . .
Ivaports and oxports of the wo 661111 yao, rallies, of cOnPI1. Turnberry.bixil the moontheint, noticed this words ond after Wabor oontaiiia $00 paintings by the old Apply to IDDO ORICIT, Clinton. Agint for the MANdimATm Pruss AsseaAwas I I i
I I - I . �Cuntdnl � �- I �
1. �
triib for evorY 7061' of that period and A, narrow escape from being killed by i thinkingoverilleatiftroftilly and seriously misters. At the northeast of the Anlloen4 - .,- � ... 09, of ManChoster, England, Wholse fuddil And , 0.16IN-Tbi T�f . . . I I
Contrasting them with the two ,years train last Week$ his horse -being, kil ed for is few IM1911116A, tonsistkid, "Welf, by Aletet lies the favorite park resort called I seautity are rated at$14^ODO. Alsothexcl. . I
FWOO , operty torsale. KIROPMUMLIAUMCE00. Allclassesof WOOD and ,
�receddhlpr and the two Years following andhimself recellying Severe. btulses. 'dad, In was dead, I would'own ito to it." 'Uhloolsorst, where couO600 are hold alsily' I . , . fatisirisko aid tovm vtoport7 taken at . . COAL TARMAIWO - �
. Tbbfi - It lee ebb* an enormous in- Mt F4111s WoAddying home and when 96babuig*wIth abM 700,0001tiliabitants, Ilit the stmillier. . . -_ - . I I .
oth sides during the treaty prossing he did n6t heat I I ed - _L1 - - 'is 6 - beffilptonedtoproniptlyn SlAisro.
ciettao on 9 near Prikle's Otaisfathist of about 84 acres, mostly ' ft 3 a ffl=n I,affit'. be k6*'M11'06Mp1 I 0 . .
"a" rates so
ked falling 69 after its rels. the C. P.R. freight coming, Tbetrain - __1_111.1... .. .1 � .... I 1. , I I I .I (To.be continued.) ell and wen fewed# at the village of Hohne' 6. F t r . r 1: Wh ch *91 fe sold at - .
slid, a war , i --I On the probiseq is a frame houw near4 new . patur 1*1 16 at r , � Ot'
0= ro . of j:: 'I'l .
struck the borsoana killed It, MrFlil. a . _"�I, _ postal 'd wi Offifton1i"Ostred ON
efladitig. BrieflYtheyshow that the .16ralya Purchased lot 93, , tell. in bed rooms, dining. room, parlor Atu �1856`a% I R00349 W. W LV,61� .
AL young son 09 Mr.1ohn 0 Grieve, of 000 0 95 . 11 P I
impottafrism Canada increoAed from Its *as thrown from, the buggy lond be Por 0300 J. - . k1t4h6rij wood-shodi Storage room, tir fill f almitabl": a - r%
I '1181)0 0 UO and a doctor summoned, con, 2� Morrie. from J, 116hortgon, Migilloa, had it very close call a foW closele, stone Cellar with furnace, bar and A 0*6000� . , , ,
I I Georgiv Ilendorliclu, of the Stir tow da.*# Ago. He wits puttf bg the horses soft water, bank bart With stone stablin atil 1 060dolso$%
11116ut Stir million ddllfttia In 1852 And � , cueutors Notlec .
IM to 41M 000. 000 in IM Ana over 048, en % , so tound that he bad bad A eimlon, bas a filotak of paturc 'Thlob III the stable and with ,thein wait a waterluoide driving shed end other but d- .. 1
$ . , After the treaty wits t 1bgs, A 16ody6mig ordhard, of I rf t . � � I .
0 ow in i8m, r le escape; His bead bad the: A 76tIng'plig Withill2t feet,, -two behind youlligeolt. Suab aq he watcoming arnmersongtobear; achoo Char at. 10; the Matter of the Estate of William A.
dge imports Promptly I-' I n r off in plitcas '#slid it. piece of' .1 111`60ni late Of the Township of East WSWAA ' "
dopoed; off to about 425,0w,OM, * 143i. , . office, rose ofil L statif ,
rimbloded, th 191.0s s , _ Andf6urfn front, Atth(imiklejolpti o0b of one of the ataller. and whilepaser a 4 i I a at FALL TE R M L
. out.of the bridge of hisnotle, Where most plog hayoNt%kitideif prong Ing this animal, It kicked, stit hhn&,%.r further Information so . japith In this County, 61 Baron, yeoman, DO . .
ports to 0,4116AA amountoil from about, . gro _ iking him J , � . I I 00"441 � . 1 , I , .11. .
$11,W,OW to 1842 And 18M t The h6tol buildings at Leadbury- W109, this 46'himid We on each N oft the iye #And making a toast w 'd . I .
. on extia, add full�, formed foot, , dardane'I or Addregg' WX MORCH: I NOTICElohereby gl,�en outanslititc, A,a. 0 , �
. MO In I 0 and along Ir 0 UIA word completely destroyed by fire early Ift 2. althoughtto bones were brokyouOus"M Ang. 4 -ft. . . t, - Box 8 Clinton, out. 1* llw, Chapter 129,$action 88, that all crehitorp Now Opbn In 611 Depow . :
ly r in tha r' Tuesday morning week. The if a ditfokr to the foot in the uitual plaiae. the eye Wass not, permanentir Injured. - I .I �., - . havinsc any claims againit the estate of Wil. .
altmdotl I over t . fiftt Ofsedvered at two o*cIock %4 =9 90,07 on Saturday morning Week Her waot, however# knocked down, and ' 1 . fact R. Brow Wents of this 11
(0, unti the tr Fit a. r# Palo - I ,or. 0 0 - 0, late of the Township to glis I I .
WIN P �ey . 11 F then 110AM AdVallcild that little or no, the buildin sin, Mesoirs Frae6r & Log. rendered uricopsofous fot a +times, but, -1 .. I WA*8,110811,lb tU Countrbf Huron Decossod. ..
f6rtuostely, his f0her, in Anotheir I who died on or About the lstday,o April, Ai
WIN , to) y roppe Ab . thing couT4, be Saved. Mrs1ones wait in anligtiletia brick" ., . D 1901 at Tavitia, Plorlda, at. hor6R,:0 fr�
I W1 . Heave I .
8646rth that night and Mr.rone& wits Myth In t1d � ally t4me to hits 0 1 , 'ad bV I . central NushleaNCOUtge, -
itift 1. I ast South of b of the barn, a .6 will C,
- -0- n I ""'. ullatt,tov to v vrore des. Pat, po 'a to A asit or deliver to, *
bAre Able to 01606 In liffa night clothes, troyled by"fire. The aid. HelanowAlIrfichtd, . R t ..b'aat Bruot 'old or Italit,_ nolaigg, Cl(nball,
. ri n of the fire 'p lltar# for fliest4ld W� A BWWAodn of b I .
Ill f6f6tTin: - totble Itoyit Ra*IOW at The �l e Is SuPposid to have origibate.4 a unktiown, tn 90A tion ,, to the Otte day' keeeptly, as 4 threshing I U . A to tho iot dal of Novem§er A. 1). i9ol, fli=� . MOM) I .
9 I somewhere near the ball which Was itildings 0arge quaotItv of tile And. Machine WAS at Work ,on ther farm of ft'lluamys'all 1:06668 And a6sapIptiout,04% the I .
Z*Opt6o the . Telegeim- 906:1 "The ovel? theAtiving shed and attacbed to Pick wbre also destroyed. The loss ill Mr Thomao Adams, 3rd concession, .. . 04F Jlllftkoft� fill, sirtioultirs of their Claims vatlAd �
I , WI as 01to ndtho IlAtuteof tho stourity .
ruitent'la to be praised �tho main buildillit Thei Was a small aced at WO With no IngurAnde, McKilloN'ttid As'& sheaf of wheat , Ill' rided 14 tA Youtir ito'en Ana v omen Istegonsing
I Domintob �616ye . Was- goln — I .. . iknyjhPIW them And gotle.1 Is further gwen I . in f9on! lilt piats of the Domirsidu ,
t ,
k is
I I lit , 'I-
I S '! ___ -
lltt�,2404y"d C,!�Cyae, - �
VVC,Jt9 Col:
I I lrae natal
I I I . I I
I - , i,
001111 "
� bru It h qg 0 fAb v.a
ton orl 0AW Aw
M rp9m. oinin
a nT.r4
11 46 anit rob
house hi
be rin
I J= 4--1 11
I ly
. I
I Ed a I;
11 e ,aa 6 4
T velop I I ,
90 'Filk.; -a 1�r
I I 111i
0=60 , Suanian ?J
0 1
Xx It 9111.1 ES
0 oulvamth
,V11, ,,rPr. -
Thi tly I
ISept ilki
derd fo Wood
We Atm
wh W ttA
ems. kab win rut
K .to It 11 =0 PC ,
b torn on "Ir tin
pir I-
. .I.
11 , .
* .
t ,% through the oglinder, thorb I "OR4011111 fim, aftorthd istainst moistionod date th I
biltaklog thOAdVIc6ofthexiblet,orof insvirance, but the loss to Up J01608 There paos#d away an Thursday, � ' (ktftZTe&vo*,0hronle, cbutli, viatirftr6nIOA 0 , to attend Our school, 14catoo they ,� .
. wag a IOU report - Ife6i Xxtientots Wit tooe4d to illattilifito the
�6 l4tia , V ly medicine In gets of the vat 3000aged among ther ItAftliss
a 11
Militia And Otftflng 4 review Which 6hW one hotel In Mexillop, that nt 0 tsfto at the sidep(thomacliffic, seemed as it on �rj dlo",4,o, 0160 I And -with us,v6ry epperfoi isavou., , ,
�f Wflibeetinsiderable- Therelanowleft OctobprW Mt,.Iobn Ito , , and t e whole in WOO th6VhroMftd Ubp, Tho 6h V
I tir
I 1 se (a *I &11 = 16 *, ,."
a 'fiveyeare. rri, blaftledthdAwo'havlastro Ard only to J a I
_ ge of eighty � %he ls�
*111 rank perhapo &a the objefelit glopy, Do Ito, Ott the vety "outskirts of, the The decellised flee. The sheaf was fin A blale and thie 1.50 , I tagae, Out distalogfie 61plAing All -
claims of *1110h, notice ahs, 1 balo been given
bad been In Poor health for the OtIst 'stri%Wwasr carried out Into t1so stack 1)1% AtaOlkhoy's Wdu6y a Claugh P6*416tv afrodL, isn', 6 . . . � I
towrltbfg. The Mckrilop eounell were Istiabove r6q the sad, FAeoutots write f6r It, ,
of the eqV41 progrom tbroll � 'Idur yeare, 'but *as nob conifned 'to it, this way, PortuostAly the . I t4411 AOUW AlTeCalief bt the throat viiid lu"11911 UCIAM Wilt Lot be respnhRlblo far the Assets at any I .
6 h(tbit. of holdita their meet, bed until &[)out six months previous Idmil,64,6W, Vol, 9*6111%h4 sto*fng a t 6 IM, vattAiereof im dlettibuti,i to any on er I
-Gerteral,010rady gar and Col, 41�"J'%Vtlhe Lt,adbury ' bA and they to hie death,. no Was One, of dio Adoiib men on thest"k Were tLbl'' re W"' 6 fftalt 61�bad4dflftg% It daeY Tfti 14 ilKw one Ofsoliff �f WhO96 Claim, 116tide ishall not bata,
Major in I 0 _ liot moth wind ab the tlb&o 6 so _ %lots
saki be fitirl:v Wised for, winning # do g� on", PrIek W. W, Ifs, ShaWo Irriaelva
Ottot, L fEwill Ito Will 90OU r646fWd at the Woo Of diattibutiob, I .
W Iplo t _ , ,slid thb, 1, I I
, r be Without a home had should settlers of this, tountry. He leavog A, -out the jare boto py 6 to StAMP � " 61 t ;
'a loAdIng shitre 1*6 t 0 gloryof a greab 0 etablee It . I 4AMA was 'I __-_-1- Wy, CIBAttAIX ..A *^h6roil 0A**&im I
I 0 . oommodlous ball, 6 -a . 0 Tug bit W GAf4 Mig61kilit "or — ., - ,.. . , 'i �
IIIIA[Eaty'6 1161101fo v . � .. 1, . . - . W 0 au" 101"lly 10K grown, tit% soils "a I -done, How the,6%
. . I . . . I daughttre tor mourn blor loow, . sheat of *hou to s;
I I . I I . .1
. I
. 11 I
. .'' I , - I .
. I .
__11___.ffi111..J-N _ 11- -- - i
blot We by
deagglitt, Clinton,
" 11
kissaWts. I I 0"1141
&t6d this 27th day of slipt,low. ;
�. I I
. � .
I .
� . � .
. ", V .
. .
. , .
. ,
. .
, .
. I ... ... �, , 1,
, . Z%, -
, .ft- �___.&__ -
- ____1".L_. ..��_;.__ _...