HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-10-25, Page 1IV, 4 7NEW � I ---"_­­­_­,��. .1,091111411111.1"WIM, � , - - I , � . , . . r I �, �,�.. , 11 �� A I I I , I . I ` I .1 I'm I'll . � . �1 . tI . I . I � 1, . I . . I I C� I , . . I I A . , I -, wilt b.0 seat to new suburlbers to ibe Ist of January, 1908, to I . . r $1 cash, . I I and weekly Globe, and two Pictures, to the lst'or'Jauuary, 1903; for only. $1.,05. cash I , 11 I =_ 1 . . �, I I ­ 1. 1 1.1.1,1-11-- I I __ . .1 J 11 I . I � I I I . I , I . , , I - N � � I , I . I, *...-11 ­"*1 . 11 . I I . I The publisher would ostoom-14 * J*vor - if rmfts would, when moking, sboir �� 1 . �arobsoe,o,i.moptio t at they saw tho I robari M&dvo ,u vo�b i-ni .. . ,1 e��- . 1 V40 aeut in Wep4por . _ . . I . W ... 11 rd . . � E� �� I _10 .14110.k****;kAA**p%, . 11 � , 11 I . . =',,;I, "';;_ ....-_1"Q ..... —:'',;,;�:;";";�;���:...�''—===--=========- I . I '_. . . � . � , I _: , !_� !� I -1 I ­. I 11 , . I , . . 6RIO, 00TOBLIpt 25. 001. . � A inamr .1 . . .. . AIX.M.r., (t me I 11 __ __ . . . - fth *ow,nahlis . 1 I ini!,� , ,r . -- .10--_:_ � I 1� I "'11.111. h j i ; , Irl r4, �� ;; _. I., r r I . � I �. I .. r .. ­ I r I a I ­ .1 . pipes. Mrs Sim% of f1l h. I I, " I - ­ - , I iow nis. now anco: nouse tow week, P&am B .' pL4m,"ere, 111qQraPP'oPICKIn andpack . I 1. .- _. . I . . _ a V alti Crass ng a tio at her Old home, Win 4 orp!ted for him by S. S. Vo .ouout..,_ _­_______Feuco the gau wag C A . Mr 'Peter Cole re. I 4 I - c' - ­ - ­".. dNA 9 I L rahwaile. 0 . , oper, , 0110� contl)r purchs,Q is- 1139 10 almost. completed In t Is 4e 4; , , . er toll It is . e late Thas 0oQk!o charged and the ball penetrated At, the . I Gillespie, of Toronto, and big gurit, Mrs a handsome an . 014, this year, was Illebt, ra .. ", � . , 4ions reoldence, and we ho Q COMMO, farm at 120 acresittbce pric 0614 is Some- base of the thumb. Dr 4�mstroug t1a"a,lyr, , of Co'd Liver Oil . . ­­­ , James Forsyth, of Eginondvillp, were 1610 1 Pe be � . I . I " . . . r , May wh0re In the 403191140rhOr 11, of $3000,, at was summotioil and li'ef own use. S'ver4l of those who went � � I., Iva al, 3e Of Brtacefleld =rs, not having sufficient- for , , . . ,, I right to g hespared to enjoy its . � at, 0 1. , have faith 10 visiting friendo here during the first I � " comfort aod whIPh,g19QrQ It go a cheap prOpirt.y, , (Iminigter chlorofo.rrA to ex.' west on the harvest, excilrolona , " �� your Watell—In f I the weeic. Convenience. � .. , . have with Hypophospb1tes, ,q )f � a � .1 ' I I I Act there's � 1. I I . � SQUD.-o-The 40 more lot, on the, Bay tract the balL team the 01-16M at the returned how, roost of them. re big - I . � r -..,. email reason for carrying a . . .M 'r I � TOOTS AND RoOTO,-Soml threshing field con., QO _. bond. . ly pleased 443 L . h . I I '. I . n . . witq that Country, Jas. . I 11 watch in whiob, Y06 can't ba ­ . 11109 t6 Arthur Oantel� Ir , � of Mae and Soda ' faitli, But fir r r ve .. Coderigb, still occuties the farmers' attention,. on h4s. lo�ojx Sol r to - W J Elljottfthe UNOTES.-On Wednesday Long has on exhibition . I . at feb A reliable but our fr end Watt to great On the I . morning - in he. villa � . � I , only bitch, we are , r 8 r � I I � watch; buyl 4, asafeatore, B*rLAW0A88X0D...-A by-lawta loan clover as wel will'be Informed 6od Mrs -T Reid lost their Infant store, A turnip, which:' gas, I- ..., , I �r tips the scale$ I p I . . 4 anallager mare proceedings, woo that the ' Ir' tho daughter At 15 lbs. The 4tatate labor Is beirif done .�, I . We guarantee our watches and - 810,000 towards the erection of a sum- extensively'fed than ,usual r owner re. rr the Age of two d I r I - - 11 you the facts about ', Mer hotel and s4altarlaur -was carried farmers this winter.. I Ma by'Rullett calved twoOffors , an Quite a number from Varna Atte = around here; we think the idea a le I IBST -, we 0 . uv I , %re busy. therefor ay. 15 TH-4.8 I � . them. There's a . that which Was tho. highs 4"Cep'sd the services of Crossley log thiswork till fall is, proving uatio- . 1. . . . I wide range Monday, b is vote of 410 to 84. W. H taking up the root crop sinie the recooi .. . at' r � & Huntier Kota - . . I I I r � . I of Choice' 'And your safety is Smith, otindlaripolls, Ind., A MzuEXTO.-NO vrariber. friend or last Sunday . tremendous crowds were ry. , . . . , r I I , r � r I Ir I r I will pro- cold weather; mang6lds'are said to be. resent at All the � - . r 'r 0. made doubly sure because the MCA at once to select the site and put thrifty r aud-tarnips thrifty'and lous . late wee . I Large. Bottle '. � more st4unch supporter of,the tinge, bad- to be ­ , 6 r � a � ., - 80610 Isn't � r. e* their In good time or could not : even . 05C . � . � . . settled till -you a -up the building, which *111 be. a, three ,,,,, r .. . r � . St. 11410404 . And 50e, , .. re . - free in this vicinity. � John Bri Hart. Clark'Wallace lived th�n Mr W, get at � � . . . I satisfied. . in# Ordaks� Who last Week received train tanding room, , . - A. . . . I . J . I 'h the assista,; -1 & . . . . Story brick veneer, to accomodate at wi. . . NOTRS.-R6v 8� �. . � I . 1. least3200 gueatkq . UeG of'Messrs Bel ­ .. . '-­-� . M. Whaley, 13 . . 1. I � . I . . . . . . � I . 11 . r . . i b n6se. The building floor In the stables boneat his bara on . , too Martin, I , , and will be ready for Miller,of Londesboro,has. Me John McMillan, Provincial Grand i1afor . ,gr , USI , I . : , . took Rev Ur Larkin's work in S ' . . I next season t" a Cement Master, A memorial button Contain* . . on Sunday, M I � Tees; ter . 801026OV1110 r , � 6 , . S o . .1 Good . Watches - - will osaess6veQ modern cobtforb for Ple 18th con. which be recently erl .4 good ortralt of).Xr wall4ce'towlip,011i Cal - woe the gues � of Mrs A. � C I n I R. :P.. Ileekie' r . . P. . onaxa,-Tho five VX7- - . I I ea%' 10 Attso ,ad the ribbone of the orde Up the Oth of Ir week � �� are fairl I F, uest and will have accommodation ed And Out a stone'foundation und r rt, . 9. , * ,,, � a will ber last week. Frank Weath ead, of 11 - , a,,, bathing, and the, .... ' Noy. and iferiough suit. Auburn, woe a, collar I Prescription Drug Store . ,, Y, Priced various mineral ATTEm 1.0+ WATUR.-O I r a the illage on I. . ­ I ... � , PTOD IXC;ENDIAEI1sX.- It is 7tb hao Whitely, of the able chickens can be obtained F.- Hiford Tuesday. W. 0, Webb, w went on � 1. . CLINTON �. . And eaft water. *111 be used. Goder- -stated thab.Weidoesday ' . , has tr at loot, to a larg . r . . ,at . , - ,ich has for years felt the want �o.f A ,,, r , morning laab . r e flow of intends puttink In 150 more as soon as the Muiftoba excursion, returned on I � I hotel of this kind, and is . week a del rate attempt , wa,torinlris attegroiU. well. Thieewells theseareoqt,any one having C . ock.i T SU00118or.tO 8k4usy.JsokSo:�-,_ . Ir I , I I . . Q: was Media to were drill I harsdap J# McPherson returned last. -,- - . . . �'. �. . I . .. � � . . now -greatly pI naturally 1,urn down the barns of Mr Thos Hez. ad by U, Bevans, the first exals of oulbable� breed and wishing to. week. IS$ Maggie Wellw'ood and . .. I ., . , . . . I _ eased wittithe result of ziewoo4, of the Oth oon,.-but which,for. r : ___ . . -I . . i � .. . . 11 down 132 feet,the.9 ;widat=Andtho disposeofthom� might fln;l a good herfrieud,miss P. Turner,ofDonny. , � .. .. Monday's vote. Heretaforehandreds-of tunately, * third at M. wbdn t e pis SUPP . . � . . I , as unsuccessful. EArly that %, , ntiful. ly market bore, I I . . I .1 . I a,vPlicatious hadbben 'refuse I . I � brook, spent . Saturday !and Sunday at � . I.: r , - count of want Of accommodation.' Be- bar . I came. MO Bevans has taken his 1 rij -to . .0 X.B.�Our Compound. Sy-- . .. , d Oil 110* moming. Hezzlowood. started for: the drill a well tor Henry Long, Colborne. Cal .ARD or'. TfrANks.--4hropgh the. the�bome of W. Welt*ood, con. 10. . . � I I sides,the hotel MrSurith is a a to attend his stock, carrygug in r t , . Ir -he Presbyterian church . . . p -of 'White o"(1. !. . � . .. P. B 0113101JEWS I umns of the NEW En,& I wpan to ,,. The choir of 1. ril, and I . r r 9 vacant pro art isp-UTIA9 his hands a .couple of palls of water, NOTES. -The' YoRogrest child of- Me appreciation to tbo'efficero -si9g*to-uIght(PrIddy)at League I . r 13 . I . y to erect cotta es, and when Ile ,_ here . I I . , Nxpert Watch Repairer discovered the barn on fire At Thoo. HlwooIfl-passik, to the great be- an MeMbersof CoartSelwood,of their rally in Calvin church On a Tar Cures. Col � �250 the Iront OP the proposed site a to, be . . . Helgravo I . 0 . I � . . ? JewelejL A,nd OpUplan or 11 . . . I � - laid out a 4 p and Of the doors, and was Just, in- time YOZid on Friday look- Ult., . . . : . ." ". . 7 ' : . ark, ., � - to:p, Miss Violet Cole thoughtfulness and �SYrapathy'for me clIc . ­ I I . ." '' . . . ... .. �� . .. " : . . BwDr,zc0xvz'sOr,D STAim � I I., ­ . ut. it out before it had made head. is at present learning the dross. -m ' I 11 I . . . , �.. . ' , aking in my late bereavement aitcl through ScuooL.-Inspector Tom Pat his I I . . . " - � OPROSITH TOWN ITATZ.' . I I . ." . .. - - - way. If it had been necessary for'biro in Clinton.- The gpecial meetings at them to the officers of the High Court semi-atinual visit to our School ked., . . . . . . I. I . I . ­ . - I � . � . I . AUburAl . : - � . to -go forwater, it would have become Oole's church are still in progress,. and for, the. Pro . � "ruceffeld . I . .. . . .1 , I , - - . , mPt Payment. of the cheque nesday afternoon, and expressed hiin-, . I . . . � . , , uncontrollable. That,it was Inctindiary ViRl continub If Is weather proves of $1,0G1, -the amount of self well pleasea.w NOTE%- Rev NShaw, E�mondvllle, ' ' " � ' . . � NOTES. -Urs John- Cullis, aft, has there Is niot the affil.btest d The favorable;.: The. el the ,itti- the work, order,. and Rev B 8 . . 1� . . . , oubt, 2186 $On of Wm,Per. band's policy in their ordmert gaath'aathas� &c., of the School.' Below we give the , ,ed P�lplt% I . I aware. exchittig . returned to her home In London. Mr bar �t of prainandatock, � . other for ermay continue toproapor through- on Sabbath lost. Miss 41?�ie Sawers . . . � Wingham, i � . I . n contained& I( due has been ojnddr the we Ord results of the October exams, - too -our . . . -Goor a Aakwith is still' in poor and would inev I Ably b destroyed - ThOBayfleld Line boys left on, U66day, to visit friends Am' � 1. ' I NOTES. -Mr and Mrs J. H..'Clark, of healt I 1 g�� thePast; week. -out the Dominion, is my sincere witab. school: Jr. 11: to br. 11, marks obtain. I . � 'London, visited at, the home of Ge * . scov 6 ust when' will enjoy the I I _ .London . if; we hope to hear Soon of his had it notbeen 'd ered J mselYbothle-Winter,which ' Yours i-eapectfull�, - .� Able, 630, to pass 815 - Chrjasio 4i ' and - WAAmi4ster. Mrs ' . -_. � . Xewton over Sunday—' a' roelcn6t`ery-i ;Mr Win Ft ' ukei ,moved to it wag. . _ - . I . I . by science In ovOrylietall will '.. .' Her Alex Ross to in'.Cliriton with, her ' .1 . . , I OonFidprable on 0 'Iast� Mr Robert MrGeorgo Farquhar, of H I allett, . who ,ders. at. the eveningti, - -� . XaAul�qT,Tz TUEWAATUA,. 403i Jennie Webb 393; Sr. 11 to Jri III .- mothef, 'Mrs Allen, .who was last. . . . f . , I I 'interestwat excitedon Siturdayafter- n Xonday I I . ,be tlxqpr . . . Leitch has motred to the farm# which weuJ,tdBJjnitoba�on tile harvester . . NOTEK.-The Leitgue ,meeting 'v�ill. Archie Aitchison 497, - Johnnie Miller - I � _ .noon when W. H. Pearson Walkbd 1. . I Bl- ex- I POSSIIjLB CHAN66-;mr, week operated oti in the Oftnton hos- . . . from the Dinsley House heventqi1frow Mrs Callis. Rov'Mr e n . R ThOm,P4 'not be li�ldnext Monday .evening, 6w- .4$8, 'Lizzle Anderia6n­469, TenaEllis, ., , .�, � .. I to the Ven- 'Smith preached' in the Prosbytetiav cursion-,returned ofew day's since. Ile nefatietiII61110the Purchase of - t* the missionary meeting yPhiph 1.9 vital for cancet; Mrs Allen bas many-. - .� __. . L dome. in'Teeswatei, &distance of t.en A. joint _ .spent o0i2siderable time ,in t1iii neigb)3orT ar kam.- arr"e fand, an the 15th,'and " . 8""' Lanka Archer 399, 'R,)bet t'Durnin - friends in her midst. who Will be glad I . � I . - zalles.. In onp nour forty one and . church, Sunday. meeting of hood df Neepawal w! . I as the diffeie . to%e held In this church ,; iddress'es are 410, Irene Weatherhead 426; Ji, '111 to - I . one the congre at Of XUOX th a cousin who has I ace between: I 8, to learn of lie -r�covery� K A Grant .. � . . . .. The latter very root, they 140 come to terms. ich, - and. Howson, - of OlInton'..., A I IS:-' - Althea L Cliff 517, Ague I 7 ' I . -1 I ­�. � ' lone'. Church been there for several Veoro them i"Ot to be'given by Revs. Diniele, of Goder .. III, roarks obtainable 835, to pass . r It will L gave . an, entertainment .in Dixo; � Ist . . � half minutes, consl4erffig. the had'roads Auburn an I arlow is ciilled for'Oct. art of Kr Farquhar's visit, tile weather If Sol necesiltate the r.emoval - a C"if 489- bAll, On Mon('& �.., this was fast time. Movers. Bullock, TC 5 4 . 28th foi-thopurpose of moderating a . L of Mr Barr� who hAii been a respec change takes place in .04,0 villAge st�i-e John- Aitchieo'2 L531. Hdrm%n Phillips I ay-eviming ' L I 11 . Murray, and A owton left for, the Pan gocal4asawand very. c1iiigreemble, rain , ted ., . - . Of 1DOV-ingL ,7 and Tweed . . . � 1. I on Saturda morning andwill. r -all - to a, iiilnist0. '�. Rev Mr Lo*e, at the end.of the month;,. os. 493, Sore, Durnin 559, Mamie Wealb�r- lspau,�d views, �of the Bogr and I . . I . "I . ,p - L 'indhiffdolng considqrable di%w,R,. lI, _ �Octtdn f � ­ d - . , provional 9 W�r and otheP"views.; he had . . . . . � I ,turn I ' &L says the.dro#S resident, of ibis . 0 or a "Joe, L announced, J. L. COqrtIco goes out an eft I d' 611, a I .. 1. It . Winghark--will , delivered. ecture. looked Splendid ..but there man7 years. -. Owj�it ,to.phyoiea' in, J h d 551, Rosawell, Rutherfor go ,b I nee. The public library, * '': .... I by way of Yoropto, where.& -meatin Of ' I . , A, C. Couitic6 comes in; both are. good Mary Sheriff 518,. Cleve J oynt 528. Of - 0 and 0 '� . L , alff. The N4t4on%l Von -Works shareh ere under the auspices of at Mark's )@pis* WaoLmore StMWLth&U 'to usual, thb grain, firmit,r big has,bot been able to workas men. JohbYeoan4*jfCtaOki L 18writing, all were successf -18 now Opened,; in' the. post office . 1. L copal church oi . I , _ will be held Monday afternoon, Oct, Miss Flora Ka ti Wednesday,;'Oet.80th; in hi n 'the, " W'thL buildin ; Mies McIntosh is librarian. , '�'. �, LL � . I going more than 20 .or . . I !�. � � 219t. Three car loads of ysi of Chicago,, the re�- 25.' away, And Ile hooLn6t� ove Panthisweek. R-Holmes,X.T..gave 9 .. teacher.. Mr BaC 'ter's sate'was held, on Wedries, . ' .. , I . a opinion, not Actively gig fOrmortZ .- Should -he in ' I ood stabdin& 0. & TrwisUTT, U I western horses, nOwn,d eloc bushels to the mre.: He wag glad to Oat I yet decided,,.he I . % . .1 . I � wn whicl; they are sollin ing account a - his trip . anfilverFary day la�t, the Orices were. high, espec- . . . I I . I utionlat will be in, Auburn hick to Odtarlo,which he bslib�-is to be by d through1he Rocideq At the �League ially Lfor .Cki - . ;arrived in to 'L Willearr a very int6rest* f ANNivicus . . In IWIth hIm:the good will an so, L Airr. -The . " . 9. .imder the auripicbs of. Aubuin Public all odds, thebanner Province of the Do in-� 19 many $rIerids in. this'. sec. M d church' - on �Sunday , �' by auction. A very succoosfuraap� ay'NqV;'. let. 'L , , tee . of s6evices 'in Calvin :.� . Library on F � I - .111, I � rld 1. � An tion. " I - . . . AK -111% . - L. Tucker- - Lin the t -lei one. c.)* and calf - . "1�11 i v per was held under the auspices of . , .. . OP i hb Mies.Alcoat, SUCC68S. L . . . . . � . I . . Ion. ' Mr Farquhar IS free to: admit ,that . .. � I I . . .t. � � last were a deoided thoroughbred, sold for $200, anotber ­ . 1. .. . . . the young people of St. Paul's church , . ..,. I . � I . .:,A I , I . 1. . 1. L I . ,L , . mh n via n W. 9 _gjAtL 10..30. . , ,I*' L I , , i 11 some have done . MOVING. -Mr ancl Mrs P. W Currie, I . . I . tanley. mornin . � .. . L I . .. . % L L I - ' I . . - . .... .1 I . thinko;.thereporto of. piopperity .. . of the 8th,are Is , , got to Misseei'Mi e Wilson are A,j Seaforth, preached -to so Crowded Command' go U p -Ices - Mi I .. . . L' . . .Ion Monday, Oc.u. 14th.,. whed Capt, :; . , - - � ' 'L , I 11. .. ... . .% well'in the west, 6ut bw ibeland. �14�ryfl . Rev F. U.-Lowkin, B. cow, 'for, 075'; ,.good. stocic , Always t ., I . , .4ving and Ing, a ..ell:: .11, L. . 6"" ex` Godeiibh to re _fb-seaf6rth. -R. Grigw'bouk�b Church, ,VfVOM the words 94God- forbid 'th , # r Wileca; . I .1 , . 1 agggrated, and`thait it is as mu,)b as "a bar-' aldeo.Alsy Currie bkving I who. purcfib,�.e .1 .1 Robinson, M.P., and Air Svvlekee,� '_Of . . .. 1. : -, Drysdale, ... I ­ ... I .1, I v's"'n d e, farm hoe radvt ' ' ­ :,V,' :., Londou,cont I . -gain At many- %ther L, & rented hii far& ta- $, nmmekon. a Texas' yearling at! tlIa'aitetibo sale� in that I should d . -- I . :1.1 Abated to the .e0eRA4n_1 . a re glory, save � In the cross on,it, Alek, Mustard returned' C.111 . . . I I I MAURIA:GE ­�b.i j- us's'di L Oct; 15" ..11cluara with. the . Mr Clint0a on Tuesday, - , W. Miller hag 'of Christ.,, JQ L . - .. . �. . . I 1. , . L . . mcient. Rev. Lowe.6f. T . I .. . St. Paul's chur6hj of H%y;. V wodd, .1 � Currie intends 6.v' ' I the afternoon at 2,30 -S%t I , LL . David'Ducharme, L . I In. . Ing Away about the . . . .. I sermon L tC L , . . , I . . Ist'of N3vember" 'T o L ' be ' 1 ' ,. I . 'Rev Pharles ay last from Algoma. I ., . ... : . . I ... delivered a very Acquaint . . go" of C.. .8() .. I added &,'new featureto his Jarge:trade; . Rutherford preached j : L -.*a . . . - i 1. - 1. I . . L .. .. . � ' . . . Ducharipe, was worried to Miss, Geof- IfOOLNOTES.-Miss Cunnin b ' I . C. . L I I.. I . I .- _; -.- 1. I I . 'L ,ell the Or ee Masons on Subd . - ' ghbora Are be, now solid, tobaccojt � . I stronk; prabtical .sermon fr . . ... .I . , - �� 'L &y morn'0g, fil9i of Stanley.. Th - a Who has beenteaching lu. a. 8 JN am,. vory Sorry to lose them, f6r.they are 0, ' L I . very am . I . . : , . . L , ._!", . ry, ble eduple, in sickness' and L healih, 1: at . , �� 1 & na I I U919 SCKOOL.--�-N. Trow,arth' who "F6.1toNv me," At 7 30 p.m. the vhurch' . 1. . .1 i ­ ng Tournament,. . . I . . I �, . * L'to ti e ever ready arid willing to hel , L 1. � .. I . .. this Service." . 11 rooMSM U was has tendered her resieAtIon " , . , taking for his text, 'That Ye $hall keeir. Ifie #bride's - brotheri'll L I shooti -_ I . I.., . ohn,, � while the L effect at tho end of t eL has had'eharge of the 6chool here for Woe again crowded to the utmost, Rev . .;__� L L . . .. bride was attended by- Miss. Amne , ,,, L year ; this i I PL anyone, to , ­� . '� � __ . I I... . , _ Is ble L' Mr go, -gives Lit Up at the ,end , the L ' The Ribigia BI0bd&y, N i . I I I . , � I . OV. Oth, Wilt *.L . � . . I . L duc to h f d eapecially In sickness and trou as L ime, of Mr Larkin's 0xt being "Who Won - I . I I . , . 1 I "' 11 I . Plants. - Thematriage ceremony took. t a &ctthvit she bas engage thi the be celebrated, b�, thd Clinton Gur, Club - . . '. ... I.I. . - ii . I , Currie0a pla4o wilt be, hard to termiLin ord�r to superintend' , Loidli side.!.' �Vhe ,clicir rendered ei'- ,(LimiteO) by a ik tournament when M. L : East Wa.Wanosh.4'. . Asce at 8 o'clock and4aa:attenJed -by. to teach in a section Close to her I o*n js.�I*Ays,lu_�g I 1111. , He � 0 1 1--�'. . I 1, ,e je­ ace with his neighbors . L, -The committee.of fRende And . ives', the'bu flat., knot home in :East Wawanosh she ., . . management of his I deceased father�s cellent masie at all Services. On Mon- . ..: . .. i ,� AmALGANATRD. ilaff . P :" a I no quarrelint . I farm ; he is ayoungman of Or6misk%o at'sery number of e ,a . ' . �,� J �� "Turnberry Agricultural 8 " being t, ed by Father, Prud'hommet the Competent . and thorough . Capable I bostrife, and'the mAin , . U dog, evimiog 'a tea w . ed in the vents awilt ba hot L, Off . . . 1� �. ociety. that , .. .. . . ., I vaited on the directors of East Wawa- Pariah priest.- - Aft6r the ceremony the. k 184Y who. will oartyawAy LWith I amn 6hu0ch.-Iihich, will 8tai'll'ok,int6grity, hag L done, excellent basement bf the, church,''abd a,vast. This aboof Will be At b4b Iiiia:Wds ar,4, . .. . . .. .. . I I ,nosh Societies with a view. to the union ba le�wvh the guests, repi Ker"'Me, good, will 'of Ali., Th ini'Fabimsaillk.". - - , .. work as a teacher, and while his r6- number 'A . I - L blderooks, -A spe�ialfeata . L.'... . I", ", I I.. . p rtookOf the delicaciesy',tioe. re -will be *a, . - I I ... ; aired . . . . . I, board L I . I .. . I * . L � I -of the societi, 'to pthpey ,r)-toinze's h6nw wbel.0 Sumptuous h RIk'iHWI1Li4LFOSTI&_ e so 00 is regi� I guarantee of $ ' . . . I - her place Addigod hftPP�LeVCjnt A. quiet bat mOvalfram-th Ih I" etted, bLo �vided in 'abundance by the ladies of -the 100. This sum will .bet . ,,, esi was.,cordially received . a _as engaged Lin *0604 'the juairiagA of t one has &UYL,doubt but that his decision ,church. After kli bid am a ten three evente,650 givar. . . � 1 1 . and the proposal favorably.,regarded. repsst was awalti-ng t hpyn,, . whilij, the J-612109, (son of Mrs Johns, T we .ply a ppiled . �_�.; � � ticker. young,people the, the wants of "the inner , mon,. they , and . . . . . . ,,4. A. Morton was appointed to'draft an rest of the. day we,% ripont L in dancing Smith). but at fesent , teaching � At , . I - ,60 lWedu" is a wise and pradent onet under � anteie In the big live bird race $25 � .. . . I � � "rl� I M t7 Th - . - I I 7 evening elrodnistiuces, Re will'be succe 'ded want upstairs to listen't6 a. fine, varied ini each Of two artificial b! . 1. 1. I ­ " 1 I L ­ , a, P'm., - We ASL perform- - - ' � I I . . 4 *b6y%1n#+h04)'"t#4f`fti1ot" - Alad"lotber-�ooeie.1;4xmtlf§L%Inoltto.,- They, 41"T .. . LA L' e rd racep .. .1 ' 1:1. . . . - -, , if, � . inesfug,,,�at,a,op ary QfLJ= o -,fs A. 16d I by Lena*Z�Xeo,, grain. Ad6esse% were deltv6ied I and , . I . I � I r, ,,,U� Ift, �".�toef John Parker, -expert, of Detroit� I I and this will,be an itted to the direct- removed lailmediately "to, their ilew FLYOUDgmAnofex�6i,iOnCSL,qafibilitj, 'L � I ­ . . � biii . L I a � " z youppob-aft of Me . pro . PrL Sentatlye 9f the Peters Oartrlil . I . . .114� . I " 1. It has beon igug�- bomeabo4t half A)nU6fromSt.Jor,ep.h:. 11 home of the b ' it P, a., of id& ; . � I L . �,:�; era. of both SoCip. ties. L nd will proye % very"good successor ri a's fathori ith thwell, � JOhn Yea, who was the Successful ap. by -Rairs O' - Rutherford,, Q H� I'll i � : when his daughter. M196 Winale,. be- PlIcaut among five others, at A -, salary Owen. F. R. Larkin and L W. HaStle" iatt, wilt be here to ,t,,3Lr. I � `­ ­ t -at both isocieties have -,Pq.ua , . we wIsbth - to Mi9a 'Canning,ham, This school of,$SW'. Tais !a pretty kood-for ,a p,11 of which'were a _ a of t e ',�_. I .gee ed th I a young couple 6 long a9d 4 . came the happy 'Wife' -of Win Poster, charg tohmament and this in I ,. 4 ' r . reuresenti,tion on the new board .of dim prospdr6us life� , . � � . : . bt�xi.widerqono .consid-irable improve. . L I , . opreciated. fully, -as I., � , . I I . I I . . . oUnk man a Start on, and as he is a evidenced by, thp applause.. The Moth- Itself !ft ensure, a perfect up-to-date, ' k, I rect,)rs and the name ment wid. leOptirs during Ahp.,�'O, StAnley. 'Tho bride, who'. was given, ' t ' . � . nf the fair remain , .. .4qt .. . Nofka,-�FAther Prud'hom me in Com-' . aW14'by�er�brothir, Gedi gright rind, 6beoget -have -no, odiab Choir Of �Lucknow f4rAlabed an event.' .16 is ex eated.that, ast.hia is .,& . .! ' ' , � i , , , . .yeari wh4!h.ha4 6eenbverAeen: J�Iv'o I I go youth we puta.L . I , I I I 'fth� 14 04 ' aw very eetty inbor coatum be- re. . . excellent musical program, alk -of which. I necessarily, excuk- . as it is at pregent- "Too 'North- West- Pany.,w ,. -nton. is ay f . geR.,looked doubt but thathe Will k6ept public holida , . L I .. I I or a 'by Cbe �ffidiont Seeretat . I .. ei as Also - did �, her, ower flrl,;Miss Corii' Rathwell. the bigh (!,tend ess: of the School , class' manner. , ,orn". An amalgamation should be on 9ther eaRt- Mrsm -y of I h e. ,-t I 141,7, favor L 11, . I a 68110d,toand -. ft oth. ­ , - aill antage, . . . -Short V181t:tO Montreal tind- X tion find Progr up to, wasrendered in first 4ion.,tio eta. , .:. zduol ; a .Secretarkship of -a . : . .."'! ,., . . ernpolntq; Pathor'Valenfinewilt O.M. B,')th are well and ably knd*n in ard of 'Its attAindient., especiallytho'aoloo by MessreSmith all poin In anada, a large represen- - . . .�, � cbktein:Lh'ja. abs#607- 0. Ducharma, anytime, but _t I I ally back over; the teach. I - . � I . . I 1, . . . . .1 rural.school board is .no sinecure ,at this loc�ffty And. are highly respected. Running ment I and Armstrong. J. Stalker, the popa . t4tlyo of Canadian trap. sbotg will !be - , . - I � I . . . who has been away or a Cot CnL .. big. year :31C MUC001. Tho,prosonts.were And reflected. ere has had for tho',p'ast few; lar teacher of Whitechunph, - wag also present. I The protrkm willbe arirang�. .,..,. t1k. . L wUIC - I I . . . I , L . . . . f UiL ' 'Pie Of has b�%d .nsido�abla o man I _ this school edab that oil tile ifnp4rtant a . . morithy, returned rece bringing tb6. eateemin h they bride 19 hold years. It is seen that we have beenun. pre6ent, and rendered in big usual good - ventia ' � . . . with hini GL look after, al.1 of which bits' been done , . . I ., : 1) . elina,g and 9F&tISfACt,O L I - I . a helpmate. Jos. by her�dumer6uilrienda. Y usually fortunate in haying style two very, - solos'. Proceeds, may be completed before the departure .� 'L , , , - teachers of flne . L . , . , . Ar&%way'tOtbdStUl1_., :RV_ to the ,nti_re n ofthe section. our 'car - ent; and high anion . ated to Oyer $�30. I L... 11 t I I 'Eli Challet . S'.S. N".7 Hii rospondentiqlas in Wishing th�m ovary good acholastid - attainon . of the afternoon trains east and south. - : . . .. I I �' I . I aminationa were , Ilett, evideritly bought hap . Oriess fqr yea I .rs . to Come, � . I morollpdociple's'. . - . L L , . .. I . - . Those edming from the north and God- . . , Perfect - . conducted in SLep' S' a new broom b6for`O Blyth fairo1gr it ' I � . I . . I . I the lath* L ii. . . 1. I I - I I , . I . . L . � I ' 1 4 , : . . . � sight pen. ,-�-6 'let home: wedding . . . - - - -.: I . . I . . . . erich will, Of c4urisej. be able taleavii kt'� . I I . � WEDDING A . . . . I . I . * - . . Qk . CtW Ed. 134nomme- was the guest .Of in,uship and m4p-dra, log-, t6ig was dc4 took Place 101 ra..at Clifton Cot_ ., . I I . Seato the ,. . . . ' . % I . -I 8.1o, I., flay, .L and IM of SVV6pt off all theptizes (Ax) for night, . -The club have a commAiOus . . - ) . . . " R � - � . eL Oy# I . . r . . I %"oo L I .r �'aUUCJSF. w � . . I A Ck ,:. � � . NoTzg,-The Sons of Scotland of 8 . .. VWlectsight'lo Celina -4,dly creditable, .. .­ t4ge, the home of MrJas Wallis, when; �4u In'Meritiki , Club house on their own rounds wltho- ; . p I I _ _4 ....I L , - donoroin i ' f . . 1 , . . I . XOTEs."Ure Connell bas"teturned . ' se" in three minutes *a1k. 0 this station, . . I 'L . 4 on of p*rf6c a I -ILandMaryDenomme enloyed, i. short - I I . . ... I I . I ...., �.- '. I 1. .his daughter, Carrie E., was urilted 'in forth, have seca�ed Miss Jessie Nevin r I .. . . I .: L . Mont. a MeAsnIoR , 1 16 ,with friends in ftblmosVille re- , , I . . . .1 . : �_ L Marjri�go to Ur John Garrett, of Lou- from An extendedvisit with her family Maciachlau, the scotch Prima Donna, and,the tournament can ihas be pro- . . I . process which ' . I . .. I . .. L . ' , . . is &C., . . "a' Y,ru I L 1. I � I _ I . form L " ceeded *Ith.no matter how bad , the I . � I r. : cent . I . . ... so .. . . _�! .". . � i'Manitoba and. Dakota-, she reports thelet, of Royalty and Pride of Soot- I cornplIsh v�lth ll &$Nag. � . L . ,. 16orideaboro, L . deebiro. Thecereinonywas . I We or* to In per. . I . I I . . .. . . . L .1. . ' 1. I ed L by Rev L Rr ' having a splendid time, ' , - humor of. Old Probe. - Sh t* ' L *It I . L L I" Mr Y I Ian , to give an, entertainment onthe -wi I I ,,,,,,,, :3,11,r. , I . .. .� . . . . . I I . I . I 7ED'DtX4 AXNIvBR8ARy,_,Ve and , %yfleld, I . e . commenCeL Sharp at 10 . 00 Ing . . . 11 . I . I . PRESENTATION, -On Tues day, night I veuning,'of Xo'vi 11th; Miss Maclachla I I I 1�. Tackersailth. '.. . - ,UN IM, Dvni6wafte, cel�t)re,te the 2&b The wedding'marcb was Ola,yed by Miss 0 . n ne, a. In., And din- . . . � , . . 'will be -served - . el I '.. Annie ,Woods. - The ceremony took Wt. Mod., oLdiumber of the friends - of niversally admitted to be the , aro,, a.g1lonthegronrids. The I ' . . . . L . � OtitracH.-A White hag.beeil onga anniversar'y of, their' wedding today plftce beneath, h beautiful . Mp.8ingham; assembled at his house best Scottish - vocalist that hag ever ap. L PP091 owe .--.; . . I . I ,E" (Friday),. Iftey are ai,aong the, most L evergreen . ­ . .. ...; . . � . . : , . . LL 1. . .11 I ed a4 caretaker of TameW chufc, ; arch . The bride entered the room on andpr6sentedhim wlth-a'pipe and peared in Oanid�&. ,. � -t .181; event is live birds,450 g - I . highly esteemed residents of .this see- , ., . . ; . . - " .Rev'TASteadman, att& a holiday 0-f 60n, hnd WO joill Avith. thel the arm of her.fither, accompanied by, packet b6ok, andhis son,T%mes with ft. � MONGOLIAN PaEASANTS.�L ttEinee $5, 1 . Uar6nteak 84. I . .. . � . I 0 . i. a few wepke . &at Sum- 2Ud event -10 11VO birdsawepp entrance S8,2L ' ' I 1. ­ at his hoineLijear W "to'. ir nwwy bel- httle'. niece, Gertrude chainandcharm, The f6ilowing-ad, mor Messrs JAS -Scott And O.C. Wilson, 1, , J l \ . i ng, occupied his own' pvlpit on ;(,,ir. friends.in extendinj coagratulatfoU4. Oil fL ' . Wallisi of . . 8ra event -10 targets, dividea on Jacl� 1�ab_ . 0 We hope they Alva to 6nj , n on, as rin bearer,ana her. nephe�v, dress wag. read,.- I �, L of this to*ni leased & tract of land in bit system, sUrPh10 divided 60% and� 40%, am - L L L . I . . Master:W W 'Micb-., I . . .$1.20. . I I -day -the services o trance I I � I . . ; n. the Sunday, pro, diamond jubiloep.ay juy their elsh,of Daft : -yuckersmith, for the purpose of form- all .. ' I I . . viods were taken by A T Cooper. � I :,. 1. . . I er, ___ma_._2iXLsdN BWGUA31 - Dear Friend and I to . . I . . I ... �. as page. After hearty cop 1feighbor-Itis ,event -is barge ,$25 gup:eaubsed)eutrdud& I . I . . ) ' C ' WAilcr, * eceivedbe�e.by that we are aboU 5th event -lot ' ' .. . �. I . gratulations with.1001ings ol. deepest. regret inr a game preserve, These gentlewen *15K , I R VS BJIOADIPOOte�-Theadi'�n - I)z'ATH'_VVarawftg r were tendered to the b6mly-wedded _ ttoloseyou from our midst, bave been in correspondence, with the I . argets,dividedoziXack Babbit I 1. : .. "I ��� i - 11 Caart Podo of West, No, $1, Q,.O� F,, d we, a few of Your friends and neighbors, Ontario Government, officials and Are . *1,2o, 'ded,o0o . . I , 11 . of Miss Walker vi'Wni -Beosidfoot has 1. � . Pole the Company ie�aitdd to the dl 'an system, surplus dfid A.aad 40)6; entr,%nc@ . 1. . . I . . . . I that Bra. A. Shettler. D o6d," and ing room and partook of 4 '' t pleasant evening, with you and your fAmily ere . � . . bqen decided in Wor of the latter. Miss In- have assembled ab this tima to spOnd ono more r.eceivin " 1. ( ,4 .. I ea L . 'L 4 llett, had' repa9t. The bride receiv Sump Uous you depart. Yofthave ever been a"warm-friend g a s0ck of Mongolian pheas, Oth event -25. Urgets,;2� guaranteed,entraras �� L ' . . 01 I '. WaLiker resid at, at Thomas, but she f0imerly of the l2t,hcoa..Vu edmariyboauti- ante for their preserve. The conditio $250. L I . . � . I . I , I I . . , ' died an Subda,y .night. - - The Court f ul &ad usefu and kind companion, and to show the esteem no 7th event -15 targets, sweep, entrance $I;W. . �. . I I: Presents, which attest in'Which you areheld by us, I thi on,wbich this, gift of the Gover .1, I __ I I . . I I formerly resided in Tuokqrsii�lth, Paid wAs requested to L -attend the funeral,. the e nment 8th eventm-15 targets, sweep, entrance $1150. I . 1� . � ." % , I Xr Broadtoot is a p1losebrous 'Young steem'16 ivblch Elio was held by more t1lan more ' "a" N - ado is that they .*ill protect the I �!bfx Mnt",Uies and out 1*6 birds, entralift L ' . . ­ a jmpo6'. . wordst we ask you t is in � . I ato in tothedistanceitwil .. hermabyfriendo, After spondinga this PiPe and pook6bboak and Urass thiaaggef,r' game and give them a chiknde to mal- I L . I . � I I .. . farinev in the Said towng ip: of Tucker- at 10 to Atten - He has been and charts as slight tokens of our re . $ I '. � . an The case was commenced in *dr'An4 rd. We . . ' I ,� I . . Ath, fl, mgmb8t 'Pleasmut evening I . Mrs Unreett hoos, that Yo% MaY consider it, not. or Its, in Uply. - . . L � . . The sy*athy of lefo for their new 4ome in Hullf, � . I . � . . i I December, oil over 15 eat 9, r, - � . American asgsociation rules to gol er I I I . .1899#,aod Was brought to Is. t eL ret'ran,86,itendedto the .t.f., tkinsic valwti, bub &q a remembrance of oar aln- XOTHoi-Ttov,�Hr Larkin, of . the First except; where othemilse stated, ? " I .1. I ' cover OMW damages ell of . MIL I widow. followed by the beat wishes'of their oere.ros ectfo1!you..Andasyou go, Into an- - A� . .1 - ,j� for brea., L " and &mi . I . I 11 presbyterien . I . J. -GRIGG L 11 4 . . I 11, therilelld of tabor we mileb say. that we 8 a churoh, was in St. Helena on events diLvided-cfass shootf . . . . I A. : Pr rhise of marriage, he chief d OncO - I many friends.: The Nnw EnA extends 0 h 11 . nA I.,- - , I, - , 1. . . . . overretatu the most -kindly remembrance of Sunday. 40,20, to, I . XOT�S.-MeSsrs. Win, Moon and R. COn9PAtu . 10 live bird event will be divided W. 30 2o . . . too Tbotisdies'AA'd Society of .thp 10 live bird event willbediv-ded , " .1 scientific Jeweleo , the action was that tboplaintiff bad4 L JaUdne. I yott tind yours, and assure you of out beat First Presbyterian church have secured 1. � I . by*aJetter written Lby her to the de- 0aldwoll have retuenbdfo6ro Manitoba I wlshw In yntl ature lob whereyer lb ni 1 y be, 121 target. events will be divided 40,80, X I'd. . . ;L l ancl Opticift3m . - BACK VAOU THE WLEST.-�Vr P OdO and we sincerelly hoge that God maybe your Miss F,X%Ys, 010'.311tioniSt, of Chicago, and target events wilt be divided 40,80,20,10,. . 1 .4 1 . C,1.1NT01q, ONT. . I fondant in Augu.9t, 1899, released and Meseral Brundsonsbippod acar,of scr&P who got back a few'days since from dearest; friend and t at Oa may attain success Ift Charles Kelly, v6oaliot, to give an enter. All entries Include 'birds except wise . . , exonerated him from. the promise of iron this week Jos Hamilton and R. M it b S Looked his opin ion about and happiness. signoiT on behalf of your fainmdtitinthoohurohoii0otobot3O. Rev cLud out Ilya. bird event. Live birds .1 .. �� L, , �; 1. I marriage. N� hen the case -was first .Scott, Are -081,6s at'the FIN this week. 1 t b 'at p t',o'v'1n'c o', a tj d g ly e a I t a' f a I I a w a - lkleotig slid neighbors. Taos'Artoirnit - Mr. flall. of Ripley trapped at 25e pet. gir, - Live bit 4 , L ... . . nd learned ' ' ' F, moly"VEEN . . L . tried at St Thomae. the plaintiff dedied Tb_eLnnd6bori)Cveam6vr`ClOs6s this I 'If spent two months there, as ., oxohanged Pulpits with r. I I tter,, and week tor the Season, H, 13, Jeffrey sold Re*'. Rural Dean 110agenson Sunday. M I tea. eveutshandleapped rowg6to30yardo4l. I - I L . I I I 1 ­ that she ever wrote the 10, jijr ' big hor§e to G I a little About the wheat fidds,of which Mr Bingham made a few kind,remarks, Oiaoe Moraul has gone to Brandon, Ma All surplus monies added. . through the'sympathy It the *bg . . L I y as- - Lyon., T. H- 0010 Out- 1, I had previously heard so much, N as did 3 anaesithanking1he people for where she will sing at the- charah open ,,,, . . 3'. E. 0ANTOLON, Pres. - . . . I � � . . � . � ; Cured a verdict. The defendant appeal- chased 4 fine new traction origiria from trip In every, way wag a pleasant olly their kind wifts, After the Above part the 13600 1 , . � I . . I 11 the cass and the judges At Toronto the Seaf�rth foundry f ray time near a tie, 3 I nd ganday in Xavember. M, Mel- . . .V*J,:0; SLAOXAT'r," V, &'See,�. . I . .� . . . . � 0 .. done -American Exhibition. *14- I .1 ;1, 'The Pickling Aeci4ed, unanimously fb&t she did On A ednesday. which Is a busyand progressive P Sao o piano and organ factory, L -and jot lb .home I spent most 6 VVA over 'all enjoyed themselves: in vin tt has sectired a Position so tuner in T - . �' write the 16f ' .Mrs. 11, W, Martin , Ing and gaines until an eaRy hour., the nowbasnvill he Pan � . OL case Came 0.1 I -11 'W'r,&n.d_SOL& nowtri&l Wag and son, of T6ronto, are the gueatq of I tvaVelled 20 miles east' of that pta.c I I I ,� SA.1aekson leaves this vveel .. I -- ---- . - I � ordered. When th on Again .Miss 9LV*AdamS thi's week. U,86ott, and it was nothing but wheat on. each alyth . L for Port close . on Saturday, . Nov, 2.. . "- . . . .. I . : . :*. I I , . Petty, where he inton4a.praotioing so a I . . ­ . I . !L . to trial atftftoma9, the plantiff had Of bbls 13th cob., H ullett, has return ed side the whol6diotance, Thoweather I 4wyer. .1 I I . . I .. � 'Season. is . It'locstooned on the ground tbkb her home ftarspebilingstiver&lmouthain has been somewhat wet,wh(ch delayed ILL fl-004,R,8,1R'D, And so Myth is to have I I 1 . . . I . & L - I . I � . ; i !J;i; g. ... .. �� - . 'A .. � mother was sick And could not attend' Manitoba, - . 2111 again in a few months. TAAcnaa)@x4G*b.-At­o meeting heldooL It I i. , .. .. ­ * . I I . . threshing pro#ress, The. Ontario har, miL 111, - I . . , court as a. witness. The defendaries Pgo * The matter *aa sub Itted to the pro- Friday event of, last week the members of 1, 1; . I - I I MoTrov EXAMS. -The following tot is not by any map no used the 10. . Solicitor, Mr J M Best,of $eaforthithen Pupils Of S- a. No, 8, Hullett, were suc. V t-,theythitilt of him rouchlUen dog, 12g . . .. I . . b:: PartT Owners a few days ago# and there We Fablio So ool'Board decided to dismiss .��- - I I . . succeeded .in h4VIng the place of trial - was no abcortain sound about the Vote, the present $eAching skiff with ivro- except- . � At Hand ctseful In vagailig the recent promotion the majority of them. I heard & har. long, Wh . a Ataff"donsipted of Afr. L. T4. Me- I _1�fl I . � i'l , chanved from St Thomas to London, examinations held oil Oct. 17th and ster remark that "there is no night I ve their being 155 votes for, the by-I&W, . last AOSIZOSL eezer, of St. P&M prinipigial, Mies Wataono whobse been - , I . I and plaintiff gave notice of trial for the 18th, The names are In order of merit : in Maultntia, Just like heaven," and a Marys, is the lucky man to got the rIs-eng6ged, Miss Kate Cowan, illies xa.to . I . *_Q_�_ And we want to emphasize in London, but as She did From JJ? It tb Sr 11- total marks W, true saying it is; from early dawn till andobly5againat. Xdr B !, .1 4 I � . . . . these ftoto'corioarning Otte . 1 I not proceed to trial with the case, Mr to Pass 315, honor mark 422- Valentind late at -night' -the busybum of the load '-of OMM tat 15 Yeats without in. Jiillotav, Mrs. 0ampliell, Miss Delta wiii. .. terest; and exemption from taxeg (alt. son andUka.Coniter, whoia Aldo re-indtalad, I . ­-- . ., L . . . Beef made an application fix Toronto, to 1ownsend 50. Bertha Broghen 4438, ,Ed. thtsishing machine is heard, we,Ree . / , L . � cept school tAx) for 10 yean . $3pieea u1siplas the action and Woe, aucceasful, tia Lyon 402,Minnie Brown 393,11oWard ran Ing L from $1,60'to' $2.60 Per day . 13 Vinegar and Piekling Sp sI, He puts The board has itooepted 1heappliettiong, of I � andthoemelopowataneud. Gener, Shobbrook W, Leslie fffood6an ML. % 4 UP, & mi'll with a Capacity of 100- lible. : Mr- MOffaito is ,principal, Viso Dollantyus- f ii -.i fit., I " - _��A� �11 I *. � ofthecropwillbe lost this fall . I ;:. 'gil I �, I � : 't! I Theyarotabe dependeaoubeosudo ally the plaintiff fares well in broach of rom It III to Sp 111�totol I I MIAO Minnie MOKAY, of Clinton, = Miss :: 11 iT1 I of their high quality. I promise casea,but this to one that turn. to PASS 403, hOliov mark Marko 80: by, the scarcity of 14boridta. It Is Catlin, per day, Ad* Beahlo., When the hews booming pub. I I': ... �. I the average bushel to the . NoTEs.-Thatre4surer ofIllythrair I .1 I M; Artle AtOcl that L I .I- ; . I id out otherwise. MISS! Walker has Brunadob Oft Vatithie Hamilton 509, geire wilt be About 21.but 4906d amount Informs Us that the -gate receipts for 110 many Of the aftizans were Indignant at . . I I . the, old L IS Lit nob Only failed In getting Tny�. of Ur the obutoo- purstied. by ilier Board, while *'a * "ever I thth do to Beoadfoot's money,, but liM ail to pay Minnie Suell 50, ,winle Coupland W, of 'It wilt not be housed till of ter Christ. this ydar, although the morning of the ihera were favorable to the Change. All I . 1"o "rm " 14 And ill! , _ David Kitkdonaell 629, Robb. Lawson mas, I am,quite satisfied to remain in daywaa ver wet, reached, the hand- care new a olooments-eldepi Mine Watson - " I d600i I . . . .ephenson 474; from Sr Ill Ontario, and7l think the trip has made Sam . ' t &ou I 1 04Y 10 It" ) f 6 L all her own costs of thelltigatfon, which 489, Eddie Sf 71$687,87-, we doubt If an . tb T a otlomer has in lft� I C hat is w beat r . was no small ,Sum. I L-1. 111. *110, Will 40818440*ptindiplil and Kft� . *hire to by We art, the . . 1, . � , I, � to Xr IV -total 810, to Pass 405. honor many others of the same opinion. The fair in the 0OUntY can e aed this, Y, Coulter"the primary classo , ii. vrhioh is a - . Otte line, . ­ train I,:r6tAr11bd Or WaA crowded .11 .. �, I I L . L . . mar M.Emmanoul Lyon WS, Pearl ith Vicki who has been in t a employ of source of nattoftiottoft ta. the paroutit *ho . .. Bra ford M6 M4 gig Garrett 552, Men, tippar0litly glad, to got back.w S. Harrington, the dry goods man kor haye 41illdrw atianding the school, oo both I partato Is 11111, i I . a or Will is 13011 49. -A. ZALLisTna, PrIn. 11 some time, hag lelb to accept; & sGilat, Are excellent teachers and go were the L We are bovers of - XOT98,-Rev ToiItAbCe'sndL W it CIPA Pulse X. MoUitroulzix,aeslat4lit, : Agensall. situation at Nlairari. Miss 'Jamieson Mherow o6notiletea by the majority of t a - Group Photographso I Plums and, Pears Wallis took Ift the Pan American last "­1_________� to again on duty At gerkinytould, And Sdf6torth peoplit, The Change Is to be allory Is exceptionally wall ,squilt . I wesek. Urge McPhail Is visiting at Amberlay . 011109011. -. Tne annual mo.oyfrien sareplease toseehor t Uhrisimow and It remains to be 0" g &II . i . Londoli th a Week. - The fall wheat harvest bet' e effecisa A ged f making group Vhotbeapha-Z!, I V I Idoks Weak in this neighborhood; there POSIPAL CtIA thanksgiving yorylees *111 bg held on back again. So Mo. Protests Against seen whether the reoult will be whot the a tm� of people, ftofit a couple to Im re %, . . The eash OrGearyo . ROO-MI, Gio. M.Oham- Sunday, Oct 27, beidg, the twonty-firpt the pri2e, winuora at the fair are giving Board expo3jjr. The building of the Sap4t. morit., - I � I Is no appearance of the fly so fat. Miss bOrs has beett appointe O0tm&Ater At Sunday After ?rItAty, The Rev" U. R. the alredtors game trouble, The tAk ate Soho6l hag judide ii neasso ty to tiloge I L Maggie .vort-ance a ent, Sunday. at this place, to succeead4G Mutdock Weavet-i of the diocese of Athabasca L collector hag atartect out on big Annual up 1% Cameras fittea with wido-Kngla lanoet.,e. . I 1. L to' IC 'L las flartleaft has 0014 Out. The fact that m 0 1 and roofts - � badkgtounde and accogoorigg Of sUfflojobi . � a V1110"I'la r will proAch At Staffa at Ila toiand Hei?- tour, so gab youri: thonol ready, One , . , 0 h we this week been trying the now system of. cutting ,5 W -W-.4-' site -and the "k1low.hoW . ogle co & - obambe t 11 at 7 P in, and the Incumbent* Rev of the dopartments of t 6 school wag Now England's building At the Pan. perfeat Work, Bee us about groups, J�� I's"POliticul V16*9 are diffeie that tutris otkt I I I I slid threshing, which god, mg to work to I hose 0 ther Government did bo't 'd Dohertv, 13 A, will preach at 11 06L closed- f6r A couple of days th I I I I , I W I Is wee � I " , I , 'I I I t91 .1 X a erh v I - -I. he I I iil�� '] I I . I 'I. I -1.� I I 'I, I. , 'I A sl I I 11 - I 'I ' I 3tace at,� Ch I 1, I , Prevent hilt getting the 001ce. a Stao� at! P to, � - owing 0 120 teachart byp firo. I Cash forbuttat and t994, V11046 ft. Very oatisfactotrw m An American Exposition WAS destroyed I ffeurylfl - Photo * I - 11 I . I . . I 'k I . � . ,-t tho.111nobs of t . . Studl%w . . . . � . I L I I . L f L , . I . I . . .. I . . I , L r . � I I I r . �. I I . . � . I q L . I � I ,� I . . . , . � 11 . .. . . . . 11 . . . . . . . I . . ., , � I . I L , . . . . .. I I I . . . I . I . — I L . . . I .1