HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-10-11, Page 6October lith,. 1901
THE FURS this Store are good,
good in any wa:�. ; you like to
take them—Style, ual t `- .
Y , t2 Y,Workt�ian
ship and Value are just ri lit in every
case. Poor Furs of any kind find
Y � f nd no
place in the big stock of Stylish Gar-
ments we have gathered together for
this season's selling. EveryFur that
leaves this store carries with it our
guarantee that it is thoroughly dependable and worthy.
g y p rt y.
If otherwise we stand prepared to refund the mone
in everycase. y
Yc ci will find here one of the largest- fur stocks
in this section. Wehave
been 'Particularly
. careful in
our selections. Every possible and fashionable style
is represented, and there is variety enough to shit al-,
most every taste.
We will be glad to have you quinine- the. stock
any time, test anygarment in any way you wish-- the
workmanship,the inin the' trimming,t
� �� he Sewing,
look at the inside as well as the "outside,. be as critical
as you like, and we do not think you will have any
fault to find
Black coney oaperine, thiokly famed collar, long front,.6 large tails,..
12 `
Eaooy'oaperine, gtbd q nality elect-
ric seal,. with blue opossum' trim
ming addoollar, 6large ligeby tills•;'
a very handsome garment.•..'T'�
circular shape, high storm collar,
funny meroerized lining,ohain fas-
ener, each - .0 00
Black Astrachan oaperine,even onrl;
glossy fur, extra good quality, well
made, high storm collar, comes
down wall at batik and front, ex-
tra special value, (tech..--.. ...6.00
• Blaek opossum caperines, circular
shape, high stoma collar, thickly
farred, a stylish and eeryioeable
garment, each 9.00
Extra good quality electric seal clap
erine,high storm oollar.Ion front,
8 g ottt,
4 large bushy sable tails, satin lin-
ed, each *it
Handsome oaperine, blank astrachan
trimmed withopossam,high storm
Electrio.sesi oaperine; collar and 'ed-
ge of thick and even Ohio sable, 6
large tails, ferny hilklined, -one.of.
themost,stylish garmentswe show quo
Handsome oaperine, the most fash-
ionable shapes and combinations
of Columbia sable andeleotrio seal,
electric seal and Alaska :sable.
Pereign•lamb and ` Alaska Gable ;
:...:25,00: $45
Fanoy ruffs and soarfs all the ` new
and popular and es 'in o oasdm
.P Pp
Ohio sable, fox; and Alaska,
ohoice eeleotlskina,eaoh R. o0to 16,50 -
These are hints only of the great varietyof high-cl s rf
garments we are showing. It would take g as u
give a d g e this r�holre:.page. to
gl detailed descript'on of them all,
Every fur jacket we sell is made from `choice . selected
skins to
our order, by the most relitxble fur houses in Canada..
We do not buy poor garments at am price, and 4 fur jacket:
coming from this store can be depended upon
reliable in every way.
P .. as thoroughly
y Y
Blank Aetraohan jackets,
made from choice skins,
guaranteed to wear, glos-
ey even earl heavy quit
ed lining,24 and 27 inches
long, high Storm collar
and reveres $35
Ladies' 4etrrauhae j tickets
rich glossy fur, even curl,
made from good eking,
guaranteed to .wear,.fi.•st
class lining '• • $28 •
We payparticular attention to special orders -.for gar
ments of any kind. Our prices for good . furs win be found
very, reasonable. We can supply any kind of fur :garment
that Is made, on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. in.
every case.
Very dne.gaalitybiaok 4a-
traohw -jackets, . the best
"-ekins• evenly matohed
bright and glossy,. very
h+ndeeme garments , that:
will wear'weil,27 and 3C
inches :each' .•$40
Our Millinery business keeps growing. The circle of
our customers continues to widen. That ought to be proof en-
ough that. what is most stylish, most reliable, what is best In
Millinery is here. Do not take our word for it however, come
and see it yourself, we are willing to let you be the judge.
Some novelties in Hats and Trimmings that are well
worth seeing came in this w;3ek.
Some of the handsomest garments in town can be seen
in our Mantle showroom. Styles are those most favored by
fashion for Fall and Winter wear—materials in every case are
thoroughly dependable, workmanship is first class, and values
are GOOD. r
Ladies' Cloth Jacket, shades of dark
Oxford gray and Fawn, 27 inober
long, semi fitting book, large revere
fanny pearl buttons, • mercerized
lining, each �0
Ladies' Beaver Jackets, tailor made,
pearl bnttone, large revers, Bead -
/Wing beck, flared sleeves, mei:-
cerized lining throughout, each .. �a00
Handsome Beaver *Mantles, made
from the very best quality, 86 to 42
inches long, high turnover or coat
collars, handsomely trimmed with
strappings of Cloth and silk stitch-,
ing, shades of fawn and blank, no .
two garments alike, at . , .
$12. *115. era. $20.
-Ladies' /leaver Jackets,' 27 inches,
. semi fitting book, pearl :bnttone; .
velvet collar, mercerized lining, 6 .
rows silk stitching around bottom,
each .. . ,.......id, .�
Cele.1 4 •1»:r� elettde4444.•t dn`r 44.44...» *'
R ibbed Cashmere Rase
with double knees 25e
This Cashmere Stocking is the best'we have ever sold
for the money. `They just came in thif�,week and are under
vela . . k i
Ribbed Cashmere Hose, 4 and 1 rib, geed weight, extra strong double
knee, will eye eatistaotory wear, elzee 8 , D. , ra 'menial vale y ,
A at per pair .... n
.. e We do not thin you will, find their equal in the trade.
•FRIDAX, O0T. il,1991,
nest Select Rastas --so per round, at
gain oxo,
RETURNED. -Mies. M Treweltha,
who for several years has been living
at Qu'Appelle, N W T, but recently a.
Uollingw0 d, has retorted to town,
and intends to remain permanently
among her old Clinton frier de. She
has rented and isoecupyiog ihecottege
on the corner of Rattenbury and
Orange streets, where she will carry on
dressmaking as usual,
SOME SUGrAR.«-Setae idea of the
sugar used in this vicinity may be
gathered from the fact that -during the
pest three months one of our :grocers
disposed at 60 three -hundred pound
barrels of granulated • sugar, 'Theta
are nine grocers in town, and while all
would not dispose of an equal quariti' y
still the aggregate amount would be
AT 11Th EVAPORATOR. -It je: a
busy place at the evaporator, some 250
apples are daily put through the process
of paring and slicing ready for the dry-
rying kiln. Since starting openatiol.s,
here over 5000 bushels have been used
and the store house is nearly filled to
keep the staff' going, part of wh.'tn.
works all night. The price being • paid
for evaporating apples. is •30a per bag
and for cider apples 20c per bag.
LEFT . ALONE. - 'While returning
home from Bayfield show on last 'Fri-
day evening inthe dark, Geo..L,ayib'
buggy upset when passing a team go-
ng titan opposite direction. 'He says
he asked for assistance from a, number
from town who were over and were
e n
r t ruing at the same time but they
"were either not very . neighborly or
had thought of , being held up .by a
highwayman. .
NO t SOLD.: --The arealy Butter.
Factory here was put up by auction
on Tuesday, but no purchaser was
found fur it, There is a bare possibility
that arrangements may bemade where-
by the factory will commence opera-
tions again, There should be an (men-
ing for something of this nature, if
properly F. G. Mitchell, of
the L udan, Engine Supply Co., at-
tended the sale here in the.interests of
the firm,' and ' Mr Time, .Liquidator,
was,aiso present. r•
HOUSE 010 REFUGE -Rev. C. R.
Glunne conducted the services at the
House' of Refuge on Sunday afternoon.
The inmates feel grateful to the rector
for his discourse and also to the choir
for their services •in assisting in the
singing.:.,..There are about seventy
inmates in the House at: present, most
of whom are enjoying good health;Mrs
Murray, one of the inmates, is recover-
ing from a recent opeterlon performed
for runture....Tbe.organ ordered by
the .r ommi-.'ee:several weeks.ago,: has
not yet arrived.. ,
MARRIED =On Monday even ig a
mart Inge ceremony wag performed by
v. Gi.i
rd, of Ontario Street•
Methodist church, the contracting par-,
ties being J Emmertor,, Gloderich, to
Mrs Junor, of. town. Only• a few relat-
ives were. present. They will live at
the home of the latter, Isaac street,
•.until spring whenthey may removeto
the county town, The, marriage is an
eminently suitable one; : both parties
being somewhat advanced inyeare,and
likely to be much more comfortable
married than alone.
surance 0o., handed $5 to B. Mogridge
of town, for the injury be had received
to his thumb while at work in the oar•
QUEER REQUEST, --One of the 1 gen factory, be having held a policy in
clauses of a will that was. in question this aompaay., ..Th:14%17Oct:bale t
LARGE ()A1C -The other day the
Doherty Organ Oo. shipped to the west
acar containing 37 er ane. being the
'a gest car ever shipped from this
SP'QRtINo NUPE*. --At Goderich,
on Saturday, the Seaforth Collegiate
NOTES, ---R Girabam secured Orsi t
prize at the Bayfield show for hie' well
matched carriage pair of drivers ; they
have won the red ticket; successively
at Seaforth, Giodericb, Bayfield arid.
Blyth fall faire which toesto show
they cannot bebeat....Aif. Dennie has
football team dfeeated the (ioderich rented a haute belonging to Joe, Allan.
Institute teats by a score of 1 to. nil.. set,, on the 'London road,,. he. B,
This takes hack to Seaforth the Hough Henry displayed kris photos at the nay,
Oup which (Iodericb won last fall, g field show oa Friday sad at Blyth on
Wednesday and hie splendid work
TIME QUNGi.--Oooper'e Hoek Stora was nighty comwended....The coatin-
has e erected on, the outbids a tiwe gong uaati chaos pin;ohefev'aant re t ng let-
t whichill be a convenience to all who n n tai trip
want absolutely correct time. The C. will be found on the second page . ,
P.R. supp. plies the time to all agents in On. Saturday left A. Hooper, agent for
its service, at 11666 a M. daily, and the the l)rsminioti of Canada Accident Ink
time will be recorded on that gong, as
cONSEMP'I'IBLE-A.,nan atS`ret-
ford.WAS guilty of a most contemptib'e
trick a n Saturday. An :elderly man,
atone blind, was on his way to Brant-:
d Blind fnbtitute, and groping his
way around the station :waitingroom,
mentioned that he wanted .to'buy a
ticket tor bis destination,.: A man
i•tandinlr by, sold him, at a reduced
rate, a•ticket from Berlin to Stratford,
which the old man bought, not being: .
able to detect, until Wormed by a
c•rrtductor that it was useless to him. 1I:'
This was a Meaner trick .than stealing ani--'
the coppers from a dead roan's eyes.
OFF TO TORONTO. -The special
train with five coaches and a few box
carsleft here at 11.30 sem. on Tuesday,
conveying the Goderich,.. Wingbam,
Porter's Hill, Clinton and L+xeter
companies of militia,' with ac-
coutrements, the clatter having come
Up . - on _ the Lannon train.,The
Seaforth and other compatiieealso
took board on the way down. The.
different companies were all filled with
full force, and look a fine lot of men.
The Hurons will be one of the tidiest
and most orderly regiments in the re-
view, The 33rd is one of the six regi-
ments booked to go under canvas; all
the others : hays use of the •'various
buildings at the exhibition grounds.
On Thursday the regiments line the
streets of the city for the royal party
to pass through on ..theirarrival, and
Friday is the great review at the ex-
hibition grouns They , expect to
return borne on Saturday morning.
in an action tried at Gfodericti at the qu artette has an engeo ing
• recentsit SingsoOaurt wasasata concert at Westr
lows r ---"The family will he brought 28th.. , ,Mr Searle received a letter
up on the farm in the fear of the Lord from Mrs Searle, who is visiiln her
out of the profits of, the lane, it parents at Indian Head, N W last
would be somewhat dilBcult to carry week, which started that there was a
out the parcvfeione of that will. foot of snow at that phace..,.The en-
gine lately used at the Orealy Factory
HOLIDAYS. --The Oth of November, here, has been put In the Go$etich
Xing Edward'e birthday, will be a pub knitting factorv....At the Northwest.
tic holiday throughout Canada. By ern Fair at Goderich last week, J E
law the birthday of the reienin soCantelon was judge on dairy products
ereign is a public holiday, whether
ether .and Thos. Holloway on 11. ewers and
proclaimed hp proclamation or not, vegetables...,lhe sidewalk crossing
This will give Canadians plenty of boli- the G T R, on' Victoria street, which
days. Ou the 28 h of the month comes has been in had shape for years, has
Thanksgiving day, Billowed closely by been put in splendid. repair under dir-
Christmas and NewYear'e. - ection of Mr Soleets, foreman for this
PliOE'ITABI,E FARMING.- Vol. division ; the section men are taken a
fLuare has only17 acres of land situate long way from O home to do.
� track work for'one . day they
as it is, near to town, but he certainly may • go to Branford and the
knows how to get the roost profitable next to Paris, returning by late train
rel -alts from it, and what is being done they don't get much chance for rest...;
by him could easily be done by others John Bell suffered severely last week
if they went about it in the same way from the injury done to his leg but we
as he has done. His place, as those are pleased to learn it is improving and
who see it know, is a well -kept e; be will be able to gel .aro nd soon.,:.;
chard, &c, and we are creditablyin- The new plate glass wind we. for Hod-'
formed tha€ be has this year realized gens: Bros: store were put in the four
about $2,500-
therefrom. , windows thereof on Tuesday , by Thos. •
1cKenzie'e .employe_pp; they_..make a
From the 1'own Topics of Sept. 28th, • a other iCewhilei R r Fitzsimonsmn• .The
.society publication of.Winnipeg, we dayF was
clip. the following item of interest' to crossing the farm of Tyndall Bros, he
Clintonians :- "Mr Digby Ponytz, noticed an apple tree he full bloom,
druggist of this city, and Miss Allis
Pratt, or Clinton, (Jot„ were married portions of which he broke off and
brought rit.back to.town; it is not usual
at Port Arthur, Ont., last Thursday, fora tree to bloom in October but The e
and after a brief honeymoon, will take:country Is capable of anythinge The
up residence here. The bride was at- school board -me xt Monday: even,
attended by her. sister, Mrs' Chas'W, ing for its . October• sere se dam
and her niece, Miss Sybil Handscomb " nu east' of boys go out these days, and
The bride is a daughter of our :respect ee beech
a y on Saturdays, : gathering:
ed`c•tizens, Mr and M s Silas Pratt.and beech and butter nuts;: there isa boon -
to whom we• extend, along; with her tifulcrop hisyear... .The granoli blit
many friends, our heartiest, o walk at the north side of` the Public
ulattons. e. ngrat- Library has been lifted and repliaeed in
line with that onthe outside of the
trees on Rattenbury= : street, : and
THE RFaSON• :'VV1iY.•="The' .New y t , the -
Era say the deposits -In the Postal.Sav break on: the 'met side of Albert street,
inge Bank in Clinton, are more than near Graham's hotel, r'epaired....Tbe
horse exhibit is now on at the Pen,
and the Huronians• showing there are
.Bawden ; tic '`McDowell,' -and"' W. W"
Fleming, Exeter, and E. C. Attrill, of
God.irich.... H, Bennett has accepted a
position in furniture factory,.
W ingham.... We. are sorry to learn of
the serious illness of•the eldest son Levi
Wiltsie, :of the Loi.d�,n road ; his ` case
is not hopelese,•but he is nevertheless
in a critical condition.. , . Mr Knight;of •
Palmerston, has rented and le occupy-
ing the house of L S Scott, on Quern
street.... Mrs Brydone d
one has'
been non -
fined ,on
fined to the housethis week; and un-
able to attend Toronto: review, as. con?
templated,....The Musical Club met at '
Mr Brydone's, Monday evening,to talk
ober preliminaries.. , . Robt, l+itz-tiros na
shipped a load of hogs on Monday 1
Gopd and acceptable rains this week;. i.
twice as large, than in either Wing.
ham or Godeich, and asks ifit is, due
to prosperity or habits of econom
'For. ourselves we ascribe it to the .:fact
that, the money is invested in real -es-
tate. . The working claseurchase
homes of•theirown on the instalment.
plan;' andot berwise instead of putting
the money in the Postal *wings s Bank
at.3percent-. This is far bet'er .than
putting it in the bank and paying
rent-Wingham •Times." [The reason
ffered by the Times does not. apply to
Clinton, ; b
ec '
a a good B . many :of the -
working classown their own proper-
ties- here also, which is quite commend
-able. We have reason to. believe that
the great bulk of savings bank roves-
ters here are farmer?, who,apparently,
are satisfied with thelow atf inte
est, because the security is the best.]
day of last week a magistrate's /court
was held before Mayor Jackeap, it be-
Inge° case concerning wages due. The
plaintiff.' was W 7, Nivens,of Brucefield,
who claimed wages from Jay, Logan,
5th con., Stanley, Mr and Mrs /livens
swore he was to get $60 and a sack of
flour and still had a claim. of $20 due ;
the defendant and wife, sort arid J
Hays swore that the price of the flour
Was to be deducted from this sum,•
Ater .summing up the evidence, Jas.
• Scott, barrister, acting for Mr Nivena,
His ,worship awarded the claire of $20
to the plaltitiff. Another caee before
His Worship watt that on Monday af•
ternoon the defendant, Prank Gayness,
an employee for .J Crich, being,up for
wiIfal damage to property to esley
Nott, the plaintiff, both being
from Tuckeremith. The defendant has
at times, been annoying Mr Nott and
is said to be one of the crowd who have
been disturbing church services: on
Sundays es well as on week days. Mr
Nott swore that whiledriving home
from church one eyening defendant,
by throwing cigar sparks caused 1..his
horse to run into the ditch thereby
causing damage to its leg and also to •
the buggy. The animal had won 2nd
prize at one of the fall fairs and was to
be exhibited at three others only for
the injury done. Mise Nott was
thrown out of the rig at the time, and
Mr Nott dragged some distance, and Eboth escaped serious injury, toile
Inc witnesses substantiated the plain-
f 's evidence and the defendant had er-
ne e ; Jas, Scott was counsel for the •
armor and w Brydone for the latter.
be Mayer, after hearing' both sides
yidentfy was of the Opinion. that the ,,
•4.If. VO•A.'
re a Lover
ot pictures this annouuce went will interest you.
We have a good assortment in three sizes. All
re -productions: of famous originals" mounted on
mats—light grey and a darker plain shade. The
picturesare produced with fidelity to detail the
lights and shades of the ori inal being. faithfully
preserved. The small sizegiis 5x n fifit s t Y
7 inches and the.
pric 312i'c; the medium size is of the same style,
and is 11x14 inches, matted, at 25e ;,the larger
size is 14x17 inches, matted, some beautifully
colored, at 40c. They make an inexpensive and
attractive picture, quite asdurable as the orifi .
nals, and after framing can scarcely be detected.
from the picture from which they are copied,
which costs many times our prices. We beg the
favor of your inspection.
The W. D. FAIR- CO, mato
"Often the Cheap,� est =- .iway s the Best."
We give our on,tomerc good value all the 'time, but just how we are
in a position to give y. u Me hest values ever offered in Clinton. We
don't often get the chinos of an up-to-date•atook at 62io on the $,-.
but we have them now, and while . they last we can giye;.yoa first•
class footwear . .
At Less than Wholesale. PrOes• '
Here are only a few sam les:of the . valaes We are vin .-�'
P gi 8 •
Men's Fine Laced` Boots, regthar rine. 3 and , 3.60 sa a 'tie 1 7
,, P . $. , l pit.. • .5
Kid Buttoned' Boots, " ., 1.75
Boys' School Boots,good wearere,worth`$1.35.to #1.80 " 1.00
hurls' School Boots, laced orbuttoned,: 11' •12;•13, 1 w..,-..� .::
and 2, worth $?..35 "` . :.95 •
Yon should see our bargaincounters for an assortment of Boots,
going at 76o, in.many oases less than Half Price.
We must clear out this set oki.. double quick
and therices. are
,making them. go d
No trouble to show goods, : It willayou to e w
P y se hat weare doing;
The Old'R li ble
e a,
Theto re That Ne
S 1• ver. Disappoints : ,
Taylor 49/ Son
sahib and One Price.
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash,
i !�l e N .: •
-rim. :_1_. /��':_•' -. ' r. ��
am ous
Clothing: Establishment
A Startling Bargain
Fall Overcoat:
Our facilities tor handling large lines of
goods is not equalled"in` this section and
we can buyour goods as cheap as any
wholesale house in the country, hence
the reason for this big bargain which we
can offer in a Fall Overcoat'.
The latest goods on the market isre
a dark Cheviot and we have bot ° Y%
a.,wonderful lot of• these goods.
Our price for thin special line is $19 --made to ,your"awn order -'--cut
in. any shape or style t at y ou want-- -loads• with .:velvet collar --or silk
facing on the. labels -=trimmed and made 'in the best manner:•
it is a e4 artling bargain and cannot be equalled by any house in • the -••
trade. You, will pay $15 in the regular way for goods no better.
Remember that -this coat is made to ,your own measurement and you trio.
can select any style .you wish:' Better order one at once before the great
Colored Shirty•
Just arrived. One case of the latest patterns hi fine colored shirts.
Zthey area beautiful range of colorings arid there Al be nothing
n this section to equal them. .
The Price is $ire I
They are perfect fitting --and you will not be able to. see goods to
equal them.
• 'defendant was wilful y inClibed and tinedN ON •
him g2 and costs and awarded to a
as the amount of rr"" 4 •
damage done tn. the h r�Ci iQ �ir �OR
the conaplaf Lind est •KSON
making a total of #20;fln a T�iHd buggy
� 7�.. vOOP
be a lesson try cung trheri who try•fo j��t-j
. betlmartaleCe .� ���N��t��Ne��Ne���NeeNHe��l���!l����.����N����Niit�