HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-10-11, Page 5Til 014117TON NJW Eitiv Celery Compund enres,Siek People andMaRes Them Feet Young Again: Children's Fertillareri That's a good name for ren Aldworth. Foal, Easert, 0 Aldworth! Prize List, Dayfield Pair. Honsits•-ileavy Plorses.-Brood mere, Witb feel, A. Murray, ist and 2nd, Foal, A Murray., let end 2od, 2 year old fillY, Olausuut, W G Cook. 1 year old filly, D. Faberinghem. 0 Aldworth, Span work. ing home, Bobertium. General Purpeee. Scott's EmuisiOn Chld -Brood mere, wIth foal, D Fothenngna tossr:, 58I.avv4 egg. ings;ra:114orges iiJoreoh:0- are like young plants. Some' will grow in ordinary soil, Fillefp) ,btarrigon. ,Roadiiter.—Brood Others need fertilize's. The nature a some children prevents them, from thriving orordinary food Such chit. dren grow right if treated right. All they need is a little fer, izer—a, little extra richness. 'SeOtt's Emulsion is the right treatment. Fertilizers make things grow. That's just what Scott's Emu1. sion does. It makes children grow in flesh, grow in strength, grow rich blood, grow in•rnind, grow happy. That's what we make it for. Send for free sample. Saar & BowNE, Torss$0, Canada, See and fi.00; all druggists. Seventeen liyee were lost in the Ore in the coal mine at Extension, B. O. Hamilton's assessment IS $27488,860, population is returned at 53,01el. Salt ileum and all eczematous condi- tions of the skin are mired by the use of Compound Iron Tills. Sold by 4 Combs and R P Reekie, Clinton, The population ot Ottawa.' according to the asseseore, is 60.400, an increase of 2,205 over last year. • • • Miller's Grip Powdere Cure, sem by Pi B Combe and. R P Reekie, Clinton. Maly Egan, wife of Patrick Bulger, was found guilty of tionnelaughteS at Montreal in the shooting of Timothy Corbett, her brother-inelaw, and sen- tenced to two months in the common jail. Palatable se ortiiin..-"TheD,&L." Emul- sion of Cod Lever Oil, for those,. euffering from severe coughs and hemorbageo, is used:with the greatest benefit. Menefee. tured by the Pavia & Lawrence Co., raa. Brantford's assessment shows a pop, uletion of 16,685, and taxable prophriY of $7,059,550. In the center of Africa the fame of Pain. Killer has spread. The natives Use it to ottraouts, wounds and eprains, as well as bowel". complaints. Avoid subetitutes, there're] only one Pain -Killer, Perry Davis' 25o. and 500. Some person, unknown, took Rol% jamieson'e horse from a stable at North Bay and beat its brains out With an axe. A neighbor's cow was also badly cdt'bk the same weapon. LIMPING, LIMPING From corns? No necessity for that. Put- name:4 Painless Corn Extractor removes all sangerei, large or small, in about twenty-four mare, with foal, W Brandon, Foal W Braneors, Filly, A Evan 1 eear old geld- ing or eilv, T Herrieou, Span reed - ;dere. Ti Grithem, 13 Wild. Siegle rortelster, n buggy, NPeck, A Duncou, Corriage„- Brecti mars, with foa1,0 W *Weston. Foal, 0, W W.ston, G A. Cooper, Two year old settee; st, flay, W Sterang, 6th con., W. siteritew. (inc year old geleieg or Ally, A i'lveiet,te A Coopee, Single earriage hot oe, 4 ledoer, W CiriVOri Date, • Gnem Ceerin.-Milth cow, W G Irwin; two year old heifer, Evans 3. 4' 2; GA cow, Wm f3thaeon 1 & 2; tsteer calf, W Stinson; beet two year old steer, W Stinson 1 & 2; beet hull calf, A Bloat; beet heifer calf, A Shiest. elem.-Lee:teeter-gam ted shears and over, W Glen, Snowdon Bros; sheerliug rem, W Glen 1 dc ?; rem lamb, :Vir Glen, Snowdon 13ros; pair ewes having raised Iambs in 1901, .two sheers and .over, W Olempoir sheorling ewes, W Glen 1 & 2; pair ewe Its nabs,A Mlooat; pair fat sheep, W Glen, tharopehiredowns-A Dunce.n took' ell prizes in this clue, Plos-eBerkshire-Brood EloW having lit- ter in 1901 -Snowdon Bros 1 & 2. York- shire.. -Brood sow having litter in 1901, Suowdon Bros; sow 6 months, Snowdon Bros, Red pigs - Aged boar, Snowdon Bra, elowerby; eine having litter in 1901, Snowdon J3rostectw 6 menthe old and under, W Cook, Sowerbse best bees„ any breed, Snowdon Broil, J Sowerby; best sow any breedd bowerbv. DAuty Psoocce -Tub WV butter 50 the or over, Snowdon Bros, G Manaus; 25 lbs salt butter, Snowdon Bros, 11 Paths' 5 lbe hater sufficiently salted for table use G A. Cooper, S Wise; home-made °been, Snowdon Brositwo bottles home-made wine R Turner; K Wise; honey in comb, Alex Smith,G Clausitenticney-in jar G Clanaine, Ala Smith; (*notion of hone A bmitla; largest and best loaf hoine-mad bread, W Sterling, Chesil's; loaf baker's bread, T King, T Stinson. Gene AND Enosiiii.-2 bus white winter wheat, 51 Brethour, jno-Salkeld; 2 bus red winter wheat, G Claiming, Brethonr; bus spring wheat, 51 Brethonr, K Wise; 2 bus large white peas, M Brethour, J X Wise; 2 bue smell white pees, M Beet'imer; 2 bus eix. rowed barley, 13 Wiee,D Brethour; 2 hue two rowed barley, D Brethour, Geo A Cooper; 2 tins white oats, 8 Wise, D "Brethour; 2 bus black oats, D Brethour,LU Brethour;bushel timothy seed,M Brethour. D Brethoer; 12 ears of corn, Selkeld, Gairdner; swese corn, J Tough; *elm feed, 'Alex.ehnith; , , • • otion grapee,Ildre J Howrie; hal aPPieS,W Sterling,lioewdon Bros;winter Wise, W Sterling. Sparks; collection of apples, 0-.A. Cooper; fall and winter pears, Pephall;peitolies,G W Weston, G Camp- bell; grapes, Mrs J Howie; orab apples, W SterlIng, M Brethour; Baldwins, W. Ster- ling, J Sparks; Northern Spies, W Cook, W Sterling. . • Vziniresens-.Early potatoeieW Brandon B Peck; late potatoes., G ebonies, W Brandon;long reti field misngolde,a W Sterling, con 6; yellow globlifield man - golds, a Salkeld, Snowdon 13reei Yellow In- termediate field raangolds,J Salkeld, Snow- don 'Bros; bawl -for table ase, Snowdon Brae, J Tough; altbbage, W Cook, W Brea - house. This is reltable information, your don; cauliflower, A Evans,j Tough; carrots druggia:swill substantiate it if you ask hint for bible WM, 8 Cleave,' W. Brendon; par. Be sure and get Panetta's, it causes no. anips, 80leave, 3 Salkeld; pumpkins, John pain. • - • . . , Sowerhy; squasheind. EvensSlaree English batiste on'ican I D Westlake It Tenhele Joseph Kennedy, an ex -convict; - ' Canadian potato onions,R Penhele,Vir Sta. whose body was found on the railway near Kingston, had, Stolen a horse at Picton, and in trying to escape pureutt jumped on a freight train. • He • was killed while trying to alight. STOP ...THIEF would be a juotifiable ory directed againot the countless humbugs that offer a onre for Catarrh. There is only one ecientifio method of treatment for Catarrh. • Make she air you breathe the carrier of healing balsamic, curative agents. It bathes every inch of muttons menthes/tee with its heal. ing soothing properties. That's Catarrh' ozone. Your druggist or doctor will tell' you it's the oniv effeotive method of trait. anent and that it is sure -prompt -per. manent. Remember the name Catarrh. ozone. All dears, 25o. and 01.00. The Danish gunboat Moen fininder ed while at gun practice off Copen hagen. • NEWHAM,. MIMS Rheumatism. The remarkable strength and marvellous soothing property of Nola vilizte-nerve pain cure-rendera it almost . infallible in Rheumatism', Five times Onager than any other its penetrating power enables it to reach the eouroe ot pain and drive out:the diem°. Nervilit a is rctore ;retrain, avenger, and dnove highly pain sub-dning in action then any Medicine heretofore dallied for the re- lief of mann, infirmines. Dtuggists sell h everywhere. David Handley, u St. Thomes brairpo man. was run over and killed at In- wood; IT staixts THE gnikur, Not only is the victiM of rheurdatian o constant sufferer, but he livei in continual dread thetthe,diseasemillreotab the heart, whith raconieridden and nnexpeeted death. ling; °nitwit grown from Dumb sets,. Mre Howrie, 3 Eialiceld; field turnip!, II Turner, Spathe; field caret*, W Sterling,con 6, S Tough; white celery, J Tough, S Wise; red celery, Snowdon Broil; winterradieh,3 Par. sons; chrome J Salkeld, R Penhall; musk tnelons, 3 Salkeld,RPenlaale;water ;redone, Mrs J Howrie, J Salkeld; ;large beano, M Brethour, 8 Whoesmall beantelt Penhale,0 Clausius; large tomatoes, Snowdon Bute, 8. Wise; anal! tomatoes, R Penhall, Snowdon Bros; 8 plates new potatoes, R Turner, W Brandon, R McCool; • sugar beets, R Pm:t- he:le. • Lome' WORN* -Pillow shams, 8 Wise, Mrs ,T Howrie;. macrame work, M Brethour; crochet work in viool,efrtiNott,Mte Howrie; crochet work in cottony° Oampbell,8 Wise; embroidery on silkamtin or velvet/Ars Nett, Mrs Rewrite fancy whisk holder, Mrs Nott, M Brethour; fancy pin cushion, A firdith, Wiese; knitting in worsted, 0 Oimpbell,Mrs Howrie; honiton or point lace, 0 Campbell, Mrs Nott; tatting, ,Mrs Sottetrrasene work, 0 Campbell, 'Eire Nottobenite work on felt or &eh, eire Nett; tee coey, Mrs Nottolefte Howrie; tray °loth, Mre 3 Howrie; table cover embroidered (five o'elook), Mrs J Howrie; netted &ghee fills illowrieptch. ing on cotton or.eilk,d0timpbell, tare Cor - vie; gent's linen shire, W Sterling; gent's fancy flannel shirt, M W0010141010' nu- derolothing machine midi, Mrs Nott; plain hand sewing, Mee Parsons, Howriiekitchen apron, MO Forrest, Illris Ilowris; orothetoe knit slippers, fgris Corvie, 0 Witte; laundry bag.Mrs .11ertreie. 51 Brethour; hendker- olitef sestket, Miii Preterit, Mre Nott; path - ed quilt in °often, Mrs Nott, Mrs Coyle; patched gat in Moth, Mrs Nett, M Broth - our; knitted quilt, Mrs Noti, .1 lemons; button holes displayed on Biz differentenat- eriale, W Sterling; oolleetion of lediete week not lea e than at pieces, lidre Rewrite lifro Nott; spider work, recommended, Idre Corvie. Ytheanaatistn den OnlY be e fired %chenille rnficre Atm novenae- Large boreptet of nric acid is removed from the blood by the flowers, Mrs Oorvie, W Sterling; small bon - healthy action of the kidneys, Dr. Chime* gneli of Aowors, W Sterling, Snowdon Bros; Kidlity-LiYer Pills make the kidneye, collection of home plank+, W Brandon; col- lection of dabliee, A Evans, 3 Tough; col - baton of multiuse, W Sterling; eolleotion of literling;oolleetion of foliage Omni, R Penhale, ;Forgone. Act Wen. -Peneil drawing, Mre J 'For- rest; orayon drawing, Mrs j Parted, Mrs. Piewrie; water color painting, Mrs Howie, Mrs Parted; oil painting, tarts Vorrest;Xens sington painting, Mut Forrest; butte paths- ing, Mre Vorreet, Mre Nett; painting on silk, Satin or iventet, Ildre 3 Forte* Mrs Nett; drawing by children tinder 14 yeere of age, Mrs Ilowrie. eXhibite. Poi:rum-Pair of duck ,tr,„ R Permele, ()lensing, gee, Snowdon Broil, G Mamas; Vivian:Oh reeks, A. Babertson; White ply - month, a okusiue, 3 GArdirier; horns, Mrii 3 Howrie, T King; white leg horns, Mrs J Howie; bsntame, Mut j Howriehlturkeye, Snowden Beoo; buff ebohene, R MODool; Weandettee. Mre Howie; minerotte, Mre Howrie,G Clannuo, MANII/LOTOBES. 10 matt homemade white flannel, S Wive, Nrit Nat; colored homemade ilenatito13 Wise. fi 13tathaap; bolilathati rig carpet; S Witik 8 Wiell pair homemade woolen blankets,J Salkeld, Mre Boit; homemade rag mak Mrs Not*, Mr* J Porto* hoMemode wool mat, Wiee. W Sterling ; woolen yorn, W Sterling, 8 Wisei. docking yarn, • Wise, Mrs Nott;woolenakokingt, Vir Stare Mrs Not*. woolen socks, W Jingo Ihrflittin 'Ililtnecle cotton sockf ' ;wit* Negtat',1r114{1f1W;ekreit 4WobillefnfinatElital,°)Wn Wfsel tingle 1ig1tibitrnetit4 B.* // WillWetsiala*y:40040. WAN" 3• W pa. Stitoter. int Mitorattehed talin, I blerks;20 1be butter ter *Able ttiglifinOW- healthy and vigorone, end 40 gradually and thoroughly curls thanniatitm by remOv. Ing the ante, One pill a dose, 25 ante a box. 11* oursoomroil ort DON'S KIONIY. PILLS, thesisiginal kidne7 speedo for thoe of IfookaOhe. Diabettai lidaes Mitsui and all 'thing IVO aterpti onetkIngin4 es 4°44 •1(tlittigil,4oluithe" DOAN'S. : don Brod; haaaa hogs Snowden Brae 3. dr 2; I roTit;Zed4inTg uoronnetre'e t' ,WE Bilblirilethltryik, MW4. 1 13;r:ac‘o°Ent;-°Orlib attilee-r*J. Shepherd, gentian; II ' W DelgattY,Beyfield, Pigs -J Shepherd, Benoit; 4- Wolter, Ooltford; EC C Beacom, Godetigh township, Dein" Wanes- R 3- 1 I)ryadalo, D ti 1 • W $ tt B noedeld I Groin and rieedie--4 Thomoon. Fruit -J I Torrance, Porter's atit, Vegetables- 3 -os Campbell, ads Alioneon. liadise' work - It. 8 Miller, Clinton; fare 0 Betes,Bat field. Flatlet and flower. -JE fitenbury,Bayileld. Art work -J E Ste.nberfleydeld. 'triple. , ments-0 Irwin, Jae r9 ey,Beytield. Peal. •try -T A. Zing, Clinton., La Philter, Blake. Manufacturere-A F eidworde, OttYlield; R j VrYedate, Dryedele;W Soon, firameleld. Bootee and speeding contest -4 'Connolly, Porter's Hill; .1 Henford,Exeter, The Montreal Gazette/ interviewed ffr Boat; 'General ilialleget of the St. Efiacinthe Woollen Mule, as to the al- leged injury clone 10 the industry by ' to the preferential tariff, Mr Boas said he 414 not believe the eauses alleged had interfered With the Woollen indus- try, and so farm a higher tariff Was concerned it would be only a detri- ment, ' e a ei • - 'Gyeatly increased intesest is being shown . in new Ontario this year Messrs. 0thson and Stratton showed their sense of the importance .of •the new region by a tour, in which they 'Were enabled to get in touch with the needs and opportunities of this vat diatilet; Another ,visit paid to the hinderland of Ontario was the • ..Liberal excursion to SCtilt Ste Marieancineigh. boring places. Mr George M. Reid, President of the Federation of Liberal Clubs of Ontario, and Colonel Lays, M. P. P.,have returned to Lc ndon from thie excursion, and, expressed to The Advertiser their sense of magnitude of the operations going on in that por- tion of the Province. It seems but yes- terday since Michinicoten came into Prominence, but the visitors found there Waterworks, electric lighte and tele- phones, and 600 men at work, the out- put of the mine being 2,500 tons a day. Speaking of the works at the Soo, Mr Reid observed that what struck blurt , most forcibly, next to their magni- tude, was their permanency. Every- thing was being done in the most Sub- stantial way-builditigs alimade of: stone, railroads of the bestmaterials, everything. ,solid. Everything with which Mr Clergee was connected was done as though to last forever, thug preying that he was hi no transient, husinees, but engaged in a work that is justified by the limitless resources of the,dietrict, At the present time, it leirernarked, the expetediture amounts to $350,000 a week. Rheumatic Pains Caused by an Twirlers Condition of the Blood. ' If Neglected They Will Grow Worse and Serione Results Will Follow - Rheuma- tism Can be Permanently Outer]. From tlie Telegraph, Quebec. •Itheurnestism is one of the most common and at the gem time one of the most pain. 101 affections from whioh humanity suffer. It affects the joints and mausolea and is characterized, even in its sinepLest forna, by a dull constant pain. White it remains in the joints and muscles, ii is isufficiently painful and distressing, but as it is Belie to tail& the lend orgons,euch as the heart, .th dii roe will beooni',s soothe of danger, i., .11%12y instances it has proved fatal. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills winless qualities for the cure of this disease which are un- equalled by aurother medicine. Mr Glynn Lambed, a well-known resident of Snide - MOMS, Que., bears tatimony to the w.mder- fat oarstive powers of these pille. To a re. porter of the Telegraph he gave the follow- ing story: -"Until some three years ago I always enjoyed the best of health, but Omit that time I was attacked vrith what proved trom the outset to be a severe case of rheumatism, from which I suffered great torture. I tried a number of the imposed ouree for this disease, but none ot them benefitted me. I seemed to be constantly gnawing worse, so I nailed in aphysician, but as hie treatment did not give me any relief 1 aought the assistance of two other dootonsbut they also foiled to help me. My appetite left Minty otrength gradually ebb- ed away; one of my lege was drawn out of amps and I was never free from pain. I was in deepair of ever being well again, when one day it relative brought me a box of Dr, Williams' Pink Pine and urged me to take them. He seemed to have such gotta bOtilidenee in the pills that I deter- mined to tlflow his advice. To -day 1 am 'happy that I aid so, for with the ese of lag loan a beat boxes of these pills, the pain from which I nattered tio much is all gone, and I feel stronger and healthier than I did before. This I owe to Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsottid 1 would etrongly urge similar enf- texas to give them a trials". Experience has proved Dr. Williams' Pipit Moto be without an equal se a blood builder ona nerve roisterer. It is this pow- er of acting airway on the blood and eaves thet enables these pills to cure ouch diteames as rheumatism, moieties, flatmate giat locotnotor ataxia, pentlysie and all the ordinary disenses of the blood and wenn. Inoue pills ate sold by all dealers in midi. eine, Or can be had by mail, poottotid, at 500 A box or alit boxes for $2.69, by ad* droning the Dr, William' Medicine Co., Bros:11090h, Ont. 011bere Paiker, the author, has pre - belated Queen's University with a col- lection of portraits of all the Governors of Canada and Newfoundland, and of other persons associated with the hie - tory Of -the Countries, , • Local Opinion Is arcing in fayde Of /Illy- Baleein. It ourescoughs and made with absolute certainty. Pleasant to take and eurer to cure. Mended:meg by the pre- prietore ot Perry therie' Pain-1011er. Riots kook place in *veva districts ducker the Hungarian elections, and the troops tired and killed or wounded riunikere of people, The GoVernment was sustained. No , eilbstitate for the a.D.&Ii.' Menthol Plaeter, although 80tne lantern/tette:is deed. era may esty there is. Recommended by doctorri, by hospitals, by the olergy, by everYhddY, for etiffnese, pleurisy, &o. Made by DIMS* Livsrenoe 00., Ltd. The ten.year.old eon ot Constable Ian Miller, of Hamilton, received a hiont whilelplaying football that may prove fetter. A west Scotlind eynclicateje prepttr. ea to issue another challenge for the America's Oup. STORI Par Wats And Mares A Cured iKan, Says : • Feel Just As Bright and . Young As A Boy. o.ottottottooti after Many Fa urea With Ohy. swans and Die Icinev; Mr MeGraer w as saved 'By Paine's Celery Compound. All the combined powers on earth cannot tame the tide of troth that sweeps over this Uonamion of orirs in regard to rhe miring and lite -restoring virtues a Faintest Celery Compound, The thousands cured year tater y ear' and such strong and comets°. ing letters of testimony Stet the most hsrdened skeptics are forced to admit haat Painees Celery Compound does pessese medioal powers unknown to other meal, eines, The following letter from Mr A.,11. Ma- ' Greer, Dxxonei Corners, Ont., assures sou that, no matte*, how deeperate your case may be, Paine' s Celery Compound will do more for you than you can possibly hope for. Mr MoGnier says ; "Some time ago my oondition of health was itlarnaing, and 1 suffered Very numb was laid up three days out of every week, and 1 often said to my friends that it would be better IX it was the Lord's will that I would be called away. Three of the best doottirs Attended me, but could not relieve me -in anyway. It was than 1 was advised to try Paine's Celery Compound, which brought relief at °nat. Alter using this Creat remedy, 1 find' myself a new mon, and feel just, ae bright as a boy of e........ighteen yeare. I think Pisine's Celery Compound ie the greatest medioine in the world." Fireman Alex, Alex. Barr's leg v9as so bad- ly crushed by car wheels at Strathroy that it had to he amputated. • Miller's Worm Powders the medicine for children. sem byR P Mathis and B (limbo, Clinton. King Edward is reported to be shier - bag from an attack of. rheumatism at Balmoral Castle, , • • "THE'PAIN . .WAS KILLING7.. . . Illhountatiom revels- in the vvrithings of its victims until igtftln glfritit =tat 8=12; It -relieves In six hours and cures In one to three days. Mrs. Geo - Smith, efts Charron St., Point $t. amid, suffered terribly from Rheumatism, in her joints. The pain was killing, Dotter? Medicines temporarily deadened the pale, but effected no permanent relief. She began taking South American Rheumatic Cure and when she had used four bottles was absolutely cured. se mcKILLoP licruiL FIRE INSURANCE CO. rartu t.Glsor..•ATED TOW's • PSOPhiRTY ONLY INBOUND • • moms • J . B. Macau, President, Nippon P. 0 ; Thor. Fraser. vice-president, Bruceileld P, 0. Thos, IC Hays, Seoy-Treas., Seaforth P. O.; 'W. 0. Broadfoot, Iospeotor of Losse, seaforth P.O. W. o.„..no elfoot, Searerrn; John G. Grieve Winthrop Oe George Dale, Seafortb; Joh* thittneweis, nubbn; Jas. Evans,. Beeeliwood P. O.; John Watt, 'Garlock P. 0.1 Thomas rea.,„ 'Ter Bruceneldl John B. McLean, Kinnen 4-alre8 Connolly, Clinton, • Robert Smith. Ro.riock; Robt. MoViillan45•e• forth: jams Cumming, Ettmondvitle,• J. W. Yes, Rolmesrille Ortorae Merdleand John C. Morrison, auditors. Parties desirous to 4 ffeet Instance or trans. act other business will be promptly attended te on application to ens of the above offinisrs addressed to theirresi Milers ; 'IT PAYS MAO IR YtIn END. • . ' Have yen seen.the eateloria° of the •C/INIDA BUSINESS College. Chatham, Ont.: . Irnoie yonare not nit familiar with the best Canada lust* offer in the Lnes of bus. nese Training. Shorthand or Pennanthist• We haire supplied more telsehros Inc other business liehOole than all other Couitadiein busines colleges combined. ea of our ;pried, sobered good positions dur- ing the put year. Send, for this list and ban& soma catalogs*. • Good board for ladies $2•.00 per tweak: gents$2.00 Wo flnvrtfllwar &roma to $8. If elemims## new. +0.• •tot 'Wow you to at- tendi, ho• hamyou rag set Instsuctios by Mail, zi. Book Keopme. snerthand or P•11140.11 D. IteLaa/IILAN & CO.; Chatham, Ont. tomoto............•••••••tommlimmtimitookortot Your Attention ! Londesboro Mills Have been remodelled by the latest system of flour making by replacing the mete to the Wolf Oyster Sieve System, which will ensble rue to tasks a more superior grade of flour, Trusting my attention to business Will golicit your *rode in general, I cordially invite you to see the mill and inepeci the dour. R. S5 Webb, - Londesboru Aug 80-8m Clea ring out sale of BiOrdes 25 New Wheels consisting of MeBurney-Deattle Clevelands Itneyeles Goderieh AlBor 26 Secondabana wheole at $7.00 and up. Close Buyers This its. your opportunity as we tio not intend to carry ainglo wheat jflbrMULE AND MIMIC HOUSE, Goderich "Avert Repairs Oetobei lftb, 11501. WO PRICES FUR ANIMALS,. X Small steed Fortune Needed to any a Giraffe. i Deennite of the ditliculty of getting It ' to America and of keeping it alive aft- ; . et' it arrives a good giraffe is eptoted at $T,000, . Next to the giraffe in thataristocracy , of cost comethe rhinoeeros and the 1 hippopotamus, worth 'from $4,000 to .0,000 each, If ti, dealer could breed these animals, he could get rich, but the big mammals rarely breed in tan. tivity, About the only place in Amer' ca where hippopotami have Wen iiiiiiwn to raise their young is in the rowing% erie ha Central park, New York, .& viiimpaimee of size is worth MOO, and when one reaches the inteltigence of .the late Mr. Crowley, Chico or Jo- hanna he is 1?eyond a fixed price. The monkey kied are most uncertain prop. erty„ The animal wan says they are certain to die. But the Ordinary ones OR be bought very cheaply. One can buy a i e young baby ele. lit pliant for $1,000 a Mono tont it really good animal Is w '1 from 51,800 to $3,000.. An eleplout oes not command the maximum price beveuse of , the beauty of his countenance, the ele gance of has figure, his Intellectual en- dowments or his size, but behause of a sweet, sunny disposition: A mean elephant is about the mast 'evil of liv- ing things. Sooner or later he has to be killed. usually after be has ' slain two or three keepers and done Tore damage than he is worth. Of two ani- mals of equally good disposition the larger and finer commands the higher price; of course, but the most magnifi- cent beast with an Inclination for mur- der isn't worth as much as a very com- a:non one' that Is trustworthy -that 10... ordinarily 50, for the sweetest tem- pered have days when they seem in- spired of satan. • 'You 145..yr' Need ainittlev Fos C Burns 'Bruises Cramps Diarrhoea. Ali Bowel • Complaint -es itishaosuayoiep reo,nelateandquAlcieN_K reiiiedii.L. aselix . Penns Dans'. ' Two sires 25e. and 60e. . • Ratteubury 'St: Works, eLilwreN. • Direct importer Workpiranshin ' and Material guaranteed. SEALE itt BICE Proprietors. Bicycles ! New and Second -band • We have a few second band whselsin good running order,,which we are revered to sell cheep. They are excephonally good value for the money we ask for them. We have akin a 'few new whesle, of the best make, which are °tiara at wholesale price.. There's nearly .four months of Wheeling yet this tieason...-anyone wanoing it wheel can't do better tbsri come and see us. Praentate Stur5-2000 lb -for sale cheap All kindlier Blaoksmithing, lioniesheieing and repairing. . •EELEY & TTIREL. number of Secondhand -tiniest' for sale tinted. • Wi/tAAMAANVAN The Novelty Bakery and Restaurant We are prepared to supply , all yOar wants in the bakery line, and we guarantee kr giye satisfaction ia , every respect. Weirethe a speoialty in Wed- --dingOakes end of icing oaken htt • s, reationable prioe. Our Restaurant io a place where you will Ana everything in a fleet elms restaur- ant, Candies o 'hinde and alwaye. !yeah, (Agate in the best ot brands. . Tebaccol Of ellkinds. We have tee efealit Drinks and Pratt of ali kinds in season " • TiloCiaoliertesOla Stolid ileelify •elepboilo No, 1. OLINTO 11111.1"1"1"1"11011- 11411111E111.1 =MS I II I I I 111 I 111 I st WILL, MIMI= _ I4111/1111111111=1011/010111211W4it4li8U4IUMIII41 lIlIwITall AregetablePrgparationforAS- slots tiag thelbadattdRegula, 'Lug thf atumarhs andl3owas of THAT THE , FAC -SIMILE SIONATURE ;pop •••••••••••••••". 0 •••••••••••• PrornatesDigestion,Cfeetrul- ness and, Rest.conttains neither nOrlrine,ral. Wow OTIC. ......,,,,T0000tootootto. ottooto..........tootoo., .7ittirtefOlci.T2r.VIVILP17=1? littspkin "Tea* Air.razrto t „fad...Maar- Asia Sea Me* • Vigil* 'al& r 17P Marfa SRO, triOVIVOte nano: Aperrect Remedy for Cons tipa- tiOn, Sour StomaCh,Diarrhoea, Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- ttess and Loss OF SLEER •TaeSimile Signature of : 'NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. IS ON TEE. WRAPPER • Of EMT BOTTVR. OF. Oastoria is put up in one -the betties only. It' It not sold in bulk. Don't alleir anyone to sell you 'anything else on the lea or yromiee tbat 11., is "just as good I/ and "will answer every pie ' pose." Jar Zee that you get 0 -A -8 -T -0 -R -I -A.. no no. it as troy wrapOir. Clinton Stisn, Door, and Blind Factory. S. S. S. COOPER, - • • PROPRIETOR., • General Builder and, Contractor. This factory is the largest in the gotinty, and has the ism latest impreeed ms. ohinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates or and:build °Wei. , es of buildings on short notice end on the closest pricee, Ail wore is stipervite ed in a mechisedeal wity and setiefaotion guaranteed. We aell all kinds' of in • terior and exterior material. - Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime. Sash -Doors Rlinds. Ete, , Agent for the Celebrated' GRAYBILL SCHOOL OINK, =Mobil:Aura- at Waterloo. Call and get prima and estimatee before placing vow, orders First class Btiacties andwagoils . We have a large assortment of firstelass Buggie to choose from and Intending buyers will find our stock ap-tos- (late. Prices are low for high-grade goods,.. - Geo. liavis General Imo.lemelut Deafer. Clinton 2I Iore dor ;Junes Worth -$25.00, our price $22.50. Our goods are all new and up-to.date in style.. We clan show you a great' Variety of Parlor, Dining -room end Bedroom Furniture, at prices that - deft oonapetitime. Prices reduced on Windew Shades, Cnrtain Poles ' and Boom Mouldings. (inc Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, are guaranteed to give satiefaction. 11-1 LOLA F.:1W ir31 yr, tik 4040110.111•1100 ASTHMA CURE FREE Astlunalene Brings Institut Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. re47. :.•0. ABSOLUTELY FREE OI.I REOELPT OF PO3T/IL, • . • •eyRrrieYOUR NA.ME AND ADDRESS:PLADIL-F. . • caties, It enres when MI else fails, . being inatant relief, even in the worn. There ie nothing like A.sthroalene, rb. . The Bev, C. F. WELLS, of Ville. Ridge, received in good condition. In cannot tell ' Ill., says: "Your trial bottle of Aothisislene . ., 4,1).1 41''t Li fg i you how thankful I feel for the good de- • rived from it. I was &sieve, obained with, putrid score throat end Atithms, for ten youth I despaired of ever being oared. I /), saw your advertisement for the OEMS Of .:-,z .,.• this dreadful ond tormenting diseasee Age efi e I. Z \\ vt?r, 4.1 pl:v • ' A charmR.evEl,enDdr.rnme oarriniellvieteiehretrt,le." KI/4 ji/(1' three, and thonght you had Overepoken rt. To my aotatishment, the trial aoted youreelves, bat resolved to siye it a Rabbi of the Oonnwg..yonuaxi, Jan.16N9ot VEGgelleAtfeLBerisY'.ollargAiltiganaCeilGe.ti'e 18 an ex. Val °lett !or, nloye if60i or riAgiiiitihei;ni:teeendailli ay trronebvieeritv tvhioh combine with Asthma. Its tousiese 115 Atlatit°04rihabltyi flg inga tnd Ilra°rIle tdeelrif;Lantilyzed, we tifift RlNOI can state thet Aschnialeue contains no, opium, morphine,chloroform or ether. . Very BEV.tr1Dritle°51tirOA'RB/S IiiitEOHSLER4. TGAe7tInemmtillswprlictreNzthCis°tisitinionial f Elenfid of duty, having tested the:Wonder.; ful effeat.of yorir Asthmolinie, for the cure or Asthma. My wife has bean afflicted with - spesmodio Whinefor the pest 12 years, Having exhausted my own skill ae , InsnY.0theilf, t olatnnied to see your .1. upon your windows on 1801h street, New York, at made obtained Witte Of Atitione ene. my wife Commenced taking It about the first of. November. / very 0:bn notioed a realest improvement. After tieing one bottle her Asthma has ansopearea ana ehe is entirely free iron. all Symptomi. feel that fain consietettily recommend :the tnedioine to all who are afflicted with this., distreising (ligature,ionre rove°. tfuliy, O. D.P• EIELPS, Sit Thi".011AertattelireiT; zlhirDstasieNaetrettlea With Asthmes......titeL.,,aplietege,.., ode reinedia, but th5F hio alf 1iTed r ran adage your adeertioetneht and stetted With a trial bottle. I found relief At 01100. 1 have eine° purchAsed your fulI-slze-bottle, and t itM ever gretefal, I have a family of fox children, and for tit years wailanable to work. I1M rieW in the best of health and . am doing, lateintsie every dity. Thie testimony you oon make such use Of as yea see lib lIoMe address, 206 Ifivington street. B. tittitA,E1.4. .67 EWA 1091h at., New Toth' 011Y. • !WI/ SUM ISSOIMEL111111ON ASCII?! , PHIAL , not delay. Write tti 01100t addreitahlit DU. TAPT MBDZOINE /9 Zest lildtb. Bt., N. V. Oily, Sold bv all Drugeists to, 11