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Of life woman may And IterSelf fading
and fail ng. She doeen't understand it.
She gees to doctors, who treat her for
this or f.,:• that, but elle gets no better.
$11e. grows frail and pale. She can plot
"drag about the 'muse," but him no
pleasure in life.
Many such women
have taken advent -
age of Dr. Pierce's
offer offeseconsult-
(Mon by letter, and
have been restored
by Dr. Pierce's
treatment to per-
fect health. There
is no more wonder-
ful medicine for
women than Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
action upon the
womanly organs is
at once apparent
in the decrease of
pain and the in-
Orease of strength.
It cures f eel al Q
weakness mei such
,1 diseases as take
away the strength
and beauty of
Sicl: women are
invited to consult
Dr. Pierce by letter
/*reg. • All cones-
rondence private. Address Dr: R. V.
ierce; Buffalo, N. V. '
"Before X commenced to use your medicine I
-was ia a bad condition for eight years) and
f tir toctors treated nae,' writes Mrs. Bettie
4 skew, of Oaryslairg, Northampton Co., N. C.
liey: of course, gave nie at the time some ra-
t • but it did not last long. r was sotae days
nay bed and some days I dragged about the
I .se. I ave used Ave bottles of Dr. Pierce's
1 . oi e escription and Ave of the 'Golden
1. ,
1 scovery,' and four -vials of the 'Pel -
1 t .. r feel like a new woman, and I want
Cu world to know it."
he action of the %%Favorite Prescrip-
th. a" is assisted by the use of %%Pleasant
Pellets'? when the bowels are. irregular. •
. .
Soma ef the Fresh Exhibits Which Am
4ant to the Pah-American EXP91011110
Y5101111 This Country Week by Week.
At the Ontario fruit exhibit thero
is a, line fresh display of cold star -
age a.Oples of about tvienty Vs.rie-
OW Peaches, plums and new apples
of many varieties ho.vo been Bent la
1 from Essex district through W. W.
W. iTilbron, as hortioulturalist spe-
cialist of Leamington.
A number of the new varieties of
early* apples and plums "have beea
received from ,the nurseries of Morrie
Stoke and 'Wellington at Foothill,
ILarge supplies of peaches. pears,
. plums, early apples and berries have
come from the St. Catharines Ois-
trict, In tits •collection special oleo -
tion may be made of some vory fine
samples •of one of Mr. Thirbankes
newer creations, the "Climax." Sev-
erat plates of this new plum aro on
exhibition. They .are indeed beauti-
ful, the majority measuring over
Seven inches in circumference. These
fruits have attracted considerable at..
tention for their beauty, iarge size
and earliness. 111r, Jamee Tittering -
ton haa shown considerable enter-
prise during the .past few- years, in
eeeuring many novelties •of great
value in the horticultural werkl
and his success in this" respect is
very gratifying. .
, Queenstown and Niagara pre to the
• front with' peaches, pears, plums, ap-
ricots and berries of various kinds. '
• The display from Mr. W. Armstrong
and Mr, W. II. Collinson being es-
pecially good.
The Burlington Horticultural So-
ciety through the Secretary, M. W.
F. Fisher and Mr, Arthur Peer, who
has Ale work in charge, has also
sent \In. the first large display from,
that district, which VII now be f1 -
lowed up, with regular weekly ship-
ments for the remainder of the sea -
There are also a large number of
exhibits from various exhibitors in
different parts of the Province.
• If the patriotic Canadians who so"
Headache and Catarrh.
Relieved. in 10 eillnutesi.,
That dull, wretched pain in the head just
over the byes is one of the surest signs that
the seeds of Catarrh have been sewn, and
It A your warning to .administer the quickest..
and surest treatment to prevent the) seating
ef • this dreaded malady, Dr, Agnew's
Catarrhal powder will atop all pain in ten
minutes, and sure.• ..so.ceina. as •
. .
Sold by J. E. Hovey and R. P. Reekie.
Animals as Doctors. •
Every Animal doctors itself, says Me-
*: Call's Magazine. Doge and cats, when
not feeling well, eat medical plants, the
"d51-iTelating spear grass and --the--cat--
_ showing preference for valerian. ' They
vary -this treatment 'with an occasional
dose of fisher, or qinderi, just as the croco-
dile, lizard and some birch( swallow grav-
el 'and stones. •
The elephant uses its trunk cleverly in
dressing woundsourd by this means ap-
plies water, dust or med to the injury.
Sir Samuel Baker, the famous big game
bunter, saw an elephant piaster .upr a hut -
let wound With mid and frequentlyob-
served the. readiness with which small
sores were attended to.
--Fferce.-carniverotts animal's, when trap-.
ped, often act as Surgeons and bite.
stlireugh a limb to,free themselves. Rab -
:bits, when wounded, burrow into the
ground and lie so that the wound toucher'
t.Fir raw earth, '•• '
A air uctuieii jTai
But hear the iron men and their oft
Stories.. A grout) of: them Cat one night
In my Presence and Open yerna. -
"Out on the latiisville bridge," said.
John as he took a fresh puff of his 'cigar,.
"the false work euddenly •gave waY. The.,
false work, "you know"' Oa me) "is the
• temporary wood' bracing we work -upon
• while building. ' The men below could see
it b kli th 11 k
ne nit1; e fe era on top new when
they •started to Work on it in the morning 1 '' •
that It wasn't safe. All at once, as I saystar sinsitenes,
It went One of the fellers made a jump Those who. confine their visits to
for the river. It was 200.feet down, but the large Muskoka lakes, think that
he tried It As he jumped.he interlocked • thoY -are thoroughly aCquainted with
kindly sent from time to timea
• magnificent collection of cut iloWeiu.
could only realize the pleasure they
confer on Mr. Bunting; the energetic
SurierinteAdont, and his ctssistants,
by 'mining .them to beautify and
.keep up the. standard of the Ontario
exhibit,„ and. on the public generally,
who always turn away reincteintly.
from the Ontario display, they would
be amply : repaid. Amengst " the
' most beautifulfieral .decorations We
•may mention a. large 'assortment of
Gladiolifrom the vast colleatdon Of
Mr. M. .171, ' Greif of' Simcoe, . whose'
famous : Selections from the 10,000
1: c011ettions • Of different epodes of
' high quality are 'being greatly 'ad-
, .
mired at . the Horticultural exhibit.
Mr: 'Charles F. Wyer, !superintend -
tint' of .the 'fruit exhibit of Fresno
Co., California, says "that . those
who are behind the 'Ontario s fruit,
• :exhibit deserve great :.praiser, sit is
a revelation and will help, to eetab-
lish 'true Impressions..in the minds.
• of the people,- who knew vex* little
••concerning the • phineite and prodne-
tione of Canada. • Those who 'haye
Sent, and are Sending fruit, deserve
• to be highly commended, and those
who have not Beni so far ought to
realize that it is •their duty to help,
met onlyto keep the exhibit up to
the standard, but to Outdosif pont-
ble other exhibitors. Mr. Bunting
and his assistants work hard in the
interests of the country, and their
efforts are to be appreciated by the 1
people at home, who, should. help
them in every way to keep up the i
' display, and let it ,Ise .t.ne _verY. beet
every time." • • ••
Vr. Bunting and, his assistants.
have bean .very btisy arranging their
large number of fresh exhibits; and
prepering them ler the jury of
awards. '
.¶11e entries • so far have been large,
and the a.V01` age quality ef the ex-
hibits very high,
••Martha Craig.
Crisp County Clippings
,T.tu. Owning, of Blitiveold his
ini.tchecl team of black horses last week
to a London gentleman for 11275.
Tboe. Robe) term, of Tuckersmith,has
purchiteed. Mr Jos, Case's brick dwell.
ing.and intends moving into Hensal
ahout November
News wasreceivect of the death'of
W. Cayley Hamilton, K.O., of Regina,
N. W. T., eon of of Mrs 0. Shannon,
s.nd son-in•laW of liorace Horton, of
his legs (he had on big, heavy bootie).
Those boots' weight carried him down
Straight:- He struck the water on his
feet and wasn't hurt at all. A few days
liter he was out walking, Slipped, fell
three feet and broke a leg. That's trite.
I knew the man."
Mr and Mrs H. j. Horton have given
up their grcery business in Guderich,
and are moving to Sault Ste. blade.
They will go into business there and
hope to share in the growing prosperity
of tt,e Soo.
Word, was received last week of the
death of Chas. V. Murray in Hickory,
Otrolina, Mr Murray was a former
resident of Huron COW tyiand a nephew
of John Bennett and Mrs T. Hawkins,
of Port Albert,
During the thunder storm on Tues-
day night the barn on the farm of Mr
David Schnell,on the liosheir Line,near
Zurich, was struck by lightuing atid
completely destroyed by fire, together
with the driving shed tolioillinv. rke
bon contained all this year's crop,
whicl was destroyed as well 22 pigs ar.d
some hens. A two-yen,r-old cult was
also so•badly btuoied chat it had to be
killed. He had an insurance of $1800
in the Hay Insurance Co, -
Severely Afflicted.
With Kidney Disease.
atone In the Bladder, incontinence
and Pains in the Back-A.notb,er
Remarkable Cure Effected by Dr.
Chase'. Kidneymi.iver
Mr. Wm. Boyne of 19 McGee street.
Toronto, says: -"I was afflicted severe-
ly •with kidney disease, stone in -tbe
bladder, incontinence, deposits in , the
urine, severe pains in the back and
strainie over the loins. I was . so bad
.that I had -to get up two or three times
in the night and could then only make
water with great pain.
"Though long a sufferer and unable
to work, I was confined to My bed for
three weeks, and during that time
thought I could not possibly endure
greater misery. It was then that I be-
gan to use Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver
Fills. It Is with gratitude that I say
that they. have freed me of all theee
symptoms, and rnade me a well man. -I •
would not:think of being without Dr.
Chase's kidriey-Liver Fills • in •the
house, and .can also recommend Dr.
Chase's Syrup or Linseed and Turpen.
tine • and. Dr. Chase's Nerve. Food as
very superior medicines." • •
In every town, village and. township
In Canada Just such cures are daily
being brought about bY Dr. Chase's
• Kidney-Llyer Rills. They are no experts
ment, but a kidney mediciiie that has •
stood the 'test One pill a dose; 25e a
box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Batee
• &Co.. Toronto. .
. Last week, WM. Lake, Brueseleasold
hie 100 acre tartn,east of Ethel to W.
Elba han, e.t Milbank, for the enna of
04,000. The purchaser will come into
possession Ott March let, 1002,
R. Newell, of near Ohiseituiret, had
lila barn struck by lightning on Xues.
day week, but fortunately no further
damage was done to the building than
the knocking off of a few boards. One
of hie cows was killed however.
j. D. Warwick, V. S„ has purchased
the 13urntep_raperty, Brussels, from R.
'erne, Je., Neepawa, Man,.paYing $005
for It and Kr Borne takes a horse in
van payment at $200. Another change
of property u t he purchase of IL Deu-
nis' house by tioo. Beet,
A little daughter of M•• and Mrs J.
Fyfe, SS inghtensime been troubled with
decay of the hone In one of her feet.
The it oliblie began in one of the toes,
and although portions have been rt -
moved, tins disease still exis(e. Mts
Fife and Mrs J. Kerr took t.'he little one
to the London hospital the other day.
It is feared that the foot will have to
be amputated.
John /31ain, a highly resPecied reel -
dent of South Bs.sthope, Perth county,
died oti Toursday last, aged 73 years,
He was a native of Ayrshire, Scotland,
conning to Oituada with hie father the
late John Bio.in, 55 years 0[0. The
brothers of tilt deceased are Heigh, of
the Eby, Blain 00, T. r irate • David,
harrieter,Toron ; and Wrn;;cif Barrie.
,He was else it brother of the late Mrs
(Rev ) M. lilacHsy, Goderich.
A resident, of Winghara of it number
of yeare, died on Sunday It, at Nor-
ton, Denizes county, Kansas, Hod 03
years. Mr Bisbee i
was born n • I, mdon
tow Middlesex county, on Nov.
8rd, 18.38, where, he lived for forty years.
He then moved to Huron,l3ruce county,
and lived there eleven years. He mov-
ed into Winghatn about twelve years
ago and has liv-d there since. He mar.'
tied Miss Charlotte Patterson, who Ine-
deceased him about six years. They
had seven children, all of Whom are
I am going to tell you something about
• the uneducated Sioux. women, their drese
and their home life. The • Simi weman
does more work than the man does. Of
course, the women do riot know very
much about housekeeping. In fact, they
don't know anything about It. •• They live
In log cabins, with only the ground for
• the floor, and ,they have but one room.
In that room they have their beds in one
• corner, their blinks around the sideo,.
and they Often have beautiful beadwerh
hanging on the walls.. They:have a large
• stove as near the center Of the 'room as
,they can, On that stove' you will always
find a. coffeepot and teakettle, and they
'are always. kept foll. If the women have
coffee to drink., they are happy. •The7.
think it is a great medicinethey call it
• the black medicine. •s
.• In the summer the Indian women do I
meet ef their Cooking otit of. doors: They
t Put short poles on each side ef thdr fire
and a third Stick Across from one to the
other, and on this they hang their kettle.
• .
'The women when at home are almost itt•
Ways sitting in their "tepee doing some
' kind of beadwork.• -
; • The Yeomen are alweys getting up
some 'kind of a feast -that is, they have
- them very often -and especially If one of
their sons or daughtersgets marriedthey
will spend their last cent to make a great
• feast. • They • have a certain: .noin go
around and every one to come to that
feast whenever it may be; then when he
• has &inn back andtold thent that be has
told every one the wort= give hirn. a
home. • When they have the feast, the
• women all dress , up In .their brightest
colors, paint ;their faces •and put all the
• beadwork they can • on .thefr little chi].
dren They_have a great .thne talking,
especielly the old .women and men. •
, The. women'sdressesare made- with
Only twoseams, one on each side, so it
balms' a very loose dress. It In short In
the back and front and long on the sides;
; and they almost always wear a long,
beaded beltenda mhawl. In feet, they
wear. a Shawl all ..the time. When it is
• not around the 'head 'and shoelders, it.is
tied around the waist. They never wear
. a hat of any kind.. Even on the hottest
days they are barelleaded.-Sieux .41Iirl In
Good Howiekeeping. •
A Duiroage has purchased the Geddes
property in Wing -hens, for $p2,500,
•. • ..
Mrs J. 11411)S on, it G I ev,inee purchas-
ed the house and lot ,,f Eraiik DeWolt,'
Br useels, 11'.3"i‘g $500 tui . •
• '
Alex ; Sindlait;•kipnen ros;.1,. has di. -
posed of 'his ' matehect pi izs.:• team of
'horses fi r the handsome stun Of $400.
Fred Gitlee has disposed of hisbutch-
ering business and p 'apt , to Mears R.
'Winter, of Seafotth, and Calvin, of
8.tjr oastiThird'W; Watson ha-
s disposed of his
residence in Seaforth toj. Morrison. of
McKillop, who intends retiring from
farmiog. The price paid was $1,050.
Mr and Mrs A. J.' Shute, of Winni-
Png,formerly of fgxeter, mourn the loso
of Dorothy Olive, an infant aged 15
months. • The death occurred on Sept
24. • .
. WM. AA. Taylor died at hie refill-
enoetio Errat Wawnoosh,one.mile nor, h
of Blyth, or, Saturday week. lie had
been sick lees than a week with pnen-
'emA:e'lliiirn't'ook Plaite- at the res'idence. of' 'H. •
• On Iliersday Week a- very pleasant,
kOehler, near Zliricit, when his dat2gli...
t..e, Mollie, was united in marriage to
Mr Stender, of Sebringv die. Rev. Itir
Finkbeiner officiatedi : •
. A pretty wedding toek place at t he
home of Mi nod Mrs to, McCune:. Lead -
hut y, ou VVedoesday evening, SePte
her• 28,13; when this daughter, Mise`A.n• 1
nie, was married to .me Geo. Wilstm.
'Clie ceremony was performed by Rely,
Mr Musgrave. • ' •
Oteventren'a Cup of liflorerr.
R. 1.4. Stevenson, writing In 18.93 to
flt arge Meredith, In an epistle quoted
In new edition of his "Lettere, says,
with heart touching pathos;
"For 14 years I have not bad a day's
real health. I have wakened sick and
gone to bed weary, and I have done my
work unflinchingly. I have written in
bed and 'written out of it written ,In
etarr h ttgs wnr latiteeknewsbs,Writy.
tentoor uoye ougrhl en
ot g, nenw
head swam for weakness, and for so
long, it seems to me, I have won MY
wager and recovered my glove. I am
better now -shave been,
rightly speak-
ing, since first I came to the Pacific -
and still few are the days when 1am
not in some physical distress. •And the
battle goes on -111 or well Is a trifle so
that it goes. I was made for a contest,
and the Owen have so willed that my
battlefield should be this dingy. Ingloris
Ous, ono of the bed and the physic bat -
.&t lewd, I have not failed, but I
wouldthave preferred a place of trum.
Wings and the open alr over my
The Life Line In One's Band.
'There are thre,e prominent lines In
the palm-tbe line of life, that of the
bead and the heart line.
• Theline. of life begine on the Inner
boundary of the palm, about midway
between the thumb and the forefinger.
If we imagine the left hand to be it
map, with the fingers pointing north,
Ibis line runs toward the •southeast,
then curves toward the southo and •in
some hands curves tine Ily toward the
• southwest._ It thus storm the base or
"uprise" of the thumb, known as the
uprise. of Venus. • If it is. deep, broad,
of good color and extends nearly' or
quite to the wrist and if the rest of the
hand indicates vitality and 'cheerful-
ness, the subject may be expected to live
• to a green old age; he has•a good dispo-
sition and the •qualities which good
health and good temper usually "create.
•the whole region, but they are inis- . I
On Saturday Se t. 21st,Jits. T. D k-
taken in this, writes 4ally Bernard
in The. Globe. Some of the most
characteristic Muskoka scenery is to:,
be found' about the 'MY little lakes.
to the inunediate north, where na-
tore is herself and unspoiled. On S'
•• the part of some there is :the objee-
Eating. ' '
/t was only when the. savrigetofell to
wrangling among thetriselves, seine being
for mayonnaise and others for a curry, .
'that the pilesionary was warned of the
fate.that awaited' him.
"What -I" he cried. fp, the utmost alarin.
"Certainly you dif•trot proporte eating me
off my own table?" •
The simple folk ehrtigged 'their ghoul.
"We are no donation party," protested
they, "that we should eat you .out et
kouse and ' • '
tion to leaving the' main system 'Of
navigation and adventuring on a,
land journey of a few miles, hilt in
giving way to this feeling they lose
one of the most pleasurable • experi-
ences that these northern wilds • af-
ford - amme1y, a drive through the
deep, fresh, rich, varied, original
hardwood forests of Ontario. • To
many life-long residents in this pro-
vince this is a new experience, , for
the original forest has been so gen-
erally exterminated that the possi-,
'Witty of driving through miles of it
is • rare. Star Lake is one of the
most enehanting •ot these hermit .wa-
ters of the north, and the eight -mile
drive front Port Cockburn or nos -
%eau is the part of the journey which
a, lover of the Woods will remeinber
with most pleasure. The lake itself,
with its starlike radiation of bays,
the golden -sanded beach, and the
deep sylvan rivers that flow Into it,
or out of it, where the heron or the
. crane regards the solitary canosiets.
I with sttlpefied wonder, supply • eons
tinurd delights to those who dash*
the restful calin and conVOrse • With
flOcid and field, that, after all, eon -
Istituto the true holiday.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signetttra at
• •
See Prio.Simite Wrapper &low.
take aa
rua litADAORE..
ii;Aftf ERS FOR $11111S4ERS4 ,
',U.::::;1175; FOR
ron irenrm tate, .
Vtatty Vegetable. Gle.04
lir:trOMAKti MOO NAvt MUIR
' By local applioatione as they canned
teach the diseased portion of the sat. There
ill only Oneway tome° deidneell, and that
is by constitntioatl remedies. Deafness is
caused by an 'dittoed condition of the
mucous lining of the ignstaohlan tube.
When the tube is inflamed you have it
rumbling sontitl'or finperfeet hearing. and
when it is entirely Weed' deafness is the
result, and unless the inflammation can be
taken but and this tube restored to its nor.
mal condition hearing will be destroyed for.
Mr; nine oases oat of ten are 'Awed by
catarrh, whit% is nothing but an inflamed
oondition of the Int100tis anthem
We will give one hundred dollars for any
case of deafness caused by catarrh that can*
nqt be oared by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send
for circular, free. F. 3. I. OBBSNRY &CIO., Toledo, 0,
Sold by druggiate, Ms.
Ilall'ot Family Pills are the beet.
Uhlidren Cry for '
son, tangdon, 'NorPth Dakota, for•mer
resident of Huronrand Son of R. Dick
non, form eily of Grey and Br neselesind
Miss Meted Abraham, Harniltoei, once°,
school teacher in Brussels public school,
were married at the bride's moth
llamilton• They went to their homere'
in Langdon after a visit at St. Pauls,
IAnother of the pioneer, residents and :
oldest business men of Seaforth had
been Called to his rest. Many were• i
sinprised on Tuesday to learn that Mr
John Killoran had died early that IS
rooming. He was ft relive of Sligo;
Ireland, and was about 057years of age.
HP, came with his parents to Oaten()
in 1847. The farnily..too up land
Perth,' and from dm dense forests of
that time hewed out for themeelves a
oomfortable home. He left the farm
and come to reside in what was then
t he village of Seatorth, and had been a
resident there for nektly 35 years. For
, many years, in oormection with his '
, brother-in-law, Thos. Rion, he con- /
ducted an exteoslye . grocery busitiese
, arid bnilt the building now owned. end ,
occupfed by the Dominion Bank and.A
.the Arm of Killoran tit Ryan. For: sevs•
eral years he had been Ilvink reptitS1d.
He leayes a widow and Large family of
children, all grown up, to mourn. •
the Gore of Downie in the county of s
Strong 'Points
ABouir 113, 0.0.
L Its Puiitr,
2. Its Thousands ot Cures,
8. Its Economp iea dose.
Regulates um stomioa, Liver tad Bowels,
Weeks the &Creams, Purifigh the Blood sad
inffitnrc$ Itli Ott impurities horn a COmMett
PIM* to du worst Scrofulous Sore, sod \
icrrn.3191toultaso, 2
CONSTIpAirOne. .1.14A6,41/4cmig
UAW' gactrIvio •SCRopULAg
• 012SIt42Ssi DROPSY, •
ItilatnitATISMI WON mamas.%
414 ill. 442. 4 4
good came? wilt traiel. 100 Millis a
day for ten dare through. the desert.
The lobster. Is his pwn most deadly ene-
My, S The young ones seem all other food '
when they have • elietnee to eat env an-
etThehre, stupid
• 'or hunters- 'in South
Africabas led to the almost total destruc-
tion of a host of wild animals, the wing-,
gat among them. ••. .• s
• Dragon fly grabs •are west destructive
to the fry of fish. Out of 50,000 turned
into. a pond one April onty 54. could be
found the following September. .T,lie
.lesn'd was infesteelliy dragop fly,
MAWS are known to. be excellentweather
prophets. There les common eounfrY
sitying that "a bee was never caught Iron
shower." When rain is coming,. bees db
not to far afield, bet buzz close to the!! I
hi vex.
A falcon Which. strayed from Fontaine]
bleau, noir Pal•is, parsiiit eise tome oth-
er bird, wrieSfo,und next dity Er" Malte•in
the Mediterranean. Anther falcon. le
aiald to have retuened from Andaluela,
Spain, to the peak of Tenerife In Six
'hours: . .
•• When. taken young. the hedgehog may
bp completely. tamedsand made. familiar,
&Hewing Itself to .be handled and associat-
ing with the dog and cat • upon terms of
peifeet concord. It feeds Indifferently
upon bread .ind . milk, nieat, etc., and
keeps up a regular nocturnal chest anal
• A
Sold by All Newsdearers •
Furnishes itenthly-fic all lovers of
Song *n& Whale a vast volumed New,
Ch&ce Copyright CotripositiOne hy
the mostpopular autItors,,
64 • Pap. /61 Hap Pal
Vocafr Ben Inetrttheetni
.21Collate Pines for Mao
Once a Month for $0 Cenbi,
Yearly Subscription, $1.00.
If bought IP any music *tree at
one...hell off, would oat $5,25,
Ming of $6.16 monthly.
le One year you get nearly 800 Page* of
Musk, romprWog 2.52. Complete Pieces
for the Nato.
If you comet get a copy hem reit Reiredeaterg
Mud to toi and We ttili maikyou a aluepla het,
J. W. PEPPER.' oubitah.r.,
lighth& Locuet SONPifflad.lph,pa,
• A. Gibson's eight-year-old son was
drowned in the canal at Perth.
',Weak and lmpos'e Mood,
. ,Liver !St Kidney Diseases,
411•Dreggiste, or write direct to
fd. MoLEOD, '
• .
Goderioh, Ont.
Viraicket and
If you want up-to-date jewelry yeti can
always bosureof getting thevery and Most
correct thing here. Whatever you buy you
can feel sure that its all right, Or if you
have anything that needs to bey attired, re-
paired or reset, bring it to us
• Eyes examined free,
New Blacksmith ShoP.
Snbecriter having renteel the Shop adjohe
Ing L_esliers Carriage ShopOrange • St_.
pared to 40 all work in his line. Be has had
a good reamyyeare experrenos in the busi-
ness, and•will giVe persona) attention to all
-work entrusted to
. special • attention given
to liorseshoeint and the
.care 01 Horses' feet.. •
Repairing of all Vittrit taipav7atztv.,?
Meat Market
'Having purolotsed the butchering
business of F, H. Powell I am pre-- •
pared to furnish the people of Clin-
ton with all kinds of Fresh and.
Cured. Meats. Sausage, bologna
lard, hatter and egglialways kept en
R, .ritziimeng itSon.
Telphone 76.
Orders delivered. Proruptly to all
Pantsef the town.
Mill.--Perecnobaying hogs for
shipped will. ander a favor by
'eavtng word at the drop! • • '
To every purchaser of one can
of our 2nre 'Cream Baking
Powder we wiltgive, without
any extra charge, a strong
durable flyeakeet Stepladder.
Three Cara of Sop tor 2 rtela
nroomo go at ho.
1 •
'Nett door to Dr. Ottan,e private hospital
0004 Batter and Ego Welded.
-Ceylon India.-
Resembles Japan in flavor, but is never irapuro— while in-
finitely superior in quality, It is 'flaking rapid strides in pub. ,
he favor because of the above facts. Drinkers of Japan teas '
should give it a trial.
.1n.A._ec;broonlyT,eitsaacte, 73,11dxei4; saleotiArkg:iya:
gim,gowiliefereen. Free Samples sent Address
atda: Toronto,
.,-, - ,
. 11
Ask for our..new: Patislan Straight
Front 1VIodeb. ..
• Every pair iziasterplete in the art
of . corset making, embodying the ex-
perience of over a quarter of a century's
continuous corset making.
The Beet biscuit and toway the Be
• No changes, no uncertainties.
' Every Bisouit light, amid, delicious. •
If yen want thie oertaint On Baking Day, use
flovey's Raking Powder, 25e pei lb'
Paris Green, best grade, 26e per lb.
E Diipcnsing. Chemist, Clinton :
B4QADFP.O. BOX • &:00.
. .
The eteely inorease in onr tr�ds is good yroei or the feat that Our goods are right nal
• our priees lower than these of other Seiler]] in the trade., - •
We rnarinfacture furniture cia asiarge Scale an4, eau afford to .sell cheap: If you bay ,
from us, for yea the. prodt, Which, in Other eases;:has to be added in. for
the retail
This week we have passed bite stook imine of ournew designs: Space Will riot perniii
us to quote prides, but come and see for yourself what snaps we have to offer.
Remembers -we are determined that our Prices shall be the owed in the trade.
• In_thie department our stook is complete, and We have undoubtedly the best funeral .
Outfit in the county. Our prices are as oW as the ToWest.
p..8„ -Night and Sunday calls attended to byoallino at J. W. Ohitiley's, (Funeral'
Director) residence
liflillitter3r Leads
The fall trade :ilia opened up. We have a good stock of
Rats light up-to-date; Ribbons,Feathers, Buckles;Sillss, Satins,
etc. Thoy are opon for your inspection. They are so Dice
and cheap You will be pleased to purchase - Dress Goods are
in demand, and you ought to see ours. Flannelettei are still
fashionable and we are to the fore with these.' In Tweeds' and
Readymade Clothes we will give you some great bargains. See
our Klondyke Coats thew are wind and rain proof, and. are
very cheap. Boots and Shoes of the bestkind. Groceries of
the very best quality. 200, pounds ot land plaster for sale,
• • A Special Offer on some lines- of Tobacco fs-
Peerlese, a bleak chewing, 5 10o plugs for 25o,. or 10 5o plugs for 25o.
Homestead, a smoking lot, 4. 10o plugs for 25o, •
Royal Oak, a smoking lot, 4 10o pluge for Wie.
Terms Cash or PrOduce. Highest price for butter and eggs.
Emporium, Londesboro R A DA -M
Septs2nd, 1901
'1111331 TWO 113-76k—.
'Buy your newlhat
Before Easter, before:the style arid
size get broken. We make a speciality ot
hate and haye a larger dock than in any
preview] Beeson pf the best English and
American make, style]] and sizes.
In rlaglisb hats we have the oele.
brated Wakefield, Saokville • and. Leslie
makes. Our American Hats combine good
style and quality in all thee new odors from
pearl toblack,
.A. J. MORRIS% Clint -on
eady7ZeWeas Gletkine
Beady.made suits from, five dollars up.
to eleven dollars. •' • ••
The five dollar line is a tough dark
grey Halifax, .extra good value.
We haye a line of black stripe worsted
pants for 82,75 which would be cheap at
Moleskin pants arid tweed from one
dollar per pair up.
An extra good' black worded snit to
order for $18.00. •
4.3. HOLLOWAY,' Clinton
Though the season -is advan
ing you will find a niiie assort-
• ment., of 'New Buggies in our
showroom which we have just -
finis' lied; also a few second-hand
Buggies in good. repair.
Repairing promptly attended in by
• experienced men.
RUMDALI; WHAM, - Huron Street, - Clinton
First Class Buggies
I ant handling the oelebrated&totattighlin make of buggies and other make.
of firet.o1600 Ontario firms, Also of my own tuanufaeture itioluding top bug
glee, mikadoes, eto. of all the lateatand modern styles. Repairing of all kinds
• promptly attended to, •
• SOEN LESLIE, tturon Street, Minton