HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-10-11, Page 2 .. I., - I 11 I - ,.,- _-0_-__.__ - - ��Om �_ -_ - - - - - , - I _��__ �
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1� � \ . � . ,- � I . P EW ERA � �.� I I I I I ;
� October 110il 1901 - . . I THE -OL 70N N .- .1 . . - _ _ -_ . � _____ - _.
� . � . I �, — . . I-— _ � Ir I --- - -----------^
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lpklilkloolllmllllilpoky4m ;.:. .rl"m , - -,-- , __ — �=;� �- , _1___ _.___ �. . . - � -The DAM is ,egal ' - . I
- I i - �. _-�:,� - L
. .
1� - � r_ _,__.- _._111.�,7:�:_ � ; and Are 11ne4, ottekoll 0140, by the Blast this the business life of the city, sibe Royal I Properties for: SaJe or to Let Wanted.- ,�. .
I ded by the old lF,xcbange,, I I
national shmae tree, which retidero them ourroun , , rol -- -, , ,, - �, A good goner I Servant where another to � . I
, Looks are Palace Add 'the, Nienwe, Kerk 9114 Save I
LONDON w4d HOLLAND. them shody and pIOtur6QquO- I ooft.tro from 10 Rents _. 7 kept. �
I I . Is �
'Val 61 the water let poorly M . . 21tp v JAMES $COTT I
� . . Is - private houses, and it is ,t 0 4 kept. try . totMIUS R. UANSFORD,011sitim, .
. . � I . I � I . I rore, 08 tbs which the chief stl!608 diverge. It 10 0113Q -- - I Barri . star, $91101tor, &a.$,
. . I I ways the Bame. Whose ORIP0618 however .
I ��� .... � I' )a with the seek Are pro, one of the central points of the tramway 000800 04 PrIA0011 $t - I
, �._ which are conneoto � he pe;ttle of the . 1) I am rises A Valy 19. tf Appalulox RIDOUT'. OLINTON.
I . I In t , , � Piano for sale, orylin-gulott moolq Isaac Straat�
I .
. . � I I . tooted by,m, %solve flood, going to provent the system, eiaiitea, to markthe fiblity ,_ I , - I
.13y W1. PORURTY, ESQ., - encroachment Of the sea when its level is loirge monum. But log this Belgian revolutiolp. To Let. Forsale, cheap. - t-clasq MONEY TO LOAX�,
. moot of the Dutch duf . :0square piano In fire -
. . . higher. than the water in tbs canal, 4ti wbloh leads Southward 0, Particular n application tONNA, ptt,& I .
oba i .
. I of she ]Dutch towns or,- isiterseoted in every I The Kalver Strai _� Ozo. I W4 BRYPONE,o � .
lognilicent Gothic moau- I � . from tbs. Dam, 115 qua Of ibe chief thorough- Alarfe two Otgry house, positecommor, — . . I
coutioulng My narrative I Memorial, o ir is osilols, which ore gener. I Add oortoins numerous. "
Jilefore .. ,. o the latoPrisioa Consort, opposite Mreqtloo by thee . I fares of the city , otal 00 at , Also, for $0.10: TIR I OLX0ITOU1 NOITABY,
, -
.wish to correct a few otuissionsin qsY aQy enlivened with numsrouo bargeo. The y MRS JUNNUOVOrBri Far ale I BARRISTER, S � .
� , �
I wept t .11, R. large oirvular strao. � a ore cots. fine shape, ro.411taurants and oafeO, In the ,,.,,)r cook Steve, APPI 8, . . . PIUBLIC,- F,TC. , .
., reviQue letter. Atone of out, daily is the Albert He different quarters. of the town . . creadep to % remarkable Sept, 27-4f. . I I 11, -_ . . . I .
I I � Pleasure ture in britk Rod terra ocitts, need for con- ig the traflio in I
tiquetto gow 1 hail tb( lAting &tosst peated by means of draw bridges, now 6vent'l I __ 001
. ,
. C . isx,01as certs and orektorloo and 4000MO ,J beinK replaced, however, by owing bridgQo, extpnt and carriages are then excluded, 11. �, . '' I A new 901yed 0ow"APPIOAZUrp'n MAIR, . C-B-DeAver 01"u, I - ------ �
I of hearing a represefitative Spotellmau in the Rylto, , ` Baso line up_ossis�e, opposite Footerlo Phase, Gallery
s hirritqp S, M000 People, � � Tbeil.Datch bonaeo isre generally narrow The oollsiotions U`011ro treasures boost HOXTS , ALL161. oi �o IIENT. Anvil of 23-t.f. '
I .1m. ,If Q,U,, tjXQ m . _' I I � I � N for $ . I , Jul", �Stl- - PLUTON I .
orqOly, up -1. hl,jQ4 o alter 04 the north Hyde Tii%rk is bounded by ,—
of thii par0cipe . f our Soldiers in � I stuctoonotruoted of b4ok with the joints Fodor one 9u0ioiP%I museums 040 - , Dn v1ptorls, St., nour Organ Foe I
, ., I
�' frican war. Said be, "Ur U*bridgeroad, tbs Prolongation of which painted white, In the larger towns they thatsbey indW4 many Of the moist re I Milk Business for Sale.
the ,South A . t import, ore "a L ' I ,,a uA of % byf�qnel ifortAble housel .. CHARLES SkAGER
- to the 6aet forms Perh%pa the MQ13 L matinso,ei six storlet - height, I workable ore%tiono of V, w buy a,rooldy, 1,10111.1. I ,&h Ird -_ , . :
� . I
D.1serty, you relmember sending your I � Cni. Orford I i in I The Is, have'siol, the r party I!.,. At, occupied by, go.,,� L A oplendMinilk busing - otary RuO COUVOyaAcOr"
, L , .1 ssll� ppl , O. , ty so 4A Clinton. Go
isojaiern to South Africa?" "I do, 1) I ant line of th6rofore in Londi I projecting from the period;'wor#o, niorsover, whic [ere obeirce, 9- � r od, Barrister, Solicitor, M .
L streetil,the first of thin magnigoe.sit, series Of bewma OoQfteiossilly found klipir wty bither by 0 . W BRYDONE, easons for Boiling
freplied,11 '*Well, you not Only Horst I . _ gables, Aroused for hoisting tip goods to. . " PZ tn., Clinton, P. 0 , , onliec-oppoolte.t,ol"rue, Hotel . .
. I . -or north but have grown out of the Very $oil 00 to I . B ir,latiorko- Clinton, Aug. W_tf. .t. 4 LOW 'Hun . I i
� y6a paid ti.seir expenses,, miteoto, begins Pit the Marble Arab magazlisep, The opi,aik, of thesq I . , and have I - ----,-- 7--, --,.-,- — . ,, Con, 4 . . at'. . Goderivis. � ,
L' , I n entrance of Hyde Park and, in about the lofts which. are used ap J , , . . I . I
your men, but. . i. low countries' -
you insured their lives, You kept thoir as, windows of the ground floor being generally L . . � . I L .. 4 e
, I L. - . I I oon&
. �* - . dren. -fouri soldieraL Quo On a- , . rai0ou dteotal in .the land,inthosO I V111 1.
wives , . - 1%if contain many of of Ample dinsan@iona And polished With tbs their I which to this day ,, To, )Let- - M. Qs. CAMERIDN —40
d on half ijiles in length, The,
. - ,PAarde. equates near, its want t scrupulous care which obazoot6rizes the forms and fAttistions , I . I For Sale. � - L I � .
were among the beat, and at uses in London- repe!t thempebe,i alikAin native landscape . I fort ,I .
I y i"r,rt jng� - 0101 meet uristOcratiq k1ol , L I I)utob of all classes,, the houses present a - I -_ . norly of Camoro,si, Bolt d; Comeren I I
. burgiverechiO gineutaliss, bi , , I arid I . the JA I . . I
. unbroken series at wkson Block
Ing about the cipture of Crotija You while its east half is %it I for snore cheerful and prosperous appear- . I Witta, Apt Secord-band Ensilage Cutto,rii Jack find .
, L' .1 in the habite, of the people., That beautiful store In
. I., - . ched the Rsi;iraotiveabopo. OxIord circus, where Ox- I b the cellar In Assiatierclam, and for th%t matter in 1,,uuron Street, lately occuri.104 by 0- . HOrQO Power, 0,11 CQ3nP OtO. BARUISTER AND SOLICITOB,
-L vault imagine how, all tbiS ton I than is usual in large towns. A ' a I . L . J. J�WASHINOTON, . . I
, , ford St. inWiseolig Itegerst .St. is one of the I . gn boards 'with Hollssid, we have one , ones only which . Ply to . I 1. OMOO�Hamilton St opposite oolborne House- ,
i I what an object led-� of riculik)LIS traffic,, , doore in tbs side atreets, all , , THos. iA.CKSON, Sr., . . � .
. . I I .
I �
;, I Inch on the solidity of the Hilipireit, chief Qeutrep 0 to koopl? (water bias secured the solo agency for the Doherty - . Lot 245L. Con 3, W. Wawa ash, Auburn,Out . I
BrItosile heart, anc 4 good I . Sept. 6- -f . .. Minton .
'1� , , . Id, � sly milid story is told about a gaititleman who,wishing the words I I Water on vuur . . L r 44d doing an trumense . . I I L Au.gust 28-"tf, I .. . R1901 IONT .
I made kip I I slid fire. to sell) are freq,dently seen. At lhol; countr3 I . . L . I ... . I — , . . ,
. . I
�; to the wor to orcias Oxfo, . =, in the. music line.. . A. branch store . L I
= and there that I would not take rd Siti, lirgered for some two these humble establishmenti boiling water , I Farm -For Sale. I I L
another American oirgain buDL would , or three hours at & crossing. Being asked and red hot #1rf are sold to the poorer in located At the Hogue %ad here the Doh- L L . . Teacher Wanted. L GAIRROWA OAIRRO
" . I 1. I _1— I L — L , , . . , W �
6__-,._-__.. 'I olong Orgass'-sym O)id, 'Yfleld 0012-i 00d" . � I
. , tit ekes entitLely,_and by a pblicem i n wby'ha stood there 9 . classes forthe Preparation. 'ot their to& and arty Is .of Harmony,anites in A helf of'lot 24, Bit d Teacher wanted, male or female for I R
I . . stock Canadian I I am. Waiting for the procession to Pfases and public Volio . action, is $. a, BARRIST RS, 861,1CITOUS9 .1
the Doherty has. the fiveit: claim.," he said 11 . . , great czikr of The Wei reo at . ETC.. , .
� coffee, Many of -the hc . a end - w4th # . orioh townshiT containing 100 all I
. jarr- t. 40"Tod No. 51.11.11iott, holding . Second class oarti- . . . .
.11 The policeman said -Come &long �ajldiogq eiis considerably- out of the per. Rmala in his endeavors to. relioYe.tisO _. )arid, In offers for sale on Busy arms. . ommence at' the. #ew year ince-corniarnatiallit St.andithellouarai-
I and small cate- duties to a OR
"Thank you, Sir-" said 1, "but we were. P�He- I � arn, log house, Plenty Of watO I L I' )Iioatlonatoboln on orbefoiFethe7th . .. , I .. I
. Ing diecordb of liuniauhy. bi .1 , . I . . . I
I j. p,� ISDALL,01lat6n, .
: only doing our �uty, and were gratified with, me. I will work 6 passage for Ton, cliquinstanoe due t the Soft I chard. Partiolilars on svpi 104 ion to I ftp"' . Goderlehii qftt.�:
I L penaictair, a 0 which I Visited our House, tecompartied .by �n or ,,_ . . I - of t at ate salark I . . ' I . I
. There is no age waiting any loinger- It's" Wnd yielding notare of the ground on - - SA.SIUF,L MaCOOL, $so. and Tress. - ,
to have the pleasure of sharing in the, L � 10
� . . contin n thin jireet,tP This Intar=. Were txoee4ingly well receiv J.'.'T. GARRDW� Q. C. CAAs. GAnnow. LUD
I . lory and borsor of the grapire's tie ued procession o I . I . they Stan&. In'the country, it% the violity's ad I . I Sept. 18-4, Londeaboro. — I
uires is the way it appears to strangers, of the large cities particularly, numard f the principals wso.awAy. Tbs . 1.
�� lence, Whenever the occasion req .. ,r Farm for - Sale. I PROU"CIFOOT & MAYS,
. . FromNewOxford St., 'beyond Totten- near the other one told the interpreter "Tell. .9 ... I I
.. I I we can again ,be depended upon W I to the left villas and country sQata are found terty. I am glad to see him," MY An-: . . I I . . L
. . (if troops, barn road, two short streets leac ,. I , roads and canals, frequently enclosed by Dol . pleasure 10Q Acres, West )A',LotLt0'lSt Con.'EaSt WaWSL A s Wantedil. � BARRIBTERS, SOLIOXTOU0, NOTARIES PUELJG�
. gladly 'farritishnour quota Ilding I We L
a huge but r was"Tell Mr--- it is a geOist PROCTORS IN TXIA MA41TIME (;OURT1 &0, . . .
ritain'sFAaga, dBrimin'ti;Xtug, guild. to the British museum, . earefully kept gardens, parks and pleasure awe L nosh - good roads, ' If, ood. water, near I � . . — . . L � .
L : " - must R, with an Ionic porticiolcontoining a series of he Dutch for me to In a i him, I have come sk long ies from Myth, lei..; - 2�! - . . -
ed b.V Reavers'$L Light, I , nd will highly L -- grounds. ThoseL paradises of t % " I ---- S L All kinds of applao suitable fog Evaporating, . Office:IN6rith st., next door togigual 0111co: I I . .
, ,ld widi peace extensive and Valuable colleotiQnB.. - w Y to Bee im He replied "Tell Mr ;rr,",, ,oh. Or has Privilege to .
- - . . . *
pleag 7
40ontinue to bless the wOt gentry and retired merchants ,usually bear beat. � ii�ate Funds to lend aklovi,ei,tiates 1.
il� . . Dobeky The ground floor,00ntfiino the Sjodoriaae- the seng. , olierty that If my brother we.Te ,at ID61310 money ego. lay on morte wanted at tl�o Bayflield Evaporator, - - . . . I of int,qest� . . I .
L . .
and prospei y.' As for tile � insiniptions, obetraotheriatio of .Par . -
: . .. . VO tied toprinted books andmes., Greek and mento of their proprietors and braithing go ,be would hove placed his carriage at YOuv one! , . . S. MARSHALL.' 14 - .
,.. organ. it wine UM trierite,", . , L , . aukMr y 28 1 Auburn. Sept, 6-tf. ;JOHN. WHIDDON L. W. PROUDFOOT, R. C ,.1.34ATS. .
At Liverput be seen the Uquitan Sculptures, Egyptian And Assyrian ."LuSt disposal. I told the interpreter to th, mig. .-'M' L I . . . . . I I I I . . . I I
, .
7 . I ther are.to . ilia upper floor contains ,the spirit of repose L and comfort, a. 9. _ and tell him, I came for business Vather _ . _ — � I ... I . . . I ' .
I 0antacla, dociLd, whic provide-. us with dollecilons, I � . at) rust!" (pleasure and repose). - - I . I I . I I . . � - '
L 'MA 0 � I
.1 an iudepencien . - He then requested tbs in- . STORB r -LL. . I V, %.4 -
.. . at to SL MC a Ask Mr ILIDerty 1,1. I I I. �__ � . - .1
�itjg L 11 I 1113DOWAS RIMO womanis. Mh ' OR $A ' pmaill'. - -
. t jand place for our ..Ethnological department, Mediaeval anti- I The.Datoh love of cleanliness sometimes than plenotire, WID , ether the ' . ' - M_ I i al
. . ocean liners anti affard okinada, the op quities the glass arid ceramic gallery, the torp . r .ID4 ' I . " . .
mspiquous Uollection of pri.nte, vae8s, bronzes, terra . li . 4,11=10.1diers vwere- back from killing The remises occuted b�j'- R. J. 014fl, I � .
L . portunity of making a cc sorubbing. washing and polishing 'Whic, $ L 1� ' . __ , L � . & SCOTT � , ,. - L
. . I
, exterr &I- tLe, Boers.!' I. hesitated being at a lose to atingle iii L lbert � . .
3A:f & Gist a sea br ok store, on A DRS.GUNN
I ng the Shippers oi the. cotta works andreligious collections, - Twast housing undergdonce a week , . .'' I a I . . . . I
showing amo . . , . . . ' answer bids, because Mr -Street 0 ton, is,offered for saleF on OR 7, 111gliest,pribe paid for Fall and winter applies ,
. 44- . Oxford St. is continued by Holborn, Rol- tally, - are poisdonally know how to . ,,, I . . . I . Physicians, Surg6ons, Aecou a Etc . .
i � , -0 were magn . . r piece of aujitteering) as interE . I 1 L of & ClWiTy had warn 'a term . . g - a on Albert Street 'With two - - 01111 h :, I
I world. Haze also that ea m of the. bitter feeling 0 -Ontario t3treet, Clinton. 4
�� on account ol. .boiri Viaduct(a clove I ly on Will,- anbversive of comfort. Also 06ttol � . ., M -CANTEL6N, Clinton. , MOO , Vt 061,13. .
" � cent drought horses. . ' existing in Holland' against Britigh And' invionees. 32'articulArs .. I . � I �. .. . . I . �
the immenge shippirs s, 1. SulD, :Newgate St. and Choopoide. A- few yards . somew jo lots, stablo, and all o4 ortio I I at front door of.offica or at hoopiteil; lotoria.
. truth P. O'Llwasslitseas is. next. to goaluiesO t , Even on the'. WAY .V. Rob . U, Clinton . Aug- 0�-tf- . St. . . . . I . . .
.1 _g interest L I . L . L on j1ppication, to Mrs V . I I . . . . . . �
�.. . pose, there is a great, deal of dray anti to the south of New,gate St. rises St. Paul's the Dutch woman, At least.' . Canadian soldiers. Mrs c. w; McGregor, Constance. I .— L' . � ,
. Owthedral, an imposing classical buildings 'as have from tbs hotel to the atoreL ' . I — , , . . . . ' .. . I � 1.
j transfer work, wnich ia performed-hy . 1 . . The picturesque national costuds. _. � .1.1 1. . I . '' . House. to Rent, L DR. J-W-� SHAW, I . .1 I I 1.
11 . . . . .
� of draught hoirlses that I with a beautifully proportioned diame,oreotm been.retained id.Holland more generally served the portrait of* Mr Kruger, -the Isis . . I . . . � I 11,
thevs finest lot, or Berlin.' edby Sir Christopher *roa in.1675-1710. . President of .the' Transvaal, .,displayed in . PARK FOR SALE, 'L , . .- . I I . .. . I '. . __ . . � I Pais.01AI, SUAGdi(J'h . - . . ... .
saw in either London, Paris than i� almost any other country and they . . . . - I I I .. ' '-Comfortable dwellifigaiciuse toreat . On Fe& . Abcouchour, ato., ,; ilea and roadenos On- .. . . .
Some of them wbigh�cl 2800 1139 Neat, - The interior, though somewhat - bare and are exceedingly unique .ond interesting in , as eiy window. So for S;j answer,.1, I Subscriber offers'for sale his farm of 156 I osite Engliab church; ormeriy
, a- is 11 rly ev . . a; . ores,, situated on the Maitland concession. Brick stkeot� lately occupied by Air J. Randi"' tario Sti.,p %P1 in 1i U - 1 . .
Y�eretwv dark, is irco0ektig frosri vastinaso of its Is back on the great extent of Our, country containing three roajxis upotairs and three caiDiedbv r.Appleto...011 to Ont., .. . I
IV sill at's drivers ainglyii ,or, v he othial., 'pikoportibus * it is *second to Weitininiter' their appe%rance. The streets .ire plea , - I Colborne. 'Abbat. I -cleared frame �down. .Pienty of watbr every convenience . — . . � I . I 11 .
.. um of the obil- And said to the intlerpretler.- "Tell Mr � .40 o,ores . . — — 4, . . . I
. 0,=d,, one ahead of t I . � ant,ly enlivened by the cost as r country is 00 Vast that thO'PSOPla house, bank barn, plenty of water and � In pod rent mociarate. Ap TFIIN�T_ S DRUG STORE, DR. W.M. GRAHAM - . . '�- - -
. . , . oofland Pi . ,,, I .
'ar . yle. - , �� lbbey alone as tbs. burial place of ambient dr i si ad nested at the 4 inhanages.'' that On . to of cultivation,1 of a mile from soh 6apt. 27-tt . I . . I I li .
Ill the tourist-gerkiraliy re- men* ,partioularlynaval and military officers. ifferent o . irovivae -know4ery little abo.nt what OR' m Holmosville.. Terms reasonable, 1� 1, - . .. I*. '_: ..'_ ..
� . , T�eopg�ot sibe �sssuocf�al 6rhhaiiag.6 ,grear in one F . 2 miles fro � I . � Licentiate of the Royal'dollegia of'Phraloinz 0. I I
. a other." . . . DoolA -1 tf � . I ,O '. . I `1 - . . 11 . . I I . London, Enjli�nd. . � . I
I . I
In London as his bg9b -11fesliti -Th6,Duke, of' W611ingtou, and'Lard Nelson costumes inwhich . thei � L. _d - I '.on in th .. He laughed', AV I . . . ' ,., . � .
feorts to the. "dabble" I k and re ' city Is 9QI;!f - - I — - - S . I , , , ' - � - 0\ - . 11 11
. - � tof making a cis cuit of the sights of in - ore buried in tb6 orynt Here is to be.found colors appear;4he girls of the Romon Cathr parent y, at my evasive answer and � aid 1. - . I I TOaCherg Wanted, , * ,Office and Residence- - . . 4 . ,
. r *to R nt. � . � , ,�: .; . . ., . I * . . . � I .:
. I I . .
the noted Whisperin�Gallery with it . not ,question nie, further on that matter, . . fForSale 0 .0 , . ... . �_- , - - - - PxWR1*,0 ]"01m, WD sitaira� , I L ,
tereSt in LhiS wondettul aria historic inns acoustic properties. 0 -on"- olio orphanage, have islackdresses with ,s were.mentioned in. . . . 1. . .. . I . ! . .:, . Por S. S. I -To 8, Tow,78hip of Hallett, Prinel. . 11 11 . '. I . '. ! .. .
The dome of this raises; And %beneyer our :961dier . . - . . I
. Id require white -colors and .white.%headd I k house on the act Mal or rrzm&I6,' Of Senior Division, - Also � . . i
. city, to describi which wou , th the SouthAfric,itis war We. The choice brie not of Put-, I ,
. �
. - .the Protestant orphanage wear connection Vi . he estate Assistant Tesoherf, don , ..
Wt remarkable building is visible from almost: Mh.l. 0 Dr Junior Divis I .
. . . � I . re obliged 6 cat the. conversation Zoit. t6i &ad Jos,erh streets,,belonging to t Distit a to commence Jan 8 100 , DR. Cit Wc THOMPSON -1 .
$rso lsers, of at leasi ie� Raus,ford Any quarter of the oityi -arid was ray guide.' those of c 2. Amplioatiiiini' I � . �
mignt, say, in a, seneei - that London 6 brown aria blue with black, , . wOl oftho late R chard Heywood. is offeted either - . . - � . .
I I . ktO for'gale or t -room for ordt- with tegtimoni I's to Iiis r� ty Oct. 12. Address . ... . S/ I � . I - . - , . , I . � I
On the Poultry,& prolongatioh.of Ch,ea;V- . . I spent a pleasant day with him,9011119 1111 a reat;� it contains with I A b, . .
Wiridmilla area characteristic: of.-AlmOst I ea. Landeabor Is. �
. England. All roads lead to London.. . I I � . S ACBARR,,Aeo.'Xr , I oug... I , Physician, urgeossi l0o.. 'the . � . ... . �.
. side St., is situated. the Bank of England, every a6tail of.hio immengs 1busitesS and nary family, is Practically & now house, . . . 'SPOGI&I attention given to diseases of. j
FRsL express .tratins m6eit, .the ocaiah . . . every Dutch landscape Rna"bere obtain. an i, to bd rs- An conveniences. and tbree-teriths of an acre sept, .27--4, . , , . . .. ,
, I
liners ar. LiverpoolL and make thss. I-ari. the -greatest. financial -institution in tbs unprecedented size and stran I gth. .They are secured bid drdev for - 27 :organi I .1 if land. .If the proper is, not sold or rented, . .., . � . . . Eye, Ear, Throatand Nose. . . ' I !�:
I . . .
our ai.' used in grindial , return (if his, breither. "I , 0 - - . 'IDOUT� & HALE ' . � - " ' Offil - 1 .'. '' . � .- i
. .itsnidim has every 1. peatea�on thei Part 69 it will be reoV A y to . . I.. . De aid fiepiaerice ' . .
to Lonclon in attiout four h , .world, so much so that 1.8 � ;corn, sawing timbpr. an .. , . . V ecutor Clinton, ... R I . - , - � , : e
h where -become Proverbial* for strength, The it, ago, but might. here &ad that aurin t" , . _____ W, .. I .. , I . 0 - t, i leili;.k. .
visitor is at once . anufaqturing pope . . r%11117 a my in 1 . , ,. . a I . __ . . .1, — ., lr=rto �
� impressed wki kinglobacco, ni . ; . � � .� . I I t 1: , , trea . North or Raitenbiply, , :_ - �:_
The . . cLi eff6r a to acquire - . �__ . ,
the e'videnced of the ell i's aiatiqWty.� building covers 6 whole blQok,is on irregular )Oiliant functip,he its to Awaserdam, add in to . I 11, .. �. ]Jj : , '"�. L'OONVETA14ORBS, . . � .
. .
., .. A onebf,theif mootJOIT I . -forgot , my Scotch- , - .. Real Estate and. .COXUJSSIoNB'Ej9, . . . � . . �. D . R. AGNE - . .:. . � , � . � . L I.. � i
, . B fir as- pump up,tlid. -superfluous water, nguage, I ; : FAR FOR NSA= - Agency, . , , . . . , � I .
Theglannor of an hietoric:.past brbods , and low edifice and is open dailyo from the the Datch 1A * , I . . . .. . - � . .
600�y gjautte' h�ilding- "tho.businesev iid from :9 oucludis it whiols1haii ickidus):m-00011141ind- . .1 , , . . , . "; �.. . , " . I . .
. . . Mass are concerr , low j�rouind to the canals which. a . I . P. - '. ": . . . . � . L''. ,!. ' — , . - - 210110) 14 ..-ioau, - i .: .. � I . � . � ,. . , . . .. - ' . ' .: �
� I . �_ ., . � '.. � . I
bVer many a ,. . . I . I I � . . Or re- ... . , - ,. I . �. . . . . . . . Subscriber offeri jor sale his farin of 100 �. , � .1 . . . � . . I I ., . . ' 0 . , - "' - : . 4
In the Aractures-of this city,0116 Mighli, of6locktiI14. The wissd6vie Are all bricked. t6'the sea, These windrnillO - raill . I Reigo, lot No: 84, situated on loth con,, town- . . . . I . DENTIST. .CLINT N , :. �: �
. . C_B. * HALB, . . .. I .. . JO".XAZDOUT, . . , . ,. .. . .:. I.-.1 ..... 1. . 1. I ; - . , 1 .,
almost read the history df ihe'gvc,01b. in, no light- being'samitted' from without. iomble tbs, pioneer' wlndmilla� of Causi,as - 8111.�,& Hullett, -Hurc- Co.,. about * go acres - . - � I . . I 1. 0_ . . , �.: % �
. �. , Appiaveoli ovary. , d6viee � coaduciye .to 'Withtheirfdurlsns� possibly 10to!2*feet No - Failore. or D sappoi6tinent6. Wh6h ,.&red and in a goad statViot cultivation, bal- * , ' , ' 7 I . . .., I . ... i �: . . I 1 . . : 11
� . , .. , . . a I � �. 7 . - - . . � ,
. . , � I
and deVelopmeut of the Science of ar6h. . . ties bush, Oo the fornilb a good fraips houseii. . . . . Om�e B;Ajof�ing Photo Studio. , , i�
. . - . . .
I . -th oeourity io-empl9yed and oven, thou it. is 10 it angles to each other. . . . . . .. . r , . : � i
it,9cture, so varii, d and antique - rig', pl000d'st rigl: �� I dOther out buildings, goqd Apple., Hutte' � . .
, k. canals, are . � = banitbarn an . I I - . �. �. � , OM ce Hour". to 5 i - , . ..
V%' closely guarded b ' the'.0ompany's Own -ithii - it watarsd.� Apply . I �� . .. . � �7
. ' .
types represented. Modefril in lody3deag y - end of: . . The nountry roado, like . . Diamond' .. y6_ue UL . . up orchard; and we: - And Cider MIR at Blake,. now, running fail - AT BAysizzLn'Byziri WHI)NESPAX APTiBNOONq ' . . .1
I � ' I
-hat t , , soldiers.. opposite the. Bank at the ) nisely I . . I �% I . JOSEPH MORIFtIS, * . . .
I 159 I am, I must corsfees t he effect, .. I I. . I raised about Bleat high Bad havi . . . . . __ . '� . I I ., I ' March .22 -if ' .' . 7 . L.oudesboro. . ,your RPIDIes and get Some of (iiir . 1. � . . - . I .. I I . i
iL disappointi-I A I the Poultry rises the VainsionAmag 00120, irifnmed.,$rees, tb!6kly planted on both � . � 1 . . . . .1 .blast. Bring * . , . � .. .L".� 1�q
ig'as it'ran imyor a on-' 13idegiforts I 3inga � --- . a - , . . . I - . .. . � . make and you will come agaid. Parti6i from Rb G.* ERNEST HOLMES:.. ,,
I vVnis,somewbi I I . offici4resiAenbe6fAlse Lora M, _-* fL si,arah� Theseparta-roa, a . -R.Wojrd� about IDIamend 13ye- , - � I . . a distance bgttio� Advise of 'their coming by DI - .. I . .
. In the- direction of eolarimity rather oil Hall of sianarrowi ha�ing barely team for two - . .� .. I . 1. . . .
. .
than: smartness. A greal, many of the. d0a. The Gdild-Hill or� COun ' I. � , : WOR'SALE. . .. a letter, ad owing to press of business we ARRUOV ', . ':, �- , 01EWT18i .. ... . . I I . .1, -1
XIV sty is of thecity, to the north .of Chespolde, .was or- .. I . . .. .1 N t -and Rng patterns. ,.. - '. I : I . . . . otharwiseattend on them same day. ' . I . I I . .11 . . �
buildings are in Louis tearns4opass. Seldomsee.i-bu - rig. . I . � 1. � - . . — , .. .. . ' - I JOHN THIUSK, . � ($ucicess�r .to Dr. T. 0. Bruce), , . ;1� .
. . �
. . .1 I � 09Y. or . - a , . -�> I . . I I . .. oat'. §,Sw4, ! ! ---speclallat in crowia: And 13rid a U . . ,
" igisi , I .. . � The framecottasreors Oren - .'�
. .
architectures which.la , etrobvi? and dur-- ally.built in the'15thicentury, -but W613 61 any kind on the rtiad. . I . . . . . . I- , I . I . . I strest"Oeou . .. . ... I . . � I Axibuirsit.Ont. . - lur�. . . ..
�, . � . . .. . . pled by the undersiped is' OCre- d for sale on .. I . .1 I . . -1 . L 'D. S�-Graduate Be 1C ego a . "I .. .. I
. . . restored. after tbs -great fire in 1709. 1 The land appears - to,be wouderfull) for.; upL'6%tj , ru $9 or c up. ate 7'a I lit) iot is yOf an acre with ....., '' - I — . "I ... �� . ... I .
. .
I ' but too flat for Me. -, - ? If go, I . . -of the Late
� shl-e I Do you make reasiDnabletterms.
i j��naon, 'I he matropol.je:of. tbs British London bridge is the. meet important Of tile. When we -were there in the very dry . � . rou Kill readily iiwdmit bard And.soft water cc I AGENTS WANTE D..9m .
I . youi home I !j is, - D-Fdr, the Life
a . vegetable garden be 0 cc I 8 R.
� tb many bridges over the Thomas, Add is season of'Auguat, the grand wasquite .green. . . . . Presidessit MoRinloi- Priae only I . t Department.. LL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I I... " LL .'.
� - Assdoj�e and 'thii 16,1.gest ipittq' in the iss is largely due to tbb love- I . 31OKInley, I .
1.60' A
a scene of an itam -water appears -tue that your ancoc . I t at CIO " ini raiiinificent portrait of President go I tteni to reser at n off . � - .
the , Dom, -summer kite i call an I 18 x 22 incites, w, 11 no given an 11 I V .
" ilea 'diii Iscith banks - of, th ones traffic. ' Frout the Thi -to-bet-right up under - porter, two bedroom , a a , a prumium. with L. ild an tide* . . All I 06 el ev I I
I . . ly and orilliftnt coloragiven to your moor .
:. , world, . . bridge,Lower Thomas rooig. - In some Places I 0 join by the ups of, DiaTund Dyso. Uftts " xally. located osession v n , . . .Sit L, . 1. .
Thamea,. According to ..the catkans Of 110th end of London' . vhere they Wei t each, ggy oo d; or, n.preferred. a choice of man Y.. � . . I L I
. . nine er rig the I 'L �
I Lion ,6f the St. rnsso olong tbs left,bank of tho.Thamea ..,water iminediatbly - filled ' ' ' is cent IZAB � I � . pictures Incluch so over Taylor & SotVs shoo store. . I .
jegate pdpulai . . I 'thil By,. liever .to suit nuibbaser. .L premium' . .
. plowing, the . Distriond'Dyeal kuQvi that - th . is a ; . .-- --- -_ . .... ..... l�. I I I .
1901, the agg -009118 AD , stiffer failures � I . Send joic.ta Pay cost of waiting. reditliven, . ... , .. . .... ..... . -7 ., . .
. -opolitaoss pLirliamentory bol d brias at great Tower Hill, otspositO the the farrow. . Foil pastura lana. trying Of oil disappointments in 11i - 'Duke and4iinobeas of'Votki Noectu . . . . . I
' '
. idett 00 000. This city is foor- Tovier,,tba ancient fortress and State prison zoariviry cannot be' excelled.*., Dal rork;tboy q�bkly and'eisily. get the I . thojee Farm f6r'8ale . . litierm term-, fruiwht pai -.. Sell oui was : ..: . Veterin ' .. '. . .11 .,
V" about 5.0 ! from east to we;eit, and'. .Of London. -It fif possible that S'Roman iseeme to be this. chief ocoupatiom I saw vi , . . . .. . .. % . - I -with ary .. L . . . I
teen miles loill; , %at colors they requirej and ss�ver waste 14duk4'they ire the L bebt. A premium .
- farming impleme L , Subseriber-biffers forsele, his fine farm of 141 I AsIdreso, %N ORLD. PUBL 311 I I .* . . I . I
v n All clear- _� y1GUELPH. ONTA41O.- , . L. 'SURGBObo . - . I I
- wide from north to south Fars; st6o4 here, bat 'the Tower of Lossd6n � fb, rits, - and -what I did sx, ,day. -if y6a are interested, its. - L �
. eight mil4s . .11 time. or ma C: ,;)L L;P`A'N� - ,'I .E. BLACKALL VETHRINART. . I
. . . are mtles,ofgrotind.. p.-opesrly originated with William the .004-� � ilea word orna6 imitations of % our tri.aabi so, --nakin . . - 11.1-11 B rick house i(Asid alois- frame , _ � I -L, .. , I — ,tP,iHoiloto,ryGrS;dUateafthibOiat*rloV.steriniiry, .
squi or - thii Pi3pulir '00k of rug 0. -and. can- .Rcres,beinglot25;con. 18,HuRett,
. anil covers 122 _ 11 . Or. It contains a X .man Chapel, at The ppose yet $6 reap with the sickle, , , .. t r ar . I I misk, — ' - . . .
I The area included in tbs Metropolitan ."=Ve collection . . . -�. a some plebes Are beginning to'nae, the .not procure the-DiamonDye Mat andRug case . r ),bank barn, spring on . WANTE625Biiiverai procais 'of obtoracter 'College. Trosts all diosiLges of domesticated at. , �1
, a of arms. and Armor, etc. ' of 2acres W-mileaft-dift, . tate (one In male on the moot modern and scientific pviree�, , * -
� . I 4 and good reputation in esals a
. Pofice District$ extending. for a radius . -Crown 'or 113 Pati.orne"'froin your local deitlev,send your a r oil . ;M In. good taon. , represent and. Rilver. � lei . Offlee--immedistely south oftbe Now Mrs, ' .
0 16 miles Jit orts"Cliarl u g and !a fall of historic interest. , The streetailike :those in Quebec, on I this coun i y required) to � . . I
� -
I Tliie ai,. .address at once t6 The WellB&IRiabards . . 0 , terms to.6 pure -of Me -
of from 12 ti the Record- or Wakefield � I a . me t 9. Realdence - Alber t St., Clinton, Call' I .
I . b laare 'miles . itrial, And yda I . W. H g, . Slilar7 $18.00 Weekly night ordav attendedto promptiv' . � .
loros. amounts to ,, jewels'arikept in , I . . orelong-and narrow ' - Not will re -'i 11 - . S. adepboro. istso old est,ablialled weeltbybusineas house �
wo ' � . . . a CO., Limited, . a financial starsains . . . � 1. I , .
- I "'t3ricii1fis 6botat 7,0, iiih,ibi;, Towerit . . . . Amsterdam (Axi;61,, the , Mime, of Cos ghosts 61 designs ta �460111 . I . __ solid .. . . . I . 11 .
.006 . . . with'evenniop additional, all Payable in osaxt . . � : .— - -
I I .. .
� and c ' ! points of interest.on tbs butch -16 i,) lien at the boiTO free Of 4 4 I I . I .
. . . principal and larger It Among the abief ra,_a,nd:DA=,_"0Sir4 from. I � , . . - . . � . or Sale. each ednes'day direct from head.offices. - '. DR. - FRELMAN, : - . .
of Londou lisp' on the b __ __ - - Irl of ooa,h� or Stirrey side -of tbs -Thssr"6 in- the Amet6l into the Y�- an &tn! of . 'i
tantio. The - influx of . --------- � Real Estate I I � Horse and carriage furnished, when noceii. .. I � I � . . I
. I . . . . . .
, . & Folacel for 600 yea,re' the redid, th a. been formedin'to I I lbrary. . . I . ... . .1 . � sary; Referetioes. . Enclose � self-addressed . . � I .
I - - ,
, I �
1� 15 .
I the Tbambs and 'includes. t1iiscity or Lambei of On Iterbaryi. :. - a sUiderzesi which IDA Additions to The L., .1 . . , . _� stamped, � ervelope. Manager, 316 Caxton � . VETERINA)IT SURGEON, , . .. .
� .
I %quit , rte encoof its Arobbloboos . u excellent harbor. This city, with a POP . - I . � . . �. - I I I . The parcel of groand atijoinliff St. Paul's . . '. I . . I I
. commercial and money makin r � I impossible to solilmate the I I . . Rectoryj consisting of lot 218, Itattenbury St., Butf,din Chicago. ". .. I . . . I 11, .. Member of the Veterinary Medicat Associs I .
I 'It is . corn- . 'Contiritsed lie 0 � S Kec�ntiv add- n . .,. . , � I . . ' .
6 , � .1
and the failalons. le Went , ,Almost uIttion of about, .500,000, is tbs tof &Ck � and lot 262A. Princess St., is, offered for. sale. SePt.5!!i6. . tions. of London ii nd Edinburgh, And Gradst, .
. . an the east, he palaces Of the'King. and amount of business done in and from Lou- . morchJ capital of Hollana. the -seat,, of ibe ed to the Public Libras y : -, I rAch lot Is about 80 b! 132 feet., Together they � . . gto� of the -Ontario, Veterinary Calleffe . . . I .
End With t] and most of the sir,htd OOA-' 7 Far instance, take ilia butter'trade- Bank of the Netherlands,'. and the head' I eloince Ruperf'bjr lryfie CutliftO. * make an exceptionally fine Bite for a first-claso AGENTS WANTED for. "THE T A" TRRA.T DISEASES OF ALL,ANIZIS I . - I
. 11 " . . I I * . Q. Phillips or .C.O. RZIGIST OF 12M VICTORIA, including Office "open night and dayp o1DPO6It9 1W �
the ribbility; I , butlee qu%r6driofthelArge 13bippin9*c6mp1LnieO. ri,he madlier knot of home, 0 I tributes from.the most ensilst-
�i. Chal-irig Owns'. I kit told toiathat all tbs first c ago . n fat ,E Meredith residence AL I to Wm. I special memorts , Pours ohintelip Ontario Street. Clinton, Osst_ . * I . .
I 'MardQns, Clintork, . . I . - I
I I Banco, ( 6;c . . . . .
frpcjuenLed by Visitors OfLortaijin,' imadain Dessimark .and - Holland is shippsid An a mart for the colonial products of 4ba - Louis do Val liers, A. Dumas- . . ' . �� � August 16-tf. . .1. 1. I . �. ant British and-Cansdionstateemoss, and "Tbs . . - . ; I �. . I.. I .1
which is the' official centre . rway, they. day, sb1p4 .. . . . . anfRislUdwardVIL" SizelOx7%, about . .
, ent., a of tbs toL6naon. ]Miwen�Na Dutch colonies, it 'is one of tbs first corn- joselph Balsonsoli A Damao. ' �. . ,. Lif tt r illustrated than BUY 3111SI'
. . . . I , . 600 agm. ttei is e .
and Also practically '.the c r to Amsterdam, . Its - industrial .1 * , w* " ton no. from LbR_ . . M. Oell= ous. � , - ,-
� ., ui---ar is'the oineiX the greater 1Art Of itv butts merdial Places in Earope. . Ten ygoild later, A Dumas. YL. .
I im .i �& A* fdhlp ealipil, wor v r. 0 1 . . I
� I I
London 01 . . I tha ale eta" It
I I LIU - Is I - and re- dorable.." Aunt, Diana, Ross N Carey- I.. I . � don. ltusit,, the cold
space to the South of TrAfAligar tiquare, I has it labelled. "Holland ,butte ' establiabinerste are - also ,cents] . . . . F V11113 . , editor 11 joul�va-
I betwetri, the Sirsud. - and'Whiteball. Shipped to London. Tbs d' and mines oiciaingabip building,yorant; sle0neries. of Fowler. I . I , I "_ A"A f
lam .. . � BY TENDH%- . . list, And iblin AL.
. ' trolled by a Lou, Sirius, Ellen T I ... . . . -_ . . I .1 . sizine, Toronto. Price only It .75--. Wa
. of 'the finest at'Kiinberley are also don I augur andcamphor, tobacco and 06bah blue The Crisis, Whiston Churchill. . . I I . itmer, Extra lar � ='Issics;
, - f
- - Trafalgar Squareo one . Inssurif, toriem, -coudle factories, mablil gavaria, Bertlix.Runkle. t !0-1 free meets.
open -Spaces in Lo orstAins the don financial concerts- Ever since the fall no t The Helmet of I T1, a house and let on Princess St. t .
&I I -ii,octni;
� hdon, c :' . . bepresen � I—- - .
. . t of Antwerp, London ban been the . mart Of abo a,, breworieo, �Aod diamond Polishing Ralph Marlowsi, Joe B Naylor. � occupled,bamr, a. Watkins, - and. P"ging ... - ___ - __
. . milfe � toWtilter k. of Nalran, Minn. -Is offerea - , . � � I .-
Nelbon column and stpaues of Sir Ben, . .
11avelock, Sir Chain. Napiert George 14 the world and it is impoosibld to tell, how Tbs older part of *the city in irf Is, Steingtown, on the Pike, JobaLloyd. . . . . I
I and General (4ordon. On the north far reaching in eyery direction its influence semi-ioirale, the diameter befii� formed by for Oslo by tender� All information may, be I .
. I . . I I . . U odor the Redwoods, B.6rt- Harkei; obtained from DAVID DICKINFON, Clinton, . . . ,JOHN, W YEQ
stands the i a,. I . I they, Clit2slo-orgriohtenof.varioussisiao The Arduale motto, UZY d Eap. I received up to NOV. . 0
I side of Trafaigam Squrwid, � I piacei other I HOLMESVIL6 :
From the htrgie . Throespionaia muaicho,�gOo sell Doherty intersect The city in everi direction and T12o BurgorsionLerlst wife, Goo EberS. - a . Th , t I takes a . 0 1
Natioisal Gallery. . . nd vicinity. They stock aiviae it ititingeislando, which ar000n' The Obstarl"Iflone -of Henry, J It Jerome- � a ti:,. a 0 t . factory'. - . . I I � I . Agent for the ILANOMSTRU Fissis AessastA11110111
tied, the c6l- I orgons In London a . Sept. .1. . . .
number of artigits repTesen -highest nearly all our Styles of organd,but espeololly u6aiedbynoarl� gWbridgem. The.depth. A daughter of Now FrAnoe,MaryO Crowley' . . CO, Of manahester; ftgIandi whose funds and
lectionjo it cOnts" 128 are, of the lere, also, we. have the of water in these canals is'about 8 to, 8 1.2 Your uncle Law Olson R Sherlock. . ' I I at $14,6w,000. Also the x4h
a;nd there' ourfive Octaves. I . ILLOF M1UTV 11 cz Ire. All clas-.40
value to the * student of art# dalTraciticei feet, below whi . Choke Farm. tor Sale., OR"ity "a "to'
f ,masterpieces -of the first best sale for our 14tudentle Po age. L ich is 6 layerof mud of -equal The Whard's J?doliii Was Barry' I . I I . . . . farriarisks andLLLLtown property takef,
is no lack,c, Mark organ. Besides tbs above we, have two thickis To prevent malarial exhalations Old.Bowen's Legaoys Edwin A Dii. � - . - - . . awash Vote$. s lamb Loan C,mlpsb '
I rank. Adjoining the Nittional GE , . I . also - r prose t .... By to bu had frOM 4is per
on 114 northeast is- the NAtional Por. other houses hard , that b" our organg for the Weisz is constantly renewed by an arm � Dopes, -19thil W Mumfora. I �Thatchbioi and well situated farm of 80 6
. L
-, which- export, asse tof "the Australian Common- of the North Sea canal, while thi'mud j$L Jrano'Rider Niggard. - . . . . . 11�aoras beinglotilf, Maitland Concession, all tientup, accor mixture of so-aritti-
: ,M_1111� contains a 01160- I L . I . . . . the Huron road, Goderioh town -bits, be; JD& 11 0 al evilip - postal card wit
I Ily ingil, I ..
M 1. A J
tion 6fover,iJCO� portit.nits of men and
woman eininiant in..British history,
literature,ecience Andart. Prorn'Tra.
falgar Square'L rftll Mal', with Marl-
horoligh House.aild St. James P-dlac0!
leadolothe south West towards th"
Greetkl�ark. A little totbesouthof
raltMall ilea St. JarriesPark'ai
wpot end of Vvhl6h is 11wk1irigho,ni Pat-
.A--.. �*
Wealth and the other for HoUth Arrioll. .,.
We next -took train for Harwich, and by
night crooned the North f3eft to the
1 C6 . �ifii* ant of * E drops. L' confronting
no'. in the , main entrance . to the
Goo Was a large life.size portrait of tbs
rmsth Emperor. it. was ilmost enough
to rooke 1% at ill 6omd over us. Arriving at ,
the Hoek Van 11611ona at 6 a.m.'we jour -
noted by Btdaul and steel via the Hague to
III- t I otial London so
th" C r a bite of breakfast,
I Ines . 0 iMyv - - I have the Amottridata, Without
' SOV61t U 6. W ., . : A serious 1plittter
the '6911i I did ,tatov . hich -4- m ht th 'at time . . . ... �
S#ejtI$t' ffiff Majej I 101 o" " " no's -,
pietioureof t6 to & d 1 whis sllw6g iAydblf an oil Wools
was away. to OermanY a.ttead 09 thO i And. B . tit L I had -net toot Ott
a Brapreas �Dowagere a day in Eng,
tuneral of th - �he south f rom' Hollanat ' dLovely Addandi the land oftbo
Whitpilallp leading te fields, biloweing heras
_ _ heAdmiraltyi, Sulb." *jthjtei bdok
trafa, gar Squarfi*, Passing t! a Govern- Df .11019taing, , laii* Vying. storks. and over 1,
I ' .
the Worse Guards, and vaklou busy windmillos, .
ment-oftes Ors tbe ... other side is -the
of Whitehall, Whiteliall is Holland as &'Whole U probably the 16W.-
palaC6 ept country in the world, the greater Part
. ,� c6ritinueabT VarllseirnOnt� Street, loada of it lying many feet below tbs. som 16461. ,
� I
Ing tij par samen6 Squar,e, which is -
I of peel, Pal. The safety Of tbs entire kingdogno there
embeiijohea w!Lh nd Cart, f6re, detersdo upon the aftoo or embank.r
Lmtby, j3eagonsfield a v
. weratob, r I rise, the Houses of merits, y. which the encroachment of the
lain the lefb I es is, prevented. The dykes, laicloss, a,
p&r%'Atnerst, a, huge' building in the'
The exterior :cents foundation of oomrsresaad earth,,, are
I iriehebr, late Gothid style, '_._,__, ,u -..,.ad.. cornnosea, of earos., Bona end
, 1!
is adorned WILU 1411"U'u—'
andthe interior is fitted i
taoteand Splendor. 'To the
Parliament Square, �opposite t
of Parliament, Stands -WE
Abbey, Said tohavebeenf
th,e7th century, rebuilt by Z
Confessors and disdrig In I
form mainly ft Oto tho latter I
18th cellitutY, With ltd tO
Vaults arid 10139 Series Of in
to celebrated men, Wtstmdl
claim to be the British Tompl.
We may now return to Tratal
. and ptoojad totho tDorils *eat to
a hondsoidd atteOt-Oxtenaing to
Usiyusarket, Tci�tho riehi Is
Hand.,thei. hetaquattire-ot that
. emy, ROYA1, sook-ty, ilia olk
. learned,b6aieks ThOw,6it'las,19
. ly coutono tne'll'tailistoorotic
I And oltibo�, �, Plookiallwy ohas at ,
thin most,fedhlobsi,blo of,Liondi)v
sting ad Are& Orlookly 400' sort
Othe drive '40ado %loop,. 0if
from 11YU'Vork doper to Kong
votallel to the drive, is ROW
lk riod "-qpIedid�6PIss;i ,
. 11, ... 4h Kr6MJ.,J,�..A4,J.%. 1,1tit4r:
g, ea
mud, w�hjnh ,when tbOVOT191111
dt� of
are, entirely Impexv indol to Wei
(ace ini thin caver4*11ill tvi
interwoVen with olahar,ittei am
led In
Iowa, which are. extenflivilY
id the
the purpose, are: Z01380ed "
four yearn. Many of tbs dyl
of ths,
ore opnW with tress, the r
materially to the
bur'�, (
6 fie Structure. Others.are
bat v t iz 4 -of insectary U prote
" ma)
I' ssgsirt�t 'he Violence of if's WO
orrfsoe, 14 covered - wilill. i1dirt,
a -th--e-,-d-s6----iiio Stsinias at she NOUN
,hor, "eP, no a
OfthO Krosti dykes �At W , b tide, AIDA4
kdjl� - Jbid b*eAhqXi4X0 I agolailt 06 dilibst
of -0 of Illd barilois'aft "fleight tif ig to .10
lsisfRii abb,#6 big hii�io& .,Thsi force of the Old I)
�30, vyayetb. 4466 . itasitsithoss. womlid.
1116,01. I iffishta�,' lis apparetaL
kids tAtitsitally ossu6U intbs;oeot the aerial
gmiei I ld�siyo-llroadolr. Vb*y �Oovve, t 'thial
, thef 06t!O5a-.'�1s,#,4.4roWS,.,b1r w lob a
wed 1; I stotterwistor iis remdVealvaia, tbs dtilft
I 00411jidj 94,0A11101hroeiag fog purp-040 of it
i I I for houses, fields siftii
i. th6 It via enolosures Lei for this
91 �
gn , asno, being is, aothmat",
Arid, vote in notiatiam Q16 suld liedl
he a
I T616,01:1 i
I i athtstdousitlem, The 0111161
1. �
lbert libout 60 f"t 11A vidth incl 0
� -
removed by dredgers. wne uness vulluirsigo,
iiialuding many , in'the .peculiar DtifiU
brick Ayle of the I'lib, century, are on the
Keizergracht 'And neeresigracht. 'Other..
wide the till arid narrow bouloo Of the town,
with their -gables turned towards the
atreete, 'preseak a somewlYfit 11201110tO112011111
,appearance. I must Bay, however, that I
saw one of the finesst Ornamental cornoft
on it bumina - hers that I have 6V.,r seen.
Sho� Aldbr Haggard.. . I.,
King Solossionle:Mitles. Iiider Haggard.
Daniel Dorbrido, Goo 91liott-
What's Brail ifitbe Bons, Grant Allen..
Ih thin Golden Daysi Edna LyAle.
Won by - Waiting. Edna Lyale. .
A siftsige storyo Balver Lytton. . .
Pelham,- Bul'Ver L10012, .
The Queen bralsebit, T -1) Aldrich. �
Mg., 11A TMW.T 0 ALldricb.
Itwas col(luined, bra0keted on, Illar6d"
'A Chince Adquintill,1106, W D HOW61g- ' .
srt69t being projected and iffOfOni-
qa� .
A, Foregone Con0lusift, W D 90*eli-
,9h 0
1�,b w i0i if he oVer eaw houses buili
oftithe.topg of iteas. . The housee Are All
An InsPoisilvd Duitil W D �Howell.
The Li�dy of ilid. Aroostocill, W 1) Howela
amid to be constructed on foundations of
piles, �.The, up r stratum of ilia natural .
. .
soil is loam atirloottenand, upon Which 00
I . .. . .. I i Vol;"
. I __ - I . . I I
. . '
permanent building can be eflecitea U111088
st solid .substructure be first formed by
driving Piles into the firmisfusna bdriesib.
There is 0, fA801116tiOn about big pr6fit# to
Ba"he conservative and
This dig is, geessed of - gjs�isndld harbor
fAOjljti I
ts large American linats. fire
, Ila
a business man,
refers the jesiser Pei 'Cost,
cautious tritast t a
Interest And t a 16996t Per 00 t Of safety
� berthed at tho Wasteraokedyk And
notiaois-kaae. on this north bias ofthe
it, bin investmeatt. I -There 19 no business
would not COnlildOt it A�Wtuld
Y there fie a floating dock. The Essirepot
dak forms the custom houtfe- harborsitid I
pieppiDifition, to isiveso, in tn ontor 188 it!
'call impost a Ana
bonded warehouses of Arbeterasm. Pose,
ing ur VVi6rutood Slitatit we rdsoh theRtatit;,
a pe
one of the lirg4dt 60611 ib Outo
Wall, absolute, wAs,
whicb.offore AinOt5ti-eillit chances out 61 A
hohdrod-df A rich pro to The, atattl4000, Of
siumm6r,ana winter-garaetie and nund
ibrbuo billiard tables, and iih&6 ftenjoyed
Cafes offem"a. by Dr. Pleroole - Golden
jot, I)jsfoovesly sshow that', -ninety-eight pet
Of weak langa can be Absolute -
theissovel experl6ti6d-tt dining,with-theDtit.
. ch in the open &ir. prlo6d,.ab6uj.jhs same so
dent Of names
ly annedt , A-Iniast it. not all asses; Of Puys.
ba traded to starvation.
isitEntrid , I didn't eouid4dr the water Oafs
to ar nk, Dutch, Gorman. 64C 11"llinGh
loll Wingkisaga4an
he otrangth. The body)a
866TV011101i BAPN t I stomabli.
eittv6d, whih tbs
Vr.jAej1sI1d.Muqjqli hailies0yix0i
assice. yo� have rsoli,, GOP Amewrii4m
J"t "Arsubli
o4sind, isilifilikoWntrition from liho fO041t rO'
there, i's no fbdd- .- 'Weak
unions, you hitlia � visited ,Xr*040010117-
� im0sittailralwagoaharod
k0go"Wokilalit 1k000lifom bbotinate 4oughe
Guided M641061 blai
I into a -room ,equl p6di 111111114 tbs character-
I ii fuslultara oto, Dutch -hotel. ,!)Afore
*All for nutrition.
try supplies 43hAttloaribliment-int Its Isloot
and gsgjtdlwoble� fca"i 'It
ZooitoO, -tbs , apa, ,wonclor-
I Ittily modid-isisith, tho - issApPY20611111101111111,
10106114islAk. lub a islitisiog, bY strengthening
it kilo U- digiati.00 which
tn orso
jigst ugo,. ot tvishlob" 1 astithat kstsm not at
ibf,t 0w9,00fta,%O*A0W# Its,, X,olataberod
tbs ettfiltsch .
digestAtid distribute Ir food - and by ild-
�'ft to blood.
of#,shissing,the Supply 0 pa
agotfoondmaysolf realrolagatain. &u$ll$LoJ
Wdegrees" a postura, lot. aleaptingoto which, I
- . .,��� .
0006d." Irlowe evil !.tested
was not 400A of
ili$ajiirsr,to��ho oWbil outionity,
The JurY in the Sifton murder come
gt-London, OoL, dlsdglf#04� �
, the notolljottst Aloat gpilam rsitilsotitilio-Woola
that tho otirtavisis h#A Wan � aviwu or, tbat I
fd 6aes A'. Abbey# of Prestoll. fortner -
I ly license Irs6pect6i of South Waterloo,
ho4heog &wpkb. ,0001olibilig vlosila
_4il it *A%,J -si wilih 60 *,,au,
wal; foand droWoOc Itl thO, datlal lat
, BuffAlo. 1_
,IrUAltogpill'd6ag#t"#,t,,Qftb6,ifi��iloo eindithomb,
L 019073,63
V i�l �.�� I. - ..
rultant of my IntDOO611dits. Ut
ilgksosd oba fit once r6oaddea ib further
I ji
Class ivitifitin6*6
L I ,ory,tor
. ohIldren L I I
, -
instruct 0 - - - . of
L Sitstialifilthe
At dud ot wormossi:
D&WO si logo lqtwo forming this foolls. of,
. I
. I .
� j
Longing to 111be estate of the is Downs
Holmes-. All cleared And nearl
house* bornk tojilisig or-
fate him . . I - . I 'I I
. : 'i
euitival,lon. Briak
phard, well watered with spring.oreek. Si-
gusto 4 miles. Of Clinton aiid 8 mites of Glad-
.. L.
. �
. � 11
sirlob. ,Will be sold on reasonable terms.
AiDply to W 8, HOLMICS. EX40111toks Lutlm�W
at. so JOHN'ROLMES, Holtreaville. Aug. 2 _1
I .. .. 11
. I .. .
' I I I i�-
/ I J, .. �� 11 . L L
. . L
I � . .
I .
. .
I .
, . -
. I I .. ..
. . . : .
Farm in Tuickersinith
. . . � ' I
. 0 I .
. . POR SALE6 . L .
I I .
. — .
Por Us South half of Lot 30, 9nd, coldoes-
Sion of Tuakersinith. This. farm contains 50
. .. '
t, Dries all of which is dIc ired and . a good
itato of cultivation except a' acres of ood'
� . I
. 1. FOR A TbRIL I I
bush, ItIs1ran fenced and under draldwL
There Is on the preinitea a good fronme barn
-otabla 6ttached fratifti house with
students ,toy enter it any timej either
forst Business or Shor-baba Cournoo Rot
woodshed. also good orchard-VIth Iota of
. roaaassoble-serld for Journal, ..
inDiall. fruitfienty of hard and - Soft water.
in 1114 'toe Of wheat sown It is ocinvon- L
lorstit situated for church and- school . within
Canton and 7 of Seafokth
. . President, . .. I pgarel#�.Y
� I . I -
5 milogt of
Sept, 20.1 Apply to XDDO ORIOB. -..---.
I - - I . ,
L . . I I .
. .
'Do. You .
`1 .
I � . .
Village PropertY tot Sale.
. __
I Consisting of about 84 acres, fri OIOArbd
andwell fenced# at thh village Of H61MOSTMO-
IN a frame house nearly X
Orn the .
.0 A, ,% I I , 1.
. .
uromillbe law
couted ug5bed tooma, dining room p lor
111.40101 .
kitchen, wood-ahbd, storage room, ps�`ttr ftb�
closets, Ate cellar with furnace, hard and
Solt wa,lat Vank barr. with atone, stablissurd
water inglab driving shed and other Ott ld-
lugs. A good young -orchard of wisitive fruit
6 r
'h 'vs? -
Dis e
Slug to bear,' Schoo tirobbie. 'Post-
---- ,61 teRgomiceiistoriest'a", 6tcie, at
comet � station
I -1 f & .
.. � . . . . .
M. ARUIAGE LICENSES lostiedbY the un -
. gigned, &t.bio Residence, Mary street
(IlintaR. , '' L . I I .
. . I .
. L . - � - .
I L : No witnesses reduired , ;
L . W, PARNOOMB, unlannBi bir ,& Will, OF
F .P. L. S., Proirifioial Land Surveyor and'
17JI, Engineer, .London Out -OMc6 At We
. Swart's Grpoety 8tote.Zisiston' . . I
. .
, I -
L .
- orgaulab an . d :Musical Director Of 146i'lilk
S-reet Ohara Godarfols, ktud teacket-on
hk 0,
.PIANQ,PIPE 5 (WAX061111 4MEOAy,Pb L
pit, c, I to take a limited Attaber of Up & in
. she ii,bove. For terms Apply this office'or ate-
Mij CAmPBRLD,moy be seen from Ila. m., to
� 9�p
r,,:;, at the, Clarendon Hotel, 011istom, ,- ,
Ofesiobiweek. . - . , 3
. I
. . - I -REJ
. q . . .L 7.. 11, . .
. I .IN FAVit"OP �,.`iftk
I I � . — . , ,
Fire. . omr, teddelist , lrillasle,�Wasa,
--p—1 I � �
omou . . . � MAC",r W'.6vire. (Assievoit
. . I .
I � .
I 1 Miss Elizabeth Walkerti
. Gthd"tO of Toronto Consorvittory of Mdele
CIASS41JI V01040 Cuittire'riono,
wnl. resume her .
and Hatmony(privateotb correS dence).ork
. WbilnesdaY,SePtember 11, g ' md Norsiday- of
. "ch,week. For terms tit her 15tudIO;1
Aug 110-tt. . , . Clinton.
I , . OLIN WOW . . .
- wool) and COAL TAIM
S?jibecriberieptogredtopromPtlY,fk 4010t-
dereforWocidor &I WhAwRIN0801dolt
lowest rates. Office Ott ISSAO Street At LAVIS
� - � � , 6 e 4 6 i44 6 0 0 � i b,046 * 4 . 0 1 fN
� - - - I
bond, Far further issfurniation &pPly to aa�
L doirldgisod Or addreew,1 ' . .
- Aug. 80�-tt-1 B�X_ 8, FI'Mnis. Ont.
1. ...'', I , 1. _4- .111. .
Persono who es - 0 ID -QZ-
L dishes of 1hiii very Nat mossufaOlture I
L Will now have the Unequalled op- I
. porhislity AN I havb macle arradgep
Monte with thd wholdeAle liouses:
1 to bring a large Kabortment'llOrd
by. issiond-
__ V
DrAcCahaVa - �
A�& 4__4&44�
7"I", %
that inty Isid, isipecitea
1� I � . .
I. ,
a a RE
Ing put6hatiets thu# giving one-
tornarits it)hblo bi ditich larfer varf.
I , . L
oto fbisn thib't could have Conly a
. I .
I .,
((,w varldtidi'Vqs koofin fifook.
..t I "t 1,
11' I I
1. . irokoh-
� r6r,11 .,
J . I
This wilV1116111di Dinner, Tot%
. I .
I . - In ad ,
.. - I :1 A . -
**�r" 1, 9
and Tollat Belt Of 611 101assids, atid
pitriless ift"ding knSP111iing lit thin
I q 1. �
I 14*1 "16 r I
&I 4
alft noo 11-,;
0 q
liaw * tia iiisa it to their,havanisib
.06 ". out]%.
,,*V r'.1'.
Omit bttho T110 . I
a is 'st
the wbrm; dib wis eaw U6V I iWA' ,14 1111111116
P400, !*.
to oall and ofsk tie fOr pfiffloularg,
. . .
� 1, . . .
3)ji�,Moogho3eg Ridney .ft Cough. 1160;�dorn
A — A1&_61.,1.#Sn&la" itch W
On" sgotalt*-' .
Went. R - iriiii . �
Wetoo. For AwalliAgrid st4oking a t 6 101%
t rowlt of boa, It
fivi A, M %*61abldo oto,v ono
�a will rall6V4 "M , t, fs" Pffod. Md. 00K - .61 ,
Irift bit, M*OAHKV Itiltbial"It 0040 SOW �
'gomistvifift oustit . � I .. 1. _Ww It � a I
pot male by 11,8XombolDtligglist, 011uton .1 out tol6phosioistumbst to AS
. I I . .
�, I 11 �
. I Xbw open ill all Deport,
w0nis of the . .� �
� .
. I : ,
11� Central] . Busluess college .
. young Won. Asia vr omen are coming �1�
I in front till par -to of the Dominion
to %itend our school, bedattild thhY
I And with no Tor superior advass.
, 1110i OttroafArlo'lloexpitisilloill,
. WrM, for it.
I 111� W, it, Sylawo PA111011111111.11i, I
I . �
. . I
,W -Ah