The Clinton New Era, 1901-10-11, Page 1._...‘;)soribors own have either the New Era & Weekbe Globe, or New Era 80 Farmer's Sun, to the end of dm year for 25o
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3" Recommend the NOW Era to
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Hilton Ne
* The publisher would esteem it a fovor
* if reader o would, when making their
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raerchant'sadvertisernent in tide papex
ESTABursruen 1886.
,CLINTON, ONTARIO/ 0011013ER 11, 19014
yate es
It's all right to have faith in
your watch -in fact there's
small reason for carrying a
watch in whisth you can't have
faith. But first get a reliable
watch; buy it at a safe store. .
We guarantee our watches and
we tell you the facts about
them. There's a wide range
of choice, and your safety is .
made doubly sure because the
sale isn't settled till you are
Good Watches
are fairly priced
Expert Watch RpaLrer
Imola,. And ()placid -0
Teta FALL Snow. -It the weather
had been wormer than that on last
Thursday and Friday,. the Ord and 4th,
il would have indeed added much to
the fall exhibition of the Stanley
Branch .Agricultural Society at Bay,
field, Although it turned out up to
the expectations of the directors there
was hardly as large an attendance as
last year, which was owing to the -dis-
agreeably cold weather. The entry
list wee well up to the former years
and were very fine in all departments,
the only class having no exhibit being
implements. That of live stock was
good, especially of horses and cattle;
the show in pigs was better than form-
erly, there being native exhibitors; and
poultry display was the usual number.
The ladles' work exhibit were creations
of artistic beauty with meetly competit-
ors, and in dairy products the thrifty
housewife showed a fine display of
some of the luxuries of life. Vege-
ta,bles,'graine and fruits were keenly
contested and the ;specimens compared
well with former shows Great inter-
est was taken in the speeding contest
in the free for all race, the former trot
or pace not being run off. The Hensel'
band added much to the day's enjoy-
ment by ite fine selections. - The re-
ceipts amounted to about $230. The
directors. who may feel well satisfied
for this year's show which has been a
success, are President, R. Snowdon;
Vice-presidents. R Penhale and A An-
derson; Sec'y, H Drehmann,and Trees.,
F A Edwards. A. complete prize list
Iwill be found on page 3.
FIRE. -As Mrs Parsons was prepar-
ing to leave the house of L. Thomson,
on LouistieSt, a fire broke out from an
unprotected hole in the chimney. It
was quickly extinguished, but not be-
fore considerable harrn was done tothe
houseeind also to some of Mrs Parsons'
furniture. • -
- WELL Donne -Me rejoice to heat
that it was one of our boys,J Whiddon,
who has. taken the cup at the corn•
mencement games of the Clinton Col-
legiate Institute, and as one of this
place, A McLeod, took it last year.
People may be assurad that our town
contains some sporty fellows. " • '
NEW ClitThOn.-At a congregational
meeting of St Andrew's church it was
decided that 4 new church would he
built on Clan Gregor Square. 1 he old
church not being able to seat the in-
creased congregation, will be torn,
down end the material nsed in the new
one, which will be estimated at about;
Voi.unrasnee-Tbe Soldiers of the
King have left for Toronto to meet the
Duke of York on his arriyal at that
city. The list is as follows -Col. Sgt.
Osmond, G. Sgt. Thomson, Bugler
Whiddon, Privates A. Armstrong. W.
Whiddon, 0, Card, R. Peck and J. Me -
Ewan, all of whim serve lender. *Cape..
Shaw. -
FALL FAIR. -The fair, under the aus-
pices of the Kinloss Agricultural So-
ciety, was held here on Friday. The
-deer was raw and fonsthe most part UP" '
pleasant, no doubt keeping manf
away, but the attendance was good un-
der the circumstances,the crowd seem-
ingly being larger than at Goderich.
'There was a splendid display of stock
and horses, fully as good, if not better,
- than any other show In the neighbor-
borhood. Thh inside exhibit was par-
ticularly good, both as to quantity and
.quality, and it would be hard to find
better roots or butte than were shown
here. The receipts were less than last
-year,which is not at all surprising, but
the President and directors may well
feel pleased at the general nesult.
Nones:-Mr Biyan,editor of the Sen-
tinel, is enjoying's holiday trip to the
-coast. The friends of Rev Mr Oaten
will be glad to learn that he is improv-
ing fton2 the effects of his recent oper-
ation; it will be a couple of weeks yet
before he will be able to come. home.
D. McLean, who some years age car-
ried on a waggon Sloop here, but isnow
-living in Northern Michigan, has been
hcime on a visit, returning west on Fri-
ArnsivanamtY.--Tne Missionmy an -
'Avery of this circuit on -Sunday last
was a pronounced success. Rev E
-Olivant, of Tbamesford. did us excel-
lent service, preaching three thrilling
sermons, appropriate to the occasion..
Large coligregel ions greeted the
speakers and assembled to show
their intereets in the cause of
missions; the iesponee to the appeals
was retina generous. Tue meetingelon-
day night was melt attendscl, and good
addresses were given tie Revs. Hussar,
Gifi .rd and ()avant, and B.Holines, M.
P. Music by Bethel and Nile deli: s,
and else by the Aliens and Mr and Mrs
Wir We Perfect
, , Agri:
Sight • i
Parleys siehto a fruit
• nazi ar flatlets *41nlast.
mere. a mechanical
process which we Act
complish witiagiaeles:
We are experts irroer.lil
(acting signit.
r •
The Pickling
ason is
at Hand
we want to emphasito
esthete feotesoonoerning Oar
Vinegar and Pickling Spices
- %ley are to beslegencled on beatings
Of their high quality.
We hied 0 firm believer in the Old saying
l'It doesn't pay to trifle with the confidence
that a easterner has in no and one gouda."
thing In Our line.
We are hovers of
Plains and Pears
The ealat Grocery.,
e Coo rd
toraer One biPlerbeinotik.
for tie tier tied gat PhOli
BURNED DOW11.-A barn on a farm
belonging to Me JOS Fisheram the 10th
con, was struck by lightning daring
the storm on Tuesday night of lest
week and was burned, together with
the contents.
NOTES. -Mr and Mrs S T Jackson
and Mr and Mrs W J Oravvford, of Rip-
ley, were bare attending the McLean -
Crawford wedding last week, Mrs Jack-
son and children remained for the week.
Amon and Misses May and Eunice Ball
spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs J
T Orich. ,Misses Maggie and Hattie
Davis, of Clinton, visited at. F Crieh's
last week. • B Holmes called on his
uncle, J Holmes, this week. A Towns
send entex tamed a number of young
people at his home on Monday night.
Dais Burns, Brampton who has spent
a.month with her sister,Mrs T O'Brien,
returned, to her •-• home on Saturday,
Miss T Townsend attended the fair at
Brussels on eaiday last and spent Sun-
day with friends near Walton. Mrs • G
H Ball and Aire 'Wright,of Hullett, vis-
ited at J E Ball's last week, Mrs Joe
Townsend is vieiting in Clinton this
week Mr and Mrs EI Carter and Mr
and Mrs F Plewes spent Sunday in Sea -
forth. Mr and Mrs E Walters,. Mr and
Mrs R Pepper and Mr aud ales W 101-
coatattended the Crossley -Hunter
meeting in fiensall on Sunday lest..
Mrs J E Elliott has returned home to
Wingham after spending a week with
her sister. Mrs W bl• 1"lewes. Mts
Lloyd, Hensall, visitadher taster; Mrs
L '
ayton last week, Et °atter is at Tor-
onto with the volunteers, Mind' A
Oarter and M Pepper are confined :to
the house with severe colds. R Pepper
has new got his cider mill in . tanning
order and is prepared to Make cider for
his custemed. '. • .
ard of October there paned away, after
a long illness; Mr Hugh McCartnete in
the 6Ist year of his age, Deceased was
a native of Tuckersinith, being born on
the Mill Road in 1810, and was a son of
the tete Robert McOat tney. Deceased
mOrried•Mies MaegaretWalkere daugh-
ter of the late Geo. Walker. of the Milt
road, and sister of :Mr John Walker,
the present occupant-, of the old hoine•
stead. This young couple went after
their.marrimge,to whatwastheriknown
as the queen's bush, in Grey, and hew-
ed out for hionelf a comfortable home.
Me McCartney; then turned his atten-
tion to Cheese making, and carried On
the businessforai few years at Brussels.
Leayingleressele he came to Brucefield
and bought tbe cheese factory, :and
for a number of years carried on an
extensive business... When the cheese
business 'declined, he • continued • to
manufacture butter for some years. -
He was an expert in both these branch-
es, and was often employed as judge
thereon at fall fairs. He was a Reform-
er in politics, aPresbyterian in religion
eo,d, we,94, member of late flovJohti
Rosi' congregation. He was of a geni-
al nature; a warm frieni, end an agree -
'able and engaging companion. For
the lint two years of his life. he was a
widower, mad leaves two eons, Robert
and George, who during his long illners
'attended inegesi t h loving nee _anti at-
tention. The remeitis were twirl ea in
I Bind's oetnetery, a large niopaer cif
I sympathizing trsends allowing 'heir i e
I spect, Tne pall bearers were 3.•)lin Mc;
Oert nv. 31,1in W k , 3 •h i MeLean,
Preset. McGregor, Tho.. G.neraell. and.
Wm Dixoe. • '
• ,
Deseee-We are riorry to rectird the
death of one of our prominent citizens,
W. Nicholson, who died on Thursday
last. The late Mr Nicholson was a
soldier in the American arrny and was
in arms • under General Grant being
present at the surrender of Lee. He
h sd been insseverat engagernents and
wasonce wounded, after. whish he re-
ceceived a pension up to the ;ley of his
death. .
Co enetre-Oouncill mer on Sept.28 to," "Londeshord. •
Notizie-The Pretab teriane of this
place have net yet deeided upon a
pastor, and it may yet be some time
before they do; Mr Currie, whom some
favored, haying accepted a call. to
Brantford, necessitates further action.
R. Leech has rented the farm of Mrs
Cullis, 05 acres, and is moving thereto:
it is a good piece of property, R. J.
Aekwith. the well known and popular
agent, is pushing- the rale of the
Magnet Separator. [An article of this
description should be on every tarno,
as it is a time saver and money maker.]
We are glad to see Mr Erratt around,
after being confined to the house for a
year with paralysis. The anniversary
services of the Methodist church on
Sunday, conducted by Dr. Gifford, of
Clinton, promise no be good,
mewl:ea, all present, Minutes of last
meeting read and adopted. By-law
No 8 waespassed fixing the rateslot' the
different school eections in the town--
, ships : 8 S No 1 Union, 2S mills; N.)1
' 3 6 10 rn; No 2, 3 7 10 in; N 4, 3 440 no;
No 3, 2 m; No 5.27 10 m; No 9,1 4-10 in;
No 10, 2 140; No 6 2 mi No 7, 2 2-10m;
No 8,23 10 tn; Na 11, 30 10 on; No 12, 2
840 in' No13 2 140 rip No 14,2 in; No
45, 2 3-10; No 16, 2 6 10 m; N a 17, I 810
m; special school rate, I 1-2 inills; deb
for No7 33 10 UV NO 2 9-10 or No
1 1-2 w, Cheques were issued for the
following tun D Little, rep cul-
vert. 25c; A Johnston, rep culvert 8 R
6 and 7, $3; J Drennan, gravel, $1.04;
Sullivan, propping cul, 50c; J Gentle,
rep -culvert, 50e; It Knightly, rep ap-
proach; $1; J McDonal 1, $1; %hos Gar-
vey, posting and rep culvert, $4; Ed
Johnston. grading, grayelling and cal-
ved, $24.70; J Simpson, rep cul, 50e; J
Black, burying sheep, 50c; NV Mc-
Knight., mil S B, 9 and 10, $6; Wm Mc-
Whinneytrep bridge ti It 9 and 10,$4,50;
J Kilpatrick, rep cul, $2, rep cul S B,
$5 bridge L $105, gravelling 8 It 3
and 4, $68.40; P Austin, inspecting $2;
Johnston. grading and gravelling
con 10 and 11 and rep 2 culverts con 9,
$41.50; 3 ()Gwen, rep 2 culverts 8 R 9
and 10, $12 50; M Wallace. 2 cement
culverts, $7; J Dixon, rep culvert and
cleaning ditch, $16 ILD Ruth trforel,ce-
ment culvert eon 12, 03 55; Mr Donalds,
8 tile culverts; $27; B Buckingham,
drawing tile, 06; R A Oarriok, rep cul-
vert, $3, part pay for bridge, $100; R
Parrish, rep cul, $1.; D. McGregor, in-
spectine, $1850; J Johnston, wit& on
road, $2,25; A Joheston, ditch on D L
and tile, $1240; S Culbert, inspecting,
$1; Sohn Reid, inepectinv, $2;R Twain -
ley, ditch and gravel, $2; Wm Mc -
Quetta, rep bridge con 7, 02; J Eforlaildi
ditch on EBi 018,40; Thos Calbert, rep
culvert, 90c, Next meeting of council
on Noy. tith, •1441
DICA.TEL-A great deal of sympathy
is =wanted. for the family of Mr John
Murdock,overIns of his daughter,
Mary, which occurred last week from
a nervous ailment. Deceased WAS a
very amiable and p spular young lady,
whose death it, much regretted by all.
40NYM Myth
Diteertr.-A V Brown, of thie place,
received word of the death of his neoth-
er, at Torontoton Monday, Mrs Brown
was an old resident of T000nto, going
there ftomreondou Meng years ago,ana
was in her 80th year, She was injured
in a fall hist May, and her death Was
the result of injurietti reef:lilted at that
time. She has lingered ever since and
paned away after Months Of Suffering.
PAW( SOLD -The Riddell farm, 181h
concession, contleting of .150 acres of
excellent land, with good outbuildings,
hae been feel& to Mr Meld IlOggartione
of the most Industrious farmers in the
township, for his son, for the WM of
$7,200.- Ile totea good; farm at, a fair
FAIR DEALING, -R Adam, one of
our tnerchanre, sent 200 snow shoe tars
to the Empire Tob. 00, and received en
Marin cIoek. This peeved to be defee
live and he notified the C'o to t bat ef-
fect and they requested him to return
it and they would send him a good one,
This they have done.
PERSONAL -John Brunsdon returp-
ed home from his •Manitoba trip on
Tuesday. He tells the same story that
others returning troro the West do -big
crepe but too much left unstooked and
injured by wet weather. He says that
a consulerable amount of grain will
geode second rate,and thet two more he
will not finish the necessary threshioe.
NOTE& -Remember the annieersara
services of the Methodist church on
SundayAnd Monday ; a big crowd will
be prepared tor on Monday particular -
13T, - A. Jamieson returned home on
Saturday last from Vaughan. 0 Rud -
dell returned home on Saturday even-
ing from Manitoba; lt•w. Mr Stewart
occupied Knox church pulpit on Sun-
day night,Rev Mr Hamilton taking Mr
Stewart's niece in Olinton, Rev Mr
Penhall, ef Myth, and Rev Mr Coup,
land, of this place exchanged on Sara-
lee, last. 11 Vir Sanderson left here on
Tuesday for Toronto, being the only
military men near the village. Mr and
Mrs jas Webster also Jahn and Percy
Jeffrey left on Wednesday for Toronto
to see the Duke atul Dachess and other
sielits of the city.
emended for laEn week.
Noass.-1Yfr and Mrs J. D. Ainslie, of
Leamington, and Rey Mr and Mrs
Medd and daughter, who have been
visiting here for the past two weeks
returned to their homes Monday, 3";
Tamblyn and wife and W Hibbs and
his sister, Mrs 3 D Ainslie, took in the
excursion to the ran American, re-
turning Monday, There Was a pleas-
ant withering at the home Of Jas Els-
leg on the 25th ult., when fourteen of
the family spenb the afternoon togeth-
er. :tire Baskwell accompanied her
daughter, WS Neal, te her home in St
Thomas; she has spent the dimmer
with her daughter, Mrs W Han. Mr
Isaac Lawrence has purchased a
matched team of horses from his
brother, Alfred Lawrence, of Weiland.
P'orter's Hill.
1111NOTES.-A Cox visited friends at
Anther's, lad week, k number of our
volunteer boys are in Toronto this
week attending the Wade, Aire J
Cox, sr, Is visiting among her children
here. Mies A Cox spent a few days at
home last week, Mai F Start and Mirth
Weary, of Woodstock, are the guests
of Mrs 0 W Potter. Mr Emerton and
Mrs Bridly, of Kincardine, spent Sun-
day MS Oox's, P McDougall,ite lost a
good brood mare lattb Tuesday, from
intlamation. Jas Cox sold a spanof
homes to Mr Oudmore, last week, for
the surd of $300. R Marshal purchain
ed a fine &lying mare at Wilson &OR
The Anleer efAfghaniaten iaesa,
Stanley .
OTES-Mrs Geo, Forest, Nanaimo,
B.0.visiting tit the home of her fa-
ther, John Cameron,Albert Nott and
femily, of the 2nd, visited the Pan last
week. Rey. Mr Carriere, wife and
chill were visiting friends on the and
this week; Mr Oarriere also attended
the Presbytery in Brucefield. Mrs GIs
Brigham, and son. of South Dakota,
were visiting accetoantances on the 2nd
this week; they left for home Monday,
and were accompanied as far as Buffalo
by Mrs Brigham s nephew, Mae Ross.
OinausitY-Death respects no age,
rank or professioh, but visits with
step the palace of the king and the hov-
el of the poor; the yeeing;' the old and
the middle-aged are alike the victims of.
his relentless sickle. It is our peinfill
duty to,record at this time the death of
one in the prime of life.. At Albuquer-
que, New Mexico, on October 2od,t ere
pissed away William A. Fraser, at the
early 'age of 40 yeariefrom lung disease.
Deceased was a eon of the late Donald
Fraser, of the Township ots Stanley. -
His birth .pl•the was near Aelse Craig,
where he was born in 1862.. -His early
days were spent on the farm, but being
anxious to improve his pied and enter
tome profession, he spent his evenings:
in study and prepared himself for en-
trance. Succeeding in this he continu•
ed his studies at the High Selacrole, first
of -Clinton and then of Norwood, and
succeededin obtaining seconcl-Clees
non professional, lie next attended
Ottawa Normal, ,and succeeded in ob-
taining a second • class professional
certificate to teach: ,He taught a few
years in Durham county and elseWluere
and then resolved to enter the profes-
sion of law. Be commenced his lava
course in St Thomas, with the firm of
Farley & McDonald,and finished in
Toronto with the firm of Kerr; McDon-
ald, Davideotf& Paterson. Daring his
law course he gaineileome scholarships
and took second place at hie final ex-
amination. He compeigg'fa, the prac-
ticeOf Tate atiliritwanessa,' Manitoba,
but after a short time rennoved to Em-
etsOn. Mere he was very successfill
and had excellent proepeets of rising
to eminence inhis professionf. Here
about three years ago hit, health failed,
and he sought a more southern clime.
Heepent the enMsner sew/het amen
City. Colorado. and the winter -at Al:.
begets, que, and at the latter glace died
as mentioned. During his last illness
he Wes attended by his brother Colin;
of Wthnipeg. who in his last moments
did everything tor his comfort that
-could be done. At his own request his
reineins were interred at Aibuquer-
gee. He was the youngest' son of a
large family, and leaves a widowed mce
ther, several brothers and sisters. and
meny friends to mourn his Orlydeath
ft per year in advance
t1.08 when not eo paid
Parisonare-Our very popular cheese -
maker, Mr Scott, was called. to Tavi-
stock on Saturday, owing to the death
of his uncle, •
Stook List -Mr Crooks is suffering
from a seVere cold are also J alcUset-
ney and H Elford and in fact almost
every other person you meet,
WOMEN' INSTITUTE.-- ,A. meeting of
the West Huron Women's Institute
will be held at Mrs B. Elaord's on
Thursday, Ocr. 17, at 2 30 p.m. A full
attendance to required, .
LEAGUE. -Next Monday night the
League will give a social, the commit-
tee have arranged for One which Will
dOUblieSS preve interesting. A week
from Monday night R Holmes, M. P.,
gives a talk on his trip through the
Fonaticsaans.-11300rt Selwood .has
been visited by organizer Torrance, of
Listowel, and e'eleven new members
were added to the already prosperous
court; next Friday night they will
have a debate "Resolved thee married
life is more preierable than single",aff.,
Geo Sturdy. W Mirquis W W Tye -
wartime F Jervis ; neg., W J Miller, F
Elford, Oleo Acheson and D M Scott.
Fseraninet STATION,---LestSsiturday
being the seventh day since the chicks
were cooped they were all weighed and
11 18 interesting to know the gain made
in the week's feeding'. The average
gain per coop of 15 was about 11 lbs,
1 while the difference in the gain of the
highestand lowest was 10 12 lbs, the
htghest gain being 14 1 2 Ilse and the
lowest being 4 lb& The feed reale fine
ground oats, mixed with sweet skim
milk twice a day, water twice a day,
and grit and salt several times a week.
Any one interested in poultry and
1 poultry feeding.will find a visit to the
coops interesting, '
Nos. -John Mullhollaied took first
prize at the bicycle races' at Blyth on
eduesoley and that in competition
with some champion riders; we ' con-
gratulate Jack upon hisability and ride;
Ii Mulholland, we neglected to men-
tion, took first place at Clinton 0 I on
field day, A J Courtice leaves for Ohl-
, cage on Friday, where he re-enters the
• School of Dentistry. J dervis is mov-
ing- to his farm in Stanley. Mr and Mrs
V Leonard and family were in New
Hanoburg attending a wedding last
week. Miss Erlyth Tebbutt went to
Myth fair on Wednesday and will go
on to Teeswater where she intends
spending two weeke. MisslEi Pickard is
visiting in Mitchell and also be I °rout°.
Misses Cameron, Bayfield. and Logan,
of Varna, spent last week at Mrd J C
Pickard's. 'Id Patterson andiwife, Hills -
green, spent Sunday at j Miller's.
Goderich Township '
ACCIDENT. -A, Mall boy who lives
with Mr Geo Cook had the misfortune
to lose one to): his fin ere in a grain
crusher live week. The finger Was
chopped eft piece by piece.
FurvEftAL-The funeral of the late T.
Elliott. son of Gabriel Elliott, wits met
with A fatal accident causing his death,
WAS one of the largestseen in this local-
Ity for ina,ny years; general sympathy
is felt for the bereaved one and thtis
paid their respects to the deceased.
The temains were interred in the Bay-
field cemetery, Rey Mr Jennings el;
Noris. -W. Fowler, V.S., and wife,
are 'visiting at Mr. Jos. heard's; they
leave this week for Toronto, where Mr
Fowler is re-engaged as4, lecturer in
the Ontario Veterinary College. Mr
Frank Powell has givenn up the notion
of goine toAlgorn e, he having received
better inducements to remain where he
is. Sam E•nerson, late in the employ
of Ed. Wise, is going farming on his
own account. It is stated that Arthur
Oentelon had not the right to dispose
of that 40 acre lot, as there was another
claimant; will it be another case for
damages. Will Marshall, who cut his
foot badly in a runaway accident,- will
soon be around again. Sohn Viralliseof
lot 28, 20, con 2, is having an auction
sale of his implements and household
property on Tuesday, Oct 15.
NOTI1S, -W. C. Myers, of Brantford,
was in the neighborhood on business
this week Mrs Wo Brigham, Londes-
boro, accompanied by her sister-in-
law, Mrs J. Mills, Hullett,• were the
guests of Mr and Mrs W. Stackhouse
over Sunday, Geo, Adams, Atwood,
spent a:feW days with his friend, A. It
Oarr. Dolly, th? 4 year old daughter
of A. Auld, narrowly escaped serious
injury one day last week; while with
her mother visiting ab Mr McPhee's,
Colborne, she fell down cellar, and WAS
unconscious for, several hours. Mrs
(Rey) Kennedy from near Woodstock
spent several days this week with her
deter, Mrs A. Robinson; she was tic•
companied by her brother, W. Curtis,
,of Alpena, Mich. Mr Moses, Grey, is
visiting his niece, bare R, Hoover.
Miss Annie Densmore is seriously ill
with inflammation,. Mies Etta Mc.
Dowell is in Goderich this week. Ed
Armstrong and his mother, of Mount
Forest, were called here last week by
the serious illness of the latter's father,
R. Johnston, sr.
14opon,--G McCartney Sonde.yed at
Nile, Miss S McKnight event Saturday
at Goderich. The subject for the
League next Tuesday night Will he
"Trench MiniertIA
Bast Wawanosh
PROVITA.BLE Ortolia (tn.-Messrs 'ztlect
FOtbeigill at Sone, Osh concession, are
among the Most enterprieing farmers'
in the township, and haye possibly the
best orchard in this section. It con-
sists of eight acres, and notwithstand-
ing that this is an off-year for apples,
sold his entire crep to Mr Geo Powell,
.of Blyth, for the Bum Of 0600. He had
already- shippedrib-out-two; air Riede
from it, and it is said he could easily
have got a good advance on the 'Pur-
chase price.
• NOV:M.-Vino Nevin and family left
last week for Detroit. M Ross hadan
operation performed onhieler by Doc-
tors Armstrong and Rose; he is now
slowly improving. Dr Corey a nd bride,
Hanna, rat' sta, visited Mrs M Arm-
strong last week, Dire Richinond,Blyth,
G Turner, W Baird. G8oefers, J Mcln-
toslievisited Mrs Murdock last week, Mean'''.
London, is visiting Dr ArmstrOng.
Swan left that week for Toronto to join
the volunteers to welcome the Duke,
i J Rattenbury, AeBaird and Geo
her sister,ales E Pelmet • Mrs F Long,
The Presbytery of Huron met in the
village this week. P McGregor was
judge of horses toa the Lucknow show
lifiseKate Walker.of Buffaloes visiting
this week. Miss G Marks left on Wed-
toesday for Toronto to Visit Mrs Rath-
Wbt. Helens
• ..
:1101119.- IS: great many from here toter in
Luoknow fair on Friday, "C A Tebtutt
preached in Hope and Zion last Sunday for
Rev Mr Oaten,
Conen.-Rev S NC Whaley and Rev air
McFarlane, of Pine River, exehanged pule
/pits on Sunday last. Mr MoParlane was
accompanied here by Mr Mottosh, The
Isacrament of Holy. Cotnmunion will be ad-
ministered in Came" elouroh here on Suns
day fleet.
Lusense.-The gale of Air II Woods on
Monday last was well attended indeed, All
things sold at good figures; More especially
the stook, a four months' old colt going at
$05; Auctioneer Partite wielded the ham -
mar. Mr Woods leaves at onco for his
work as station agent at Saginaw. He end
Mrs Woods will be much rained in social
and church work ;and their many friende
trust they will enjoy their home in Uncle
Saints domairee
DON'T rOBOET.-On Snriday, Oct. 201b,
annivereary seryion will be held in Calvin
&arab; Ftev Mr Larkin, of Seaforth, will
preach at 10,30 CM. and 7 p, m. and Rey.
Ohart Rutherford at 2.30. On Monday
evening following a tea -meeting will be held
in the oohed room of the church; a fine and
varied program of tousle, singing and aa..
dresses will be given by Rove S I Hestia,
of Belgrave, Owen,Larkin and Rutherford.
Don't forget the dote, Oolt 201h and alst; e
good time is proadoed, .
eraviora.a.atemo4 1•10...111.11
Notne.-Mr McWilliams, of London,
visited friends in town on Tuesday.
Miss Clara, Menne, ralean, visited MiOli
Ethel Murdoch over Sunday. Mr and
MPS Dever, Detroit, visited. Mrs Fred
McDoneli this week. MIS8 Aggie Buch-
anan, London, is imending a few days
at her home. Miss Jessie Rennie. Zur-
ich, is visiting her brother, B. Rennie,
this week. lGeo. Trott has returned to
town, Mrs E. Ramie and Mrs T. Mur'
dock 'left on Tuesday to spend a week
at the DAM MISS Grant Is visiting her
slater, Mrs S. S. Henderson, Mies Lou
Gibson- hats returned to her home in
Goderith after -spending a few days
With Miss Lorile Moir, Meesre Oros.
ley and Hunter Yielted St. beeph, on
Monday, Sao. Petty naa JAM; Stewart
left for Teleonto on Wednesday even-
ing, Mr War, Zurich, Was in WWII
on V edneedayl
faiAt the recent meeting in Brookville, Mr.
A. T. Cooper, Clinton, Senetary (Who was
re-eleoted again) in hie annual reportquoted
passages from a great many meteorite from
societies in °dodo showing that steady and
good work is being done. The number of
sooieties reported in the Provinoe this year
is 2,300 of whir& 1,910jare YOUlle People%
375 juniors, •and 20 interdenominational.
Of Young Peoples Societies 1,048 are Metho-
dists; 508 Tinton, 104 Baptist, 50 Congre-
gational, 28 Chnrohof England, 30 Diniples
and 28 other dean:untiring. Among the
2,000 and more sweeties are some lagging
ones, whioli are attributed te the fad that
they have 10Ell or never adoptedsthe true
Christian Endeavorprinaiplee. To strength-
en every weak spot, Mr. Cooper sat& is a
worthy ambition for the coming year. This
"orin be done often enough through a junior
or intermediate society infueingconstant
life into the Young People'e Booiety, and
keeping it always,* ecesiety of the young, Co
the young, by the young.
Town COuncil. The• 'regular meeting for October was
. held, on Monday evening the Mayor
and aldermen all present except Coun-
cillor Bell, owingeo dines e • • .
-Cominanications were received from
Miss Mountcastle in regard to drain OD
Orange street which was • referredto
the street committee ; from the Crenly
Oreamery elo„ asking for certain com
missions concerning thelease of
ground ; from Dr Shaw, M 1i 0, call-
ing attentien to the' drain at the post"
office ; from Sae. Scott respecting the
establishment of a beet sugar refinery
Which•Was referred to a specialcommits
tee'consisting Of the Mayor, Councillor
Combe, Jas Scott, D A Forrester and
Wm Weir. •
After E Totve, in behalf of the
Creamery Co., addressed the Connell,
the following motion WAS carried :-
Teat this.council agrees to gave a lease
to any purchaser of • the creamery
-tmilding for five. years (with the priv-
ilege of renewing the same for three
farther periods of five years each) of
the grounds occupied by the Creamery
Co, on the terms of the agreement
with J E Cindy, viz ,that there .be a
fixed aseessment of $1009 for five years
and that a' mortgage be given to the
council on the building (or such other
security satisfactory to the council) for
$300, such amount to be repaid to the.
council in annual instalments of $60
for each year during tbe firet five years
in which the creamery is not carried on
during the full term of each year.
Councillor • Johnston, chairman of
the street cotnmittee, reported all work
done except a drain .and recommended
that Ontario street be graded -near the
Church of England and the hill cut
down, also a carte stone along the east
side of Albert street.
Chairman 11 B Comm reported for
the finance committee :-0 ()after, for
work, $33 08 J Miller, water for curb
stones, 80c J Dunford, teanoing $6.70;
0 ()rich work at cemetry, 54265; 11
Reynolds, building at cemetry, 37; A
Wilken, weighing $2,15 ; W J Mitchell,
printing, $21.13; Electric Light -Co., for
light, $68.50 ; W Coats, sundries, $1.05;
total pigments $191.66. • .
Receipts -0 'Crich, • for cemetery,
$25,60 ;B Welsh, for scales, arc., a38.55;
total $61.15.
By motion the accountof S I An;
drews for a quantity of tile was order-
ed to be paid and the question of ern-
ploying a mine for George Flifittif was
referred to the charity cornirdttee with
power to act.
Chairman Plummer, of the fire and
water nominittee reported that the
pond at Fair's mill had been cleaned
out and deepened. - --
The clerk was instructed to notify
P L Marsden & Co that the council ex-
pected them to flaish all the walks pet-
al. toi no nt reade tor in accordance with their
Additional Local News;
MAItitars.-Merchants report about
the usual quantity of produce brought
in, there being enough to supply the
demand. Ostitelon Bros. report a large
shipment this week, for the .eastern
trade, of Over 6000 lbs. of batter and
4000 dozen eggs. Locatquotations are:
Butter 12 to 14c; eggs 11 to 12c; peaches
05o to •90c per basket; grapes 25c Per
basket; applies $2 to $2,50- per barrel for
winter fruit, and lower for cooking;
potatoes 40e per bushel.
BEST Suosit---The sugar beet Com-
mittee appointed by the town cowed!,
met Wednesday afternoon at the May-
or's office, and organized by the ap-
pointment of Mayor Jackson as Chair -
Man, and J Scott, as Secretary. The
latter was instructed to, correspond
with the Toronto Ociein Order to Beall%
repretientatives of the company to visit
this district end inform the members
as to its advantages for the manufac-
ture of sugar. It is also the intention
of the committee to eee that a thoro
test of the capabilitiee of the district
;than be made known, and the advant-
ages of the town as e point for manu-
facture of sugar Wall be demonstrated
1.00ALS.-R. Graham's pair took
wood place In the pony race at Blyth
Wet H, Davie ably handled the t ihbone,
There ale a large numbet of ane-
-"on sales aftertitled, at the present
Always Pare
Always Fresh
Always Reliable
. .
Once Used
• aiwaYe Used
Weyer lb.
R.P. Reekie's
Preeoriptioa Drug Store
Sanersor to fiyieey jaokeon. '
N.B,-.A. free sample to any lady
for the asking.
time • Mrs Brown, of Constance, haa -
ranted W. Searrs cottage on Orange St.
and will move thereto. "
• .
Prize. at Goderich Pair.
who Atnwoonag p rt ihzoess'e a ifrt re a thioredigliniyeotirngtghhabiroserishibk isoe ronadai
Fair held at flodench 19.1P week,ore the foie
t.00wng,-4:gagelnEir-alMpt4urphoesdiegUleldn'lingi, Gtvr.rogthy4emarfolillid:
re:tolen;ToiLpEari_m•Baarits two
bull, 1 Or old? 244 -1n0 811411 bull oda,. •
ander one year, J Snell ; bull, any aget
Snell etlia;n4cogw: helinfe-r7ilwto"year old, J Bindle
heifer, 1 year old, J Buell 1 and 2; heifer
calf, under 1 yaw, J Shell; 421 ram,
26 1 dY Sjgana.
J Been, Potted Angus or Aberdeen-i'ure
bred bull, any age, 2iid E Butt & Boniball„
,any age, diploma, g Butte fat grade cows,
e°82BwvaneS.deeBi 1,1; tejEdewPanw&-es eel Lie861:126°21: jecsi :hi 868ei tisSea. err81 web' -aljnItara' ymwn sg°6n0Yeeel la and
sue d°h edea, wr IG ee n go C
werouerhirar, -3
ja6a 811iliver• eperigled DO. *Inge.
golden pencilled Hamborgs, silver pendlled.
tlemburge, white 'airborne roue °crab, legs
horns white singk: comb, Polish white ores -
ted and Follett 'enter, W Carter; Polish
golden, and W Carter ;-Plymonth rooks
white, ielyandottes white and fdinorcrie
black; F G Forrester; Minors:as white, re
Carter; game black breasted red, 2nd, A J
Orem; turkeya.white, W Carter - Wyse_
bones 'buff. W Carter; Wyandoites shyer
laced, W Carter; game bleak breasted reds., •
A J Grigg; game pile, 1 and 2 AsJ Grigg; -
bantenoe, brown or black breasted, A J
Grigg; -Aylesbury ,dnoks, W Cuter.
Acuircutamier, kat:Puma-Red Clawson
wham, 6 Wise,' J X Wise; any variety -
white wheat named,' kJ Wise; any ether
variety spring wheal:, 8 Wise, X Wiee;
YarietY falt wheat, J Wise, wiee; any
6 rowed barley, J X Wise, 13 Wise-ilarge '
peso, J X Win, B Wise; white oats, flWise
J X Wires; black oats, 13 Vise; timothy
seed, and, J K Win; white beans, 2nd, J K
Wise; collection grain in draw, 2nd J K
Dautr-10 lbe table butter in orook, 2tia
JitWise; 10 lbs selt butter in orook, j K.
Veneeenes- Collodion garden herbe;
2nd J X Wise; collodion produce, J K
. loMEaAifldCTrEf-CriZIfi11quiltmrsallott;ogoainiuilt,2am:0Notil
homemade =pet, Mrs Sett, B Wise; rag
ram, Kra Nott; wool mat, 5 Wise; whisk
holder, 2nd Mre Note slipper case, Mrs
Nett; fanoy apron and hotieemaid'esapron.
Wine; pillow shams embroidered, 2nd
Mrs flcitt; pillow shams, 2nd Mrs Nottt
darned net, 2nd Mrs Nott; knitted °Lippert',
and B Wise; embroideted, slippers, and '
Mrs Nett. .
j X Wise; pears, J K Wise; (sherries, and
J K Wise; citron, S. Wise; quinoe, 2nd B
VViee ; jetties, J X Wise; tea biscuits, a
Wise, •
Hon X Clarke Wallanedied on Tueeday
at his home ih Woodbridge. The end came
peacefullyeinci without pain. The natives
was gradual and had been stetidily in prole
ass sine the first of August, rie has been
ailing for several years, and his death wee
directly due to poverty of the blood,
All the Ceibinet Ministers except ese
Richard Cartwright and Hop. R. W. Scott
are in Toronto dating the visit of. their
Liighnesses the Duke and Dieeseasee
Convent and York, Sir Richard %is not
able to be present oneaconnt of rheumatism
and Mr. boott takes oherge of affairs forthe
Goyernment while the other Minieters are
away -
Take Your 'Choice
There are tne,ny etylee oI Monntirigs
and Finishing. We want you to lake that
whit% snits you hest, The quality IS squal.
ly good. Yen shoos° the style and WII far*
nit& you the best phetographe you could
get any place. In posing, retouching an&
finishing, we promise you the best that WM,
be dime.
Henry's Photo • 'kudiew