HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-10-04, Page 6October 4tb,1901 You Can Lcatel al'Oorse to water but you can't make him drink. You can't make him eat either. You can stuff food in- to a thin man's stomach but that doesn't make him use it. .Scott's Emulsion can make him use it. How ? By mak- ing ,h*m hungry, of course. Scott's Emulsion makes a thin bodyhungryall over. Thought a thin body was naturally hun- gry didn't you ? Well it isn't. A thin body is a,§leep—not working—gone on a strike. It doesn't try to use it's food. Scott's Emulsion wakes it up—puts it to work again making new flesh, That's the way to grit fat. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BO W N E, Ten -onto, Canada. soc and $".00; all druggists. Which is Right'? The omission of a comma in an- act passed by the United States Govern- ment cost that country several thou- sand dollars. The insertion of an apos- trophe where uo apostrophe is general- ly used is not likely to entail any ex- pense of this nature, but it is interest- ing to know whether it is right or wrong. In some issues of the Oxford Univernaty Bible,an apostrophe is used where some people think it should not be. Here ate the passages - The water is onr's-Gen. 26:20. All the land of Egypt is your's-Gen.45:20 That the inheritance may be our's-Luke 20:14 The attention of the Oxford press was called to this, they maintain that it is correct. The Standard Dictionary does not recognize the aposttophe,but we would iike to have the opinion of anyone on the point. If the use of the apostrophe ie right, why is it so ? Healthy Babies Watchful Mothers Can Keep Their Babies e and - heek Roe c d Happy. Healthy, y Nothing in the world is. ouch a • comfort and joy as a healthy, hearty, rosy-oheeked, happy baby. Babies oan be kept in perfect health only by having at hand and administering when needed some purely vegetable, harmless remedy, and of all this olase of medicines Biby's Own Tablets are conceded to be the 1• est. For constipation, oolio, diarrhoea, simple fevers. sour etomaohes, teething babies, indigestion ar d sleeplessness, these tablets are a really wonderful cure. Yon can give them to the smallest baby without the slightest fear. Dissolved in water, they will be taken readily. They contain absolutely not a particle of opiate or other injurious drugs. They are small, sweet lozenges that any baby will tau without objection, and their action is prompt and pleasant. They will tone up the whole system and make the little one as hearty Y and tree from infantile disorders as any mother could wish. Mrs Walter Brown, Milby, Qae., says: "I have never used any. medicine for baby that did him so mush good as Baby's Own. Tablets. I would not be without them." This is the verdict of all moth::s axles have need these tabiete. "t'lhey cost 25 cents •a box. All druggis's sell them 'or they may be• secured. by eending the prise direct and the taolete will be forwarded prepaid. The Dr Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Dept T„ Biockyille, Ont. Annual Convention of Sunday School Association of Ont rio Anecdotal, moording to "Harper's. Magazine," certain teacher of English In a school of ,high rank in her native State, Xis. sisslppi, !who, in spite of her vivacity In conversation, Is perhaps,if any- thing, too testidtous in .her choice of words, was spending the summer at the New York Chautauqua. Her ROW of spirits, made her the delight of the dining -table at which she was first seated, but at the end of a fortnight she was moved .by her landlady to an- other place, A lady from Boston who bad been sitting opposite the South- erner expressed her regret at the change. "I am so sorry you are going to leave us," she said, with warmth; "we have all enjoyed your dialect so much," Mr. Baring Goold tells a story about the Vicar of . Helland, Cornwall, and hip neighbor, the Vicar of Blisland. The former was going to London, and hoped that the Archdeacon of Corn- wall could be Induced to take his Ser- vice on the Sunday following so that he might stay away a few extra days. He left it to lois neighbor at Blisland to negotiate the little. arrangement, and asked to be informed how things went by telegram. All went well; and the 'Vicar of Blisland gave in a -tele- gram at the nearest office: "The Arch- deacon of Cornwell is going to Helland, You need not return." But when de- livered in London the words, were thus divided:. "The Archdeacon of Cornwall is going to Hell; and, you need not re- turn." A, story of a "joke" splayed In Vienna on Mascagni, the composer, who is soon to visit the United States, is go- ing the round of . the newspapers in Italy, where it has created an extreme- ly bad impression. The distinguished Italian was the guest of honor at a soiree given by the theatrical artists of the Austrian capital, and ex- pressed regret that he' was unable either to speak or understand German, whereupon an actor . of comae parts THE WIr*'SON NEW ERA 4lterary Notes, The 0.in tdian Housekeeper for Sep. tetnber contains many helpful articles on the home, and has only to be seen to be appreciated by every reader. A few of the interesting articles are"A Goodlnvestment,'byLlndaHuilLarned; "Jain and ,Tara.making"by Mrs Picton Gadsden; "A Better Knowledge of Home" by Mrs Jennie 13eauch•unp; "Short Lessons in Cooking" by . Mrs Emily Gordon;°"Different waysof eta Its ing potatoes"hy Mrs Mary L Esgertutr;. "The care of babies;" "Tor a Japanese Interior;". "Horne Hints and :Helps," and a complete melange of good th1ngs for women. Sold by all dealers , per copy or $1 per veer. Canadian Housekeeper Publishing Co., Toronto, publishers, Ralph Connor's new story, which is the serial feature of The Westminster this year, displays the characteristic marks of "Black Rock', and "The Sky Pilot," and leads its author into new fields. - Its scenes are in the Ottawa and Quebec districts,and shift to the West, The best writers in all churches contribute to these Monthly Magazine numbers. a.ny person in Canada or the United States sending one dollar to The Westminister, 'Toronto, before October 5th,will receive these mag- azine numbers for one year from that date, and all .the previous chapters of Ralph Connor's new story, "The Man from Glengarry," free. In a three -cornered contest Sir N m Rattigen, the Unionist candidate, was sleeted •in• -the northeast division of Lanarkshire, • the first Conservative to represent the riding. Mr J EI Metcalfe, ex. M. P., announces that he is in the field for the vacant seat in the 'Commons' foe 'Kingston, caused by the appointment of Mr B. M. Britton, At. P., to the Bench. FAiTH NO FACTOR iN THIS MAN'S OUftEr arose and addressed him very solemnly, saying: "Most illustrious maestro, .you persuaded to try'SAYth'Amerl- liay. ,riven to the world 'Cavallerta can. Rheumatic Cure It prey- ed Its . potency. Eleven years pains dispelled forever In twelve hours. Iwnslii eumatisms victim for seven years, being confined to my bed for months at a time, I had no faith in rheumatic cures I saw advertised, but I was persuaded to try South American Rheu- matic Cure and inside of twelve hours after taking the first dose I was free from pain -three bottles cured me." -T, D. McLeod. Leith Out ao Sold by J. E.'Hovey ands&. P. Reekre Rusticana; which is a musical freak." At this point Mascagni also rose, and .warmly shook the orator's hand. "You have no other talent than that of self - advertisement" Another effusion on the part of the composer. "In a word, you are merely a genial sausage." Pro- longed applause, at which Mascagni could scarcely master his emotion. Adelina Patti is, as . all the world knows, one .of the most charitable Vo - men inthe world, and nothing pleases her more than to do a good 'turn" Son the quiet," its she herself laughingly puts It. Last winter she was staying for a few days in an isolated village at the extreme end of Yorkshire: To kill the monotony of the place, the great singer went one night to a concert got up-in-std-of-•aacertaln village institu- tion, Not half the performers turned up. 'Seeing the difficulty, in which the;' chairman and committee -were .placed, Madame •Patti (incognitos of course) offered to oblige them with a song or two if they cared about it. After she had rendered, in .her own glorious way, three of her sweetest ballads, the chairman • approached her, and, in 'sol- emn tones, thanked .her: "Well, Miss,' you've da a oncommon well; and, al- though 'Arry 'Ock, . Use juggler, who thinks nowt of takin' 'old•of,'ot yokers and-a-swallowin' needles, couldn't turn' up, yet you've pleased us veryconsid- erable, Miss!" I Colonel Oslo was the present King of Italy's "governor" -for very many years, when, as Prince of Naples, 1118 charge was a .delicate lad. Colonel Osio"s'atrict regime has been very se- verely criticized, but that the. King re- members. hini with respect, 11 not with affection, Is proved byhis having con- . ferred the hereditary title of count up- on him on the' occasion of the birth of the Princess Yolanda: One day a re- quest came from a' well-known person- age for the young prince's autograph, to be added to a collection' containing that of his grandfather' and his father. The prince was about to comply, when the colonel said, sharply: "Certainly not; what value has the signature of an.insigniflcent boy who does not even know how rho writs ?" or properly P' some act of disobedience a little later the prince was brought •before his '"gov- ernor," who exclaimed; •"If I were the King I would cut off your head." "And I will cut off yours when I am. king," The Sabbath School Assrciatinn of O",- defiantly .replied the lad. His punish tario will hold their Anrual0onvt ntiori /.ii ment la unrecorded, but, instead of the Metropolitian Church, Toronto, on cutting off his tyrant's head when that Oot. 22nd. 23rd and 24th next. Every pre- ' day came, he has ennobled him, paration necessary to insure a good con- I •During the famous Douglas and Lln-__ yention has been made. In addition to sols .debate and subs some noted Canadian speekers, including subsequent campaigns the Hon. G. W. Ross, Premier of/Ontario; the point was frequently brought out by the supporters of Mrs. J. W. Barnes, of Philadelphia, a "the Little Giant" prominent Primary worker, and the Rev. that Mr., Lincoln had served only a Jos. Clark, D.D., General Secretary of the Bingle term in Congress, but that Sona State of Ohio, will be in attendance. tor Douglas had enjoyed for years a The Metropolitan Church is one of the national reputation. This poiht, days largest in Toronto,and large gatherings are a writer in. ''Llppincott's;" was urged anticipated. Every school in the province in a heated discussion between an ar- should be represented. Single fare rates -i dent supporter 'of Douglas and a Ger- will be leaned to delegates, who at the Rail- i man voter who favored Lincoln. Pin - way station on starting, obtain trom the , ally the former, thinking to overwhelm ticket agent, a Standard Certificate, which his opponent, said: "Who is this: Lin-. on being signed by the Secretary of the , sols, anyhow? Nobody ever heard of Convention, will entitle them to single fare. , hire until Senator Douglas brought him Will Sabbath Schools who may. not re- ceive official notification aoaept of this as. with him. Senator Douglas, on the such and see that their echools are repro• other hand, is a great statesman, Why, be has d his rented e a eye on the Presidential \ %• chair for the last ten years!" "Vot le Rol Nelson, aged six years, was run dot you say?" was the reply. ""You over and killed at Westwood. l say Meesfer Dooglas have hat lila eye on der Breeident chair for ten year 7" Czol oyz, the assassin of President I "Yes, that is just what I said" "Veli, McKinley, hes been sentenced to die you shoost tell Meester Doogl.'as If he in the week of Oct. 28. 1 vill keep his eye oi. dot chair shoost a Joseph Laplafne was found guilty of leedle vile longer he viii -see old Abe murder at Montreal for killing his Lincgin fitting dowfrfn it." Thie closed landlady, Mrs Lefebre. i the debate, amid a roar of laughter from the bystanders. Feeble, Wasted Nerves Aroused to New We. A Sufferer For Years From Weals Heart, Exhausted Nerves seta Sleeplessness Cored by Five Boxes of Dr. Chaser Nerve Food. Whether weakened and wasted by overwork, worry or disease, the re- sult of exhausted nervus Is felt in rieuralgio paine, nervous headache and dyspepsia, serious functional derange- menta and ultimately in paralysis,; epi1- epsy. locomotor ataxia, prostration or insanity, the remedy is found in Dr. Chaee'e N'er' a hood, as le proven ii. thea case referred -to below t -- Mrs. Chas. Ii. Jones, Pierceton, tabu., writes :-"For years I have been a great sufferer with my heartmud nerves. I would take Shaping Spell, and dizsy swimming feeling would some sear me. Night after night 1 would haver since my eyes, and my head Would ache as though it would buret. At myadoctoreatte 1$to 4y rat from fall to rrpring, his median* did not hol me. now taken live boles e1 Dr. Chase s Nerve Food, and it has demo lee more good than 1 aver believed a medicine could do, - pre,ti nay gratitt,dc for the wonderful otlr��o� b�roughtal;a it by this ttreatment." pie:' -MAWS Never Food, 50 cents a box, 0 boxeit for $2.50, at all dealers, dr samfiyl,*on, mom & Conlpanny, TerontO, His Impression. . "bo you believe that college -bred women make good wives?" "I don't think going to college makes the *lightest difference," anbwered Ur. ilMeekton. "You couldn't keep a wo- man from assuming a position of au- perlor knowledge by merely not 'end- jr her to school." -.Washington "star; a The .Definition, - 11ea.ober--Jdhnny, an - you . tell mi What Is tneant by "steward!"' Johnny -4A,1iteward le a Man who doesn't mind itis own business. Teacher Where did tent get that idea? Johnny -Well, 1oo'ked it alp in the dictionary, sad it Maid, "A man .who attents to tiie &f' Lairs of others." -•Cape "Regiates,M .. t eulnnOeli Linelos. a Trouble Raeentbling. Paraly'. sis In itte affects, The Victim Lame Streui(th in His Limbs and 1s Uaasily U cable to D i %ray 'W silt Tho Wholo Story in n. 'otter :, • - �lerc. (rziuiY DAVra'.) From Copt •F. i.oye, Police Station lc.% • 6, Mcrtrei,l:- `• o r:egtlently it a l:. •. l DA vie' I'A Ix-Ku-fa:a 1.2 pains 1,i 11.e h!,- hcA v'hr,tu,ati,rm, if j/,,ees; ;frost bttea, , h '- blains, cr:aaps,"nuc. as 'a,..utiensv,li t.i befall men in our position. I have no hen!- Cation in saving that PATH -KILLER is the' beetren,.edy t'., have pear tend." ` teed laternally and Exierna117. Two Sizes, 25c. and 50c. boreles. a "'JUST AS GOOD 1 Perhaps 1 Don't you ran the risk th oriel but always bay the a>ell tilted and eure•pop Dorn ours- Putnam's 'Painless Oorn Er removed corns painlessly in 24 hears it Yours trrly, your druggist does not sell it, send 250 to . 0. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont., and Mas Basals WsrtT1WsST+.lt, they will send it to yonpoatpaid to any ed- .petit„ itch Is:. O Orem.. drool in, ()wag. ot the U4S, THAT TOIICRES Tho SPOT • MtLEOD'S SYSTEM ROVATOFr pa - OF` Weak and tmpure Blood, Liver se Indite: Diseases, Verna le Cc= .pIt.iut, !;tc. All Diogpiets, or write dirt:et to J, Id. 91oLEOD, Goderich, Ont, .--The (story of a Ear n r Suffulir, Show. ing iIow This Nu nbuese Can bo Over come From "The Whig." Kingston, Ont. There are few men inthe city of Wog- s to. bet(er know than Ur R S Jobneon, the gent it proprietor of the : "Boa ',lou" barber parlor, ou Brook street. Fur ebv• eral years he had been in failing health, being obliged to give over the entire vireos of his busy hop to bis assistants. But this spring his health, is so wonderfu,Iy improved that his many friends have bei oongratulatingbim ou his restoration. In conversing with a reporter of the Whig reoently, Mr Johnson la sd the tollu,vires to say concerning his Hitless and oure; ="For many months I was praotioally paralyzed, Numbness took possession of my limbs, etpeoially of my hands. .From my hips down my body was without. strength, and despite all that I could do, I was unable to keep my hands and feet from becoming icy oold. My appetite left me, and soon I had to give up work. My general health was of course failing, and I lost flesh. .As you. know- I am sixty-five years of age, and when a man loses strength at that age, it is a hard thing to build him up again. I tried several kinds of medicines, but they all failed to benefit me, I was growing discouraged when some of my-• old cus- tomers advised me to try Dr Williams' Pink Pills. At first 'referred for I did not believe any medicine on earth could help me, but at last friendly persuasion had its effect, and I bought a supply of the pills and began taking them. I soon found that they were bent fitting me, and so con- tinued their use Medi Dr Williams' Pink Pill° have made me a new man. I feel stronger and better day by day ; I am gaining in weight, and once again I am able to attend to my old customers without the. least trouble. 1 considered the pills my best friend, and would not be without them' ." Dr Williams' Pink Pills are the friend of the weak and ailing. They surpass all others medicine° in their tonic, strengthen- ing qualities, and make weak and des- pondent people bright, active and healthy. These pills are sold by all dealers in media nine, or can be had by all dealers in medi- cine, or can be had , by snail, postpaid, at 5u cents per box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr Williams 3fedioine Cos,. Brookville, Ont. Sold by All Newsdealers Furn shes Monthly •to all lovers of Song and Music a vast volume of. New, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most popular authors. - 64 Pages 01 Plago music Half Vo01, Half instrumenfel 21 Complete Pieces for Plato Once a Month for 10 Cents. Yearly Subscription, $1.00. If bought in any music More at one-half off, would cost $5.26. a saving of $5x5 monthly. In one year you get nearly 800 Pages of Music, comprising' 252 Complete Pieces for the Piano: if you cannot get a copy from your Newsdealer, Bend to us and we will stall you a sample free. J. W. PEPPER, Publisher, Eighth a Locust Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. • MEN'S VIEW OF WOMEN. Earth has nothing wore tender than a pious woman's heart—Luther. Remember, woman Is most perfect when most womanly, -Gladstone. Lovely woman that caused our cares can every care beguile. Beresford, He that would have fine . guests let him have a.fine woman, -Ben Jonson. A wowah's strength Is most potent when robed in gentieneis.--Lamartine. Disguise our bondage as we will, 'tie woman, woman, rules us still. --Moore. 011 and water, woman and a secret, are hostile properties.-Bulwer Lytton, Women need not look at those dear to them to know their moods. -Sow - elle. Kindness in woman, net their beaute- ous looks, !hall win my love. Shake• speare. - Raptured man quits each dozing gage, 0 woman, for thy lovelier pagel -Moore. Ha is a fool who thinks by force or skill to turn the current of a woman's will. -Samuel Tuke. ' The most beautiful object in the world, it will be allowed, is a beauti- ful woman.~ -Macaulay. If the heart of a man its depressed with cares, the mist is dispelled when a woman appears. Miss • Sarah WillieMB, aged 52, of Muncie, Ill., gave her finance $3,400, - and be never came back. Miss B. Agnes Lane refused to act with a "Don Caesar de . Bazan" com- • pany in New York because she had to be spanked on the stage, • NINE BOILS, FOUR RUNNING SORES. • One fast is better than 10 beareays. Ask Doctor Bargees, Supt, Hospital for Insane, Montreal; wbere they have used it for deers, for hie opinion of• "the :IDA L,"Alen= tbo.'Piaster.: • •GFet the genuine made by Devic& Lawrence Co., Ltd. burit g i he inquiry into the loss of the Islander atYtetoria, Mr Green, of Tacoma, se titled that Pilot Leblanc c wee on t he :vessel drunk, and Capt Foote showed signs of having been drinking. INERVILINE CURES. Rheumatism. ." The remarkable strength and marvellous soothing property of •Ner- yiline-nerve pain oure-renders it almost infallible in Rheumatism: Fivetimes stronger than, any other its penetrating power enables it to reach the•oonrceof pain and drive out the disease. Nerviline is more penetrating,stronger, end more highly in its action tha any meicine heretfore devised for the relief of man's infirmities. Druggists eels it everywhere. - . Amateur Book= Keepers Can haveno right place in any business office. The .student who graduates from the Feder- ated Business Colleges of On- tario, Limited, with schools at London, Toronto, B amilton, Ottawa, Sarnia, Berlin, ,Galt, Guelph, St. Catherines. Has the advantage of 'expert training in book - keeping and accountancy. No • better time than now to enter. Forest City' Busi- ness College, Y.M.C.A. build - ng London, Ont. J. W. Westervelt, Principal. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Soso time ago'amy blood got Out of order cad' sine large bone appeared on sty sock, besides numerous small ones en ay Amadora and arms. Four' taming motes appeared on my foot and legend I was lila a terrible stats. A friend advised' rj'ocli iilootl Bitters, eo I prooured three: betties After Qnishing the first bottle the bode shared is disappear and the sores to lead sp. Atter taking the third battle dem Wan sot a bail or lore to be aaen. $esNn that, Ace beadaehes frogs whit* 2 ,ailb,rd Ise as sari. I iaiprowal As 'much Meta alae ewe straits and robed egais. ♦; tri.$....! w.. y. ...r,.r. Y..- V- - ., (-: .. ]Tram,./. Taking Sunday Colleeti.as. An old and not yet obsolete mode of taking a collection in a Scotch church is by means of a ladle -a small wooden box at, the end or a straight wooden shaft aboutfour and a halt Leet long, the top of the' box being sufficiently open to receive contributions of money. For all special collections this was the usual mode in the chief churches of Edinburgh when I was a boy at -school there 50 years ago, but it has gradually gone out of fashion and Is not often to be seen nowadays. . For ordinary Sunday, collections the general custom has been to bave a Metal plate or basin . on a small table at the church entrance superintended by an elder -a mode which was often called the brod. When ladles' are used, they are handed round the congregation by elders after+fhe sermon or after the last psalm; and the. common Scotch phrase to "Uft" the collection may have come from this custom: Your Attention ! Londesboro. Mills Have been remodelled by the latest • system q flour making by replacing the reels to the Wolf Gyator Sieve System, which will enable me to maks a more euperlor grade of hoar. Trusting my attention, to business will solicit your trade in general. I cordially invite yon to see the mill and inspect the flour. R. S. Webb, - Londesboro Ang 80.2m rf Clearing out sale of Bicycles 25 New Wheels consisting of McBurney -Beattie Clevelands Racycles Goderich Also 25 Second-hand wheels; at $7.00 and up. Close Buyers • This is your opportunity as we do not intend to carry a single wheel. EMERSON'S BICYCLE AND MUSIC MOUSE, Goderick ilfvarll Repairs MARBLE AND GRANITE 1ONIIMENTS: attenbury St. Works; CLINToN. . Dirbot importers, Workmanehin'. and Material guaranteed. Whit is I A rAfito" id .1i for Infants and Children. • Castors its u rnY:;eso „ ibstitute for Castor Old°' Paregoric, Drops d Soo4 .:sig Syrups. It contains neither Opium, _?®i nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. guarantee is thirty years' use .by Millions of 0Iothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ;leas. Castoriia cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants' and Children, giving healthy and statural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea -The 11Tother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for children, Mothers have repeatedly told ine of its good effect upon their children." DR. G, C. 080000, Lowell, Plass. Castoria. "Castoria Is so well adapted to chiidrer! that ]: recommend it as superior to any pre. scription known to me," • H. A. ARCHER, M. D. ,Brooklys, N r THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THC' ACNTAUR COMPANY, T7 MUPRAY sTHCCT, NEW vomit CITY. 11.11.1011.11111.1111MIMMMAM -411111111111111111.111 Clinton Bass., Door, and - Bl.i�d Factory. S. S. COOPER PROPRIETOR General Builder and . Contractor. Thie factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latestimproved ma. teneive an ex fe. w e oar , et notioe. s orte ry work on the b ohfnery, capable of doing and reliable stock and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all slaw( es of buildings on short notice and on the clesbet', prices All worts 18 enpervin ed.an a mechanical way and satisfaction. guaranteed: We sell all hinds of in terior and exterior material. ' • 1Lumber LathShlnles,Lime.Sash,DoorsBlinds, Ete • GRAY/SILL . SCHOOL DESKmannfaotdre! Agent for' the Celebrated (,'4It o at Waterloo.: Call •and get prises and eatrmatee before plaoing v ur orders SEALS & BICE Proprietors. irst class :Buqqies andwag ons -we havealarge assortment iment o f firstclass'Buggies : to choose from and intending buyers will iind our .stock date. Prices are low for high-grade goods. Geo. Lavis General Imol nlent Realer. Bicycies! New and Second.11and We have a few second -band wheels, in good running orders which we are prepared to sell cheap. They are exceptionally good value for the money we ask for them, We hays also a few new wheels, of the best make, which are oftered at wholeegle price. .There's nearly four months of wheeling yet this season -anyone warming a wheel can't do bettertl.an come and see us. Pt,nxronas Scent -2000 ib -for sale cheap All kinds of Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing and repairing, `SEELEY' & TURNER CLINTON, R number of Secondhand Wheels for sale chead. The Novelty Bakery and Restaurant We are prepared to imply all; your wants in the bakery line; and we guarantee to give satiefaotion in ovary respect. We make a epeoialty in Wed- ding Cakes and of icing cakes at a reasonable pride. Our Restaurant tea plane where yon will find everything in a first class reetaur• ant. Candies of all kinds and always fresh. Cigars in the best of brands. Toba000s of all kinds.' WC have Ice Cream Drinks and Fruit of alt kinds in season MoClaoherty'a Old Stand J. MclJlay Teoe'phone No. 1, OIiINTO o 10Pe rine Worth $25.00, our :price $22.50., Clinton ites Onr goods are allnew and up-to-date in style. We oan show you a great , variety of Parlor, Dining -room and Bedroom Furniture, at prices that defy competition. Prides reduced on Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Room Mouldings. Our Pianos, Organs sad Sewing Machines, are guaranteed t9.giye satisfaction. , .T. H. �'' 7 ELY'BW. Blyth t - For torpid Liver, A Poor Digestion, Flatulence, 6 Constipation, Biliousness and Sick Head -Ache. it They are Safe,. Mild, Quick -acting, xt Painless, do not weaken, And always give satisfaction.. They are the moist reliable Household Modicine known, and oan be taken at any season by Adults or Children. ALL THE 'LEADING' DRUGGISTS .SELL BRISTOL'S' Pile McKILLOP 11IUTUAL FIRE, INSURANCE CO. FARM &ISOLATED 'TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED ors OzRS J. Et, McLean, President, El , pen i'. 0.; Thos. Fraser,,leepreeiden Aimee - ._ 0. obi P. aser Mee 0. IT .PAYS 8681' Iv Tita tail D. Have you seen the oatalogao o f the CANADA BUSINESS College Cllatilain, Ont. If not, you are not yet familiar with the belt Canada has to offer in the linea of brei. 4..) nese Training, Shorthand or Pennanehip. Wo havo supplied more teachers for other business schools than all other Canadians bYtainea colleges combined., Bos of our pupils secured good position dory ing the pact year, Send for thi1 list and land' come cotelogne. Good board for ladled at 2.00 per creek. $2.50 we pay raliway fare. I1 oirounietanoes will not allow you to ey tend at Chatham,you dun get Instruction b MAIL in Book•Reeping,Shorthandof Penta= ship from Canada's greatest;aohoot of 14. 1-4 nes*, by addreIaina. D, afo'tAOKLAN d: CO., Chatham, Ont.