HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-10-04, Page 4Or 4th, OM THE. 01J10., ON NEW ERA • e Best: Millinery Openinq e , 'as •i rf' • • ;,., Yes., and Clinton's best. It was rather warm last week but ' 1.* not warm enough to mar the success of our Fall'Opening: ' Manye „4 tt ... of the hundreds who came last week to admire, couldn't resist buying. . We thank our opening visitors for the enthusiastic expressions heard on . every side—"Prettiest Hats in Clinton and so reasonably priced.' That was the general ver- dict. We shall expect you again. Opening all this week, In matters of this kind no . eyes but your own are satisfactory witnesses. Our display would be a credit to many city stores. .-.....-.4-•-•-•-•-•-..÷..4.444-4,-..,..-..**4-4,...4.44.....1... 1 We are sole agents in Clinton for the Famous Modes Patterns. A Fashion Sheet for the 'asking. . 44-,•.•-•44.4,-.444-.44.414-44.44 September Dress Goods Sales the largest on record There are three ways of selling cheap. Onejs to lower the:quali- •Czolgosz now says he is sorry he ehot MoRinley, He should bave done some ty—that isn't cheap at alt, another is to sell something that is old- herd thinking before tbe event; and he would have no ormastozeto be sorry. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM PKE of YORK Celebration TOIRJON , The Presbytery of Rarer) meet)) at BrUeefield, next Tuesday, Sth host I, one of the important roattets to be dealt with is the call to the vacancy of tl Eippea-l'iesbyteriawchurcle.- Is•TEAT -We have received trona the Pike Mfg. 00ti a Pike Station, N.11,,,a neat glees paper weight and k f shatpener combined. It is a hantIV 11.4TU1t1J Trelatele will bo sold tor this Cele- 1 thing to have around au office desk. eratien at This firm 1 m extensive menufaeturer of Ansmi.a Fang, .$3.70 seyt he atones, oil atones, etc. Glow. going Ootober OttoOtit, or 11%1 returning UI) to October iith Purchase your tickets at Town Office. F. It. illotigetis, Town Agent,. (lintel', Ont. %al Vtutrttitiaxtats. Wateh-Henry , , page 1 Our Baking Powder -Rookie-. 1 Millinery opening-Ilewcombe 4 Duke of York -PR Rodgens . .. • 4 Look hers-Ruroball & Nalliath 4 Will 0P611-Flarland Bros,. 5 Our stock -R. Coats & Son 5 Blyth fair-MoRinnon 6 Bicycle for sale -E JEor ey , „ ... , . 5 Card-Ridont &Rale Cottage to rent -Mrs Rudd 6 Stockers for sale. W Pickard... 5 Teachers wanted -.1 Wilson6,2 Apple Butter -John Thirst ....... 0 A success-Redgens Bros 4,A • 'sr ow sr 8 Shoes -W Taylor & Son..., . tinttitv Zito vs, FRIDAY , OUT, 4, 1901. Owing to press of local, the second letter descriptive of Mr. W• Dobeity's interesting trip is unavoidably left over till, next week, fashioned or undesirable—not cheap either' the third is to mark down what people care most for --and thatis how we are build- ing up the biggest Dress Goods Business in Town. We have just received another large shipment of HOMESPONS, CHE- VIOTS, COVERT CLOTHS, ETC. 56 inch wide Biaok Cheviott, th3 beat Engliah make, warranted all fine wool, one of the s ery •newest., clothe fcr, nA tailor made suits; sold in many scores at 81.35 per yard. Oar special price per yard • 1.•vu 54 and 56 inch wide Homespuns, in the newest shades of navy, green, brown anialie Oxford Greys that are en , . , snoh great demand for skirts and mita they are made of the best quality of WOOJ and we buy them 'direct from' the mill, prices here are the lo east in town • , ' 75e, 1.00; • A.10 56 inch wide Covert Settings, in brown, fawn, grey and black, will make very stylish and serviceable suite, per 25 yard 50 inch wide cloth enitings, in grey, navy and fawn, good heavy gaality, for girls wear, price per yard .60 The 36 inch wide all wool Henrietta we are selling at 25o is the best value in the country, it is as good as a 35o sta line brought in for comparison, shades are royal, navy, garnet, cardinal, pink, sky and cream, price. ..... • •Xlit Good -fitting Corsets One fact should never be lost sight of in getting a CORSET that on it depends the fit and set of the Dress or Shirtwaist. then the• - question of comfort comes in. For Fall you want a CORSET heaity enough for COMFORT. So by all odds get a CORSET that FITS - you, even if it COSI S a BIT more than you had planned to pay. Our Corsets are perfect in at andfinish and in arranted to give good wear. Erect Form Corsets, $1 and $2 I4ong Waist Corsets at 50e)750, $11 Si' French Flannels for Waists. Every pair filled with the best steel. One may not agree with the Hon. Clark Wallace and yet admire some phaaes of his character, and many of his political opponents will regret to eee that he ie seriously ill at Woodbridge. The, inquiry into the loes-of thesteam ship Islander, whereby 40 net@ „Wen.) Int3t wtien the boat was on its way to Victoria, showe goat both the Captein and Pilot were drunk, le there any need to oomnient,on that?, The Dominion revenue deriyed from customs for the three noontbs ending Sept. 30, amounts to 88,033.e94. This is an in crease of 8488,924, or nearly half a million dollars, over the sanan time last year. Ihe Moreau for •the month over September, 1900, was $2822810.. This is a pretty good showing, and indicates a healthy state of bileiness, ii•oiitirei Sweep. The Nova Scotia local elections were held on Wednetday, and resulted inrre big victory for the Libenals, There Witt 88 members in the House, and the con- seryatives only bad 3 members in last legislature. On Wednesday, they only succeeded in electing one tie possioly two members.. This ts a terrible defeat Additional Loral.PQco S. NEW FIRMS-Ridout St Bele ie the name of a new -firm, the mem ears being Mews. 3. Ridout • and C. B. Hale, fOrtired for the purpose of • carrying an conveyancing, Insurance; Bro. There is nothing so serviceable for Fall Waists as French Flannels. Our stock is the . AN ACTUAL FACT. -In a letter to largest we have ever had—never sold so many in one sewn as this. They come in the new- w*I* IRs4,nWsbkole a° of i ct Ivlisnes ctormbisili ot :rt 13 in i • 1 . , „ est shades of blue, pink, red, purple, navy, etc., .111 spots snangures price per yard -60C New Yotk city thin amusing little its- , a • ' . • n cident happened: -Two , teen., 'Jews, were applying •for a license in New Yor k recently. On the statement is a line for the landlord's ,name, which he had omitted. On asking the name one replied "Levy",_but what is his Chris- tian name? His 'chew stepped up aod whispered, gesticulating with his. hands. "Mine frien, he hasn't any, he's a Jew" I Your money back if you want it, CLINTON ehnrch Chimes -- Mr rhos. Minch will take the ser vices at Turner's and Adma appoint men ts on Sunday. Rev. E. P. Armstrong, of Tupper- ville,formerly pastor of Turner's church Tuckerstnitb, was married last week to a Miss Bauwell, of Windsor. Muer-Ism-It is intended to replace the arc electric light by some other il- luminant, and a test will be made of an new gas light recently introduced. I the order of exercises was of interest to the large number who turned out, it - being the review of the lessons fot the - past three months and they were all I thoroughly dealt with and explained, A. Rooper taking those for July, Rev. W. A. Gifford kr August and J. N. Shaw for September; the orchestra was present and gave a number of ,In. st rumen tal selections, Weems Cauncet.-All over Canada Sunday, the 20th of September, 'Was set apart in the Presbyterian cIstach for a children's aervice and an exchange of pulpits was made with the pastor and v. Mr Perri°, of Wirighara Pres- byterian church, who gave splendid discoursee both merning and evening; his sermons showed thogghts of depth and Were well delivered, In the afters hohn vilets a Oily of the Sunday School children and Illquibilfff of the &Mares gation who turned out in a goiidly number, the servicee being held in the auditorium. Much credit is drys to M. Dow zer and Thos. Jackson,jr., Who conducted the choral pert, which was appreciated by all. The weer of service chiefly consisted of responsive routings by the leader and sehoot, shoging, and an admirable address by Rev, Mr Pet- rie, who spoke intelligently on missions in which was shown be had studied the subject thoughtfully and able to apeak on ite needs ; the collectinn taken up was for this worthy -object. The choir consisted of male yokes entirely Who ably assisted in the singing., A solo and quartette "Never Alone" -was ex- cellently taken by T. Jackson ire W. 11, Latornel, tire 0. Reece endiltliss Me 0 Who also sang the 6610 ; a solo by eart Jackson was also well rendered. I a. Scott, as sdperintetident, presided s yet pleatant part Of the aftetneon . s ice Was the pres btatiou of a dip• tome, from the Gferierat .Aesembly to Miss L. Walkingehaw for having, atan examination held some noonths ago, recited by heart the entire Shorter rated:lithos At the eveni g neirvihn-thee choir tendered thew hem "Arnsielfig Grate", and was well gieen ....After last Sunday service it wee conireeretion meeting for the Endeavor and wee on (toted by the president, J. Meltsven ; the bneitiese Meeting Wait held on Monday evening. The annual Thanksgiving meeting of this Excelsior Mission Bend was toed 111 tbe lecture room on Tuesday evening. The cons testae ot the Mite•boxes were returned aid amounted to $17,50. liddreettee on Thaniteglyinn Were given by ilfre W R Lough and Mre iticherd Irwin. Mee Willion led In the dedicatory prayer. A duttt Wee snag by Mee On Sunday afternoon Rev. 0. R. Gunne expects to take the, House of Refuge service, to be assisted by the choir of St. Paul's church. eit-is antici- pated, that the organ to be placed in .the elope, will be here by that time. - • ftey. fir. tiitiord, of town, while away on a two weeke vacation teeently, de- 114:bred hie lecture otia"The Mammoth Cave" at Springfield Trinity church at the barvest home festival. The London Adveiniser in speaking of it says it was "breezy and splendidly de - 1, iptive". ST. JOSEPH'S Cleruncte-The 4th be- ing the first Friday of the month the services at 8 a, m. will be conducted .by Father Nortbgrave. of Seeforth, in the absence of Father McMenamin, who will have returned from his visit to Montreal for the regular services on Sunday next. On his return he will also occupy his fine new parochial home next to the church. S. A. NOTES. -A grand HaIlelnjah wedding will take place in the town hall, Clinton, on Wednesday, October t , at8 p. m. The cetemony will be conducted by Majot McMillan,of L. n - don, assisted by Staff Capt. Ham gs, ,Clinton corps, also officers and spieler& �f surrounding corps. A wedding sup- per will be given at the Barracks at • 0 80 p. tn. This in the first time an event of this kind has publicly taken place in connection wielis the aria*, in this town and they expect that the many citizens will attend to witness the marriage ceremony of two Yining people from town. Every person la in - ONTARIO STREET Clerrnow.-At the "Ifteagud on Monday evening the topic an temperance was taken by the presi- dent, Miss Lucy Stevene....0Wing to the repairs going on,service will be held in the basement....Regular monthly fellOWShip Meeting'next Sunday morn- ing.... The service last Sunday even - ng was taken by Roy. 3. Hussar, of Relhaestrille, Dr. Gifford preaching an- titedreery dernieed at 11olineeyille. • .. wAt the Sunday School in tile afternoon Laura Biggarb and Miss Rippey, The remainder of the program consisted of a dialogue by Mies 1Vinnie and Miss Lillie Coats and two recite. Mons one by seven little girls, the other by it class of boys. The roll call was responded with Verses of Scripture / on thenksgiving. The total collections from January to the present time have amounted to $45 exclusive of the thank -offering., Revs.. G. R. Turk formerly of Luck now, and Cleo. W. Kerby, the well- known Methodist pastors, who re- signed important charges to take up Gospel Mission work, closed meetings in Woodetock on Sept. 16th. anti are now working in Listowel. They go to Lucknow in December. W 0 T U °mama -The meeting of the WCTU was held in the Council pepper, reidagetTe 27. _ ThAreeic.lent,, Pars Stewart, presided, Mae us9enale"- ing the devotional Memoir. Tile Reo-tieoy gave her report for the work done' for the year; and Mrs Elford gave ber report on Women's Franohige. New onion for the coming year were ebnotedas folleive:-Pree, Mrs (Rev) Stewart; let Vice, Mrs Czech; 2nd Vioe,Mrs. (Rev) Dunlop; Rea See.,Mre Sege; Car -Sea, Mug Perrin. Trees, Mre Wm, Centelon; Sinperintendatite Of Departmente:-Soientifio Tem peran0aM ise Wilson; Narootio, Mut D Stevenson; Women's Franchise, Mrs Elford; Railway, Mrs Levis; Horne Department, Mrs Shaw and Dire (Rev) Green; Prete, Mrs Biddle- combe, RAVrENntlat Sx. Onnitort. - Rev, Mr Dunlop took the topic at the League on Monday evening, the peed - dent occupying the chafe., ..Laet Sun. day was a special day for the young people connected with the church. It Was the League anniversary and Sun- day school Rally Day and Rev. Mart) Bradshaw conducted both services. In the morning the League aseemblecl a body aud, the reverend gentleman gave the young folke a practical ad- Arai:Ai-Me-choral part being taken by the Sunday School choir which also rendered se, vice at the aftern o ,Tly, at *bleb a number of intereoing ad- dreetiett Were given, The day proved one of enthueirterd, noi withstanding the had Weather, and will be of much value to help keep up interest old stire- 'elate the efforts put forth in thk San - day School and League; Rey, 13rad- sheve's expositions were thoughtful and appreciated by those who listened to thera,...Nekb Sunday morning is the regular monthly fellowship meet. 'fig....The pastor will preach at both sertriees next Sundsv ; eaking in the mumble' upon 0A au jec that needs no IntgOduotions Domnici Norma -The conteote in (tingles by points, for the iturnball tsophy, have all been practically played by the members' On Wednesday. last week three, S. Wise- man, H. B. Combe, and J. W. Treleeyen, were the same with 14 pointsto (*Oh. The next day aeyeral others ran up as high and 3. B. Hoover, made 17 points. In doubles a number of games, are yet to come Off; Messrs landau and Hilton, won from Messrs Taylor and Porter, by 10 to 4. The lawn is now being sodded where worn beta Any tnembers who nosy be desirous of playing, will please iherefpre play across the lawn, and avoid walking over the new sod. GREAT YIELD. -In the spring Phil Murray, of Varna, gave R. .Fitzernoone a'sample of potatoes celled the Canad- ian Honey. from 6 pounds which had cost him $1. Mr Fitzsimons was hand. ed three small potatoee, all of which did not weigh over one-quarter of a pound, and told to plant them and see /what results he would have. • The other day we were shown the yield, which consiated of a basketful of tubers that REMOVED ENGINE. --The other day a, London Arm having a lien on the ettgine at the Orealy Creamery eent Mee here to remove it, and the MaYee ge.Ve instructions to obstruct there; we learn 034 the engine has since been removed, as the town had no right to hold it, although a mort- gage is on the building. RETURNED ONLY PART. -About two mouths ago a lady happened to lose her handbag in town, containing a uumber of small articleatogether with her pocket bookll and a few souvenir coins. A few dayesince she Was agree- ably surprised to receive the satchel tbrotigh. the mail, with agiss contents except thercoins. She is glateful to the finder for its return, but would have been more so had the coins also been, included, , • JUDGES.-Messre. j. E. Blacken and Jas, Reynolds were Judges on horses at Wingham Fair, on Friday; Messrs, Elaekall. MeRIVen and D. McCervie go to Dungeon( pra'r for the sano purpose. Tho". Holloway went to (wodeneh exhibition on Tuesday, on fruit. W. Snell was judge of horses at Woodstock Exhibition. Miss Lily Eulergoesto Bayilehl Fair next week, to act air judge on ladies' work. AMONG TRE MM. -Miss McGreg- or, of Hullett, who underwent -a !suc- cessful Opel ation for appendici t is lately, is nicely progressing at the hospi Mrs Murray, of the House of Refuge, who was operated upon for a rupture, is getting along as well as can be ex- pecteds We are glad to learn that II. Plurosteel has overcome the serious W- eeps he had to contend with for some time ; he has AP far recovered as to be able to gnoutside the house, and it is expected he will soon be able to attend to business.. -Robe, Mason, we rejoice to say, is improving. . MUSICAL •CLUale-Many hs town s Th C II Vate • Sports ppenings. vocal teacher froth 'Laptop, has been The annual field der of. tap , oper Book Store Pi Purse rot 25c OneIhat Wm well made, the correct eize, le dark colored teatime. River can be carried without fear Of kering it, ...,Price 25c Berlin Woos and Yarns Art Silks and Materials.. blo one keeps their wools in nicer shape or has a larger assortment than you,will and here. We use a speoial stack boa ot our Own idea and the wool is alweye in nice fresh condition. The early Import orders are now ellea and you can get almost any shade you want in Berths Wools -2, 4 and.8 fold. Sax- onies in all ehades. Shetland biota, Crewel, Ice, and all kinds of Fingering Yat CM, • for Embroidery and Croobet work, We have e tine line of Belding's Wash Art $ilks and Daisy Bilks for Orciohet- ing, also Brainat d Armstrong' Twill Enobroidery. Silkolene in gamut afteen different Lender; at 7o spool. Stemped Doylies and Centre Pietas Lo matob--Poylies at 19c and Centre Pieces at 25e Different Kinds of Eyes Need different kinds of glasses. We have a most ele.boratesysteroof testing eyes and you can depend upon res for abbolute accu- • racy. Examination FRIA& . Spectacles adyieed only when really needed, . Satisfaction o money refunded. ' W CUN.TON who are mesically inclined will' be •. . 0 (s 1. pleased to. learn that Miss •Walkets• ' ' orts in con. Glimpse at the Pall Headgear instrumental in organizing a musical club in town. Those whojoin will not only ,find it of It great benefit but afferd much enjoyment at the gather - inset, which Dotty be held monthly or oftener. Quite a number have already joined the C. M. C. while there are others who have signified their inten- tion to do so also. At a meeting held at Mr Gibbingrr on Wednesday even- t)* it was or gan)Fed with the folloveing offlcers!-W Doherty, Hon president; Mrs W Bridorre, president ; Mime *M Bell and W Leto; net, vice presidents; Miss A Gibbings, secy-treas.; Mia elombe, librarian • J McRae, Mrs (Dr) Holmes and W Q' Phillips, committee. IMPROVEMENTS. -The new walk on the east side of Albert street :from the town hall to Irwin's corner and up to Ford & is a great improve. nection with the Co lef rate institute • vnas held at Recreation ast Vriday,part The summer season is over and the ' of tbe program being run eft commenc- fall upon us brings with it changes itt ipg at 10 a na dnd the. remainder in dress but more particularly so in mils the afternoon. Without doubt it was Finery. . One place its the world • where • stpboerbtedeatiaer Tsuhrepaa,ststeednafaonremeewritsangtiooucial, lainweerynioapen nine. There She revels in delights to linger is at a mit.- many of the citizens taking advantage , the beautiful and many nien do also, of the beautiful day to go and vie etst be, Millions are spent semiannually to events. The contests were entered in- tempt the Goddess of Fashion to yield • to with enthusiasm, all viewing to Win; some new designs or some charm ' first place and every event was run off, millinerseart, The worshipers at this. satisfactory. ,There was to be a foot- shrine being so many the millinery ball match between the collegiate and ttores in town have dressed in holiday with either Goderich or Seaforth but attire for the event. Everything pre- arrangements tell behind and the game sented a gay appearance and the ladies did not materialize. The pregram was turned out in large numbers to inspect; in the hands of a very energetic and the styles 'and attend the oreninge efficient committee which no doubt which were on last Thersday, ,Friday was the reason of the success of the and Saturday: It was the pleasure of day. The officers.of. the day were :-- a NEW ERA reporter to idea the de- partments in town and there partake . in a measure, the eestacies which , come tossvoman's heart. 'tient to our main street, the curb SRandprtsaf3odmEthi committee, m.LeLR:annef;0.ecd.leWrk... E. along the side is being attended, to bv W. Treleaven and W. P. Spalding.; statters. Dr. Shaw and W. Jackson; time keepers, J. Houston and Jas. Scott; judges. W. E:Itand, E. •hi, McLean, and, j.W. Treleaven. The program was dtvidel into somehalf dozen classes the winner c,f ine rnostn umber of points in Class A. being thecup holderfor this Street Inspector, C. carter, and will be made the same as that on the opposite .ide. What would now stilt improve appearances would be the neve walk from Combo's thugstore to thellatten- bury Reuse. The newstvalk petitioned for on °merge street from Huron; to HODGENS BROS, On the second floor of the handsome store of Hoarsens Bros is to be found their millinery rooms. They are fftted up with much taste arid present a very attractive appearance. Misses Doyle Joseph is about completed which year, J. Whichicm having :bat honor and Raodall with her staff of astistants will not only he a -convenience to -the 1.; seduring 11 points. R. Hever andE, have made -the- commodious room a, residents but lied greatly to the ap- ging each next with 6 puede. The veritable bower of loveliness from a. pearance of this street. We are afraid from what we learn that the new cros- sings to be built across the streets in- teresting main street will notlikely be laid this fall, much to the regret of the general public, who think' it is time the olcIstone crossings, which have done good service, should be remcved and particularly now when the new walks are being put down. The briek vvork on the new Wesley church was completely finished on Thursday and the frame work is being rushed by T. Mcs 'Kenzie's men. D. Prior is progressing favorably with the brickevork at On- tario street Methodist church; the car- penters hay° started at the interior, PAM'S CHtnten.-Zasi Sunday Har. vest Thenksgiving services were held. The ladies of the church had decorated the in. teriorfor the ocoesion and much to their credit it was beantiftd,which seemed tO be in harmony with the services. The Rev j C Farthing, M A., of Vitoodatock, preached and the sermone delivered were sound and elevating; needless to saythe large omens - oaf= much appreciated hie expositions. Holy oommuniou was edrainietered at 4 and Ile m„ and was well attended. The choral portion ot the services were extra for which the ahoir and Its leader, W 17 Liters nett; are deserving of praise. The antheusti "Oar Grod"Te Lord of the Harvest" and 'The Harvest Tide Tbankegiviug" in the morning were excellently given, as well as those "Thou visitest the Earth" and “Ye shall dwell in the Land" at eveneong,, the solo parts taken by Miss Dell, T Jackson le., Stewart laoloron and W /Atoms% being well reneered. The afternoon was devoted to a ishilaren's eeryioe at whfeh Rev Fatthing gave instructive address weighed 14 lir, Mr Fitzsimons heving the ooeotion was "ken UPI" hYrun 11*°k6 made 14 settings, and netting on an I and rittials which amounted to $6.43. The average a pound from each, or at the colleetione taken up at the morning and det4 yield. rate of 50 ponude from one. This Is ie. ternikn go offeringforowr Ayes hiejorhihttegoolZiyrditrtili received, being 51/2, with several envel- Tye MAniers,--There le net ranch °bang° epee to come in. The two companiee of =Idle wader the commend of Orme Combe and °tot MaTaggart, will parade to Si. Panl'e °hunts on Sunday morning next, for the 11 eolook serve:re, Beata will be reserved for them in the body of the church and 4 000101 44rinon will be preeehed by the tricolor. West Wawanosh. tiovolm A FArtte.-.10hu Mallough, who recently sold hie own farm near Proeperity,has bought one on the Lon- don road, near Dentield, and move,' thereto in a few days. Itis 107 acres and cost him $0,500. in the market report for the past week. Butter and ego are not too plentiful but still apparently sufficient te meet the te. quiremente of dealers and the public; the prime are the akina an last week, Utter at 134 to 150, egg° et lle to 12a. Fruit is still being largely imported, grape(' prin. civilly, and selling at 28o per beeket. Fetiches are moaner at 75e per basket. Apples are going at good prioett, the eva, potato paying about 40 ciente per bag, for eyaporatingapples but the buyers of fall apples are celled upon to trey high prices for good peeking apples. Totatoee still Ire quoted, a* 500 per bushel, Ilunot; Ititentutter.-Tho 83rd Which wilt take part in the military review at Toronto before R. B, It the Duke of Cornwall and York from konday, the 7th of Oct, will mobilize at the different company's head quartsre earlyen More daymorning sodrnovetoTorontob the Hallett NoTne,-Ildies Lillie Austin took ad- vantage of the excursion on Friday to 'visit friends in Detroit andalso In Mar- lette, Michigan. it le reported, and we believe truly so that a popular young rowdiest porisible trains. The regiment - man of the "settlement" will parade in full strength, vis.: one I life PArtner next, m r young week, ' will take a le the,ute of person ‘ Ileuterstnt•colonel,2 me.joi a of a very popu 1 adjutant, m x Ito , ' I medical oftleetsI quartermaeter,1 pay .1 c 1 P, master, 0 captain., 0 lieutenants, 0 2nd i lieutenants, 88 staff arid regimental 41..........atrno,...........••••0 I sergeants -315 total rank and file, 412 Rehab Ma'am' of Sydney was fatally pothrvieent7.1rt:f"e'irtlag tfor°132ft 4giCet!trIketrrenC°rwreesli- total all ranks. The fieUtenanbcolorthi; Oruehea *gout *ixistn while driving int, known adjutantarid two atwo majors must be we stric k own here t --"The grounds and eur- mounted. rhe dress will be in revIeW . o talingeof the new ethurch„St. Peure. order. It is expected • all the come Di floods ire reported in Stein, v11' to teirktore bent: been just fletshed and roulles of this iteglinont, willhallo a iibeln:inundated and missy °Weer sv i gt put in excellent order. and altogether full quota of men and the band will 1,6711 ;lie ei.,mtlful church preeente A most be.,.,stronjr,,i 04,,p,10,_010,.beA ,,,ef_ N,0 ' 6_0, Itkr The Oroesley.ttunter reeve Welt t,to r.114 4* '''''Pe°' "di fit'etit much ete. ni niskhaallvuevbaePctil. obuustry 071'141; gettingo # u , lh, : at Hensall are bell( lar el at s end; a tri:t7lanntnilltbeili:ev°1Pgliftellfytahried°Virh erfe4ctnogr, eve ni ht the tin be ed , recruits into proper drill ; the former, Will helm over 40 men &Ed the latter owe 85. The rd will he one of the beet **entente in the reel**, / canomenoement exercises are to be con- cluded in the town laall,on Friday even- ing, Nov. 15th, whets the prizes won at the *worts and the certificates gained at the midsummer examination will be presented, also a suitahle program will be arranged. TLe following are the remits of the field events ' Crakes A -Cur EVENTS. • Running hop, step and jump -W. Shipley, 35 ft. 3 in.; Whiddon, 85 ft. 8 ikikAdnMgehteighod'iu38mti-Oft" 2.ininteer,.4 10 in. ;.N. fdurcb, 4 ft. 9 in. ; F. Chant, 4 ft. 8 In. • ' Whiddon, 33 ft. 5 in. ; McLeod, 31 ft. 5 in.; W. Ship- lerftutfitu‘g8biruead inutp-L Whidden. 16 ft li in. ; A. McLeod, 14 It. S ; 11.101(Vntiagrdi lAraeft;e-3 tielyar' j. Whid don, W. Shipley. Pole yauIt-N. Murch, Oft. 7 in.. O. PorLer.8 ft. 7 in. ; J. Whiddon, 8. it. 6 in. KiOninge,-Fth.iordhamnitl,e race -R. Relyar, R. One mile race -R Moe. F. Chant, Crass B 1,Nnen, 10 . Running broad bbiftroha(liurill')rriTN-10Poirto' 1 to everyone, Tine department forms a ft. 5 in. • Greig, 4 t. 11 ; %V. ' striking and beautift I background to man, 12 ft. 11 in. oue entering the store it was an array 109 yerti race--Carueron, Holman, of feathers and other materials. which Greig. gavel" splendid tinish to the other sur - Fatigue race -Cameron and Helmet); roundings in the store. However, the O. Brewer and L. Manning, • loveliness was not confined to the show crass 0,.../1"Ext it room for the window display WAS alga feminine point of view. All the latest sbapes and styles are on exhibition and are so pretty it is- hard to -partieularize. The prevading colors this year are fawa. pearl and green. One of the leading. styles in ahlack hat it a double decker rolled slightly at the left side sect the 'leading feature in toques is ones of nsir rr r velvet withsequins and °sprays. Some pretty tbingesui a welking hat shape is a grey felt embroidered witti black sequins and. jet ornaments its' front. Dant -Will be much worn this season. We have ordy given a few of the many shown by the courteous ladies who waited on the crowds who attended the opening at this establish- ment. A cloek and mantle department also en this floor • and pretty Ahd velusVe articles were to be seen, While the iwitdcw display was up to (he usual at the Palitee. The °loaning was *great sursitsv and the display something arthstic. • 7A.s./KWCOMBE'S Theweliknown millinerydepartment at 1s4svcorabes dry goods store was al- so a rust attractive and beautiful place for the women to go to. On Thursday enening the store was jammed arid Miss Stirch and berassistantatilthough rushed, paid the greatest of attention 100 yard race -L, Manning-, j. Runt. ball, -Reynolds. Consolation race -Reynolds. 0, J. Stewart, T. Romer% CLAnS D-DPEO SCrfOOL One mile 'bicycle.race (handicap) -P. Mulholland, J. Doherty, E. Chant. Relay race (team of 3, one from each clase)--Chent, Bohner) and Rumball ; King, Oaraeron and Manning.. ' MASS B---CeetteriATES eotThrrir. rti evidence. The colors much to be worn are gray and pastel shicles. Among the leaorto-wear walkine. hats are the Baden-Powell, Sagamore with many °there.' A Very special hat 18 a large black rolled up in front and canught with black velvet held In place With a buckle. Something new in , toques is the Princesa May made of eilk polkadot velvet and a neat walking hat are blacks with a soft crown of green velvet. Some pretty children% hats are in view and ale° a large assortment of 100 yard race -It. Etplyar, 3. Whid- wings, °sprays, stc., is kept on hand. K es. The display was splendid and it is a Hurdle race -Re Xtelyer,J. Whiddon. CLASS GIRLS 75 yard rem (terra 1)-M. Rolland, Nellie Holmes, A. Oook, 75 yard race (fornas 2, 4 and 5) - Irene Jackson, M. Clair, E COOper* Oonsolation-B, Cooper A. Cook. A meeting of the Deanery of tturon wart held in St. TbOntits church, Sea. forth. on Wednesday of last week, Rev, Rural Dean Rodgine, Jennings and MeQuillen, with Messrs. Metcalf and Clanton, were appointed& miesions comMittee. Haab clergyman is to rue range for Missionary meeting in his own parish. The arrangement for the Mahon% yleit. Wail loft with the Rtural Dean, diftieult matter to decide %bleb watt the prettiest hat. Sir joseph is the. new Lord Illeyot of London. Jabez Bunt, of' Plum -Mellow, was found dead on the road. . Mr 3. B. Dewit, an old resident of Colborne,was found dead labia garderic Foreet fires are doing a lot of dame /Age in the vicinity of Pertrteuf, Saguia. ney. Mrs W liymatemother of 08 man, M P, died at London,Ont. A sanguinary cotillict has taken Place between Mutemintane and Chris-, tient; la Beirut, Syria. The bit* Elder -Dempster* freighter Motto:wen h tan aground 'about 45 miles west of Quebec. Howard Walker, the Afro-1ndian. who pleaded guilty to a charge of manelatighter. Was dentenced by Judge Fergusonfotth4at Stratford to a term of fourteen years in the itingston Peni- tentiary.killing of a fellow -employee with the Pati..Alneridan Offen& The affair took Walker% crime was the ft the town of Parkhill en route Or SCO ott May Viet midnight, on board e circue epecial train, which bed illeb IU comodate eeewde, There ars eight indefatigable In his efforts to promote th 1' W. Roy. Stout Who has been pi ehurches of the *Wage and viola tY the Interests Of the church in thia per- le joining in the unions lob and with singular *twoee. Sea ow. AO slims* .,460.400aimilairookiaorio •