HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-10-04, Page 3rr TOE CLI TGN NEW ERA October 4t 1901 PTION oiotthink for a single moment hat consumption will t icr strike you a sudden blow. It does not come that way. . It creeps its wayalong. • irst you think it s a little cold, nothing but a little hacking 'COgghl then a little loss in weight • then a harder Gough; then the fever and the night sweats. Better stop the disease while ft is yet creeping Better cure your cough today. You: can do it with. `7-4 The pressure on the chest is lifted, that feei, ing of suffocation is re moved__, and Tau are cur. ed. You Can stop that little cold with a 25 cent will need a 50 cent size; if it's on the lungs the one dollar size will be most economical. . • cherry Pectoral to all my patrons. I am agog it new hamyowaramily. Porta/fro srifeal sure %Ted Write the Dotter at anytime. 'Af. (MLUNT.Elt.rta tit n GILDING POWDERS ARE MADE COPPER AND SPELTER, )torw tote MAtterloa mat Glues tee alining, westnlllo Finish to titterer soil Picture ieresuee ile, Produced.. Gold Leat Without Gold, I.), 1 l,ciciuley and Ltoollegeit, The late McKinley was of Scotch. Otr 1 Irish auceetory, The Bret of his an. ce tors borte in the United States was his greab.geandrather. Mr McKinley as born in Ohio, 1818, and wag the seventh of riga ehildcen`. [i -e - ablated - his career as a school teacher, and now musty persons who ege the sh ing gold In eolored printing and mirror and pleture framers know t gold does not enter at all into the co position of the stuff that produees th golden &Zech)? The ebilling metallic effect F rimed by a line powder made !gem mixture of bronze and smelter. T offers the cheapest anti helot noectne giving the rleb surfece demanded wall papers, printing, lithography, fre coing and in a vast range of manuf tured articles of wood, paper and Ire The material used its so called Dut Metak an alley of copper and spelt The .relative , proportions, are varied prodluce different colons. Tire larg the percentage of epelter the lighter more yellowleh will be the tint of tb The copper and epeiter are smelted graphite crucibles coetalning about 4 pounds of metal; which, when, co pletely fused, is run off into Mold forming half round ingots two fe long '1st' half an ineh In. thickneas, Aft- er cooling theee are bound into bundl and sent to the rotting nail', where the are passed cold nine times through double eet of steel .rolle under en mous Oressure. This flattens them drawe them mot into thin ritobons fro 50 to 60 feet long and something me than one Ina. ride. (Cold rolling u der snch extreme pressure makes th metal brittle, So it pASKOM to the a fleeting furnace, which is heated b wood fire, aa the sulphur in coal o coke 'would be %furious to the ribbon ductile by annealing,,,they.are cleanse in an atcld .bath,' cut into lengths o about three feet and collected In bit les of 40 or 50 strips each, They .ar aid between sheens of zing and .passe trips(- tit .tbe thlpeese of 'tissue .paper nd great skill' must be exercis'ed t (ter the third beating the.metral strip re taken from betireen the sheets o Mit, loosened from each Other en filtrate of potassium. The eleanieg epeeted after' the last beating, and .th beet& are hung on lines to dry. In th egMning 'the. roiled stripe are a du ray metallte color,- at the denrth beat.* ng the .yellowirsh colot begins to. show rol (after the trix.th they are clear au The defective leaves -are then tbrOwn ut and the perfect ones get into 'mat nuares, which are laid together' hy and in pickets of several hundred eh and inelotied w.ithtxt an 'envelop* f sheet braes.' The packets rebarn to he annealing furnace, whet* theY. aro nd then- go to the. beater's; where they re,reduced tinder 'flattening hammers the thinness Of real gold leaf, ep thin bat it can be . blown away' by the T• he Mantofticture. of bronze' powder Oasts in. grading, clipping •and put - e• n, Impalpable pewder and, _la On In- ustry •of comparatively recent date. 111z tbe Imperfect leaves which came as waste from the °beaters of Id,,tifider and bronZe. These were on hat ese ro- his Of le des eh er. to er or • 00 et 11/ re n. s. 0 1 Is 1 a A. • Alfred Daniels. North Dresden ki spected eitizera, dropped dead on 'Mon- day evening while milking his cow, Heart failurewas the rause. " • THIS VETERAN'S FIGHT In the day* of the Roarolution be wal-ini-thlisiderarvlat In later years surrendered to disease, but South American Kidney Oure gave him hie veteran• .% the Ameritan war, now customs et Smith American kidney Curet—"/ ha ...ffir, town clerk and a prom%ent, citizen, esti; found It & wonderful specific le my vas% suffered a great deal from Bladder end Kidney troubles, and one bottle entirely cured me. 1 ink it a boon to mankind." Curtain all stages 'and gives relief ia six hours. 241 fif,ee• n year°, committed Feticide by disagreerneat -with her lover. Much is t -p .k.-ri -old written dill, g ut these times alien) this mvsierielis . method of treet if .g ilisea4e. Vise in 'Ht. lo a 0 • ea a to co ev t by hand Into fine clippings and en ground to powder In band mills of mple construction. With the lapse of healing which h;fve seine uuder tile notice of tbe waiter h are hetes thiee used. This prepatat ion seems to !twee „ti magical p owers in lit ripping t he di aid tr ful itching burning sensations of 8 .1) 'er regailarly makes the cure • thorough -.is Me and the Spread of artistic %elute lee the uses of bronze &seder' M- ensal, until the demand far ' outran 6,supPly ;mate, and the leaf metal Tbe beating process flattens . out a und of copper and spelter alloy to an - of about 500 square feet, and in 5 condition the square sbeets aa they md trom the brass envelopes are eared Into small fragments and rtne d With olive oil Cart:nigh a /steel sieve flog ten meshes te the Inch and then seed to the stamping and grinding clithes, where they are pulverize'd by am or water power to the bronze . wder of commerce. The grinding upies from one to four hours, ac - ding to the grade or quality of the ✓ grades, from coarse to euperfine. e superfluous oil Is removed by heat. under pressure, and the powder then carried Into eentrifustal clad- s, or grading ruaehlues, which, turn. - at a high speed, expel the poyder ough tine orifices "in tbe form of t, which make on inclosed shelves, ording to weight and fineness, tlie finer .particles at the top, the coarser below, and In thls Way the powder divided Into itS various grades. • In one of the old Castles of -northern tiff 'England visitors are shown tWo MOM' co which are gonnected' 'with each otheLtor • fib singular mechanism. Each mem . be joined by an. alcove, used as a 'sleeping room apertment and the floor* of the ad. joining alcoves turn en a pied in the eat. Pa der of the partition wall. nut -of one of the ancestors of the preeent pro po and found great pleasure in frightening. cot and mystifying .his guests. When one had gone to bed in the green' • room and the other in the blue, the floore Th were --turned. en their pivots, an . on awakening -the visitor' found Ohnsalt la ing strange qbarters, with clotlfes that were :Is not his own.. fief • It Is said that tills/fun loving lord lost frig *midi inheritance by' disturbing the reet. eer ful momenta of a wealthy mint, who atty. „Ins er forgave the trick her nephew Wised LU1E SECURITY.. Genuine Carter s Little Liver. Pills. Must Bear signaturept See PerAiseilo Wrapper Salem err small nag as aewt . to take as Sugar" ;Pilo viers it NH 011.100$Ntita ,t ..,..... jr4El SALLOW SICill. • How thititoinis Sho--In sane parte of Australia when a roan marries each of the bride's' relatives atrikes WM with a stick by - wed/ of welcome Into the fatally. Ffe—Yee, and In many parts of Amer. Ica when a man marrlesfiach or the bride's relatives strikes him with a loan by way of welcoming him bite the • Traveling sesperiesette. Mother—Mr. I hope my little bey doesn't worry` you by hie fretting Mad trying. Ile islet well, or he wouldn't bet so. Mr. Man—Oh, rm. All children act that way. Ism. used to lt—in fact, 1 bavelet seen a Well child tor 20 years. A. matt stonld not be blamed for the Mistakes he- make% 110 ehould be cred- ited as he prone by tberne-Atebbana Is now easily diva/kiwi by pairing natio. 'tette delcitruotive dregs into the etotriaohmtit haft then good, brit the soothing, heeling the lungs end bronchial tubes eannot fail to Sell 280 end eh • • the age of 18 yeers, and on the break mg out of the American W4P. he en.. third Ohio regiment. ffe slanted throughout the War and attained tO the rank of major. took pere in all the engagements)/ of his regiment, and was never ebsent a day on sick leave. At the close of the' war he studied law in Canton, Ohio, where he practised sucoessfully for several ',ream He woe a member of Congress, Governor of hie State. and filled many minor positions before attaining to the Presidency. It is said that he leaves an estate valued at $75,000, most of which has been saved out of his salary as P,,resulent, as he was a poor man when elected to them position. Aire McKinley survives him, although in very delicate health, and they had no Theodore Roosevelt, 'the new Pres. Iclent of the United States, is only 45 years of age. He is the youngest man who ever occupied the position of Prefident. He re a University grad. uate and a la,wyer by profession; but earliet life spent some years on a TaXas ranch. He served in the Cuban war, being Oolovel of the Rough Riders several Years in New York eit,politice. where he had a purifying Influence and did good work, Previous to his election as vice•President, a year ego. he was Governor of the State of New York. He is, alsot an author of some repete, having written and published several books, besides being a proliftc contrtbutor tor several of the best Anaerican magazine% With his many other accompliehmente he is quite an athelete, and thought little of a tramn of twenty miles at a sfretch He is a man of ability and firnaness of character, pernans more so than his "predecessor in ofiloe. He has always Veen -on the side of the, people as op. posed to the trusts, combines and DEA:FNEss oimioT BE CURED • By local applications as they cannot reach the diefeteediportion of the ear. There is oely ene way to' ours daftness, and that • is by constitutional iemedies. Deetneee is infused by an baflarned 'condition. of the mucous lining of the Eustachian tubs. When the tube is inflamed you- have a rumbling sound or iroperfent hearing and when it is entirely Mimed daftness is tha remit, and unleee the holism:esti= can be taken out and ibis tube restored to its nor- ma condition -hearing will be destroyed for- ever; nine oases out ef ten are aimed by catarrh, which is nettling but .an %timed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One hundred dollare for any case of cleafnees oansedby catarrh that can - mit be cured by !fall's Catarrh Cure. Send (or dander, free. sold by druggiste, 75o, Rail's Family rifle are the beet. Pane 's Co10 ry Compound. Ora Cleat clld GO plicated -- Cesar --osseus " It Banishes Every Trace o_f_ „ Poisonous Acid from the Blood, ilea 1$14e More. Vermanent,and • the World. All rheunnatie sufferers dread the var- iable and trying weather of October and Novernbe:. &Meters from various forms of rheumatism-- articular, muo., —stiffer more intensely in the autUnin rains and night frosts, aggravate exist. ing misery end agony, _ Thousands of victinos of rheumatism have come back from summer health rascals Only to find thenoselves as %idly tortored and crippled act they were bes fore they started for their Ube Meccas pf health. Mineral springer bath and massage eysteme can never drive out the inorbicl principle of terrible rheum- atism, from the bloodataci joints. Careful medical tests and a louv. ex, Compound is, the only agent and medi. tine for the cure of all forme of rheum 'Ohm, and succeeds when everything else fails,- With a confidence created tories aver rheurnatism,we urge suffer - log men and wora011 tO use Patne's Cel- ery. Compound. Its marvellous virtues will meet -your case end do for- you Vwhanacte?Bhaarsride.°Orient, rsa°yteh?re'' 'Mrs j. (1I am happy to say have taken results. I had sciatica, so badly that I could not turn in bed or walk withbut help, and for a period of three weeks was helplessly laid up and suffered pain that at times,was almost unbear- able. "I tried many medicines. but all in vain. I was afterwards recointnended to try Paine's Celery Compound. I us- ed six bottle and am entirely cured and onjoy geed health. I take great pleae- • ure in recommending the valuable medicine thet cured me," ' A ailian apples ere now soldin the Vaen market at. from 5 'cents to 10 ,..zents each, choice ones even highet. The apples aro tole, and of fine taste; they are packed and shipped in -small, lone boxes containing .eitch 100 apples. Each apple is wrapped in tissue paper, and they are packed in wood wool (excelsior) and the leaves ot cbrn husk% They stendtbe sea transportation well, 'and also the transpoq by rail from Hamburg to Vienna, which fakes from five to six days, The apples are wen se- lected, and show no spote or damage Of the ttirtles it nost be saki that they represent the most ncient type or all vertebrates, reseznbling closely AS they do the reptiles of their kind which existed so far back as the mesozoie era. There were sett tortoisee during that epoch which measured 20 feet - in spread of flippers, &tile Rome tertiary tore toisea were riot less big in body, meas. nring 12 feet from bead to tall. bridges in. _brief Westinineter .10 1770. Waterloo bridge in 1811 end pliened on . June ..18, .18-17;• Southviark iron bridge In 1814 and Onished la 1810 'and. the preset% London 'bridge "Haven't yon eny *positive opinions Iona, _you see, a man doesn't have tO wear himself 'Out backing them up.4 A Delusion. Willie—Those goldfish yott sent home Slimsoli—ilotv do you know? "Why, I took them ott of the water, and 'they turned btown in 15 minutes.* It Is a mistake to suppose that it 10 always the list straw which breaks of Cod Liver GIVE YOU AN APPETITEI' W WANK% %UV" Sra iE191 MAKE YOU WELL Dr, ButgAert, Mod. Supt.ogthOProt.negpliotl for Jenne, M•mtreal, prosoribos it constantly end glyea um no: aliment to tufo Menai:no. writes they bewliillso usild it rah the beat results. DAMS dsl,AtelteXce .00., Limited, BRITISH Pe TROOP OIL • LINIMENT Opts $0404 Brake*. Stiff joints. Meg add of low*, Coughs, Co* Col:Molted and -all Pabdtti Swellings. A 1.A1100 114011.S. 2040. With lirlOt's Disease. tertsitter Disease—A Meatier,' of the . Puce Certifiers to the Care by Dr. Mr. dames Dellthunt, e. much respect- ed resident or Con:moon, Ont, stades:— "1 waS a sufferer from Bright's Disease. for Several years, and at times the tor- tures of rabid and body were almost be- yond endurance. The pains were in ml head, between the shoulders and down the whole spine, concentrating across -the kidneys, where ,Z was never entire- im free. from., Wtten got UP in the morning wilif-about bent over neurly double. ft gave me great pain to urinate, and at tithes the water was very scanty. Medicines seemed to have lime or no effect in noy case, until Z began the nee of Dr. Chamfer Kidnerte Liver Pills. The art% dose relleved me, *ma rive boxes entirely cured me. X have no polite in my kidneys, a.na can 10 as geed a day's work aa ever Merl that he knows Mr. Dellihunt's ststement ot his cure to be correct .strul true and Without exaggeration: it seerns foolish to trifle with new-fangled meth- cinee when you can get the tested and proven kind. Dr. Chaees'Xidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, all Toronto. Agents, wanted for Dr, Charm's last and complete Receipt 130014 Rlocks Bros timber- limits on the Ilippetea were bought by Mr Robert. blui (linen of Ottawa for about $380,000 Daniel °Vermeil, an oid man of 80 year's, Was run over by a railway en- gine at Ooboutg and kilted. a brother of Metiers Hugh, David and James Blain, Toronto, Is dead. It is reported that the Duke of Calm - well and l''ork will be created Prince of Wales on his return to England. , Chas Lawrence, President of the Great Nom hern Wiling. - weed met with a fatal accident last 'Will-617lb is brain fag, loss Of memory, inability to -concentrate the mind, or bodily weaknese and gerieral debility Dr Obase's Nerve Food Will restore your old time energy, strength and health, Though the blood -and nervous system, it reaches every part cf this body, and overcomes weaktuses, irreeelarities and disease. The Canadian Niagara Power Com - pally has &Warded the contract for the tunnel and Portal to contractor A. O. Deuglas, The price is over half a mil., lion dollars A GIFT OF.000 ACRES SeeMer ha exchange' for be, Agnevier Ointment, itching Piles of *Mien years Standing atr. smear, of Xnotrasel, Migh, SW be elicitor of tectat date hare bed Itching!, ram for'seren out I have tried West stop ng thaewits ever recommended as cure bat got the least bit y Med Dt. Aintree Ointment, add / trend wads es stores* the !heatedness I feel orthetgreat cure. I would rather have the wonderful Ore *Oar idea eland. gs cent*. Sold by I. It Hovey and it, P. Reekie. The new railway in the Tendaett. mingue district has been laid over the most difficult stretcltes land to be travereed by it, Cry for CASTOR IA geese gums r Yeirllote Whet Is "a reasonable state of intoxi- cation" Apparently just aniseed precise definition by a corouer'e jury to ?dissts- sippi which stated tai Its verdict that "we, the jury, find that deceased came to his death by m stroke of an east. - bound train, 10; 204. op- « Railroad, at Fentress, Mho., in Choctaw coUnty; tbeee}ttoa,'" being in a t'easenabie state of tntoa . somewi rnar finitenes4 of legal. contusbalou.eitsifars a*indeverdict or a neighboring Georgia jury to the effect that "we, the jury, find the defendant ...Roost guilty.' Equally as uncertain and ambiguous as thee statements by laymen is the opinion in an early Maryland ease. which "aeknowledges the corn" by sty* Ing that an occurrence referred to took place "at a former sitting when the Court wa* run." Too Liberal. . Wife—Here's an acivertisenient In the paper that you'd better look into, It -outys a man le wanted, end he won't be worked to death, and he'll get paid enough to Eve on, Husband -4147s be won't Ile worked Wite---Yee; and they promise Pay 'enough te live om sinsband—Some catch About that! stinpose your baby sister erlei some," asked one' et the nelghberes poems to look on the dark aide of Wage the tinter' Wight oap • ConifOrt /1! She Week. the I.ines. the Carnet Washing Day from the House- - wife's busy life. liultiplks the artielea washed. ' Divides mettodefieetie- Prints binds tO loan on Mortgages ';',at A. General Banking EluBME149 "transeoted .",hoterest allowed on del -mite. Sale netes bought G.' Di. .1Vieraggart ANA EMI ALBERT 'ST., CLINTON General Banking Business , transacted_ NOTES DISCOUNTED deposits THEMOLsONS RANK HEAD ornon, MONTREAL. WIS. Messed Mserneatme, President Notes. disociunted,' oolleotion made, deer is betted, eterling and American exolating bought and aold. Intereste allowed on depoeite, Savrea Barr—Interests allowed On Sums of $1 and up, Money advanoed to farmere On their own notet with one or more endorser% No tneetgage required. 'BREWER Manager, Clinton. Largest stock of Plums the county, probably 8000 baskets of ehoieest varieties sold direct from the.tree to you at tight Also a lot of Pears best kblds. About 100 baskets of PenekES Later varieties and Roney for sale. C. ogre, Proprietor content entario‘ Thee Iting of itemifee "Ouch.' ltiappar Thought" Think before you ilny iliThen buying a range think before you buy and then you wilt • buy a nappy Thought. In buying a Happy Thought yon • have the unstinted recommendation of 4.50,000 Previous haPPY ment in our construction of the nappy Thought. df/P .41P elle• They *re numnfacturod TRIO 'WM. WTOlirit Co., Manned, A A Brantford • woo for an Illustratee Pamphlet. ermine dearing Sale Boots and Shoes. AS WO are pOSitively going Out of business, we offer e stock at prices that should clear it out. A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS. Lot No. 1—Women's Fine Rid Button boots $2.75 new 61.75 .... Lot No 2— Women's Fine Rid Button 'Boots 2 50 now L75 Lot No. 3—Women's Fine Rid Button Boots 3.50 new 2.00 Lot No. 5—Women's Fine Kid Butte's Boon; 1.60 now LOO. root No. 5.—WOrnen's Fine Rid Button B00% 1.25 now ,90 Lot No. 8-LWomen's Vine Rid Button Beate 3 00 now 1,75 Lot leo. 9—Women's Fine Kid Button Boots 2 50 anw 1:25 Lot No. 10—Women's Fine Rid Button Boots3.25 now 2.25 4 Lot No 11---Womenle Fine, Rad Chocolate Oxfords L40 now 1.00 Lob No 12—Misses Pine HICButton BootsL50 now .90 . . Lot No 0—Women's Pebble Oxfords .90 now .50 .Lot No. 16-1Yfisies Chocolete Button Boots ' 1 45 now LOO other lines in Men's, Boys' and Youths!, at great' reductions. Also aliall assortment. of RUBBERS of all Med% both,A.inerioan and Canadian makes. . Also, MEN'S PELT° ill LINED GOODS, high with loose sock% as well as Buckle and•Laced, Womenis in. ., Felt, plain and leather boxed styles, lace, %%ton and gaiter, all at reduced price% single Harness,. from $7 to $12 a Set 1 Double Harness at and below Cost. . 'As well ail Leather Halters Rugs.' Blanket% Galloway Goat and Saskatchewan mine* DiVBI,LING, HOUSE and STORE for sale or to rent , • • • 'The noted Tea Store and China Palace lb IN THK MeKAY BLOCK, CLINTON. Opened today 6 barrels Fancy Table Lamps, direot from the factory, arid will sell them cheap, from Soc to $8. Also 2 orates of Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, nice patterns and new shapes. We are selling them from 01 to $3 lors then usual pribee.. • ° RAISINS -28 Ibis Seleated Basins tor $r„2a (box)(or 50 per lb. SUGAR—We lead in quality and quantity. epeeist prices on batmel TEAS—Chinese mixture, Moe flevered teri, 15o a lb. We Sell the beet We will give. you the highest price for Butter and Eggs, and goods at the lower In Buy a Camera -and be Happy There is probably no pastime ine'repleasant and testae:41v° to both older sue yOntlgee minds than,photogreRhy. It i8 a pleasure because% helps to while awaY those long winter eveninge, sod it% instructive because it teaches care and pteoision and %ache* to look for the artistic ia the everyday serroundinge of home. ' The general impression is that it is hard to take photo% bat nolo is not the gam Any one with a kodak end Math:talon book can take photos, We carry a full line, In CAMERAS—Film, Plate, Magazine, BOx andFolding. PLATES --Stanley, taamen, Paget Prize. MINTING PAPER---Solio and Dekko. Films, Developer's, Mounts and ptitaig. gall and Oee, Per those who prefer to have their develoding and finishing dale we quote the follow., ing price% WC guarantee work if exposure le good. • 4x6 41x3i aixtle Brownie dozen 85o 80o 25o Printing and Mounting..., „each 70 $o So 4o dozen 7513 ' 65o 65o 45c Developing, printing, Mounting, each 10o 90 8o 7o dozen 31 90o 75o 60o H. 13 CO Beg Chemist tt Druggist TOP! Your Hair is Failing Out C 0 K E Don't wait to see how it affects others. You axe very likely lcising your hair every day—Dand. tuff is forming in clusters and your scalp becom. lug more and more diseased. VSE IT NOW IT SAVES THE HAIR sold by We Guarantee that no matter how severe your " dandruff " or how long-standing, or what rem. edies have fat& if you follow directions COKE Dandruff OUre will permanently ctire or money A. E. BIOME* 004 Limited, Tomer° and Prevehis NESS 131,00