HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-09-27, Page 7'9 00 mops)
" le7-"Tetrinegrer...
John Magwood, of Lindsay, died end-.
denly, after an operation for appendicitis.
Robertson & Burchill shinped a car-
load of cattle recently, among which
were four four -year-olds that tipped
the scales at 7090 pounds, individually
• weighing 1870,1820,1740 and 1760 lbs.
We offer One Iltindred Doliare Reward
THE YANKEE AND THE ENGLISHMAN for any omit, of Ceterrli that Minot be our.
WHO DIDN'T FIGHT. ed by Hall's Catarrh Clare.
F. a-, Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
— We, the underaighed, have known k' . J.
A curate Who Waal Made a Deau Oheney for the last 16 yeere,and believebim
,k,Oornorr-.- - -
September 27th„ 1901
Woman's Priceless Pearl I
The greatest rrianaoss to hap'
pines* to her health, Tho
gravest irriona0o to her
health Is Kidney PlissiallO, •
Mrs. YOUrier spays South Am.
erica,n Kidney Our* Is a,
honorable in ell busines transec-
qua end financially able to carry out any "PriCeleal Pearl' 80 it 9"
and Who dnit Mimed a *Blihoprle.
o%ligationa made by their firm. Mrs. A Younf, Darnston, Que., gays: ,;/1
Delaying Under Compulsion -A Fii.1
mous Frencla Female Duelist. West & True x,Wholeeale Druggists,Toleds, 13 sevenlntK'd C t b had
South American i ney- ure andaye not
hs s nee I took m last dem of •
the slightest symptom ofthe aggravating Kidney
trouble from which I metered so many years.
paid doctors a small fortune without any per.
manent results. Th ie great remedy is a " "price..
less pearl" for women suffering as 1 did.
It relieves in SIX hours. 14
The remains of Mrs McLean, Mon-
treal, were taken on Tuesday to Dun -r
gannon, for burial. She was 60 years
of age. Decedied was a sister of Mrs
The stories ef American duels are of
great interest and are among the most
famous in the whole history. of dueling,
but they are too well known to be re-
peated. The majority have been deeper.
ate tragedies when good men and true
have been led to kill each other often
through misrepresentations that lost the
World many a noble and helpful life.
One, however, that was not so disastrous
was between an American and a hot
beaded foreigner. What the (panel was
history etateth not. Perhaps it was so
small as to be quite overlooked, but at
all events it was arranged that the two
take their places op kegs of powder, with
a lighted fuse placed hi the bunghole of
each. The kege, of course, were empty,
but as the foreigner saw the fire slowly
burning down to the supposed volcano
below him his courage failed him and he
Still more interesting is the story of
the Yankee skipper and the Englishman.
In the earlier days there was not much
love lost between the two factions, con-
sequently it was no very liferd matter fo
pick a quarrel, espe"eially when each
thought the death of the other would be
a service not only to his country, but to
the world. In this particular case the
skipper of a weather beaten Yankee
whaler met an Englishman in a foreign
port and had an altercation with him,
perhaps over a matter of precedence.
A. duel was arranged, and at the ap.
pointed time the Englishman appeared,
bringing with him two swords, as though come -attached there by its glutinous
Promarties. It seems remarka.ble that . W. 0. c roe. dfo'
the Yankee had the choke of vveapons. He otD,IREfiecaTfoGrhten; John G. Grieve
anferred that the armory of the 'whaler it should have adhered to the wire Winthrop P. 0.tGeorge Dale. Seafortir Jobs
contained no such luxuries, But the ip-
firmly enough to allow so large an in- ti= tEt°11, Hat grp! °en b w
nod F.
per would not accept the proffered weep* sk
sect to climb over it, which she did BrucefieId John B, McLean, Happen James
every day as long as / watched her, Connolly. Clinton.
Th ------------------ trengthen it. The R b t Smith Baran bt. McMillan, Sea -
ons, whereupon the other brought out a
Welding, Rinnan Marvin, 'Wholesale
Druggieis, Toledo, 0.
Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
4.014 directly upon the blood and mucous
tufaaea of the system. Testimonials sent
fret Frio 760, per bottle. Sold by all
Hali's Family Pills are the beet,
A Spider's Genius.
eiBa.arla considerable respect for
the female spider, notwithstand.
Ing the fact that she does not
treat the male very consider-
ately," says a correspondent. "I had
an opportunity last summer to watch
a large one that had a web in the top
of a decaying peach tree with so feW
leaves that it was in plain view. I
caught sight of her first when watch-
ing some birds with my glass. She
seemed to be climbing from the top ot
the tree on nothing to a telephone wire
some fifteen feet away and somewhat
higher than her web. When she
reached the wire she went around it
• and then back. In studying the situa-
tion, I found the web was so located
that it required a cable to hold it up,
and the spider had in some Way got
one over the wire so tar away. This
cable was, of course, a slender silken
thread which evidently she had thrown
out, and on account of its lightness It
had floated to the right place and be.-.
by J. E. Hovey and R. P. Reekie
Your Attention !
• Londesboto Mills
Heim been remodelled by the latest
system of flour making by replacing
the reels to tbe Wolf Gyator Sieve
System,•which will enable me to maks
o more superior grade of flour.
Trusting my attention to busineea
will solicit your trade in general. I
oordially invite you to see the mill and
• inspect the flour,
R. S. Webb, Londesboro
Ang 80-3m
• • ---
J. B. McLean, President, Hirroen P. 0; ThoF.
Fraser. vice-nresident, Brucefield P. 0. • The-.
E. Hays, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.; 'W. G.
Broadfoot, Inspector of Losses, f3eaforth P0.
handsome pair of dueling pistols. ese, er
sender must have brains in which the fora; Jamee Clamming, E:cmondville • J, W.
too, were refused, and the Englishman
demanded In astonishment what his oppce ability to construct its web and adapt Yeo, Holmesvine ;tGeorgellfurtlie and John C.
It to conditions is highly developed." Morrison,itaudiltors•
nent did want to fight with, whereupon
In an article in "Chambers' Journal" • act o tit ee=inctTe841141iteegogilincefttenZadut7
the Yankee replied he had brought his
weapons. with him Mid produced a lair the following account of hew the spid- OW application to ens of the ,a'gove ()Mears
of well sharpened harpoons. The ng„, .er forms its silken threads is given: addressed to theirrest active offices
vOne of the most interesting fea-
lishman of course protested, but as the
• , . tures in the economy of spiders is their
bhoice of weapons did not lie with him power of emitting slender threads of
he was obliged to accept the harpoone. a silk -like substance called gossamer,
• , • W. U. Stuart, of Arthur, formwieely of *When the Yankee raised the murderous .
th which most of them &instruct "
t Wingham, and aunt of Charles,Arthur looking piece, the Englishman knew that mesh-Iike nets, and a few long, clang-
, and George Stuart, well-knOwn in arm, experienced in piercing the dodging .
ling cables, by which they are buoyed
whale, could not fall to miss him. '.0,0 through the air -with -nearly as much
COVERED WIT ECZEMA awkward handand he flung it dotvn, unwieldy harpoon began to shake in his.
, • facility as though they had, been fur-
nished with wings. The apparatus
leaving the exultant Yankee master of. provided by nature for elaborating and
This good slaters of et. Joseph's the situation, • emitting this gossamer is a beautiful
Infant's Homo say of Dr. Ag. Another interesting duel fought with piece of mechanism. Within the ani
neues Ointmerst--4- two -give -it —out -the -use -of ordinary-weaPouli-ha-d-fm---r. mai there-are-eeveral-little bags; or -
our highest recommenda- one of its principals the RiDuke of ch- verecies of a gummy matter; and these
tion. We • use it freely and mond, then viceroy of Ireland. Hie title vesicles are connected with a circular
find It a great cure." to fame rests on the fact of his lasing a orifice situated at the abdomen. With -
great duelist and a six bottle man, able In this orifice are five little. teats or
_St. Joseph's Infant Home. South Troy, N.Y.: to drink all his staff and gentlemen guests spinnerets, through which the gossa.
li If yon sell Dr Agnew's Ointment in pound under the table On a visit, to a friend mer is drawn. It must .not be con -
you would send us your low in the west of Ireland the duke coraplain- chided, however, that there is only one
- t price for it by buying in large quantities. Many
children are brought to our home covered with ed that he had no one to drink with him, film of gossamer produced by each
,..1 Eczema, and of all the treatments and ointments and his host, wishing_ to remedy this de- spinneret; the fact is, these teats are
we have used we and Dr. Agnew's Ointment to ficiency, sent for a curate famous for his studded with thousands of minute
be the most satisfactory -it has made some great liquor drinking. After five bottlep had tubes too small for the naked eye to
1, sures for us. We give it our highest recommen- been disposed of by each the Mate coin- perceive, and each of these emits a
, dation. 35 C01:141. 55 plained that it was too slow work and thread of inconceivable fineness. These
t. Sold by J. E. Hovey and R. P, Reek ie proposed bumpers of brandy. These were minute tubes are known as spinnerules,
Immediately filled and as quickly emptied. ! and the Mins which proceed from them
There ie a ecareity of fihermen in Not a Fresh bumpers were then filled for each; unite like so many strands of a rope to
Soot* and it is intended to try and get 1 but as the representative of the church form the thread of gossamer by which
&etch or Norway seamen to make up tbe stretched out his hand to receive One be a spider suspends itself. The finest
deficienry. I tell helpless to the floor. On the follow- thread which human mechanism can
I lag day the duke made 'him el- dean, re- - Produce is like aship's cable compared
Czolgosz refused to plead to the indict- marking that if he had been victorious in with the delicate films whith flow from
_merit of murder, and Judge Lewis, his the drinking duel his curacy would have Ce, rpinnerules of the largest spider:
counsel, entered a plea of not guilty. been exchanged for a bishoprle , Th0 elms are all distinctly separate on
ndent of the A little earlier than this the famous ' coming from the spinneret, but unite,
Edger Wallaoe, war correspo
London DailMailtates tLord KitDr. Young, going with sone ladies to not by any twisting process, but nie,re
b'y -
fi, sagainst Boer irreoon- hat -
Vauxhall, 'then the rendezveue of all the ly by their own glutinous or gummy ollenerll bfarms of tbove
e next move again
beauty and fashion of Leedon, played nature. Thus the spinning apparatus'
eiables wie to sell the
familieqwho are being supported by the on the German flute to amuse them. Just 'of the disdained spider, when viewed
Goveen went. 1 behind them came a boatload of officers, by' the eye of science, becomes one of
• and when the doctor ceased playing one the most wonderful pieces a atil-
t.? them insisted that he should continue mated mechanism known to man. The
or be thrown into the water. Wishing to animal has great command over this
avoid a dispute before hie friends, he con- apparatus, and can apply it at will as
Ma day* of 25 cents f or a box tinued; but, arriving at his destination, long as the receptacles within are. re -
he sought out his torten tor and demand- plenished with the gummy fluid, but
oontalning 40 pills are ed satisfaction with monde; and 'without as Boon as this gum is exhausted all
' numbered. seconds early the following morning. • RA efforts to spin are fruitless, and it
When they met, however, and bad taken must wait till nature, by her inecru-
bs. Agnsw's Liver Pills at 10 ots. and 25 eta their places, the doctor Instantly drew out table chemistry, has secreted it from
tool trial2andare sur
arsers, napatpeiranantingd peculeagoanoteerir to a huge horse pistol and, pointing it at the the food which is devoured " - "W
. aver*
--• officer's head, compelled him to dance a ley Magazine."
-AU draggista sell them. minuet. The officer had no choice but to "
1 a
I obey and for a quattei of an hoer kept .
Curs Constipation, Sick and Nervous up the dance. The doctor then lowered Life is Too Short I
Headaches, Dizziness, Lassitude, Heartburn, his pistol, saying so they -were quits they • "' r ..,,,,...—.
:rggersis, Loss of Appetite and all troubles
g from liver disorder. 4e pills ro as.; might now arrange another affair with An evening contemporary has been
• .
seconds and the officer might have stale- informing its residers; that they can use
Igoe pills *$cts.
JE. .
Is faction.. the same calendars every twenty years
Hand RPReekie
• I But if Englaud was an uncomfortable -when the dates of the monthstfall on
Sold by J. E. ovey.
place to live in these days, Prance was the same days of the week -thereby
still worse. Such a state of affairs ex. avoiding the expense of five almanac'
isted that in 1041 was instituted the "Se- ' for the present century. But here is
vior's truce," whereby duels were prohlb- ' something even better than that. Those
Red from Wednesdays until Mondays. persons who have the double advan-
But, like all other forbidden things, the tage of ancient family and careful
duel rather grew in favor than decreaiied. forefathers, by turning up the calm,
Montaigne says, "If three Frenchmea dare - unfortunately, they are nottt t ‘.i- .
were put into the Libyan desert, they printed ones -for the twelfth century,
would sot ins a month there without by Solomon Jarchus, will find the days
and dates coincident with the present
century. Such persona can save the
expense of buying for one hundred
Is the result of careful
study and experiment.
It is a clear liquid, with
no sediment or muddy
colored deposit to be
shaken ulibefore using.
It contains no sulphur,
and is guaranteed abso.
lutely free from grease
or any other injurious
sustances. It is a
all forms of dandruff.
If you want to know
Dandruff Cure.
will do, buy a bottle,
follow directions, and
if it fails we will re-
fund your money.
Price, $1. .00 per bot-
tle at all druggists, or
by mail.
Accept 110 eltlbetittitC.
A. IL BliliMtilt CO., Litaited
fighting and ,quarreling." Cases are re'
corded of fathet and son facing each oth-
er in mortal combat, brother arrayed
against brother and the dearest of friends years. Again, those with a frugal
killing each other for absolutely nothing mind who have preserved the alman-
except perhaps a misplaced word. Hven ace of the nineteenth Century will avoid
the women of France have •fought,an outlay for calendars of the century
though, Indeed, it watt no very unusual commencing January 1, 2201, as the
occurrence in any country for a wife to dates for the hundred years following
disguise herself in her hasband's armor will be coincident with 'those of the
when he was unable to meet the foe him- hist century. But' lift, remarks the
self. London I "Chronicle," is scarcely long
One of the moat fammiti of the wonlen enough for such eccinomies, •
duelists of France was Maupin, obe of-•
the performers at tit. opera. Serene, the•
!anions fencing master, fell in love with ,
her and gave her many valuable lessons CAST° RIA
In the art. One evening at a hall Mau-
Porinfant. And Children.
pin wee very rude to another lady and
was requested to leave the room. She
replied she would if those gentlemen
Who had expound the lady's cause would
accompany her. This they consented to
do,' and after a hard combat she killed
them all. Then she quietly returned to
the ballroom.
But of theue affairs nei Mint cat be
Made. Mere people have probably lest
their lints over aotn,‘, foolish Quibble than
have been killed in dozen ware for ihilf
country's good.
Olanideance ef Ears.
A book on the ears as an index of char -
deter been p
ublished by an tingligh
trite ha
k es
dtteg, ThelliZt
ttrftgpit and
success is
author, a learned reviewer, br. A. Keith, This is the opportune hour to
mentions his ow* elaborate etudi ofthe .
ears Of more than 40,000 Paelga, Muhl& take a business course in
las Ern° eliadald. atid 2'°W.Insane Per* Ill one or other of the Feder -
ion* besidei thoiteof SOO Sties. II* Wad
Iona to cowhide 'that the oat gays as
slew to personal trait's.
A little daughter of Mr Samuel Conkey,
of Clyde, fell into a pail and was drowned.
Postmaster Henna% of Milton, oona.
mittecl snibide by shooting himself With a
Mr Willie.rilteerie, C. POD.. foreman et
Montreal, fell Off hie balcony and broke
big eok.
4 CollOge, Y.M.C.A.
01104 of the atooratiOne rat up in prepana- P 0 ig .1..ts.011,
A Iuntiookno hire*. blew down •
tion for the Dukes' J. W. W't.rveIt, Prinolpol,
ated Business Colleges of On-
tario, Limited, with schools at
London,' Toronto, Hamilton,
Ottawa,Sarnia, Berlin, Galt,
Guelph, St. Catherines. No
better time than now to enter.
Forest City Bust-
Rattenbury St or
The Shocks of 'exercise Lensithen
Them and Keep Them Even.,
As a fact, says the author, our )lowet
'hubs are not usually both of exactly
the same length, though they are so for
all practical purposes. The left is usu-
ally tbe longer, though the gait is not
notably influenced, by this fact. At
birth the lower limbs are shorter than
the upper,. and their movements are
rather of the prehensile type. "We are
not born leggy like the foal or kange-,
rot), but we gradually achieve leggl'
nese," r.Che bones increase In length, not
so much by interstitial deposit 8.13 by
addition to their ends—that is, by pro.
gressive ossification of the layer of car-
tilage which Intervenes between the
end of the shaft and the epiphysis. Oa-
eilication goes on till the component
parts of the bone are all united by bony
matter, and thus the stature of the in*
dIvidual is determined.
If from inflammation or injury an
epiphysis be damaged, one limb may be
Shorter than the other, or inflammatory
stimulation may even induce an In-
creased length In the bone affected. The
skeletons of tortoises, not being sub-
jected to sudden jars, have no epiphy-
ses .at the ends of the long bones,
whereas in the leaping frog the extrem-
ities of the humerus and, femur long re-
main as separate epiphyses. The con-
tinuous concussions to which the ends
of the bones of the lower limbs are ex-
posed 'when a vigorous child is excited
by its own natural spirit to run about
are doubtless of great value in assist-
ing the growth In length of the lower
limbs, which soon lose their Infantile
• character and become adapted for run-
ning and walking. By exposing the
lower limbs to the same influences and
resistances during their entire growth
we manage to maintain them of the
same length, and gentle jars upon the
epiphyses at the joints may be consid-
ered favorable to growth.
• •
• •
Direot importers. Workmanehin
and Material guano teed.
Pi oprietors.
icycles !
New and Second-hand
We have a few second-hand wheels, in good
running order, which ,e are prepared to
sell cheap. They are exceptionally good
value for the money we ask for them
We have oleo a few new wheels, of the beet
make, which are offered at wholesale price.
There's nearly four months of wheeling
yet thia eeason-anyone wanoing a wheel
can't do better than come and sea mi.
Parma& Son8-2000 1132 -for sale cheap
All kinds of Blackemithing,liorseshoeing
and repairing.
number of Secondhand
Wheels for sale dread.
The Generous Voles to. Which Henry
Werd Beecher Put It. ' -
In his "Eccentricities of Genius" Ma-
jor Pond says that often while travel-
ing Henry Ward Beecher impreved his
time by having. whiche•called odgeii-•
eral heusecleanine ' pocketil,_
which would get loaded up with letters
and papers until they could, hold no.
more, when he would clear them out
and destroy such raperdas were worth-
less.' '
-On one.' occasion ..Beecher happened
to put s n e Watch -pocket
there of his pantaloons and found a
little envelope whiCh be opened. When
he saw Its contents,' he called Major
Pond to sit beside, him and remarked:
• "You remember the evening I married
C. P. Huntington. I was so much. In-
terested ,In the subject that 1 forgot
he handed me•a little envelope as. he
went out of the door. I. put it in the
watch pocket of , my .pantaloons and
never thought of it. again . until just
• now, and here it is, four $1,000 bills.
Now," he said, "don't ' tell any one
about it, and we will have a good time
and make some happiness with this
money.'. We will just consider that we
feund It."
And so In a day or two Mr. Beeehet,
-went With Major Pond ,to look at a
cargo ,of . fine oriental rags, many of
which he purchased and sent to differ-
ent' friends,..and afterWard be spent
What freMained of the 'money, for coin
silver lamps, -lamps, -unmounted gems and va-
rious pieces of bric-a-brac, all of WWII
be gave away until he bad used up
the entire $4,000 "In making happiness
among those,Whom he lotted:"
After Mr. Beecher's 'death the major
related to Mr. Huntington the incident
of . this discovery of the four $1,000
bills, and the _railway magnate obserit-
ed: "I should never have given them'
to him. It was all wrong. I made a
mistake. Money never did him any
good." . • ' • ,
The Novelty BAkely
and Restaurant
We are prepared to supply all
your wants in the bakery line, and
We guarantee to give satisfaction in
ovary respect.
We make a apecialty in Wed-
ding Cakes and Of icing cakes at a
reasonable price.
Our Restaurant
14 n natant -
ie a place where you will find
everything in first clan-
Candies of all. kinds ankalwaYS
Cigars in the best of brands.
Tobaccos ot all
ire have lee Cream
Drih4s and Fruit oi °
alt kihO, in Sea,B4Ori.-,
hIcOlooherty's Old Stand
Telephone No. I. CLINTON.
sienna tic* theToad andRegula-
tixtg the Stomachs and.Boweis of
iC 11 I Linn: N
ness and Rest.Contains neither
rit,Morphine nor Ifateral.
..7dzAs ofpf#.11-01402ZPIRWZR
,71 Seel-
Ain Seed is
Fems _nnint
lifity» ;reed -
agerfud Sugar .•
1/1240."4' n."1
Aperfect Remedy for donstipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverish-
ness andLoss OF SLEEP.
TacSimite Signature of
35 DOSES -=.35 CENTS,
Oastoria is pnt upin one-siste bottles only. It.
ie not sole in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell
you anything else on the. plea or promise that it.
is "just as good" and "will answer every pia.
pose. gee that yon get (1-A-S-T-0.1i•I•A,,
'The W-
dentate -
44:4? 5 Q1
ow/ .
Clinton Satsri,10Oor, and -
-Blind Factory. -
This factory is the largest in the county, and hall the very latest improved mi.
ohinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all ohm;
es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices All work is eupervite.
ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction ,guaranteed. Wc, sell all kinds of in
terior and exterior material.
Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lune, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Ete
Aleut for the Celebrated GRAIIBILL SCHOOL II ESE, menufetinret
at Waterloo. Call and get.pricee and estimates before placing vour orders
If the obild is reetleeo at night,bse coated
tongue, *olio* completion,e, dome of Miller'.
Worm Petraer le Whet Is remdredtplesaani,
barnalese. Sold by IL 13. Comba and IL P,
Bookie, °Eaten.
The Questions of Olegenee.
"Well, Clarence, what is it?". Asked
the boy's papa.
"1 didn't say anything, papa," replied
"I know you didn't, but it Is fully flve
minutes since you asked a question,
and 1 know from experience that an.
other Is due abbot this time."
"Well, papa, what are all those big
'United States flags made of?' asked
the boy.
"Some of them are made of silk,
Clarence, but by tar the greater num-
ber are made of bunting."
• "And, papa?'
..."Well, Clarence?'
"Are the little doge made of baby
Give Everybody a Chance.
Emerson's dictum that we should
trent every one as If he were all he
ought to be Is an excellent rule to prac-
tice in daily life. It is human nature
to rise to the level that its expected of.
It. It le not necessary to waste time
upon uncongenial people unless you are
bound to them by strong family tig,s,
but it Is important that all with whdla
you come in contact be studied, with
the desire on your part to give Credit
for all Oaths good in thein and that
nothing in their ontWeid eircnmafsfrea
or appearance be allowed to, prej dice
yon against them. -Ada O. Swe ' In
Woman's Home Companion.
Wile Tbo Late.
Pond Mother -Tommy, yoU don't
seem very well. '
ToMtny-No, ma*, I ain't. I velsht
bad let sister eat that third piece try
ple.--Ohlo State Journal.
A Heartfelt Leos.
Caser-So poor °Middy is dead? sting
every eittv 1,111 misis Maib
mantitgan-1r�wlllfl Be WWI the
only mon in the wara4154 everybody'
lick1-43ocke . ;
• ••44:.
take Laxative *nevi Quinine, Tablet. Al
druggise refund the money 11 10 fails to cure
flo. B. W. Wave's; signatures on each box.
Twenty•three persbiss were drowned by
the wreck of a ferry boat which wIto
'noising the flooded Elites Xtiver near
Croht16./ v '
Ohm rein cry -for
• . ,
First class Buggies
We have a large assortment of firstclass Buggies
to choose from and intending buyers will find our stock up-to-
date. Prices are low for high-grade goods. .
Geo. Lavis
General Implement Dealer. Clinton
nother Season
Time has brought round another season. The summer
is past We are busy receiving and opening out Fall and
Winter Goods As it is very early to talk about them we will
Wait awhile. We have still a supply of Summer Goods that
are suitable for use for a couple of months.
.MSO you can get your wants for Preserving and Pick-
ling—we keep only the best
You will want Timothy Seed—we can supply you.
Plenty of Wire for Fencing.
Tends Clash or Produce. Highest rrioe for butter and egge.
Emporium, Londesboro
R A DA1Vic
Sept 2nd, 11101
lore P ler .:Jvittes
Worth $25.00, our price $22.50.
Oar goods are all new and up-to-date in atyle. We can show you a greeds
variety of Parlor, Dining -room and Bedroom Furniture, at prices that.
defy competition. Primo rednoed on Window Shades, Curtain Poles
and Boom Moulding. Our Pianos, Organs and Sewing Maohinee, are.
guaranteed to give satisfaotion. lemar
or. 131yth
1 For pure lilo•
;LI A°4 bright. eve and •
A clear itt,expletion,
1 A keen i?petitp;'
Aa ors,. digestion• ,
Ana refreshing sleep,
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t".*4 h 1 ,,,, m il. , .). s - • . ,., . , . . , •
jr4 0
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arouses the
• . Quickens the circulation,
Brightens the , spirits and kl
Generaily, makes lite worth living.
shdy eoven years trial. havo proved it to bo beyond qt tot*
the moat reliaoto purif1e4.* 4'nown-
AB the leading OrtigLIts e.1,1 BRISTOL'S SAMAR:Al