The Blyth Standard, 1930-01-23, Page 3Are you afraid to
eat a hearty
WHAT docs mea -
•V time mean to you?
1s it the pleasure that it
should be to restore the
energy your work has
taken from you?
Or must you pick and
choose — in dread of
indigestion ?
• 1 -fere is a remedy that
has brought relief to men
and women the world
over, Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills arc taken every day
in many countries, speci-
fically for digestive trou•
bles and stomach dis-
orders, and have brought
happiness to thousands
of one-time sufferers. For,
besides strengthening the
digestive nerves, they in-
vigorate and purify the
entire system and lay the
foundation for continued
Buy Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills now at your drug-
gist's or any dealer in
medicine, or by nail, 50
cents, postpaid, from The
Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont. s Ay
"A 14006E140LU NAME
A Military Move
New Vice -President
Canadian National
Robert L. Burnap Appointed
in Charge of Traffic for
National System
Annoultcoment has been made at
Canadian National headquarters of
the appointment of Robert L, Bureap
as V'ite-1'rosideul in Charge of 'firer-
ra9.fir, vire A. T, Wehlou, the appoint-
ment being oftectiwe at Mace,
R, L, Dunlap, who has been Assist-
ant General Freight Traffic Manager
of the Canadlan ?inl.iouel Railways
twilit headquarters at Montreal, since
1937, has boom associated with the
wari0114 hues tcilit'lt now comprise the
Canadian National ltat]eays System
daring the, whole of his railroad
career of s4 years. lie has advanced
step by step through the carious
potties of railroad service and is
widely known in the general coin -
Sports Put Under State Con-
trol as Jugoslavia Dis-
solves Clubs
Belgrade—With a stroke of the pen
the Jugoslav government has dis-
solved nil private shorts organiza-
tions and placed the physical educa-
tion of the youth of the country tut'
der state control, This ends the na-
tionalist Sokoli societies which had
been built up 0)1 the old tribal princi-
ple of distinguishing between Serbs,
Croats and Slovenes,
The government decree ordering
1110 dissolution states that the Sokoli
societies have fulfilled their national
task. According to "'the Yreme" the
government is planning to form a na-
tional militia, membership In which
shall bo obligatory for all able-bodied
youths, including the peasants and
theworkers, Service in the militia
will earn a reduction In the term of
active service In the army.
Following upon the establishment
of the-Baaate Councils, the members
of which are appointed by the cen-
tral government, the creation of the
militia is seen ns another move to-
wards the Introduction of tho Fascist
system as it prevails in halt,
It 1s, I ant sure, an element of hu-
man life, that a man should suffer
Precisely in that relation which
makes it most painful, most unbear-
able to 11111), How he conies out of It
all Is the essential point—dale'.
"It Christendom is to be reborn the
Church must be snpt,'aolioual,"—
Rev, Henry Sloan Collin,
meatal and railroad fields or both
Tour hundred trained canaries recently trilled their tray 0110;0 the At•
'antic front Hamburg, (lermauy, to a 'Toronto lira. The little birds made
the long trip In Individual wooden rages, each Cage baring a small feed boa
and a drinking cup. As the cases trete unpacked and the canaries saw tate
light of day, they" burst into a cheery chorus of song, sho1Sio,g 00 ill effects
Write or Phone For Particulars
Queens Quay
Toronto, Ontario
from their long journey, All those Canaries are the Stoller type, laving the . ..
peculiar rolling trill so popular with Canadian bird lovers, and which gives
delight in thousands of Canadian homes.
_.... _..R ,..+u•..t•+'+v•a.'twte,.. +a• _._ _..'Mt3fli I
R. L. Bureap
('annda nod lho United Slates, Fol-
lowing his _,,,iversity graduation he
hegau his railroad Caret,, as a cleric
with the Central \'cannot Hallway in
the Transportation Department, in
1091. Ile became associated with 111e
'Freight Traffic Department in the fol•
lowing. year, ]n 1996 Mr. Bnruap
wont 10 Now York to join the Freight
'1'rathc Department there, and during
the sane year vvas appointed Travel.
ling Freight Agent 1)1 Now London,
C000, ht February, 1900, Mr. Iinrnap
became Commercial AGcut at New
York City, and five years later Ito
moved to St, Albans, Vermont, 00
General Freight Agent 1]o 101)0 ap-
pointed Assistant General Freig'it
Agent of the Grand 'Trunk Railway at
Chicago 11) April, 1908, Assistant
Freight Tralllo Manager in 1510;
Traffic Manager In 1919, and Freight
Traffic Manager of that road in 1920.
In November, 1927, Mr. Burnap was
appointed As 'st.ant Genets' Freight
Manager of tllo Canadian National
Railways w: h headquarters at Mont-
real and Freight Traffic Manager of
the Central' Vermont, both of which
positions Ile has held until his pre-
sent appointment as Vice -President.
IIe has served on various freight
traffic associations and 1..71),' a mem-
ber of the Traffic Executives Com-
mittee of the Central Freight Associ-
Mr. King on Pensions -
Saskatoon Star -Phoenix (Lib,); Ex -
service men and citizens generally will
welcome the stxto.aent of lir, Mac-
kenzie King that amendments to the
Pension Act, to provide for more gen-
erous treatment of certain war vett
orans, are included in tine legislative
program for 1930, Recent discussions
have brought out the fact that the
Act, although framed with n generous
intention, does nothing for the soldier
who is burned out before his prime, al-
thoogh he may show no evident dis-
ability. The country's obligation to
these men is as clear and certain as its
obligation to the maimed and the blind.
i1Ir. King's statement shows that the
Government recognizes this fact and
is ready to act accordingly.
Guard within yourself that treas•
are kindness, linow how to give
without hesitation, how-to lose with-
out regret, how to acquire without
meauuoss — Gemge Sand,
0E 4U)N¢
roe Troubles
due to Acid
Many people, two hours after eat-
ing', suffer• indigestion as they call it.
It is usually excess acid. Correct -it
with 00 alkali. The best way, the
pule], harmless and efficient way, Is
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, It ban
remained ton' 50 years alto standard
with physicians, One spoonful in
water ]c0alralizes muuy times 1Ls
volume 1)u sdoma,'h x01)10, alai at once.
The symptoms disappear in lire min-
:Avoid Serious Hesulla by Using
:Baby's Own Tablets
When a chill slows the Hirst symp-
toms of a cold, such as sneezing, red-
ness at the eyes, ebogged or running
nose, prompt measures for relief may
avert serious results. Mothers should
always have o. hand some simple
sato and effective remedy for Intntedi-
ale use.
Baby's Ow'{j Tablets act quickly,
contain no opiates or narcotics, are
tasteless tut] harmless. Contenting
them Mrs. Jos. Cadieux, Holyoke,
111as5., nays: ---"1 Have used Deity's
Own 'Tablets for 1)1y children and Ihni
then a very slltisfactor5' medicine.
\Chen any little boy hada cold I gave
Lim the 'tablets at night and Ito w'110
G ell the next day, I „ave theta to the
children for constipation and they are,
always bcnetlted, 1 think Baby's Own
Tablets aro 1.11.01. easier to give a
Child than liquid medicine, 1 strongly
recommend all mothers who hove
small children to keep a box of the
Tablets 10 the house."
Baby's Own Tablets sure sold by
all ntedirine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a 1)00 from Tho Da Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Old Sport to Go?
Cattle Plague Laid to Foxes;
English Farmers Ask
Hunt Ban
Brighton, Eng.—One of the oldest
sports of England, the hunting of the
fox, may be .sacrificed to scientific
Farmers, smarting under the loos"
inflicted by foot-andamnth disease,
are blaming the fox for its spread
from pasture to pasture, Extermin-
ate the fox, instead of preserving hint
for occasional romantic hunts, they
argue, and you will do away with the
chief carrier of this plague,
The fight against foot-and-mouth
disease has been going on for years in
England. Destruction of_zhe infected
cattle is accepted by authorities as the
only sure way of suppressing an out-
break, and approximately $25,000,0001
has been paid to farmers as cotnpmtstl•
tion for herds destroyed i1) the public
Earners patiently accept the in-
evitable when their herds nee con-
demned, but they are demanding more
drastic efforts hi other directions. The
government, they feel, might hasten
the discovery of a cure for or 0accine
against the disease by more liberal,
appropriations for research.
Meanwhile, they ask, wby not le -.sen
the risk of contagion by exterminating
the fox?
Owl Laffs
"Boys, I've quit the hold-up game,
I'll hang around 10into no tame;'
So with a sigh
And a faint little cry,
The 91)0)01' stretched out on the floor,
110 --"Do you know, only two things
prevent your becoming a great
She—Indeed? What art they.?"
Ile -'—"lout' feet."
Wooten give and forgive
Men get and forget,
She was only a butcher's daughter,
but she game my liver to mel
Mother --"Oswald, you should never
do anything which you would be
ashamed 1'0' the )whole world to see."
Oswald -- 'hooray! I won't have
1.0 take any 91010.01)11)0,''
Saskatchewan to Spend .
$19,000,000 for Roads
Winnipeg.—Sashalchewan plains to
spend $19,000,000 to road building
within the next three years. The
program, as outlined by the 11an,
C. Stewart, 11inioter of Highways, at
the recent road convention held at
1lelcna, Mont., rolls for the construe -
on of 2,000 miles of new gravelled
f iligghw'ays In tate next two years„
Tho sum of $10,0,90,000 will be 1110-
ed for road 91101)00es to 1970. Half
of this aalonnt will come from a bond
issue and the balance from the gaso-
ldno tax and autoinobile license fees.
Ono of the three north and south
all-weather highways will cross the
International boundary south of Re-
gina and 101]] continue through. lie.
ging northward to Saskatoon, pass-
ing an through that city to Princei
Albert National Park, Two adds-
Lionel 'highways are to run north unit,
south and to points east and west
of Regina,
i1. respect 10 the north and south'
roads, highway officials In Montana,
North Dakota and Saskatchewan will
co-operate with a 0 0)0 of
the best coulectitdi at boder ptTflts.
you were gone, ma'am
Son 10111 never use crude methodsvi;tt' little Willie swallowed a 1111.9,
,1 dolt worry. I had him take an
whet. yon 19102) this better method.i•seut Dotldel"
And you will never suffer from. excess --
acid when you prove out this easy re-
e'The next war should be waged
d`. , rase 110 11) --- Ol Ml
11 f Please
1 tl t t ' v 0 Own against the war-makers.
"eke--now, t
Re sure to get the genuine Phillips' The Jawbone of an ass is Just 00
'Olid: of Magnesia prescribed by i dangerous a weapon today as it 'vas
physh1ian0 for 50 )'ears i1) correcting In Samson's tune,
cress acids. 190111 bottle contains • •-
full directions --00y drugstore. : That Sore Throat Needs Minard's.
It is not receiving but giving,
Not being served hat serving,
Not being supported but supporting,
That brings life to the individual
Enid—"'low do you mean you made
a fans pas last night",'
Mabel—"Well, I told ,J:,rk I'd never
been kissed bc(ore, tun appears
that I was engaged to hit . last 0)150•
This baby is only an undertaker's
daughter, but she's made some grave
Bather --"Dear, 1 on happy to an-
nounce that young Jainism' has asked
for your hand."
Beautiful Young Nothing -- "Bot,
papa, I don't want to leave ulama,"
Satter --"Don't let that bother you.
You can take her along,"
A good !Ba'it's sleep has been
known to soh'e many a perplexing',
difficult problem.
Cnstonor—" \Cly don't you adver-
Storekeeper—"No, sir!! I tried it
once mud it pretty near 10100)1 me:'
Customer ---"How was that?"
Storekeeper—"People enure in here
and bought darned near everything I
A fool and Ills money are some
The winters de not seem so cold as
they did• when Wt) were young, no
doubt becau:.o w0 are Low living in
town and don't intro to go outside and
thaw out the pump.
Don't w'ot')')', if the called three
times while you were out, ho wasn't
trying to give you anything,
Grace—"They're dancers pure and
fleury—" BOOM She's pure and
he's simple;'
11 won't be long ihefore sten will be
demanding' barber shops "for men
Patient— "Doctor, I suffer a great
deal with my oyes:'
"Doctor --"Re comforted, my dear
lady, yen would prob: bly suffer a
great deal 1110)0 'bit 111111 them."
It's a funny thing, bot the ratan who
spends the most time wills his bands
in his pockets has the 1. :ad In then',
Y i
Tribute to Crime
Brandon Sun: A member of the Un•
ited States intelligence 0000100 toll
the Women's Auxiliary of 1,110 11 Iwn(.
County Medical Society in Michigan
that if present conditions and trends
continue, another ten years will see
every banker and prominent Otis iness
man in the country paying tribute to
gangsters. Tltey are doing it today,
as is every otter titan, 000001 and
child in the United States. 17 directly
they are being tapped annually by
organized and unorganized vice and
crime in an Amount estimated by one
thoughtful and thorough student of
the situation at $16,000,000,000. This
sunt represents what the honest ele-
ment in a nation of 120,000,000 people
loses each year through dishonesty
and attempting to guard against it by
police, courts and jails, a half million
private policeman and watchmen, and
InSurance against theft.
Minard's for the Ideal Rubdown,
Everyone 1111.9 learn 'low 10 be mss•
terra' and authoritative. 'Those vim
seek auihoolty, and those who t1t14
authority thrust,upon them, t'in'y an
ever-presont opportunity for perfect-
ing themselves in Its exercise. But
Classified Advertising
VI til i)It.ur 10'1) IT PO
1 xe rogistitroil E,iottEt ttlal
'Taus mitt )mon orlon-, L Imlay Pitt/
I I' 0,111 11)1)01, 1Dit talo,
'lite second division of life, after
death begins, Is a sad business, 1
1)1)10 bean ie it for 501)10 S'etu's idiot
you realize 1 w'a9 lifty'nne?) One of
the saddest things in it is the impos-
sibility, or, at least, unlikelihood, of
malting new friends, 11'e discover
gratlnally but surely that the last
friend that a man makes is Ills wile.
It is not that we meet no ono to
whom we are affectionately drawn:
but that we hesitate to give ofd' love
with the old careless freedom, 1,1'e
have grown 1111toal, and so have they.
It may also involve us 11) too boob
emotion; G'S nest 110 protected. --1%,
V. Lucas, in "Listener's Lure."
"We want the world to know that
Great Britain 000 no longer be re-
garded as rho ntllt'lreow of Europe.;"
--Philip Snowden.
AIMED 11 lbs. in 8 Wks
And a Boy friend."
writes Susm Selina. Thmnandt
1)l cow 1, ouiud Yeast adds S
to 151tta, in a wenk,. Skin clears
like maple, Constir aption, nerves,
many a ratan;ignot'es this oppel't linty', end, G et pleasant In/aired Yanst
and then'' lytnders why he i0 0ol: I
tablets tum drnpplst 'Maar.
given i'oalbf eon1tumid. Disri1)01)0,
111 e oharity, begins at home, and the
more truly it Is exercised there, t.ho
more surely will other's gladly submit.
themselves le the man who has thus
Proved his right to 71710.
Good manners is the art of making
those people easy with whom we
converse. Whoever mase;' the few-
est persons uneasy is the best bred
In the country. ---Swift,
Frost Bites
Minard'S 1'0,a10000 rirrnlaliun awl
eases the pain of cold nipped
rh"e)is and ears.
d ISSUE No, 3—'30
The man who would
never walk main.
o)7,1 irntuh,' a 10n1'0 0,400 01 etoll/ )1,ti
tkta7 A etntrapiot rlldr7r—lrcrlri•ldeu. Told
11,nt he cnxtrl 0100'0 nodi: 1)9)11) , , , .1 And11)0)1 de tool 6rue,'M1en.
"01y dao,tor tall 1)q' landlady that- I real,)
1)0Frr ,,'';Ilk .Rn•11)1. I haat Illrtln)ailaa) art; in
about Cltt'isturas-limr, nod was conllanl to
L I for tree .0011113.
lura near' slot, S'0lusoftl, Attar l okhg
sir boldos t am stattlag Lo umk uoOt 1) '),
" alp int (.0) 90104 ago 0 had been a Chum-
! on )totingt',1 Ilst 1 into a wr 1 a arias 00019
the I Savo Allen, tartan 011 Al blot', bot n
144E scholar, it would tato 11100 trsek 10 wrltu
rho facts about litus"hae Sults," ---11`.11.
e,1,l101 koro on ale to^ I0,0 0))o,
Frnerbvl naltg 15 obt:dnabbo at drug mutt
depor10)0110 stares to Cauadn at 11,0. n bottle,
A bottle enutuoe nAlgh to tat foe 4 or 9,
mouths -000d hoot for half-a•ccnt a day.
By Taking Lydia E. Pink-
hant's Vegetable
Ont,—"I ant taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
throng'' t ho ('hinge
of Life. 11helps 190
and 1 cannot praise
it too highly. C WW1
troubled with heat
Flashes and my
limbs )were heavy
so T could hardly
walk to do my
farm work. 1 01110
i11 the newspapers
yromr ad about the
Vegetatle Corn -
pound mut thought
'o give it a trial, The first bottle me
110 relief and 1 have 'told. others what
it does for 1111. '1 ant wilting for you to
toe 019 letter it you choose,"—\Ina.
D. B, Prrt,us Wilton, Ontario.
Ask Your Neighbor
(goo I ass
Babies will cry, often for no
apparent reason. You may not
know what's wrong, but you can
always give Castoria. This soon
has your little one comforted; if
rot. you should call a doctor.
Don't experiment with medicines
intended for the stronger systems
of adults! Most of those little
upsets arc soon soothed away by
a little of this pleasant -tasting,
gentle acting children's remedy
that children like.
It may br the stomach, or may
be the little bowels, Or in the case
of older children, a sluggish, con-
stipated condition. Casturia is still
ewnro ..
1MPgtidya PNalnMxNld
awdetiA tnnni<t r't6t-
awmdalu,tinxrW wtot
Ilmity trot. 1 11000"
rhNdvints,andRol DOW.
center GOD r6Fl.11'1" "
mlotrat. [:1)r anacori<
AjA;j4v ritWEr,atA
A neeprulatmtl'Et
crosnp con are DOW!.
and FtverbMete71
. toss or5us
rcteutn< t?^ 'a
n<aHw iilex000f
h1391) '0No,
the thing to give. It is almost
certain to clear up any minor
ailment, and could by no possi-
bility do the youngest child the
slightest 11001n. do its the first
thing to think of when a child has
a coated ten,gne: won't plan', can't
sleep, is fretful or out of sorts.
Get the 901110ne; it always has
Chas. II, .f1letcher's signature on
the package,