HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-09-27, Page 1IS y 4 r. rew subscribers can 13,,ave either the New Era 8o Weedy Globe, or New Era 8c Farmer's • a4 i Recommend the Nene Era to • s. to, your friends. s e Clinton Ne ROBERT HOMES,, Pub to the end of the year to OLINTON. ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 21). 1901. > The publisherwould pgtelln ilia ► if readers would, when making a~ parohases, mention that. they ow • meechant'QadvertisementinShia pad £si per year in ad.. $1,80 when not so Watches It's all right to have faith in your watch—in fact there's small reasoq for carrying a watch in which you•can't have faith. But first get a reliable watch ; buy it at a safe store. We guarantee our watches and we tell you the facts about them. There's a wide range of choice, and your safety is made doubly sure because the sale isn't settled till you are satisfied. Goad Watches are fairly priced - at :ssa Londesbore, MRS JAMIESON PASSES • AWAY, — On the 1 s , day of June, last year, an aged resident of -the township H 1 tt ppae ed away,• in the person ofu le of Andrew Jamieson, and now we are celled upon to record the death of the widow,whose spirit took its flight on Tuesday morn- Court of Revision was held here on ing,ths24thinst;thetimelbetween their ( Wednesday, Judge Masson presiding; deaths'being about a year and titres a appeals were heard tend months; The age of her late husband number of was 88 years and that of deceased be- ing 83 years and, 4 months, .being 'the exact age of the late Queen Victoria,. her birthday being on the 24th of May; thus it will be seen both had lived over the allotted four -score years,: Both the late Mr and Mrs Jamieson were of Irish birth,the former coming from the county of Monaghan, and cera over to Ohio, U.S., and only living there four years removed to Vaughan, York county; the latter claimed Kilkenny county as her birthplace and came to Vaughan, also about the same time as her husband, whom she had married in 1839. The late Mrs Jamieson was as smart as usualup to two weeks ago, when she was takento bed, and con ecious to within a few minutes of her death, when she 'passed peacefully awe in the presence of only part of Holmesville HORSE SOLD.—John Yeo this week sold a fine two-year-old colt to Chas. rais- ing Mason for the sum of 1F125, It.is s- ing such stock as this that pays. NOTES.—J. R, Holmes left for Mani,' toba on Wednesday for his annual trip. •-• entliree 'CREWS HES . Expert W itch. It apairer l Jewelea i nnilOptictap BIDDLEOOMBE'a OLD STAND OPPOSITE TE TOWN HALL. GOderlch. r WEDDED.—It is said that Lynn - Gurdon, formerly of Godericb, and .Miss Annie Williams, of Kincardine, were married at Revelstroke, B. C , recently. The lady spoke of has been residing with her sister, MrsRgsti Rost - dealt with. Knower. HEiu .—The people of this village are slightly interested in the Sifton murder case, now on . trial at London, from the fact that Miss Mc- Farlane. who was to have been married to the old Man Sefton, is a sister of E. McFarlane, who formerly worked in the cheese factory' here. LEST WE FORGET. -Next Sunday and Monday, Sept. 29 and 30, are the banner .days in connection with the Holinesville Methodist church. The reason is evident -it is the. anniversary. Everything points. to a successful time. The speakers`for Sunday will no doubt furnish food for soul and mind. On Monday evening oome and see what gond things are in store for you -a superabundance of the toothsome dain- ties for which the ladies of this vicinity are celebrated; excellent addresses are Two Papers For One Price. We are offering two papers for the balance of this year, to new eub scribers, for the sum of 25c. One of these is our ownaper, the CLINTON NEw EnA, the other is either the Canada Farmer's Sun) or the. Toronto Weekly Globe -- Take your choice:—. New Era and Weekly Globe, to 31st of Dee% for ........ 2@PC New Era & Canada Farmer's Sun to net of Dec, for, .. 25e Setforth Pall show. Additional Local News The annual fall exhibition of the KIND "WORDS,— "The Goderich South Huron Agricultural Society in Starsaee. -•„ Tb Clinton -NEW ton lw ERA, e s - conjunction with the Tuckeremith tablIshd in 1865, has the honor of hav- branch was held on Tuesday and Wed- ing an editor aged 49, who is a member nesday on their splendid grounds at of parliament, The NEW 'ERA 1e. al -1 Seafcrth. It was an unbounded suc• ways bright with news,but we fear the case and surpassed the sanguine expec- editor will not be elected to the Senate. Cations of the directors. The weather if he lives 49 years more, and the:Stare on Wednesday, the principal day,prov- wish, is that he may live that long, ed a little cook although i , did not at i th e appreciate our• cotem's kind all interfere with the attendance, for it wishes, bat expect thnt both ourselves was as'ood, if not larger,, than last and the Senate will be out of business year, .he admission was placed at 10 betore the time limit is reached. cents and 15 cents, and. the: pproceeds run up to between 11450 and e5O0. The FRED CORN.—We have been shown Tuckersmith branch, which controls a specimen of corn for feeding purposes the gate receipts,givee theSouthHuron by Messrs R. & J. Ransford. We have branch $700 towards the prizeliet,which heard it said that corn cannot be grown generally runs up to the full receipts. in Canada, ' but this is an exploded fat-. The membership roll is: about 500 who lacy,, so to speak, for the Messrs Ram- an receive free admission, and calculat- ford have at least solved the problem. ding this with theproceeds, there must They have a magnificent crop, the ears have been between 4000 and 5000 people being so fully developed that • grain present. Even with the tulisout there may not be needed with it for their en- silage in fattening cattle. Coe of the That the show was on a par with form largest silos, in fact the largest in lour.,. er wasfully testified from the entry list on county, is being built by them to in all departments, the horse show be— ing far above others and "so was the which is being cut by hand. On the quality and competition se keen that. sample shown us' which Mr Ransford Ridging was not an easy task.. This is happened to pickup fit►tn a load, by the second time that the new grounds actual count there are 20 rows of, 50. have been used by the amalgamated kernels each, making 1,000 kernels onsocieties and they adjoin those of the the ear, James Cornish, of the base turf association, where they have the line, also has a splendid yield of about use of both grounds, together with the 10 acres; andfound one ear to have 24 rows of 'S0 kernels each, making 1200 grandstand and driving: track, The society bas.a fine hall; being octagonal kernels. Calculating that the stocks in shape with a gallery around the lu- have au average of half a dozen ears, side, . It is not very large, though still this makes'an astonishing and immense affords room enough for inside exhibits . Yield from one little seed. • HORTICULTURAL. --. The officers and directors. of Clinton Horticultural Society may. feel quite satisfied with their 'efforts in the way of advancing `interest in flowers:. Some societies: have been in the habit of holding horti-. cultural. exhibitions which have been of good results in keeping up • interestand-thus • rooting the giowing of flowers. 'This society is one of the very few which can boast of a good surplus which . is, no -doubt, owing ^the able, management of -the affairs by the di- rectors. It should have a large mem- bership. for the inducements- are more ;than usual. Besides a monthly maga-. zine .being sent to each member a dol- lar's worth -of flower: seed,' bulbs or' Some sort of. shrub is always . given as: r-ewi.u._m, and this -year there' will be a similar: one. At a meeting•held in the town hall on Thursday evening, there being present'Pres. Alex. McKen-. zie, Sec.-Treas. W. Coats, D. B, Ken- nedy, Walter Manning, S. Davis, Dr. Agnew, J. Cunningham and ERut- ledge. The ut-.ledge.:The secretary was instructed to give to each member a certificate for seefit, plants, bulbs or. fruit trees to the valfill of onedollar, on condition that it is presented' at any greenhouse in Clinton before Nov'ember lst,1901. This offer is good • to old and new members alike. • WALKS AND IMPROVE VENTS,- The walk on the east side of Albert St. from the _ town hall to Irwin's grocery her 4amiiy. She was a good woman of 'expected, if the names which adorn the noble character, 'kind,' generous' and bilis are any criterion from .which to: unselfish to :every one and was un judge, while the choir will add its• wearied in her attentions when sickness ,quota, in the form of anthema, guar - or distress was nigh. In religious con tettes, etc. Everybody'welcome, victions she was a constant and faith-' • 4.0 ful member of the Presbyterian • Hallett and when•theend had .come, • it was a it to know to the fame great consolationy she passed away trusting in the Lord, with the hope of a glorious resurrection. Her counsel and advice will be missed by many friends, and the sorrowing family will•mourn the loss of a loving and kind mother. Those who survive ate: • Mrs. D..pfcMurchie, of Vaughan. townsbip, York Co.; John, of Toronto; Samuel, King township, York co.; Andrew, Nebraska; Mrs G. Duff, Sim - all, of Brantford, formerly ' of this coe Co.; Mrs W. L. 'Wallace, •To onto; place. From Revelstroke they were- -Arthur; on the homestead; Mrs.•M Mc - to go to Victoria and other places for Murchy, St..Thomas; Mrs !i. McKee, a trip and return to make their home Lockport, N. Y.; one son, Wm., died in Kamloops, B. C. in Colorado when 35 years of. age. Mrs VOTER'S LIST.—From the town trot- Jamieson came with her hushand to ere' list we learn that the number of Hallett 27 years ago; "and out of tbe ris 388. The number of voters rude farm'land sonde up a home of jurorstotal of 1216 on the list comfortable cif c'umstances. The fun - 110 widows,a la a on Wednesday after - 149 34 spinsters and 68 retired eras took .plc Wednesday fai mere. The summary is :— noon, and was very largely attended, Parts 1 2 the services sat the. house being con- ducted by Rev Mr Hamilton, Londes. Polling Sub. -Div. No 1 113 74 boyo. The remains were conveyed to IS2 126 65 the afternoon train to be taken for in - I „ 3 123 90 terment in Mount Pleasant cemetery,• CS IC 4 119 40 Vaughan township, Rev Mr Carmich " 5 93 57 ael, who was Mr and Mrs Jamieson's ,. " -6 147. 64 pastor when there, officiating. Most el " 7 72 33 of the`family met at Toronto and at- -- — tended -the funeral. • 793 423 NoTEs.=On Sunday some of our young peopledrove to Brussels • to spend the day, . Dr. L. Whitely is home from the Manitoba harvest trip. Miss Addie Crisp took advantage of the excursion on Thursday to yisit friends in Detroit and vlso in Mont- iromery,Ind. The creamery mdn only work four days a week now, owing to scarcity of cream. The G. T. R is da - tion", who will preach in behalf of Sun ing with two mennn- the section now, .day schools. •Sunday, Oct: (3;.h, will be instead ofthree, during the summer. missionary -day. The Rev. E. Olivant, ILLNESS.—Mrs John Brunsdon is un - of Thamesford (a former pastor), will der the care of the doctor at present, preach in the interest of missions. Col- having suffered with a slight stroke of sections and subscriptions in aid of the araT sis; we hore • she inn soon re- fund. Order of service as follows— cover Mrs McMurchie, eister -of A. Bethel at 10 30 a.m., Zion at 2.30 P. m. Jamieson, who came 'here to attend and Beemiller at 7 p.m. her mother, was taken very sick, and Colborne web not able to go home•on Wednes- day, as she expected. LecrrIRE.—RevOhr. Staehler, of Sy I BACK AGAIN. --Last Saturday James racuse, N. Y., will deliver a lecture on woodman, of Blyth; formerly of this he fotfowing subject; 'Knowing how place, Moved 'back to the village, and a'nd how to know it" in the Evangelical ill occupy the houseof Wm; Brigham;, church of Colborne, on Tuesday even he has engaged with the firm of ,D. ing, at 7.30, October let. Sums special Maxwell & Sons, St. Marys, to be their music has also bee pr 'pared tor the agent in this locality.• -occasion. Come an be b netted, place intend holdingg their Church age. varsery about Thankskid►nsr day. This' '. Benmiller. CHURCH.— Rally Sunday for the Methodist churches of 'the Benmiller " circuit will be September 29th. The services will be as follows:— Benmiller at 10 a.m., Zion at 2 30 p. m„ and Ball's at 7 p.m. The preacher' for the . day will be Rev T. B. Uoupland,of L'indes- TEACHERS WANTED,— The trustees' of S. S. No. Sure advertising for teach- ers for both seiner and junior divisions ofthie school. NOTES, -Mr John Murdock, a forrner resident of this town, but lately • living iu. Washington territory,has gone over to : Tyner,.. North Dakota, to reside. James Snell, who acted as judge at• Teesweter fair on Wednesday, will act in the same capacity at Woodstock. next, week, Thos. ;.Archer• was_ one, of. the judges at Ripley fair Wednesday. PROPERTY .• SOLD.—The property on the .Hullett boundary, belonging to the. etate of the. late Wm. E. Brown, of East Wawanosh, was .put up. by sue - tion at Blyth, on Thursday, and knock- ed down to Ma Thos Brown, at 51800. It contains 25 acres, with small house and orchard, and we belieyo it is the intention cf Mr Brown. to oceupy•it himself, >he'having. rented hie .farm in East W awanosh:, 1'he village; lots in Blyth: belonging.to. the same estate were. not sold.. . CHURCH —The Methodists of this • St. Helens NOTES,—Arthur Dewey.of Toronto, arrived here on Saturday last on a two weeks' visit to his .aunt, Mrs R. K. Miller; Mies Lizzie Gordon. who has been visiting friends in Ripley and other points, arrived home on Satur- day. Misees Erratt, Auburn, were the guests of their_ sister, Mrs Murdock,, over Sunday. Mrs Shoplin • and..chil'- dren, also Missilery Salkeld,.Goderich, were the guests of Mrs R. K. Miller on Saturday and Sunday, Mrs Shoplin and children remaining for a time. S. Beckett, formerly principal of Listowel public school, called on friends here on Sunday;we are always pleased d to see Sam's genial face. Megsre Stewart and Cameron shipped a large number of lambs ' from Lucknow for Buffalo mar and allows sufficient room' for the best ketoafMr flmrad e'ofviewingwithoutcrushing. sonic:n.Tueedexceptionally ast; fine •onesae. Ouron•hAs for the exhibits. themselves they, advantag genial clerk, W McCrostie, bad a . were up to the usual and in some cases "birthday,” they tell us; he received a better than former years. -The horse peeteent of a handsome "barred cup; show and speeding contests were of we.srinpose he can use itail rightf we course the chief attraction and kept wish him many returns of such days. the crowd all . day. Amusing and • exciting.mas,that of the ladies' con- test in hitchin;y,up and driving around. the 'track. - Mrs Love, of Hullett, won, she being some distanceaway before the second lady was ready to drive off. There were three speeding contests and. three special prizes,awarded. The show Of horses surpassed everything in com- petition or entries; it was splendid, es- pecially in the light e'ass. (rattle were also good, although. ' appeared some what light' 'in en ENTERTAINMENT.— Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather the entertain- nient held in S. S. No, .9, Uullett, on Friday evening was a decided succese, and the people 'of •that neighborhood should be commended. for the hearty mannerwithwhichallworkedtogetherin preparingsuch inexcellentprogramand. supper. The different exercises by the pupils of the . school' and the young people of this sectionewere well render- ed and did credit to the'reputation of this 'school of bright pupils . • Be= finds Jane and Jonathan's little trip from Pumpkin Ridge were very.amus- ing and . raised may a h sarty laugh.' The pupils of the +school were• ably -as silted by Mr 0,3.Ramsey, whose songs and selections with the barn r and flute were loudly applauded, •ile was Pa' called many times, the .audience evil• eintly thinking that it was impossible to . get too much of a good thing, Messrs' Ramsay, lienviq', Barter and Moore .gave 'several selections with mouth organa. and banjo and added much to the evening's enjoyment. Miss A. Helwig prerided at the organ. Songs by.Miss E. M. Patterson were well received and highly appreciated. Miss Patterson'e ability ie too well look lstPrinat Seaforth Fall Show ye a considerable Children's Tongues Lisp our praise for we take pictures of the little ones that live in the memory. Bring in the lone folks and let us 0011i- memorate on cardboard just how charming your child is today, Don't wait. To -mor- row's change may not improve the infant, genrfS Photo - Studio. The Pickling Season is at Hand • And We want to emphesige these facts; oonderning our Vinegar and Pickling Spices They are to be !.dependea on became) of their 'high quality. We are a firm believer in the old Besting en doesn't pay to trifle with the oonfideisce -diet a customer has in tut and our gOods." That is why we otary the best of every- thing in our line. We are huyers of Phinis and Pears Ogle COoperift • eleth fer Batter ena age Mini SS nothing like having the announcernent graphaphone Mr Leogstreth gave a Lin - being on theeeSth of Nev., but there is ton pertotmence which .wat very skit - made in time. • fully excuted. • The program . was brought to a close by singing the Na- tional Anthem. Proceeds 627.50, StanleY "4:MAi* LEAVE,—It has been current talk for sonde time that Mr John Me. Gregor, of the 2ad, may,leave here and take charge of his sister s farm in the county of Kent. We utiderstand that no dectsioa has .yet been reached by. him, but we voice the sentiment& of tbe entire conimunity when We Say that his renitiVal, if decided upen, will be universally regretted. He iS este of the Most popular yOtleg Men in the township and. his removal Would be felt in the community. Craig. John 'Moffaet, wife and family have gone to Lucknow to Visit friend.s and acquaintances, We are pleased to state that john Aikeithead, sinee his arrival home, Is continuing to improve, though slowly., Sohn Cameron is also somewhat improved, though not yet able to go about his usual work. MC'S James Mustard, Chleareo, left on Thurs- day for her IfOtee, after a visit of a few weeke. The ladies of Willis church, in Clinton, held a missionary meeting in the schoolhouse of S. S. No. 1, Stanley, on Tuesday evening, with a good at - AN OLD Protegee,— Andrew Swan, one Of the pianeer farenees of Stanley, died at his home on Tuesday, having reached the geod age of 78 years, The deceased was born in Edinburg, Scot- land, iti May, 1824, and in 1831 he earne to this country with his father,the late De, Swan, being one of the first practl- tionets in thin pare of the:country. In the yea 1834, whoa he was a mere boy, Mt Swan took up Med on tne London road, Where Brucefleld new standsettid where he continued 63 reside until his death, In 1851 he was n3arried to Jane Dune, daughter of the late Jas. Durie, of McKillop, who with tWo eons and three daughters Survive to mourn the lose of a kind end loving husband and father. The children are Jetties, of Mrs Thole Boyce, don road; Mrli Kaiser and Mri34 hompson, both of Moosej tine NorthWest territory. Spies Pickling We have just receiv- ed a . fresh supply of whole, Ground and Mibe&l Spines, al. -so BottlingWax and Corks. 1 R. P. Reekie's Prescription Drug Store CLINTON Successor .to Sydney Jaokson, • --1 ] ;$, Tanglefoot and Poison fly paper, and Rings for sealers always on hand. Another' Correspondent: NoTEs.--Mise Brown, Blyth, returned home last week,, after visiting her sis- ter, Mrs•Weatherhead. 'Jaron. (June - ming, Port Heron, recently visited his sister, Mrs John. ,Webb. Mr and Mies Erratt,Auburn, and Miss Welsh, :God- erich, were guests of Mr and Mrs J'. D. Murdoch. MrsyShopland, .British Uol- unebia,: is visiting her sister, Mrs Miller; as Mrs Shopland lived, here for a tune her many friends are pleased to see her tries in sheep and pige were small, but bock again.- Geo. Clark, of Lochalsh, ,the' quality- shown was good, The spent •Sabbath under the parental roof. . q• John'' McWhinney, Algoma was're- " "if... exhibit was also light soil good short time ago. J. (J. Martin called on friends this week, ere his return to -McGill Medical College, Montreal. W. Humphrey and Thos. Joynt have rent- ed the farm across the road from them, and owned by' Wm. Oke, Whitby. J. D. McCrostie. Ripley, spent a few days recently with his brother. W; S: Mc- Crostie. We are plee.sed to see MTS S. Durnin snaking such rapid improve- ment. Miss Florence Simmons, Wing - ham, is visitine friends in this vicinity. •MEETING.—The 'e,nnual Bible Society meeting was held, in the Presbyterian church on Thursday evening, Sept. 19, with tile President, Rev Me Owen, Of the Episcopal church, in the chatr. There was a large representation froin the different denominations, and an interesting acidrese was given by, Rey Mr Goldberg, Dungannon, on 'The Bible among the Jews," followed by a report of the work of our scciety, given by Mr 0 wen. It was decided that this society would orgaralse a blench so- ciety at Ilackett's and Lanes. Collec- tion at the society amounted to 06.' The same officers' were re-elected for the enacting year. Westfield Ontnion.—Arrapgetrients are being made for the anntversaty which is be beheld on Oa. 27th, Rev Mr Millyard has been secured for the Sabbath ser- vices, A full accoune will be given later. Mise Edyth Chatham, took the temperance topic in the Jun. NOTES.—Wesley Sfackhouse and sis- ter Hannah were called to Plumes, Man., on Wednesday last, owing. to. the critical condition of their mother, lefe this week for Detroit to resume hie studies at the Medical College,' Mrs days lad week the gueet of her sister, Mrs S. N, Campbell, Miss Erama Foth- ergill is on thesitte list. Misses Phoebe Densmore and Clara Mc Dowell left this week to spend some time with relatives in Saginaw, Mich. Mrs ,Tohn.Bleck gave a party fri a ;few of her friends on Thursday evening -last, Mtes Annie Buchanan leaves for Detroit this week. itlyth We Oration vein kola one of her grend stied- Seitinday,Otit, 2;th arid 28th loot, when the Meet Parte and New Vern Noteitiers be *howls, The Ladled of Myth told rintreitudhig temente would do well tO and see for then:v. ACCIDENT.— While playing in the barn Master Sheldon Townsend fell down through a hole in the floor, breaking his arm at the wrist, .eter,..spent Sunday as the guest of his eonsin, Mre Ire, W. Johns. Miss Lillie Andrews, Clinton, *felted Mende here this week, Miss Ide, Miller, of Goder. ich townehip, is visiting. her aunt, Mrs J. Wise, Misses Fe Allen and 4. Bar- nett, Clinton, spent Sunday *et Mrs Layton's, Sohn Lanton and Mr Gra- ham, of Brucefielcl, visited at the form- er's home on Sunday last. Mies G.Free- Maud Tremeer, this Week, A. Turner, of Clinton, spent Sunday with friends here. auburn Pxusozar, --Mrs Moore, wife of our well known mail carrier, left this week on a short trip to Buffalo, where she expected. to meet a brother whom slie had not seen for. yeare, The brothers Who le in well-to-do circemetances, Wee on his way to California, and his generosity enabled Mrs Moore to enjoy a holiday and excursion that she was well entitled tO, Ste she does not go Godirieh Township FLATTERY. --The Iteta below, olippea from the Maurice Review, Sioux Co., Iowa. refees to the son of Mr A. J. Courtice, of this township ;—Rev. T. R. Courtios de- partea Moncley evening for the Ohio Weslyati university whete he will take up his studies and complete his preparation for the ministry. Rev, Connie° came to Maurice two and one hell 'vette, ago as pastor of the Methodiet church here and at Evansville. Tint his laborere haye been ore -timed with moms goes withoht ssying. When he came to Monica there was but A small organizetion, mud since that time he hes more then doubled the membershipend through his efforts a fine chinch building hart been erected, Mx Ceartice is en able and promising young minister, and bids fair to become one of the -best pulpit orators of the country. Eyen now he ranks ahead of some who are considered able presetting. The best melts of hosts 1 of impels go with Sic Oourtice to his new home, and the Review prediete that ali no far distant day he will have achieved such success that his name will be heard of among distinguished asdoMatiOnS. SEPTSEBES WEDDINO.--A. very. pretty and quiet home wedding wee fleet on Wednes- day, at the hcime of the brideer parentS, Mr and Mrs Robert l'horripeon, of the 16th con., when his daaghter Ida ware milted in matrimony to Jemee Fulton, of Mount Clemente Mich. The ceremony wets per- formed by the Rev 0 R Gunn°, reciter of St wedding raeroh being played by Mills 011ie Nesbitt. The bride wee beoomingly attired in a gray travelling eine her bridesmaid Mies Bringhatn, of Sumenerhill, also in a aoatume of grey; the groom was &palsied by the bride's brother, Harry Thomson, After eine ceremony and congratulatione and thee the aewlynved left on the 4.15 train at Clinton for their futare home in Mitihigan, followed by the congratulations and good wiehee for a long happy life, •The usual array of valuable presents were received by the bride, Junes,—Mr die. Connolly, of Goderioh townahip, Wee one of the jadgee in the speeding conteste at Sesforth on Wednesday. &Way yeti often, irds were prize winners. In grains and horticulture the show- ings were splendid, both in .quality and qnantity, Vegetables were pro- nounced excellent, het*. than ever, while the dairy' produets were fairly, good. The exhibit in the ladies' de- partment was large, and many pieces of beautiful fancy workewere shown - while in fine arts it was fair. Manu- factures were only fele, but the child- ren's department was considered to be Apart from the. agricultural and do- mestic products, there were speciel dis- Plays in furniture, pimps, sewing ma - chicle!! etc which were all interesting. For prize winners Clinton •seenres a mejority generally every year, and a person •trom town remarked "When prizes are to. be given away they • are bound to come to Clinton." • In. the entry for team of carriage horses there were some seven entries, but R. Grahain, of the Mason House, Clinton, carried off' the red ticket for his dapple•gray span, and ;W. Doherty topk third for his bays. In the single carriage horses the eotry liSt WES up to ee dozen or Over ; the fine driver of W, Doherty second and Hiram Hill took third. lor saddle horses H.Davis got first prize for the Brydone mare, which was much admired ae a saddle horse; in the special prize for the best saddle horee, best 2 in 3 heats in half mile dash, two entered and H. Davis took second place but received half the prize give°. The Rettenbury peeing mare, Lucy, no* owned by a, Snell, of Exeter, was one of the prize winner% in the speeding contests. N, 13. Henry carried off first prize for ph3tos, the ticket being attaehed by the judges to the pboto of D. F. Macpherson 'and his eons; many com- plimentary remerks were made upon the excellence of the work Shown; many thought the photo of James Scott, the old teacher and librarian, was an engravieg, so life -like wets it. W, Moore wee there with a number of dewing meehines, and received the Society's diploma, RAILWAY EXCURSIONS. — On Saturday, Sept, 28th, atother cheap rate is given by the Ga. Rs to the Pan Areerican, Tickets Will be issued by regular trains on Friday, the 27th, and, valid to return by any train nn tit Sept. 30th; the fare from Clinton is $2,45 and all tickets are gO011 to etop over at Niaora relies Pasteugers may return by the International Badge without exchanging the retuen portion of their tickets..., Western excursione Were ad Yertieed fOr Sept, 20, 27 arid 28, good to return until Oet.15., for Port Huron. Detroit, Grand Ballads, Chicago, St. Paul and intermediate points; the fared are at loW rates to all places, , SPO LIMING NOTES. A bowling and linen tennis club has been Organized in Wingharre De Mac- donald, M. P,, was elected president The contest in doubles is slowly pro- greesing, the only game played lately being that of J, Taylor and A, Porter defeating E. M. McLean and P. J. jack - win. Wednesday was selected as the day to pley off for the sliver.salver trophy WhichJ. B. Ruinball has kindly donated to the bowling club. Out of a rnembership of 40, only aboue 21 Were able to take part, owing to the day being ineonvenient. The winner had not yet been decided, Eff there are a few who tied. 'The following wete the • The annual sports in connection with, the Collegiate Institute will' coMe.off to-day—B'riday, Sept. 27. An effort was made to have them more attractive than ever,and from the eiteneive pro- gram weave sure this will be the case. The people of town have always taken an ioterest in our Collegiate; they feel in sympathy with' all the departments of onr educational life, mental, moral and -physical,' arid Ufa' contributerl- liberally to the prize list:. The program consists of M events, a number of them being.run off kn the morning at 10 o'clock, and the,remainder beginning at ,i.30 p.m. The following citizens have donated prizes, and are hereby tendered the thanks of the sports com- mittee: W. 3. Mitchell, Harland Bros J. Taylor. .Dr. Graham, R, P. Reach.. John Flouston MA.,, J. W. Treleaven. D. F. Macpherang, M, D, MoTaggart, & Box,. W D Far, Mayor Jackson, W Stevenson, 0 Cooper & Co, Dr Thomp-, son, J & N Fele, N B Henry, A T Coop- er, Drs Gunn & Seott, DL Macpherson, Miss Peden, John Ransford. „Every person is. invited to these sports, to be held in the Recreation. perk. A full list of the events and price winners. store, and along to Ford & McNeil s, is will be issued next week. being laid as fast as pessible. We un- • " will be ;Mt down at the intersection of, Albert, Opted°, Harms,- Victoria and King streets. Ohterio s red- now. has the walk completed o both sides. Mere care should be teeten to protect the walks until they have hardened, as that on the south side of Oatario St. has been badly disfigured, in one place by a dog's paws. in another by a man's footmarks, and at Kirk street crossing some delivery boy was good enough to drive across before the cement was dry. With the new walks have come a good many improvements in various parte of towre Front fenees have been re- moved, lawns have been cleaned, and gardens present a much better appear., ance. There are a gbpd many fences that could yet be removed wiehout any detriment to lawns.. It is now getting somewhat' late to make further iM- provernents, bot more has been done this yeee in this. direction than in any previoue one, and we woukl. urge a similar course for next season. Smith and his fathert James.Sinith, of Clinton, are in negotiation with Goder- ich Council for the erection of a large summer hotel,' or What may leo:keened a sanatorium. During the past year W. Smith came freta Ilidianapolis and took charge of Menesetung Park, and so popular was it that hundreds, prin- cipally Americans, could not get ac- commodation. It is the intention of Messrs Smith to run Menesetung. well as the tiew hotel, and we are glad to learn that the Council is in favor eff the concessions asked; upon the consid- eration of a loan *of $10,000, with free light and water, they will next spring erect a houee at a cog of $20,000 or mom. We haye seen a plan, and also learn that all option tin 19,nd has. been obtained, In all there are about, 21 fifth acre lots, cn Which cottages will be built, and oh a lot 181x400 feet will be the sanatorium, brick, with 300 feet frontage and, 250 back; it will have a irreat number of bedrooms; the diner will be 75x42 feet, and the sitting room 50 ft. equare; a verandah will run all aroutid, both on the first arid second floore. This building will be a credit Goderich, and MI a long fele want in this popular summer resort. There are now 11 vacancies in the Troty,le of Commons, and the electione to fill these will probably take place in In the anion murder trial at Lopdon, Welter Herbert the pritiolpel witness for the Oiown confessee that he and Gerald Minton niardered thei old men, On Tindal No si Michigin Central St Thomas to Windeor, 111 miner, in exaot- ly 100 windier NO stops Were made, Thie id ihe fieiest time ever made on Mich. igen Central between those tWo polrite, No 81, however, makes the trip every day in 102 Or 103 minutest • • The Preabyterieus Iteelevr sage the mine biter elsould never apply for A hearing in any cOngregation; the congregation 010111d request the Minister to preach in lie pulpit. If a minister withes to ermine a charge and oetinot Dee where the impropriety of seek- ing a hearing tioMeS in. So Icing se there ie Moil arid Miniiiter ere in a legitimeite work. _AT THE EVAPORATOR.—Work Of preparing ahd enaporating has been going on for nearly two week's and Mr .Case reports he is getting a, good sup- ply of applee, but far from thequantity of last yeae. He days he has to hunt apples this year; but last eeason was • forced to refuse mealy. However the wind storm has brought many loads to toter*, for which the 'price* ,run at • about 40 cenbs per bag or 20 cents per 100 ib. Four paring -machines, or half of what wag in use last season, are kept constantly et work, and evaporate mg process is going on day 'and% night.. To the EdiGor of che NM gra; From my knowledge cif the work of the . Wornen's Christian Temperance Union, and realizing the pressing need there is for Godly end bearty co operatiyn in the tem. nuance cause, I was gratified to hear the announcement on Sandayindioating ti, fresh start in Olinton. , Who can adequately deecribe the evile cit the liquor traffiee And who suffer more ' then the Weneen? Hence the propriety of their eaeliest effereL I know of no more practical Way of dealing with the question tionel, there filleted be, in a town like thia enough conlieorated women to sustains vig. owns organization. True, the home and. looel church ditties have sheltie And legit'. mate Claims upon us, yet the importance of tins work demanas our moat aerloas at. teotion, If we have none who are being • deetroyed theough drink, others have, and they call uport us to help them. . , I trust there will be a hearty response to the announcement of the execlutiye. Lei ing in the Council Member. Hen ana women, spare an hour to hear what may ba said, and by our presence let us emotive, i those who are carrying on the good work d, GREENS Ozolgosz hag been feline' guilty of Inure dem A .11 - And thedaY has gOne by When mach mat. 11" °bI 111° th 06tigin °g 1ft° a tete are 'tinged in Other tben pritoticel, left for Killable)+, Manitoba, Wit week, businese way, We Perfect. sight eight ir ma so eerie:et • ti eeti. !niche, 4110 inidieltArttivoiceira wire ex 144 issue al t. Geo°• Oplelso, Jeweler, Watch Repko., Ete, •