HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-09-20, Page 5THE CLINTON NEW ERA. Septembe 120th, 1. The O. B. Koenig. Bankrupt Sale Still_ Continues Sale Register. Auction sale of farm stock and implements, at lot •4 , con. n, London Road survey Tucker. smith, Oct. 1st. Usual terms. Sydney Johns, Prop,, Thos, Brown, Auct, On Tuesday, Oct. 8th, at 1 p.m., on Lot 66, Con, it Goderich township, clearing sale of farm•stock and implements A. J. Courtice, prop.; Thos. Brown, auct. r!;p ,•. 7r•,. Farm stock, of D,Shannahan, Jr., lot 22,conon 9, .Uullett, Sept, 26. Thos. Brown, Auct,. Miss Elizabeth Walker, a.. ,,Y.....a....mc. a:. ,w...,,.. . � We have fully assorted the stock with NEW STAPLE' DRY will resume her clasain �VoiceapulEure Piago• and Harmony(private or by correspondence).on Wednesday, September 11 and Thursday of each week. For terms apt' at her studio, MRS JOSEPIi, TO WNSEND, Aug 80--tf, Clinton. GO,I,;DS, making the stock again complete, amounting to be- tween $7,000 and $8,000, The whole stock will be sold out as quickly as possible, as we close up the business as soon as the stock is all disposed of. *#,k****AA* . lilt Come and _See us. We have goods at less than wholesale, to offer you. We bought the stock at 58c on the $'; nearly all ' 0. staple goods. No one can offer you anything like:the bargains we have. g Many offer great inducements, as Goods Cut Into, Slaughtered &c. It is very easy to give bargains ou paper, by marking goods at about double the actual price they are sold for, and then marking them down. It looks as if the seller was making an enormous profit before marking down, or else he was selling much below what they cost, which no man can afford to do and continue in business, ,�.,t,: ' We are well supplied in the following lines: DRY GOODS CLOTHING BOOTS & SHOES Drees Goode, Prints, Tweeds, Linings, Men's' Long Boots Flannels, Flannelettes, Furnishinge,Men's Short Boots Shirtings, Sheetings, Underwear Men's Rubber Boots Linings, B & G Cottons Men's, Boys' and Youths Men's Felt Boots, Blankets, Grain Bags; finite and Overcoats. ' Men's Overshoes & Rubbers Small wares of all kinds, Ladies' WinterJackets, Full lines Ladies'&Childrens U'Don't forget that we have bargain s to offer that you can't elsewhere, quality considered: ., ' LiT Plumsteel '& G bbl gs, Clinton' . — TI -1E1 TWO 4. J'',�3�•= Stray Steers. Came into subscriber's premises, r11th- coon. cession, G, T„ about a month since, a reddish. yearling oteor., Owner is hereby , notified to prove properly, pay chargee and take it away. Holmesvj Sent. tri -1 LVVM' CONNELL ile, Apples Wanted. Paring' 'and Cider Apples 'wanted at the Clinton. Evaporator on and after September 10th, 1901. TO`tK N & ellSE opirii TON' Marble &Gra 'nitt s WO R►2‹s The purchaser of a monument should have complete confidence in the reliability of the firm, from which he buys, for the material.. and workmanship is something very few buyers are familiar with. If you do not know us, please in- quire about• our reliability from those who know us best. We are the only practical men here in our line. J. B. Hoover, ' Proprietor Next, to Commercial Hotel rA: TER Buy your new hat Before Easter, before; the style and pito get broken. We make a speciality of hats and have a larger stock than in any previous season of the best English and American make, styles and sizes. In English hats we have the cele- brated Wakefield, Sackville and Leslie snakes. Our American Hats combine good style and quality in all the new colors from. pearl to black. A. J. MORRISH. Clinton dyl'oWear€lothing Ready-made suits from five dollars up to eleven dollars. . The five dollar line ie a 'tough •dark - • W. H. Shaw, Principal. grey Halifax, extra • good value. . 'We have a line of black stripe worsted pants for $2.75 which would be cheap at $3.50. •. Moleskin pants and tweed from one dollar per pair up. A.11 extra good black worsted shit to order for $18.00. A. J. 'HOLLOWAY; 'Clinton. a. Now open in all Depart- ments of the your. 8, wiife of Jq sFbrsterr,asou osh,28, con. Sept. McDONALD-In West Wawanosh, '14 con. Sept. 14, wife of Fred McDonald, a son. W. Martin, ARTIN-InasonExoter. , Sept. 1, to Mr and Mrs JACOBI-In Exeter, Sept. 10, Mr and Mrs Wm. Jacobi, a son. McFARLANE-On the 4, Howiok, Aug. 30, to , Mr and Mrs John McFarlane, a daughter, DARROCH-On the 2 can., Howlok, Sept,' 6, to Mr and Mrs A. Darroch, a son. PATTERSON-In Wingytham, Sept. 6, wife of Rev. J. J, Pattersoi , B..11.4 t a daughter. LOWS -'In Wingham, Sept. 7, wife of Rev, Wm. Lowe, a daughter. BURRARD-In Seaforth, Sept. 8, wife of John Bullard, a son. McLEOD--in Walton, Aug, 81, to Mr and Mrs Roderich McLeod, a son, RYAN -In .dcKillop, Sept, 8, to Mr and Mrs Joseph Ryan, a daughter. MoFADDEN-In Grey, Sept, 8, wife of Jelin McFadden, a aaughter. NOBLE -In East Wawanosh, Sept, 4, wife of James Noble, a son. MARRIED. MASSE-SHARRET TE -At St. Joseph, Sept, 9. Mr Nelson Masse, to Miss Sharette, both of St. Joseph. M"NICOL-MELVILLE-On Sept. 4. at the residence of the bride's parents, Hensall by Rev, Mr Flether; Mr James Earnest Mclfieol, of Farquhar, to Miss Margaret Taylor Melville, of Hensel'. ALLEN -BRAWN -At the residence of the bride's parents, Wroxeter, by the Rev. I. A. - McKelvey, Sept. 4, Mr James N. Allen to Miss Laura Braw n, daughter of Dr. Brawn, both of Wroxeter, CH A (ITERS -BLACK -At the parsonage, Belgrave, Sept. 4, by Rev, Mr Brown, Miss Fanny, daughter of Mr Thos. Black. 6' con: East Wawanosh, to Mr Samuel Charters, of Great Falls, Mont. RITCmIE-McLACHLAN-In Grey, • Sept. 10. by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr Wm. P. Ritchie to Miss Annie B. McLachlan, all of Grey. SCOTT-THORNTON-In Buffalo, N. Y., on bet 11, by Rev. Mr Chapman,Mr D. M. Scott,. of Brussels, to Miss Mae Thornton, DIED. THROWER -In :Olinton, Sept. 12, Lewis, son of M. ,L. Thrower, aged 1 month. COOK -At Zurich, on Sept. 6, Reinhardt Cook.at the age of 90 years; 5 months and 5 days COLLINGWOOD-In Exeter, Sept. 8, Annie Irvan, infantdao hter of Mr and Mrs James Collingwood, aged days. PRATT-In Morris, Aug. 24, Miss Mary Pre% aged 83 years, SHANNON -In Goderich, Sept. 8, G. O. Shannon,M. D., aged 68 years. DE W OLFE-In Brussels, Sept 7,Fanny Cook, wife of Francis DeWolfe,aged 74 ears; BURNS -In Brussels, Sept. 10, Robert. Burns, aged 77 years. - PETEttMAN-At 'Belmore, Aug. 28; Lillie. daughter of Mr and Mrs John Peterman, aged 28 years. gnu gldurrr lenses AGENTS WANTED -For the Life of the. Late President. mMaKi..ley. Price only -$1.50. A magnificent portrait. of Presi"ent MoKinler, 18 22 inches, w 11 be ggiven as a premia.; -with' each copy so d. or, if ppreferred,., a choir nine other premium pictures. - including the Duke and Duchess of York. Prospectus fro ; send 10c. to_pay..cost of mailing. Creditlelyen, liberal tem., freight paid. Sell out Xmas hocks, thty art. the best. A premiun with every one. Address,' WORL• PUBLISHING CCMPAN Y,.GUE LPI: ONTARIO. Central Business College TORONTO Yonne men and w omen 'are coming in'from..all parts of the .Dominion'. to attend ourschool, because they find with us very superior advan- tages. ' Our Catalogue explains all Write for it. .r. Genuine Clearing Sale op Bots and shoes. As we are positively going out of business, we offer our stock at prices that should clear it out. A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS. Lot No. 1 -Women's Fine Kid Button Boots,. , .$2.75 now $1.75 Lot No. 2- Women's Fine Kid Button. Boots....... , 2.50 now 1.75 Lot No. 3 -Women's ine Kid Britton Boots 3 50 now 2.00 Lot No. 4 -Women's ne Kid Oxfords 1 50 now 1.00 Lot No. 5 -Women's ne Kid Button Boots 1 60 now 1.00• Dot No. 6-W Omen's Fine Kid Button Boots 1.25 now .90 Lot No. 7 -Women's Fine Kid Button Boots .' . . 3.25 now 1,50 Lot No. 8 -Women's Fine Kid Button Boots 3.00 now 1.75 Lot No. 9 -Women's Fine Kid Britton Boots .. ..,2,50 now 1:25 Lot No. 10 -Women's Fine Kid Button Boots3.211 now' 2,25 Lot No. 11 -Women's Fine Kid Chocolate Oxford' 1.40 now 1.00 Lot No. 12 -Misses Fine Kid Batton Boots ..1.50 now' .90 Lot No. 13 -Women's Pebble Oxfords , ,90 now .50 Lot No. 14 -Women's White Canvas Oxfords........1.60 now .75 " Lot No. 15 -Women's Fine Button Boots 3 25 now 1.75 Lot No. 16 -Misses Chocolate Button Boots 1 45 now 1.00 Lot No. 17 -Children's Lace Boots ........50 to 90o now 25 and 80o Other lines in Men's, Boys' and Youths', at great reductions. Also a full assortment of RUBBERS of all kinds, both American and Canadian makes. Also, MEN'S FELT LINED GOODS, high with loose gooks, as well as Buckle •end Laced, Women's in Pelt, plain and leather foxed styles, lace, button and gaiter, all at reduced prices. IARN"E$'S Single Harness, from $7 to $12 a Set. Double Harness at and below Cost. 6;'a well as Leather Halters, Rugs, Blankets, Galloway Goat and' Saskatoliewan Robes DWELLING HOUSE and STORE for sale or to rent JAMES TWITCHELL, Clinton. Younge&C,,errard Sts•,Toronto �. ry fou Want... Dishes ? Persons who desire to ' procure °dishes of the very best manufacture will now hays the unequalled op- portunity as I have made arrange- ments e n with the wholesale houses I o to bring a large assortment here that may he inspected by intend- ing purchasers, than .giving cus- tomers choice ofmuch larger vari- ety than they,couldhave if only a few varieties were -kept in stook This will include Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets of all :classes, and parties needing anythingin this line will find it to their advantage to call and ask ns for particulars, HUB' GROCERY W. O'Neil Our telephone number is 48; Cameras Cameras I Cameras • Buy a Camera and be Happy There is probably no pastime morepleasant and instructive to both older and younger minds than photography. It is a pleasure because it helps to while away those Long winter evenings, and it is instructive because it teaches care and precision and teaches to look for the artietie in the everyday surroundings of home. The general impression is that it is hard to take photos, but such is not the case. Any one with a kodak and instruction book can take photos. We carry a full line. In CAMERAS -Film, Plate, Magazine, Box and Folding. PLATES.•'-etanley, Eastman, Paget Prise. PRINTINCFPAPER-50110and Dekko. Films, Developers, Mounts and Outfits. Call and see. For these who prefer to have their' developing and finishing: dome we quote the follow- ing prices. We gattsattitee work if exposure is good. 4x5 4}x8 31x8 ,Brownie Developing t.<.....a....seaoh 4a coo rlo 6 exposures b e dozen 85o 300 25o Printing and Mounting.....,,,each4o 70 Sc5c dozen 16e �P^ 659 56o Developing, printing, xiountkig, each 10o .'" rf ,'. 90 760 S o dozen in, r t 900 Hi B. COM BEI Chemist a Druggist Hawse Jc Lot. for Sale. BY TENDER, T e house and lot on Princess St. at present ' CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon, Thursday, September 20, 1901, Fall Wheat .old,,,,0 03 a 064 " .,new,,,0 61 04 Oats, •.,,,, ,,.., 0 30 a 0 34 Rye,, ., .. , 0 40 a 0 45 Barley...... .. 0 40 a 0 40 Peas 060 a 061 Flour per owt . . ,.. 2 00 2 00 Butter, loose or tub , , , , C 13 a 0 14 Eggs per doz 0 10 a 0 11 Hay, old 8 00 a 9 00 " new ....... .., 6 GO a 6 00 Sheepskins 0 40 ' a 0 50 No. 1 Green trim. hides 5 00 a 5 00 Potatoes, .per bush50 'a 75 13arvestApples per bush 0 35 a 0 40 Chickens, per pair . , , . 0 20 a 0 20 Ducks, each.,,,, '0 61) a 0 70 0 07 a 0 08 0 09 a 0 10 7 05 a 7 05 Geese, per lb Turkeys*, perils Pork, live Pork; dressed • 7 05 a 7 05 Wood short' .......... 2 25 a 2 25 Wool ' 013 a 014 Appele, per bag 0 50 a 0 60 Plums, per bask ... , . , 0 25 a . 0 30, Peaches 12 qt 0 85 a 0 85 8 qt 0 65 a 0 65 Pears per bask 0 25 a 0 25 Grape per basket 0 25 a 0 26 Live Stock Markets. London, Sept. 16 -No market at Dept- ford today. Saturday's prioes^United States cattle, 6d to 6 3 4d Liverpool, Sept. 16. -Trade bad. Choice Canadian cattle, 61 ; s000nds, 5 1-2,d; sheep, 5d. MONTREAL, Sept. 16 -The receipts at theeast end abattoir this . morning were 650 head of cattle, 100 calves, 400 sheep and 200 lambs ; the attendance of buyers was large, and prices were well maintained; choice cattle• sold at 4o to 4 1-2o per lb ; good at 3 1 20 to 4c per lb ; lower grades at 20 to 3a per lb ; calves were sold from $2 to $10 each ; sheep brought from 3o- to 3 I.2o per lb ; lambs were sold from 3 1.2o to 4 1-2o per lb ; hogs' brought from Go to 7o per lb. . Coming and Going IS' F R Hedger's and wife are visiting the Pan-American this week, Oar old friend, B Switzer, of Goderich, was a caller in town on Wednesday. Miss slirch ill here .agai.nito_ take charge of the millinerydepartment at Neweombe's. W.H O'Sullivan, of the Clinton Bust'.. .nese College, 'was down to' Detroit this • Mre Handsoomb, Miss Handecomb, and Miss Pratt, leave for Winnipeg Tuesday morning next.' Miss Annie Noble, of Huron road, is' visiting at her,brothers' James andThomas Noble in East Wawanosh. Mr and Mrs (1 E Hovey and ;family have returned home from camp at Naftel's- on the lake. Mrs Thos Jackson, jr„ left Monday morning on a business trip in the western ocenpied by Mn H. %% a. ins, - and belonging • part of Ontario. - foreih'by r tendeook, d All inforAmation mavr�eMrs J E Hoy left on Tin arsdafor a obtained from DAVID DICRIN,ON, Clinton, visit.of a few weeks at her home in Mark- by whom tenders will be received up to Nov: dale and also in St Thomas and Toronto, 15. The highest bid takes the place, other' conditions being satisfactory. Sept'. 20-1. . McLean on last'. Saturday. They were Farm in Tuckers mith among home the other da at Bayfield who. FOR SALE. Wilbur .N -Manning left ' on a .trip o For Sale South half of Lot 3s, 2nd, conoes- Ottawa on WednesJsy, when he will look cion of Ttickeramith. This farm coutoin„ 50 after the interests of the Doherty Organ statees fcultivation ehich is xcep t S andared in a good p g bush. It is well fenced' and under drained, There is on the premises a good frame barn wi tb' stable nate' lied frame house with Wo ed shed also good orchard with lots of am all ituit plenty of hard and soft water. There is 6 acres of wheat sown. it ie, canyon. lent ly:situated for church and school within Dr' and Mre Atkinson and .children, of. Detroit, were guests of Mr and • Mrs E M at the Carleton County .Fair, and incid- entally take in the reception to the Duke of Cornwall.; • Mr and Mrs Corbould and Misses Cor - hauls', of. Windham, called, on Mr and' Mrs E M.McLean on-Mondav while on their way' ,home . from' BaSTeld, wliere :they • spent , the ,summer season in one of the Sept 20-1 Aptly to IDDO CHICH Clinton Marks' :cottages..-. • klisa.Bessie Roes, Ottawa, daughter of Teacher Wanted. Mee A Ross,•tormerly of'thisplace left en Saturday last for Bombay, India, where Teacher wan' ed, male or female for S. S. she will be• married to 'Rev Mr Grace,. No. 5, Mullett, holding a second class certi- church of England missionary, of tilt t Scale; duties to commence at the new year ' place,- Her brother David Roes will meet 1902, f j Applications c• ations too e ate a in on or before the 7th her in London, England. She is well quell-. SAMUEL MeCOOL, Se,, and Treas. fled for. a •missionary, from childhood Sept. 13-•4, . Lc nlesboio. she has been interested in the great' work for foreign missions. She is a graduate of Coleigna Ladies College ' Ottawa. She took her degree of B A, in M.:Gill college Montreal. Her friends in Clinton and Brucefield join in wishing a life of useful- nessher chosen. . in ` ' and of Seaforth 5 miles ofClinton(. 7 e th Hullett Court of Rei ision, Notice is hereby given tint a Court will be held pursuant to: "The Ontario Voters' Lists held, byHis Honor the Judge of the Count of Huro. at Londeaboro, on the twenty third day of Sept..; 1901, at 11 o'cleok,to hear and determine the several comptants of errors ani omissions in the Voters' List of the Munidi- Paitty of Mullett for 1901. All persons having business at. the Court are requiredto attend at the said time and place. Dated the 10th day of September. 1901. - TAtIES CAMPBI Clerk of the Said Alunieipality, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Clinton intends to cons root a granolithic sidewalk along the east sides of Albert Street, between Princess St and the corner of the north gravel road,. and to assess the final cost thereof upon the properties benefitted; and not exempt bylaw from assessment, Tho estimated cost of the proposed work is 81474.55 of which sum 5175.45 isto be provided out et the general funds of the municipality. A Court of Revision will be held on Fri- day, Sept. 27th,1901, at 8 o'clock pan, in the Council Chamber, for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessment or accuracy of the frontage measurements, and any other complaints which persons inter- ested may desire to make, and which is by law cognizable by the said Court Dated at Clinton, this 13th clay of Sept. 1901 WM. COATS, Clerk. In thematter of the J.E.Crealy Dairy Co., Limited IN LIQUIDATION There"will be sold by Public Auction, on Tuesday, 8th October, 1901, at 2.30 p m., at the Town of Clinton, The following: -One Creamery Factory b : t This universally popular 'Shoe xwod& ouatds hhateyn. hitgh88ze6, say6 , 841, bounded on the EMI by James Street on is made by the well known the South by Gordon St., widen the West bi` fIr� Matilda St., about 260 yards from the ;, T. • It m Of J. and F. e11. They ,".+^n Clini;; w, i'- the Qo gf Baron,. Said t 1 ni1tl.nt# was bntltt-1.5 year, are perfect fitting, ►Jeaut1 111��i II Also o i thesame day and place ail and Megn- made, and mrthose certain parcels ortraotb of land and shaped, carefully ppr�emises situateand lying and being .izl the � villiage of Brneefleld, in the Count! o nron, the bestlmaterials only enter andbeingcompesedofloth Noe. 85 ae 86, ae into their construction, They hM1 are the equals of any five dol lar shoe on the market. Com- fortable, soft, they still retain their shape in spite of wear. Tliey are made in all varieties for all occasions, in -doors and out The sizes number both laid on ustard's Map or plan, Ofpart of farm Lot No, le, in the 1st von., of the Tp.of Stan- ley, together with Brick Creamerbuilding thereon 78 x30, and addition. Also the following at the same place and time :-Three Boilers and three engines, shaft- GODERIOR ing pulleys & belting and connections; ono Al- 1 pha Seperatar; one Springer Seperator; one Emma E Smillie, Hensel' Empire Separator; one large churn; one butter Lilian Blatchford, Huroncfale ; worker; five cream vats; one B. tester; one Hattie M Downing, Brussels ; twilf cream vat; Rotary :pump, milk pump, Geo Webster, Fordyce cream coolers'tanks, scales; large number of Tena McFarlane, Pine River; milk cane; butter boxes; wagron' cutter; her- W J Mair Goderich nese; betties, Salt; oil; oflice chairs, stands, Qneenie Robertson, (4oderieh ; desks and many other articles andplant. Glen McDonald, Porters Hill ; . Tho above must Id terms Dash. Ecina Guest, Goderich ; EDWARD TO WE,Llquidator;London Ont Vesta Watson Goderich ; ways—length and breadth Note: -For notice to creditors Keo dlln.on WilfredIIBell, Goderich ' so that your exacts shops can "NewreRedalti". Chas LNewton, PortereRill ; Sept. 20-tf. Jessie M Stirling, Bayfield; be obtained with certaint.. and Lenra E Yeo, HDi xete sue OATS OVHB SIX FEET. -Thomas Stella Gregory Exeter : • Nina Kilpatrick, Crewe • SPORTING NQTF1S.-Blyth, baseball olnb defeated the Brussels team in the latter's town' on Saturday last 'by a score of 7 to 5....The local tennis club selected Tuesday for a tennis tea but the day proved rather on the cool side for the ladies and the only games played were a . few by the gentlemen ; tea was served at six o'clock and appreciated by those present. ,The Gnn'olnb held a practice shoot on Wednes- day afternoon at 25 targets at unknown angles ; the following was .the score: -J E Cantelon.15, Dr Holmes 18, R Graham 14, Dr Blackell 20, .L E. Hovey 18 ....In bowling contest for doubles Dr Agnew and J Bell won from J'Yr Irwin. and A Arm.• strong ; "A Porter"and J Taylor also won from Dr Holmes and 7) A Forrester. COUNTY MODEL SCHOOLS. -Tho county board composed of Inspectors• Robb for East Huron and Tom for West Huron, and Messrs Boyd, of Exeter, Tigert, of Dungannon, and Geo Baird, of Erucefield. as secretary, met at Goderich recently and appor- tioned the applications to the two. model schools for the teachers -in -train. ing. At Clinton under ,Principal Lough there are 23 in attendance and at Goderich 29 students. The follow- ing��are the names. with their post office addressee. CLINTON Kenneth Beaton, Whitechurch ; Alex McLeod, Bayfield litichard Blake, Clinton ; ' Bmsie McDonald, Walton ; Clara Ohidley, Clinton ; Jessie Wiseman, Clinton, Fred Sanders Exeter Iliac J McMichael, Constance Margaret E Russell, Exeter ; - Howard F Hartry, ;Seaforth Mary Code Blyth Margar;t Bielby, Blyth . tS3aamual B Lamont Brussels WmCourtice, Fol�rnesville ; Agnes E McEwen, Hensall ; Mary A lesworth, Gerrie Mabel Govenlook, Seafortl*i ; Lizzie Murdie,deaforth ; • Herman S Evans Gerrie Edith McEwen, H'ensall ; J A Hillen, Winthrop , Mary McEwen, Clinton. exactness, and they cost you no more than you pay for J•acksi,n 3r,„ of the Jackson Bros fit•m, Ma Troy, Whitechurch ; when up in the Northwest saw the Nellie Troy. Whitechurch ; bountifulgrainand to let Ontario RmJBrydaeh, Goderich crop r3ennah C Dalton. Kingsbridge ; poorer shoes. people form some idea of its prolificacy Arnold Cowan, Kintafl ; brought, down a sampie of oats rind Goo G1'ybus. Chihelhuret 1 alaike clover. ) t was grown in Alberta Henry Ebverhart, Seaforth ; , Sold only byHarvey. Buchanan, Brussels ; territoi y and intaglios 6 feet 4 inches Lottie McMath, Goderich in lief ht and when threshed was Margaret Quarry, Monnt'oarinel Fred T.Jackson,t+laiined to onstage 100 bushel to this u°nei iiwiter, a n vale acres and 15b ice to the bushel. Wilbert Pawnor°, ll'retr, . I101104111.41141041411111104114,41 0104100111010010 lYicKinnon & Co. ILadies' Fall end Winter JacIets IOur new Fall and Winter Jackets have arrived and they are beauties. We have them in the latest up-to- date styles. We invite our lady friends to call and see Ithe very newest creations in Jackets, whether they are prepared to buy or not. We have them at all prices frt m $2.50 to $15. • Ladies' double breasted cheviot jackets, velvet collar and stitched lapel, bone buttons mercerized linings, at $5. Ladies' stylish Beaver Jackets, in black and fawn, velvet collar, soutaohe trimming on lapel, fly front, mercerized lining, very special at $5.75,.. Ladies'.Beaver Jackets, meroerizee lining, rows of stitching for trimming, pearl buttons, in colors of black pearl and castor, very stylish, $7,50. Ladies' Kersey Jackets, in fawn, pearl and black, fly front, inlaid velvet col- lar, and rows of stitching on skirt, extra value at $10. Ladies' fine Kersey Jackets, in castor pearl and blank, velvet piping on col- lar and lapel, rows of stitching around skirt, cuffs and pockets, self col- ored satin lining, pearl buttons, at $12.50, Istdies' high class tailor-made Jersey Jackets, made with yoke, velvet collar and pockets, fly front, in blank and colors, silk serge lining, natural pearl buttons, a yery stylish garment, at $15. 0 Ladies who appreciate genuine tailor-made garments cannot fail 'to become interested in our various lines. McKinnon & Co., Blyth 04)4100000114110000410911/16000 WNW* -We are now preparing our stores for the Johnson: Bros. stock, of Seaforth, .to• come' in next month, Comprising Hardware, Stoves, Tulare, Gr,tniteware, ' etc. This will be one of the greatest chances to. pur- chase Hardware cheap, yet offered. , Watch and wait. Bargains in every line. Thorold Cement only 81:19, and Portland,. $2.5.5 per bb while it lasts. BLAND `: BROS,e eheap Hardware House. The ' noted Tea Store and 1 China Palace IN IN THE McKAY' BLOCK, CLINTON. Opened to -day 6 barrels Fanoy Table Lamps, direct from the factory,.and will sell them cheap, from 5oc to $8. Also, 2 crates of Dinner, Tea and. Toilet Sete, nice patterns and new shapes.• We are selling them from $1 to $8 less than usual prices; Call and see quality and prices,- ' Pitney China Suitable forWeddicg Presents RAISINS -28 lbs Selected Raisins for $1.25 (box) or 5c per lb. SUGAR -We lead in quality and quantity. Special prices on barrel and 100 lb lots, - TEAS -Chinese mixture, nice flavored tea, 16o'e lb. We sell the be 25o Teain town. We are agents for Ram Late, Blue Ribbon, Monsoon, Appleton's Packet 4 a. We, will give you the highest price for Butter and Eggs, and goods at the lotves ' prices. Kindly give us a call. No.. trouble to show goods, whether you buy. or Stock is up to -date in every respect; J . W. IRWIN 00000•000 . 009000000 Dress Goods A few very desirable goods in fancy c lois and patterns, regular price 35o, clearing at20e. Homeapnns in grey and fawns at 30o a yard. Box Cloth .Suitings in navy and Oxford grey at 500, Serge in navy and .black, 44 inches wide, good weight, fine bright wol, special at 600 French opera Flans els - We are showing'a good range of these very popular goods,price 50o yd Wrapperettes `A large variety of patterns and Colors at 8o,10c, 121 Clothing « Men's Suite, four -buttoned single-breatted eacgne, all wool, dark grey, Canadian tweed, lined with good Italian ciloth, stitched edges, bot- tom facings, sizes 86 to 42, special $6.50. Waterproof f Pea Jackets , Double-breasted, wool•lined, double -stitched loathe, corduroy Dollar, strong and durable, a very desirable garment, sixes 38042, for only 2.75 each. Tweed Waterproof Coats, $2 to $8. W. L. OtTIMLTTE, Londosboro . •••••410114,404141K% I