HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-09-20, Page 2ptember 20th,1901
Subscribers in Arrears,
er actual count there are over 500
hecribers on our list in arrears for
0 Current year, and a considerable
eoportion of them for two years. This
eilequent list represents a large sum.
ern you think it is too bad, in view
tlee large and interesting paper we
lying, that we shauld be worried
ur financing during this weather
y this thoughtlessness of some sub-
ribers-for it is largely thoughtless -
$11.? With this money in hand the
ublisher woeld be able to undertake
ny projects he has in mind for the
ther improvement of the paper.
n't it too bad that the majority of
derioshould be p inished be the rMce.
rity-in this way? for with so much
money outstanding it is impossible for
the publisher to increase the expendi •
ture on the paper.
Dear reader, if you are one of these
delinquents, look at the label on your
paper, note the date to which your
osubscription paid, and if in arrears,
art down and write us, eoclosing the
:amount. It will be the most welcome
_letter we can receive. If every sub-
scriber were to do this, the burden of
life t6 the publisher would be greatly
• Address the NEW ERA, Clinton, Out.,
'and use registered letter, postal note,
. O. order, or Express order.
Te" ,
An Optimistic Letter, 1 Crisp County Clippings
E. What Mr. . Holmes Saw in the I J. W. Snell has disposed of hie res.
taurant Wiegham to A. McGregor,
w eat -a Land of Plenty -0u. David McIntosh, V. S., of Brucefleld
ronlan0 who ilave and Alex. Innee, Stanley, were judges
Done Well. of express horses and of hunters and
saddle horses at Toronto Exhibition.
I have no doubt that many of the Word hae been received of the death
readers of the NEW ERA already know of Mrs Joseph Scott in Sheldon, Nor t h
a great deal about Manitoba and its Dakota; she was a daughter of Thomas
qualities and openings for settlemen, Grieve, sr., MaKillop, and • had been ill
but there many who do not, to whom for several years.
a candid and fair description of it Campbell and Grant bored an •artes-
would he gladly welcomed, To enable ian well on .las. Steele's farm, con. 2,
me to do [hie, I lost not an opportunity •
of obtaining information on the sub-
ject from parties who had years of ex-
pel ience as to its capabilities and offer-
ings for settlement, and nearly unani-
mous was the sentiment that the coun-
try vt as all right and offered the best
indueements. Its climate -the cold -
has been considered a great drawback,
but the majority of its people preferred
it's climate to Ontario's, as being more
steady and equable.
To give proof of what has been and
can be done, I will give a few names of
settlers and their present condition,
which I can vouch for. having visited
their ferule mid made myself well ac-
•ntecl with their affairs. Some of
FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 1501
Canada is not the only countiytbat
is disappointed in its census. In the
last ten years Australia's population
has only increased by 600,000, as
against 930,620 the previcus ten yeare.
Figures such as these are hard to un-
Huron, near the boundary. 1 ey
led 112 feet in one day and a halt, and i
" .T. Watt, Northland ave,
found a heavy flow of water, Buffa o, on
Sept. llth, by Rev. Mr Chteproan,when
The barn of Alex,Penwarden, con.
burned to the round on Monday night
to Miss Mae Thornton.
D. M. Scott, of Brussels,
They will re -
was married
'Osborne, with all its contents, was
bert 0o. for between $400 and $500. side in Brussels,
On Wednesday week Rev A. H.
Brown, 13elgrave, uuited in roarilage
Samuel Charters, of Great Falls, Mon-
tana. to Miss Fanny, daughter of Mr
and Mrs Thos. Black, East Wawanosh.,
when he took up land in Wawanosh,
trading it ler a farm 2 1-2 miles south
of Brussels; here he and Mrs Burns
resided until about 16 years ago, when
they eold out and went to Brussels to
reside; Mrs Burns' home was at flow.
ick, Scotland, and she carne to this
country a year after Mr Burns, when
they were matried. Of a family of 12
children, five are living.
A very pleasant event tools place at
the residence of Mr Melville, liensall,
oa Wednesday week,whenhisdaughter
Margaret,was united in marriage to J.
E. McNicol, of Fai quhar. Rey, 0,
Fie:cher, of Thames Road, officiated.
• • •
The Department of Crown Lands
brie e been advised ot fl. serious bush
the readers of the NEW ERA will re-
member the -parties before they left
Ontario. James Gorrell, who lived on
the base line of titillate settled about
20 years ago four miles south of Pilot
Mound, twelve miles north of the U.S.
boundary, and 120 west of Winnipeg,
taking up in the course of time 800
acres of land; this year he bad 500
acres in crop, 290 in oats and the re-
mainder in wheat and barley. He has
also a -section of land rented for pas-
ture and bay. To work this large
farm, as may be thought, requires a
large staff and outfit; he, together, with
his four sons, was able to put in the
crop, but required four additional to
take it off; has 22 horses, 32 head of
cattle, threshing ,utfit, wood sawing
machine, two windmills, three binders
and gang and single plows, seeders.
harrows. etc., sufficient to welt k his
land in the most speedy and beet man-
ner. The way of working a farm there
is more than double as quick and a
great deatea,sier than in Ontario. 'le-
is now erecting one of the most sue,-
stantial and comfortable of brick resi-
dences, 30x31, two stories, and base-
ment for furnace etc_ His brother
Robert lives close by, having 320 acres
of land, with good house, barn, etc.,
and all the requisites for working his
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
• idence of the bride's cousin, A.
It was insore In the s orn
Ere raging near Windermere Station, farm properly. His elder brother,
John, lives about twelve miles east of
on the main line of the le P. R., be- Carberry, having, together with his
tween Chapleau and Misenabie. They two unmarried sons, about 1000 acres.
have despatched a ranger to the
neighborhood to ascertain the cause
,of the the. There is no pine timber in
that locality, but a considerable
cq.lantity of spruce on Crown lands.
• • III
It is reported on good authority that
Ron. G. W. Ross, Premier of Ontario,
istaking home with him an important
agreement with the Elder -Dempster
:eteeSterrinaiip eo. ,Under this agreement
lbs company contracts with the On-
tario Government to convey e,migrants
to Ontario at the expense of the pro-
vince, the Ontario Government ad-
' wancing the passage money. The emi-
grant is allowed easy and practically
unsecured ter ms of repayment,
• • •
At a meeting of the Cabinet an
Jer-in-council was passed, disallowing
two British Columbia bills ,passed at
the session of the Legislature over a
year item. One of these bills was on
the lire laid down in the National Act.
r-""'" By an educational test it excluded Jap
anese and Chinese. The other bill was
in respect to employment of Mongol-
iaes by private companies having fran-
chises from the Legislature. These
bills were disallowed at the instance of
the British Government.
• • • •
At a meeting of the Cabinet an
Order in Council was passed, disal-
lowing two British Columbia bills
passed at the session of the Legislature
over a, year ago. One of these bills
was on the line laid down in the Nat-
ional Act, By an educational test it ax -
chided Japanese and Chinese. The
other bill was in respect to employ-
ment of Mongolians by private com-
panies having franchises from the
Legislature. These bills were disal-
lowed at the instance of the British
K. Hunter, of Lucknow, received the
sad intellgence by telegram on Satur-
day last that his youngest daughter,
Mrs Ward, of 1VIethelowoc, Wisconsin,
had died from blood poisoning in her
'Messrs Bawden at McDonnell, Exet-
er, got let prize for heavy draught colt
foaled in 1001, and 3rd for filly in the
same class at Toronto Industrial Fair.
Both foals are from their imported
stock horse, Belshazzar.
The other day Mrs W. Kirkpatrick,
Ashfield, met with an accident which
might have proved serious. While
prepariog dinner, by some means she
cut an artery in her left arm, near the
wrist.; she is doing nicely.
At the residence of the bride's moth-
er, Harriston, M. S. Copland, and Miss
Ainlay, became husband • and wife,
Rev. Mr Burns, Ph, Beofficiating. The
parents of the bride were residents cf
r ussele some 18 Tears ago.
The friends of Mrs J, H. Beek, Ply-
mouth, Man., formerly of Heneall, will
regret to learn of her death on Sept. 4.
Mrs Beek was in her 73rd year, and
He has not been quite as successful as
his brother James, but nevertheless is ,
doing well, keeping 13 horses. 13 cows;
and other stock in proportion. Mrs
John Gorrell is a superior butt ermak-
er, taking several first class prizes' at
Winnipeg and other 'fairs, she, like
most eastern farmers where a number
of cows are kept, using a cream sepa-
rator, which greatly facilitates butter
Mr R. P011ock, who lived near Varna
about five years ago, bought 320 acres
about twelve miles east of James (Tor-
rell's place; he took out a well filled car
of effects, ready to start work on his
hind, and now he has it practically all
under eultivation, and well stocked
with horses, cows, hogs, etc., and im-
plements sufficient to carry it on to
the best advantage. While at his
place I met Mr Moriow who left God-
erich]townshoe about 20 years ego, and
who was well satisfied with the coun-
try and would not .entertain the idea
of 'leaving it, as .he could not better
himself anywheee else.
Wellington Berber, who lived in
Takersmithe and went to Manitoba'
nineteen years ago, took up 480. acres,
and rents 320 more, this year's crop
being: Wheat, 180 acres, oats 80, hay
70, pasture 50, fallow 50; the remainder
is unbroken; he is building a large barn
weth stone' basement. His brother,
Robt. N., lives close to him, and also
owns 480 acres, with 260 acres in wheat,
40 in oats, 20 in barley, 75 in hay, 65
fallow, and the remainder pasture.
Their prcperties are Close to Snowflake, ,
a small village,- the terminus of a rail-
way branch, and about three miles
from the U. S. boundary. The crone
of all the above would average about
25 bushels of wheat to the acre, oats 50,
leerier 35, and they put up from 50 to
100 tons of hay each. In staceing
the latter a buck -team is used, a, team
beim,. attached to each en, the cocks
or winrows drawn up to it and °nit by
means of skids. In Manitoba. every
labor-saving device is brought into use.
Wm. Gtrassick, who some 10 years
ago was in the harness business in
Clinton. settled about -six Miles north
of Pilot Mound, and in the course of
time became possessed Of 1100 acres of
land, and will this year reap a crop of
over 1000 bushels; and he owns
horses, cattle, implements, etc., suffi-
cient to work it successfully.
I could enumerate many mere that I
visited, or otherwise came in contact
with, I hat have done remarkably well,
in business as well as on farms; in fact
mechanics, or those possessing skill in
their different professions, receiving
high remuneration; parties engaged in
building operations, will be In great
demand for many years to crime.
The conclusion I came to, after visW
ing different parts of the country dur-
ing the six weeks 1 was there, wits that
it was the best part of the Dominion,
and that in less than twenty years
nearly all that is fit for cultivation will
be in the hands of settlers or -specula-
tore; at present one must go a long
way west before good land Can be
found to take up as a homestead.
0. P. R. Hudson Bay and School Janda
are held at from $5 to $10 an acre. The
two companies mentioned are enor-
mously rich in lands,the first one push-
ing branch railroads in every direction.
thereby not only increasing the value
of their lands, but quickly doing a pro.
fltable transportation burliness.
From many persons and points I
learned' that the climate is changing,
and that, the danger of summer heists
is decreasing, This can be easily ac-
counted for when we learn that the
plow turns up a black sell, which ab-
sorbs heat from the gun during the day
and gives it off during the night, be-
sides it is better drained When cultivat-
ed, not requiring the sun's heat to dry
it op.
The condition of the agriculturist, will
be greatly improved in the course of
time by the lifting of burdens now
busily handicapping him, in the drape
of high transportation rates, a tariff
that increases the cost of most things
that he has to buy, and does not favor
him an iota, high interest for loans and
heavy insurance, and in other ways
that a new country has to put IV With
for some time. The increase in the
Value of land will more than dOttnter-
balance thole drawbacks, so that the
settler has everything to entourage
him to bear with his difficulties+ and
hard work in the beginning. Partied
who ate contemplating going there,
should not defer Catty out their design
as land Is rapidly advancing in price,
and opportunities of obtaining good
loettlities decreasing in number, -E,
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place In St, George's church, Goderich,
on Wednesday evening, Thos,
.Kneesha,w and Miss Jennie Ross being
the contracting parties. The ceremony
took place at 8 p. in., the rector, Rev
Merit Tomblin officiating.
The Rensall Observer says that ow-
ing to the continued dry weather some
of the fermiers in Hay township, are
oblidged to feed their cattle mangolds
as the pasture is completely burned
up. No fall wheat is being sown in the
western part of the township.
The funeral of the late Alex. Donald,
a former resident on the Tucker emit h,
took place from the station at Renee%
on the arrival of the train from Lon-
don, Monday last week. • He was 85
years of age and had been a resident
of London for the past few years.
' Many Godericii people will no doubt
be interested in the announcement of
the wedding of Miss E. Parker, daugh-
ter of Rich. Pinker. of Uno Park, Lake
Temiecamingue, to F. S. Stouffer, Of
Altona. The ceremony was pei formed
by the bride's uncle, Rey, J. Lawrence,
at his home, }tame, on Wednesday,
Sept. 4th.
Properties for Sale or to Le!
To Rent. •
Wedge on Princes St. Apply to
IY 19, ti
House tor Sale.
Two story house, oir Maple street for sale
n easy terms of payment.APO?' 0
May 81-tf. J. 7. WITORELL
For Sale'
A new calved cow, apply to.
August 23-tf, Base line, Hullett.
HOUSE for SALE or to RENT.
Boy 1Vanted
Wanted, liata re active boy to learn printing
Apply at NEW Eire office.
For Sale.
Second-hand Eaellage Cutter, Jack and
He re power; all oomp'ete .
Lot 20, eon 3,W. Vire,wanesh, Atibara,Ont.
Aug iis t 23 -ti
•-*••••/ 1
I Apples Wanted!
All hinds of flppl os suitable for Eyaporating
wanted at the Btivtield EVaporitior .
Sept, 0-tf. JOHN WRIDDoN
Unshall, Apply at once to- Apples Wanted.
victoria et„ near Organ Factory. $ 300
will buy a manly, comfortable house with good
lot -the property recently occupied by Frank
B r Ater &e, Clinton. 1
Farm For Sale.
The west half of lot 24, Bayficisi Con., God-
erioh township, containing 1C0 aer. a ot good
land, is offered for sale on easy terms. Good
barn, log house, plenty of water and, -sinall
• orchard. Particulars on application to .
tf- J. P. TISDALL, Clinton
The wedding of Louis Raymond
Shallenberger, superintendent and
constructing engineer of the Detroit
Portland Cement Co„ and Mies Ethel
1 Viel of Fenton. Mich., former -
leaves to mourn her loss a loving bus. ly of Bruseele, was solemnized at .
and, six sons and one daughter. Jude's church, Sept. 4, The. beautiful
ba' ter Wood, rector of the churchnciat-
ldtcD. Al -an, in Goderich ; it will be under the mg, was performed in the presence
Ian and Dn Melvor have purchasedof
ness announcement is that Geo, L. Al -
the parents and invited guests
the haraware business of A. i .
Ivor. Badly Run Down-. '
control of the new firm of Allan Sr Mc -
An Interesting and important bud- Episcopal marriage setvice, Rev. Ches-
The death occurred OP Saturday last _symptoms That May Lead To
of an old resident of Brussels, in the
person of Mr s Er atecis De Wolfe, at Serious Results.
the age of 74 years, from heart failure. __- .
tv7enty years. Mr DeWolf and two Co. -Nerves Seemed Shattered, and He
daughters survive,
Mr Cook, sr., Zurich, father of Hy.
Deceased had resided there opwards of The Experience of Thomas Cada, of Essex
Felt Uufitted to Stand Hard Work.
Cook, Rensall, departed this life on From the Review, Windsor, Ont,
Saturday week, in his 92nd year. De- Mr Thomas Cada, of Pike Creels, a
ceased was born in Germany, and came small village in Essex county, is known to
to Canada with the early settlers. lo- almost everyone in that notion. He is a
eating first at. Hamburg, and after- on of Mr John Cede, mill owner, and a
wards in Hay. Six sons and one prominent politician in his locality. A re-
in Jf4a0m0e. ,s_ hSat se wd iasrpt 0, 8 oe df t hofe Sh ei sa finteresto rt hMill-inn poor health, recently mepresentative of the Windsor Review, who
had known that some time previously Mr
re -
daughter mourn his loss. - - •
the mills to his brother, and purchased Cada was it him
rnondville, looking anything but an itivalid, an
Henry Colhert's farm in Egd and intends intends to again engage in farm- thrally Milted what had restored. him to
sc r Ee sg.mondville,auci promptly replied Mr Cada . When asked
health, "Dr Williams' Pink Pills,"
The marriage took place Wednesda if he would give the particulars for pribli-
week of James Hoggartli and Miss Ag-
' cation, Mr Cada said "certainly, if you
gie Kerr, Rensall, The ceremony was
Y think it worth while ; but there is nothing
performed -by Rev J. S. Henderson, at very wonderful about the case. I was
the residence of R. B. McLean, of near eiroply badly run down; my nerves seemed
Kippen, a relative of the bride, and to be all shattered, and I was unable to
was witnessed by a large assembly. seem•e
stand hard work. In fad Work . of any •
kind left me badly used tip. There did not
i trouble,it was jot_
to eany organ c
Ii Novel Tally.
One swallow does not make a WM'
mer , but one little incident at Quebec
last week may suggest a partial explan
ation of the census returns. Two
ladies were introduced, one belonging
to Quebec, the other to Ontario. They
were of the same age, and had been
married the same number of years.
The Quebec lady had fifteen children,
the Ontario lady three. That's all
there is to the story.-Ramilton Times.
No, this is only part of the story.
Tire other part is that the Ontario lady
is the wife of one of the ablest Cana-
dian editors, who has on several occa-
sions pointed out, in the co'umns of
his paper, the. alarmingly small birth
rate in Ontario. This may be all there
is to the story.
eustoms Trade Figures.
Farm tor Sale.
100 Acres, West %,Lot 30,1st Con„East Wawa -
nosh: good roads, good water, near P. 0.,
church, school, six miles from Blyth, lease ex-
pires, Oct. 81, nal. Purchaser has privilege to
plough and Bow fall wheat.
The Customs Department issued the
trade figures on Friday, for the two
months ending Aug. 31 last. •
The imports for two mont he increased
from $31,016,47 for the same time last
year to 583,106 00 About amillion of this
was coin, and the bullion increase is
considerable, It was nearly all in free
goods. There was over 5300,000 in.
creased in dutiable goods. The duty
Incraeased by ever $100,000. The experts
Increased by ovet one million dollare,
the amount this year being 530,797,002,
While reading at his home the other
night Ira M. Smith, of Long Lake, was
disturbed by the furious barking ()Phis
dog. With a helper they investigated.
The deg led them to a wood, and they
saw, what appeared to be a Coon,
scranibling up a tree. Mr Smith fol-
lowed to shake it down, and to his crin-
fitarnation found himself face to face
With a bear. He slid down, tailed
neighbors, and they camped near the
tree to &Welt Bruin's action, At 1
o'clock in the morning the beareitarted
adOWto the tree amt promptiyfthleh-
i3d, by three title bullets.
Part of purchase inoney can lay on inert-
gire'ss-am. Auburn.
The premises occupied by R. J. Cluff, and
consisting of a first class brick store, on Albert
Street Clinton, is offered for pale an easy
Also Cottage on Albert Street, with two
lots, stable, and all, conviences. •Particulars
on appication to Mrs W. Robertson, Clinton
or Mrs C. W. McGregor, Constance.
Geo. Stevenson. executor' for the a case of being ruin down ancl worn out. I
Brown estate, has concludi d the sale felt metalf gradually gettine worse, how -
of the farm of the late Geo. A. Brown, ever, and I began taking medicine. I tried
a short distance east of Constance; the several advertised remedies, but they did
purchaser is Geo. Devor, Teeswater, not help me, indeed some of them did me
and the price is $5400; the farm con- more harm than good. Just then I read
tains 100 acres, and has on it a good of a can much like mine cured by the use
brick residence and good bank barn. of Dr Willianie' Pink reheard' purcLased
the residence of Peter Melville, Hen- a few bone, Very soon 1 noticed a do.
improvement , in my condition and
A very pleasant event took Place at
sail, last Wednesday, when his eldest in the donne of a few w6031113 I was feeling
my old-time golf. I can now eat heartily,
daughter, 'Maggie Taylor, *as united do a good day's work with no unusual fat -
in the holy bonds of E. McNicol, et prosperous matrimony to j. oung far- igue. and in fact feel thoroughly renewed
yNI k
mer of Far quhar, bin realth and,
Rey C. Fletcher, Dr Willieroe' etrength
Pine Pweakor ag" i.llaturally thin
s a greet medicine
CO uests. for thon who are .
Thames Road, in the presence of about
If you are feeling run down, and easily
At a meeting on Thursday the Sea- tired, you need a tonic to put you right -
forth • Collegiate • Institute football to make yotefeel bright, wetly° and strong,
team re•organized, and elected the fol. and the only always reliable tonic is Dr
lowing officers: Ron. pres., J. L. Kit- Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
loran; pres., G, F. Rogers; vice pres., Give these pills a fair trial and you will
H. W. Brown; manager, G. F. Coiling; find that their curative powers have not
sec. treas., Fred Broacifoot; captain, Le been over -praised. Sold by all dealers in
MacDonald; ceminittee-T, Miller, G. medicine, or sent post paid at 60 ciente a
F. Hamilton, A. Woodley, C. Sills. box, or six boxes for $'2.60, by addressing
The annual meeting of the Seaforth the Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brook-
W.C.T. II. was held at the home of Mrs ville, Cut. .
W. D. Bright on Tuesday week; the
following officers were elected for the Lit erary Notes.
current year; -Pres. PAN J. A. Stew -
Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 158
acres, situated on the Maitland concession,
Colborne. About /40 acres cleared, frame
house, bank barn, plenty of water and in good
state of oultivation,1 of a mile from school and
2 miles from Hoimesville. Terms reasonable
Deo 14-tf RICHARD BAKER. Clinton P.O.
Cottage tor Sale.
• • y 1. • -
Highest price paid for Fall and winter apples
Aug, 9-4t. ;
D, CIANTELON, Clinton.
Barrister, Solicitor, Soo,
Orem-Elliott Block, Isaac Street
etoelelt To toe.N.
Office -Beaver Block.
Cp-stairs, Oppooite Footer's shot(' Gallery
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Conveyano te
°nice -opposite Colborne meta ,
WANTED -Several 'persons of character
and good reputation in each state lone in
this county required) to represent and adver-
tis I old established wealthy business house of
solid financial standing. Salary $18.00 weekly
with expenses additional, all payable in cash
each Wednesday direct from head" Offices.
Horse and carriage furnished, when nece-i-
airy. References. Enclose self-addrt seed
eta pod envelope. Manager, 31(1 Caxton
Building, Chicago.
Sept. 1$ 10.
For sale, on reasonable terms,a comfortable
frame cottage, on Isaac ptreet, containing 2
bedrooms, dining room, pantry and summer
kitchen, hard watr r. good sized garden, with
a few front trees. P.rtioulars 011 application
on the premises to • _
Sept, 13-„m MRS MeGREGOR,' Cliiiton
• For Sale or to Rent.
The choice brick house on the corner of Ful-
ton and Joseph streets, 'belonging to the estate
of the late Richard Heywood. is offered either
for sale or to rect. It contains room for, ordi-
nary family, is practically a new: house, with
all conveniences; and three -tenths of an acre
of land. If the property is n6t sold or rented,
hart of it will be reated. Apply to
W. COATS Executor Clinton.
Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 100
mires, lot No, 34, situated on 10th con., town-
ship of Hullett, Huron Co., about 90 acres
cleared and in a good state ot cultivation, bal-
ance bush. On the farm is a good frame house,
large bank barn and other out buildings, go r d
bearing orchard; and well watered. Apply
March 22-tf Londesboro.
Valuable Farm For Sale.
Consisting of 80 acres more or less, well fenc-
ed. 50 acres in good state of cultivation, 2
acres of young bearing orchard in goal healthy
condition, 20 acres pasture, 7% acres of wood. -
land consisting of cedar,blackash, hemlook,elm
and soft maples; a good bank barn, a good
frame house, 2 hard water wells, one at ths
barn and the other at the house and a soft
water oigtern at house;. being situated on
Huron Road, Lot 12, opposite the Holmesville
cheese factory. Five minutes walk to church,
post office and depot and joins Ilolmesville.
Would sell stock with farm.
For further particulars apply to
Aug. 80*-tf, , Holmesville, Cint.'
• '
The frarnecottage on Orange street; occu-
pied by the undersigned, is offered for sale on
reasonable terms. The lot Is /I of an acre, with
, hard and soft water, stable, good fruit and
vegetable gardda: The 1 duse; contains ha%
parlor, two. bedroOme, clothes 'closet, dining
roma, summer kitchen, ce.lar and woodshed,
is centrally foes ted ,•porsessioo given any time
to suit purchaser. ELIZ ABETH GRAHAM ti
art; let vice, Mrs B. 13. Gunn; 2nd vice, Bleb. Stulte, no well known as the
formerly of Ce,meron Holt & Cameron
Office -Hamilton St opposite Colborne Hone*,
$4,250 FOR SALE $4,250
Eighty ears farm in Ogeman County, Mich.,
'with $700 worth of crops, modern new. house,
good barn and outhouses, fine .stone
good water, also household furnishings of the
beat ; three horses a few head of cattle of fine
breed, up-to.date farming implements, finest
orchard in county of 4 sores; lee miles from
good market; 10 miles from county seat. The
cellar Folds 300 bushels of apples in racks. '40
acres improved, balance hardwood timber. -
Nice rolling land, clay loam. This property
oost present owner $8,600 cash. Reason for
patty -s going,to the old country,. This
is a bargain. School and church 1 .mile from
farm. All goes for $4,250 if taken by the 25th
of August Clear title, Address, JOHN D.
BURGESS, West Branch, Mich,
Choice Farm for Sal,.e_
Subscriber offers for sale his fine farm of 147
aeres, being lot 25, con. Huliett, All clear-
ed but four acres. Brick house (and also frame
house for hired menebanIc barn, spring creek,
bearing orchard of 2 acres, zy. miles from Lon-
desboro, soil first-class and in good condition.
Poseession at any:time, terros to suit purchaser
Jan 4 -*1 m -If W. HILES.Londesboro.
Real Estate tor, Sale.
The parcel of ground adjoining St. Paul's
Rectory, consisting of lot 218, Rattenbury St.,
and lot 202A. Princess St. is offered for sale.
Each lot is about 80 by i32 feet. Together they
make an exceptionally fine site for a first-olasS
residence. Apply to Wm. Q. Phillips or C.C.
Rance, t hurch Wardens, Clinton,
August 10-tf.
O'Sullivan Busi.:
ness College.
McKay Block, Clinton.
Office -Corner Hamilton St. and the Square..
Goderich, Out.
J. T. Gam:tow. 0, C. CRAB. GARROW.L
Mike: North at., next door tokilgual Office
Private Funds to lend atiovvest rates
of interest.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money to
lend on Mortgage and Note security.
And most advanced methods:
thoroughly taught in Book-
keeping, Penmanship, Short-
hand, Typewriting, etc. .
Choice Farm tor Sale.
That choice and well situated farm Of 86
sores. being lot 54, Maitland Concession, on
the Huron road, • Goderich township, be-
longing to the estate of the late Samuel
Holrami. All cleared and nearly all :ander
ooltivation. Brick house, barn, bearing or-
chard, well watered with spring creek. Si-
tuate 4 miles of Clinton and 8 miles of God -
oriels. Will be told on reasonable terms.
Apply to W S. HOLMES, Execint..i, Luoknow,
or to JOHN HOLMES, Holmesvilie. Aug. 2-1
Village Property tor Sale.
WDBi ht rec sec composer of "The Sweetest Story Ever
Mrs Larkin; 3rd vice, Mrs T. O. Kemp;
Mrs Wm. Pickard; treas., Mrs G. B. Id" i the author of a fine march pub -
Scott, The 'county. convention will
meet in Seaforth the latter part of
A very pretty wedding took place in
London on Wednesday, Sept, 4, at the
home of Mr and Mrs J. Richardson,
when their daughter, Miss Susie, was
united in marriage to Dr. S. M. Ken-
nedy, Leamington, brother of Dr.
Kennedy, Wingham. The ceremony
was, performed by Rey J'. Kennedy',
father of the groom, assisted by Rev
G. J. Bishop, pastor of the First Meth,
odist church, and Rev R. J. Garbutt,
L.L.13., Gorrie.
tidied in the September number of the
W. Pepper Piano Music Magazine. Al-
though this Author is best known for his
songs, he has written a number of most
encoessitil piano pion, of which he con-
siders this entitled "The Diadem Mania,"
the best. this,
Magazine contains 21 com-
plete pieces for the piano -10 songs, 11 in-
strumental -10 matte: For sale at all
On Tuesday week Miss L. McVicar
was married at her sister's, Mrs W. S.
McKay, Goderich, to A. Carlyle, B. A.,
of Edinburgh, Scotland, in which city
the bride was a resident for a number
Of years. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, B. A.
After spending a short time visiting
friends in Canada, they will sail for
Scotland about the end of September.
It is interesting to know that the groom
is a nephew of Thomas Carlyle, the
One of the early settlers of Huron
county died recently in Prince Albert,
Saskatchewan, in the person of Mr
John Patterson. The deceased was a
native of Sutherlandshire, Scotland,
and came to Huron in the early fifties,
with his wife and family. He first
settled in Tuckeremith township,
Where he made his home for some
years, and later on remirfed to Halo
lett, where he lived until he decided to
go west, about 22 years ago, With his
wife and some of his family. Deceas-
ed leaves a family of eight,
Last Tuesday week the spirit of Mr
Robt. Burns, Brussels, was called before
Its Maker. He had passed the allotted
span, as he was neatly 78 years of age.
He Was the youngest Of seven sons,
his father being a shepherd in Roc-
horoshire, Scotland. In his early
years be Was apprenticed to the tailor-
ing; morning to Canada when 10 years
of age, he rola& at Cayuga, and after-
wards at Galt, before cowing west,
The new Bishop of London, the Rt. Rev,
F. WI Ingram, is a man of an original turn
of :turd and in sympathy with all the peo-
ple of his diocese --those of the East End as
well as those of the West End. Wm. Dur-
ham in an &collet of an interView with
Bihop Ingram, printed in the September
Magazine Number Of The Outlook, tells not
a fewanecdotes which illustrate the
Bishop's readiness in dealing with all
ants of people, (113 a year. The Outlook
Company, 287 Fourth Menne, New York.)
The September number of MoCall'e Mag.
gene is another superb example of the
magazine art, and it will be, as indeed is
every issue of this unique publication, a
delight to its hundreds .of thousands of
readers. Some of the more prominent
features of this number ate the articles on
fashion and deootatione, 10 cents buys
this remarkable magazine at a book atore.
The camera of the amateur photogra-
pher is playing an important part in the
weed of art these days. A delightful
phew Of its veins sea depicter Of Nature
is Shown in The Ladles' Home Journal for
September. In thie Ione two pages are
given to the last of Chet magazine's prize
photographs of rural Baena, and the collec-
tion is a notable one, intending alike to
the ploture-taker and the lover of pictures.
Some of the non have all the distinguish-
ing qualities of paintings, with the added
charm of being true to Nature. •
!se ime:ememerem........0•••••..........
Thio denature le on eiertbox of the Wain*
Laxative BtOt110*QUIIIIIVI
Ski remedy that MUNI a cold Am_ emi_do
Consisting of about 84 acres, mostly cleared.
and Well fenced, at the Village of Holxnesville.
On the premises Is a frame house nearly new
containing 5 bed rooms, dining room parlor,
kitchen, weed -Ethel, etorage room, pantry and
closets, stone cellar with furnace; hard and
soit water, bank barn With stone stabling and
water inside driving shed and ether out build-
ings. A good young orchard of winter fruit
commencing to bear; wheel, churches, post
office, express office, store and station close at
hand. For further Information apply to.. un-
dersigned Or address,
Aug. 130-i-tf. Box 3, Clinton, Ont.
Farm for Sale.
Individual instruction.
Circulars Free. Visitors al-
ways welcome.
100 scree, 'being Lot 44, London road, Tacker -
smith, well situkted for maikete and roads,
good frame Wise With Stone cellar, bard and
soft water inside, new bank barn, stone
stabling and other smaller barna; good orch-
ard, well stocked with evergreens and other
shade trees; 5 good walla; as a grain or stook
farm it is 8000R4 to none In Canada. Will be
sold reesonable in parcels of Korea or in
block of 100 acres, apply on tbe place or to
August 28-tt Clinton P. 0.
Weak and lmoU re Blood,
Lives''Kidney Diseases,
Female Ce=plaInt, Etc.
All Drngeiste„ �t tithe direct to
• n J ilIcLEOD,
Godertoh, Out
- Physicians, Surgeons; Ammuchers, Etc
Oface-7•Ontario Street, Clinton. N.ght Galls.
at front door of office or at hospital, Victoria.
• DR. J. W.• SHAW.
A Moneheur. eto.. officeand esidenee Om- _
tario St., opposite English church, formerly
°tidied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Oct.. • '
Licentiate of the Royal College of Physician a-:
London, England.
Office and Residence-
• PERRIN'S BLOCK, lip Stairs,
Every young person should.
take a course in the,
hich re -opens, under new
management, on Monclay,
Sept. 2nd, 1901.
Ciculars free oil application,
••President. Secretary.
The Door
of Success
Hundreds of bus-
iness men in all
partsi of the Dom-
inion are ready to speak of the
thorough training they have
received in business subjects
in one or other of the Feder-
ated Business Colleges of On-
tario, Limited, with schools at
London, Toronto, HEmilton,
Ottawa'Sarnia, Berlin, Galt,
Guelph, St. Catherines. No
better time than now to enter.
Physician, Surgeon, Etc.
[Spedial attention given to diseases otthe
Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.
Office and Residence -
Albert Street, 2 Blocks North of Rattenburr
Office adjoining Photo Studio.
°Mee Hours -9 to 5 -
(Successor. to Dr. T. C. Bruce)
Specialist in crown and Bridgework .
14 D. S.-Graduate•Royal College Dental Slit'
goons of Ontario. Toronte.
D.:D. S.-First-olass Honor graduate of Dan-
tal Department of Toronto University.
• Special attention paid to preservation of
children's teesh. Will visit Bayfield every
Ofiloe over W Taylor lk Son's shoe store.
Children Cry for,
Forest City Busi-
ness College, Y.IVI.C.A. build
ing London, Ont.
3. W. Westervelt,Prineipal.
Chatham, Ont.
Canada's greatest school of Shorthand a
Business training.
29 years of Bttecesatul Work is our racer
The molt year the Moss SCRIMS, LSI in the ht
tory of oar school., 004 OF OUR PUPILS see
ed good. oc anion during the 12 months erldin
Attie 80,1901, Restilta are the grand teat
apply to the work Of any wheel.
if interested, write for the handsomest eats
logtae iSsued, by any Business College im th
continent, and for a list of Where these
pupils were pIaced. Within the past few do
we have received three calls to coil
merotal teachers for other colleges, std
esters' calls from business .houses for oftl
help. The gradaittesof thil school are net
be found anywhere seeking_ pordtione in vat
to keep thin Oblxit in rieW.
We pay the railway faro up to to $8.00
students from a diatalice, (Mod board at $2.
per week for gents and $2,00 for ladle*.
LOOM you tiro net yet ft/editor with the hef
Canada Iola to Offer in the line cif Businesil
Shorthand. training. Write for it.
Chatlaun, Ont.
el • flonoraryGradnateot theOntarioVeterinary•
College. •Croats andiseases of domesticated at. -
male on the most modern and eoientiffe prince
pies Office- immediately south of the New Drat
Reeidence -- Albert St, Clinton. Call
night order attendedto prOmPtly
Member of the Veterinary Medical Associa-
tions of London and Edinburgh, and Gradu-
ate of the Ontario Veterinery College,
Office open night and day, opposite St.
Paul's church, Ontario (Street. Clinton, Oat.
MI ARRIAGE LICENSES issued by the un-
at his Residence, Ma
CliutonIVII signMary street
P: ::11, NB
jxrA ipl , L 1 i A,LBONRALD::::: OBLRUi
No witnesses required
. d
Civil Engineer, London, Ont -Office at Geo
Stewart's Grocery Store. Clinton
Organist and Musical. Director of North
Street Church, Goderioh, and teacher on
pared to take & limited *Amber of Puldhiiilv
the above. For terms apply this office j or y to
ma CAKPBELL,may be seen from 21 a. m., So
2 p.m, at the Clarendon Hotel, Clintim,
Friday of each week.
Subscriber is prepared to promptly n all or -
dere for Wood or Ceti, Vihteh will be sold at
lowest nine. (Moe on Isaac Street, at LAWS
Wire, • Life, accident Plate Blasi
Orriou MAcsAY BLoi.g. tumor
Agent for the MANCHEBTZR Flag Assonant,'
., Co, of Manchester, England, whose funds am
' security are rated at $14,500,000. Also the Ye
, or lililiVAL INSURANCE CO. All °lassie o
'. farm rlsks and town property taken a
'owes' rater. First-class Loon commode
.3' also represented. Money to be had from 4i Po
',.. eentnP, mmordling to nature of poiontity.-
6 Daily mail to Hcildiekville .-- postal card wl
° fete)* hire ....-........
it 41REIGN Or QUEEN VIOTORLk, int:Audits
a *Mai memorialtributes from the most emin
1. cut British and Canadian statesmen, and, "Th.
te Life of King Edward VII." ate 10x7K. abets
'ii 000 pagee, better illustrated than an'!riTil
,o work. Written by Di-. Jno• Coulter, from
2. don, Eng,. the celebrated Historian and J•
T list, and ,JOhn A. Cooper, editor Crinanirin
twine, Toronto. Price only $1.76-ne*
ei from cover to cotter. Extra Jerrie eomin
50 Credit_ given; prospectus free to can
WerldFublishing CA, Guelph. Oat.
k. Wary......•••••••••••••
It WANTED--Dozefl rtoodi strong eoung. riles
" IR years and upward, to learn francs oz, iro
moojding, tinelrlithing, stove motInting
' GURNEY FOUNDRY 00., United, Tarot*
Sept. 0.4.ir