HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-09-13, Page 5vi THE CLINTON NEW ERA. September 18th, 1991 BORN. fe • B. Koenig 21t1x d. 3 1e n oa sooMeQUI.A..llstcafn Aug RITCHiE-In ld, concossion 12, son, 24th, the Wife of James Ritchie,Rit ltv Atlutvflogattatri at u • Bt"1» tSale • Aonceas o ug limes ny Andrewsa sonf ontAtAer, t, lst, tills wifo of Stz1�l and kNsKI —In Us po oh. on August 20, to 31r PIOpTHCOTT,.--In ITav, Con B, Aughst 22, au tor. • to Mr and Aire Nelson Northcott, a d . g inOA Arthur Davis of a daughter. COt t 1 GWOOD.—in Exeter, on September 2ndto Air and MI6 James Co1linFiwood, a dire. have fully .assorted the stock with. NEW STAPLE DRY daughter. gg DOUGLASS.—In Wingham, fist hon GOODS, making the stock again complete, amounting to be - ween - 0. and $8 900. The whole stock will be sold out as t $7, (gyp s0 as soon as the ... qurckly as possible, •as we close up the business stock is all disposed of. Come and See us. We have goods at less than wholesale to offer you. We bought the stock at 58c on the $, nearly all staple goods. , No one can offer you anything like7the bargains we have. rsr Many offer great inducements, as Goods Cut Into,, Slaughtered &c. It is very easy to give bargains on paper, by marking goods at about double the actual price they are sold for, and then marking them clown. It looks as if the seller was making an enormous profit before marking down, or else he was selling much below what they. cost, which no man can afford to do • and continue in business, • We are well supplied in the following lines: DRY GOODS CLOTHING BOOTS & SHOES • . Melee Long Boots 6ien'e Short Boots Men's Rubber Boots , Meige Felt Boots,, Men's Overshoes •& Rubbers -Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, Flannelettes. Shirtinge, Sheetinge, Iiinings, B & G Cottons Blankets, Grain Bags, Tweeds, Linings, Furnishings, Underwear Men's, Boys' and Youths Suite and Overooa'ts. Small wares of all kinds; L'adies' Winter Jackets; Full lines Ladies'&Childrens Don't forget that we have bargains to offer thatyou can't elsewhere, quality considered. ondues the wife of Mr RA Douglass, egg , . the fea 4rWalteroSpindlex a sonst 22nd wife of MrNGeorge Totteron August ughter, the WALKER.—In Wingham, August 21st, Mr and Mrs .The Walker, a daughter. McLAIN.—In Chicago, on Autrust llth, the wife of Dr McLain, (formerly Mama Fraser, of Stanley), of a eon. GODKIN.—In Mo'Killop, on August 25, to Mr and Mrs Albert Godkin, a daughter. and —In Brussels, daughter est 18, to Mr FARNESS,—In Brussels, on September let, to Mr and Mrs ilobt Harkness, a on. NOBLE,—Tn; East Wawanosh on Sept 4th the wife of Thomas Noble, of a son, • WILSON.—In Clinton, on August:80, the wife of Harry Wilson, of a son. CARTER.—In Clinton, on Tuesday, Sept, 10th, the wife of John Carter, of a daughter. MARRIED. SMITH—LOVE.—At the Manse. Egmond- ville, on August 81st, by Rev N Shaw, B A., Mr Wm Smith, to Miss Dora ,A I:oye, all of McKillop. .fief, &.: Gibbings, in to P S � a• Clinton -TWO .A.. J'5► -4- Bly your new hat Before Easter, before the style_ and size get broken. We make a speciality 01 bats and have a larger stock than in any previous season of the best English and American make, styles and sizes. In English hate we have the cele. brated Wakefield,._ Saokville •and Leslie makes. Our American Hate Combine good style and quality in all the new colors from pearl • to black. A. J. MORRISIL Clinton GIBSON-BOYD.—At the. residence of the bride's mother, Mill St. Seaforth, on Wed- nesday, Sept 8rd, by Rev Mr, Larkin, Mr Chas Gibson; of Stratford, to Miss Mary Boyd. MOCOWAN-AYMAN—In Tuckersmith, on August 280, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev Mr Sawyers Me Duncan Mc Cowan, of Stanley, to. Mies Emma Florence, youngest daughter of the late Peter Dayman, of Tuckersmith. • ANDERSON—WILSON.—On September 8rd, at Ingleside, Seaforth, by Rev 0 Fletcher, Thames. road, Usborne, : assisted. by Rev F H Larkin, of Seaforth, •.Mr. George K Anderson, of Toronto, to Miss Margaret, daughter of D 1! Wilson, Esq, Seaforth. BEEDLE-MILNER.—At the residence of the bride's father, West Wawanoeh on Sept 11th, by Rev J Kennedy, Mr John ,Beadle to Mise Lavine Milner, daughter of Mr Chas; iiner. r DENNISON—MAGUIRE-In Clinton;• Sep* 10, at the Ontario street Methodist. paraonagle by Rev. Dr. Gifford, J. Dennison of Varna, to Miss Elizabeth Maguire, of Morris township. • CORUY—JAMIESON-At the residence of Mrs W. Adams,Hannah, Dak., (sister of the 'bride), on Sept. 4, Dr. Gorey, of Hannah, Dak. to Miss Jessie. Jamieson, fourth daughter of. Mr. James Jamieson, formerly of Brucefieid. ROBB—DOLMAGE-In Clifford, Sept, 10, by Rev. Mr Marshall, at the •residence of the bride's mother, George E., Rot•b druggist fifth eon of Wm. Robt.,'of Clinton, to' Mies Jennie M. second daughter of Mrs Dolmage, both of _Clifford. - ._.. MORRISON.—In LDuckno1diD.w, on Sepember 2nd, Mildred Lavern, infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Isaac Morrison, aged 8months and 23days. MoTAGGART.-In Exeter North. on tient.' 2nd, Sarah Ellison, beloved wife of. Mr L. Mc Taggart, aged 73 years, • CASEMORE.—In Manistigne,.Mich„ on Aug- ust 28th, ug-ust28th, •. Je,e�ph H. Casemore, eon of John Casemore, of Turnberry, aged 26 Years, • • COULTER.—In East Wawanosh on Sept. 3rd,. Jane Graham, relict of the late John Coulter, aged 80 years. . WOODS.—In West Wawanosh, on August 24th, Thomas Woods, aged. 92 years, HARVEY_ —In Harpurhey, on September 2nd, Elizabeth Harvey, aged 78 yearn, WANTED—Dozen scud, strong Young anon, 18 years and upward to Iea•n lradeS of iron moulding, tiesmitbinir, Stove mounting. Sept. 18-1. li CRATE b'oUND1tY CO , limited, Toronto. Stray Steers.. Came intosubsetiber's promisee, 11th oon- ce.esion, G,T., about a month since, a reddish leaning seer. Owner is hereby notified to Pr eve properly, pay charges and take it away. WM. CONNELL, Sett, 19--1 Halmasviiie. Cottage to Sale, For sale, on reasonable terms,a comfortable frame cottage, on Isaac street, contalning 2 bedrooms dining room, pantry and summer kitchen, lard water, good sized garden, with afry front trees. P•rtioalars on application on the premises to Sept, 18-5m MRS. McGREGOR, Clinton, Teacher Wanted. Teaoher wanted, male or female for S. S. No. 5, Mullett, holding a second class certi- ficate; duties to commence at the ne W year 1902, kpplications to be in on or before the 7th ♦f;Ootoberstate salary SAMUEL McCOOL, Seo. Loose bolo. Sept,18-4, Apples, Wanted • I All kinds of apples suitable for Evaporating wanted at the Bayfield Evaporator. Sept,O—tf. JOHN WHIDDON. Ile ; .dyT9Wear tenting Ready-made snits from five`dollars up to eleven dollars. •- • The five 'dollar .•line is a tough .dark grey. Halifax, extra good value. • We have a line of black stripe worsted. pants for 52.75 which would be cheap at $3.50. Moleskin pante' and tweed from one dollar per pair up ij WANTED—Several persons ;of character and good reputation in each Mate (one in this county required) to represent and adver- tise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary $18:00 weekly with ex_�pyenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished, when nacos- eery. References. Enoloee self-addressed stamped envelope. Manager, 816 Caxton Building, Chicago. Sept. 18- de. COPP.—In Rosalind, British Columbia, on . August 81st, Harold, eon of Mr John H Copp, formerly of Sehforth, aged one year and one month. CARDNO.-In. Lohdesboro,. -]Manitoba, on August 28rd, Mrs Wm Cardno, formerly of Seaforth, aged•72years and 8 months: • -AITOHISON.—At Victoria Hospital, London, on August 27, Jane Susan Aitchison daughter of the late John Aitchison of McKillop, aged 44 years, 11 months and 17 days. EASOM.—In Morris, • on August 27, Edna May, daughter' of. A G and Mrs Easom, aged 2 months and 19 days. MOKEE.—At. Stonewall, dun., on . August 26, Addie Milne,beloved wife of Zack McKee , formerly of Ethel, Ont., aged 80 years. and 6 months. • SCOTT .—ln'Morris, on August 24th, Bessie' Bella Scott, youngest daughtor of W J and Mrs Scott, of MoVille, Mich., aged 10 months. SIMPSON.—In Brueefield, on September 8th. Thomas Simpson, aged 77•yeare and 9 months black worsted a it 'to'' TREWARTIiA.=In Goderich• Townahfp:-on An extra good � I September 9th, John R Trewartha, aged 40 Mullett Court of Revision. CLINTON 51CtR81,TS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, September 13 1901. ;Full Wheat ,old..,.0 63 a 0 64 .,new.,..q 61 01 Oats ....:.,..4,..,,•0 $0 a 0 34 0 40 a 0 45 Barley 040 a 0 40 Peas.....„.'..., r 060 a 0 61 •- Flour per cwt , ....... 200 • 2 00 Butter, loose or tub , , , 0 13 a 0 14 '• Eggs per doz .. 0 10 a 0 11 Hay, old......... .8.00 a 9 00 new 0 00, a 0 00 Sheepskins 0 40 a 0 50 No. 1 Green trim, hides 6 00 a 5 00 Potatoes, .,per bush50 a 75 HarvestApples per bush 0 35 a 0 40 Chickens, per pair , 0 20 a 0 20 Ducks, emelt 0 60 a 0 70 Geese, per lb 0 07 a 0 08 Turkeye,per lb0 00 a 0 10 Pork, live 7 06 a 7 05 Pork, dressed....” ,7 05 a ' 7 05 Wood abort 2 25 a 2 25 Wool... ., .., 0 13 a 0 14 Appele, per bag „ • 0 50 a 0 60 Plume, per bask . ., 0 25 a 0 30 Peaches 12 qt • 0 86 a 0 85 8 qt 0 66 a 0 65 Pears per bask ..., .... 0 25 a 0 25 Grapes per basket 0 25 a 0 25 Live' Stock Markets, Notice is herebyiven that a Court will be held pursuant to'The.Ontario Voters' Lists Aot " by His Honor the Judge of the County of Huron, a$ Londesboro, on the twenty third day of Sept..' 1901, at 11 o'clook,to hear and determine the several co ppleats of errors and omissions in the Voters'List of the Munioi. business titf uthe Ctt for 1901. ourt are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated the 10th day of September. 1901. TAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk 01 the said .Municipality. . r... o'flCE. Notice is hereby giventhat the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Clinton intends, to cons• rnot a granolithic• sidewalk along the east side of Albert Street, between - Princess St and the corner' of the north gravelroad,. and to assess the fired cost thereof upon the Properties b-netitted, and not exempt by law. from assessment, The estimated cost' of the. proposed work is $1474.55 of which sum $175.45 is to be provided out of the general funds of the mnaicipality. ACourt of Revision will be Held' on. "Fri-. m order for $18.00. years and 0 nths. . A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton. There is no line : in- which the advantage of a first choice is so apparent as in Furs.: We carried over NO Ladies' Mantles or Men's Coats, so that our stock is entirely new. We can show you a larger assortment than ever in Boas, Collarettes, Caperines,•Capes, etc., R. Coats'& Son 1. ANNIe Do You. `chant.:. fishes IBOOt 111 1101 gad Boo him :for Sa1� Sale Register, Auction sale of farm stock and implements, at lot 4 , con. 2, London Rodd. survey Tucker - smith, Oct. let. Usual terms. Sydney Johne, Prop, Thos. Brown, Auct. Atter nearlytorty years in B ' I h e concluded usmess. av to make a change and offer my Peraods who desire to procure whole stock for Bale. dishes of the very beat mannfaotnre Commencingon Saturday,' will now Kaye the unequalled op- portunity as I have made arrange, (August :31st, will cell all mentis with the wholotale hones Harness • (including 15 sets double and 20 sets single har- ness) Trunks, Valises, Robes, Horse Blankets, &c., at cost prices for cash. to bring a large aeaortment here that may be inepeoted by.intend- ing purchasers, thea giving ono - towers choice of much larger vari- ety than they could have if only a few varieties were kept in stook, Tbig will inoltide Dinner, Tea and Toilet Seta of all planes, And parties needing anything in this line will find it to their advantage to Gall and ask us for partionlara, agi3 GRO1SERY • w W4 O'Neil (aur telephone 1lulaakel' is 48, • Fall Fairs. Guelph Central, Guelph, Sett 17-19, Great North Western, Goderioh,'Oot 1-2. East Huron, Brussels, Oot 3-4. Howick, Gorrie, Oot 12. Wingham, Sept 2627. Belgrave, Oot 1.2, Dungannon, Oot 8-9.. Ripley, Sept 24-25. Southern, Brantford, Sept. 14 20 Northern,Walkertoa, Sept 17 I8. South Huron, Seaforth, Sept 24 25 Mitchell, Sept 2627 Kinloes,Lucknow, Oot 2 3 Ashfield, West Wawanosh, Dungannon Oct 10-11 • Kingston, Kingston,Sept. 913 Chesley,Sept.10.17 . West Middlesex, Strathroy,Sep.l7.10 Teeswater. "Sept. 24-25 Palmerston, Sep. 24-25 Centre Bruce, Paisley, Sept, 24 25. Mornington, Milverton, Sept. 26-27 North Brant, Paris, Sep'. 26 27 East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oct. 1-2 South Pertb, St, Marys, Oct. 1-2 N. R. ot Oxford, Woodstock, Oct. 1-2 North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 8'9 Kinloea, Luoknow. Oct, 2-3, Foliation, Mitchell, Sept 26-27 • Blyth and Morrie, Blyth, Oot. 8 9. London Sept. 9.—United States cattle, 6'/d; United States sheep, 6d; Canadian cattle, ted; sheep, 5efd. Supplies heavy; trade fair. Montreal, Sept. 9.—There were about 896 head of butchers' cattle, 50 calves and 700 Sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir today. Pretty good cattle sold at from etc to 4yc per ib; canners . paid about 2e per lb for smash bulls. Calves sold at. from 80 to nearly be per lb. Shippers paid WAo per lb for good large ' sheep and the butchers paid from 8c to 8yo per lb for the others. Good. lambs sold in iota at from 4o to 4a c per )b ; com- mon lots of lambs sold at about 834, por lb. Fat hogs are slightly lower in price. Large fat sows sold at from bo to sic per lb, heavy fat hogs at from 6o to 6 / per. b good straight lots bringing from 6%, to a per lb, weighed off the cera. John F. Taylor, the well known briok and paper manufacturer, Toronto, is dead. Miss Maggio McEvoy, of Paris, Ont., attempted• to commit suicide at Hamilton by drowning. She was rescued. A. fire at St. John's, Nfld., in program all day Wednesday destroyed several stores containing fish and 'seal oil to the value of $500,000, That the tendency to amalgamation now -a -days . has been extended to journalistic circles as well as -commer- cial, is shown by the recent purchase of The Canadian Home Journal by Mr. 'Hugh ' 0 MacLean, publisher of The Ladies' Magazine, Toronto. The Jour- nal, which was established many years ago, will be discontinued ,.as._a: distilnct.. publication,._and will be merged into The Ladies' Magazine, which has al- ready won a place for itself as the. popular home paper for Canadian women. ELOQUENCE AND ETIQUETTE. - day,' Sept: 27th, 1901, at 8 o'clock p.m.. •in the The World: Publishing . Company, an s COIInail Chamber, for the purpose of hearing i Guelph,. has bretight.0ut a h handsome complaints against the proposed assessment i book entitled "The wew Century Per - or accuracy of the frontage e measurements, and any otheroomp'aints which pe, sons toter. ested;may desire to make, and which is by law, cognizable by the said Court Dated atClintun, this.letk day of. Sept. 1001 WM.- COATS, Clerk; - SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under signed. and endorsed.." Tender for. Bayfield, Pier," edit be reeeiyedat this office .until Fri-. day, .271hS-ptember,inclusively, for the con- struction of an extension to the south pier at Bayfield, Huron County, Province of Ontario, according to a plan and. specification to be seen atthe office of H A. Gray, Engineer fine er in charge 'Harbour. and River Works for Ontario, Confederation, Life Build, ng,Toronto, on application' to the Pos'master at Bayfield; .and at the Department of Public WomIts. 01 - taws. Tenders will not be 'considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed. with the actual signatures of tenders. An accept- ed cheque on a obartere I bank'payable to the order of the Minister of eublio Werke, for two. hundred dollars [i190) must accompany each tender. Thecheque will be forfeited if the party decline the contract, or fail to complete the worked contracted for, rand will be return ed in case of non-acceptance of tender. The Department does net bind itself to accept .the. lowest or an tender. • . 13yord.r FRED. G LINAS,, Secretary.. Department of Public Works, • Ottawa, .7th September, 1901. Apples Wanted. Paring . and Cider Apples wanted at the Clinton Evaporator on and after September 10th, 1901. TOWN & CASE Tenders will be received up to Sept, 20th fox the large Stock of Boots and Shoes. Store to rent or for sale. A,splendid• chance for an open- ing for a. boot aid shoe business. J. 'MITCHELL, morrow FALL, TERM Now open in all Depart- ments of the Central Business College TORONTO Yonne mea and woman are coming in from all parts of the Dominion to attend onr sohool, became thoy find with ns very anperior Oven- • tags, Our catalogue explains all, Write for it. W. tr. Shaw, Principal. Younac&Gerrard Sts., Toroatto' 0 TON" Marble &Granite feet Speaker," a complete ,encyclop- aedia of Elocution, Oratory and Eti- quette, which is edited by John .A Cooper, of the Canadian Magazine, Toronto,' (son ot Mrs Cooper Clinton), 1t isillustrated with portraits of the public men of Great Britain, the United States and Canada, living and dead, besides a lot of fancy •pictures in . the .reading matter will be found rules and directions for public speaking, and extractors from all the big and little writers of prose andverse that the editor has ever heard of. The Eti- quette section covers home, social, public and cflicial life, and there is a special department for children. • The specimens selected from the reported speeches of those and other leading men of the age are on a Varietyof subjects, and taken together they are. calculated to incite inquiry into the. history of our own times. Referring to this book the Hamilton Times says:—Parbaps_ it would have been better for Mr •Cooper. to make three books instead of one out of the matter he has used inthis' large volume, but that is'a question which the book- eeller's returns will decide. The purchaser of a monument should have complete confidence in the reliability of the firm,•fr)m which hebuys, for the material and workmanship is something very few buyers are familiar with. . If you do not know us, please in- quire ,about our reliability trom those who know ns best. We are the only practical men here in our line. J. B. Hoover, Proprietor Next to Commercial Hotel 111400414411114101104041011110 MHO lVicliunon er Go, 131.4 yrrint. New Fall Dress Goods Our New Dress Goods are here and the display eclipses all our former efforts. We find a growing de- mand for a better class ofgoods and to meet the de— - mand we have bought much more expensive goods than formerly, but to suit all classes we have also se- cured a fine assortment of lower priced goods which are extra good value; Below we quote a few prices whibbi will give u a faint idea of the goods we carry. trut. our New DOress Goods must be seen to be appreciated. Plain and Fanoy Dress Goode, 42 inches wide, 25o. Homespune, 48 inches wide, in colors of brown, green and gray mixtures, at 350 per yard! Homeepnne, 50 inohee wide, in brown, navy and myrtle, at 50o per yard. Amazon Cloth, extra heavy, to be male without lining, in grey and brown mixtures, 65o. Harris' Celebrated Homespune, 56 indica wide, in grey, fawn and brown mixtures, at 00o per yard. Broadcloth, in black and navy at $1, $1,25 and $1.50, • Venetians. 50 inches wide, in brown, grey and fawn, very Stylish, at $1.50 per yard. Camel's Hair Dress Goode, the newest thing in the market, the same as shown in the Pan-American exposition, 66 inches wide, $2. Black and Navy Sergei at 26o, 85o, 50o, 75o and $1, Biaok Oreports, small patterns, 05o, 75o.51 and $2. AK All our Dress Goods from 60o per yard up are in costume and skirts lengths, no two alike. h McKinnon' & Co., Bl t0000000000004110000000 010/000 Good Shoes. for Ladies The shoes that we're going tb tell you about now are the cheapest shoes we know iof. o it's not $1.48 nor1.98.4-, It's $3, . $3,50 and $4 Tums Largest stock of Plums in the county, probably 3000 baskets of choicest varieties sold direct from the tree to you at right pr ices. Also a lot of They're not the cheapest in the sense that they're' the lowest priced, but cheap- est because they give the most wear, dollar for dollar. They are made of the best Philadel- phia Vice Kid with oak tanned soether by thegighested. and p skilled iut to— ntelligent labor, ensuring fit- ting and wearing qualities not to be had in other makes of shoes. So much here, now. Come in and see for yourself. Tears beet kinds.. About 100 baskets of • Fred T.. at, son, PEPLetfES A Later varieties and over. • Also one ton of No. 1 Honey for sale, C. Hoare, Proprietor. Clinton, Ontario. mARBLE mb PRIAnt r MONUMENTS, 41* rain -Sale We are now preparing, our stores for . the Johnson Bros. stock, of Seaforth, to come in next month,' Coinhrising Hardware, Stoves, tinware, Gra niteware, etc.. This will be one of .the greatest chancE s to i5b - * chase hardware cheap, yet offered. Watch and wait Bargains in every line. Thorold Cement only 31.14, and Portland, $2.55_per bb while it lasts. RLAND:ERQS.' . Cheap T ardurare Douse lock Grocery - e � McKay � �' y Owing to theill-haalth of Mr McCabe, be has found it necessary to go out of business and I have re -bought the stook. I have been in the Grocery and Orookery bnsineea in Clinton for 12 years, and thank my many customers and friends for past favors, and with my long experience in the trade, and my position to buy goods fromfirst hands and at right prices, 1 have decided more than ever to give say old cnstomere, and as many new ones as will favor me Cheaper and Better Bargains in. Groceries, Crockery, Fancy Goods, Ae., than any house in Huron. I expect in a short time my import order of DINNER, TEA and TOILET SETS and FANCY GOODS, which oomesdireot from the potter in England. In a very short time a .carload of REDPATH'S SUGAR will be on the way, sold at wholesale pricesin; barrel, lots. _ We will give you the highest price for Batter and Eggs, and goods at the lower prices. Kindly give us a call. No trouble to show goods, whether you buy .or Stook isnp•to-date in every reaped. J W.IRWIN 1 Ratteubur7 Ste Works, -eLrINTON• Direct importers, Workmanship and Material guaranteed, SEALS & BICE Proprietors.0400000000 .NNrlor • 009000000 Dress Goods SPECIAL --A little lot of Navy and. Black Dress Serge came our way. They are warranted fast dye, 45 inches wide, beautiful finish and •of excellent wearing quality. We are willing to have you compare them with goods costing 80c. We sell this lot at 60c a yd. See them. WRAPPERETTES--English goods are now in stock and are splendid value and attractive colors and patterns. • TWI 'EDS --*A few pieces bought out of the usual way are gkceptionai value. If needing any it will par you to cone and see them. We are always on the lookout for bargains, when we secure them we pass them on as bargains to our customers. - What think you of a rich, dry,, grainy sugar at 25 pounds for the dollar f We have it. W. L. OUTA LETTE, Lottdesboro d: ,•