HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-09-13, Page 3-
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Septerabor 13tbp 1901.
, - I 1. . . I I
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I ., 01 �, . I 4 '' I � I 1. , ;�; , . . � I .. - . I 7,-rtjjjzcrjA pres6nj use, which, by $160 ABWARD, $100. Piauo for Sale, . I - .
, 1. _� d, was a, hundred .
I 0 � 'HAVESTERS' TRIP, the way, lie, sai The readers of this paper will be pleased
"k A16ft I I co.tild give "them For sale, cheap, a square piano, in first-c!asil ,
I � � years old, and 144ra sh%k th�re is A least o*Ae dreaded I I � I I I . I I .1 .1 � .1 I 11
. I M&Ilitoba, tellers" a few pointers on order, Particulars on application toNEW E%A� I -_ I
. ., I . o,farmlu, - was als . 9 with us in small disease that science has been able to cure Cities. , . � ; . -----. I
I � acki, , WITH THE INITIAL TRAIN ON THE in all Ito stages and that is Ostarrah, - I I 11111111H11 I 1"1111""111111111 linimmtmimiiomfllillllllittlilt"I
. � . . 9 , WAY TO MAN . ITOBA. numbers. One of them had never been Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive To Let. 11 � I �
, I I out of the Township of Uoadowville, cure novi known to the medical haternity, -_ I
" I . There Is not " � but he believed that Manitoba, would Q&tarrb being a oongtitutioniAl disesse, - That SEE
,. I . never successfully harvest her enor- beautiful store In the Jackson Block I . I
Hall's Miron Street, lately occupied by 0, Witte. ,&p�
. I � I In& so bad for a who Crash a the lunion Otationp TOkOntO I repaires a constitutional treatment. I I I
"I . - � t I mous crop without his advice and -is-. Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting ply to .
. I , "I cough as cough- -Curiosities at Every Little Station EP sistarice. THOS. JACKSON, Sr., [w -_ .
',, , , N� Ing. It tears the . , we reached Winnipeg. thoroughly directly upon, the blood and mucotio our. Sept. 0-tf Clinton - �-Rlwpgul
.,, I -. , x,auto-The Calibre of the Ken Who faces of the systew,, thereby destroying the . 1. . - - _ -
� _' -
I -
.. tendermembrane ' I %ju Crop 9,c the tired, but happy in inanY now expar- foundation of the diseases, and giving the - _�� THAT THE
11 � I Went to Garner th.9 Or . . Ll. Milk Business for sale. I � .
11 � . of, the throat and Northwest, I ilences, The trip was a. most tiovel t"otrengtb by buildine up the Qo I I
p , , 1. patieril -
��,, , � 17 lungs, and the . . one and well worth the discomforts stit1t on and assisting nature in __ 7 �
1��; �. 11� � I I toba, and the we' experienced, I work. The propiietors have 1101i"'guilth" . - .
. �,, nds t h u s 11AA aboard for Mani . A splendid milk business in Clinton, 4pood __ - . FAC -SIMILE
- .11 , , , VMU Northwest," . The invasion of the harvesters from f altb in its 6aiative powers, that they offer reasons for selling AP - - __ -
�11 . '11T to - -
- AJV I �, Clinton, P. 0. ....1 111111111.�.,..1111 ...... !...! .............. .. 11
�11_:"" I made attract the When the n, Aug. 80-tt. � Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett . � .
I I �, . man with the big voice. the east will, in my humble opinlo OneHandred Dollars for any case that it 1)reparafionfbrAs� SIMNATURE
', C. I germ -s of con- the blue suit with the brass buttows be the best advertLqemeat the country faile to cure. Send for list of testimonials. ......, I I
�" ].� I I � '. gumption. Stop and the comm000re ha,t on whWh � could possibly get. Tile visitor" (lie I. . Address, F. 3. URPNECY (%l Co,, Toledo, 0 d odafidRegula- . .
',�, . . I , was Inscribed "C, P. It.,.), made 010 receptive and observant� most of O. Sold by druggists, 75o 1 t Is . arkdBoWels of I "g.. -OF- -
� , , your cough by ment at the ,union depot, them have spent their lives o . n f&rmg, Hall's Family Pills ore the beset, . Your Attuntion I . � I
I . :. . I announce I . 1 "I',"", I . I
� I p4ing the family ; Toronto,, early in the week we were- and when the glorious possibilities of The Village of Bpuchpy ville, Quebec, . � 8 I H ,
, . , Ito I
, , . ; I
- edy that has ,ompany had such the limitless agricultural 4%nds of has celebra,ed the ',Ofth anniversary Londesboro Mills, -1 �
!, all glad that the r
1. � . '' be n curing a capable, instructive oflicial, writes Manitoba and the Northwest are. un- of,the erect,ion of its church and the � - - ----------- �._ I . 1�
` I . . I
, 7 � . I I Maxwell Clarke, in The Winnipeg folded to them, they -will not be vlow 200th kntiv*versary of the foundation of Ha been remodelleO by the latest oteaDigestiOn,chnIfful- � .
I I ve
�'. � coughs and colds . ' 1. 4e, CO /To �42V�07_ 0 . .
�, ; , 1, Morning Telegram. I . . * -in - the convent. . I
1 � I I ery kind for . to inform relati,ons and friends . I system of flour making by replaoin Rest4ontains neitha
11 Then we were sorryl I 9 -ness alid
%. the ea,st. of the wonderful' country ly- Mr J 0 Brown, X. P. P., (.f New tbereels to the Wolf Gyator Sieve YlorptliftO lior Nawal. 11
i � 1; over sixty years. You We piled into the train design4ted . 'System, which will enable me to make . is ON THE
, �;, . Ing between tht� Rainy River and the West minster, bag been sworn in as 9,
, O,i� Rockies. . .. I . inuit Cabinet, a more superior grade of flour. . I . I
'-: - . can't afford to be with- by the official, which wits made up of , . I member of the Datis and . ��=AUGOTIC. 11 . .
, ,_ ., ". out It., L about ton coaches, and found six � I I . My McBride, Minister of Mines, Whb . Trusting my attention. to business - - �.. '
�:',:-,, .1 I � persons, highly irritated men � - ow a I CANADIANS ARE FOOLED. opposed MrBrown's selection, h%s re- will solicit your trade In general. I - . I
, . . . I
" �� I rule, occupying every double seat. . - I . � . I . (d. . . � . I cordially invite ydu to see the mill and .1 jft;Fa1V16"ZPS0=PR0= WRAPPER . I ...
1�1� .
I , I I' The crush was tremendous, and ,old No- Brunswick, N.J., Bills Are Now sign I inspeot the flour. .1 � , - . � I' , I I
� ', , I - . A.FX- .%,I. I . . . I
" X lleina Circulated - - I . . -1� � I I
�,', the scene was indescribable, It wag a- " I . SM" � . I I
," . � I .1 I I i I
. �, case of "the survival of the fittest," Chief Wilkie, of the United, States 20 YEARS OUVILE , R. S. Webb, I ... � Londesboro -,- � &&- I . ...OF EIVERX . .
I I I .
� - I . I Aug , .,115aW.A,01 � .
. . �
�." 1 I I and weak, irresolut6 men W � 80.3m 1
,,�, ere con- Secret Service,,receiyed, a number of � i I .
�i�, I , lialo . .P
, L � � tent to place their packages or has- . PC= ..&*.. , ___1 or I -
. 41111r, . bank notes printed from the orlg� CATARRH11, . VA" -Tied - I I 1B40r_1yT1 I
�"_ � . , , . � kets of provisions in the aisles of the inal -plates' used by the State Bank . I -McKILLOP MUTUA .. I .
. ,��, . I . ' . I L, FIRE . . I . �
� � .
J : cars and utilize them as sea,ts,. � of'Now Brunswick, N. J., over fifty WonderfUll Testilmony to.the . I � . .. 11 I .. . I
� fl, I I I , ' I . INSURANCE VO. I L ''. I � ,. . I . I
�,,' ". . I I am not'a whale myself,.Vuthave 4 yeaxs ago. . I ()Urative powers of Dr. Ago - � I ly for Consflpa- . .
, I
t 1 :� . . figured in some pretty large crushes The bank went out of existence now,* catarr1hall Powde'r. rARM.'& 186LATED TOWN PROPER I ApeffSdRemel . . I
�,,�,,� loosens the grasp of your on.varlous occasions, and by dint of : some" thno' in - the fifties. and it was � I.. I fion, Sour'Stomach,Diarrhdiea, . I
, I I I intelligent elbowing, and strategic supposed. that the stedl plates *from I Cbas. 0. Prown, journalist of I)Wuth, I .ONLYINSURED . Wornis,Convulsions,flaverish- - . I I I
L'��,, L I
-� ,� cough. The congestion dodgIng, managed to secure . se -t, which it. note., were Printed were , 11111n.j writes-, "'i "V11 been A hufferef , I OPIPICIDRS I nessmid OSSOFSLEEP.. . . .
" - . ' . . L . .
"" ' .11 of the throat and lungs is in Which there were only four L men. doistroyed. It. seems, however. that I from Throat and Nasal Catarrh for over ito J. B. McLean, President, Hippen P. O.; . . � I .. .
' , Thep. . I I I
14 ` %___ removed; all Inflamma- A shrill 'whistle from the loconlo-d ; these plates have fmllen into the I years. during which time my head his boon Fraser, vice-president, Brucefleld P. 0; ; Thop.. 'fac.Sintile Signaturti Of I . . . L . 11
I - . . - E a, Seoy-Treas,, S"forth P. 0. - W G - . . .
I., Brosay6ot, Inspector of Losses, SeDj '. .
I ... �� 11 tion is subdued; and the tiy.e, a hearty cheer from the dense- ; hands of parties who havia printed ; Stopped u my condition.truly Iniser I H At orih P.b. ' .
.p and , . .___
�,,-, , I lible. . Within,x5 ininutes after using Dr. 11 . . .
. . ly packed platform, ana ivo were off ,from them large .quantities of notes ,� DIRECT01-.8 I � , it.. . .
1�.�_ . cough drops a a . . I Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I obtained relief. L NEW -
,. p -;. .- W %; one . on our fifteen hundred. mile trip to I which have been put into circulation most. if net entirely.. W.G.-.oroadfoot, Sefqortff,,John G. Grieve. y*0RH. I � . osstorIg in put up In one -she Wtles only�. .
� Three sizes: the limitless harvest fields. of - the ' from New. York to San Francisco I Three I�ottles ba' k'e al 1. � Winthrop P 0 - George Dale� Seaforth*, John . . 11 I a I is not sold In bulk, Don't allow anyone to son . .
* Is' 50 cents. I I Berinewsis.bublin' Jan Rvans Beechwood P, I 'rt1dug else on the plea or promiso that ft . . �
, dollar size is the cheap- Prairie Provific,o. Had.we been an A very-. large- - percentage of . I 0: John Watt, Harfook V. O.; howas Fraser never every pur- . I
. � �, m'MM �
�"' ,
, the I cured me. . � , .
"I I a hand - I -oi 'Eiold by J. E Rovey� and 9. P. Reekie _�"`i; , John B. McLean, Kippen James FOR I , 10 " j not as g0oa 11 and ,,.will a .
I- I I per- ves are being . � � I.. . I � . 11 8 N . 13 .�!.Poiie.lp AGroce I '.
I. __ est to keep on hand; army hastily mobilized to prevent notes so far discovere'd are'twos,'al- ,
(�11" the,50c. size for coughs foreign invasion we could not though some ones'anol,fi � il - .� C .... 117 linton. A013NTS I . i -_ I --- � . ! - . that you -got 0-A-B.-T-0-lL-X-& � I I
bjtps have attracted more attention, sent in. Inasmuch as .the notes are -.-- . Robert Smith, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea� - - � I _M000110 I
�,�,-,� you have had for some not,c I. ouriterfe I . .. - , � forth; James Cumming, ERmondville , ?r , �_ to a . . . �
LL. - . As the advance'gun.rd of. the thoit- ji of any United States '_ � ZXACTuopr(W WRAPPER., I dpatus .
'i Z. time -, -the 25c. size for eands of harvesters leaving Ontario note ;r obligation, the. makers and . . To Sleep Like a Top. Yeo, Solmesville ; George Mardis aid 1.4'.%: " . . . . 424,41ZZ�w 4TOT
4�;, I � 11 . I Morrison, auditors-, " - - . . 1. I � . .. I of � wilippm .
',4 � an ordinary cold. � for the,NorthWest,'.we ,excited 'the . 66,ssers cannot be prosecuted under ii top!' ligus probably.a, ' Parties desirous to * ffect Insunce or transo - - -_ . . . �
I � . . . To !'sleep, -like i � . .
11". keen curio�gitY .of the good, people of 'the United , Sta.tea law,., but it. is very different oftin to that WhlCh,aP-' act other business will be promptly attended to- � .1 � . . . I _� . . . .
�f, .. 41 For 15 years I bad a very. bad . - . .
%,% . of . spectat6ris said,th6y. can .be punisii ught to be a corrup. on application to an* of the above offiloqrp . . . I . . I I I
�','U',', � cough. -The doctors and everybody Toronto. . 11undreds ; � ed for fraud I pears. "Tbp" IsAo I . . L I . L � � .
' L � . I
� I . . addrefie.edtotheirrest:ar,tiveoffices.. � .1 . I I .. . , L . .
" else thoutht I had a true easo of . L - I ; .. I
,,, � packed the platforms of the union Under the State laws. I . tion of the'French taupe,�or mole. This'. - - � . I . . . � I - .
;i, congump ion. Then I tried A.yer's . I - I . � - I . ..
� - , CheW Pectoral and it only took a . depot to see us depart, or. to say . I It appears that. the notes rea,dIly .Interpretation to fir more la. accordance I ., , . . ------ 7-- 1 1 .
L , T 0 1 - - . I .� L I . I . .-� . " �.. .
. � � . I . . . . . . I , . I
bottN and a half to cure me." goo&bye- to friends. on the train. Pass along the Canadian frontier, as with the Idea usually. coll.veyed-that.,of I , . ' L I . I � . . . . I . . . -
L . . -
`_�-, ,I Whig was Ahe case . all along' the. L t ther not' . I tearing out sale - - . I I
_ OOL 28, im. Camden, W.Y., the a,kgri think they are CO a prolonged, undisturbed sleep like that . . . . . nt jj S L Sli I . . . . . L, ... I
��.� route until North'Bay was re&ched. . of the Canadian P;ovjnce of N I nter rather - than - the . . ..Doot 'and I .
11'� . Write the Doet". It yoii have any . I eW . Of a mole In wl Lalled "pleejD" of a top . C.. 0 A .1 9 . , . . . � i
:� . - hatevot -and -desire the".. . ..AtL-,,E�iery'L.lit,tl.�..ataLtio,n.--tb-e--P.OMI-t�-DruaLs-wi&-the-.Nv.or�d.Fl.�l.'Xp..W--J-ei-PQY"- -iihort, enduring so 1 - . . . . I I- -Bb., eto Y, '' �" *...'' , , " �L *1 ... .... .�.. ... L.
I L - . I
�, __ ace turned out. en masse to have a 'Ing Printed in shaall. letters. The when Ii revolv Ik .tO aX1`9.Wltb ls�gQl� . . Fa ,. r, . I . r . . I
,� . . I...111.1aMnIzadvift,yridto she Doctor 1 be eb o I ' - of Bicydef)_. . .1 L , . W . . . L . :, . . .
treel I , L . . I . . . md .
A-1 lia,'J�'Mrzia. Lowell. Me- look at the "harvesters." and their -notes are �printed on'bond Paper, and tia,'hum ming sound. . , 1 . . . � - I .. " I . 1. . . . .1 .. I . . � I I . ,., . . I I . I . . "
� * . r
�t: I � - in us. was augmented by the are quite. as good in every.way as I . - � . � . I . . 1. I. . I I I . . I
:. interest * I I I I . , . �5.New-Wheels . . . � . .. . . I *
I - - - � --- - - - - The Last Stra4r. , , . . L L . I . , . I
�'. - - - - ANN" - - - - - I fact' that there Was hardly a place the originals, It is said that popsi- .MM NOWI L . . . , � . I So S; - COOPER ' PROPAIETORil - - , . - L
, , . , . ons ' - - '- I . . . .
, 'Sti . I
. �, . . . . . .. I
4 . we stopped at which did not contri- bly $2,000,000 of these notes are in ywed (reading) -Do you kilom 11 C . I P9 of ,, , . . . ;�L . I. . ',L
� I . . . . . I . L . . I � . I ''. I . . I., . . . L i
A� ROSE. bute one or more.y9un meif to the circulation-,, . I . � .1ow lobsters are cnught� John?, � -, . - . . � I . . I .
I k .- . . I .. . . , a -Contijetor. - � ., - . . . .
11 already large crowd on the -train. : 11 . L. Mr,. Newlywed - Come� come, maxyt .� I MeBurney-Beattie . - . I GenerAl Builder a d .. I . . . ..., 1.
.1. I . � ... I L it ln�_Piiek� I I . I . . . .. I . I .. I . . . . I
-L: It's easy comes the laugh from your mouth. noow And such a crowdl The 'coach.' in . . The CominC Auturkan. ''j),on'tLetib, . . . L . 1. I . I ry latest -improved mlL,! - I
0 I . . I L I . L . Cletel'ands . . ' - " This factori. is ihe largest in the comity, and has the ve . .
'! in -thyme, Which I was'fortunate enough to as- soon the Great� Painter will : take - I 1, . . 1. . I 1, � . . I .
11� L : chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive ". � ` L':
0 For my heart has but to whistle and your Up@ are typ, ' It requires- in aTeritie, of moi7� than , , Racycles - ., tl Moo forand build all olas .
. . co or 20,000,000 I pins per .I ay to ii-ilfstd- ' and relial .
'i- . , all In chime, . cure 'one�fifth 'of a seat was a. e his.brugh from out the,attic '.-)f the . , ' * )le stock and prepare4 piano, and give so im .81 - -
?.,�, , ,to- ix' --His 1 S" d mustai . I ' -is supervist .
��, And you laugh as pipes the blackbird and sway of the ton others 'being dra,wn' . I -skies and" 'in . . , q, reen, I - : 1. GoderiCh . . : - es of buildings on short notiod- and on'the olosest. p'rices All work
,�', . � . by the J"Ost, ' red, gold, brown,- . oran � crimson. "ted shirt Waists replace missing .sug. I ad in a mechanical way and.- satisfaotion guaranteed. we sell all kinds of in - , - , �
�. 1; . as away& the tree, wards the . great west .1 go, .. . � . . . . I . I
,!� I locomotive used"by th6 com- : There will be no daubing; no bloWi- pendir buttons Q meet the other neods 7. . . I L terior and exteirior material. , ,
_Out-, ch,- ray, lio�se_lu_thyme, will you never w" powerfu 't L can people.� - L I I � L . . I . . . . .
with me? pany. -tile occupants -were nearly all Al A an wheels I - . . I .
- ,Ing, no faulty shading, bu one vast - Of the Ameri I I : so 25 Seco7a -b � d L I .. . . I
� . . L
�,L � young mon,bubbling over With high harm"k. No. black;.. He never uses 1. . ... . ,� ! - _ . - - . $7,00 And up.: - -I- - - S 9 . I
". they�nsde for only Joy, lip and chelk. L' I I L Ilectro 4. I . . I Lumber Lath, Shinglesq. Limes. Sa h, Doors Blinds, . . I .
. were crimson fair? spirits, friendly to an extent that ! black. No hurry. He. never hurr'W-s. The -velocity of propagation of o I I I I L � . I . .. . I L I . 1. . �
"I, . I . ees will feel -His touch .. snagnetic waves, through .space .is. about , " L . I . , manufacturei' . .,.
was it spread bi only sunshine, that Mid 41 w&s at times embarrassing,and, aq.., Soon the tr ' tbat of light, 18,6�0(A miles per seco Close Buyers - Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBYLL �CHOOL DESK,
.1 smiling hair? . pleased as schoolboys on &. hol Iday � The.sw'aying trees; th ' . I noL - . ... " . ' ' Call and get -prices and � estimates I
� - - . i I p nodding trees, . I : . I . . at W�Mtorloo. before plaoing-vaiur orders' I I I
. � . Were your arms, Hose -in -thyme, never made for with ev I erything, of interest seen . on the I Stalwaxts Of I the forests, - the. pig�,. I . . . . . . This is'your opportunity -1 11. �. . . I .. . .1 I .. I
. I � . . . . . .
. 1. . . ' . .. I . I . . I . �
� - sorrow's fold? the long journey, . ' � I mies.of the orchard, the vine, the ; . * , do not intend to carry -_ .
i - VWL you never to my grief droop that little head I . HOXONI� CURBS' . qs w6 . . .- I - - I I I . � . .--
I,- of gold? Most of the haxvesters were sturdy I shrub. -'His �canvas is -the immeasur- � -THE OATARR . . . . . . . I � . . . . . . . I . I .. .
.. young faxmers,. and many of them , able. One ' touch and the forest is " I . . . a singje� wheel.. ' I . . . I . Is' . . I
I I , . I
11 It,., -.�,ltfl.r, Beld .t, blackbird in the thorn? had never been. on a lqnger trip radiant,' the - valley glorious, the Becauseit is carried by the ipr you I . . I . . 0 . . I � � .
I �
- Where is pain to And you who ne'er were left ronto on: the occasion of . masterpiec6. Ono , A IND - I . I .
I I I ' touch breath to diseased parts, because PRUERSON'S -BICYCI .
I than to To' ' mountain a - it desT � I .
I . First, clas'sBuquies ".
I forlorn? a visit to the annual fall exhibition. and the 'long avenues,in the city troystbe germ life that maintains the MUSIC HOUSE,j Goderich - , , . , . . I . . . . I .
1� Where are tears to touch you, who never sad may They had left tl�ieir Ontario farms light up., One iouch and the foliage diseased conaitiou, becianse it powerfully . . . . I . . 1. . , � .1. I . . . . I . . . . . 1. p .
be? jelt c'oeing the far., 'by the cot . tage of. the poor shares stimulates the mucous membrane to its . Livery �, Repa rs 1. � . . � � . . . I I
Laugh again, Rose -In -thyme, and ton It bi . to chiefly with the idea. of s I , I , , , * , ,
� . � met I � west during the season of a record equal splendor.,viith that, ishading,tbe normal action,, becappe through its oxydiz. -- - - . and . � . . 1. . 1. . .
I . .
. I I - .
.1 . I .- 8 a 8. up-, rswdly., tl�e. 914� _ . '. .., � - :%� I... . �.... I . I I . 0 .0 , . . I � . .
---\ 1. . crop. All had -money, for.tho.,"newz.- -hoine.'of,,the rich- Whon_n�Lture I.. I : Ing powers 'it burn --.,-. 1. wAgons ,
I 1. . 1. . . . I ".-,-..-. _... -1 . .-1-1 �. I—— I �.
1. I . Rir Jp�n Vvrrsty. sy" 'did a tremendous business in her grandest, the birds gather, the tissue. and stimulates the formation of . � I I I I . . . . � .. . " ,� , I . � . . . 1,
" ' I
I Although Sir John Murray has al- candies, peanuts and -fruits from 010 bluebird," the blackbird, .the cedur new healthy tissue, Catarrhozone is an . I .. . . I I . . . : I . . . . � . . . I., I -,
I ready done what, for many inen. time we, left Toronto, until we arriv- . .r . s,�rry absolute specific for Carrah of _ey�ry form, � . . . I I � We have,a lilige assortment of, firstelass Bu i , ,
. . waxwing,,and ,the' obin, and ' I � 99W - I
would constitute a life's work io sci- ed nt North B.,ty. I . 011 � and bever fail8 to cure... Cata'rrbozone. is I . � -A . 11
- . . . . to leave they linger till th6 co . . . . . 'to choose from and intending Ilinyers will find, our stock up -to-, -
. ,
11 I ence, having won most of thb re- But they .were not all farpiers' on "cries'and the nighL.s. are cold, flapPy Ithecnlyremody sold -with a * guarantee, . . . � . I . ..
', wards which learned societies knd the train. In a seat a -Short disItance at rQlezisc, the leav9s. scutter, . shig- At all dealers, �5o and tLOO . .. ., I diae. Prices are lovi for Iiiih-irade PO& 1. 1. . - .
11 . universities can bestow, from the from-inine wits a group of youngath� Ing 'as they go. Thea the - limbs I 1. . .. I ,..- . . . . � . I - . . � . . I . . I i I . . . . 11 .1 �. . . I .1 1. � I
I i " I . . I I . , . .
I famous Prix Ctivier dovn, he is 'itill letic fellows who apparen�tly did not' stretch out, . gaun'tly, Then we...�ee � Wime Needed For a Leg$si Tollet.' . . . I . . . I . I . .
. . . I I ,. I I . .. . L I . I I I � I I
: I nan not yet ' alve been. Insurance colleOqrs, vlslflni� many . I . L . . .� .
in the prime of life, a n h4rrow Or , a, we cho birds' nests h I
.... - grey, of robust I hy-ique and un, know a Plow $rolft a whL I I . I I I I . ' . -� I Goo... Lav L . i
L, * threshin- .ma7chine from a fanning. Then the snow comes. , I I . families daily, hear odd remarks some- . . I'LL - 111111 . . . . . . 1�j ,... 1, � . 9 * , .
11: lie , L ; _, . _ . a other night, &.1i I �
bounded energy. sides the deep- mill. ;Fhey smoked bull dog briars . . times. A collector called th I _. v1?r�-n,*.,jjr"1j�... ",; I .
sea work, in every minute develop- and talkcd. football or lacrosse un- . . The . LRLe Jt;ltn mortland.- . - * upon a railway watchmau.. . A little girl � '� . I . ,, General Imloment Dealer. Clinton
I . .
I . I .
ant of which he is interested, . he ceasingly. Once in a while they would] - .1 . . L I came, to the door and skid, "I guess you 0 I I .. I . I - . M"_
� . I I I I
now working on a bathymetric I At a ripe old agd-for lie was 7h- caRlt nee e ot his leg . I * . . . I . . �
revert to their trip to the west and ..MI. Xohn Martland has just died at
MWEIPsurvey of the Scotch lochs, and pro- 'about the " * . 1Bj^qKrCl1IhV~ . . �
- " "jolly". each , other fig- Blackburn, in Lanca-ihirc. ' I E V er,y� off.".:: The collector, looked sympathetic %0ey . ,* � . .
moting a Scottish Antarctic expedi- ures they would cut in the harvest , I Ittid said In. a shocked voice: "MY, -Obl, MYl � . I Anothek, SeAson I
. . tion, it being his r1rm belief that .&, fields. I . . . I body, or nearly everybody, in Torun- How did that happen?" - The little girl . I
to, new'John Martland. -When Upper New and Second-hand . . , I . . � I
I thorough survey of the sea bottom "Say, Jack," said one, "your mmw Canada College occupieol Lha old sil'to wilds answer: "Oh, he takes it off every .. . . . . . . ., . .
� the regions of the South Pole will won't know you after Parmer Jones on.I(Ilig street and for ;aany , years night before lie goes to bed. He's got IL I We have a few second -band wheels, in good Time has brought round another season. The summer ,
in . � . . . ,
I . ifte P *ooden leg." Her tither didn't care, she running order, which ared to Ila past. We are busy receiving and -opemng out Fall and �j
11 yield profoundly important scient gets through With you.,' . . 1. ' before its reinoval, Joha Martland ,� ed, to go to the trouble of putting- the
�, results, especially as regards scien- "Did yQu bring your r .st, was a moving. spirit among the bt-y.§. add sell cheap. They &to OXCOPtiOnsIly pool t�ly to talk -about them we will I
tific knowledge of deep-sea life. Billy!" queried "another. "They tell i . leg on again untfl next morning, as It t8- value for the money we, sok for them. I Winter Foods As it is very ei I
. . As classical � master lie was very close , quired W minutes to adjust the sti-STIL
Murray was born in Canada -but me the farmers of Manitoba are so� to them, but he camo,clo$tir .,,t,i:l in , I � . wait awhile. We have still a. supply of Summer Goods that , - �
he has lived nearly all his life In 6,11y inclined when work'Is over at . . . I _ _ We have. also a few new wheels, of the beat � �
� __ � - Scotland. His h 'clock in the evening'." I his capacity as director of tt,cle out- .�-.._-�, - . j maki, which. are oftered at wholesale price. are suitable for�yse-for a couple of months. , . I � I
. I
: , I I of -school life. Ile was with them in - � , 1� There's nearly four months of wheeling Also you can get your wants for Pres6rving ancl Pick- ,
6utskirts of F,dinburgh on the shore The young men were undorgrads of all. their doings about tile college, � Ti--,) Whole Story . I 1; t this sesoon-soyonewancing a wheel . . I .
. 9! the Firth of Forth, where he c ous to see .. I ye , � I
I an Toronto University, anxi and was the lead(w in their sports. � 1 -1 �% lotter : ;Snit do better tLan come and seie us. ling -we keep only the best . � .
. always hear the sound of the sea. It the west, arid strong and Plue"Ly Thousands of boy.,; have been in Mr. . 1! I . . . I PLATFOrtu, ScArx-2000 lb-forsale cheap
is a Ane old stone building, pillared enough to go into, the harvest fields Wartland's charge, - They, all loved " �a� # All kinds of Blacksmithing, Horseohoein Y6u will. want Timothy �eea-we can supply you. . I
I �. L 9 . . - .
In front and surrounded by wide -for a month or two to pay the, ex- 1, I r he was a large-licarted., gen-s :: and repairing. . I I Plen of Wire for Fencing. . .
,�. . n lawns and ample grounAs. He I penses of their. trip. I was informed iiiii 0 1 ; . . . . . I ,ty . . . . 11 . 1. � I I
.1 Vve is crous man, who antered fully 111to .: rollnXilley' li" . .
. QaIlv it "Challenger Lodge"'L He (
,� that there were more Ahan a score boy ideas, and yet taught tile' boys � 1� . . (MUILY DAVIS�) . . SEELEY & TURNER I Terms Cash or Prodace. Highest �rice for butter and eggs. I .,
._�!,, qL world-wide traveler -a. broa�d think- I of college men on board the train, to be manlY; To-'day'the proles.01i'mi.8 , I, Peorn CiLpt. 1%, r.ove, Police Station'No. I . . 11
.� $r, and a most entertaining talkers -t although you could not have told it at,(,- full of the pu'pils of -John Mart- !!; Montrcai:- 1��a hequentlypieftuny I . OL114TON
I .1 -an whom It is good to mee - t, , -y had t; 'A -xiftzit for pains in the atdw- . - Emporim, Londeo'boro . . ADAMc A
I a , from their dress. As n� rule th( land, who when under himwere wont, 1 13 vfs, PAiN ber of Secondband Sept 2nd, 1901 .. R I I ph..w I
. . - I WA, rhetwiatism, otiffivis, frost bites, ohit- �, ;I num
%S" � to speak of hint it.,; "Old (felitlo." In blotim, xrqrApo, and all aftlons which � Wit eels f6r, sale Chead, . .
. . left their liven and "Store ciotlld� I . . I � -_ Mew
I behind, wore sorVICCablO sweaters, . later days tho tA,'l 11611tavy 61guro, befall men in our position, 11. 'lave nollesi- I ___1. I I . � I .
1.4 Criminals are very expensive members flannel ,4hirts and knockabout - li�ts I jj�,,L, , tatton in 13&ylng that PAIN-XILLZA, is i" .1, - ___ - - - A .
- ; tha ruddyi, swiling face, the '----------.- - - . . �
ofthe community. They cost the people of n_ aertrit�dytohfLvelicArathan(l.)) � ii I Imado ,
I and were, attilled to inect any co boyish walk of "Old Gentle". were . lUsed Internally and ZxtirnallY- Tr WE"
, this country about $1,000,000,000 it Yeat'. I . 9 r N)
'' dition that inight prosent itself. Mar to most people, for Air, I ea. CUP X� 4= �
-1- if their Increase could be prevented it Then, too, there was a sprinkling i fa,1W I Twoftes, Me. and 56c, bbttl- Tbad - Xo,vek Bakeq ,-T allo Sattemyj , -
. .11 would be a paying Investment to give I of clerks, book-keepers. and. meebanics, , Martland had hoqtq of friends, The I 6 - I I .
each of the 250,000 accepted criminals a I death of this well-known and .auch- - - . � . .. . Worth $25,00, our priee.$2t-50- . . A
� monthly pension of $300 on the condition I wyo were going wlest to better their I resiiedted master, will be dee#ly re- A serious fird wag caused .at picton Ula Restaurant Our goods ato all new slid up-to-date in style. We can show you E6 great; , �� I
that they take a life vacation from the prospects. They woo not made n -'s- , gtetted not o . nly in Toronto, but . a Bedroom Furniture, at prices that
.� crable by too InUch Money, and did , by the explosion of a gdsoline stove ,In Variety of Parlor, Dining -room an
, strenuous demszols of their profession. I I throughout Ontario. Y's;laundry. A Chinaman wearepreparoolto supply all � defy competition. Prices redriced on Window Shades, Curtain Pdles
I __ I not require a valet to look'after I I , ,4!pg Chong .burned, beveral your wants in the bakery line, and ingUnollinen, are I
. I ,
."'; i � 11 . . their luggage. If nothing ."turned 11 . ar $torjr, . was probaby fatally I . we guarantee to giy I and Boom Mouldings. �Utir Pianosi Orgsns sad Sewt I
n -A I � I �d I Here's a Be . e satisfaction in L
I . 11 - .. 1� . szores adjacent wore dawaged,. guaranteed to giye satisfaction- .
ip" in the different lines of business hillp Adolph I ' i ' ov3ry respect. I
� .
, I ?I 1) �� 0 io they were quite prepared to roll up An old Indian named I` of Mr,41, A. 0. M&dore, W.. I
tit qju,. W I L . of near Carson, D. C., Was going on ,�' The names . . ey. 1A. <3"ABILAILA10w, 1131VI-A
tjieir sleeves and "tackle any old I foot across the mounta,ins Lo vNit P. for Hocbelagra,' skid Ur D. 0. Fraser, We make a specialty in Wea- � .
"'. I thing" 'on the'larm. Most of them relatives and 'was accompanied by M. P. for Gmy9boro', are mentioned in can- ding Cakes and of icing cakes at a, . - I --- .. Run"
y had hea�d glowing reports Of Mani- hi4 son and a. cur dog. The latter nection with the vacancy ar6sted by the reasonable price. t I
.. toba, but before settling in the proo- treed EL - silver tip bear of ,Ltnu, th of the late Mr JUSHOO ROU100A Of the I P !, �,-,�,Y.,�.-.,.b?,�.ity�w",,s6.Lc.*.h�e= I I &W �
- .4t,al ace. I P., �
. . ,
. So"'ECURI j vince, desiked to see' it for them- � size, anol'the Indian wanted Its hide Northwest Territories. . Our Restaurant .t L For blood, . . . I I
. selves, I also noticed a few men and incidentally some bear Steak, -, -1 is a place where you wtil find , I Xabb . rl.
But his rifle was in the tepee, four A- 'Uhri eye an �
who looked as though they were too rig � d
1%, * \ strong to wqrk In the east, and iles away. . LOST HIS BUSINESSI eyerythingin a first class restaur- i , 1. ..
" A Genuine 1, were willing to supply the farmer's of luNow, bruili. will stay up eL tree I . ant. ,. ' . 41 A oloor A_tc.nplexion, .. L .
the west with their surplus energy so IIIII-health "pute the ishuttors o all kinds 91�4, always N W - I .1
.4001� These latter talked big about th; long as a dog sits at the bottom. up" in many an hortest man's Candies of 1� A U U e,
1L I terms they would dictate to the poor So Philip tried to -persuade his son busintlea, and there are f reeb. I . 114 --- , U, 1. . . .
vareater s farmer. "No fifteen hours a. day f6r. to return for the rifle while he and thousands of cases on record t I Aa 4)sm Igestion - I
1�, the dog kept watch. But the boy was WherG the only iseeminepoVFs Cigarsint'hebelit Of brands, - � in L
I'll . & us," said one of thorn, IIW6,11� got am I" Aresh g sleep. I
/, et, good grub, ten hours n. day, afraid, Neither would he remain or on oarth to take th ToUcooll of eAlkinds. 'rJ Ano I
alone on guard while the senior Si- down again Is South Arnerl- . ,I "IMN I
I . t andL,a good place to Sleep, or we wash went for his gun. Plinally, the eArw NervIne.. I Tit ' !11 W.P.A.MEMP I k .
. Little Liver Pills $'50 p I We, haVe fee, Cre[L ' I
wont work, The Manitoba farmor old Indian lost all, patience, and, a, I was completely'prostrated'with Nerym I .i . 11
needs us and, he'll have to come to. 111 Fedit Of ' � 11 I I V , I . �
. seizing the boy, bound him to the Debility. I had to give up business -doctors DrinkS 2 1 ! I I . �
. Must Bear Signature of our t6rins.." base of the troe with both arms ' only helped me tetnPoratilY, I was thAnost dis. 4 P ,
11 alt kindS in SCUM ' ',1
." I . . Plortunately there were only a few cla6ping it and left him there. Cl d man alive when I started taking South � 4 I I
I of the strong men on board the AmerTican Nervinel but the splendid- cures I had , I - - "I I ,
When the bear attempted , to do,, , �, P, I
. _ � -10 train. Ile was full of large talk, see L read gave me hoge, and I had not taken half 4 � It
nd the boy's screams drove c MoClacherty's Old Stand 4 , W4 11 ,
short of cash, a constant grumbleri "'M I bottle before I ound relief. I took twelve-b6to I ,ris 0 : - arsa arl I I
. I . likely will be ap- back up the tree, and there he re- , C,a, but aul cured."_X Errett, Merrickville. is VA 4
set Pac4lmlls Wrapper gel and It is altogether mained forr two hours until the In- flovey and It. P. Reekie. is MeClay �, -t I
M. plying In Winnipeg for. assistance be- dian returned with his rifle, released Sold�yy 4�!� E., - . i I It arouses the Livraidy I
., ws his son and laid in a Supply of tear The Department of Justice 19 P10- OLIXTON, i I
Very stnAll mnd at OW The old farmer who could tell wheli Telephone No. I. .� I Quickens the OIMV!ations
to IA!w, ag sragar. I it urtifq g9irrg to raln,. know this, beat r1eat, - . I .. . . . - . . qeeding against Mr J R Booth of Ott- . - � " I t, . .
,, I awa for allowing sawdust flom big - - - ow k0_W~A0 0 A A . W, V
"Id. (P rea VMAIMCUL, . Mill to enllj�jly into the river. - I I I 0 1 - � � Brightens the spirits aria
I .. " I ,%.,) F0.9 0111INEss. . I . . . Ritperts Who have examined 1CIng Arehll)ald Lancelq1. 8on of tbe date- - . - I . . I .
�1, k , CORNS I CORNS 1,00UNS I Hdward'A throat announce thAt there' taker of the Centenary Obtircho Tlaln� Generallyi, makes fife' W00h living. .
1 18 no sign of cancer. � C A I .
; . ""' WLE rG - a alllamfit.� . . . 11ton bits been arrested oil the charge , 11A . ORIA - proV,3d IttO ba beyond qu;:�Itlotsa
110n pablid poltb6l teachin'a 'on plate of . � I
I. i I
-17 ,
�i I vr. P Fe'n Tn'.m. Lim., Haml awy $GViDn years trl a' JjaV,
. .s Toneet corns, painful corns, soft corns, of having stolen thecollecti - t '. kriowrl,
11 �`,� FOR MISTIPATION, bleeahip dorniff The kind of corns tbkt hAVO beeti granted an inerease Of $10 Is, f 8unday night, eontalnWg about . Por wam% Ana owlarft .... . .. . the MOSt li'0111,1010 W 001) Pul`MG� .
. �i, � P1 �064 M 'MA11,01V MO. other Vowed ids have failed to oure-thatse it year, all round. $100 "', - "-,-,* -4 - , __�_
� 111. & good nosay-yiela quickly to PutnaIn'd Mriardes Scliarfe, of 0tf&Wji,,r Was �
� . I
� , I �:" , FA VNE COMPLEXION 'At& fit.
,. . paiffleda coravitra.6tor, rattiam's Dorn ChIldrOn-lry tor kicked by a, horae and killed. 11111114 44� N5 tO leadIng DrugL',18ts set, ORISTOL'S SIRSPARILLA, , .
" ,r.�;L.1r'_Ur_?U4t3 MU-ITRAft AWAA I'M W
. . . I I I .
. weot-y v6gitfa%I& - I 10,xtrb,otorhao- been s. Ion$ time at the busi, . lihe Grand Trank station and frelghb 0040"6 , 41 I =011=014=: � .
, �
I - 11 4i�a .
("i I i! r tesdo 6xv6denties In fact just know to ao it, d 11
I . At druggists. I C r shed m, Tam Were destroy od by� fi�re,, 14 " �.. 11111� ft .
I . . � .
. I 114
. I I
� .1 I
. " - �
.. I , ... -P, '. 0*Aj10'#1&,& IAM.Alklftt, _*�a-j%..j.__.j,o&je,.,.d ......... "I'll I r I - . 11 11 I . I
...... ...... ....... ..... ---- "_ -86'.. A" k 11 . � .dftfid� 1�� "A �#&. t" I
_ft&_,A1__ - . . . - - , - - - - __A� - � , - , ", "� A . ',A.K� . - - --a6AA_.U,_ ..ik�
# /