HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-01-23, Page 1..NI10•NNNI0I4IINNNI1.f IN11N11N.Nt4NN- Elite Stationery A large assortment of Writing Tablets and fancy Papetories and Envelopes at The Standard Book Store N.NeINN.NIINN..NNiNNNNN.NNNINNINI The Blyth s a BOOK STOE: Books, Stationery, FrencRh le.nty, leather Goods, Novelties sad + Magazines. ! • • N. • .•11e 1.. 4III1.0.N100.1- THE `STANDARD' .NN.N..N.....NNNs....NNNNN• . 14444• VOL XXXIX BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JANUARY 23. 1930 No 29 444144444444444+444.14+4444.4.44+44+4444444444+44444+4 We carry complete lines of all remedies and tonics for the livestock. They include all lines of DR. HESS, ROYAL PURPLE INTER- NATIONAL PRATT'S, FLEMINGS, ERINDA LE FARMS, LENOLEUM PRODUCTS, ETC. At this time we specially recommend Vitalife Cod Liver Oil, 1 gal $1.50 I Oil Cake, 100lbs 3 35 Triple Screened Oyster Shell, 100 lbs 1 25 Hess, Kay Tonic, 15 lbs 2 25 I. 4. Hess Poultry Panacea....35c, 85c, $3 50 4. Hess Stock Tonic 65c, $1 50, $3.50 International Stock Tonic, 75c, 2 50) $400 + $ R. D. PHILP, PHM. B. Prescriptions Carefully Dispensed. +▪ ++444+4+4.44+++++++++++++4+ ;.°W4i'1nes4sP4+•/Mlr4•IP++1Var BLYTH, ONTARIO 444444+++*+*+44+4**+*++++4++++4++++444+444*+41++444* SPECIAL REDUCTIONS. During Stock -taking for next ten days we are going to clear out all lines in clothing and men's furnishings at greatly reduced prices, this also applies to our own Made-to-order tail orings for orders taken this month only. Spring Samples Here. These are open for your inspection, including best quality Worsteds and Serges, also Spring and Fall O'Coatings. Best value in the trade and one price $27 00 Per Suit or O'Coat Top Notch Quality is the Best. GIDLEY'S hliottc 78 and 133. Mytih, Ontario 4414+4444+444+4444+44444++4+4++44+444444414444444444 t rvly*t%I.A.vviv..-4%vvvvv: $ SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES. $ 0 WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 0 SPECIALSCFOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ii/Fry's Cocoa 1-21b tin 19c Crown Brand Corn Syrup, 5's per tin. 29c Salt, Free running or Iodized, 2 cartons 17c $McCormick's Soda Biscuits, per Ib 15c Pure Raspberry Jam, large 40 oz jar 33c Maple Leaf Salmon, l's tall, per tin 43c Fresh Fruit always on hand Purity Quick Oats, with China, per pkg 37c Bovril, 1 oz 25c, 2 oz 45c 2 in 1 Shoe Polish, all colours, per tin12c Rideau Pasteurized Cheese, 1-2 lb pkgs 19c Royal Baking Powder, 6 oz 30c, 12 oz 53c Veno's Cough Syrup, per bottle 35c Purity Crystal Salt, in packages, each.... 5c Smyrna Cooking Figs, 21bs 25c R. J. POW LL PHONE 9 WE DELIVER GOODS BLYTH — ONTARIO ttilialkivtivivitviviovtvviAtilvt' Trinity Church W. A. Officers The annual meeting of Trinity Church W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. F. A. Rogerson. The treasurer, Mrs. R. J. Powell reported all pledges paid and a balance. The following officers were el- ected: President, Mrs. F. A. Rogerson Vice President, Mrs, F. Metcalf 2nd Vice President. Mrs. C. Asquith Sec'y-Tre,as., Mrs. J. B. Watson Assist. Secy-Treas„ Mrs. R. J. Powell Dorcas Sec'y, Mrs. W. Stinson Organist, Miss E. M. Metcalfe The meetings are held the seccnd Thurs day of each month. Election of Officers The Anderson Mission Band have select ed the following officers for the ensuing twelve months: President, Winona Hesk Vice President. Howard Ltslie Secretary, Dorothy Iiollyman 'treasurer, Edwin Bender Birthday 'Treasurer, Gordon Lyon Cor, Secretary, Gladys Leslie Press Secretary, Irene Taylor Mite Box Secy, Ruth Ilitborn Pianist, Pauline Robinson Assist. Pianist, Evelyn Wightman Music , Committee, Pauline Robinson, Barrie. McElroy, Clare Brunsdon, Ken- neth Lyon, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Miss Clara Metcalf, of Wingham, was guest of Mrs. H, McElroy over the week end, Mrs. R. Plummer, of Stratford, visited her parents, Jap and Mrs, Cook over the week end, Mr. Jas. Parish, of Stratford, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Turvsy due- tag the week. Miss Mary Kelly, of Walton, is spend- ing a few days, guest of her cousin, Mies Ellen Thompson. Mrs. R. J. Powell, left on Tuesday for Toronto where she will undergo a medi• cal examination, Mrs, Johnston, of Lyleton, Man , visiting her father, Mr. Arthur Steinhoff who is quite seriously itt. Miss Lois Rubinson and Dorothy Mc- Intyre, of Clinton, spent the week end with Miss Margory Bainton. Mr, Justin Sinclair, of Brigden, visited her mother, Mrs. H. Jackson, and sister, Mrs. W. Logan, during the week. We are pleased to report that Miss Pearl Williams, who has been confined to her room with tonsditis, is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. harry Smith and family moved last week to Strathroy where Mr. Smith has taken employment in Butier's Woolen Mills. Mrs Robt Newcombe still continues to improve in health since her recent severe illness. This fact is most gratifying to her numerous friends. Word was received from Mrs. James Armsttong, who is visiting tier niece at Lucknow, states that she still continues to improve in health. The annual meeting of Blyth Telephcne System will be held in Memorial Hall on the afternoon of Wednesdny, Jan. 29th. at one o'clock sharp, Trinity Church Ladies' Guild will hold a sale of home made baking in the sanple room of the Commercial house on Satur. day, Jan. 2511i. The sale. .will commenne at 3 p no. Bear in mind the date, Division Court will be held before His Honour Juoge Lewis in Memorial Hall to- day (Thursday at 130 p. m. This will be the first court at which the newly ap- pointed clerk, Mr, L. J. Williams, will act, The annual dance given by the memb- ers of Blyth Fire Brigade in Memorial Hall on Friday night was well attended notwithstanding the inclement weather. The music was good and all enjoyed this annual treat sponsored by the brigrde, Miss Clara McGowan, who has been re- lieving on Blyth Public School staff in the absence of Miss Barnby who is hi at the home of her parents, Rev. Dr. and Mrs, Barnby, London, left Saturday to resume her duties in Guelph school. Mrs. H. M. Mason is filling the vacancy on Blyth school staff. How modern are facilities we accept as if they had been with us always is some- times impressed upon us in a rather start- ling manner. It will surprise many of our readers to be told that in the city of Ham- ilton, Ontario, the first man to have a telephone installed in that city is still liv- ing and still has telephone number 1. One of the centrals of the city has been named after him. Baker.. Hon. John 5 Martin, minister of agri- culture. has issued a warning to farmers to be on the watch for !aka inspectors and to report to him In Puslinch township 0 person claiming to be an iusp.ctor has been telling farmers that a number c1 chickens and turkeys were diseased and would have to be talion to Guelph for ex- amination. He paid what he said was the "government fee" of 25 cents for each hen and $1,75 tut each turkey. An essay contest open to the members of the 1920Royzl Party" was conducted in every county and district of the prov iace.hy the Agricultural Representative Branch asa follow-up to the Royal Win. ter Fair trip last November, Each of the writers of the ten best essays in the pro- vince receives free transportation, board and lodging for two consecutive weeks while attending one of the short courses at 0. A, C. or Kemptville Agricultural School. The essays submitted were of a very high calibre and demonstrate that the young men had their "eyes open" for the educational Ieesons bath at the fair and et the commercial plants visited. The winnets and the counties they represent are as follows: Joseph Baenard, Durham; Leonard Marmon, York; Archie Reid, Wellington; George Bute, North Simmer Gordon Berry, Wentworth; Raymond Pol lard, Essex; Bob McDonald. Grey; Ed. die Howe, Bruce; Harold Poole, Leeds; Wilkie Seeley, Lennox end Addington. Musical. Recital The musical recital given by the pupils of Miss Elizabeth Mills last Saturday afternoon in Queen St. United Church. Owing to illness not all the pupils were presentThe (ollowiog numbers were given: Song "How do you do Musical Folk" Piano..... • Evening Song." The Wedding of lite Painted Doll Duet loth Miss Mills , Kathtesu Logan Piano Mazurka"....... .Chopin "Robles Return" Fisher Duet with Miss Mills Ella Brown Piano "Gubha's Frolic" !teller Mazurka Veins Duct with Miss Mills Reading "Don't Look for Quick F'esults in Piano Playing" Helen McGregor Piano ' Country Dance" Sartorio ''Skating' Klein Vera McDonald "Silver Chimes" A short bit grapby of Mozart followed by "Minuet" Mozart Hymn..,"IIoly Night".,.self accompanied Jean McCallum Piano. ''Nursery Rhymes" sung and self accompanied Duet with Miss Mills Irene McCallum The pupils ware honored by having Mrs. Justin Sinclair, of Brigden, present, who spoke a few words of praise and en couragement at the close of the program. A prize was given to the pupil winning the greatest number of stars given for reg ular and carefully prepared lessons. Ros- elle Cunningham was successful in win- ning the prize. The class is grateful to the management of Queen St. Church; also to Mrs, W, A, Logan who served hot chocolate and re• treatments to the pupils at her home, Mr. Russel Shaw, C. P. R. agent at Auburn, has been appointed to Blyth station in succession to Mr. Wm. Stinson, retired. He will commence his duties February 1st. Mr. Alex, Porterfield, of Easl Wawa, nosh has been appointed Permanent El- ection Officer for the electoral riding of North Huron. The selection meets with general approval irrespective of political affiliations. Toronto papers are now publishing the lists of those motor car drivers whose li- censes have been suspended for reckless driving and also those drivers whose Liquor permits have bees cancelled for driving while intoxicated. This should have a salutary effect upon persons inclined to disagree with the generally accepted opin• ion that liquor and gasoline will not mix and that the present motor car traffic on our highways demands careful sober driv- ers. Announcement has been made of the winners of 15 scholarships of $100 each offered by the T. Eaton Co. to members of the 1929 'Royal Party" The scholar- ships are,to be applied on a course at 0. A C. in addition Hon, J. S. Martin, Min ister of Agriculture, is recommending to the Government that all tuition fees be remitted for the first two years of the winners' respective courses. The fortun• ate young men and counties they repre• sent are as follows:—Herbert Markle, Wattrloo; Douglass Reid, Wellington; Frederick Stock, Oxford; W, J. Turnbull, Huron; Alvia S. Wideman. York; Jack See, Pee'; Arthur Harvey. Haldimand; W. McKague, Northumberland; Gordon Henry, Carleton; Maxwell Thom, Dun- das; Donald McPhail Glengarry; Carl Reid, !'rince Edward; Lewis Tuckett, Algoma; Everett Pink, Parry Sound; Jas Maley, Thunder Bay. The McLean Mission Band held their January meeting on Saturday. with the newly elected president in the chair. The Bible story in four parts was given by Pearl Williams, Tillie Maine, Kathleen Logan and Irene 13runsdon. The Treas. 2 MissGertrude Elliott gave u� er for 19 9, a most satisfactory report, showing mon- ey received from all sources to be $172,94 cheques forwarded to Presbyterial Treas. 5165.00, expenses paid and a balance in Bank of $6.32. The choosing of new sides was an interesting feature and the Band starts off with Lena Munro and Donald Jenkins as captains with their lieutenant, are Roberta and Jas. Laidlaw and the colors are gold and green. After a reading by Donald Jenkins and a song by three little girls, the story "Oriental China" was interestingly told by Miss Alberta Richmond and Mrs. (Rev.) Weir address- ed the meeting, encouraging both officers and ruembers to greater efforts. At the close a social hour was spent in games and enjoyment of treats provided by the losing side. which consisted of sandwiches cake and candy. 'The Band is indehted to the president for the new "Sunshine Boxes" and "Membership 11 ee" and to the plisses Richet n d for the beautiful new chart, 41,Mans+1-4M.a,.syns e,,..,.n.,..n.M1,1...11.MI1,•..11.F.,1.e1On...,,.,.4 1 DR. W. J. MILNE 1 wishes to announce the complete instaliati; n 4 Iof physio -therapy and X -Ray laboratory acid radium institute. 1 Will give special attention to casef• suital'e 1 1 for these treatments on Mondays, Wedne tit?, s 1 and Fridays from 2 to 4 p. m. IPhones--Office 28, Residence 29. 1 4,bM....M„W„rY.nW1,s.MeW,rorwi0 Mn.M1.nMnwonM.e.M11M. '1 East Wawanosh Council. The first meeting of the ccuncil for 19301 was held on Jan, 13th, the members there being R. H. Thompson, Reeve; and Messrs. Reid, Campbell, Yungblut and Wa Icer, Councillors, who were all present Having each subscribed to the declaratio- of office and after an appropriate address from the Reeve elect on municipal mat• ters the minutes of last meeting were read and approved. A communication from the Sick Child- ren's Hospital was read and filed. The council decided to become members of the Ontario Good Roads Association for a fee of $5.00 and the Reeve along with the road superintendent will attend the Good Roads meeting in Totonto the latter part of February. P, Vincent presented a claim for dama- ges to car received oft Quinn's bridge last December,, • The clerk will arrange with the Insurance Co. for a settlement of this matter. An application -of M. McDowell for the office ofassessor was received, when, on motion of Councillors Campbell and Reid Mr. McDowell was appointed to this of- fice at the former salary of 3100, Other appointments made were W. H. Camp- bell and F. Thompson, auditors; F. D. Stalker, member of Board of Health, A. McGowan and H. Perdue, sanitary inspec tors, H. McGee, J. Caldwell, W. J. Currie and G. Walker, sheep valuators, George Wightman and R. Chamuey were appoint ed patrolmen on roads No, 3 and 4. Six copies of the Municipal World were ordered as formerly for the council and clerk and the clerk was instructed to "Pro- cure a copy of the Municipal Act for each member of the council. The clerk was also instructed to forward a letter of appreciation to Wm. Robinson who had filled the office of assessor accept ably for so many years. The following accounts were pard:— Municipal World, supplies $ 6 73 Subscriptions to paper........ , . , 6 u0 S L Squire, Membership fee Ont. Good Roads Association. _ 5 00 W. T, Riddel, rep+ins for Chemical engine and gravel for Auburn.,. 34 50 Wingham Times. Financial state- ments and ballots 30 60 A Porterfield, nom. & election ex 94 00 A Porterfield, salary 190 00 A Porterfield, postage and fees as Div -Reg .. 30 00 F Anderson, postage 15 00 F D Stalker, assist'e Jonston dr'n 3 00 J Johnston, do do do 5 00 J Johnston, inspecting contract, 15 00 Geo Coultes patrolman 14 95 M McDowell do ...., ..... 18 00 Jno Vincent do 14 00 5 Hutchison, repairs rd machin'y 3 00 J A Geddes, hardware 1 50 G H Wheeler, repairing grandr., 5 75 Dorn. Road Mach, Co., repairs.,. 5 00 L H Bosnian, tile . 10 00 J G Gillespie. dynamite 4 29 H Walker. work on road 5 00 Walter McGowan do 21 00 Council adjourned to meet again on Tues. Feb, llth at 1 o'clock. A. Porterfield, Clerk. District L. 0. L. Morris District L. 0. L. held their an- nual meeting in Londesboro Orange Hall on Tuesday, January 14th, the following officers were elected and installed by Past District Master Bro. J. E. Taman: W. M , Bro. John Ferguson D. M., Bro. Lewis Ruddy Chap., Bro. Eldridge Johnston R. S.. Bro. Ab. Shaddick F. 5., Bro Harvey Flunking Treas , Bro. Arthur Barr Marshall, Bro. J. E. Taman 1st Lecturer, Bra R. McCrea 2nd Lecturer, Bro. Chas Keating Mrs. Wm. McDowell, of Westfield, has been attending her mother, Mrs. Ander. son, who is confined to bed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sibthorpe, who was also on the sick list, Mr. Alexander Elliott spent a clay with his parents J. 1-1. R. snd Mrs. Elliott, this week. He leaves next week for St, Cath- arines where lee will fill the position of teller in one of the city branches of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. .1 - EGGS AND POULTRY This is the time of year when Egg markets are un- certain. Market your egg$ promptly and regularly and avoid loss through falling markets. Clean up your poultry be- fore the chickens becodn».� staggy and take lowerpric- es. We are in the market for any qu.,ntity of duck feath- ers for which we will parr highest market prices. A. H ERSK1NE, Night Phones 100 or 461 (Memilla Produce Builds l Day Phone 106. Night Phones 100 ar 1tt BLYTII, - - CSI'fA1t10 Mr. H. M. Mason sang a delightful solo at the evening service in St. Andrew's United church on Sunday, which was much appreciated, Several prosecutions and confiscation of guns have recently been made by dis- trict wardens of the Ontario Game and Fisheries Department for violation of the act governing rabbit hunts. While all hunters possessing the resident hunting licenses and gun badges are permitted to engage in such sport, it seems to be the impression in certain districts that per- sons not holding licenses can farm parties and engage in rabbit shooting. Accord- ing to the regulations these hunts by persons not holding finesses can only he conducted by the written authority of the Game and Fisheries Department. and ac- companied by an officer of thedepartmer,l anless each and every member of the party holds a license. Gradually we are coming to appreciate the valuable contributions made to agri- culture and allied industry by the scier- tific experts who have made it their life work to seek out methods of improvlrg crops and of car-rying on war against pest. Recently another of these distinguished men, W. T Macoun Dominion Horticul- turist. was honored by the American Pom ological Society in the award of the Wil- der silver medal for his work in develop- ing a new variety of apples and for his contribution to horticulture generally. Canadians should not forget the contri• bution to horticulture generally. Canad- ians should not forget the contribution made by Dr. Saunders who evolved a hard wheat which has done much to make Western Canada the greatest grain -grow. ing country in the world. The work of these scientists has become an absolutely indispensable counterpart of agricultural activity. The regular monthly meeting f the M. S. of Old St. Andrew's Presby- terian resby•terian church was held on Thursday, Jan. lout. at 2.30 p. en. at the home of Mrs..- H. Erskine. The president, Miss C, A. Taylor. conducted the business of the meeting, the roll call was taken and annu- al fees paid, after which Mrs B. Herring- ton, leerier for the month presided. The order of service for the Presbyterian. Worn en's Day of Prayer was followed and prov ed most interesting. The two scripture passages, "Ye are my witnesses” and "Feed my sheep" were read by Miss .1 Somers and Mre B. Herr'ngton Topi.s prayers suggested in the program fue_ given by Misses 9, Somers and C. Dodds, also Mesdames I. Johnston, L. Scrimgeour R. Shortreed and S. Cuming. The two papers were given on -Pentecost--The Birthday of the Church. These were read by Miss L. Berrington and Mrs. A. H. Erskine. During the program Mrs. S. Curring delighted the meeting with a very appropriate solo. At the close of the meeting tea was served and a social halt hour spent,