HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-09-13, Page 1New subsoriOers can have either the New Bra, 43; Weekly Globe, or New Bra & Par
er's Sun to the end of the year for 26o
Recommend 9ie New Era te
The publisher would esteem it a Woe
- If readers would when making their
a- purr:theses, Mention Shit they sew the
)1' merehent'sadvertieemenkin thispapar
• It'e all right to have faith in
, your watch -in factthere's
• small reason- for carrying a
• watch in which you can't have
faith. But first get a reliable
' watch; bey it ata safe store.
We gasman tee our watches and
we.ten you the facts' about
them. There's a wide • range
0f -choice, and your safety, is
Made doubly are because the
sale Isn't settled till you are
Geed Watches
are fairly priced
%Eimer". Watch Repairer
Jew elem. And Optician
Colborne ' •
Yet Wawanoslu
WEDDING. -A quiet wedding took
1 place at the home of Chas, Milner, near
Dennybrook, on lit ednesday,when
his daughter, Miss L. was united in
'marriage with John Beedie. Both are
well known, popular young peoplearid
have the good wishes of many blends
in their life Journey. The ceremony
was performed by Rey. me 'Kennedy.
NOTES. -Rey J, W. Andrews and
wife attended tea district meeting in
Seaforth on Tuesday. Geo. Andrews
spent Sunday at home. • Quite a num-
ber attended the funeral of the late Mr
Simpson in Bruicefielo. J, Dennison
passed through the village' on Tuesday
was supposed to be on matrimonial
businese. Jennie McKenzie left for
Detroit on Farley, where she has Se-
cured a position. Miss Maud Robinson
is 'visiting her aunt, Mrs Purdy.
Coder leh., -
non, one of the oldest residents of the
town and one of ifis most highly re -
1 speceed citizens, passed awey on Sun-
Iday at an advanced age. He was the
fathsr of the late Reg. Shannon, .31.,
D. The funeral on Tuesday was large-
ly attended. .
St George's Church, Goderich, was
thronged at 11.a. m. on Thursday with
the beauty and fashion of the town to
witness, the marriage of Miss Elizabeth
Marion Sheppard, eldest daughter of
Capt A M Sheppard, to Charles Gar -
row. The ceremony was 'unformed
by Rey M Turnbull, and the -church
was decorated throughout with golden
red. The Misses Eleanor and Beat-
rice tiaarow and Emily Sheppard were
brideamaids, Miss Helen Sheppard be-
ing maid of honor, Mr Edward Gar -
row, of Toronto, was groomsman.
iltleare---Philip Horton and Charles -
Sheppard' acted as ushers and Mrs
Sheppard gaye away the bride, Owing
to the unavoidable absence of .the
bride's father. The young pair left by
the noon train for an extended tour of
the American cities. • •
Nos. -Wm, Hill's house as going
rep rapidly ; it will be a fine . building;
*lieu finished, and no one deserves .a'
*nod house more than he. Mr Perm -
;Ingham returned'hontehrIThatirdliy.Or
lest week, after spending a few days at
the Toronto Exhibition, Wm. Blake
and daughter left on. Monday last week
for the Pari-Amerinanand returned
Monday night ; they were accompan-
ied by. illes Blake, sr., a lady who is
:nearly 90 years of age; and her wonder-
ful vitality le shown in the fact that
. • she stood the journetjust as Ivell as
those much younger in years. . Rev,
• '11dr'Shaw has returned to his duties
after two weeks' vacation. .
Peeseenaries--On the. -evening of 'Aug.
480, -the members of the Auburn . Presby-
terian Bible clam; met at the 'home of 11.
M.'leoung, and presented his sister, Mrs
B. Ilenderoon, with a nicety framed photo --
graph della oleos; and the following_ ad-
dress •••• •
Dear Friend- We the members • of Knot
Church, Auburn, are . here assembled to
freshenour mutual remembrance, of the Nina,
which -once united us to you as .our • teacher,
We feel that we cannot overestimate the
.jioble services discharged by you for the Mas -
while acting in that' ca_pacity among us,
, also as EacleaTor and Church worker in
general; we recognize the factthat your ditties
in this conneetion wore performed willingly,
-cheerfigly, _patiently and faithfully:
*We would ask you then to acne* of this
- slight token of remembrance .toge' er with
1.our appreciation of those admirable moral
and social qualities_ which have been so: dearly
exemplified by you in your sojourn among us.
conclusion .perintt us to pray that -you be
ee, long spared as anactive worker for the Master
and that the sunshine of Divine Presence may
be with you to lighten your burdens and guide
l'Ou to an eternal and. merited rest. .
. Signed on behalf of Knox Church:Bible (Aims.
Mrs Henderson, th &liked the class for the
loye and kindness shown to her at this time
and if she were the instrument Used by
"God to help any of them to a betierlife,the
.. felt amply repsi 1 and her greatest desire f )r
them was that they .might be good, true
. men and women,redeeting something of the
Master, Jesus Christ. After a speech twin'
the hostall joined in singing "Bleat be the
tie that .binds" ; refreshments were then
serytd soon after which the members left
• for their yarions homes.
. Westfield .
NOTES. -Mrs Densmore and sister,
Miss Williants, pent.a few days with
the formees daughter, Mrs Witmer&
'Egnionclville. Miss E. Shaw. Clinton.
is the guest of her friend, Miss Etta
McDowell. Rey A. -Brown, of White,
Church, will occupy the pulpit here on
Sanday next. Miss : Edith Tyndall, ot
Chatham, is ..spend:ng a few weeks
with her cousins, Misses A. and L.
Carr. Miss Martha Smith, of Brussels,
and sister, Mrs L. Stark, of Seaforth,
spent Sunday with their aunt; Mrs W.
Killongh. Mrs W. A;'1Cillough and
family, Clinton, spenta few days with
relatives this week. W. Helps return-
ed from laoronto last week, mach im-
proved. '•
Strong & Simple
We aim to have out Photo-
graphs 'strong and simple
in detail, as are the paint-
ings by great maeters. We.
endeator to have the cam-
era catch the best expression
not the triVial and transit -
tory ones.
'Henry's. - Photo - Studio.
The Pickling
:Season is
at Illand
WEST END NOTES -Mr and Dire J.
Bell, Hallett, spent Sunday at A. El -
Coat's. Mies 1. Miller, Goderich town.
ship, is visiting her aunt, Dire j. Wise.
Mrs if, Carteras returned from Tor-
onto, Among those attending London
fair this week are Mr and Mrs A. Et.
coat, Mr and Mrs R. Pepper, Mr and
litre A. !Townsend and Mr and Bits J.
()rich. Meesrs. H. and W. Miller, God-
erich township visited F. Layton last
FOUND A.OMN.--Some time ago a
certain lady on one of the concessions
of this township, lost a gold watch and
chain, and it was at once reported that
the article had been stolen, and that
suspicion rested on certain parties.
The particular locality had always en-
joyed an enviable reputation forhones-
ty, and everybody naturally felt some.
what concerned about the loss of the
article in question. It was not un-
natural that it should have been seri-
posed the watch was stolen, but as
events tented out, it would have done
no hat m to have exercised a little more
prudence. The lady in question, .owns
property elsewhere mahe c'ounty, and
had ocoasion to go there and gather
fruit. After her visit it is said the
watch was found hanging in one of the
fruit trees. Whether she had taken it
off and hung it there herseltor whether
it had been accidently pulled off while
gathering fruit we know not, but We
are glad to know that it was notstolen,
and was restored to its rightful owner.
THE ConNom.-The council met at
Daly's hall, Egniondville, on Monday.
last, all the members present, 3m.erimrang was re -appointed collector,
at a salary of NO. 'The rates for the
current • year were as follows :-For
county put poses, as :per requisition of
county clerk, 02,115.55, requiring a
rate of.1 1 mills on the dollar. For
township and general echool purposes,
theitilii-or$7;85/ 6e, requiring -a -rate -of -
&mills on the dollen • The amounts
asked for by the various beards of
school trustees are as follows :-No. 1.
• $135, rearming a r .te of 2.4 mills on the
dollar ;No. 3, $27387, 1.1 mills; No. 4,
mine required ; No. 5, $214.33, 1.1 mills ;
No. 7, $80,95„45 mills ; No. 8, $371.21;
.27 mills No. 9, $330,47, 1.9; No, 10,:
$103.98, .7 mills; Union, $30.55, .4 mills.'
A special rate of L26 Mills on the dol-
lar will be raised on the property in
S. S. No. 1, to raise the sum of $227, to
pay off debenture No. 2 and interest,.
A resolution was passed authorizing F.
W. Farncomb, the engineer in charge
of the Shepherd and. Sproat drains,
to enforce the previsions of the contraet
existing between Mr Oliver and the cor-
poration, it he finds it necessary to doi-
so, As instructed at 4 special ,noeeting
at the cOunciltheld in Brucefleld, on
Aug. 30.41, the reeve visited certain
Municipalities in Oxford and Waterloo
counties where electric railways are in
operation, and brought back a whole
volume of iinformation on this very
important subject. After reeeiviug.
Mr florton's report, the eouncii were
unanimous in deciding.not to grant the
right dery over certain rapids inthe
township, as sake& fee by.Messre. Mc-
Gillieuddy and Goldthorpe. Accounts
were passed amounting to $33[.O1. The
next meeting will be held at Strong's
hall, on Sate rday, Oct, 12, at 10 o'eleck.
A. G. kirproc.re, 01,Eax,
•Nines. -a, court for the hearing, of
appeals against the Voters' List, will
be held at Loncleshore,on Sept. 23rd, at
11 a, m. The trustees of S. B. No. 5
are ad vertising for a teacher, duties to
commence with the new year,. ,
Sotioor. ENTERTAINXENT.-:An 'En-
tertainment will be heId in the school-
room of S. S. No 9, Hallett (commonly
known as Sprung's school),on Friday.
ev'g, Sent. 20th. The foocovieg will
takepart :-U J Ramsey, banjoist and
comic singer, ,W Mc?' hee, violinist,
Miss E M Patterson, vocaliet, W
Smith, gramophonist. Tea. seryed
from 6 to 8 o'clock. Admission adults
25c, children 15c
Graham, Brucefield, and R; RoImes,
Clinton, executors of the estate of the
late W. E. Brown, have metructed 0.
Hamilton to sell by public auction at
the Commercial Hotel, Blyth, on
Thursday, Sept, 19, at 2 o'clock, a piece
of property eomprising 25 acres, being
the north portion of lot 21, con. 24, n
the townehip of Rullett; there is on
the place a good frame house, a frame
barn and stable, orchard, and has a
choice clay loam all seeded down.
There will also be sold at the same
time lots Nos. 3! and 85, in Comb's sur-
vey, Blyth, containing three-fourths
Man acre, belonging to the estate o f
the late James Brown.
Aid we wentO ensphaelee
these facts concerning our
Vinegar and Pickling Spices
They are to he depended on heoetee
• of their high geality.
We are Item &dieter in the old saying
, "It doeen't pay to trifle with tile oonfldenoe
that a onitorner hao in ret and Jour goechi,"
Thates why we tarry the beet of every.
_thing in oar line.
We are buyers of
'thous:and Ptars
trite dant, Grocer*,
'esa'totButi and ggt PhoSCIll
NOTE& -Airs Jas. Mustard, Chicago,
and Miss M. McEwen have gone to
Tiverton to visit relatives. MISR K.
McFarlane, Michigan, made a short
visit to her 'grandmother. Mrs H. Mc-
Gregor, sr,, last week. John Moffatt
end wife went to Toronto to the lodes -
trial Fair last week. Mills Bella Mc-
Cowan has gone to . visit friends in
London, John Band and his brother
Win., from Ridgetown, paid a short
visit to friends here during the first of
the week. Miss Mary Campbell ,e -
turned, to her home in Kincardine on
Monday: Misses E. McEwen and B.
McRae, (Minton'were visiting on the
2nd during the first of the week. N.
McGregor, Adam Stewart, Harold
Innes and Geo. Pearson took in the
Western Pair this week.
ITEM:I.-Xi:m(1ot) Pair is attracting A
number of our villagers this week.
Miss Wilson is the guest of Mies Ada
Rottatt. Mrs Buchan is the guest of
her daughter, Mrs (Dr Woods. Miss
Kathleen,Harrison entertained a num-
ber of Seaforth friends last Thursday
evening. Mr Campbell, Seaforth„ was
in town on Sunday. Mr Laird, of De-
troit,'called nn friends in town one day
last week. Miss Beatty, who has been
a guest at the Albion Hotel, returned
home last week, R. Bailey was home
from Clinton on Sunday. A number.
of our young people . gave a dance in
the pavilion 'eat Friday evening, and
spent a most enjoyable time dancing
until the "wee erne' hours," R. Erwin
is attend -lag the Pan A merican this
week. S. O. Hustou's driver, "jack"
ran away last Sunday eyeuing, but. for-
tunately a damaged shaft wee the only
result. The council has made an exam-
ination of all the roads in the corpora-
tioh and Will directly proceed to repair
what is necessary, The visitors have
entirely deserted our resort with the
exception of a few Americans who are
stationed with Miss Simpson. Miss M.
Whiddon has returned to her home in
Cherley, via, Toronto, in order to take
in the exhibition. Misses LOttie and
Lily Martin have returned from a visit
to Toronto. R. Segall, fortnerly of
this place,is now on a .visit to his
mother. There were many sorrowing
hearts among the boarders as they cor.-
regated to sing their farewell song in
honor of cur Summer Resort in w ich
they had spent so many happy hours;
the chorus ran ap follows .
lea field's Walks are brighten& fair,
_ allayfteld s hi are green
I'd rathertMendtobe summer there,
Than reign as 'Wand's Queen.
Two Papers
For One Price.
We are offering two papers for the
balance of this year, to new sub-
scribers, for the sum of 25c, One
of these is our . own paper, the
Or.tismorr NEw ERA, tI20 other is
either the °arm% E'en:noes Sun,
or the Toronto Weekly Globe.*
Take your choice: -
New Era and Weekly Globe,
to 31st of Dec., for .. . ..
New Era & Canada Farmer's
. Sun to 31st of Deo, for. .. 25c
NOTES. -Mr and Mrs G. Currie, sr.,
left for the Soo on Saturday; we wish
them an enjoyable trip. Mr and Mrs
0, Girvin left on Monday for their trip
east, intending to stop off for a few
days at Niagara and Buffalo. Miss
Itose'and Mrs O. Pentland and children,
who have been •visiting Mende in this
neighborhood, left on Tuesday for their
home in Rock Island. Mies T. Sprung,
Messrs Watson, Taylor, Dodd, Dustow
and lietheriegton all took in the Pen.
American during._ the past -week. Mr.
and Mrs Irwin, Winghano, Sundayed
at II. Watson's, 0. Tebbutt passed
through our, village on Friday evening.
Mrs R. Mcllwain and her father, Mr
Hetherington, left for London, to visit
friends and take in the Exhibition,
Silos are still in favor with the farmers
and s. number ofnew ones are going
up in this yicinity this fall, corn being
about the only crop the farmers can
boast of
NoTes.---F. Ford attended the Pan-
American and Toronto' Exhibitions
G. Phipps hae returned after epending
a week in Toronto, Mists E. Courtiers
arrived hoe:ie.-on Saturday after vieiti.
ing in Toronto and Pickering, Mr
Amess,of British Columbia, is welting
his family here. Mrs and Roy Pickard,
W, and H. Mulholland, J. L. Courtice,
H. Elford, Rev, Mt Hussar, G. Rolland
and J. Cantelon were at London fair
this week. •
Antal:Vita8earr. - Anniversary ser
vier% in connection with the Methodist
church will be held,. as already an-
nounced, on Sept 29th and 30th. On
Sunday the 29tit Divine service will be
conducted at 10 a. m. by Rev. W. G.
Houston, at 2 30 p, m., by Rev. W.
Gifford and at 7 p. no,. by Rev. Dr.
Gifford. On Monday night following
a first clam tea willbe served by the
ladies 'of the church after which a
_splendid program of mimicand adch ass._
es will be rendered: Look out for bills
announcing full details.
lowing from a Wingham paper refers
to a, brother of Mrs H Elford: -"It is
many moons since the Rev MrThorn-
ley, as a young roan, set foot in this
part. of Ontario, 'Huron County,
now occupied by the hustling town of
Wingham. ,Wingharn was not, for it
had not been founded. He came here
first as Missionary, on foot, and on
horseback ; he came the other day in
a railway coach. The chanee is a re-
velation to him. Vhere only a hut
or two; tall trees the mosquito, the
frog, the quadruped and the songster
held sway, new there is a thnving
town, pushingsteadily to the fore as
as the best n the Province. The
change seems as a dream to him, the
past and the present are realities, es-
pecially the long past. The expert,
ence of those da ye brings a shiver, as
the recollections occupy the mind.
The hardshilii`bylitiid;Thy- retest and -
by river, as he scnigh to do work as a
Methodist Missionary, are very vivid.
Mr Thornley spent a few days with Dr
Towler in town and addr: mid the Meth-
odist Sunday School on -Sunday .aften
noon. " '1 John It. first saw the light of day at
gagefield. '
DEATEL-Thos. Simpson passed away
on Sunday last, at the age of 77 years
and 9 menthe. Ele• was formerly a re-
sident of Stanley township, and for
many years was • reeve thereof. He"
held the position, in spite of some very
warm conteste, and always discharged
the duties of his position to the best of
his ability. When he retired he re-
moved to this place, where he has re-
sided for a considerable time. He was
a jovial, gond hearted fellow, generous
and impulsive' to a degree. He enjoy-
ed good health but latterly was troub-
led with a, cancer on his face
for which he underwent an oper-
ation • a few days ago. He was
Conservative politically and an atten•
dant of the Presbyterian church. His
funeral was very largely attended on
Tuesday; in fact was one of the larg-
est funerals ever seen in the neighbor-
hood. He leaves a widow and an
adopted daughter; Miss Ida Sinareo^, to
mourn his loss,
NoTes.-Alex. Ross has moved into
Mr Jamiesoles house. Miss Cassie
Johnston, Varna, is the guest of Miss
Maggie Campbell. Bliss Fanny Foth-
eringham is visiting at the home of her
sister, Mrs Clutten. Wm. Grabam at-
tended the Toronto fair.. Miss Flora
Smith has returned from . visiting
friends in Bowmanville and other
places, A. Swan is very ill at present.
Mise M. Ross returned home from
yisitingfreends on the Thames road.
A number of patrons of the Crealy
creamery in the neighborhood have
lost various sums by his recent failure.
Messrs. W. Baird and C. Mustard have
Beene, -The "wheelers" held their
annualaticnic recently, ite the lake. but.
°wine. to the abeence of the you'll
men through edverse circumstances,
the -picnic was net as successful as was
hoped -never is, you know, under each
conditions. ,
LEAGOE.-The • meeting on Tuesday
evening was led by A. P. Sheppard;
songservice, was the order of program;
solos were given • by Morland, 11.
Snyder, Misses p. Destow and M. (air -
vin, in addition to choruses, etc. Our
meetings are always interesting and I
good.; come and.see,
Porter's RI11.. .
Norree.--Mr and Mrs a Johnson and
laughter returned to • their home in
'Galt on Thursday. Mr and Mrs Glid-
don, Colborne, visited at O. W. Potter's
last week. James Cox spent a few
days' last week at Ansberly,-visithrwhis
mother and sister, Misses Maud Mc-
Dougall and Ruby Sterling spent Sun-
day in Clinton, Among those attend-
ing London Fair are Kate McDougall,
Mrs r. McDonald. John Beacom, Mr
and Airs .Fred Morgan and Sterling'
McPhail. James McDonald sold a val-
uable horse to James McCluskey last
week. A 'number of our burghers
spent a yery, pleasant day on the shore
of old Huron on Saturday, picnicking.
In Poon, Hearra.-The following
from the WinIgham Advance, refere to
the son of C. Newton, of this "place :-
"Goldie Newton, a young 'man whose
home is near Godermb, is at present
visiting at, Coen. Newton's, Diagonal
street. About a year ago Goldie hap-
pened with, a very sevens accident,
having both legs broken, one of them
in four places'besides receiving inter-
nal injuriee. Alt hough he it able to
move around &little, he Why no means
well, and on Saturday last had a bad
spell. We sincerely hope the young
man will be benefitted by his visit to
Clonscir..-Stanley Council met as
per adjournment on Sept. Oth at 1 p.m,
After reading and adopting tbe
utes of the previous meeting, the busi-
ness of the day was then taken up. A
letter of congratulation was presented
to the council by R. 33, McLean, for
having the cattle -guards on the G.T.E.
replaced, tchich is highly creditable to
Stanley. 'coma A. communication
front the Blectric Ry, Oo. w4s then
read, vvhich asked for the right of way
through the townehip, but received a
cold shoulder from the township owing
kothe manner in which the cOmpaey
wanted the conditione for whien
they asked. lames Segall than pre -
seated his grieVance concerning drift -
Wood, etc., in the Bayfteld river, which
was damming. back the water, and
wished it removed and the channel
cleaned out. John Weariless, pound -
keeper, presented Another grim/arta
against L. Beatty for having taken his
cow out of the pound without hie con-
sent, and W. Stinson was appointed
deputation to consult Mr Beatty. The
drain which le DOW being projected was
also the eubjeet of discussion. Thomas
Wiley, Who Was appointed collector,
pre6ented his boucle, which were ac-
cepted, After paying flevetal accounts
the council adjourned, to Meet on Oet.
it, S. V. HAANWELI, Olerio.
NOTES, -Mrs Sturdy and daughter
left on Motiday, for Trout Creek, Al-
goma, to Visit her son who has settled
thug John Nicholeon, who returned
from the Pan.American on Monday
night, was present at the time the at-
tempt was made on President McKin-
ley's life.
Orrtmcm-Ort Sunday next Rev J.
Kennedy will preach missionary ser -
mono on the Whitechurch circuit, his
work here being eupplied by Rey L V.
Brown. We understand that no de.
cision has yet been reached concerning
a successor to the late Rey. R. !lender.
Notes.-Mitia Lizzie Linklater, Strat-
ford visited relatives her last. week
returning home on Monday. Mr an
Mrs John gapsoo, Kinburn, and their
daughter Etien visited relatives here
last week. Miss Jennie Stirling 'Visited
the Pan-American last week, returning
home on Monday. Mies Grace LaWtiOn.
(treasurer of the O. H. society here)
left on Monday for Montreal, where
she will attend the tollege for SIX or
seven months. Miss Term Cowan, of
Goderich, anent Sunday ki our burg.
Wro, Stoddart, Goderich, conducted
&Vine service here last Sabbath; he
also took charge of the O. E. society,
and blind Prof. Morgan, Toronto, sang.
Bast Wanzanosh
Wznnuret BEras.-A pleasant and
happy event took place at 1.2 o'clock
on Wednesday of last week at the resi-
dence of Donald Patterson, county
councillor, when his eldest daughter,
Florence, became the wife of Wm, An-
derson; a prosperous young far mer of
this townstap. Only itnmediate friends
were present. Rev A. A. Hamilton, M.
A., of Londesboro Presbyterian cherry.,
performed the 'marriage ceremony, and
the wedding march WAS played by Miss
Lillian Pattertion; sister of the bride.
The bride was beautifully gowned -in
white silk, and carried white roses, and
Was given away by her father. The
servicee of bridesmaid and groomsman
were dispensed with. At the close of
the ceremony a happy wedding dejeu-
ner was partaken of, after' which the
bridal ps,rty drove to Blyth and took.
the train for a trip to Toronto and
Sault Ste. Marie. The bride is one of
the most popular young ladies in the
township, and the high esteem in
which she is held was shown by the
many handsome presents she received.
The happy couple enter wedded life
with the best withers of many friends,
the New Etta. among others.
week from hie trip to Manitoba and
Dakota, having enjoyed himself very
well; he thinks the met a fine country
notwithstanding its drawbacks, Mrs
W. Sterling, of the 4th, returned a
couple of weeks since, from a visit to
relatives at .Pickford, Michigan.
MISSOS Maud. McGregor and Annie Mc-
Guire, returned home Saturday even-
ing from Toronto.
NEW BRIDGE. -On Saturday last
3 Aineley, Road Commissioner
pharphers,I Connolly, and DOantelon,
Co. Commissioners; W Lane, 00,
Clerk ; Reeve Johns, of Colborne, and
Churchill, of this township, together
with Ex -reeve Kennedy, of Clinton,
and a lot of farmers 'interested in the
project, net it the side of the pro-
posed new bridge between this town-
ship and Colborne. It evas.foond that
a bridge 850 feet long (150 shorter than
the Hohnesville bridge) would give
easy access across the river between
Oaks and Mannings; relieving a sec
'Hon of -Colborne which has hitherto
had no bridge facilities. Mr Aibsiely
will make a report to the county
()punch, at ite December meeting, as
to the feasibility of the proposed bridge.
and on that report che council will be
cigled upon to act. It should be car-
tiedby the council unanimously, as
everybody recognizes the necessity for
a bridge at this point. -
SODDEN DEATEL-One of the largest
funerals in this community for several
years was that of the late John R.
Treviartha, on Wednesday- afternoon.
He was so Well and favorably known
that all who had the pleasure of his
acquaintance, wishing to pay their last
respects to the deceased, attended. Mr
Trewartha had only been ill for one
day, having taken sick Monday morn-
ing, and ,passing away at night, the
cause being a puncture of the stomach,
His loss will be deeply regretted, and
he will be much : missed by a loving
'wife and family. His parents vee the
littelleand Mrs Trewartha, who came
to Canada from Cornwall; England,
withtwo children; they settled in
Huron -long before there was a Flolmeir-
ville. They died abbot 40 years ago,
and their, remains are buried in the
cemetery at lielmesville. The late
started again to the Clinton Collegiate,
riding up hn their wheels daily; the
former is studying medicine and in -
ten& going to Toronto Medical College
this fall. bd. B. Ketchen who has not
been well of late has regained his for.
mer strength.
Wentirso.-On Wednesday last Miss
Jessie Jamieson, of Hanna, Dakota,for-
wetly of our village, was married to
Dr. Corey otthat place. The wedding
WAS celebrated at the home of her sis-
ter, Mrs W. Adams. Her parents,who
recently left Brucefteld, were present,
also her brother john. of Edinburgh,
Dakota. They left for a wedding trip
to the East. They will take the boat
to Duluth and visit in Detroit and
other places. The bride has many
friends in mar midst who wish her
a pleasant journey down life's stream
of time.
PERSONAL. -Rev Mr Coupland was
at Buffalo last week, and heard Presi-
dent McKitiley deliver his magnificent
address, an address which Mr Couplancl
says wad one of the finest he ever lis-
tened to; he had lot as far as Niagara
Mills, on his way home,. when he was
astounded tc learn of the attempt on
his life.
NOTES. -M189 M. Tipling, Detroit, is
visiting at R. 13., Jeffrey's this week.
1. McGregor and wife, Komoka, are
visiting under the parental roof. There
have been no video of propriety in the
village for some time; there are several
Sawa We, would like to see told or oc-
cupied. The special attraction thie
weekhatt been London Fair; the special
talk, concerning Pres. McKinley, of
whom all speak well, condemning the
attempt on his life. Pero Jeffrey Is
on the sick list. Mrs Hamilton is no
A Poommt -Mr J. Philips returned.
home on Saturday, accompanied by
-his brother from Michigan. They had
'been celled to Hastings county owing
to the death of their father. All the
family of sit tons were there, and per-
formed the last sad tithe of burial, act-
ing as pall -heaters. Deceased was an
old and reppectedeettler of that county,
having lived on the farm on which he
I died for over 60 years. The high res.
I pea in which he was held WAS ShOWO
by the fact Mitt over 200 conveyances
followed the rerettirte to their last test.
St. Helens
PIONIC.-On Saturday last the Epis-
copalian church had its annual picnic
at the Maitland firer. All enjoyed
themselves, in boating, games and con -
venation, and after partaking of a
sumptuous supper, provided by the
ladies, all returned home feeling that
the afternoon had been enjoyable in-
Ourracrr,-All Were "pleased to see
Rev S. M. Whaley, B. .A. in hie own
pulpit again on Sabbath 'last; in the
morning he preached an exceedingly
strong. Practiced Berme few! [lashes 1*
.1-2. After Bibld class in the evening,
delegates were appointed to the Young
People's Convention to be held in Rip-
ley on Tuesday next.
NOTES. -Miss Helwig, of Auburn, is
the guest, ot her cousin, C. Decher. D.
Murray, D. Decher, W. McCrostie and
T. Taylor returned on Saturday even-
ing from their visit to Toronto and the
"Pee all report a -Very pleasant time.
Mee Lizzie Gordan is holidaying at,
Ripley and other points. J. O. Martin
celled on friends here this week. Miss
Term Murray, Mary Woods and Meg -
&aloes Miller and Cameron Went to
London on Wednesday, for a few daye
ab the Fain
MIllgrove, near Hamtlton, 49 years ago;
He was one of a family of three boys •
and seven girls; of whom survive -Mrs
John Bean, Clinton; Mrs Walters. of
Arthur township; near Mount Forest;
•Mrs A. Whittingham, Goderich town
ship, atpreserit;e1 Winthrop, with her
brother, William Trevvartha„ who lost
his wife a few months ago; Mrs .James
Whittingham and MissMartha, of (le%
Appelle, w.w.T., and Joseph, in Van-
couver, B. C.; his death makes the
second in the family, Mrs pUrrie, of
Brussels, having died about five
years ago. Sorne 24 years ago he was
married to Miss, Charlotte_ Jervis, of
Goderich township, who survives, with
s family of six ' children-k-,Ason, a
teacher at Hobnesville, Bertram, Ed-
gar, Reward, Florence and Myrtle, all
at home. He enjoyed to the very full-
est extent the confidence and esteem
of the community, being a man whose
life and character was exemplary in
the extreme, and entirely beyend re-
proach. In religion he was a consist.
ent member of the Methodist church,
and took a deep .interest in the work,
being an assistant, class leader; in pub-
lic life he had been a school trustee. in
politics. a Conservative, • but a very.
moderate One. The funeral took place
from his late biome, con. 9, Wednesday,
to Clinton cemetery, Rey Mr Hussar
• officiating at the services He was bu.
• ried by the Canadian Foresters, to
which order he belonged:
We have just receiv-'
ed a fresh supply
of whole, Ground
and Mixed S.pices, al-
so Bottling Wax ana
R. P. Reekie's
Prescription Drug Store
filusoessor to Sydney Jackson.
1.B,-Tanglefoot and 'Poison fly
paper, and -Rings fcr sealers alwaye
n hand.,
Prosiflolli licliky Shot
Re Is StiIi alive and Expected to
A most. dastardly attempt to kill
President McKinley occurred at the
'Pan -Amer lean in- Buffalo,- on Friday
afternoon. He was in the Temple of
Mtisie, shaking hands with the people,.
when a man named ezolgoszT-a
Anarchist -walked up With a revolver
sin his right hand, -covered by a hand-.
kerchief as if the hand was bandaged.
and while he extended his left hand to
the President, fired tWo shots with his
right. , • One entered the President's
breast,•the other his stOmach,
President stepped back to a chair • and
sat down. • •
The man was at once arrested, and
narenwly escaped lynching"' He has
made a confession, in which he glorriee
in what he did, and.says he IR an An-
archist and is sorry he did not succeed
in killing the President, against whom
he had not the slightest grudge.
One of the bullets was attracted, but
the other has not been located. The.
President is under ;the best , possible'
medical care, and the doctors are hope -
fill of his recovery. • • .
Telegrams of sympathy have been
sent by representatives of all nations,
and world-wide interest is manifested
in the case.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier sent to the Amer-
ican Government and people. an officiat
expression of sympathy in connection
with the shooting of President McSha-
ne head nurse in charge. of Freer -
dent McKinley, is Miss Maud Mohan.
a Brockville young lady. Miss oban
graduated three years ago as a trained
nurse in the Buffalo General Hospital.
She 'was then appointed head nurse in
that •institution, but resigned aftee
some time to do private nursing _tor
Dr: Park, one of the doctors now in at.
tendance upon the President.
Th d ' r orts are very fav
um ay s ep Ors..
• able tb recovery, but it will be 6 weeka
before he can move from Buffalo.
The Huron Old Boys' Association of
Toronto, extended every courtesy to
visitors from Huron county to the In-
dustrial Fair. A pretty and comme-
diets tent was placed on the grounds
Edon wits -devoted -to -the making of ar-
rangements for the holding of tne mis-
sionary and educational anniversaries
on the circuits. Considerable discus-
sion took place as to the need of in-
creasing the interest of the people in
the missionary cause, and several dif-
ferent methods were suggested, some
of which will no doubt be tried. It
was felt that in Methodism the efforts
were too spasmodic and that mission-
ary sermons should often be preached
by the resident pastor, in addition to
the Leggier annual Sermon. At the
afternoon session communications
were received from the Prisoners' Aid
Ass'''. and from the trustees of the
Great'St. James St. Methodist church; •
it was hoped • that $17,000 would be
raised by the London Conference to
assist in relieving this historic church;
of that anooent only about $3000 has
been forthcoming.. It was decided that
each circuit do what, in its judgment,
it considered best towards helping this
cause. A -most animated discussion
took place in regard to evangelistic
work in this district. A very strong
feeling prevailed that every effort must
be made to strengthen the spiritual
work of the Church. There seemed to
be considerable difference of opinion AS
to the desirability of engeging evan-
gelists from a distance; it was thought
that good work could be done by using
the talent of the district, interchange-
ably, the ministers helping each ether,
for at least Iwo weeks of special work.
The May district meeting will be held
at Myth, and on the evening ot the
first day Dr. Daniels will preach and
administer the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper, At 4 v, m. the Session ad-
District Meetltig.
The Methodise ministers of the God-
erich district met in *their financial
district meeting last Tuesday in- Sea -
forth., Dr, Daniels, chairman of- the
distnct, presiding. As there are no
missions on thie district there were no
finances to adjust. The mormng see
filodorleb .Townsblip
Aereate.-About fifty appeide have
been entered against the yotere liete
this year,
AcamMIT ...On *Wednesday Ed. La,
vie had a narrow escape from What
might have been a Wiens if not fatal
accident. ne, was working down
Well on the farm of Wesley Marlowe,
when it, caved in above him, Igor-tun-
nately he had hold of some boards that
protected him from injury, and beyond
a slight bruise, he escaped unhurt.
Robt, Ferguson, M. P. P., Liberal
for Base Kent, died at Thameeville,
Samuel Cumming, a Bernardo boy,
committed mikado in Luther by taking
Peril; preen,
A drive through any par t of West
ern Ontario at thie swoon of the year
will cOprince the observer that the
canner proopering. Naw buildings
are go ng up on every hand, barns are
being enlarged, trees platted, wind-
mills erredted, and there are other evi-
dences of the thrift and enterprise of
the people. There rnaV be better
countries to live in, but the people of
insula,affords to many advantages for
and eection under the blue Canopy of
fled with their lot. The Weetern pen.
Ontario have good reason to be sal
eomfort, enjoyment and Privileges aa.
for the convenience of visitors and, a.
book was provided for visitors to regies
ter their names. It was verythought-
fel, on the part of the association to
have such a resting place for the weary'
sight seers and was taken advantage of
by many a, Huronite to have 'a chae
with the official in charge or amp' re-
freshing glass of Luke Ontario non-
mierobic water with no stick in it. A.
representative of the New ,Ette.. had
the pleasure of being at the
Fair and calling at the tent;
where secretary, E. Floody and presi-
dent McMath WAS in attendance with
smiling faces to greet, all callers, •,0..
In conversation they (aid the members
of the association will never forgre
the splendid reception tendered tbent
on the fith of July ; "it could not he
beet,and the Clinton Police Patrol was
the beet thing he had ever seen" Watt,
One of the remarks the general sec-
retary remarked. The president told
us that a propotition is made to have
an amalgernation of the.Huron and
Bruce associatious of Toronto for
annual outings. From the. register
Vie noticed nearly 800 names from die.
emit parts of Old Elution.
No're8.--john Baker returned last Ileaven,-Oomber Marla,
We Perfect,
Sight •
resiikt eight I*sist
tie* of peptic( a
*Oat. tueataila
treas. whlehlione
Cqatplish with gliisinhik
sirif imparts hi poi*
fading orghlf
Watch AtepOrer, Eto.