The Clinton New Era, 1901-09-06, Page 4welfieleff""vr-'71' SeptenAer Otb, 1901 • THE 010111TON NEW ..Newness in ress Goods. We court every possible comparisob in\all Dress Goods matters. OU:is a show - ng that must win the popular favor of every woman of taste, containingas it does the' very newest goods brought from the centre of fashion. . Our stock is larger than ever before. You are welcome to come and look, 'No need to buy if you are not ready. . Our line of All Wool Cashmere comes in Black, Navy, Garnet, Royal, etc., at 25c, well worth 35c. 50c is the price we ask for a very heavy quality of Serge and Cashmere; it would be considered good 'value at 65c. Homespuns, Venetians, Poplins and Covert Cloths are the most in demand for Suits and Dresses. Oxford Greys, Navy and Browns' are the favorite colors. Our prices are 50c, 60c, 75c, $1 and $1.15 per yard. Persian Stripes and French Flannels are to be greatly used for Waists. Our assortment of these popular goods is the finest we have ever shown, all the newest shades vvill be found in our showing; prices per yard 50c, 60c, in addition to the above great values we giv*, a key with every purchase of ONE DOLLAR. This key may unlock the lock that willentitle you to thls elegant Parlor Suite • on view at our store. New Silks Special Values • We do not remember a time when our offerings in Silks were so complete and so Favorable prices: .Feau-de-Chene is the new silk for waistso-it bas a satin . finish, very soft and rich, and ie guaranteed not to cat,it comes in all•the mewed shades, regular value an,. is 750, our special price this seasyf will be........ eVu French dyed dike, 27 inches wide, extra heavy quality,. shades of oink, blue, royal, grey navy, thrquoie, garnet, oleo blaok.andwhite,marrentedteglya eat- Ann_ isfactiov, prices per yard . .60;" ovuT - Taffeta silks in the beet qualities ooly, all the most wanted shadee,sold at most stores for $1, our price OEM • Our assortment of black dike is moat complete, we have a fine range of taffetas, peen de vide, •satin, 1,berty, eto., at 60ee, 175e„. 8e•e, to Vele Special Hosiery Values Selling better Hosiery than other stores at a saving has built this store a very large Hosiery business. Just a few prices. Corn. pare with what you must pay elsewhere and you will immediately adopt- this store as your shopping headquarters. Boys' heavy ribbed cotton hose. ail fast black, assorted .1 g sizes,_spenieLprice.ner Pee:VT-, ****** n. • Boyerand girlieribbed cashmere hoee,witli double knees, heavy sole, this is one of our very best value, all en • sizee from 4 to 91, prices 215C. 3ve Ladies' fine bleak cashmere hose, full faihioned, madeof 4 • • the best yarns, these stookings are warranted to give the best wear, sizes 8, 9, 91, prices 2,40c, 50e Sale of Milt Ends of White CqttOri commences. Saturday Morning .12120. and I5c Values at 10c The. best Cotton Barg‘ we ever had Caine to us last week; To be exact, there is 790 yards in the lotAll done .up in shortlengths of 10 to 20 yds each. Commencing Saturday morning yon can have your choice at - 10e per yard • . (to .be sold by the piece only) • Some of Our. Latest Arrivals Are GirIs' Scotch Tams in a fine range of colors prices 50c and 75e. , The new 'Empire Man- 'tlea in the fashionable lengths, colors of Oxford greys, black, navy, etc. Ladies' Rainy -Day greys, price eaek$5. .Ladies' Shirt 'Waists of cashmere, printed flannelette, satana, etc. in assorted colors. New Silk Ribbons" in stripes and plain colors for collars, ties, ate. The fatest nonitiq§h DIM@ Terotnings. Fi all Outing Hats n the new shapes and styles. Church ablinks — . Rev 3 Rice and Mrs Rice, formerly of Clinton, returned on -Friday last to Toronto trim a v t tWo menthe' sojourn in Newfoundland. Rev J. Greene preached in the Matte °diet ehurches at Auburn„ Westfield and Donnybrook on Sunday, last, the .3ft eing away on vocation. Ret, Mr Renton, the wellektiovvn evangelist, is holding ineetiturs at Staffa• near Mitchell, and hag engage. ciente away ahead. Messrs Kirby and Turk,. evangelist, are boldface special tervicee in Woodetock. The official board ot the Colborne street church, London, has increased the salary, of their 'pastor. lie, A IC Birks, B. A., L. L. D., to $920, toter 'ti00, to cover relit parsonage. ..Mr Birks Is a gen-ill-law of Mr Mord, Rohneeyille, ONTARIO ST. -The league meeting on Monday evening wats conductedby Miss Ida Tebbutt, and the, topic taken by Rev. W. A. Gifford...Mt J. Brick- enderi will represent this church at the Financial District Meeting in Seaforth, next week.. .On Sunday evening the pulpit will be. suppked by Dr. Gifford'e eon, RA.TTENBIlitie STEtEET. - On ‘Illitiday afternoon Mr Geo Itorke ave an interesting talk to the s. c ild. ren relative to his trip tvest ; Rev Mr Howson also gave a short address. R Holmes had been appointed delegate to the financial district itieeting, to be held in Seaforth on the 10th inet......A meeting of the trustee board, is milled for the 9th Itist....The pastor let Xat. tenbuty street church may be expect, ed to occupy his own pulpit next Sun- day, subject, 7 p. an., l'Enthtisitiem ; its nature and triumphs" ST. JOSEPH'S. -The 12th convention of the Grand Connell of the C. M. 11 A. Watt attended by OM Carbert at Nitt. gate Valle recently, theta being 850 delegatee in etten ance. The eports since larit annual eedion in 1809 hove nearly 5,000 new neembere enrolled, the present meta betship bei rig nearly 10,000; doing the genie period over e4) new branches have been organized. $576„. 540.01 has been peAd out to tke bene- ficiaries of deceased MeMbere, and the reserve fond amounts to $117,480,52. The condition of flattrieetteheWed the auctedful management., thepercentage being MAY ithent 4 14 Of the touts re. deipte..*.Ree Father Melifentinein and Mane' Members of St. jotiepleesattended the R. O. pictile at, Cillenlates pone Seriforth, on Labor nett the prow AM • was good and well carried oue as well f ite the evening entertainment. There was a large crowd present, although hoe en te to.ymer years, t Key Dr, netineeee tads& pried at 111.'6110mo, has found it neceesary to ' resign his charge, owing to ill -health , Rev Father McKeon, Strathyoy, has been appointed to succeed him. Rev Mr Whiting, Mitchell, who was invited to the pastorate of Aekin.St, Met hodist cherch, London, has declined the call; he has been asked to remain a fourth year in Mit h II Th Askin guar er oar , will be called together again consider what steps ill neitbrtaken. , : the present pastor, may be prevailed upon to remain it fourth year. Isie. erten was down *round Caledonia and other pointe picking up a few choice cattle and sheep. He will have a few en tries of some of hie thorobred cattle and , ekeep at tee Weelcee ritlt at Undo% . The Toronto Startler: ."David Can - I telon, Clinton, the biggest apple buyer ". in Canada, was at the Fair yesterday. He has been.over seydral counties, ne, eluding Unroll, Brute, Perth, Middle- smi'and Lambton, and has already. purchased a large quantity, He says the quality is good, but there're leo than cne-quatter of a crop. 'Why, this year's crop won't supply the local demand in Ontario," he laid." -1101tnes (of the Nuw-Erta)-aed- Wife returned on Saturday from their 8000 mile excursion through Quebec and the Maritime% Provincee. Their . faces show the healthful effects of the et9 'MOM ited the 1nvigerating air of the teleteeil profrineee. The trip Was one round of pleasure, eight -seeing, te. ceptions and luncheons from start to finish, and they visited Quebec Prov- ince, Nova Scotia, prince Edward Is. land, Cape Breton and New Bruneivick. i VViI,LiS ClitlfeCli.-The paetoe re : sumed his pulpit charge 011 8Unday ka after hie vacation; the Con reffailon were p ear a e a ben benefItted by h iereet . . , . At the Morning service the solo "The Holy City" was beautifulty rendered by Mitre Blanks 1 Houston, as also wag the solo "flatirons in Exceleis" by W. P. Sualdina.... Mime Lily Jackson has been appointed organist for the Sunday richool....The prayer meeting on Wednesday even- ing was conducted by Rev Mr Scot t, cf Lettnelegtort, who is visiting here.... At the teacheete meeting on Wedgies. da evening it was decided to tutee a children's service on the afternoon Of Sunday, Sept. 29, and a committees com- posed of Idiesee 00oper, L. Jackson, Monteith, Mrs Stewart, M. Dow zer and Thole Jackson were appointed to make necessary erratigemente.... The Itneei .cior Mission Band held ite• regular month! y meeting oti Tuesday afternoon after a lapse of several natinthe, Mrs (Ora Grisham presiding. Irene Jackson, Margery McIvor and Katie 'Scott were appointed as the new look -out conernit. tee and Mille Kittle Scott as orgaitist. Solos were given by Misses M. ttaueton andel. Onata and a recitation her Jodie O'Neil. In October will be the Thank - offering meeting. 1**4••••.•4amml*•••***1•6‘.1.11414 The Province of Nova Scotia has a surriltie of $70,000. Sir Wilfred -Lender will accompany the royal oouple on Vide trip scrod the con- tinent and back. The governtneni ot South Anginal& is anxiMill tO mint a Canadien 60 1111 the poition of government profeeeor Of tad -culture. F. Fi Piked. M. P. P., * Wrie ODOM* Mouldy ir nete4 for the Legislature by the Weet Lairibton Liberele lot Week at Brigaito. TUE Portizaleota IN TOWNS. -The census returns for towns over 1500 of a, population have been hewed and showsOlinton has a decrease of 85since 1891, the teat decade. Goderich had an increiteeof 819, Winghttor of 230; a majority of the towne had a slight de - create ,e Exeter showing St. Marys, 21, Kincardine, 552 and other places. The following are the figures for a few totane :- 1001 1801 Clinton,. 2,550 2,685 Exeter.. .... . - 1,702 1,818 Goderici; ....... 4,168 Ilarriston ... ........ 1,637 1,887 Kineardine, 4. 2,070 2.63 Listowel • ' 20,03 2, Mitchell ..... 1,945 2,101 Parkhill • I,480 1,680 Palmerston 1,850 2,007 Port . . . , 1,818 1,659 Sarnia. • I 110. OA, 4,1,6, 8,178 6.003 St. &Imps 2,892 8,416 Winghrine .. 2,807 2,167 Walaetton/410 • II. *II • *11 2,970 8,061 Ten miners were entombed in the Donnibristol Priethshise.and a rescue party of tour are also suppotied to have perished. Low rates to Western Fair, London. GRAND TRUNK RSe,(1314NEtka Bound trip tickets to London will be mild on Sept. etli,Ith,inh, mit, end lath, for WAD, and on semi. Mk one 12th, for 41.25. Ail tickets good tor return up to Hot. OM. anItobaidxcurslon,Sept 17th, Be u tickets will Debated co3 Mei dee to the foll log petite at rates named: winuiveg, De* slue, Antler, Estevau, sloosomin, mandate, eveinittiver, $24 glue, Moosefaw. rerliten, $304 Prince At. bert, calgarY, Macleod, less; Red Deer, Ed.- nionton,, $40. Tickets good to return up to Nov. Mil, Ma, ram. scausricon Expatiation s Round trip extension tickets to Betel° on sale every day, fore $4 TO P. R. Illodgens Tema Agent Ont. New Advatiatwato. Strong and simple -N B Henry page 1 Newness -Newcombe.. ... 4 School year -W _Cooper - 4 Another eealou-D. Adams.. ; 5 Apples wanted -J Whidclon 5 Pieria for sale -Naw ERA 5 To let --T Jackson, sr... , • , • 5 Apples wanted -Town k . 5 Cape lost--Nsw BRA. 5 A bigsale-Roclgtius Bros 8 Christys--Jaoksou Bros ... . 8 Itt Matt* *to (a< FRIDAYs SEPT. 0, 1901 int . ' • A local election is to be held in Nova Scotia this fall. Ab present there are only 8 Conservatives an the House, and politicians on the, greitind predict that there won't be many more in the next. Canada is making a bid for the but ter trade of Britain. We have in May and August sent to the Britieh rnarket 40000,more packages than in the same months last year. It is a trade worth developing. , . Canadians- who have visitel Glasgow Extectation speak in glowing terneti of the prominence of Canada and things Canadian' there. Never before was so much attention centred on Canada and. its Producte, and much good is expected to result. On te of the best exhibits wade wale by the Doherty Organ Co.,of Cliritob. .. With the Press . Gang. ihingst i:ou:si-e-and Hear -and Lotteof Things you de let sfe, When I darted on thie trip it Wag .3001 the intention that I would contribute a letter regularly every vveek to the New ERA, but we were ' "rushed" so much every dip that it was impossible to entry out this resolution, concluded my last at the junction of the Metapedis and Reed,- gouche rivers, when we leave the Province of Quebec and enter that of New Bruns- wick. Down the Metapedia Valley the railway follows closely the -river, which is famone as salmon preserve, Her. ..floyal Highness the Princess Louise ooming here • for this purpose ,when her husband was Governor. General. The country is densely wooded, chiefly with • spruce and balsam, very mountainous, and thinly eettlet im- posed many. settlers' houses, with small clearings, msa every evidence of recently having made a start to "hew oat a home." • Ofir delay by the accident threw'us out of .a big reoeption which Moncton had prepar- ed for us, and NS'e could only. Stay there's' few minutes, meeting among others Ur Hawkkeditor of the Transcript,• who has relative; near Exeter, named Harvey. We then ran on . to Point du Chene, where we took. steamer to crow; Northumberland. Strait for Summerside, Prince Edward Is. Untie •1t Aleut 49- twice 1491.900 the Strait, and as there was oonsiderablaewell on, a number of 'the ladies found it nem: oak; to herrledly leave the sipper table and "con:mune with Neptone.', , . As 1 walked off the gangway at Summer - aide, the first -man 1 met. was Mr Bell, late member in the Dominion Hottee, and classmate of the tete A. Manning. happened subsequently . that I met old friends in nearly every place we stopped at, until it became a standing joke that "Holmes has Mende in the uttermost patio of the earth." If you look at a map of P. E. Island you would easily imagine it is be narrow that a matt would tumble off either, ide if he were not careful. This is not herd* true, but 6 perm can stand at a • given point near Sentaterside and easily Bee he water oh both sides, for at this point he idand is only 3 irides wide; it is 180" mho long, with an average width of 23 Hes. The entire population of the island s about one-quarter greater than the °Minty et geron, end fiummetilide is one f the few places of importance on the island, t hae a few good buildings, but the major- ty are as antiquated es mid be oonoeived. here le a good farming country to the eaat nd south, and trade le drawn from a large (IOW. It hes .a population lege than 000, yet it possesses a departmental store hich is not welled in Ontario outside of moat°. 1 tinderstand that the wife of Rev 11. N'ewoombe was born here, but td. hough aihe-emighte-deeire-t4--eee-her-ol onto, I am sure she would not want to Wan any longer than necessary. ' Them Stminterside to Charlottetown by ail we palmed through a very good farming untry, reeemblitig Ontario more than- any :14: el I oWree dirnar tOmdeileizocrePihtielgoitt alhwelttli OM • One farm that We dotted up at in Orr that we Might see It to pa Advert% ge was owned by an Englishman who boa eutiful, well -kept hedges runt bag through e fields In plot of the ordinary fences, be firm boned look comfortable'but the rrif buildingle gaoling do not compare ith *hod in Ontario. Charlottetown, the capital of the Fro. Ileo, has et population of about 12,000, It growing, and becoming very portlier ith Untwist% aR the hotels being NI on ur arrival. And although it is a prohf. ilea town, • (me lit the ertite ialend,) we re tiorry to ay there were eyideneee that ore theft the hotel , was full. The uilding industry was formerly a very Ira. tient One here, but has detained in alien* yore, ' Thie hi the home of Sir Me Davies, Uinta& ot Maine and Pith - foe. and under direction of Mr P. A. Ma. intlan, AL P., We visited the teriOnis bite of interest. Spending Watley -tied' unday here we had plenty of time to en. ourseIveil. A brick building in coarse erection be being built of Ontario brick. he Provinolid Buildings are ancient look. g, bra the peopleglory in their etttiquity, d heves no deal& to eee them &tinged or proved; bit evidence of thin is the fads at all the roofs and °aloes herein are ated by Moine, and when 1 suggested to e Caretaker that some more Modern Meth. thoeld be introduaed, eapeohille for the gislative Chamber, he said "Oho when get thee° two gitOves going We Mtn wenn ern tip, I tell you," end I don't doubts it, most people would put the dovee on e IMMO beep. Other pithier buildinge e modern end tip to date. Pointing to e OblIrCh make e boy if vies the eabyferien, and hie antiwar abovred hose titotions' 00 kept up, for Weida "No, ta the kirk; the Presbyterian Church le ie bi a Pe Le or o A jo of In 80 ini he *1*od We fit when the World suggeefe that alert/ bri ehould be 00 polities in the Ontario ih Logielature it looke as if it doers not ar thittic the Ooneervetives halos any an thence uf earteing the Province. It pr only wants politica abollehed where ite party bee not ft Majority. tha on another street." let it was Fogey- %erten church, When you are riooustomed. to reading the Toronto papers every arty, and look for them like yell do your tneale, you deru lost if you are at pleee where you do not get them regularly. At Oharlettetown the Toronto papers are were]. (Mae old when received, but what gives you e feeling of toomeraneness is to know that you are liter- ally ;Mut off from the world. 'Being eiteet- ed on AM Wend, the only direct ooturatini. cation the people of Charlottetown him with the oetside world is by cable, and as thie is gloved from 8 at night to 8 a, M., ' they are literally cut off from the world. They do not seem tO mind it, like PaclWo beneing-,,.olee nothing when you get so. endowed to it," But it is very Mcqueen. bent* fielleoielly in winter,. when oommuni. 4.0 cation with the mainland te difficult. One of the odd features of Prince Edward folioed ie that it is daylight at about 8.30 and dark at 7 pan, in the =Muer' it =et get dark at 'thou* 301olook p. m. in 'the win- ter time. We left Charlottetown by beet Monday mOrning, lauding at Platou, N.13,, In time for dinner. Oar tiekete reed "lunch at Revere HOWL Plate; at 2 p. m." and we were all .good and ready for it, after an early oil of 40 133110s. The first thought of nearly everybody wee to get inside the dining room, as all wanted. to get at the first table, and the task of feeding nearly one hundred' notelets in a hunch was no small under- taking for a hotel in small place, which, however, was equal to the enleFgeneY- Taking our ;model train again at Piotou, nixdhaoym, A eutog . gel 't taa niat , iat awhaoar t like run bar°ortingilinge us to the firat coal mine we had seen, at Wolfyille, N. S. The men were at work 6000 feet under ground, and we had to con- tent ourselves with a outface yiew of the operatione. Some of our crowd had the idea that a coal mine was a perpendicular bole in tbe ground like it well, with rooms at the bottom where the men worked, and the coal Was hauled up in buckets like so much water, Thie is correct only tie far es, it applies to the large caverns at the hot - OM: The entrance to the mine runs on a slope with 6 pitoblike the roof of a ° barn, and the ooal is hauled up in oars. • The mines are worked night and day, though the men only average about hours oath underground, and then they shut down Saturday afternoon to allow for. necessa,ry repairs. The output of dile particular muierwas 850 tons daily, end the supply is fetid to be unlimited. • . • We then went on to Antigonish, N. S., where a stay of 15 manatee only was made. Near by was an ortherd of very good eating apples -the first men in this part -and s supply Was qpiOklif brought to the train. News of our coming had proceededno, and atevery stopping place, oroivds met us. While waiting here a young •felloW alloyed' forward -Mid -yelled -out "Where's Dan- Mc- Gillimdely.,1 want to see him," Neither Danoranyone else were looking for ma- quaintettoee, where ell were supposed to be strangers, and arel happened to hear him stoked what he viarited Dan for he re- plied that be knew him ' in Brume's. I hunted Our Goderich friend • -up, • and the moment they caught sight of 'each other they almoet wept for joy. It turned ont to he Jae. Broadfoot,fornierly of Tuckeremith; and be wanted Dan and mYeelf to go and spend a week at his hotel, and. was :much disappointed when informed. that it was 'impossible. • He does not like it here_, Bayles it Wail 130t to be compared with Ontano. Antigonish was long ego described by the famous Writer, Sam Miami' "the prettied village in Nova Bootle". Monday evening at a o'clock &hind us at 4 place called Mulgreve, on the Strait of Canso. Ike were booked to get supper at the pnly hotel m the place,and the' pro, prietor brew we were coming. Hungry 88 been we filed up the hill to the house, and our rapturous joy 0103 be imagined.when we found the dining -hall would only accommodate 25 at a /fitting. While the first -corners were supplyingiong felt vvents" with the speed of a boy on an errand, the rest- packed the hallway, and. 00?g, danced And °steed on until the pro- prietor, alinthit frightened out of hie • wite, was apparently afraid that the house would he paned down. It wits only 11 p. m. when the last one had been served, and we ell roe tired to our sleepers, to •enjoy &night's rest with otit train !standing still, • . Tuesday morning, Aug. 20, • we took steamer at 6 a, in. for a trip through the Streit of Canao and Bras d'Or • Iiikee (pro- nounced Bra Door, but jocularly alluded to by Members of the party ea 'brass•door lakes),our destination being North Sydney, 120 miles.aweye The weather was delight- ful, the water fairly smooth, and everybody in the best of spirits. The Streit le one of the great arteries in the oironlatiort of ocean commerce, (eo mai* 'of which we. found in other•partions of the trip) and it divides Cape/Ireton, 013 the left from the mainland of Nova Scotia. We noosed e good many yields, nearly all men A proper description of this poet* of the trip is scarcely possible, for the , 'winery Was simply subliem. On either hand, for miles and =lee row mountains- hundrede of feet higb, white an occasional hill -side farm is awn in the distance. It was pie. kureeque to the fullest extent and' any one seeking scenery oeuld here get it to "their heart's eontent. ' At Mulgrave oar par* was joined by Messrs. Johnston and Kindall, M. PA for Cape Breton, and at St. Peter's, Coiire-Mc- Isaac, M. P. for AutigOnish, come aboard and helped to inteeest and entertitin ufgr the balanze of our trip to Sydney. For many years Cape Breton was on land, but now it . is two ielandeoa aerial at Si. Peter'e,only half -a -mile long, cutting it in two, to as to allow for an may and ofieeniesage-frone-the_Steall to the Bta d'Or. Thectutel is cut through itolid rook for ite entire distance, and admits of the convenient penned the largest vessele. •St. Peter's vase formerly 6 French fork, and the evidencee of it are yet to be men, some early French gout °eine being unearthed bete 6 short Mire since. Close to Baddeokoin Cape Breton Island, where we made a step, Geo. Kennett, the femme American writer on the Artesian exile eystem, bite a summer home, and Alex. 0, Bell,the inventer of the telephone, has a magnilloent home, beautifully sinew ea, on whuth he bee event thowande of dollars le uttdoebtedly a great gime for a 01302333et home. Shortly before we retched North Spinet% (Come Breton), Tumidity night, we paned into the Atlantic ocean an experience thine of us who had never been on thee:eon, had looked forward M. A gentlemen on bora informed tts that passengere were inyeriab. ly betel* at the point where the lake eta totoo Met, though they might peedibly have eroded the noon without experiBficing elite delightful emotion, but to the Bowies of nearly eyerybody on board, the eel wee on its good behaylor, for there wae scarcely si ripple on he endue, and It seemed VI if both wether and water Were booting the members of the Astholatien. • 6.0 we passed the Noble Sydnee coal minim we were informed that tine mine ran far out wider the seaana men were at that moment worklegdiredly beneath ue. We were informed, further, by an apparently reliable gentleman, that in Malting, the mine mimetic.% the bulimia of leaves mul twige Were found in the mirth irandrele of fest below the water's tuatara, and that Immo taken Into the Witte/ years ago, had never slime been te the surf/lee. We had romper at North Sydney, but the Sydney of coal, iron and lited fame is live miles mimed the bey, fine when anyone etiye eSydney" Sew moo the letter plitee. They arerivele, the former being mu& the .411 uring the Schee Year g00d man,, five and ten cent pieces go for Scribblers,. „You), Books, Pencils, and 'other school supplies. Yon can make -the. number of these 5 and 100 pieces fewer, and the quality of the supplies bat& if you give us your trade in this line. We have a very large assortment, and want -espedially.to'haveyou see how attractive our supplies are. Call and see our stook and get our prices. SCHOOL. BOOKS We have all the new authorized text books for the Public and High Schools, Collegiate and Models, and you can alweve depend on getting from US the best editions, We understand the school book trade, and ere always pleased to give any information regarding the courses of dully. 03rriculunes and catalogue here for your guidance. • SUPPLIES 100 page Scribbler% ruled or plain ... . .... . . ....lc 200 and 300 page Scribblers, ruled or plain, 2 for........ 50 styles of the newest Scribbler*, special designs, each Sc Exercise and Scribe,big value .. . . for 10c Lead pencils of special fine quality 8 for 5c Large assortment of Drawing pencils each 5c Pencil and Ink Erasers, each • ..,5e Pencil Erasers.at ' . . . . .1 and.2c each School ()rayons 1, 2, 3 and 5e a box Pen Holders and Pencil combined .... . , -5c Stafford's Nubian Black Ink, the best 50 BOOK COVERS supplied free with all School BookS • W. COOPER &CO., CLINTON. A COining And Going, C. Joy !pent tabor Day in.Toronto. Inepeotor Robb is here on school duties' Mre Coleman, ot innipeg, is • a visitor a. Taylor was in Toronto thie week on business. • • S. Jackson leaves today to resume duties al Montreal. Mr and Mrs bloGarva spent a few days this week in Ooderich. . =Mmes Evens, Gerrie, le the nest of Mrs (Dr.) Thome:in this week. . ' Mies Anderson. Blyth, was the guest et the Misses O'Neil for Sunday. Mr and Mrs Jae. Smith Were visiting at Menesetung Park for Labor Detr; Miss UtisIXIS Carter •visited at .3. Me - Knight's, London road, keit Sunday. Mrs J. J. MoDonald bait been the guest . of her sister, Mrs P Daley, last week, Mrs Eidt, of Hanover, has been 'visiting at uer parents', NLr and McI j. Miller. Mise E. Taylor and Miss McLennan, of Blyth, were callers here on Friday last,. ar Hodgson, of Toronto, wad around this locality on business and visiting friend. Mies Ati 0 Lough was visiting her friend, Mies Iliellahon, ot London, the past few week!. Dr BAII went to Toronto. on Tuesidy and will also go to the Pan American before 0ALIr1210g, • , • . H. R. Sharp, formerly of the Molson's Bank, was here on Sunday renewing ao• quaintances.. Mies Eye '3enlons first &militant in . Arthur 'public school returned to her duties on Monday. Mayor Jaokson went to Toronto Thurs- day to attend to acme oity property he has sold and transferring. • . , Miss Martie Houston left Wednesday for Toronto to resume ber vocal etudiee at the Conservatory of Music, Mrs F. Miller, of Montreal, hag been the gnat of her sister, Mists M. Martin, at Br, Joireph'irparochiril home. . P. Gifford, eon of Rey. Dr. Gifford, left On Wednesday for Toronto, he having ac- cepted a shuttle/a in Eaton's. Among Labor Day visitors were :-Bert DaYPIent. Stratford; Frank Dayment, St. Mary's ; L, Trims°, Woodstock. Dr. and lire Agnew, Alex, Armstrong, J. Wiseman and R. P. Reekie were Pan- Artiericen tisitore on Leber Day. Rnry lteynoldit, of Ssrepta, scoOta- mini/11111h; Wife and daughter, hi visiting tit the home of hie uncle, IttchardReynolds. Mr and Mrs W. Doherty, Nyho have been.trevelling in the old country and on the continent for several weeks, are ex. a "petted hotne thts week. Mee Omen and children, of WeiloBley, and Mrs Mk)* of Galt, returned to their homes, Tuesday, • after vending a short visit here with there parents, Mr and Mrs . 11. Mra D, B. Kennedy had a number of lad. les visitingher during the pest week among them tieing Miss Saunders, Cleveland; Miss Thomeon, London; Mies Carson, Oalenonia; and Mise Wateon, of Blyth. Neil Yellowleee, of Borrmanville, made 6 short call on his eel Clinton friends this week; Mrs Tellowlees, who had been visit. ing her wenn! in „Brumfield for several wade, returned home with him, The Norden, Han, Chronicle says: - "Mr and Mr Donald Grassi.* of Stanley township, neat Kippen, Ont., arrived, in Morden on Saturday, on a visit to Mr and Mrs A A. Hobkirk and Wilily." hire Robb Fiteeimons, who has b eon spending 6 few weeks with her daughter, Mrs E. Munroe, of (loderlob, returned home *hie week. Her Mende will be feed to know that Ore Munroe hats entirely reanered from her late illness, 3..0. MilIr arrived here last Week to ao. (simony his Wady beak io the Canadian 00o, where they will reeida. tailed Saturdoe by boat from Goaerloh. Mrs Miller and her deughters have been the guests of Ma E. 14. floresan. W, Jtokson, 0. P. B. agent here, goer to Toronto next week to attend 6 meeting of the Laternetionel Ticket Agettne Astiocia. Lion, of whit* he le one of the oftlore; from there he gob* to Collingwotie on Thursday to pertioipate in the Innoheonwhioll follows the lennotting of the steamer Elitronie. The Pilot Mound, Manitoba,Sentinel, 38y9:—?4rHolmes, of St Ottherines, who edited the Clinton New Bee up to a few yore ego, id the gueet of ler Jae. Gotta, Mr Helmer was in the nee/spotter hairiest from 1888 to. 1808, and davits' his gred ego le very *dive itna ean Whig iype with the mot of them yet. On Saturday he give ne & dell and let a stiok With0114 le error iri than 20 mire:dee; lie Older Pkteeebet it le "not ni i"now. end is v eiting friends in t different l pater of the 611 t went L(.1giVa rekleita an the deulltry• but wei go oftet thte el, being tnetion 1 on, I will leave death) frontal *grad et the whiter, out trill aerobe until My neet.*It, E. -* • Miss Ada Mitohell and Air G. Sheer, of Exeter, were the guests of Mies Eltittie Flintoff over Sunda3r and lionclay. TTt' Rev.. Mr Scott,. Leamington,. formerly of Egmondyille, visited, his daughter, Miss Scott, of the O'Sullivan'. Business College, this weeIr. - ' - Misr; Thonneriut St Maria, eider of Dr. Thomson, and Moe Warner, Toronto, were vieitore at The Dootor's on Sunday and Monday., ' W. Oantelon and, A. Forrester returned to Termite on Wednesday to resume studies; the former goes to rharmaoy college and latter to the Engraving school. . •Kall:971;e0t.artreedbtiooatihdefranhoclaideainngvbtoorri,hfiticr: ltTmun ,on Thureday,after spendinga month ' here visiting as the guests of Mr and Mrs W. W. Ferran. . Mies O. Uluff returned to her borne in Woodstock on Saturday. going to Seaforth for a few dayevisit with friends, She was here for several months takingmedicel treat- ment and was the guest of Mrs C. Town- "nd., E.Coats, of the Toronto Globe, returned to his duties on Monday, after a pleasant two weeks' outing at the lexawith Stewart McPherson, who returned to Brantford on Tueiday. E. Archibald was also ,one of those who composed thisirio'of compere. - The white oily has about become vacated-',. as the cool season is getting in. Among those lately rebutted home are Mr mid Mrs J. P. Tiedallo Mrs and Mrs El, 0. Brewer, Wind Mrs G. D. MT& gut and !sniffles "a.J. MIlroslikdnswdolehtehr'llioafeeDrexel UniverallY, Philadelphia, is viaiting his home at Holmesville. "Jack" is one of the Ceti - Adieu &lye who has not only mode his niark in the States, but he has, by steady pluck and industry, forged hie way to the front among the Profeseore of that institution, and todeybolde one of its =et important poeitione. Though he has tempting offers to engage in other and more profiteble per - dills he prefers to remain where he is, • satisfied that his position -Iced prospeote are soured, He hes not yet annexed an A.mericart wife, and there are people who Bay hie choice will be Cenadian instetylv-* He's 6 pretty good bey for any girl to t"get, and we predict that he will yet wimpy a prominent position among the edurtationel. bite of the %team States. OLIN T014 MARK,ETS Corrected every Thureday afternoon. Thursday, September 23, 1901. Fall Wheat .old•• •.0 • 68 a 0 67 .new....0 07 • 67 Oath •• 0 130 a 0 34. 'Rye..,..0 40 a 0 45 Barley.................'040 a 040. Poe.. 061) a 061 Elour per owt,.' e. 200'2 00 elliter,loose or tub •••.• 0 18 a 0 14 Eggs per doz .. 0 10a 011. Ban• 8 00 a 9.00 new. 6 00 6 00 Sheepeking . 0 40 a 060 No. 1 Green Win. bides 5 00 a 5 00 Potatom, • .per. bush. 60 a 75' r eatA es -flew& 035 a 040'. -Chickens, per pair ;7-0 20 a • 0 20 Dikoks, each 0 60 a 0 70' Geese, per lb.., 0 07 a .008 Turkeys, perlb. 0 00 a 0 10 Pork, live ... 705 a105 Park, dressed......... 7 06 a / 05 • Weed -thort Am •• 6* 2 25 a 225 013 a 014 tiptipemthetk 0, 2 , petperbasg. 0506 a 0 0 s '0 606 Pooches pir bask: 0 70 s 070 Petro per bbi r. 1 00 A 1 25 taraPea net basket......0 25 1 025 Live stock Market!' Montreol Sept. 2.--A.botit SOO he,ad of bat. cher.' castle, 50 °area and. 600 sheep and lambs were offered for sale et the Nast End Abattoir today. Trade WAS brish for good to Prime cattle, and these brottglt decidedly higher ;oleos, but common ;dock and canners still bring no improvement ti elow rates of that day- Pretty good stock sold at from8%qp.451, per pound., common ,dry cows And IntY young gook from axe to Saber pound, WMl entail bulls and lean cows were bought by wok ilerfl at from We to lo per pound. °elves sold at from 82,50 to ;Meech, or from So to fleetly 5o per pound. Shipperkpaid 8344 per pound for OA Urea sheep. ;ftod, lambs sold in lots at von; e% SO 7o par Pound, Apples Wanted. Paring and Cider Appl;tstwheanted eliatort Evaporator on and after , September 10th, 1901. TOWN & OAS