The Clinton New Era, 1901-09-06, Page 11 ' --eies • 1 • ors can have the New Era sent to them from , now to the end of the year for 2150 00110040tillnd the New Era to year Wends. he gruntr.un.uut • ton New CLINTON ONTARIO/ Sith'TEIV1131.41R 6i 1901. ele ja-welfeli-Y4-1191olf•-lt*-'firc•Vit*****WIPP/49%11 • The publisher would eeteera It a farm if reeders would, vrlatin making their • ourolumee, mantrap thet they sew the naerehanteadvertieernent tine paper )0* $1 per Year ba arivattrie t41.00 when not so sisid: • Watches It's all tight to have faith in your ,WatCh-113 fact there's etotilt reason for carrying a was,i"!'"Iln.which you can't have faith. But first get. a reliable watch; buy it at' a daft) store. We guarantee Our watches and we tell you the facts about then]. There's a wide range of chialee, and, your safety is made doithly sure because the sale lee% 'settled till you are Batlefied. • Good Watches are fairly priced at - r , 4 r B CREWS, _ ',. Expert Watch Repairer L" • 'Jeweler And Optician '',,,',. BIDDLEOOMBE'S OLD STAND ' • ..4 OPPOSITE TOWN BALL. Constance. • •,,NOIc'Ese--Ittiss E. Staples is visiting to ,Wingharn at ptesent. 0. Andrew. Goderipla.J.Staples,Wingham, and W. Ord G. Jainieson, Brussels, all returned to spend Labor Day at their homes I. McGravin and wife. Leadbury, rlitieited. friends here on Sunday. Only e'sonStartn of the Dale property was sold li-• O•:t.-::the auction sale on Saturday Inst; it earn,,,,s purchased by Jas. Dale for $3,800. •e•Li.fthAtTach.-Miss Seott. Aln3a, gave-rna ciinteresting topic at the League on Sun- i,day evening last. Next Sunday even - riling the topic will be taken by Mrs J. , of %Bedeck. Preaching service 'here wilt be taken by Mr Stevens, of ;e1T.,Iondesboro, next Sunday. On Thurs- day afteruoon, Sept. 12th, a meeting of alt those haterestei in the Kinburn :Methodist ehurch will be held for the ,enpurpose of arranging for. the annual hanksginipg geryices. • Brucefield. NOTES.' -Rev. Mr Henderson, Hen- el'ert,IWpreaclaed itt on Sunday • t..lataL Rey. Mr ameron and wife, of • ..eittorth Easahope.:-,'Perth county, attend- theIdnerrileoflill-Iturdge last, week., Mies Maggie - Sullivan left last week ',•••lor her home in Toronto. A. Mustard • . begun cutting wood on a farm near 4.1they have a shanty fitted up • anIthe youngmen consider themselves ,egoOd-housekeepere. Miss R. Aiken- tiertfiTetuined home from London. Mr i•e7•41,114-*p.,,,AiArt are attending the Pan- lAnterican. A number from here are attending the Toronto fair. among rfc• being Messrs. II. Reid, J. Seider ittenbuiy. Mrs Vatters, of Atisnsii,e; visited at the home of Mr a W. 011•0 • limberly Notns.-S. A. BI dr left this week for eehicago, after spending three weeks amng friends here. S. cNain has ' • completed -the brickwork on his house -And Wad& very much to the appear - dance of his farm ; P. Campbell'e house -i84Il90 drawing near completion. R. McLennan, D. McGregor and T. Welsh • ,baie, ,each put down astesian wells this • rong & Simple We aim to have our Photo- ,greaplas strong and simple• . • in ae are the paint - Inas by great masters. We • encleitypv. to haye the cam- - era cat& the best eipresSion not the trivial and tra,nsi- trod ones. Photo Studio. Ile Pickling •Season is. at Hand , And We want to emphasize • - theta fads ooraterning our .Vinegarand Pickling Spices • They are to be depended' on lamina • of their high quality. Vre it firth belieVer frn the old oeying ; 40; doein't Pig in trifle with the oOnilaetio0 that tt ettstOfner hart in Us and our goods," Who why ws terry- the beet' of decry- • 'Thing Inoue line, We are Jonas' of Plums and Pears. . •....neee.si The earth Orocery. COOPer& Co. • nano:stow in Peilitiiia 1%64 • for Butter end Illsgt ecoderIch TOWnship Elonsn NoTes.-The other day John W. Yeo weighed a two year old colt on Wilsoree scales, Holmesville, which turned the ;melee at 1420 lbs Mr Teo, who is A good breeder, sold a young horse the other day to W. Cudinore, Of Seafortli, for the sum of $130, RECOVERED. -The friends of Reeve Ohurchill are glad to know that his eon, who recently underwent an operation In Clinton hospital tor appendicitis,he.s so far recovered that he ls able to per- form light work around the fern), and hopes soon to be himself again, NOT lascanura.-It was stated recent- ly in these columns, that S. Merrill would undertake the management of his fatheren-law's farm, Mr Jervis, on the Maitland con, ,The errengenaents that were then in contemplation, hale not yet been completed, and there is a possibility that J. j'oi,Vis may yet re- main where he Is. . Fame BoualErr.-Mr Walter, of the Huron goad, has bought from Thomas Jenkins the 80 acre term situated on the north side of the Huron, road, and known, as the Marquis farm, paying a tittle over $4000 for it. A new barn was erected on it a year ego, and as the farn3 adjoins that of Mr Walter, it will be quite convenient, - NoThs -Mrs R Art, Johnston,Bright, spent a couple of days at the home of Fred Leonard. Miss • Alice M. Woon, who recently returned home from To- ronto, spent last week visiting her friend, Miss Alice En Render, Hullett. Mr and Mrs Allen, of Bovemanyille, and 111(r and Mrs James, Of Wingliam, spent a few days with Mr and Mrs jno. Woon last Week. . RENTED. -A. couple of week's since the excellent farm of John 'Wallis, • OD con:2, was advertised to rent in the NEW ERA, and a tenant was almost at once Lound, in the person of Geo. Van- derburg, who has been living on the Currie tarm, con. 8. " Mr Vanderburg is a good tenant, and takes the place for a term of years, and Rays some- what over $300 a year twit. . Protnio.-On Saturday last- & lerge number of young people from can's., 14 and 16, Bayfieldline, repaired to Hay- field for their regular Harvest Home picnic, After all had partaken of- the very fine fowl dinner, proteded by the ladies, they enjoyed a -sail in Mr Jewett's boatacross tbe rolling waters, and came back greatly refreshed. Shortly after their return the ladies, wno by the way, are noted for royida tog "these gooi things", invite them to again partake of fowl 80. Nearly all enjoyed the evening in various pas- times, when they left for then' respec- tive homes, feeling that they had been well paid for their trip and hoping for a similar visit in the 'near filtrate. STATUTE LaBOR.-A. resident of this township asks what provision the Ontarinalunicipal Lews make for the performance of statute labor at a par- ticul ir time of the year, some people affirming that it is compulsory to per- form the work during the streamer months. This is incorrect. The Catario Statutes simply provide for the polorm tnce of statuteltboroinder the direction' and control of, municipal councils, and doe: not stipulate -that the work shall begone at any malice lar time of the year. A menicip d council can, by by -last, provide fur . a commutation of statute labile, or can, in tbe same way, proeide that the work can be dune i the winter time if desirable. %here is nothing, therefore, to prevent any council,which wishes to do so, changing the tune at which the work shall be done. West Wawanosh. FARM SOLD.-.TObn Mallough, of the 2nd con., has strict his farm of 50' acres to Chas. Milner, of St.,..eargustine, for the sum of $2750. It is a good fifty, and well worth the mqney. Mr Mal - lough spent a ample of months in the west this year, visiting :different sec - dons, and admits that in many reit- peas it is a fine country, but he prefers Ontario, and is looking for another farm to purchase. Should he move from the section in which he has so long resided, he will be missed, as he is a tip top fellow. BaylIeld. NOTES, -W. Whiddon is a.t present taking in Toronto Exhibition. Miss Mary Whiddon, who intended taking in the Pan American, is detained by sicknese. A. Elliott and sister Annie, his model term at Clinton. J. Whid-' don has returned to Clinton Oolleiziate. Miss Anna Whidtbn has rettrened from a visit to Lsnark and resumed her position artteacher. Misses V. and 0, Thomson have gone on it trip to To- ledo, Ohio, on the str, Pittsburg. . PIORSONAL.-Mrs Glass and family, who have been spending the summer at Beyfield, returned to their home in London the past week, Mrs Glass is to be congratulated on her courage in the campaign against the legion of geese and bovines with bells which roam through the village and become a nut - stance and a peace disturber of the cot- tagers-and-caMperes-This-lady-wft again next season take up the cudgele, and hopes to raise such a strife that the wise councillors will see that some- thing is done abate the nuisance. Ths cows may as well quit lunching at night when Mt s Glass and her supper-, tete; come here hext Inlittner, forthen woe be to the cow with a bell: GAItnalat P.AtttY, -The garden party given by the ladies of the Methodist church on Thursday last was excellent and reflects great credit on all Who had, a hand in getting it up. After partelel ing of the abhndanee of good things provided, those present had the pleas* nee of listening to a splendid program; Rev enninge gave a short. and appro- priate address; Rev McNeil had left the grounds before his name was waled; Misses ItethWell and Rouatt gave soles- tiObi on the nutuni and Messts Peck Abd, W. Beatty, of Varna, Sang. The music and singing were first Mails. Recitations Were given by Misses Yel. land and G. Switzer, to the satisfaction of all present, Mr Hoare, Clinton, fur. itished choice MuS10 with his phorio. gratih Mid music box, both of which. had the attention of the crowd. The proceeds amounted to about $40, Miss Elizabeth Mackenzip, daughter of Wm xistoA Maoists, died in Chicego On Stitidey• ackersmith. Nora% -The people along the mill road picnicked at 'Bayfield on Labor DAYS Faux SoLia.-Wm. 13ubolz has dis- posed of late fine Lim on the ICJ pen road, south of Egmondville, to Oke, of Hallett', bear 131 th, The price paid was 07,000 and Mr Oke takes nes- session on Oct. 1st. This is an excel- lent farm and it has first -plass build- ings. WEST END NoTes.-Mrs Elenry Oar - ter is attending Toronto Fair and vis- iting relatives this week. Mrs Eicoat, ern, is visiting relatives at Holmes/Alla, Miss Annie Flintoff, Clinton, is visitints at H. Oudmore's this week. Threshing is the order of the day,two machines toeing busy in this vicinity. ‘Apple packers are working here this week. Went:nate BetrA.-On Wednesday, Aug. 28, a very pleasing event took place at t he tonne of airs Peter Day - mond, when her, daogbter, Miss Bonne,. was joined in marriage to Mr Drum raz Mcliowan, of Stanley; the marriage, which took place in the evening, was Performed by Rev E, Sewers, Of Brim- field. The bride was tastefullyettired ili cream cashmere, trimmed with satin and cream passementerie, and was as- sisted by Miss Margaret Sullivan, of Toronto, who was becomingly dressed in a silk waist and muslint-i,eirt. The groom was assisted bv the bride's brother, 1tobt. Dearmond. The even- ing Was pleasantly spent in dancing and other amusements. The happy. couple have removed to their future home on a farm in Stanley. Their many friends join in wishing them a pleasant and prosperous wedded life. • Another Correspondent). Noinfe.--On Monday last W. Cole and Frank Layton threshed on the farm ably Lepton, con. g, 1009 bushels of -oats and 250 bushels of wheat in 8 home and 30 minutes. Ms Thos. O'- Brien • and son Chriptie are vieitinv friends near Brampton. Ernest Cricn, Brussels, visited at his home here on Sunday. Mrs McDanale, Detroit, is visiting her daughter, Mrs Whit Crich. Mrs Dick, Blythos visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs W. C. Landeeharo. Mrs S, Hartt and Secord Herat. Colborne, vis- ited the former's brother; Geo. Nott, on Sunday. Miss Martha, Crich, Sea - forth; 'ie visiting at the home of her grandparents. Miss Dulmage, lpp; is visiting her sister, Mrs M. Lloyd. ,A number from the west end picnicked at Hayfield on Saturday. Benj.. Leary, of teanitoba. visited at Joe. Holmes' this week. 'Wm. and Lorne Carter, of orth Dakota, sons of H. Carter, Tuck- ersualth, who DWD and work a ranch of 800 acres, commenced haying in July, and expect to complete it by the first 'Of Oat.; when done they expect to have two hundred and fifty tone in (decks. St. Helens NOTES. -Rev. S. Whaley has re- sumed his work here after his vacation at his home near Toroato, and, thougle feeling somewhat indisposed, we hope he will soon be , in. wonted health. Messrs. T, Taybr, W. McCrostie, D. M.urray and C. Daecher left on Tues- day for the Pen-Arnerican ; Mrs A. Stewart, will alto visit the Pan this week. Messrs. Goldthorpe and Mc- Allen, G,elerich, were here on Monday to confer with the council regsrding the proposed electric rcetd. C. A. leb- butt spent Labor Day at his home near Cliuton. Tae brickwork of the new Episcopalian church was begun on Tuesday, and when complete willmake a fine piece of workmanship. liars H. Woods left on Wednesday, for Taronto and the -Pan-American. S. R. Miller and Miss M. Clark have returned to further pursue studies tit Goderich Collegiate. • Holm esyilla ONTARIO YET. -Miss Susie Acheson returned on Monday from her trip to California; she looks well after the journey, and enjoyed herself very much, but thinks Ontario is good enough for her. ' Ace/nem-Mr Fred Elford rnet with a painful accident the other day. He was in Mulholland's blacksmith shop, helping to cut a steel bar, when a piece flew with great force, cutting his leg below the knee so severely' that the services of a doctor were necessary to stop the flow of blood. • NOTES. -Mr Thornly, of Eastern On. tario; is visiting at II. Elford's. • Ohm- cil met AS usual on Monday for the transaction of business, Geo. Phipps rned-Tareedirty everting After ing several days in Toronto. Several of Our Village boys are attending Clin- ton Oollegiate, ammo- others Fred Airaess, 1-Taryey Mulholland and Roy Pickard, Oturnose-The people of St. John's church are making some extensive fin? proyements to the interior Of their church, They are papering and carpet- ing it, and otherwise adding to BS beauty, The annual Harvest Thanks- giving services in connection with Mid- dleton, Holmesville and Surnmerhill churches will be conducted by the Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins, Seaforth,On Sun- day, Sept,15th, elataixteeiee--A meetinr-was-held-here. on Monday afternoon to consider the question of putting In a butter plant in connection with the cheese factor', and running the same during the win- ter, There Was a good attendance, and considerable diversity of opinion. Some were in favor of it, and, some were not, the chief °Ejection apparent- ly being the difficulty of collecting milk during the winter months. The meeting. dispersed without any action being taken, Stanley FARM RENTED,--8ain, Moffatt, of Varna has rented his fins 100 itere farm on the' Parr Line, to Mr Archer, who is at present on the Rudd farm, Mait- land con" Goderich township. He takes it for a term of years. NoTREL-Frank Butchart, who is at- tending Iiitaixt College, Ohio, is spend- ing a few days with his parents, prior to returning' to his studies, Mr Thoe, Baird, Jr., has returned from a trip to his grandfather's in Ashfleld, where he spent a few clays, Mitle Margaret. Sul - [van, who has been with her grand- mother, Mt s ono. Mcuowant for a few months, recruiting her health, has re- turned to her home in Toronto. The ladies' baseball club of the 2rid o4Etan- ley went to Bayfield Fticlay and had pleasant time, , • 001rnout,-Oouncil met Aug. 17, the members all being present; the follow, ing accounts were pale: James Rose and other gravel accounts to the emonnt of $101.02; Thos SmYlien plank, SW 79; M Dineen, rep cul D Li 5; Jos Moran, . p, $e, 8150; S McRae, cleaning ditch S R 67, $13; Daniel Finlayson, cleaning ditch and rep cul on B, $2; 0 Stewart, plat*, $39.25; B Buckingham, gravelling coil 12, $38,60; J Bowler, cicerone' ditch on con 10, $2; Frank Johnston, gravelling S It 9 10, rep out, grayellrng con 10, 0108.04; A Stewart, insp, $3; A McBer- n rep cul con 12, 05; A MeNain, rep g tine con 12, 01; John Sullivan. towbig statute labor teams. $3; J B Graham, rep cul, • 8375; J McDonald, insp. 01 50; D McLeod, insp, 02,50; D .Griffin, plank and covering cul, 8240; D McKenzie, insp. $2.50; E Johnston, repbridge con 6, 017; John Kilpatrick, rep cul con 89, $1; A. Johnston, ditch on D L, $10.75; Ed Johnston, grading, M McD maid, plank, $6; R, McKin. ny, rep cul S R 6 7, $8; D M Johnston, $t; Ed J at us ton, gravelling con 4, 022.49; Pb M man, gravelling at Kin - tail. $33.49. 0 i ru Akin of Shoults and McIntyre, the rive I were *fixed fol- lows: Countv rai e, 14 10 mills; town- ship rate, 21 2 mills; special school rate, 1 1-2 mills, and A rate sufficient to meet the requirementa of each school section in the townehip. Moved by J Halley,. seconded by Thos, Stothers, and re- solved, that a franchise be and is here- by granted by the municipality of Ash- field, to Messrs McGillicuddy it Gold- thorpe, in trust for a company to be formed for a term of fifty yeare,for the building and operating of an electric i railway n and upon certain of the. highways of the.sard .township of Ash- field,"to be hereafter agreed upon by and between the municipality and the said Messrs McGillicuddy & Goldt bream, and it further agreed that the said railway shall be exempt from all taxa- tion by the said municipality tor the first 21 years of the said term. The said franchise is granted only on con- dition that said company is formed according to statute, and operations commenced within one year from date. Onuncil meets again on Sept. ,20,11.,- W. STOTHEDS, Cierk. SUDDEN DEATEL-Oh Sanclay morn- ing, let inst., a gloom wart cast over this section by the death of Mr Arthur McBurney. On Saturday Mr MeBur- ney Was working at Mr MeNain's house, and at night complained of a pain in his head, but went to bed as usual and slept. About° a.m, Mrs BU- B:limey asked him, if his head was bet- ter and he only groaned. A few min- utes after she felt his face, and he was dead. Deceased • was 60 years of age, and has been a resident .of Ashdeld for about 20 years;. he was • a member of •Amberley Methodist church, and at the 1im3 of his death was superintend- ent of the Sunday school. He leaves a wife and grown up family who have our sympathy in their very sad be- reavement. The funeral on Monday to Kincardine was very largely ate tendel, showing the high respect in which he was held. . . Orarrumor -Mrs Cowan, beloved wife of.Davicl Cowan, Ashfield, died on Sunday morning, Sept. 1, after a brief illness of a few days. Deceased was, over 70 years of age, and was highly respected by all who had the privilege of knowing her. She leaves a husband atud large family to mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother. Town Connell. The -regular cooncil meeting for Sep- tember was held on Tuesday evening, Monday beingLe,bor Day, The Mayor and council were all in attendance. A deputation from the Orealy Orem- ery Co. asked the council for a few changes in its lease. Petitions were presented for gram- lithie walks on tbe east side of Albert street, from Princess to North Gravel Road; east side of Albert street from Market Square to Ontario street; eolith aide of °uteri° street from Kist toa point 60 feet easterly. All walks will he laid, with the exception of the last. on the grounds that this petition did not ask for thei avant to zoom to the corner of any particular block. Chairma Johnson, of the street coin- mittee, reported that all work ordered °had been one, with the exception of A couple of culverts, and recommended extending the walk in front of D. ,,. Kennedy's to King street, that A walk be built of plank on Beech street in front of Mr Thou:18°0's and Jas. Feir's, that the water tanit in front of the . 'Insley property be cleaned out, and that cement tile be purchased for the extention of the Mary street drain to North street, The report was adopted.. Chairman Bell, of the cemetery com- mittee, reported that everything in the cemetery was found in good order and recommended that the Clerk be in: structed to drafrw recommendation for the retiring caretaker, Colin. Combe -called the attientirm of the street eommittee to the resolution passed a year ago as tp the removal of the ,walk along the north side of the public library. Coun. Plummer, of the fire and water committee, 'reported that the tank at • Wm, Ford's had been re-covered, and a few other improvements: The question of an artesian well on the Square was referred to the property committee to report at the next meeting H. 13. Combe reported, as chairman of the finance co anti ittee:-0, Carter, street work, $33.08; F. Evans, draying, 5190; D. S. Cook, 41.45; I', L. Marsden, crossings, 1388; C. Carter, work for pro- perty committee, $5,40; 'J. Ferguson, work, $2; J. Rands, blackenaithing, $1.65; J. Miller, balance of salary, $50; R. Reynolds, salary, $30; H. Carricx, work, 51.50; T. 'McKenzie, stakes, 55c, sundries. 5255, lumber, $49.79; C. Car- ter, work for fire andwatercommittee, $3.38; J. Josligg,,.work, 75e; F. Evans, teaming, 60e; W. Coats, for ticket, $3; Electric Light Co., '164 60; T. Cottle, work, $3.50. Receipts: R. Reynolds, wor k, 05:25; R. Welsh, scales, etc,. 031,60. , Auburn, • NOTES. -Mrs Jas. Clark, Loyal, is the guest of Mrs James Young. Misses Lily and Bessie Rowed returned to their home in London on Monday. Rev Mr Thyme preached in the Pres- byterian church on Sunday; Rev Mr Currie will preach next Sabbath. Mrs Geo. Young has returned from her trip to Fibre, Mich. The sale at the manse on Thursday was well attended, and everything was sold; Mrs Henderson is at present Visiting at H. IX Render- sou's, Whitechurcia. Miss L. Nichol. son, who has been visiting her mother; „returned to BuffaIo on Wednesday, MOVE To DAY„ -As son mnced in these columns some tinae ago, Mr J. T. Dab leaves for his new home at Hes- peter to -day, Mr Balt was for many years a prominent member of the Rul- lett church of the Evangelical associa- tion and also occupied the important ositien-of-superintendent--of day school, Niles Maggie Eat was church organist, and Miss Mollie Eidt filled a similar position in the Sunday school, In recognition and apprecia- tion of Mr Eidt and family as citizens and church workers, a large -number of their Mende met at their home here on Monday evening and completely took them hy surprise. A well -worded ad- dress was read and presentations were made to Mr Hide and his daughters," Maggie and Mollie. Dir:Eidt received • beautiful leather wallet, Maggie a fruit dieh and Mollie an autogrape al- bum, A jolly and pleas:tut evening was spent by everyone present, entaan-thia.near„Intute.-- Additional Lotal News FARM SALE. --The excellent 50 acre fern] 011 the London road, Tucker', smith, a short distance from town, owned. by John Hunter, .hrte been sold to Mr Thomas John Elliott; of the Bayfield road, Golerich township, for the sera of $3300. There is. a frame. house and ,good oottruildinge on the place: and the Price indicates that lend m not decreasing in value. Our young friend cannot run that farm alone, and will likely take in A partner. about the thne he takes full possession of the Place. • . • , . • NEW POST OFF1OE.-The archi- tect of the Public Works Department has reported in favor of the site. in. cupied by Mr Wiltsie, for thenew poet office, and His Excellency the Governor lieneral has passed the Order- in -Council authorizing its .pur- chase. Mr James Scott, barrister, has been instructed to complete the transfer on behalf of the government. We assume that as soon as these tare paretory stepsare concluded plans will be got out and the work of erec- tion proceeded with. . ENLARGE IT. --All those whose bueiness takes them to the stock yards at the station soon realize that they are much too small for the ea -ape -4 - livestock business done at thit t.ai..,.. . 1 Tin] branch of trade shout I he ("WU- vated as much as possible, and as it is never likely to be less than it now is, but rather likely to be more, the council should enlarge the yard for the convenience of shippers. It would not cost much to extend it. eastward towards the purnie and. it shoeid. be done at Once. OUR BATTALION GOES.-- The official list of regiments to take p rat in the rain tary review before the Duke of York and Cornwall, at loronto o . October 10zh, includes • the 33rd Regi- ment. On Monday the ofdcers of the Company met at Goderitilit to complete arrangements. The Battalion will at- tend in full force, 9 companies, with 34 officers and 378 men, and will be in the 4th brivade. It is quite al compliment to b3 thus honored, as several other battalions, the members of which would no doubt have been delighted to go, were passed over. There will be about 10 000 troops on parade -1000 cavalry, 1000 artillery, and. 8000 infantry, and we . venture to say the 33rd will acquit itself as creditably as any of there. • SCHOOL NOTES. -Much to the joy of teachers and pupils the O. O. In has re -opened; many new scholars assern- bled, induced, no doubt, by the high standing taken by the school at .the recent examinations.. Mr Houston opeaed the term • with his manual speech, in which he cave the scholars some sound advice, ,pointing out that only bk diligent stay could success be obtained. Great improvements have been made in the appearance of the school during the vacation, although unfortunately the front part of.the grounds and school has been somewhat neglected. Principal Laugh is busy thesedays with the teachers -in -train. 'big; Were being about two dozen modellites in attendance; Mitre Mary Robb, as assistant teacher, is taking Mr Lough's room. . TEM DOHERTY Oil ...i.l.N.-"Samat writing in the Globe of the exhibits at the Industrial, says: -"The Music Pa- vilion, with all ..its seeming discordance of sweet sounds, has a strange fascina- tion for me, and I pay many visits there in consequence, and recently was fortunate enough to hear a solo on one of the beautiful organs of the Doherty Co. of Clinton, while no near pianos • interfered with the eound. This par- ticular instrument is just the kind for a small church or for a home, becatiee with its two manuals, its 26 stops, and its pedal • bass, most cherming effects can be obtained from it; indeed, it is suitable for the execution of the rnost elaborate organ music. Another no- velty I noticed among these organs was the capital arrangement of the stops at the side, instead of above the le, board, on One of the other matt u ments. The growth of the work of this company. has been really remark- able, and they have now the honor to be the largest; manufacturers of reed organs in the British Empire." Mullett • • Dowx Tan remOv- ing the pumpsfrom their artesian well a short time ago, for the purpose of cleaning it, Tyndall Bros., of the 3rd con., had the misfortime to drop about 180 feet into:the well, which ii265 feet. deep. They were, df course, unable to. use it, and had to secere the services of Mr Revak to haul out the pump. _ •Londesboro,-. Campbell and Miss L, Campbell, Westfield, spent Sonday with bliss A. Lawrenci.,, Miss McOal- ium, Kingston, is visiting her brother, Dr. E. C. lifcCallum, this week. Mas- ter Clarence Roberts' •Harrieton, was visiting in the viltave'a few days, (to Tuesday morning Thos. and Edmund Manning and Charles Buddell started for Manitoba. There were n passen- gers on the same train from here for the Toronto Exposition. There will be a• large acreage ot fall wheat sown round bele this year. On Tuesday Mrs Allen and soil returned home after spending six weeks in Seaforth; her sister. Mrs Freeman, came with her. Monday morning Alvin Breeden re- turned tnToconto to attend Oa Col- lege of Pharmacy. Labor Day was not observed here, every person pursuang his usual occupation. There was quite a number of visitors in the village on Sunday, Mr Webb is shipping flour to Toronto this week. Bills are up an- nouncing a great show in the temper- ance hall for Thursday and Fridley nights, moving pictures being one of the leaders. Plums are very plentiful, and consequently cheap. The mem- bers of the Sons of England. lodge are requested to be on hand to -night. -Fri- day. Rey T. B. Couplancl and wife are away On holidays, taking in Toronto Exhibition and the Pan-American this week, R. B. Jeffrey is still somewhat incos • osed. T. a. Vole has received assey-Harris ensilage cutter, called the Blizzard; the name calls winter to rearm bra,nce, • Varna. The following' paragraph ie from the lass issue of the Morden, Manitoba, Ohroniole:-Ur J. Armstrong, of Varna, Co. of Huron, Ontario, iipoonipanied by his sou -in -Jaw, Mr Robert Paotiool, of, Herrington, Ont., spent last week with Mr Hobert Johnston. Both of these gentlemen were delighted with thie section of the country, and have signified their intention of becoming permanent read- Myth NOTES. -The rate of taxation in Illyth Is 19 mills,. Blyth baseball club has not lost a game this seaSon. Small fires °wetted at the residences Of Mr, Charles Fraser and Mr. James Bentley' on Tuesday; both were got but before hutch damage was done, Blyth fair will he held. on Tuesday and Wednes- day, October 8th and Oth. Mrs Gra- ham has secured Miss 'Hicks, of Brus- Bele tit manage a drew making estab- lishment in connection With her millin- ery business. She comes highly re- commended. MraN. 11. Young, Mrs T. Y. Huck step, are 'tailors of the Ex- hibition this week. Mr and Mrs Alex MeEillar, left for Portage La Prairie On Tuesday morning for a two months visit, Mr Sared King, of Elia, Mich., is visiting at his home home hers for a couple of weeks. Tim mxt,tr-A couple of ;settles from Stratford were here this week making • inquiries as to the possible assistance to, be_Kiven towards the starting of a ;wit mill, They appeared t3 be favor. ably iltitireelied with the prospects, and leftsfor home tniTueedayi tO completer arrangements, hut we understand they have sent back word that they do not intend to go on with it, , East Want/me:kb Manure:P.-One of those intereeting events that till the heart with joy took place fat the residence of Mr Wm. Hatee, of Eaet.Wa.wanosh, on Tuesday of last week, When his eldest daughter, Olive, Was united in Marriage to • Mr John VIrWin, alto of this township. The weddinv bells Mardis was played by Miser 0, Coultes, of Helgraye. The groom, attended by Mr Wm. Garton, followed by the brid6 leaning on the arm of her father, and attended by Mies 'mein, 018W/if the groorti, took their Plates on the spacious lawn. Here a large concourse arf relatives and friends had gathered from Brus- oder Wingham, Grey, Morris and Wawanosh to witness the tying of the nuptial knot, which was performed by Rev A 11 Brown, of Belgrave. Aftet the wedding ceremony the guests re. - paired to the dining hall where a itumptuens repast had been prepared. The presents Were numerous and costly, bearing eVidenee to the high esteem in which the young lady was held. The groom's present to the bride was it lovely gold watch and chain. The young couple will make their home on the 10th collo of not Wa Wanosh, Spices for Pickling • We have joat reeeiv- ed a fresh supply of wholeo Ground • and Mixed $p_i_ces, al- • so Bottling Wax and Oorks, R. P. Reekie's • presoription Drug Store • CLINTON elneeeseor to Elyeney jai:keen. • -- N.B.-Tanglefoot and Poison fly paper, and Rings for sealers always on hand, • ' NEV WALKS.--zThe ' walk on the north side of Ontario street is being fast laid since the cement arrived; the nea in order to be laid is on the south sic' of Ontario street, Petitions for new . walks Paned at last council meeting are:- East side of Albert street from Princess to north gravel road and on ` east side of Albert from Market,square to Ontario.- The request for a walk on south side of Ontario street, from East to a point easterly, was not greeted. everywDay Heroes, . • . • • A New ERA representative was on a train the other day when the enginer displayed great heroism by sticking. to his post at the possible risk of losing his life, and while waiting for t he del:r- ile of the wreck to be cleared awa", entered into conversation with an offi- cial of a rival road, who was ha his pd.' vate car..The tenor of the conversation, ' was the general heroism displayed by mett•under like circumstances, and the offieie.I reinarlted:- irIt is a remarkable thieg that in the • thousands of miles I have travelled in my, official. capacity. I have never Yet • • met with an aceiclent bf• any moments I've been pretty close to it, but have so far managed to escape. Hut -speaking of engineers sticking to their. posts in moments of danger, my experience and observiitionis that they do It ever,' day. Once in a' while the papers get hold of a case which they think is especially commendable, and it is•praised as if the occurrence was rare, but as a matter of fact these cases are of frequent occur - fence, though not heralded by. the press. The men on an engine are invariably good men, -true :•xriateeT, and the public can generally trust .them to the fullest , extent." ' . Cannot be To•o' eareful 4 • „ A few days ago the papers were full of an account of h'ow indiscretion, if nothing more, got a couple of young Cteeditar, ministers hate unpleasant. .. and undesiraelc n a oriety durrng.a visit to Syracuse. The roll- Alug circum- stance has no direct bearing on the case . ... in question, but the NEW ERA can. vouch for its truth, the story being published for the first time, A. Igethediet elergyilleil *hose name is evennow a household Word, though he is not in active work, was announc- ed to preach in a, large Canadian ci •is , ''''''''''''' he being at the time a popular - preacher. On his arrival there he re- ceived a note from a lady who stated that she had been intimately acquaint- ed with his father, and as she desired co renew the hequaintance with the eon, _ would he have the kindness to call in. . TEMPLE . OF FA ME. -A very fair audience greeted the presentation of the famous Temple of 'Fame on Friday evening last in the town hall, under t he auspices of the Epworth League of Ore tario street Methodist church. of which Mise Luey Stevens is President, and to whom much credit should be given for her close attention to the work con, 'looted with its successsul production. These who were there enjoyed it very much, and the drama' may be again presented. The proceeds amounted to about $40, to be devoted to League pur- poses. It wax clearly noticed that it good deal. of trouble had been gone to by those taking part, and every one pleaded her right to the crown well, still the Goddess of Fame was forced, to proclaim that the laurels rested on Mrs (Dr,) Gifford, who represented "it mother" with Freddie l'hOrnpson and Celia Beacom BM children. Mrs F. W. atte favored -with hringlifittro e,n Mrs (Dr) Holmes wee accompanist, The drama was toyer] entirely by local talent, composed of the following ladies : Goddess of Vame,-Mitm .A.Brickonden Queen Victoria -Miss L Stevens Martha Washington-MissE Minh Helen Hunt Aerie:at-miss H Pleketb Carrie Nation -Miss L Moore Men of Troy -Miss M Cooper Xantippe-Mitis L Trawhill Madhme Drsa-Ittrs Watts BapnIib,-iiIsn X Hill Ruth -Miss E Stdpley Mother Goosa-Miss /iE Rd:moray Madame Nordlea-Mits M Bell Jenny Lind -Miss Ahem. Miriam and Maidens -Miss at Wiliee-Della Eincl,13elvis Olso,11 Wilts°, Ennna Pickett - America -Mitts 0 Shipley Jnan of Are -Miss M Turnbull Queen Ellzabetli-Missimureh Tablets Primrose -.L Mara Canada -Miss SCourtiee Mrs Parlingten and Ike --Mies A. /Dying and.11 • Watts Florence Nightingale-40es Shows Grime Darling-Miss13 Orono Maclaine Albani-Min it I) Iteekle Sisters of Charity-A:asses 14 Reel:eon and E Kaiser PaIiaitae-MiseI1 Whit•sly flannittha Allen -Mrs Weodtium M6Xtgl%i° tI7tttBariehtiL< Mother and children -Mrs Gifford and Freddie TheMpson and Cella &writ, with Wee guards in (uniform. V10Wer siris-is Amos, L'Wilicen, It' Pickett It nodewert tit Manning, L Meg, lady CrOWA.bearor-Suale Cadent, on her, for which purpose she enclosed• rtricanacee., street, and number of her The clergyman was a stranger in the city, and put the letter in his pocket. ' mentally determining to csll on the Lady as desired, sIn the course of the day he ehowed the letter to some of his church friends, end asked to be directed to* the house in question. •Hisastonish- • hen told that Isille071d4ntlotbeyilsillit,ttgineci the hourne--wetr-ene that a minister The letter was evidently a decity, no doubt used for the purpose Of black- mail, and by the merest chance the minister was saved from visiting, In utter ignorance of its diameter,: it house that might have meant ruin to hie character and future usefulness. PDESENTAT1ON.-0n the evening of Aug, 30 the blabbers of Auburn Pres' byterian Bible Plass . presented Mrs Henderson with it pboto of the 'clase. and an address. A. full report was re- ceived too late for this leeue.-En. NEW EhA,, • We Perttvt sighi v.e.ct slant is girls* • non of parrots aDDDIS# punt, moshoirsitas protiell whisti we, earl • r*thplisit wish litaosoak I aro /sports its twit"- ing slinti. • Ji• Gritia Optician, Jeweler, ittitell Repairer, Ete.