HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-08-30, Page 5THE CLITONN NEW ERA, The O. B. Koenig Bankrupt Sale Stull C tinues We have fully assorted the tock Witt . STAPLE DRY GOODS, making the stock again comp, , amounting to be- tween ;7,000 and $8,000. The whole stock will be sold out as quickly as possible, as we close up the business as soon as the stock is all disposed of. I i Come and See us. We have goods at less than wholesale to offer you. We bought the stock at 58c on thee$, nearly all staple goods. No one can offer you anything like the bargains we have. tic 4 Many offer great inducements, as Goods Cut Into, Slaughtered &c. It is very easy to givebargains on paper, by marking goods at about double the actual price they are sold for, and then marking them clown. It looks as if the seller was making an enormous profit before marking down, or else he was selling much below what they cost, which no man can afford to do and continue in business, We are well supplied in the following lines: DRY GOODS CLOTHINGBOOTS----dc_sli.OES Drees bloods, Prints, Tweeds, Linings, Flannels, Flannelettes. Furnishings, Shirting's, Sheetings, Underwear Linings, li & G Cottons Men's, Boys' and Yonthe; Blankets, Grain Bags, Snits and Overcoats. - Small wares of all kinds. Ladies' WinterJaokets, Men's Long Boots • ,. Men's Short' Boots Men's Rubber Boots Men'sFelt Boots, Men's Overshoes & Rubbers Pall lines Ladies'&Childress Don't t forget that we have bargains to offer that you can' lsewhere, quality considered. Plumsteel & Gee ibbiugs, Clinton, Buy your new hat Before Easter, before the style, and size get broken. We make a speciality of hate and have a larger stook than in any previous season of the beat English and American make, style's and sizes. In English hate we have the cele- brated Wakefield, Saokville and Leslie makes, Our American Hate combine good style and quality in all the new colors from pearl to black. A. J. MORRISH, Clinton ;MARBLENIDORANITE MONUMENTS. e ; .,dly2'oWear DUotkfn Ready-made suits from Ave dollare. n to eleyen dollars. • The five dollar' line is a tough dart grey Halifax, extra good value. We have a line of black stripe wordsi pants for $2.75 which weuld be cheap a $3.50, , Moleskin pantsand tweed from on dollar per pair np. An extra good black worsted snit t order for $18.00. . A. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton Good Shoes for Ladle The shoes that we're goin to tell you about now are th cheapest shoes we know; of. 1\ o it's not $1.48 nor $1,98 It's $3, $3.50 and $4 Rattenbury St. Worksy l- CLINTON. Direot importers. Workmanship r and Material guaranteed. SEALS & .RICE Proprietors. C1 earing-oo l -e ofy is cies 25 New Wheels consisting of McBurney -Beattie Clevelands Racyeles Goderich Also 25 Second-hand wheels at $7.00 and up. Close 'Buyers This is your opportunity as we Clo not intend to carry a single wheel. EMERSON'S BICYCLE AND MUSIC HOUSE, Goderich flair% Repairs They're not the cheapest in the sense that they're the lowest priced, but cheap- est because they- give the most wear, dollar for dollar. They are made of the best Philadel- phia Vice Kid with oak tanned soles, designed and put to- gether by the highest skilled intelligent labor; ensuring fit. ting and wearing qualities not to be had in other makes o1 shoes.So much here, now Come in and see for yourself Fred T. Jackson Your Attention Londesboro Have been remodelled by the latest system of flour making by replacing the reels to the Wolf Gyrator Sieve System, which will enable me to make a more superior grade of flour. Trusting my attention to business Will solicit your trade in general. I cordially invite you to see the mill and inspect the flour. Ito S'. Webb, – Londesbor Aug 80.3m ' ,'.Y4V C�.VNN.'N.yNH„.'MNM Valuable Farm For Sale. Consisting °PIO acres more or less well fenc- ed. be acres in goad state of • cultivation 2 acres of young bearing orchard m good healthy condition 20acrcepas taro, 7',; acres of wood- land soft maples f a g goodlbank llb�ar n 1 n good frame house, 2 hard water wells, one at tho barn and the other at the house and a soft. water cistern at house; being situated on Huron Road, Lot 12, opposite the Holmesville cheese factory. Five minutes walk to church, post office and depot and joins Holmesyille, For further particulars Apply to NIL FEED LEONARD, Aug. 80-tf. Holmesville, Ont. Village Property for Sale. Consistinuof about 84 acres, mostly cleared, ,.end well fenced, at the village of ;Holmesville, ng 5 b d rs arooms, diame ning house conta ppremises parlor, kitchen, wood -shed, storage room, pantry and closets, stone cellar with furnace; hard and soft water, bank barn with stone stabling and water inelde driving shed and other out build - Inge, • A good young orchard of winter fruit commencing to bear; school, churches, post- office, express office, store and station close at hand, For further information apply to un- dersignedor address, WM. MURCH Aug, 80-tf. Box e, Clinton, Ont, Choice Offers The rorm, bath woodshed. water is cultivation, farm premises, _Aug. Cottage. for Sale. W. Foster, Albert St. North, his comfortable Cottage for sale. house contains three, bedrooms, dining parlor, kitchen, summer kitchen, room enclosed dry earth closets soft water inside good herd well, excelle,:t collar,. stable. place inperfeot condition. Also seven acres of land in good state of Joining the old Spooner on the northgravel road. Applyon the to MRS W. FOSTER, 2-1, Albert Bt. -North. DoYou Want . . . • Dishes ? ' Persons who desire to procure dishes of the very best manufacture will now have the unequalled op-_ ,,: portunity as I have made arrange- • menta with the wholesale houses to bring a largeassortment bare that may be inepected by intend- ing purobasere, thus giving cus- tomers ohoice of much larger vari- - "'--"- etythan they could have if 'only a few varieties were kept in stook This will include Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sete of all (classes, and , parties . needing .anything• • in • this line willfind it to their advantage to call and ask ns for particulars. NAB GROeERY . " � W O'Neil Our telephone number is 48. \. \ „Airip;1/4, ..-11,--'\ �ry'~\ 'CT F � fY,I,Y ' �' Vo 1- A Bicycles•! New and Second-hand We have a few second-hand wheels, in good running' order, which we are prepared to ' 'sell cheap, They are exceptionally poi l valve for the money we ask for ham. We have Mao a few new whee , of the best ) make, which are offered at wholesale. price. There's nearly four months of wheeling ) yet this season—anyone waning a wheel can't do better than come•and gee us. PLATFORM SCALE -2000 lb—for sale cheap. , All kinds of Blaokemithing, lioreeehoeing i and repairing. • .' i 1 • E • SEELEY & TURNER CLINTON. A number of Secondhand Wheels for sale cheat!. The Novelty Bakery acid Restaurant . We are prepared to supply all your wantil in the bakery line, and we guarantee to give satisfaction in -ovary respect. We make a specialty in Wed- ding Cakes and of icing cakes at a reasonable price.. Our: Restaurant is a piaoe•where yon will find eyerything in a first class restaur- ant. - • Candies of all kinds and always. hob. Cigars in the beet of brands. Tobaccos of all kinds. We have Ice Creast Drinks and Fruit of all kinds in season MoClllaoherty's Old Stand J. McClay Toiophono No, 1. CLINTON. ^ OI I1 TON Marble &Granite V V op,xs o Thopurchaser f a monument ^ ' should have complete confidence in the reliability of the firm, from Which he bays, for the material • and workmanship is something very few buyers ire familiar with. If you do not know us, please in• quire about our reliabilityfrom those who know us best. We are the only practioal men here in Our line. J. B, Hoover, Proprietor Nort to aolnmerclai Hotel BOltN, ALLANSON---In Clinton, on Anglia; 13th, the wife of Chao Allanson,"of a son, BOWDEN^•:-In Stephen, Con 3, on Aug- ust 19, to Mr and Mrs Wm Bowden, a daughter. HA NI/IONS—In Hay, .on August 18th, to Mr and Mrs John llawkins, a son HUNKIN---In iJoborne, on August 21, to Mr and Mre Thoe Hunkin, a daughter. NICHOL--•In Winiiham, on August 20th,te h wife. of Mr A Nichol, a eon. n, MOORE.—On Aug. 25t1i, the wife of W. Moore, of Clinton, of a daughter. WALKER—In Wingham, on August 21st, the wife of Jas Walker, undertaker , a daughter. DENNISON—In McKillop, on August 13; to Mr and Mrs Joshua Dennison, a daughter. ROWLAND—In Walton, on August 9, to Mr and Mrs John Rowland, a son. SPARL.ING—In Whitechurch, on An- gast 12, to Mr and Mrs J H Sperling, a eon. ORIOH—Tn Brussels, on Sunday, Aag. 18th, the wife of Mr Wm 1Oriels, of a daughter.. ESTY—In Wroxeter, on August 14th, the wife of A A Esty,of a daughter. Mr.LLISTER—In Ethel, on August 19th, the wife of Alex McAllister,of a Bon. SNIDER—In Brussels, on August 219t, t be wife of Thomson Snider, of a daughter. MARRIED. WALKER—IVSON.=At the residence of the bride's' parents, on Tuesday, Aug. 27th, by Rev, R. H. Barnby, B. D.,brother- in-law of the bride, assisted by Rev. Jae. Walker, father of the groom,'HH. G. Walker. Waterloo, and Miss Eunice Iveon, danRh- ter of W. Ivieon, Kippen,. OOLBERT—MoLEOD-At the manse, Egmondville, on August 21st, by Rev N Shaw, B. A., Mr Arthur N Colbert, of Seaforth, to Mies Flora A McLeod, of Egmondville. DAVIS—POMEROY-In Wingham, on August 7th, by Rey E J Chegwin, Mr 1V Bertram Davi", of Cartwright, Manitaba, third eon of Mr W S Davie, .of Clinton, to Mies Mildred Maud Pomeroy, of Woodstock, daughter of Mr S Pomeroy, of Detroit. PHAIR—PEDLER—In Sarnia,on An-- net 14, by the Rev D N M Cameo, Mr Norman Phair,. formerly of Exeter, to Miss Lily Pedler. DIED. MOORE—In Clinton, Wednesday, the 28th., the infant eon of Mr andMrsW. _Moore, Ontario streetagod• 9 months HACKETT.—On Con. 13, Ashfield, on Ana. 22nd, Martha, beloved wife of And- 'rewHackett, aged 31 years, MORR1S—On August leiii, at 142 Cres- cent road, res-cent-road, Toronto, Georgina Eliza,. wife of Mr Massey Morrie, formerly manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, SANDERS—In• Elora, on August 13, Edward Sanders; formerly of Exeter and (Clinton; aged X33' yelcye; 5`-'mofithe' and"' '6 - 'days. , PAYNE-In Wingham, on August' 17th, Geo Payne, aged 65 yenta. ` LEDIET—InWingham;_on. August 21, George, son of Robt Lediat, aged 4 years and 6 months. RUTTAN-In Morris, on' August •20, Magda Palmer, beloved wife of George H, Rattan, aged 79 years, 4 months and 14 dey's GRAVELLE ..- Zurich road, near 'St. Joseph, on•.the 17th inet„ Louie Gravelle, at the age of 79 years, :HACKETT--In Ashfield, Con, 13, Aug- ust 22nd, Marths, beloved wife of And- rew Haogett, aged, 31years,10 months. GIBBINGS— . In Clinton,, on August 27th, Maggie, beloved wife "of' Wm. Gib - binge, in her 52nd year. ' Sporting Notes. On their civic holiday lately five bowling rinks of Seaforth went to Goderich and played the club there winning in. two games by a majority. of 556 shote. - Two games of baseball will be played hereat Recreation park on Labor Day by the junior club the outside, teams being the Hermony •; club of"Goderich and the Blyth team. Thesecretary of ,the Lawn Bowling Club of Stratford have sent word that four rinks in'end coming to our town on Labor day. They will•bo here on the noon train. The draw for the Crews'. trophy has beenmade for the contest and the games will be played ehortly. Mr Crews' gen- erous gift to the Club, coneiate of a very handsome pair of vases, andis highly. appreciated. The firet and ,second prizes including the trophy, at the annual tournament of the Ontario Lawn 'Bowling Association held at Niagara -on -the Lake wee wen by the Mitchell club as well as the two first prizes in doubles. Two rinks from that town had defeated all opponents and were drawn spinet each other but togged for the trophy ; in the doublers the final was between players. from Mitchell end the 'Winner was deoided by the others de- faulting, The prize winners of the tour- ney were:—Trophy—Dr Berritt'e rink (Mitchell) ; 2n1, Dr Wood's (Mitchell) ; asaooiation let and 2nd Cenadee of Tor- onto) ; doubles let, Hord and Hodge (Mitchell) ; 2nd, Barritt and Sawyer (Mitchell); Ord,Wood and Elliott (Mitchell); 4tb, Rose and Yule (Kincardine); singles. 1st, R Allis (Caer-Howe11) ; 2nd,. P Libroak. (Niagara) ; 3rd, A. S Wigmore, (Canada) ; 4th, Dr ood, (Mitchell) pointe—let, Geo R Hargraft; 2nd,D Carlyle (Prospect); 3rd, H J Coleman (Vitoorias). Friday beinga fine day and upon an in- vitation from the' Seaforth club the bowlers from here went down four rinks strong to play a match but were nnenoceesful in win- ning the score being 90 to. 60 in favor of the home players, The scores were :— CtszeroN SEAFOnTH Howard •ete1 eee Scott a g Spalding, skip 10 Brigit 'skip w 18 Gray McMichael Cantelon Killoran Forrester Richardson Jackson, skip 14 Hays, skip CO Shaer Anderson Wiseman Holmstead Armstrong Weir Raneford, skip 17 Coleman, skip 22 Taylor Ballantyne Irwin Coleman Harland Hepburn J Johnston, skip 10 Steele, skip 20 Total 60 DO Augui3t 30th, 1901 C1.IN'TOly MARKETS Vorreoted every Thursday afternoon, Tburaday, August 23, 1001, Fall Wheat •old,—.0 62 a 0.'62 ,,new..,.0 (32 Oats „ .. 0 80 Rye .. 0 40 Barley , 0 10 Peas • 060 Floor per cwt....:.., 200 Butter, Wee or tub , . , 0 14 per doz p z 0 9 Hay, old 7 00 " new ...,,,6 00 Sheepskins ...., 0 40 No. 1 Green trim, bides 5 00 Potatoes, per bush... 75 HarvestApplea per bush 0 85 Chickens, per pair .... 0 20 Ducks, each. ..... 0 00 Gem, per lb...,...... 0:07 Turkeys; perlb 0 09 Pork, live 7 05 Pork, dressed . .., 7 05 Wood short 2 25 Wool'...,....,......, 0 13 Appals, per bag 0 50 Plume, per bask 0 25 Peaches per bask 0 70 Pears per bbl 1 00 a a a a a a a 5 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Live Stock Markets. 62 0 34 0 45 0 40 Zai 0 15 10 7 00 6 00 0 50 5 00 75 0 40 0 20 0 70 0 (8 0 10 7 05 7 05 2 25 0 140 085 0 70 1 25 )� Nl•NN•N••N �NN•N•i McKinnon at Co, London, Aug 26,-•0anadian cattle, 60 to 6h0 ; sheep, .65. Liverpool, Ang`26.--Canadian oattle, 6d to bad ; eheep, ed: Glasgow, Aug. 26—Canadian o.ittle, Gad Montreal, Aag 2:1 •-There ` were about 600 head of botcher.' ttt1e, 75 calyes and 500 sheep and Lambeoffered for sale at the East End Abattoir to -day. There was a larger proportion -of -pretty good oattle to day than has been the case lately. Mr G Martel bought ten of the hest beeves at from, 4 1.20 to 4 3.4a per lb; pretty good stook sold at from 3 1 4o to nearly 4 1.4o per lb common dry and thrifty, young stock 2 1.4a to 3c, canners paid from 1 3-4o to 2o per lb for small bulls and from 1 1 4c to 2o per Ib for old cows. Pretty good calves, eels at from $4 to $5 each. Shippers paid 3 1.2e per lb for good large sheep. Fat hogs sold, et from 6o •to 7 1.4o per, Ib, the latter pride being paid for selects: Milk Business for Sale. A splendid milk business. in Clinton.' Good reasons for selling Appy to. A. WEIR, Clinton, P. O. .Aug. 80—tf. Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett. Miss Elizabeth Walker, • Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music, will resume her 015118 in Voice Culture, Piano and Harmony(private or by correspondence) on Wedimday, September ,..11. and Thursday of, esohavei k ' For.terms apply at tier etuB'io, ' MRK JOSEPH TO W NSEND, Aug 80- tf. " Clinton. 1 t Largest • stock ` of Plums in the county, probably 3000 baskets Of choicest varieties sold .direct from the tree to you at" right :'.pi ices, Also a let of Rears beat kinds. About .100 baskets of Later varieties and over. Also one ton of No. 1 Honey for sale. C. Hoare, Proprietor, Clinton, Ontario. BI.ISZTS A Record Breaker IThis week will be a record breaker in our Mam- moth Cash Store, when we will offer everything in summer goods and several lines in fall goods at ridie- ulously tow prices, No goods given out on approv- al during this great sale, This sale will last only one week at the following terrific reductions. i Ladies' fast black Hoee, worth 8,3 for 5o. Ladies' fine Hermedorf black cotton Hose, regular 20o for 15o., ort pair for 25o. Men's Wool. Sox, regular prioe20a for 15o, 2 pair for 25o. Table Linen, 56 inches wide, regular 25o for 20o. Table Linen, half bleached, regular 60o. for 40a. Crash Towling, regular 5o reduced to 4o. Pure. Linen Towling, 17 inches wide, worth 80. for 5o Fanny Drees Goods, 40 inches wide, worth 20o for 10a, Ginghams.in blue and white oheake and, fanoy plaids, fast colors, worth 80. reduced to 5o. .- Scotch Gingham and Chambrays, worth 20o. for 10o. Ladies' Shirt Waiste, worth 50o, reduced to 25o. Ladies' Fancy Shirt Weide, trimmed witb wide insertion, regular price 51.35, reduced to:75o. / New Black Satana Shirt Waists, tucked baok and front, worth $1,75 for $1,45 Men's Tweed Snits, Shorey's make, in fanny cheoka and mixtnres,worth $6 for $4.50, Men's Wool Pants, in light and dark stripes, regular price $1.35 for 980. Men's Fancy Shirts, with silk stripes, worth 75o for 50o. Men's Night Shirts, made cf heavy fanoy flannelette, in all eizes, good and long, worth 900, to 60o, Baden Powell Hats in fawn and kaikt, worth 75o, for 50o. cEinnou & Co., Blyth •••s.041••••••••••••40 1100 Sale We are now preparing our'stores for the Johnson :Bros, stock;-ef-Seafarilr, to eo e m next mcinth; Comprising Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Gra niteware, etc. This will be one ;of the greatest chances to pur— chase Hardwaie cheap, yet offered.. Watch and wait. BargaiIls in .exely.line. Thorold Cement only 51.10, and Portland, $2.55 per bb while it lasts. ARLAND--SROM. Cheap Hardware'.House The McKay Bloch Grocery ocery Owing to the ill -health of Mr McCabe, he bas found it neoeasary to go out of business and I have re -bought the stook. ' I have been in the "Grocery and Crockery'busineae in Clinton for 12 years, and thank my many customers and friend's for past favors, and with my long experience in the trade, and myposition to buy goods from first hands and at right prices, 1 have deoided more than aver to give my old customers, and as many new ones as will favor me , Cheaper and Better Bargains in Groceries; .Crockery, Fancy Goods, clic., than any house in Huron. • I expect in a short time my import order of DINNER,' TEA and TOILET SETS' -and FANCY .GOODS, which comes directfrom the potter in England. In a very short time a carload of REDPATII'S SUGAR will be on the way,, sold at wholesale prices in barrel lots. We will give yon the highestprice for Batter and Eggs, and goods at the lowest prices, . Kindly give as a call. No trouble to show goods,' whether you .bay or no Stook is up-to-date in every respect. W. IRWIN THE BEST IS BETTER THAN EVER CANADA BUSINESS College Chatham, Ont. Canada's greatost school of Shorthand and Business training. FALL TERM,RE•tPENS TUESDAY, SEPT 8. 29 years of successfulwork is our record. The past year the most suoceestul in the his- tory of our school. 804 OF OUR PUPILS eecur- ed good pc salons during the 12.monthe ending June 80,1901. Results are the grand test to apply to the work of any school. • if intereeted, write for the handsomest cats• logue issued by any Business College on the continent, and foe a list of where these 804 pupils were placed. Within the past fow days wo have received three 'calls, to supply eom- nieroial teachers for other colleges, besides devoid calla from busineas houses for office help..Tho graduates of this school are not to be found anywhere seeking__ ppositions in vain, IT WILL PAY THE INTENDING STUDENT to keep this point in view. We peg the railway fare up to to $8.00 to students from it distance. Goal beard at $2.60 IP'YOUfHA.VEtsNOT SEEN1OUR CeVA- LOGi1Eyou arena yet familiar with the beet Canada has to offer in the line of Business or Shorthand training Writs for it. D, MoLAO'ULA:N & Co., Chatharn, Ont. co aaBoa tact farness kiln fcr Salo .. • <^ i .fit•. . ..r, '....F. ' � y • r After nearly forty years in Business. I have concluded to make a change and offer my whole stook for sale. Commencing on Saturday, August 3tst, I will sell • all Harness (including 15 sets' double and 20 sets single har- ness) Trunks, Valises, Robes, Horse Blankets, &c., at cost prices for cash. Tenders will be received up to Sept. 20th forthelarge stock of Boots and Shoes. • Store to rent or for sale. A splendid chance for anopen- ing for a boot and shoe business. J. TWITCIIELL, C41N'r0N .••• • 0011•••••• Dress Goods SPECIAL—A little lot of Navy and Black Dress Serge came our way. They are warranted fast dye, 45 inches wide, beautiful finish and of excellent wearing quality. We are willing to have you : compare them with goods costing 80c. Wesell this lot at 60c a yd. See them. • WRAPPERETTES--En°lish goods are now in stock andare splendid value and attractive colors and - patterns. TWEEDS —A few pieces bought out of the usual way are exceptional value; If needing any it will pay you to come and see them. • We are always on the lookout for bargains, . w we secure them we pass them on; as bargains to customers. What think you of a rich, dry,grainy is 25 pounds for the dollar'I We have t. W. L. OI 'IMETTE, Lon 041100•11001, •