HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-08-30, Page 3r1�1 . � 1W.1441or . , . P, %_ , . . - M ,,, I . f - �'�"',..,". _. � __1jrr1W1Fqj�-. �Wvr I � - ­--T-4WRrF­ 77­VT1W -- -WW-,-4 T, _,_____7 - I - _ , 7 . I I . 01 � . I �. I * - - .. � I I . . � . . THEICLITORN NEW ERA, I Auguot 8044, 1901 . . I .. 11, _ 1 I 11 � . I - I � I I _____ . , _--w- , - , .1 -, - � ' . __ I 11 I I . - ___ ____ , , , ­­,­ - ­­ 1.11 1-111.1'.. -.....".1111-1-11-11 . � ­­­ -11- -111-1 I VOW"WWW" , , 1 I THE. VICTORIA STATUEO. EMITWE OF THE NATIPN. ,;�A"Wz!" �.., ­ I 1. .. i .10 .. AlWiNDII . I . Who Native Pictures of Village L � I , ". i1i ­ � � , tro TkAll i � 1% I poserlption of the Ontario Provincial I , For pure blood, I . i AVO MirrOtOd ,rQrtu by corrool,ork- *�' Tho n1*4 of Wianfges,_ "BU01VO lRugpZ Thou I I mouUment-Thq re4estal Will 110 cap" 11 .. I Mbright eye aild � I I � . . I . � 4 01onti's 99 the wesUly llrsoil. I � I . I pod by the Duke of COMWAIL I . I Who village correspondent ot que ol 'I . IsNo"o . the , contemporaries writes, - "The . L ' A oleOr ac,oplexiono, . .; A Range .Too - . . . .s. The statue to be ckeeted by our 0 L . p . a I � 11% , I Wit a Good . . , Province of Ontario,, ,,, the clly of ! ! cheese factory is running full blast, j A %,Bell I etite, . � . . ,h I I Toronto, in memory of Queen Vic- I 'LL . N ! Quite a number around here Atte,qdr , Ic X .. . I ; ltyL Ander- � U tics", igestion I . foravy I I torte, will be.a notable wor1c of art. I . � ad camp Ineetillg 61X SU1341 I I , . I I I I . L House- 11 I Mr. D.T. McIntosh of the McIntosh I I I . son's 21 cows gave ,1,072 lbs� of . � . . 0.4'. . � L , . L I I . , Revord kitepor . Marble Worlts, who will have charge , milk in five days. How is that, boys? Ancr r;&shing sleeps . I ' I . , I . I L of the undertaking, has returned 1. "a..., I Joe Maxwell has fly medicine on hand I . . I . aw-ft, ' � __* I - from E nglauld. where Ilon. G� W. . L. . 'now - $1.00 p(11r gal. It Is quite . a, 1' 1W LLL LL ­. I L L -=Ix . b . I I , ... . Rose met ,him and a, flual decision . place for wrestling 'round the cor� I a , .. That's what you get when I reinter to. USOL ' 11 . .. I . I . 1, L , , ,w,%s come, to by the P � I 11 I lier. Our enterprising blacksmith is, � , - you buy a 3Kappy j1h9ilght. I the'Reggi "Victoria,", erected by the I miss.. . I I doing 9. rushing business, John Wil- I I . . . ., The li4ry Thou Range . City of Hong XQng. Mr. Re the . . liams has the wall. of his new barn , , . - gut ­ . L sculptor, will superintend th . a 1:411king I L I nea,�Iy completed." . was one of the first Ranges . .. . of the rcplictt# Which will not be cost . . 11 10114 Such items as these are sometimes 'L ris 01 2 liars& ar . .1 I I I . manufactured in Canada. I L till next spring. The bronzo. shows. I treated with derlslon by those. who 1, ­ I - . Uore Happy, Thought 'L . . ., e ,advanced years, L 11 k ." KC11§011, I estimate the importance of things . .. . 11 I . . , � RoAgto are manufactured 11 I 11, . I .1 . . seated upon the throne and holding 6 L 9 I by their size, oers The Globe. Others . . It arouses the. Liver, 1, * I . inpire, Mr, Of X533 Orange Street,'I.#O$L A les, Cal., � .A his art- . I . and sold each year than all . L . I .�he seeptre and orb of a , � will ace that the writer, I � L . . . 1. ' now, in use. McIntosh saw all the note�ble statues writes: I�X had been Afflictelawith my-' � less way, has given us a. picture of Quiokens the ciroulation, . I , other Canadian makes conittined-l$0, . a adful, ' I . 000 being . ­jn­cxj�. ,nee, an'd that eyes for over a year with -such . dre village: life,._..,.The._zow.s axe yielding , ", . "The, , 11aPP7 TUOught'" of the Queen- stc L tion that I could I - I,, --- ­ . - - I ..._._­......-.,1Briqhtens the, .-spirits and . . When buying buy Canada'A Favorite, of Reggi best-, represmted. I -Ter XA­ itching and, itiftamnla . well, and the cheese factory is. run- I I I I ­.. ­ ---.I., ___ .- I- ­. I ! $lot an experiment. I. : I : ". L ; ' : I' : , �bing. Physicians : L I . . I . � I jesLty as she appeared in later years.. notuse them for'anyl . L ning full blast. Put this into more . Generallyl. makes life wort , IvIng. , � - . . . . The drapery and th0carved work 91 .bad ven me many .different remedies pompous, language, and. the scoffers - I I 1, . . I I I . I Nanufactlived .by ..the thronei always difficult things .to whi6r' were like using so inuch water; will read it with interest. "The dairy Sly.ty Seven years triall have proved It to be beyond qvostiols, � I . I ; The Wm. Buck'Stove Co., LimAted., Br&ntf0r$. man . w glasses, Which I . � . I c tagge In bronze, are finely axe, they measured my eyes k industry Is one of the most import- the most relmole 81-OOD purlfler knowit. . I , I . I . .. u d.. The. bronze will be sli; feet I L got' and wore tor some time, but they ant In Canada. The exports of cheese I . . . � I . I " I I I ; , Write tile xanufaetutitte for,111usitated CatAlogue! did not bert6fit int - in the least. My I a 3,081 and of , . . . , ,. I ­ . 1 2 three Inches long at the base, by . . . . � . �- �1 ��� . . . . � .. . . . three feet nine .inches An wi r dth, by mother desired Itie to write to Dr. R. V.� butter at $5,429,563." Very- well; ' All the . leadlog Prq ` s sv�, BRISTOL'S SARSPARILLA . . ; '111111 i���,���,,�l��,���l����������,���� herce an4, explain the condition of my i but how call you keep up this busl- I I Elst I i I 11 I 11 . . . . I L . .1 . . . nine .geg.,..tro inches in height. The I . lowing your � 11 . . . L � I sozu 13T � . ,, � ... .. . granite, nine ��s, I did so, andafter fol i n ows at. Smith's cor� omm I - I ., 1, 11 .. I ., . pede , stal will be- of 100Y _tUe Will I . - . I high, so that the- Stoo rxlvice, and using I eight bottles, of the .and the cheese fee,- � - , I � . T30 -n S . , feet 4 Favpriti� ftsicription I and eight of the I ners yield Well, I I ',HARLAND 'JDJLAPO 09 AN I ULT-WITON Sta,n(j.c*hteen feet high. when alount- . . tory 1#3 busy? The blacksmith is doing, . - - - I . - . pedestal .. . WLQrk � will be I Golden Medical -Discovery,' cansay my � . - � �-__----- - .. I . I .. I - , .7 1 1 1 Now,, - __ _. . ". � � . I stone I trot;ble is eu�tirely cured. I would advise a rushing business, which means that I . . �. I . L I . . � ­.... .11 I I . � - ptiAed. on the .p0d0$tftI, the , 'a '6 wond r- th� local trftm� I's '-wde , th%� t49' ­ . . . I THE BRIDEGROOM WAS L . . [XWE1-'X0rA8,' $ na,rried , n �I,e,so afflicted to tiv tbq,,,,e .p.q. . - . I I . . 1. I I ATE. I . A ­ I I -1 . . * � .now being q �; fulyme fre6l3r use4ly lar" . . I The corner -stone of a new cour- for wbi('A il , - cities. My heatth lkad itlever 66 roads, (tre. being in- ,,; jj�; � "I L 0 PT � -. , s I 1 1, . atotic ove * Why He Arrived Tousled.and Coy- b ouse and music .1101 wa loid at.. Ux . the largest of thq 1�190so will * be - good " it no qj� I S�ytll never tire eri for business or ploo,sure. This is I ' . I � I Both Thoory ana. Fr. I . I �. I . � I i N" L � ' . . I . feet . by ton by. eightecii 1 of , "'; �r - , ctly the s4me sort of Information ..... I . . . . crod With Cobwebs. bridge, . thirtecil . �fefrde s me, icines.11 one, I Gears Auu-,� - I i . . altila L ' y1mer inches,. and will weigh from six- .praising, .as is convey by the -news that the . . in rphe Its One -Piece Frame, U-nol000d "'One of the most embarrassing _ Work on the new London, A oick wohien are invited to consult Dr, L ad ' . ory I Chroo-Separators-in- - , . - 'Cons I ever saw," remarked a gentleman & No.rth 8bore Electric Railway will teen to goventeeh toils, The pedeO. a specialist's earnings , of the Grafid Trunk or tfie - I . , ning in oil, FewParts, � a L ... - I ­ . . t be reg, I Pierce by letter and secure .� .. I . ruation in get) oral make it th 11 * at one of the hotels, "was at a big We& Soon commence. L tal mus , dy and placed in pos- advice free of charge. . . Oanadlan Pacific Railway have in- i One Bowl, and Superior Const I . . ding celebration at one of the large , *th . .1 . . . creased by hund.reds of.thousands. ,., ,11 L . substatatial A number of retail merchants at itioii,before a Duke and Duchess of � 11 11, Cleanest Skim ' 1: . Ming, Most It - ,churches -An a southern city several years Cornwall-coxne on October 10th, and . without �! 1: . . i jt6$t .DUr_ L Fjamilton have asked for a by-law pro- !i ", - . )st Operated alft(I , I LL . . ,.ago. It was the event, socially, of the hibiting the Use of trading stamps. � the, ca�,pstone . will be laid by the. WRITEP MUMERCE, tb, farm,. -In itself, the fact that .- L , .,� il� Salest, Eash - I . L , ' * ;, The railways could not live . . .1 .1 ch was 6 L. . . . . . DUk id of the 1pedestal . '' John I Williams has:the wall.of , his , �1 , I . ator nade.. , � . I . . Iled with Tbe'kdies of Oaaiva, hays decided a. : Oil thp si as . . BUFFAUD.N.Y. � . . . 11.. 1. al)Wsepar . . . . I belles and beaus.' The bride and I bride- I there will be Inserted bronze Panels, . . new barn nearly; completed %may. " . I * that the 'Cape th�y intend to resent � r L10 Practice i, is asify proving the correctlidse of our � . groom were among the most popular of to the Duchess.of Oornw&ll Shari be of recording.some Cj the .chief scenes Iq ' A . ' seem unimportant; .but whe74 we . I . theory, as testifi6d to by pleased usera all . . . , . I -the bocial set. The yoaug lady. was the. mink, and not6f otfa'r, . .. I. the Queen's life,' Including probably . RLL CORRESPONDENCI PRIVATE . I speak of a*96neral o -61! Catalogue L I .. . Di6mond, J--tbilee thanksgiving. L_ . f, 1h000ttatry. Wintdreated write for illustrated But I . ­ j .. tarin buildings, we are nkely . de- , coniALL,jug hundreds of letters to this effeot. . I wery essence of grace in all things. the. . . L . 4 . . . ike man who had won her was one of �the Over .90 lives were lost by the LainK- . in front�-of St. P&111's, and the mar- . . . . . . . . I I soribbig in: an abstract. Way What.18 . I I . . � .. . � 4 . . . . � . . I Ing ofthe steamer Wande'r 'off DOU9.1 d the Prince � ..L 11 I L L . re given in a concrete form, There. '7- I 0. CRICHI. most awkward specimens of hulmaniti I L riage of Her-Me,je$V an . ,: he I .1 LLL %��­ . . CHARLIE . I I ,Among the victims r ' I � � , -, cannot be. � a general improvement ....... . , . ', -B. 0. I AGGIIS WORK. . . . �,_ . He was simply built that las Island Conso t�_. * . I . 81r4NOR R_ . . LLLLLLLLLLL - - . I _. Tackersmith, OLINTON P. 0. Geneiral Agent for. . I I Jhad ever seen. . . . � � . ----------- ����� -LLL ...... 0 , - I 'Wanted. tway He looked it. He walked more was Mrs'Ross, wife --of the -Yorkon .. . - I I - .Without some particular. , improve- . � �..` I , 0.0 . . . I. 11, . I . . - liftportant Pieces of the soulrt"r of pro .1 - . .. Uuron untV. Local Agents I . . L . .. . I . . -,-like'& camel than any human being I COmmi9slOnitro . I -MR-FLEMINGIS. PRESENTIMENT. . , � ment; and this is one of them. Atli- . . .. . I . I I . . I . I . � . . . . . . ­ . I . . I . I I . . . . . - 'have ever seen. He was the kind of fel-. Premier Roblin of Manitoba, Who is . . , . - I . I . L vinclal Queenii statue of . I lectle'sports: are Apt -neglece . . � . I L . 7;� `��rdong the prominent works - . low, too, who was always blundering ex- visilin Belleville her ropdr to S, SOMething Told Him to 00 HOMO )First , � viliage. '.111-t is quite a Place for . I . . . _... to the amag S ' y Ust ' B.fo,pe His Boy Dlede � - :Signor ,Raggl, who is to, do the - the .PP - This I .1. . ... . I ... . ' . . . 1. ,cept in business In business he was as Sayt b in the � ' � I - .9tatue , for t ,vinc wrestling 0round . corner . ' ' L . , eto '*be L'. .. ,ia;l � I ' - the P' ha,ve beep g"atly'ex­ . . Queen's ,is part*of a. plan of national defence, . . . I keen as they made them, and among rairie Province . . . . Assessment "C61nmissioner Fleming. 0 . - erected in Toron- R` . . L.. . -older men In the commercial Community aggerated. . . . 1. � ' Governuia�ni t' be rial to the .for no ,new-fandled gun 'can- obVIat6 .1 � . . rMELNITUR . ' L . .. . . , of Toronto , experienced a prescnti-w.. to,� ar6,tho National Memo . L ­ I I.. I . � I . I . he was held up as a splendid example The census returns for the Cassiar . the necessity for sou.44ness of wind , � I . ., . I . I menit' '.dn I�riday, 12th July, 1901� Duko'of Wellinito.ti. fbr Heremajoity's I . . I I . ::�V_ . . . .. ­ .. I . I . of the young milullood -of the time. district were lost in the wr#ck, of the . and limb.The fly, medicine indicates . . . . . . . .. I � . q . j I � L. I , . �. . the invesfigation 61 I -nm,nt in -St. Pa.uJI& Ci,thedral, , . I . I I I , . But, getting back to the wedding, the steamer -j-s1snder�_­._:.. . - �� I ­..­ I-, ­ - ­ � that; is worthy , I � a o,e, attention to domestic comfort, N,0iic4 . I . I . . . .tfi�. _.PiVdljjCa,1- 1"s-Resea-rch- - -- Soolet54­ "rond6fl; xqtibst7ri all, -stat* -of tile- late, . . f§ - � o4 -0 -the mcirks -of civilization.. I- � * InIn , .1. . - * . . ; ' . . : _1b �-.� I . It' :- '- '' L- L'' . ­ , , . . I - 4 . V;Se, whispering folk who generally look Colin Ralato 'aged 40 � dropped ' the day. he felt that ' he r Holborn'- . JDL . ". I .00., 1. d.for the lie$ . 0 1 . ri. I - , , ince. Consort, groups -on Finally, having worked, wrestled naid .1 .. ., I .- . . .. ­. . ­. 1. - I I . I - . . � . . , L' I . . I . .. . ar '9'uL - , iaduet �L'StatueS . advanced.,thd cause of civilizat- 11 T4' I otea . dy � I inoresse in ,our I t : rade I . 6 g . ood proof . of the fact tbat:oui good . a are right and ,after such things had arrange dead at O,illia. ''. , shouTd. YoLhotb,oandseo-W6 sort, who Vr of. -Lords Derby 1.nd' L' L . affair In the most popular -church of the .. . '� - L , . . elty, and in spite of his protests they had - Ca,Pt FOOL (if the -steamer Island, had been ill for'. a, long 'Ime, but had re,11-iierston at Westminster;. 'Nation Week, t, I tend Ion a -in the .trade. . . � ,. . '. L . I . L 16 tiliabitants at . Camp* -' , our iirioes lower than those of 6ther- dealers' . . . I who Was arowhi3d in, the,i;Oie.�.k .q,f . sliqw.u','no sign, of becoming worse. Beacons- � � I rd .to sell cheap. -, If you buy . - . . . to .tliLt 1J,arl 6f riday, So fai'f 'in nan-alsoture furniture on a large scale and .can- soo in fOL * L � � - made it a trifle morp elaborate than lie and . � L . al memqrial . .. . . + ) , meetirig ,on Su . ' rom I - ' We"II I I . . , . , had even expected. - They had arranged � that. vesseb,was formerly it pAvigator IlLe co municat�d by .telephone � with fleld,- X, G., in the same place; . W( .. th . from no, wedive for you the profit, which, in other cases, has to be added . . L . . AV I . I . . proving - t . . ' L .1 . - on the hluslioka takes, . I . . Mrs lem4ng, Who happened to be.. . he langaiige of e. corred- � , . . I . . I . �171 . sphink colos.9nol, Ith enrichments tOL . .1 L . I . . . . . . . for the bride and a number of atter I .1 I � . .. 1. pondent; To have, merely pa,dded it , er. L. L . I . . I I . I 4dants . the retail deal . * . . . I lunching down.town, t of E , Uj. L .- . PS . 'S , * , ill not Perm ' ' to approach the altar from the front part - The United I States battlesh! ii - fowa . ,ailing her Cleopatra, x6edlie- on'Vie.toria ._­ in- , 10 with ' big Words and 011111104- ThIsweekwahave osed into stoch.sonie ofoui.liow designs. pace wi ,w � I . ' I ________­ t) I ,. . . . L . I of the church, and 7:30 was the. time ex- ha8 sailed trom SanFrancisco.for PAn- hisi 'preseatimentAbat li ometWng , b6nknient.. colossai fibn (25 ,fee , ` - ad � its , ­ �6 Seeps We'h&Ve to offer. L . . . � Was , . 0 ' stroy , -US t6 quote prices, but come and Sao for yourself wb s . . . . actly when the meeting between bride quia, to proteCtL, the interests � -of A M-'- wrong with' Fiverett. - * She - left, the � Maim - and . Mer6brial* to the: Barks place reflectl 6s and' de. L I I L star ined that our. prices fib all be the owept in the. trade. , !­: � I... I . Lk. ' - -Our � only excuse Rejnombar�wa are,d . in . .. 1. . . . . . , . - '�.. . L . .- . . . I . . ce at the - 1 . before - dnjoyingL Reg ant at Readin Sir -Wilh Homeric airapli6fty . .. . . . . . ... - - I . � . ' . L im I . is the desire to ,Call attention to :a . -L � and bridegroom should, take pla erici:ns Inthe lathnius. . . . young men an. hour .. ,alm . k. .1 I . �'. I � . RoyiLl. . . I I . ss,'good health as,he i JV'I 'L . at Aberdeen, ' L., ... � . .1 . . I . I .. . . _ ­ nt of - Coned an N . . L ­ �. . .. . ­ . . - altar. C.An diab L HUMLtO6 So I had for four,or lace .(18 14�ot,hijh) , .he I ted 'd artme I U DERTAKING. . I , . � oom. was to come from the .The a . five years -past,. and she endeavored Buccleuch memorial . bronzei; at Ed- . . g PC L 'ep . . -.--"f-,"li*-,&e�-L��'-----'L--- --'- . I .. . . I "The bridegr ety have Wwarded imedals fo several L , ' . ... L . . �, , a, and war have d . .. . * . n t is. apartment our stook.io colupiet undoubto ly the beist funem ,�� . . literature. . . . I � n . . . . .". . back of the church. The organ .. . . _ Ing inbuirill; . Dr.',TrA,-. Archbishop, -of . . .. - .. . .. . � . . I I ­. oitf, :!in the. couit AS the lowest. - - - . I . tL thundered el iarto for. briLvery .-ln-- -to--allay. Mr. F-16uiinks fears, say ' . . . . . t . . . . . residents of On . I th "was no,rea8on for� lils *lety' - Cante !gh; . 11. R. H. . �� . . y. Our prices are as *�, . . ..� .. . forth the usual strains, and the pretty rescuingdrownink pefspria. . ere. 91,11 diiibUr L Not, the First r.<th*jkiimd. - , I . . .. . . . , . . � . . L - . . . . .. . . . . - � . . . .. 1. . . .. I 'L 11 bride walked down the aisle toward the L . . . . He ir�malued down town, keoing an -Princ6 of Wales (Zqu6strian), at Dom- L I I I 1. I . 1. �'� . . . �. � 1_.in- �onnectlon with.Ahe pio0osed '. . I . . %Mr. Henry "'L-3fdrgav of Ottawa �. &CO Lj. W. Chidley , I ., - They reached YL * I :appolntmaut� . - " - . 'Isayo I that' . the . .monument BROADFOOT.'BOX 9. L � 11SUS' ., - altar with the attendants. c - -of the, gas and With Ald. ' Cox nk three -b 'eheral Lord �Napier of. , '3149 1 of -Laura purchaseb -the I it�. ,6 of their Vusi- . 'ay. 0 1 . . 1. . gar . ; the altar. It was 7:30 p. in., on the last o'clock.- In theonild4l daU' (equestrian), at Calcutta,; HIS . . t .. , . - - i . . .. tick of the half hour. . The bridegrooin I electric plants alt Kingitdrij the atbi- ness Mr. L Fleming as&dd this aldenw .j,3X,elIency`the Commander-In7-Chlef. Seco�d* is not the first .tribute of that� . . I L. I . . . . � . .. - . ' L . . . L . I . . 1, t'rators have ordered that the city have * ' L L L ' kifid Lto'a woman. � ,Ue .says ,..that on .1. . ., .L. 0 .1 . .L. . . L . L. . . .1. .. I . . . . . . ... .. . . . ' ' .. ) :dUf If re6 L aeCes ' L MSLU to e�CUSSL. him, saying, he must, DhIr Shumshire Jung 11 M cli 94th, i$70, Mr'.' White one ' " . � calling it J. W, 0 idlWil, fFunOrAl ', . - was not there. All eyes t�rned to the o . mile, 'Bithadur' I tutor. to � the . books ,of. the I . Governor- I P. S. . . .h . -door . . . k6 home, andL ar I. in . -xight anti sanamy calls. attended to.by .. � . - . L I I . . . e ,Shrough which he was to i . . . Lose hla�boy. The two ), at Nepaul; ,of the memb Director) residehee- L. . - -'.;' , I . . � .. I It never opene a seemed Company. . ... . . . I . . . . (equestrlan� . . .. 1. brs of 'Qape Breton, I L .. . . � . :,, I . men drove, fr. Fleming's house at Genc- ral. - Sir . Arthur , , Xannedy, at . I I . . _a-: . . . � 11 ' ' . to.3 . . I.. . .. ' . .. . . . . .. o centuries. It was awful. . Andrew Oarnegle has offe 50,000 the House of* Assembly 'oi -tfie,t Pro- . . I ., �d, and the second I to length,on Int . red $ tho':! Corner .cif .St. Claren's &venue -H.6ng TCong;.Ji.ibilpe memorial of her I the attention of tha�i ' L " '. . ... ;. .... . ­ _. .. .. . .. ... L . . . � I ace flushed, and she was to.st, Jchii, IN. �B. for a public library I : Batfidist stritet, iea6hi49 there aj�sty : the � I Gluden'. at Xtbrig . . Vince, 'drew. . I .1 .1 ! L , . I _. , .1 . I The bride's f I arid.. . . I I . t L -an act of gf6a.t. heroism --- , . .. I . . I I ; .. � . .. . . rying wait. stipulating that the c�ty p�ovide a fte6 . . late, �,X byal body � co � . ., . . L . .. . . . . . . I . . . .. . I 11 . - 'were: Rowlarid'Hill', in R . * - -litt a L . . - . I . . L rapidly weakening under the t I abo�it 3.30. .A.few minutes . I I L . L . L . I . . I . ite and'maintain the-i)�Vtutiov. . �, I . Xong; : -Sir which had been displayed by a I . . . . I . I . I.. . . . . -"Five minutes nearly had passed, When .s . . . 4 - . -showing the alderman. I . *Si.r - John . 1. I _ . ' .. . * I I . '. . the door was flung open and the embar- - TRE CAUSE OF HAY � FEVE'A.' _; L over th& PlaCd; 'arid then Mr. Flem- . . ,oyn6 &t.WaterlooPalace; Thom- . .. I , . . - L ii, - . see his son.' I -To: Burg .. ankmant; .. inAb� County of Cumber-' . . I . . . ..... . .. . - Pugwash - . L � . . . . . rassed bridegroom entered. His face, too, it's it I mic.robe, that floats - to th . 6 -al I . E' . . - - � ' � I . 1. oc6upield . tit' nixellange, Field Marshal girl -iialited 0�tfiixrine Crowley - at� . p , ' gets into -the 'throat and - lungs, developes . Ing Wdnt indoors to - the -baby 6f, as Carlyle at Chelsea, emb John... L land, whioli ha:d doh;t her'h�r life; and -WARB . I .. . I .. I . .1 � . � . .. I i I -disarranged, his gloves and biciteg �Inflammation, playing with Bas Reliefs - he moved-, th.;A the do*einnient, be - .1 L .. . I . I .. . . I . was flushed, his hair was touseled and lo�n at Temple Bar, .1 I 11. . . . L . .. . � .. . . . L. . . . . . . L . . I I- shirt front rapidly, - &o. The the IT-Pftold, and In response, tb his, � Bli ,-a- 1)bcbess'� of Suth- to L .. . . . . . . . . I wdre soiled, and, In fff,et, he was literilly .cause A as simple'as a thistli;iu theifinger. nyan at'Bedfoi: ,. . authorized'L erect a:suit0ble laelli- I has been a, so . area article or soine time. We nOw-bave - ' i4 fither!s Inquiry as * to , how' he ,felt, i erland at Ditnrobin_ Sir j, Ramsdon � . a The're- .. . a good stock on hand L I I feelingL . . .c i orial stone over her remain . . :. :.Come for what you. want;, also StAP188. Don'tforget about Forks, ROoo, % -�. , covered with cobwebs and dust. But he Extract the tbietle, away goes the pain. overett iV11od-`tbat he'was, .F urlicsit John aven-1- solution' wo.4 aftpteil,j�fid'ln thii L - Handles, Maithine Oil, and other harvest 6uppliesi . . . I � I . i had the smile of victory on his face when -Destroy -thaHay Favor gerw�you got Wall,* quite wall, turning the 6o�ye�rsatlon at Bartow -in , . at Su�, and,� I L . . . . I . . . . . I � .dish : M. -P..' . odeirl Dr. fjo-mv.ye , s4rinotint- ,. . . . . I .. ' " I he broke ttrough the door, and every4� That's why Catarrho7one. acts so mat- p�_ I . . . . .f I . � 'PARIS -.QLREEN.�Afi . ­... - fragrant , , . . . �- . to Lthe child, and asking if she did Pior� a . zes at INn- �, " _(L '_ - �� ,),aA� L - . ISH are aeln Meinor al Bron ­'jQW�AgL - on"A ql_BUG.FIN in. and,thead'days. ... z. � i.... med to be almost In a humor to vellously, in Hay Fever.. Its i . _v(k.by__jD,.CrQ*.6 - . � ­ . , .. L . � . .. I . . u'Ot _JOL .� -h-- '66bdaft.-: ,. . '��.. _�.: . . . . . L I I .. . body sea .. . . . . I .. . vapor -to. you, briligef onto*- btlt' to 'L the -rate-- ok� pretty �asl sliL­Sa,,t`-6n- -1-119 "Fig ;. -jit.,talicashire; 7- � -,Sir granite base, was;duly, dedi6aW' to, . . L I . '. . � . . ., . I I I I , %pplitud. � 'h I to knee. Mr. Fleming Was * reassured - -by biatthew : Wilson at . Yorj�shire, her ih the �OCS`IL Cemetery. . On the potr 1�tj)UgR EX0 t, -D US p, Suga.r and Ft'uii Tars are nee4e4. 001nehere to L r them . � I "After the ceremony he explained *by robe death. 0stairt ozone is as quick I. . . . . . - I I . findino *his' boy'so pleasantly Olu-* le a�nder- Balfour at Liverpool; Ron- . I .. . . L . . . theis microscopic organioras as . I A x cross &re the words: !!In Memo . . . ­ . . � . . .11 ­ - , I - lightning. . -on the face o -tile ,..- � I . .FOR - TH]b DAIRY -Tri aVationil, 6ream - S�psratoir�, and you- - -.' Prevents -as Well. I * F. Tollemad . turn, " and . f ` Tr- I I . . L , at was that he did net arrive on tilne�. act on and o cheerful a mo . , . I . The yard behind the church Was not well as cures, and , .PlOYed, . in a od. he'. at Liverpool, , Rt. . �, - . I tile " StUe . wen %e barn t4o look over )its non. W,.E.-Forstcr, M. P., at Brad- . . I will be plesebil. No better insalline-in the market., : . , . ' . I I lighted. ,A huge organ box -had been is always .successful. , Draggists,25o and Ire t to. I � . . I the following inscription: : 'i'Cathar- � . . . I . I . I ... I ' placed up close to the church, . and It was $1.06, Or.06,10en & Co.,,:Riugston, Ont.. ' - ptock,-'and had been: there but a,.few ' fo�d;, Sir HuSsy ViVlan, M.P., at ine Crowley has beneath'this sod, . a.' . ' .. I .. I . ; � I . 1 ..... � t . . . . I I . I . , . " L ' I I . rd his,daughter. n at Neath; Gen- . in : Highest price forbit or and eggg. � - - . f ' 3s when-� lad, hem Swangea,;' Dr-� Gwyn I victim to: frafirnill love. ­14aving I. Terms.Cash or Produce. . . 1. I I . .1 .. one of the boxes with a folding door that � A hailstorm in the northern. section . In uut' -, , . . I . .. I . . . � . . I - L . . . '... . Rebecca scream.. Rurryint ,to the i'k SI Wil- I I . . - . . . . � . I ­ I � . . I I I � ' ' swung on hinges. In his excitement slid of Frontenad '*county Caused great . eral Simsfield at,Limeric ; ir rescued a younger brbth�r - and'sister - -7.. '' . _... __­ .. . . ,. . . , � . . hoU0e,he fouaid.fils boy whom he had y .at (loylon; Dr.' ("row- I . . p0j, ' LwAdbl"Iro . I .. - Q hurry he had opened this door and had damage to the !Crops., - .� . 1. I . liam, Gregor, , ' from the flames Qf her parents' dwell- i!� . , .1 � . k .� fi . , L I - left.'e, molneot bdfoi�e playing - with ill- -Town.:p Ldrd North- -aimed, - ' 'Mother, . a ly 12th 1 t. .. I I i, . ; R ADAM, �, . .. .. walked into the organ box, and before,bc . tL er . &t'Hoibit,rt Ing, she excl . all I * : 1��, . I . . , , . The , Hamilton assesament'depart- . a at his lait,. gasp. L Ths a, I � L L ,:,.. I ,,, � .: . . , could get his bearings he had managed to ..his. .baby sist I . brook at, Cajj;u�t *'.,, C'Oloissal groUPL - r with me now but I have. saved ", - L I . . i I I � _ . � '.. I . . . . . I I.. I . . . I I . . .� rnevt con'tendg tll;�t tho p6pulation is enthilent thtit took.Mi.. Fleming t. I at Lutqfi� .HQO`. 9'9 .1 . # L .. .1. * I . :L ... '.. � . I : I - . � ­ I . o- . undo all the little tidy arrangements he, figUr 8 , L I pro, I I 'Hors a - . U, L , my brother and olsterl' She:eitpked . ,: . :, . I . : I I I .. . - - . . . .. ... I 11 L . . L 1. WOW . I 1 620 more than the . I . L. given, by , from the City ,,Ifpll at so-'unwonte'd . .q at ix*�ei; jdaro� . 4 Ill 1 I had made for the occasion, sild this ad� I '. kr up deer' 9tal4er L 0 twelity-f out. hours after . I I . . . I . . . .. . " . , the census bureaiti . .. . . , I.. . : . L 0 - L i Oct6ber,15, I I . . I .1 . . I . I 11 I I L. 11 counted for the dust and the cobwebs . . ­ . . . . I an hour gaire "him rLix opportunity -do Saum . araz at jN1em6rfaI,,Guern"y*1 - . 1869, aged..12 yitarb , 'Greater 1 - - - - . o his hair and clothing when , -rhe special agent. for ta,king the' to ho,ve'a last word with his eldest, � Cia . ss I ic figure," at S I lieffield; I . . On the, side VER ... . - L .. ..... I... I which clung t Vulciifii �' L no. inam- hath known.'.' ",. O've TURN190 -' - 0 . he rushed into the church. manufactuting census in Quebec -is OX4. boy, and, enabled him. t6 be* present . �cttring horse and groom for . the . ... . . . . . eriencing difficulty in securing with his dahghter itlion the,61inek of of ,the stone is Inscribech I�This . . I . . . I .1 . . . F,ton Hall; . . 6 I. . I 1. . 1� P e reqjIll 'Ionic Duke of Westminster at a ed by the* Legis- . . I . I . . . . 1. J i . I I . I- . th ad nformation from. some brother's sudden dea,th'came. I Tom" for - memorial .was er et . . I . I 1. , �. J � manufactur i . . I . . . ,her. . . .. ,Thoroughbred "�JC*ng . ` Air, Mor- . ' �* 'If this misfortune should happen your . . . . �, . ere ,. . L . . ." I . . . la.ture of Novia, ScoWW ' ineinber'the place to got all, damag ..� .., I I I _­ - Montreal shipping men bel . ieve' that . An Early CAWLdlau Governor. Baron Rothschild� The sculptor has gan -doservei, thanks for reminding us be r'o roperly is. -at .Ritmball & McAr, , . I . . -p an opportunity If of this most interesting bit Of . his- as grapys'lmd p . It to useless to grav , . roilded. in Enkl and for, many years , I . , i on don't Intend to do anxthing but stand the proposed steamshipline.fromBere. Sir Frederick Raldlmand�. an-carix -1s.44,1talian.by birth. , .1, . . . . . ;� . Math's ,., . .. . .L . I � I � . .. . Yround and hold on . haven to HalifaX,L whicb,is expected to 06vergor of danada, was a . athro.Of - . ' :' � ,. , , ...� , L I .. . tory, . �. I . I � . I � . . . . . . . . . � L L. ... . .- a to it. make tbejourney In four and I a half a . . - . . . * of the, Boys. . - : . . . . I I I . . . I . . . da ,. , . ' n : . ' L L . - ys, is q6itd feasible. , Berne, SvFitzerla,nd, but, Joined the . . YUKON DEVELOPMENT. . . . �torle . We keep, a good sambr.kn6tit'04 now 117he Russian church has a rule against I . 3titish armyL with the rank of - Iiiiggles always on hand., pricis low do eider. � . I it is rumored that General. Bo thal Extracts From 1311%1qet of YttkoW.t4uncil _ Country boys'wouid,'.be amuseA at Ing quality. . - . . . . . ... . I � . . . ­. L.. I . L . I I I . . publication .of the old Testament Pr colonel in 1754. The War which broke foi Yair gnd'0' - ' . .. he strango.mis . .. . I . � the . . esence on the Zululand borders, fore - - June 30"1902- . some of t takes . made � � I . � . I . . ' * ,without the Agocryiiha.' _. -__ --- shadows his -surrender. , - . L , out between France afid,England in Late' noWsbal)Vrs from Da,wson by* city bbys. On Saturd&y Mter- RUMBILL& Nellffff,Clinton - .. -1 . I . I � -_ 'i - . I . . the followinir year gave speeily L em.; . ouncil, at -a, noon a, .youngster saw a couple ,of , . � I I ­ I. . . 'L . . . . . "M Busine' 011ege- HAY�nWntt GERA18 ARE . . . � . .. . I . eeMr as PC .Not ploymetittolilatalents, which had .show that the Yukon 0 icka up at nxhibition Park, I I I � .. . .1 Toronto FLOATING ABOUT.. . . ,meeting . early in .July, passed tile 110-Ystl then "I'apa, see . . I . . .. .. . . . . . I . . I been already proved in'tho.9 r and, Called 6 his fa, - - . ilent school ervice of .. he year ending June 80, . L I If "the Success of this exec Theyare in. the air everywhere t , budget for t . .1 I . . I . . . . . 00 Sardinia. and Prussia. At Ticonder- . I L. . . I . I . . . I . . may'be meaaured by its annual enrollment Inintite to see, 'but just.walting ior 06 oga, fough . t in 1758, he bell 1902. The appr9priationig amount - the big. bee hives." Ile had neverr ., . . I � . . . I . . I . . I . � . of over 700 students, and,tbis enrollement 'chance to get into your lunjo. Then they I axed with to $4:79,800, and in additioLn thia , seen's, ha*stack before,. . 0, . C1. I 1. , . I I . - - .1 � Conspicuous gallautry. A year litter . , At -the. I xhibition last, year' it- - . . . I I I . � . ' ' L is any evidence of the pa&ls itity cf the will ,play havoc with your . breathing sa,.v nim in*, chat -go Of the- im or , tent -sum of $137,000 Was voted to cover I - .. . I I .1 . I I I . � I I . . . L . school, based upon thoroughness of work, L .P deitain expenses of the To'eritorial Nert took his son to See the poultry . . . . . . . . . I I I . a . . it will be readily conoeeaed that this In. .apparatui and you'll woild6r -what to do border fortv6�. of'Oswago, which he ovorn , ment for.the. year'which. has .When -they cameto the geese tile 16; I- . . . . ... .. ... I . .. I The doctor will say yon had befter inhale I .defended agaInSt a most obstinate .G . di "Oh, see tile swans.'� Re,he.d. ' . . I . I . . . . L. I �. I . I .� I I stiticition occupies the foremost POSItXOn Oatarrhozone for it hills Hay Fever germs . just elapsed. . It is � of interest to Bat - . . . . among the leading schools of our Domin- L series of atiacks,'backed by an enor- never seen a common bartlyard, . . 1. . : I fford interesting inat. sita moreover is deadeertain to reach them. , Illimerfeal superiorlty on the note the objects for Which mone6r has.' . , oose, whIIo:*ha 'was 4uife familiar . I I . . .1 . ., L . . . � I . I 04tarrhozone cures every time, eirld abso- M()11'4 been appropriate(]. Of the .1a,tter 9 ith � ,the L . t 'Centre is-. . . . ,L . . I ... I I . . . I . . ter and are mailed free to any vne writing ,jutely prevents the diseame from returning. Pert .Or. tile 141yench, and thus saved __ nearly -, UA;lf, i sWanS: -over- a . I L I . the Britisiv ahny, which Was operat- sum - , (W $63 " , IV' . . . . . I I ­�.­ , 'I --s- , -in- tiganvA Niagara, froni being cUt ,$25,-' A Toronto boy in guskokav who � ., - breatbea-,itgoeodireetlytothe source of roin Its ba.." of SuPP4105. In tile aTld public ' wctrkis while I I . . 1)�kvl I TAB11115 ' T � . L . . . L 4%P F9 the trouble and cures it by relaoVing the oiFf _R191fjjLAj-j 0 . . . . for them. Bee card in this issue, You inhale: Catarrhozone with the air go(), was -,for . , roads, brldg�ls land. - . I a .. ' h gusr4 ,,;icge or Montreal lit 1760. ..ha, Weis 000- . more was for the .Territorial had been singing, "Rule Britauulail� . WA� . . cause. At druggists, or Bond Wit for bravbry and Medi 0.1 136aid of Health, and $14,- 'got hfo'Lfather to.explalu the Mean- . ...L. . . . I . I L I ­ I . I rentee of oure,� to any� ,addrobs. for $1.00 again recoullowided c In the approprio,- Ing of the line telling hoW Britain s' I .1 . L . .1 1. . � . � . . � I. . A01 81, . U L U- I t forwarded.Wpoleon & Jo., Kingston, Oat, capad ty. The: faille Of these. and other 800'for schbols. r . m. out the I . . . . .. . I . led to tions for. the .cur, ant year iotids, "arose, . arose, arose fro - ' � I I 0 Dr. Thos, A. Page, of Brookville, wm , his appointment L public works accouiit,for L azure nailu." Paddling along alter- � ' . I . "ChieVelleelit'S'L . of the bridges an'd words they ba=6 upon a here . rock . I ' I ' 11 .§hortly after as Governor ; ronc�vor bya, train baid, died from th.o ' ;160,o.00; the fire. depa.rtihento. a.ro 1 . Wipe I I 1UjU conquered provinces, a Position sland, about fifty feet square, jut. - .1 ries received.. * - which lid retaWed. until 1785. T voted $80,606, the maintenance, il . . .. I ,DoetoX-OL find . . I tinig abruptly out of the'water, and I . I , -of ec the ' Ile atid lighting, of streetso , in L . . �, , I SECURITY � With the exception Queb a of the time era meWe but cleaning ingster aske& "Father I . . � convictions for cri , me in 1900 increased. record 0 . i in all the Provinces, 9a 001tripated with tation for severity and frequent $60,000; schools, $71,200; and hos- the yc'u I . 1. . L I - a repu I charitv, $38,000. It will. that tibout what Britain wasi 'Itin . . . . . . I . I errors in -judgment lia,vo descended to L pitals and - � . J$W. - ­ ­ be seen that one-third of the oxpen-' when it first rose out of the water?'.tL . . . I cific jjaV. ciur time and detract somewhiLt fr6mL I . . I Genuine , , , diture will be for public. .works, . . � I . . . Officials of the ciujadiad PA, a, geuera,l estimate of big career. ' . The Oldest Postmaster. I I ;ation Company &Iro anxious that an . . I . mainly of a nature to improve the, . . I . n ica,tfon-V--a,n`d-,that­ ­ , A-bW---V_e94s Ng,ol Amellasburg, I I � ___ E__ -,mVa;n#­Of­,tOmmu . L. I 3- ---- -lil�i'.V.eiitigpAiob-eh6ulcl.,�be�,made-int6-,thia,.,.--�.,,- _­-­­­­ cl - ­,_A_'_�� , . . . 1pal Treasurer$# __ M L - ,WoMisa as munic, " - rrince, Edwaxd's -1du . Circurnstancessurrounding the wreck I L nearly a quarter will bi for e7duce.- . W,�70�ntUl*;�'- ­­­­ . L . __-, __". Cart ewr S of the Islander, - . 040onAt"t Reader" writes to naly tion an1d relief, while nearly a., thhA claimed *to - have the, oldest postmaa- - . . I . I . lees of s, de- ter irl the DoWnien, if not.. In the . I . . . I . I . I V. ,'*. - l 0 1 THE ROCKET- that you rdcbntly had -an iteim 4a,ted go�.s for municipal sery Vialpfro, In the person of Mr, Owen . � . 1. I 0 L L . . I ,St. Catharines, saying . that, the scription which are ImenlY needed. Roblin. Tills migkt be 941 an to -age, ­ P 'L .1 0 'L L 0 i little Liver Pills* . I . .Town Council of Thorold had ap- .�teps have been taken to Ineorpor- . ,I , A Mck6t left the earth behind, . poInted Visa Mine, Dougan treasurer, tl�to j)awaon, giving'It 9; simple form N 'W *Ith swiftness of the WW and tha,f she was the first lady mun- of. town governme � tit, arid a variety 4ueboo, claims to have the postmtui�- r , � �Ut Dundeok Huntingdon CoUnty"L I . - And 11L rese I .1 Must Bear Signature at TO kill tile kkY overhead. I ' ter who 1�as longest held offide* , . . . . . I I", And 09 Its upward course It blitiled . icipal treasurer' In Oht"10, I beg Of otber ordinances have been con- Lieut. -Col. David Do,60# Postmaster .. . . . . I A, oathwaY to the moon, and raised . to a:dvise you that the above to not sidered, in6ludIng'.one dealing with . I . . I 1. I . . I - 1. . ,. AO A "Outiment Of red, ;, torreet, aN Miss JorinleBell was thc question 6Y�minerg* liens, A fore� of Dundeej Quebec, who was -appoint- . I . I � east of the roa4building., operati ed . I . ons , Postmaster on V..ambst 2nd� ". ' . I treasurer of Bolton village to the end by 844, receivin . g his commission froin -11%m L I . L .4qnA � . "Ali," sighed the iolle, "could I it , , of 1899, and Mjsg Bolla, Aponey 10 - for the year has been made pilblic Imperial Government at the I 'M I - V41 I Ve y I - print on the sky . 1, now tte"Ilror of Portsmouth villeLgo. Commissioner. . 11.oss, and the work the . . - o - sea Fac.61mile Wrapper Below el a liands of William, Emit of LonfldalA, F 11 ain . A.M& . ' L -----"n I'd Of troubled dayl " . We have also two lady municipal will -be pushed with vigor, so as to I . . , Ir L ... very smau and as O"r - I Oat R Pit of brightest hue. 6i , ", ! Clerks, vio., Mrs. Ljzzio Walker, Tlow� make the inos�'76f the advantage Of I Ire has conadquently held oMee about I . I !" � � � . T. oil Itast e ot Virgin blue, . one motitfi longer than Mr; 0*09 "I i�.!., to tau as sugar. d a ake de earth awayA , �i�, I lok Township, and Viso Maggle LOW�- the summer weather,, ,t Roblin.. . . . ( . � t- I .. I oy I—. I rie, Sarnia Town',3111P. ' . I I .4 . L L I I . . , 'L I 14�, 1%1-11-Lft. " ru "EADAM" I And then the rocket, having spent, 'I,- I .. -------- �_ . I I .1 . � I . L . . . I .. �Ijl I . ! I FRS rep TTZIML I 1� I . I . I . ..­�L I � �%� I ... les strdngthi began Its swift d4eeUj,.o %. : .' I . I I I L I I � . . . Or " the story gets-, L . I I I ITTLE FOR U11,1001SK90i, 11 � Ito blackened v"eek fell down booldd ' L . W,illerlo, Xidney hnavaaarplua otoaliso t16" of 111-118AI�h thd h flat b0*@1W W thA 06060006 11 ­ I L the byatem end purity the blood,. �'. I . Ir"T .M"o"�4"', , . I I ,* . . -n 4" - �, rT, _,�­,�"P �!�lftk I The girdea fende, tind. maty, sighed$ I' I I I C"o A S TO R'. 1 A - I. MV -PIT .6nd tho frio. to% or fivo eohtg� 41"S 110% hat th�% rrm . L . I I I , "Olig Would I were a rose.tl 41 . , , I I bOM6 Ari'llittry ally Ono tit 4011durinc Ilq A Omar ;I L I L 17 D� f4 , d., . � I L . 1 14� 1 , twitnNeAsUrothA. - It,04*14 *"- I FOR 0Mq71PATV'1A . . . Irmabimil000ldf-IrC00018, P,)r ehildroitt the eho6ilt.t6 -4 11, * I . L L . . fee,onitandea., 37,)rAaI=d14gVIAtA. U"Ar8AAen-dHjt.6V"1%0_1.== I . . - eAal­ . . .1 11 ench law of I . . . . � .1 . � I . . . .1% . I I "I 0 0 1q � I I B t 0 P ill , I -.0 I -1 *2=W"=MwZZ*MZ= ZZMEMMMOMMmam I I I %I" ,t .. - ..WZR I - � 40. 1 . � 1�1. ��fi 0"d 0 ill life --we Iong for. *ingo . . I he&, , r CIO. I I g, religiolls cciffln ,j 4ad, - ChA Mobtrw'AgootAto I I ,�!! ,.;�,L, a8soci ationa iunit 11or Want . I !. , - POLLS. r I'! 0. � f', �� Asa iesulf of the Fr' 1 'a � - 'i L - , �RI Mat *a May bear to grASter thfaft , I .1 : 11 " m;j_ , rp9i q-11V10nA I I . I 0 I 'r . ,__ . . .. I . . t , I -0 N -Mat I ftis alpaturo Im on every bo)e of tbo 96litinG known as (be Whjf6 Fathers, Wir, I I . PT1_A­­ ---'go folmsiol, To. fle Tablets move to Q IWNC I'Mvinte- 146 . . . L$lt >1 Vr L i 110 � ��'. It ft -.4 e. 9-jV nTel$, ,V)rOfflyevW�10i", ;�.i� ... And eve had our little fly . I It t....* 4"11. . I I .9 ,air , _,A�l 40d bur Out features on the W, , tho ito,%. nodAV that etwes jo ona­4101 V or a failey i%o,d biamor tmublwt, try , "YA . .. . . I � ­, , a V_ � ffilgll� deeds of worth,� I _� ; ,�� . . I , whon " Vr LaXACIVO Brolholl "ill . I - .11-- ­­ ' ­­ '"' L ­ ... ­ . _ _ ­ L .. ­ " til u1b`I1 back to eArth. �j Ili - a r oul . I it, ,1,T"VW0,0, . �. . . I __ _­­_ - _ 0� I � . . JIL " ;1 . CURt 810K HgKDA041L . Vo in - ­.- - L ­ . I 911.10VIO Ridnoy and 131adaer I 010, - . , . 11 I . I I . . . . . - I I � . I . . . I . . . . � ,� I e � . . '. . . � � I . I 1. . . . I . � . � � I . I . � . I . . � I � . A",-- A..d.Mi- - , ,--.,-- .. . . - ­ - - I - ? .� .� I_ 14 f I I %