HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-08-23, Page 7@��' '_ '
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- DRIFTWOOD. JOURNEYS, The Larl '04 Sponge. iL-gaa4ir 0,t- . atuclh A0401red. I I I
. ___ . Timber Often Found That Ilall Wan- from the Mediterranean, It was about I I I 1. ...
. V/Qalth IT NECESSITATES THE USE OF LOTS 4ored Thoumands of AxIles. three feet across and ten feet '14 CIF- Central. E,xperlinvntal Farm, has rL- i * I
. Driftwood IS frequently found which cumferience. . . turned from UlasguW, where lit' ,has '
of hair Is OF TIME AND RED. TAPE. � is known to have wandered many thou.. I boen looking af(er tt, Portion of Can- ; What is
w a a I t h � sands, of miles. I I . . Green Tea.. 11(la's ,exhibit, Coul.rary to the re- I'll � I I �
I The r1gla and TrIbula- Tropical thuber from Asia has been gunpowder,. tea .Is colored )vrts sent out, all the exhibits4t tile I .. I � z'�,��"Q'-ZZ!kl��',,Z�,,�'lli�N ------ -,
1. indeed, Annovino T � � pliodup in large quantities on the Alas. Green, r 11148g.OW 4xIW.9itJog are not ready to � -
tions. That Attended the Wedding � by ,% mixture of Prussian blue and. Chi- I ,-- � ) I
, I , . kan CoaSt. Oregon Pines have visited be shown to visitors, The tussluus,, I
especial- ot an Ameplean to an itakilan in AL Hawaii, and* Norwegian trees have been nese 60apstonel',sylilch, Is added during for instance) havo not yet oponed , I
I � ly to .4 -French city. . found on the coast of Greenland. Many tile process of Aring. I their building to, the vublic. Can- I I 10 . & I
"Why did you come over?" chOrn ,g sare made In remarkably - da's agricultural exhibit.!,, ld to
the three lutimate friends. . . . short time, . ,. . . . I Abyssinia. be the finest tile British public has I I .
The girl who had lived abroad for at curious routes across the ocean. exteWds bi . in a
. rd and tianity In the . fourth ,century. / Tile qxh� It Is aa octagonal stand 65 feet I . 11 I �1111111
. Vears rolled her eyes heavenwa between Japan and the southern shore over .12,000moliks., . in circumference and. ars feet high I I �� � � �
� I attraction, --ir.. made A tragic gesture eminently French.. L I I'll .
I f A.Llnoka, The camphor tree of Japan, � country has now '
. I �d with Canadian grains. About -
p ysica ., ,Wie "To rest," she said with slow emplia- O, -Wak- I . I , , coverZ I t
-, to it. , , � . � . - . tho -les until ' the botto4n of the stand, which is � laste-la - "'for Infanis an(i Children, Cas. oria 19 A
. . seconda � III$. - . mago and mahogaay have been The Dolphin. . called "Canada's Agrl,!ultural Tro- 9.. 1
"But yon.didn't expect to come when Ing this long voyage for centur ttere4 , The dolphin, a near relative of the , .1 -b, - 11 Drops
I have ;X 70ok"We" will you wro � te-faur weeks ar.o-vt , parts of the American coast are 11 . pliv", lary sheaves have been ar- -7 ru�1e.KrX,i stitute for Castor 011, Paregoric,
. I - I Nvhale, to credited with a speed of con- � . -
sen I _�'y o''n"" thilt - pilgrim ln�A:- With them; .most of, the trees were probtii ......... ..... ___ � i ,d. The stand is .covered with *lr S It contains , neitlier Opf4mv.
we, ne, "that was before we married bly uprooted. by violent storms far olderabl 2 _ __ ""It Is vleaoant4,
tells Jus Eli 'ry to 1 nd found t:heir way down rivers to the short distances the salmon can out- shows to great dvan The I -1�.* AW norother ��ii64A-jc 4u--b-s-tanc6-'
, -t R T ees L6Q feet In length have made ,strip any other fish, accomplishing Its , !Sco,tch people, who ,Produce tile best . 'is, t1lirty' -use -by Nillions Of ,
-- " 0 . at . this joOrnoy. ' 25 miles an hour With ease, . � oats in the world, were .surprised at 11others, Castorla, d I estroys, Worms and allays Feverish- '
If your hair Is too A d ,abeth?" Siberian and I
i "She has All the symptoms of Utter An- Immense Amount Of Ish mackerel is one of the fastest of tile excellent Canadian oats display- � . .
� - - - - - .. . ,Amerlcau driftwood reaches, Greenland. . 'the water like a ' ed, and Mr. Hay says One miller asX- �,Ic I sq. Qtstoria. curios ]Diarrl I
t h I 11 . 'r Idiocy. 66 has Bruno. That's her bug- food fishes and cuts . . . tioe% and Wind Colic. . Castoria . .
11 . rei so ridiculousl The Greenlanders use implements made .
I I baud. They a. . � y lov:0 omit- , f yacht,. Pre(jatory fish are generally ed -where he could buy 100,000 bush- Q' T curies .Constipation" and
or los- . wood which g;er On the banks o , . I eVes ,eething Troubles,
. ten that in our present, weakened state of w ' . I jols, annually of 1.3antior oats, such as i reli . to I - I I
. ees are also found the fastest swimmers. . I . r . Flatulc4cy Cast,oria�' assimilates tlie Food, regalat68 .
/ . 1. we couldn't stand them; so they went to Siberian rivers, I . we e exhibited in the Canadian see- . I el
a haunted clistle in the Tyrol and w.e on the west.codst of Green . Xndlalp Plantii. . . I -tion. Canada has 10,000 samples of the 184tomacli. and f3oWels of Infants an& Children, gi*ing
luste--1 are believed to have grown oil the banks i ,in 1
r took the first boat to New Yorl;.10 � gra on exhibition. The hybrid ' � I
.�W. "Don!t you like him?" . . of the Mississippi river.. To reach Greeu�., India has a greater variety of plants Slcep.- Castoria IS, the Obildren's
90-t "&I. I _ and this ood first floats to the gulf of ne world., i ;
I - I , . - I "He's a duck. if Elizabith haWt I W, . than any otber,country in. tJ. ... � perimental Vann. attracted a, great . . I . .
. I . - I Mexico,. to be . V� . .. . '� d6.1 of attention. . These grains were. Panicea-WIle... 31[other'S F rierid. .- I I
. . self, just to ke,:p him In the family.,, and carried northward. Greenlanders I Greeted With Ten. red by crossing differen 'kinds of - I .
. - I"Is he poor? I - . . who have never see I ban It would be thought as rude grain,. and tile res,ult was an improv- � . Castoria;� ' % .1 - Castoria.
, He's. rolling In money. and 'be and their weapons of Iron Which has drifted . - to neglect to Offeir tea. to a visitor Oil ed variety, The Canadian exhibits, I . , - 'ell adapted to childreft
G r 6-w t h,.k.becomes Betsy cau play PI . ashore In wreck wood. . I .. . I . to him. , I , , . I . AlCastorlis is an exmilent, medicine for ' ,, Castorla Is so w I I r1l. . .
oo . . issy wants a vorner all . The Norwegian fishing'boats use thou, his. arrival as not to speak . I Mr. Hay says, get plenty of atten- ,children. Uothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to anv.D I
vigorous and all. dan- for their'nets, and many of Its good effect upon their children,". scription known to me.,11
. 'Was there'l- the voices took on a. sands. of flo,uts , L Cost News Item. lie to realize what the Dominion can . I . . I 11. A. Aaciing, M. D, Brooklpih IN. IF -
druff is remo, O.' , opeful tone, "was there any scandai-a of these ,have The ChIcalgo Tribune had the-e,utire do.. : . � . - .1
It always restores past'you know? These Italian counts"- coast of Greenland., It is bel 1: . revised, -telegral'il. � . :_ . . I . . .� 4 I . I I
f4iless your hearts, no. - He's ,an angel they were� carried bi the Gulf stkeami New Testamentt as . I'lernepts of Nin'tion,alstrisrigtht * .. . OF
I color to 0 ward to where current mirges , ed to Won May 22, 1882. s fu e There t I -SMILE'SIONATORE
,gay r f ewly .dressed,' save wingtr, for.heaveu, is, north . . to westward from tire wo products of the . . . I . . I . �
haleta,n your I Br � uno. If English iailors'bad recom- with the one which se . . longest It6m of news ever wired to a I earth upon'which, to an *extent that - - � r. . I I � � . - I .
r. . . -mended WingirA-he'd have lind the wings. Siberia. A great deal 'of driftwood also - newspaper. If was sent from New is .a,. 9 I . I . .
outh; don't look old He's ' 'more English thail the English. 611capeo, from the Amazon , and other Yorki and the I - ssue of The Tribune - m st . stiartling, undet m6dern , -� I .. . .
Everything he wears comes fro . in London, South American . riverfr and_ Is carried 1, conditions, , the fortunes of nations. . . . . .
� More your time. long the coast of comprised 20.'pages,. of which 16 were' turn., These are coal and iron..Qoal ; ' , . . .
$1.00 a bottle. All druggistsi. .Well, then, what made you so tired?" North America. ' .". I I I occupied by the New Testameilt�: The turap the wheels of Industry. and . . I I . .
'-I have used your Halt VIgO . ,- word or 983,000 letters, : . - . fdrice of' zle great naval engines . . �
about 25 years and I have weelts�iand. three days after we got a fair � . . PP . . . I � . . � - . . # . . I
now for ! " i I . THOUdHTS ON MAN. . I I 1. . -modern .warfare. Iron in its va�rious . . . . . . . I .
found it splendid and satisfactory start, and there was a gop.a deal of jock- ''. �. .. I - , , .. . � . , . . � .. f orin.3 enters; . into. every material - - .. I I I I . . . � .l
In every I believe I have eying before the start., .. I . . Man is' the -Plati)? I Weeps Away Gent. I I - . �
" t6 I I I . -wonder of nature. . I part ..Of life, To cut -off the supply . �
recommon,111-this Hair Vi "You see Bruno. was Italian And we. epitome 'of the worl&- � Gout Is rarely. known. among the- I APPEARSON -EVERN� WRAPPER. �
hundred, of my friends, an th �? Man Is the � . .. I I . - Im. , of these. would paralyze Ahe. world I 1. I I �, I � .
ail tell the same story. If any- were American and the wedding was to' Pliny. I I , . . unt1l science ' had found 'substitutes I I THE I.NTAU R COMPANY. 77 MUPRAV ST110ET, NEW YORK ,Gflrv. - . .
body wants the best kind allair ' I . ill three faws had to be . . thIngs.- munity from this complaint Is. -thought . ,- .
Vigor I shall certa I re 0 end . be III France, so t ensure of all, I . . I � for them. -The possession of thera in, � rw_� . .
I . followed. Oh, -such a busluess! Man.. is -the m . . . . I I I -be due. to the fact that their food . �� . . . . .
I Ayer's ! "First, father had to own Property, so . . . . -- consists largely of potatoes. I L . .'tftuto important . I . I I
. down to worL They wanted Bruno'* and the like, ' a . I .
� WPHO the Reaer. lite I certificate oY birth Find BL etsy.'s baptismal Man ii a soul U�i�g the b9dy..of an I11- . ground, such.as peas; corn L 'Victoria, Austral! , ; 11tLS..J.'051' 1246 : � � -o' I , . ,
r , ,,res I d cleared :. Maul 'Thou pendulum a jimile j � . , .
�Vt. Doe ,, betwlit 1. moon, from,*vew to fu. I , V 2�1 -
certifictite'and could It have 61fhm. Fi, -struinent.��P*rochli. ' - _. .L' I d in the crease of 1116 'Atcres Of gold,bearllig�L land, -
to A I—— -1 I d-- � . Peclu�l_ _ � ine
____ - . � . . . ' Certainly the great must be pla I . . - Western, Australia is �the only.. col� I I . I . I .1 I � .
L . I "Then they 4emmided niother's. mar- L Pst scholars. are not uted In the decrease. Or . tha.6 1 . I I I . I . .
. , riag the wisest men.--RegAier- . .. Waste of -the moon,- from full to � new I . ony -under ,the conimionwealtl . i 0 . .1 1,
A KNOT AND A ST , bridgeatti�.L Fathersald they!d be -11 hfi. ichild's hehrt.�-Tvldn a - - , � . I � . Our FlrXtL Boat. � � Islative ;i4senibly- :. - �., n es . I . I
-ask chl, I I . . . , . I ' ' e - Ladi ' '
e certificate, which Was packed away he who. does not lose . does not pay its.memb rs of ille leg- -
RING. . hik him for his geneal6gy back to Adam' I men stand like solitary towers In,- . � 'The f1 " " .- I the United -Westorn -Aust,ralla'SL �aboriginqs;- i I ' .: I . I . I � I I I . 1� . . ..,, , I
An Absentminded Man and aim. Euvial. � and for Eve's marriage. certificate be�fpro .1 Great L. .. � . I . . , .rst bon't. built n notwithstandl I. .of MiS_L . . L . . . .1 I . . . 1. . .. � �. .
WL I . : thEl.city'of God.-�-Lougfellow.. ... . . ' States -was the Virginia, OLO.feet long,: , ng many years I., , . , , , , , ,
ly Absentminded Oman. . they got.throuih. It-whodreadful. Some ' . The most unhappy of . all'11102 Is he Who .1.. 'in 107. � ' � .1 : � L . ojonaty Nvork, alre, wi�h, the excei)tion . ; . I . 0 e'' ,,L,. , ,
days things didn't budge ;in, Inch. Ano- believes himself to be so.�Henry Home, I . . -_ .:. . ,
-sofa and had got past the -s! I 1. I I ... .1 . - . . .. I L . �The . -%Wue of - bouse,property In a - - e . . . � . I
- . e � , -er6aturet and: who, 1. . . . L C I . . . re., ,, . , . . .8
stage of small talk, seemli3 11X . . is* foremost leads the herdi--Sqhillei.. 6'hre 'only IS stars: of � the first: "Lorifth L ,
weather was very warm Indeed, and the 'such a fnim . They I were Ldiscussins ' . .. I . . . . . . . . . I .. .
man reached in his pocket for his hand- the Itioon civil. ceremony, and fathees'sec� w . . . . . . . I about. three years' to reach - the e�artb. Australiat with'224�5 per head, .. . I . I ... . I :.1 . _. . . . . I .
keiWhief in order to wipe big brow. ' rotary, who was a.Fienchman And. was e are 55 of - seco L � I � Ltlij . . , . ashin
that it had a.large knot tied that the qvia must wear dieweloilies. ' Out by. his . imusemento. - Sir Joshua . . . . . " L I . . ' . .
"You abseutitinded man!" slid 'said 'dress clotheiiat noonl . I I L . 'men kAOW you . ng men are tools e I I tots.on - Plains of -South Africa. ' 1. - - % . . . - I ... . , . ...... '�
He flushed hotly. "I don't think 1 fists clinihiiid, breathing fire 'and sm�oke. , eu'emliloy the flist . L .to be . . . . , . . . I . . . . .
"It migbt came In, re'told him w at lives. make the last part miserable.- ghei'apc4,x It. consists.Of be I . .. L 50_'Pe L 1. L I .
ought to tell you," said he.' Bruno . ' aod, ,v I .. t,'hisping,,clicking and L dunds. , is ,s d ycrtiiy� . . , � , . , . . . �
care it you did forget to bring me that Nevahl No Englishman w,ould do It. walk on the ground or swim. in the sea)L I . . A .Klapter. . . . _ - . . . . �. - . . I .. . �, � �
were here. Confess, sir. 'Twere better of iact, y9ii know, their t6nipers and - No man k' we any,one: except himpelf, .. klapter,'whi6b eiqUals-tWO-tonO. REO . I I . . ... .. . . . �.
actually� , . choice. -Johnson. . , ' I '. P 0 Wt.. Extflz . . . : . . L"
tot YOU." . . I nerves had, been tried t*6 far, 'and those, wborn he judges.fit' to set free from the
picture. I forgot to tie the knot in for wore'.1rock coats. ire . . . .� The average Chinam .08 es, a I . .1 .
111 Insist on knowing," said she. "WaR mayor. Father -thought -he would have when Marrlaffe to Not a Drawback. - lilake bim'self understood -in almost any .forAnrus, Spiahis, NVG N, lirgis(-s 7 . : L - 7 - - � . � . . � .1 . I
it something about that Miss -Oh, what's the civil ceremony at.thie Hotel de Ville I . . I . 11 I . I . I .. .. . I . ..
. . This Is.what a, young lady is reported ' ge.1n less than half the conglis, (.,ol(ls And ail accidenN Iia, I . . . I I . .1 . . . I
I -and � recently to have said, apropos of. mar, t English ble to occur in eve y houic L . . . . I
very well. It was not asked why. -ry for money alone, but- If a -man had . . ny`Chl' ' ' . CAUTION.-Therb Is On
probably have forgotten what your mem- 116',He goes to ,hip'countril place -.08 sition- if h1o'bad 'a distlukuished status, xvits'fiello Used For.Fireermakers. '. : . -: sold onlyin sealed bottles , . .. ..... ... . I . I I . . 'LL. I . I � .. . . , �. I .
Now, haven't you?" . . harito The 'nut Balanites roxiiiirghil to ,- In hnff Wripp6rs. 1� , ` . .
ory knot Is about. . . I Thursdays.' � I in a profeision or even as A more . ,; ,--- . ' ' . .
"No, I haven't." . IL _� 6dFather's face began to Ot red. and his 'father wMv rich and. his mother - . as . . I � , OPE'R� � " � a L P)ROPRIST P. ., , .
"Confound It Gladys, I don't want to iiald, 'with an awful- and portentous calm, - I I 1. oraicifets. A a . 1. . I . I . L. I . � L ' . . ' '
.1. . � . . to marry .me, And .h,d would, promise to from which the ke -Is extractedo New 131-heksmith ''S11i). .1M . al ul er and Contractor.:, ; - � I
tell." � now,* but. it W let me haie iny Own way In everything I oil L I L _ .1 .
"Charles Henry Guelph, proceed." cuatom.' The major had always'90he to nd being ed � with powder L and .11 � i I .. - , . . . . . . I . I .
and keep me liberally supplied with money a , . . L I . . . . . L . I I . -
house on Thiii-s(Ifly, � Prom. . fired, bursts.with a loud report, -so e1- , 1. . .This factory is the largest in the county, and has the viry latest improved mt- '. I
"Well, well- Oh, darn it, It was to big eburitri . and have a splendidly ,.furnished town . I . . 1. .. I : -, - . . - � I . I . abineri, capable. of doing work on - ilie'abortlest notice. . We carry an extengf. 18: '
remind me to proPose to you tonight. time Immemorial thq'ie had been ,no virt house and,& handsome country -residence, I . 1. I . . I.. I 0 for and build all olasil I .1
"And yo 'dl,gii at th6. Hotel de'Ville on Thursday. �about -diamonds' and --other 1. .. .. . I . ., .1 I I . . . � ..'and xeliable stock and prepared plans, and, give estimat 0 :All work is supervi.4
u forgot?" she said, with a ' was liberal. . I � . . I , . . � on of buildings on 'short notice -and on the closest, prices
twinkle in her eyes and a suspicion Of a "'This is Where, tbey'begin.' said fa- � gems, also about the milliner, never grum- . As to Beluff Foxy. . . , I . - �� - . I ad in a mdochanlosl way�, ana.bati . afadtion -guaranteed, We gell rill kinds of ipl I
dimple. ther. 'They've - blint, aud'I really and .truly, loved him,, IiDe fish dat'can swim fistee" re- . . ... . .. . . xtlor material. � . ., , I - .1 . .
-o-o,l he faltered. "Oh, no-" t. Now 11I.stand .6Y thchr, I shouldn"t consider marriage a dravo- - Epbo 110n't alw6y de � � . i
. then he caught sight of a bit of* tiny law Instead of by-reamn. They ve edu- back." I . . . . marked Uncle . I .
.. I I I , .. . las, toe"�e caught.11-Colorado . I ...... Lumber Lath, Shingles, Li.me... Sasho , Boors, Bjlnd.99 � .
ribbon on her first finger -delicate blue cated to that attitude,' I ------.A : ,SprIn93 ' . . . I .
o -special no- . ,91.1ps in those two . weeks - ,, � 5; � - Apilit for *lid Celebrated
finger?" said he, with n I worked two. not . . I That was an excellent discourse you . . Clear Air. � � ;M�_ � - at Waterloo. � Call ind gt�.Iiricea Wid estimates before plicing-vour -order@M , -1
,,Stupid, that was to remind nie to aer that there ,,van no law allowing the.m I ay -1 eran minlitir of the gospel to a rising, The air In the English channel was a ' . . . . . I . I .1 11 . I . I I I � �
cept you. dear." holiday, but cillitoni, etc. I jeachero. "but 1 would hardlj.cvLll. clear one day recently that the. d6me of . . � - . . .1 I . . ,. I I . . , . I � . I . � � I .. . .
is man had not brought homf tom, He had r,ache hi stubborn moo4 , ,'Why not, doctor?" &-manded the oth- I could be'elearly seen. from Myer with Subi I . ., . _. � . . . . . .. . I
a bundle of Import nt papers from tho and was calm and immovable as the pyr- ' * . . I the na'ked,eye. I I c I . . I � . I .
office and that the girl had forgotten to arulds. There was a. terrible "Because you had no. text." ' j . 1, � ,- .. . . .. T r cars, experience � . . .. . . 0 . . ,
order the fruit for breakfast.. but, still, lid stuck to'lits point, slid the poor tat .,,Don't you Lmllsueh a discourse a ver�- To Soothe the Scaldo . - work entrusted to hitn. . 1. � � I .
these were inere details. e 6ut of "bi-, hip4ay and'. Won unIns it has 11 textri, . For a scalded. mouth drink erefto. I ... I * Buquies:1. . I I
'flis iteai Tking. kept athome to marry I . ;B . lowly. Itwill be found most 000111110, . . I
Betgy� ' � "CertalulY -not " I . I I Special. atteallon 'givell First. .- dalss
"And he's really interested in tro. diyoU..Cani JuFlt Im6gIno how agrienble &6Y6n,bave r0ad the sermoA on the I. .. 1. . to.. Horseshoe! 09, And the, I , . L " ' ".' .. . . I .. '' I I . . . �' ..
. that Inayor ind his officials were, girtm, mount, have you not?" I � I ' � I � . I I . I . � . .
-Well, you wouldn't believe it, biAt when we filed dowh ' to ' the Hot � In New Mexico there tire tWO eno I . .0 0 . ' I - -
sometimes he swears like a golf Daddy did give him a check for $600 aft-- "WeI14 it has no text." . . . r- Ropaltluffo�,&!'= i,harstes reasonable. . andW � . I * . , . . * . I
NJ I . . erward, and that quieted' things down-tL , (ioll the, contrary� my dear -young forest reserves one on'the Pecos . � _ q ns, , . .. � � I
Vsr. I WOUS ' I " --- � ... a . �
.&I ___ , - , . . . � bit, but he married the couple as If he friend." said the veterant 1% Is composod river, In the.nortbe;n part of the terrl- � . I . . . . 1 . I . . .
the iieck until t . . � . � southwestern sectioll, cohiprieft 8,70*, k . . I . . fintelass BU 0
. . "Wheolt was all over and we. bad put - seasickness. . . I � C . Ve haie a large assortment Of I 1 9W.4w "
- t�e .Araln f6r thar The cause of seasickness. according to rm acies. This domain Is as large $is , I . . ' d intending buyeis. viill find oUr jjt�oek UD -10- �
- LUTE . Tyrol# we, ill collapse c ; . . . 'for hiih-irade goods. .4 . - .
*614 gette Uy -were dead. . I tory, the other on the Gila river, In the
� AB d. Father didn't 13paithi is one"s con' 16us or,uncon,scious _tha statoo of Rhode teland, ,.,o to choose
. o'.. � , I -a word for hours. Then he eallie 6ut and one-half of Connecticilt conibille.d. d" Prices are. low - - . .i
. I . tiny . effort to withstand ts . . t . - I I I . . I . I I I .
41 'We start for New York t6taorrOW. up - ", snys,trealtht, is the wholi secret.of . I . 1. pure Carlioin. I . I � . . Of. , I I I � �. . .. . .. .:. . . 1. I , � . I �
I "Then bi) turned'od Me. - avoiding nauscqL. If In bed- When the all- All ofthe diamonds'that you see In . . . . . I . � �
SICU"RITYs .�. " 'Pra* ces. if you ever. think of marry- m6n . . - I I . . I I I e0o I
. - DOW Lavi
--m!""""""', . . Ing a foreigner I'll chloroform yon. Tbo . wedge himself In with a life preserver, so I bon. They are carbon crystalliled, the I - . . . . . . .. I I I .. - . &NU -,
;. 0 k ,J -4 . your name I'll let you change , 11 with the TeiaaeL Ile Is � - Q era it Dealer. . latu
.4 4 � Only part of name. I don't like it. , It reo that he wilt to . -the entire niost I*rmanent of gems,, for.they. Call Ure . , � . en I 11HPIN"c' . .
Conulne 11 your first to relax his arms, legs, toes ted nor dissolved. � � I . I I . .
. viltift me of this infernal I body. The back the threat. the face -and neither be Mel . . .. , . . I . . I I
� C* 5 . '.,So we sailed th I e -next day. And here the. mind are to iie "llet,go," - Oa'deck one . I I I I .. . . I - . I . .
arterS .. . ... . I . . � I. to goo his,"Ided, 1499�" ana that Is the of all the newspapers published lo, Cleans the Scalp' I pre" I I 1. . .., 11
. . . .1 . '. , 9 . awlifit did bi% dailt4 " , , 11 .. . . ' iounfoiflibodt Chkistdiait, The bank offi- , It JAI' the custom On the, bhih of '& I ILLstrl� that is an fil- I -, . 1. . I .
Muot beat Slanatuft or . . "He, promi,sed to pay hicrity.00 .' :Lcers �obJecttd to'the long time It had run, Japanieso baby to 'plant a tr44- 1XW5 ill dication of healthy I am handling thi aelebrat
I 1,"Ho -did, eh? 'Well, I I 't YOU thIs, The Irishman said,- "'Bitf, theiii you don't carefollY tendtd until the PWAY Ill I . ea UoLaughlin make of buggies and other mikke6
,,At I i ? I,, ,X-16 " tbe401% OVO thin . 9 I a - Mer witb conaldOr ho* short thb daya !ire at this eA. It to Cut . hair. There may be ., of first-chled Outsrjo grinji, A,160 of lby Aovrji natioulaottire includin top bag,
blip tharononoy it's tilacrit � . , I I time,ot the� year." ,, I I ddwmL an4- made Into an arddle of for. cases that it wi kad6iis. atc. of all ill I olitestand,modetn styleig.. It log 01411
r � 11 Mixture of 0a leaves steepod'In oil. - , try it and . it fails to r I r . � � �
CA Irm . FOR 11FAIIA40L thite Weeks we V to 'L a . k, 4�0 parth and one-quarter of 'HuPOPe*5 April 1(L I shall have yoUr tnone-y V . AL �
- 0L I' ro 10411111111190.� . . I . I I 'MUjoyl 3bo YOU WEIGH? ,1!0 60rag !WLWIN 'ONIC DAY.. back , f6i the asking, W 001M) israd � "Im tes.
�., '!I�, ,L!`:, 71�**'� - . . . . . . I
Ill gi 4� �,l How - .
- . I r. . I , 1. 1. I * in ( .$1.00 per bot. -1
. 'it hev ngglqtA refund thO money te fails to cute. Worth $25r.001 our prlee $2 .N.
- . FOR ULLOW $KIM, i . . I or m0da Waste. It Will give YOU ric . . by Illaft, Accept'no- yariety of Parlor, Dining -room ana tMaroom PurbAnta, At Prices that
.- I FOR " blooa and bring badk your 'Weight,
, ECOMPLEXID Por lh&nts and MUM. VhIldrOn �;ry Tot, substitut0i, 11 My dompetiflo", Prices rednoed on Window Bbaded, Curtsill POles
I.- do 00006 . * A
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__ Wt ' 0t0_ _i Iffl-i gmtok hotmehdi(I rom.- CA ORIAlk , I goarmi"a to gIV6 "iffifitatIon. 6
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