HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-08-23, Page 5In (VII( N FFA
The 0. 8. Koenig
Bankrupt Sale
Still Continues
We have fully assorted the stock with" NEW STAPLE DRY.
GOODS, making the stock again complete, amounting to be-
twee0$7,000 and $8,000. The whole stock will be sold out as
quickly as possible, as w-e,.close up the business as soon as the
stock is all disposed of.
Come and See us.
We have goods at !is than wholesale:to offer you.
'» t t•t; 4%) tic t• ")3.1 131
staple goods.
No one can offer you anything like the bargains we
Many offer great inducements, as Goods Cut Into, Slaughtered
&c. It is very easy to give bargains on paper, by marking.
goods at about double the actual price they are sold for, and
thou marking them down. It looks as if the seller was making
an enormous profit before marking down, or else he was selling
-14---artuch below what they cost, which no man can afford to do
and continue in business,
We are well supplied in the following' lines:
Drees Goads, Prints,
Flannels, 'Flannelette&
Shillings', Sheeting&
Linings; B & G Cottons
Blankets, Grain Bags,
Sint& wares of all kinds.
Tweeds, Linings,
Men's Long Boots
Men's; Short Boots
• Men's Rubber Boots
Men's, Boys' Snti Youths' Men'e Felt Boots,
Suits and Overcoat& Men'e Overshoes & Rubbers
Ladies' Winter JaOkets. ". Full lines LadiestiteChildrene
WDon't forget that we have bargains to offer that you can't
elsewilere, quality considered.
Plunisteel Gibbings$
- Ma -1M 'TWO
Buy your new hat
Before Easter, before -the style and
athe get broken. We snake a speciality ot
'bats and have a larger *stock than in any
!previous' season of the hest Bngliah and
.A-merican make, styles and ekes.
In English hate we have 'the cele-
brated Wakefield, Sookville and Leslie
makes. Our Americas Hats combine good
.atyle and quality in Millie new colors from
weed to black -
A. J. MORRIS% Clinton
• Ready-made suits troy/1,6v° dollars ap
to eleven dollars'. -
The fit'a.dollar line is Pa tough dark
grey Halsfeit, extra, goad value.
Vie have a line of blackauripe Worsted fin B GROCERY
pants for 62.75 which would be cheap at
$3.5aoleskin pante and tweed tram one W OIeiI
dollar per pair up. „ telephone
An extra good, black wonted soil to '01=1" Inumber ig48
J.P411 PutrO,
Induatriel, Toronto Aug 20 Sept 7,
'Wooten; London, Sept 5.14.
Guelph Central, Guelph, Sopt 1740,
Great North Weutern, Gothitieb, Oot
East Boron, Brnsaela, Oot 8-4.
Howiok, Gerrie, Oat 12,
Wingbam, Sept 26 27,
lielgrave, Oot 1 2.
Dungannon, Oot
Ripley, Sept 24-25,
'Southern, Brantford, Sept. 14 20
Northern,Walkerton, Sept 17 18
South Huron, Seafortb, Sept 24 25
Mitchell, Sept 2627
Kinloss,Lueknow, Oot 2 $
A.thfield& Wawanoeh,Dringannon,Oot 89
Kingston, Kingstson,Sept. 9 13
Chesley,Sept.10 17
West Middleaex, Strathroy,Sep.17 19
Teeswater. Sept, 24-25
Centre Bruce, raieley' -Sept 24 25,
Ntornington, Mily.ertors, Sept. 2627
North Brant, Pars, Sept. 2027.
East WaWanosh, Belgrave, Oct. 1-2
South Perth, St, Marys, Oct. 1-2
N. R. ot Oxford, Woodstock, Oct. 1.2
North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 89
Kinlosa, Luoknow, Oct, 2-3,
Fullerton, Mitchell, Sept 26-27
Blyth and Morris, Myth, Oot. 8 9,,
For Sale.
Lot 20, Con 2, Hallett, contain o 10 earn of
first.olass land, also a good brick veneered
two story honse, frame barn, hard and soft
water and splendid orchard of fruit. Owing
to poor health the proprietor is disposing of
this property. Partioulars on application to
W.ALThit EINE*, Clinton, Ont.
August za-tf.
For Sale
A new calved cow, epplyto
zsdit stses---•-„ Om. WALTER MAIR,
Augnet 23-tf. Pose tinilett.
Farm for Sale.
WO gores, 'being Lot 44, London road, Tucker -
smith, well situated for maikets and roads,
good frame house with stone cellar, bard and
soft water inside, new bank barn, atone
stabling and other smaller barns; good orch-
ard, well btooted with evergreens and other
shade trees; 5 good wells. as a grain or stook
farm it is anond to none' in Canada. Will be
sold reasonable in parcels of 60 acres or in
block of 1 00 acres, apply on,the place or to
August 28-tf. Clinton P. O.
Choice Cottage for Sale.
W. Foster, A)bert St. North,
Otto,; his comfortable Cottage for 'ale.
The house contains three bedrooms. dining.
recta, parlor, kitchen, summer kitchen,
bdth room enclosed dry earth closets
woodshed. soft water inside, good hard'
water vvell,excellm t sello.r, stable. The place
is in perfect condition.
Also seven sores of land in good state of
cultivation: Joining the old Spooner
farm on the northgravol road. Apply on the
premises, to MRS W. FOST,ER, •
Aug 2-1, Albert St. North.
Persons who deeire to procure
disbes-of the very best manufacture
will now have the unequalled op-
portanity as I have made arrange-
ments with the wholesale houses
to bring a large assortment bore
thatanay be Impeded by.intend-
ing Turchasera, thae giving Otis-
tomerfl choice of much larger vari-
ety:than they. could have if only a,
few varieties were kept in dock
Thies will include Dinner, Tea
and Toilet Seta of all ',classes, and
partiea needing anything in this
lineawill find it to their advautage
to cell and ask us for partiodars,
order for $1.8.00. •
I. J. HOLLOWAY., Clinton.
Ratienbury St. Works,
Direct 'importers, Workmanship
and Material guaranteed.
Cleo out sa e
of Bicycles
25 New Wheels
consisting of
McBurney -Beattie
Also 25 Second-hand wheels
at $7.00 and up. ..
Close Buyers
This is -tour opportunity
AS we do not intend to carry
a single wheeL
Liveriv- Ritpatra
Good Shoos
for Ladles
The shoes that we're going
to tell you about 15:ow are the
cheapest shoes we know of.
• .1‘ it's not $1.48 nor.$1,98
It's $3, $1.50 gal $4
They're not the cheapest
in stile sense that they're the
lowest priced, but cheap-
est ;because they give the most
wear., dollar for dollar. They
phia Vice Kid with oak tanned
stiles, designed and put to-
gether by the highest skilled
intelligent labor, ensuring fit-
ting and wearing qualities not
to be had in other makes of
shoos. So much here, now.
Come in and see for yourself.
BRADWIN-In Blyth, on August 12tb,
to Mr and Mos u. E. Dradwin, a daughter
SMITII--In Goderuih, on 'Monday,
July 25th, the wife of Abraham Smith. Jr.,
of a daughter.
FOX -In Seaforth, on August 9tli, the
wife of Mr Ernest A. Fox, accountant in
the Canadian Bei* of Cornmeree,of a son.
LENARD-In Roltaesville, on August
5th, the' wife of Mr Fred Leaard, of a sor,
CANNON -At Spokane, on Auguat 5`11
the 'ito of Ur A. Oannon (formerly Miss
Edith Millar; of Ilenaall.)of a son.
SIMPSON-In Grey, on August 4th,
the wife of Mr Thomas Simplon, of a eon,
MILNE-In Blyth, on August lit, to
Dr and Mrs Milne, a daughter.
POPE --In Wroxeter, on August, 6th. to
Mr and Aire Don C. Puma daughter.
Rees- In Brands, no Saturday, A.ng.
est 10th, the wife of D. O. Roes, Or
--SAVAGE-In - Grey, .on _Wednesday,
August 7th, the wife of Thrones Savage, of
a daughter.
STUMPF-At the Brunton line, Hay,
on the 9th inst., the wifeof ?dr M.
Stumpf, of a daughter.
PORTER -RUM /3ALL-At the resi-
dence of the brideai father, Huron St.,
Andrew Porter to Min Mary Alia
(Minnie) daughter of P. Rumball, both of
McLEAN-F/SHER-At the residence
of the bride's &theta Mr Peter Fisher, post-
master, Wingharn, on Auguat 20, by the
Rev, A. A. Cameron'of Ottawa, unele of
the bride, Mr John A. McLean to Miss
Hattie P. Fisher, both of Winghain.
MAINS-LEISHMAN-At the rt3siea
enoe of the bride's parenta, East Wawan-
osh, on August 18th. by Rev George Afc-
Quillin, Mr Joseph W. Mains, of Moose
Mountain, Assiniboia, to Mies Sarah L.
• 13,ABB-MCQUARRIE--At the resid-
ence of the bride's parents, Blyth, Aug-
ust 14th, by Rev A. McLean, Mr A. N.
Babb, of Teeswater, to Annie, youngest
daughter of Mr and Mrs Hugh_ MoQuarria.
Aug. 8thr at the residence of bride's par.
en, Mr and Mra George Sicken. Cool -
mine road, Toronto, by Rev C. Hamilton,
Alige Frances Bickel! to Ralph James
sonage of Carleton at. Afethodist church.
Toronto, on Tnesday, Aug, 6th Rev J. V.
Smith, D. D., Jas G. Wallace to Margaret
Simmaon, youngest daughter of Richard
Sinunsons, formerly of Goderioli.
• HINDE--HARTLEY-At St George's
Church, Harriston, on Wednesday Aug
ust 14, by Rev '3. B. Ross, A.,
•B2D., Miss Harriett E. Hinde, daughter.
of Mr and Mrs Wm Hinde, sr,, of Harris.
ton, to Rav Wm 11. Hartley, of Belmore.
• ItAE-DARKER- In Thorold, August
14,. by Rev J. Kay, Mr R. B. Rae of Wing -
ham to Min Maggie Deride, of Thorold.
residence of Mr James Robinson. Goder-
itah, on Wednesday, August 14th, by
the Rey Dr Mahal, pastor ot North Street
•Methodin Church; Will E. ilezzolwood, of
Port Hope, Ont., to.'Emma, daughter of
Darnel Holmes, Eq , ex -conductor a. T.R,
HOOVER -in Alymer, on Wedneaday,
.Aagast 7th, Mrs Hoover, mother of a. B.
Mover. ot tOwn. '
£3011UT011-411 Vienna, Elgin County,
Mrs Boonton, mother of,Mr John Soruton,
of Clinton. •
Marblet& Granite
, The purchaser of monument
'humid have complete ccoificience
!in the reliability of thelioni, tram
• ‘lartich bayo, for the material
mend workmanship is ananething
'-aary few buyers' are familiar with.
you do not know ue,pieate
cauire about our relidbility horn
• 1hose who know us beet. We are
the only practical men 'here in our
line. ••
J B. Hoover, Proprietor
Nest to Cematemial Hotel
August 23rd 1901
' Corrected every Thursday afternpon.
reaa 0 00 a
Sgge per cloz
Barley .. ... . ..... ... 0 t() a
Flour per owt .. . . ... 2 00
Butter, /wee or tub' ,, .. C 14 a
it)e .... 4 ..new,..,0 02,
Oats ,..... ..-.,, I, • 4 0 80 a
Fell W,heat ,old....0 02 a 6 62
7.1huraday, A..,ug:Bot k Bo, 14901..
• ... .. 0 40 • a
sEihaeyespokOinklo, . , .. , .... 7 00 a
new 6 00 a
No. 1 Green trim. hides 05 4000 aa
Potatoes, .. per bush75 a
HerveatApples per bush 0 35 a
Chiakeas, per pair ..., 0 20 a
Ducks, each. . - . 0 00 a
Geese, per lb 0 07 a
Turkey& per lb.... l .. , 009 a
7 05 a 7 05
Pork, dressed,-.-..-, .-,, 7 05 a - 7 05
Wood abort ,....,2 25 a 2 25
Wool 013 a 014
Appel°, per bag .. • , 0 50 a 0 60
Plums, per bask 0 25 a 0 35
Peaches per busk 0 70 a 0 70
Pears per bb/,... , . , 1 00 a 1 20
200.04100041000400410.0 41/0004110000
& Co.
0 40 13 4 'V XII
0 61•
fd Our Great Clearing,' Sale
7 00 •
Is Nearing It's End
5 00
0 40
0 20
0 70
0 ( 8
0 10
• 1RWIN-Tn Seaforth, on August 1$t1',
Wellington jamea Irwin, age 18 years, 1
month and 6 clay&
TRE WIN -In Hallett, on August 14th,
Margaret Leiper, wife of Mr Albert Pre -
win, aged 34 years and 6 months.
COOK -In Chicago, on August 6th,. J.
W. Cook, formerly of Goderioh tewnshir,
aged 40 years• .
MoLEOD-In Btlmore, on July 28th,
Isabella Boyd, wife of Alex McLeod, aged
63 years. •
BROADFOOT-At Tarolage, Kansas,
on August 2nd, Janet Morrison, relict of
the late James Broadfoot, of Brig End,
Tuckersinith,, aged 84 years and 6
•WEIR -In Turnburry, August 18th,
Jane, beloved wife of Robert Weir, aged
55 y ears. •
THOM-In Granath, N, 13.; ou Anguat
2nd, James W. Thom, formerly of Lower
Wingbam, aged 75 years.
Largest stock of Plums
in the • county, probably
3000 baskets of choicest
... varieties sold direct from
• the tree to you at •Tight
• pi ices, .
/two a lot of
•best kinds.
About 100 baskets of .
Later varieties and
over. Also one ton of No. 1
Honey for sale.
C. Hoare, Proprietor.
(linton, Ontario. ••
A -Mall who
goes into business
• life with little or no knowledge
eff business methods. invites
tiaiture. No man can •work
-without the tools. Business
•...tools are the knowledge of
• business affairs.
• A e011136 in the •Federated
Business College of Ontario
•NM/ Adtlertifitatent0 with schools atLondon,Toronto
Hamilton Ottawa, Sarnia, Ber-
lin, Galt,- Guelph, St. Cather-
ines. New term openp Sept.
3rd, For general information
write to the Forest City BEIsi-
ness College. Y M.C.A. build-
ing London, Ont. •
Wealervelt, Principal.
.•For Sale.
Seeond.hand Ensilage Cutter, Jack t and
Morse power; all compl.ete.
Lot 25, Con 3.W. Warfront sb,lAubtaria,C n t.
• e ..0.A.ugust 28-=tf • •
• Auction Sale.
Property ,ist the Village
of Myth.
N'ew and Second-hand
We have ,few.egoond-hand wheel/e,431500a
• running order,awhioh we are prepared 1101
sell cheap. 'Miley are exceptionally .goo4
• 'value for thelmoney wo ask for than. •!
We haVeleilso,alfew mew wheels', of trne!beat!
tnalft,N %biake Offered t Wholesaler/Lae)
There e neatly/lima moutha of wheeling!
yet this nason-anydne waning a ivhser
can't do better then come and see no. I
PnaTgOnsf 24)00 satertateaps;
All kindsof tiorseekOeillE;
and repairing.
The Myatt/ 13akery
and 'Restaurant
Fred T. Jackson,
$4,250 FOR SALE $4,250
Eighty acre far117a."agearin Cont, Mich.,
with$706 worth of crepe, modern new house,
good barn and oilthouttea, 3m. latent Mier.
good Water. also household furnishings of the
best t three Muses 0, fa* head of cattle of fine
breed, nptto date farming implements, filleat
orchard in county of 4 acres; 14 mile"' from
good Market; 10 miles from,00nnty set. Tha
cellar bolds 800 bluthelo of apoleb in make, AO
acre, improved, haleness hardWood timber.*
Nato roiling land, clay loam, This property
cost present owner $8,600 bath. Reason for
Railing, party 0 goingto the Old ooun 114 This
ill a bargain. Scheel and church4 rime front
farm. Alt gee. for 84,250 if taken hy,,th4L26th
of August smear Aintree& 4040 j
BURGESS, Weet ilraram, mak
We arereared to 4Upply all
your wan a ntsbaisey Itoorand
we. guarantee to giye eatigfaetion iii
03Y317 reapeeL
We make a apteialty ski wed -
;drips Cakes and 01 haing.caltaa at a
Xasionable price.
Oar Restaurant •
everything in a firet olase reataur-
is it place where you WS And
Candies of all kinds ma itbsst,y1
Cigars in the,beet of bOnde.
Tobaccos of alikinde.
tire have lee Cream,
Drinks and Fruit of
alt kinds in season
Ntootsoserteft Old stand
I. Meekly
Telephone No. 1. orAtivort.
C. Hamilton has received instructions from
*the executors of tie estate of the late Wm. E
Brown, to sell by public auction, 'at the Com.
tmercialEHotel, in .the tillage of Blyth, on
'Thursday, Sept. 19, 1901 at2 o'clock p na.,the
foliowing, if not previously disposed Of; Par,
,cel O. 1 -Comprising r4eacres. more or, lees, I
being the north portion 4if Lot No. 21, on. 24,
.0f the Townsh p of Hallett, adjoining the
"village of Myth. There is On the place a,ttgood
frame dwell ng 13Aute. *with st el Metallic
aiding and shingles, I} stories; good stone
eller and Jorge kitchen; also a frame- barn
;and stable, good orebard,weell fenced; a choice
.olay soil and Is all seeded down. This is atves7
.tdesirablo property,1-2 mile tiro= the contra ot
-the village and Is aura to dnorease in 'value.
Further particulars can ballad by applying to:
take mictiOnecr, at 131yth .,or from =mutton
Wm. Graham, Bruceileld, stud Robt. Holmes,
Al. P., Clinton,
The following will alio ba seld at the some
Mune and p ace -Pareel dio. 2--Compriaing
lots Nos. 34 and 85, ha CloinVe Survey, in the
vv,illage of Blyth, and contains I of an acre,
tbeionging to the estate to the late James
;Brown, Terme-10 percent.af the purchase
*tansy to be paid down on the day of Jude; the
!be,lance in 30 days thereafter. tFull particulars'
<onedayof gale. C. HAIII,LTOM, Auctioneer,
August 28-11(
BIG L. 0. 1.
Satatdayo August 221.
ness College
McKay Block, Clinton.
Before many days the unusual 'offerings which '
have made it to the mostaticeessful sale of the kind
we have ever held and the talk of the town, will be
entirely closed. out. This "ad" is published to again
call attention .to the sale so_that not one customer
will miss a share of the bargains we are offering.
' Very soon we expect our New Fall Goads (in fact
some of our New Dress Goods are here now), when
our store will be piled high with new and desirable
goods. It willpay you to watch our "ads" so you
will be posted in regard to cur new stock. Wequote a few prices telow to giye you an idea of the
values offered.
Factory Cotton, yard wide, heavy weight, worth 8o, for 5o,
New Prints, light and dartcolor& regular 8a, for 5o.
Prints, light and dark colors, no droning, regular price 120 and
14o, for 103.
White tioney-comb Quilts, fullaize, worth $1.25, for $(.
Best Standard Shirting, guaranteed indigo blue, regular price 14a,
111 Dress Goods, nodar.
plain caehere and small check% 40 inoheellwide
regular price 25c,reduced to 16a,
Flannelett,, in fanoy stt; ripes and cheaworth 70, fr:ar 50,
Ladies' Shirt Waiets, th fine percale in fancy stripes and obet k!,
detached collars. worth 60, for 42o.
' Ladies' Vest, in all size& at 5o, 8°,10o, 15c, 25o arid 50o,
Printed Muslin& fast color& worth 10o, for 5o.
Printed Dimities, worth 12o and 150 reduced to 80.
: IncKinnontle Co., Blyth
41104141411111001)41111000110041111114114111 151110041111
r ain
We are now preparing our stores kr the Johnson
Brosstock, of Seaforth, to come in next .month,
Comprising Hardware; Stoves,
Tinware, Grniteware, etc
. ,
This will be one of the greatest chanccs to pur-
chase Hardware cheap, yet offered.
Watch and wait.
13rrains in ttvery line; •
Thorold Cenient only $1.10, and Portland, -
$2.55 per bb while it lasts. •
Cheap Hardware House
The .McKay Block .Grocery.„
Owing to the ill-haalth of Mr McCabe, be has found it necessary to gc out of business
and I have re -bought the ether. I have been in the Grocery and Crockery littaineas
in Clinton for 12 years, and thank my many customers and friends for past favors,
and with my long experience in the trade, and my poeition to buy good's from first
hands and at right prices, 1 haye decided raore than over to give 'ny old onatomers,
and aa many new ones as will favor me
Cheaper and Better 'argains in Groceries, Crockery,
Fancy Goods Jte than an 3 house in Huron.
I expeot in a abort time my import order of DINNER, TEA. end TOILET SETS.
and FANCY GOODS, which comes direct from the potter in England,
In a very short time a carload of REDPATI1'S SUGAR will be an the way,
sold at wholesale pricee in barrel lot&•
We will give you the higheet price for Butter end Eggs, and goods at the vref
prices. Kindly give xis a call. No trouble to ehow geode, whether you buy or no
Steck is up to -date m every reapept. •
And moat advanced msthods
thoroughly taught in Book-
keeping, Penmanship, ,Short
hand, Typewriting, etc,
Individual instruetion.
Cireulars Free. VisitW
• Ways weleome.
Wingbam L. 0, L., No. 704, has asosanieted a
arrangeomets vrith the Grand Trunk RAHWAY
System to,run a big excursion to,
• f (Prole the tfollowing Places on 3114ardart
Auguttith,atot, returning Mondy, A.ngust
Mtn, at the following love faros:
, • PI C5§ TIME feARE
Kineardnia...,... .... .. .. ..8.60a.n1 It 41so
Ripley- •,6.06 .. .6 . *4 • 605 180
Lucknow A* .... . *** 4.80 1.15
Whiteehurek 6.33 115
Winglaiim ...•...„, ...... e5 1.65
Viratihani Jet. , ...... ..... 6.58
nelgrate... * ..,, .... , • o. * 7.01 •1.45
Einar . ........... 0,,,Ao‘• .6* 7.14 1.50
ondesboro• 0......... L. 22 ISO
eltntoOn t • 0 1 . • V • 61 m • i • 1 /1 .... 6.1111/ 47 1,85
Erwsnield......... . ...... .7., 8.05 • 185
ICIPP" oilidkiiii ettIfge.
• ltetroing, special train leaVes Sarnia at
10 P an.; AlUttlet 20th, running through to Sin. •
A Grand Prize.
Ttre Geld Make witi be 'Inn aa a prize to
Vie bait )4444 notnie, angle oti iggeetd.
t t b .64 4 4 4, 40 • 4 4 4 • • ~it
Students enrolled last year and no
graduate among thenr out of pod -
tion belie record of the
CentrafRusiness College
A strong solo& with dozen tato
Oher, 66 typewriting 'trichina,
and every facility for doing good
nutualn Session Opens Sept. a
IOiroulars gladly mailed on request,
ougantettOstrarasts ptra(1111t 0
Shaw. Principal.
• Shrevid buyers take advantage of specialofferings.
Prints,.itustins and Ginghams.
800 yards of these goctds at prices that will
out, cone 6ar1y for first choice.
pude, for 90 per ye,r
400 yardvy' s heaprinte, desirable colote and patterns, our regular Dio
100 yards Print regular 103 goods, for So peeyrd.
Dress Goods
vela at half Price.
16 dread endepi yards eaoh regular pricer 8,50 to .85.00 eaoh wlfl be
8 planes dress goods, at prices redueed one third.
Meng suits. •
year choice now for only $5.00.
12 Mares Tweed gaits, ends of lines, regular prices *OA bo IMO eadb,
10 Youths' and childi Snits, wool tweed, sires 22 to 20, for $1.50 Ofih.
4 only washing finite, at 50,3 each.
Trunks and Telescope, 1 uU range at
• pp:liar prices.
W. L. Otrilinnirtii, LondOSbOro