HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-08-23, Page 4Align t 23rd, 1901 TBE CLINTON NEW ERA More August Bargains If the people of Clinton didn't know that this is a thoroughly safe store in the strictest moue, that we return money for goods not wanted more freely than other stores, some of the ktrgains we offer would appear ........0OdTfl true, but they are true, every one and every one has a good reason behind it. The first great reason is Pimply that in mid•summer we have ria,ny small lois of good :goods that wouldn't be good merchandise if we allowed them to stay here till next season and it is the same with manufactures and wholesalers. They must clear away odd lots at this @ea. son, must loose money in order to be rtrim for making money later, We have just secured some great bargains, and every bargain we get you get. These Great Bargains go on Sale Saturday Moraing August 2,4th. 2c30c and 40c Wash GOods 10c Oar summer stock of Wash Goode, about 300yd8, inoluding Scotch Zedhere, Anneriatin Ginghema Silk Lswn, Irish Trinities, Colored Piques, eto., in ehadee of navy and white, mauve, red, pink, etc., the regular selling prioe was from 25o to 40o yd, your choice $1.25 an (1 $150 Shirt Waists ior.58e 12 only Shirt Waists, in colors of helio, pink, plain white ete., all this season's goods, made with new sleeve, regn- pr lose $1 25 and.01.50 each, for . Ladies' Veti .5 doz only fine motion Vests with and without. sleeves, made of Atm fine oatton yarn, all silk finished, regular price W.',o and 40o each, for . 1 0 .58 'Bargains in Hosiery _ 10 dozen ladies' fine cotton Hose,• every pair guaranteed, hermsdorf dye, spliced heel, toe and sole, sizes Ele, 9, This is oar bast 25o epeciel Hose bait we have too many oa scr we place them on eale at 2 pair for vou About 12$ pair ladies' and children's black cotton hoes, rib- • bed and plain, gime from 7 to 9, our regular price is 13a and 1a.a pair, on sale at • ery 6 dozen eitra heavy rib black cotton Hose, lieu the kind for School wear, sizea 7 to 9, our regular selling pnoe,s are 18o to 22o it pair, sate price .15 A Sateen Waist Bargain • , • Ladies' black Sateen Waists, made of gooe euality. . and fancy sateen, tucked and stitchecLregular prices are .6 dozen ladies' fine cream cotton Vests, open front, short _ aleeves, silk draw string around neck. regular &ice is 4)0 yards fine lawn Bmbroidety with good waelaable edges 180 to 20o ea*, 2 for • '4U 4 to 5 inches wide, our regular prices are 15o to 18o a 41,140 01. 491 CIAO, fOr • • • • 50 onlyia lies' fine white cotton Vests ribbed and lain.-- yard, Saturday price , ' ' . ... • 500 yards fine Valenciennes Lace, lic to 2i inches wide, ex- ehort sleeves, with end without draw string, regular prices are 120 and 15c -each, 2 for - 75 children's fine ribbed cotton Vests, made of extra fine cotton, every one silk finished, long and abort sieeyes, .19 - --tea-good patterns -e- -These-are the best 5o end Go • laces- , we ever sold, on ask Sataedayat per yard , • • . regular prices are 156 and 18.3 each, on sale at ..... .08 Remnants at lhout Remnants of Prints, Gingliame Cottons,Towelinge, Sheet- tents, make I most delightful pis:Au-re. A Towel Bargain RANO TRUNK %TA; Special Rates to Toronto Exhibition, Rein/RN TIOXETS will be sold to Toronto at SIN .OL E FARE, $3.70, from Auguet 27th, to September 6th, excepting on the follow- ing Uxcurelon Days— flng, 29, Sept. 2, Sept. 4. On these days the fare will be $2.70. Pureheee your tickets at Town office and . save delay at station. P. R. Ilodgenst town agent. vilintoe, Ont. gew Avavnitstmento. A real likeness --Henry . .. . Page l WelperfeAlt sight -AJ Origg ices- RP Reekie e pickling season -0 Cooper ... ... . .. I Wore August bargains -Newcombe . 4 Bargains continue -Cooper a Co 4 For sale -J s Washington 5 A Intim:taste-0 Hamilton 5 Big excursion-- R J IdacHath 5 For sale -W Nair 5 Farm for sale -J Avery, 5 Plimls- 0 Hoare 5 For sale -W King . ..... • ...„ . . .. 5 A better store-HOdyenti Bios ,,.. .... 8 tlen's tweed suits- acklion Bros .......:: 8 %MS* FRIDAY, AUGUST 39, 1001, "Fern Cottage' --Atherly Aug. 17th, 1901 To the Ndi'or of the New Era ; That our friends may know amikething of our vebereabonte and how we fare, .1 send you a few notes. -- After leaving Clinton we spent some ten days in Owen Sound 'Oohing friends at eSheldon Place", tire Greene's old home,' and on the 8th inst. WO started for ear pre- sent destination We beide most exhiliret- nig sail to Collingwoc.d. and thence yia Barrie and Orillia to Atherly Junction by rail. • b'ern Cottage is situated on a beautiful point on the north shore of Later Conchi- ohing, about two hailers from the jurotion, where threugh a narrow ease you enter from lake Couchiching into Lake Sinicoe. Here, as we sit on the verandah, we have a distinct view of Orillia, which is about 2a miles 'almost aireotly south morose the take, and as the town is built on a slope faoing115-the-sigheis-erichenting when -the eleotri,3 lights are on. • The scenery around la very remake the Ileids studding the !skeet and surrounding .shores dotted as they are with cottages and 3 ,00 pair extra heavy white cotton Towel% size 40ele, fest' ' hags, etc., in ends of from 2.10 7 side, will be cleared at - . Fern cottage ie owned by John -11doBain, a u t . . • • • • • • • • gi • • • 4 • • ..... ...Half Price color red borders, the reenter price ie 25o a pair,. while thd,y last 2 pair 24 itie .14awn fOr SC 75 pair Towels, made of buck and damask linen size 34 , 100 yards of white Victoria Lawn, 38 'lichee wide, very /morning per psir 7, good value at regular price which was 25o, Saturday 81 fine quality, regular yalue leio, on sale et per yard • - • • • • ........ We have ju.'st received our new sock of Ladies' Outing Hats for fall wear. come in all the new shades of fawns, greys, fete., and range from $1 to .$3 each. - 4,4 40-•-•••-••••• ISale starts Saturday Morning 4 -ug. 24th It'ailllismono.mmtamosirmsoLow Your money back if you want it. They Church Chimes Mr McLeod, an old Brucefield boy, is eupplying for Rev Mr Larkin, of Sea - forth, during his holidays. Cinoin lati is a Presbyterian strong. hold. 01 diarrhea are included in the Presbytery, 28 of these being within the limits of the city. S. A. Nome .-Capt. and Mrs Don,late of Ridgetown, assisted by Miss North- cott, are stee inned here, Ensign Scott, who FM beregeing elsewhet e. ONTARIO STREET CHURCH.- Miss Grahaul,(t he guest of Mis R P Reekie) He is now a Varsity graduate and enters Knox College next year for theology ; he will be one. laf the lead, ing Presbyterian clergymen id the I near future if the expositions given here are to be taken as epechnene of • render day were well ed by the choir, his deliveries, The Anthems on Sun- 1 as well asithe Solo parts by Miss M. Hone - ton in the morning service and by W P Spalding in . the evening. The Excelsior Mission hand connect- ed with the church were to have had. its annual picnic et the river banks on Tuesday, but owing to the heavy rain was postponed until next Tuesday the 27.h. reeve an excel ent solo at the evening • tervice on Sunday ; her deur rich eon. rano voice was much admired by the large congregation present. The laadies' Aid and choir of the church, picnicked at Hayfield on Thursday. PATTRNBURY i$TREE't ()Jimmie, - The Rey W. G. Howson, has returned - from his vacation, •ant may be ex- pected to occupy his pulpit in Mitten - bury St church next Sunday°, morning Mid evening; Subjects, 11 a. m. "Paul's resolve to see Romer 7 p m. "Ex- tracte from an old love letter." Good music by the choir. Strengers alwaye welcome. The parlor concert at the residence of Alex Artnstreng under the auspices Of the Ladies Aid of Rattenbury Street Methodist church proved net only a success financially but in. every respect. It was one of the best arranged and ceedueted events of the season ; the Aid deserves much credit for the man - nor they Work In the interests of the church and the doegregetion should Appreciate their. efforts. The proceeds of the collection at the door amounted to 822 a,nd the amount will be slight- ly larger as it number a their lanes/ articles and ice crean were gold. The feature of the evening was the splendid program provided ; Rev V. A ST P.A171:8 OklInICAL-70n Sunday Gifford filled the chair very pleasing,. evening Miss Selway assisted the choir he numbers being:- Instrumentals, and gave a solo much appreciated ; Mrs (Dr) Holmee and Miss A Gibbings ; she is toneidered nne Ot the best duet Mrs Fuess and P Sibley ; solos, church vocalists in Toronto. The con- 4, shciuke He uperalde ey mile Gee regation urpose holding their annual h I b hankegt v ng services on Sunday,Sept, Mrs 'Murch, 0 E Tenney aeid W V 29th, when the Rev. J. C. Fatleng, of Latornel ; quertette, "Old Oaken Buck- letoodsteele will officiate at both set- K Chown yices,anri ivile.eeiiiiiiitteffheetheireeteter DAleete/0"). Mallatt, Thechoir has in coeree. of preparation Jeeleserle The ladies 'of the -aid for the occasion it beautiful choral seri' de8fre t6r_eturn thanks to Kr and .1141P8 Ince. It is also intended to hold in cons 5and famiIy for their kind- nection with the Seine supper on the nese in the evening's enjoyment and following evening also for their untiring efforts In leak- ing afterthe comfort of everyone Od Monday evening last a report Of Present, the great International C. E. conven- tion held at Cincinnatte Ohio, July 0- .0, was given by A. T. Cooper before a a nited audience of Endeavorers from the different soeletieg of the Went. The meeeing was held in Wells Pres- byterian churcb, which was decorated with the liincinnatti flage, and Mr 3, :1901k Cooper wore the very. neat gilt badge presented to all the delegates by the The annual convention of the Ontar. local committee. It is said by the lo O. B. Tertion to be be held in Brock - United Society orfteers theethie was vine the firetthree days of Oetober,1901, the most prodtable and spirituel cote Promises to be superior to any on the vention they have Over held, and was tette let eehmeentiene hem tiering the orealnly it splendid opening for O. 'E. flttcea years ofiexistence. In the tWontleth Metall% The report The chief theme will be th, "Deepen - was thoroughly appreciated as was ae of theS Withal Life"and moreenp. sleet he ecee "Will there be any stars in able leader could be Bemired than Dr. V17 ctewnso sweetly reneored by j. Wilbur,Ohapman, of New York city. Mise Della 'Wilke% This is Dr. Ohapfrian's first appearance Wteres 011eftotr-The pastor, Rev e.t an Ontario coneention and a very Mr Stewart, hae returned hereto after warm evele•onse atria* hiva.ai big vacation and feels much benefited Rev, 0, 73. Merman, of Boston, the by the menthe rest Which hie Many friends WIll be pleased to learn: he Will resume eherge of hie pulpit next Sun. day. Mr .13 Xebchett Who had been supplying Wall intiell apptediated by the congregatione Who had the privl. lege of hearing his deeply thought, new field elecretery, Ohrietian 13n. deeper, will also be _present and tell many titter; about'"The C. E. adeence Meyement for the new century, Mr Ebermart ettenclea the Cincintiatt Converitiote and We predict for hitn brilliant future as his heart and soul is denvored and clever termotig.. lollhtuhrl:hvp.oveinent "For Chris. and the well OLPTTON. e termer resident of Chester,- with whom we were quite iutimate,as an earnest work- er In the church, when etationed on that circuit. We have at present a family com- peted of Mr and Mrs Mol3ain and four children, two others over Sunday, Mrs Graham and si married daughter, from near Toronto, Mr and Mrs Archbishop, of Indianapolis, U. Et, Miss -Atlen And nep- hew, of Chesley, and oureelvee, .Others hey° been here earlier, The situation is elite) of the best,the home - life most congenial, the . table everything that could be desired and terme very mod- erate. We are within .2 miles of the Rams Indian Mission, which is Berved by the Rev. Mr Lawrence, of Toronto conferenee. Several of us attended the morning service on Sunday, *leo their quarterlyineeting in the afternoon. • On Wednesday the Boerd of Trade favor; °lithe touriets of Willie and 'vicinity with their hosts, by giving thema free excursion around the lakes on the eteemer• Longfon. The day was beautifully fine and the trip enjoyed by all. We expect to leave for home, 'via Owen Sound, some time next week, . J. Game. Live stock /1114.tkete, • Lon on, Aug, 19. -Unite Statee cattle, 6Id; Canadian's, 63; sheep 66. Other strangers likely to be attend are Rev. Eugene Joy, Watertown, N. Y„ Rev. Mr Wight, Ogder sburg, Y. The program also ernbracett it lone list of eelebrated Ontario Endeavorers. such men as Rev. T. Albert Moore, Hamilton, Canon Richardson, London, 9. T. Fergusson, Toronto,Dr, Carman Toronto, Di. Dickson, Gait, E A, Har- dy, B. A., Lindsay,Rev, S. T. Bartlett, NaptineeRey,A, Gandier, Toronto, Dr. Johnson, London, Rev. N. A. McLeod, Otteevat J. 0,Lavell 31,PeSmith'eFeele, Rev. J. S. Henderson, Hensall, gee R. J. M. telciesterd, Guelph. The railways are (Voting reduced rates on the con- vention plan and full information msy be had from the station agents. Cir- culars from the Sec'ye A. T. Cooper, are being sent to each society. If your trotiety doesn't get one send for it. - sporuna Notes. etql. Ann:hall will gN6 Le the beveling olnb, a valuable donation for competirion which will be atextpeted for in tangles by pointe. ° The junior baseball club drove to Blyth lad Saturday aternoon and played a very interesting and close game with the team there; the score stood 13 to 12 in !twit of the Blyth club. l', Wheatley made a astiefactory referee; The playere from here Were --,W. Rees, pitcher; W.Stevens son, catcher ; P. Johnston, 1st bese; J. Sage, 2nd base; Jae Doherty, short stop; W Irwin, 3rd base ; T. Rase right field; I., °hedge, centre field; i. Johnston 1 e field. The trophy consisting of a pair of wool _given ley P. B. (Item for oompetition will beceen p itiedleie le elibles - WI theekee• 'ear ot bowle.of 18 ends and all gamete are to be played on or before Sept 2nd, The draws made are: -1, E Hilton and 3 Johnston; 2, El Courtice and J P Tisdale 8, N reit and T T Leckie; 4, 3' W Trealeaven and W Jackson; 5, R Holmes and w Spalding 6, j W Irwin and& Armstrong; 7, F Jac** son and E m IfoLeins; 8, A Ports* and 1 Taylor;. '9, J Itattenbury and II B Comte; 10,3 Emmerton and 3 Fair; 11,a P Reekle and W Brydone; 12, 3 Wiseman and D L Aftkophereon; 18, H %VOW and 3 Bamford; 14, J• Bell and Dr Agnew; 15, W E Rend and W W Ferran; 16, Dr Holmes and D A Forrester; 17, B Hamra and e Harland, 18, J B Mover and G D MoTaggert; 19/ I B Centelon and Dr Sheer. In the pre liminary rotted (A..) No 18 player .4, (B) 18 gleam 12 and (C) 7 plays 8 ;the firet round it 14 vs winner of A, 8 vs 15, 19 vs 8, 11.v, winner of 8,9 vs 2,1 yel7, 16 Vg 8, 10 vs Ontario C. E. lJnion. Annual Coinv-rnticiti, Oct. 1 2 and winner of C. lion Me Melock, Who has returned home from his Australian. trip exptese ea the °pellet; that free ?Urfa deliv ery of lettere ane palters In Canada or the United States would Cantle ft deft. cit. Be "doubts if the rural popula- tion is likely to greatly increase the posta businees simply became the mall is broutpht to the farm.hoinni door Instead of the farmer being forced to go to the village poet.oftlee with anit for his correspondence." .verpoo ne.19.-Cana cattle, 63;sheep, 43, .TkAau far, • . .. • .* At18. 19, -There . 'Wet° about . Li I A. diau ?Online and (outo, •••, iris Nona efiller le borne from Toronto his Bay was 0 Goderich vitiitor late week,. W Iiimmens, et Toronto, is home em a vie' t • bert Seeley was at the Pan-Amerioan Jae week, rs barrens, of Smite Bend, Ind., le he neet of Mrs 3 Derry: 111 se Riddle, of Auburn wall the peel' of ti re Mitchell hiet week.' 3 e °Donald, of Hensel!, *as a Clinten mile on Thureday lest week. zs Owego, of Fergus, was yisiting hie frien , E Hoiratcl; riot Week. Ur and Itere 3, iffeetarve spent Sunday wiph elatives in the county town, Mr Mitchell and her son Archie vent Band y with friends in Westfield. e . . adie Sara' Gibbs- spent Sunday under : ber po ental roof at Londesboro, Mrs Dr) Campbeli, a Detroit, is here vieitin at her mother's, Bare Fair, Mrs Auburn, Bargains Icontinue Mies of Blyth, Mitchell and Mrs Riddle, of were visiting Mre Kyle ot Kippen. r -rtrade Rhaneand Miss Ti Weet, were (31inton visitors last week, Mr and Mrs Pulford, and Mies 5, Mid - Ply, of De mit, were welting kers Jae Twit - Mitre M Steepl was the guest of her mein, Mi SIthtley, of Seaforth las week, Mrs A IT •ooper has been visiting her parents, Dilr ner,Ildra R Seliery, in Kin oardine. Mrs IloHar. 5, Smith has been speeding the past few Iv eke or.so enjoying Bayfield breezes. , ' . Mies M. Hon on, and her guest,. Miss Jarrett of Toro to,. were Ooderioh marmot on Sunday. • Arthur, son of ey Clement,. of Kluges Hviollaeg, eine a.the guest f his deter, Mu R E Um L Kennedy d children are visit. ing at her moth re, 1VIre McKay, el Seaforth. ' • , Mrs Etta Morriso of Meant Forest, has been a guest Of M e Cantelon at the Clarendon. • mitorlix maenedt Bo o meGerttoptol ed arentatne,ry-ifeait.i ,i \Ih gy a terheer re parentste r n ed, Mrs Ford and Mrs W. Leder, of kilts ohell, were visiting him11. G. Condit*, -Raglan street, beet week. D - Mimes Bertha and S. leriaiiined 1\ ' eo-Eleaforth- last - week altec st.. pleasant - 'visit with Clinton friends, ' Mrs 3 Bell and daughter May spent a few days this week at. Mr Boll's mother Mrs Hugh Bell, in Seaforth. W. E. Rand, of the Collegia a staff, • • bas returned Andes taring _leiew olidaye at the lakeside at Bayfield. - Paige Florence Everett who ha been - visiting her sieter, Mrs Ea. wii fong, ren, has returned harm .. An eateemed young ledy in the person of blies L Pdannie, of Exciter, visited Mrs A Hooper during the past week. Rey Mr Stewart 'retuned home o Monday after a month'e vacation in Tor este Belleville and other points, Miss Anderson, of Meaford, has been the guest of the Mims Bowdon, Rattenbury street parsonage, for eeyeral weeks. . ' • D Graham, of Inglewood, is here look. ing after the electric light plant which • is baying some improvemente male; •. , W. R. Lough went to Milton on Tues- day to eee about the shipment of the -red brick orde red for the New Viresley church Walter 8. Adam, of the Wesiern In- evance Co.; Torsnto, is here visiting and aistrtehoi..eguest of -his unole,^ ass Scott, High • R Crawford, late clerk et H B Combo's, ie enjoying holidays at Ms home in Twits erismith. He gorse to Pharmaoy oolleee infieritember. . Mee Lizzie Webster, has rernrned home from Goderioli and will start in a a few weeks on a visit to her sister. Mrs Iavis, Rockford, III. ' Mr Arthur James Bieber left for his home in Toronto on Saturday, after e two weeks' isit with his eosin, Miss Lizzie Carta, Princess street. herKerlaTAPaviTiZinipaltDeeeter,°Irlfe. Routledge,s. They attended the funeral of Alra Ginn'e tether, Mr MoLartye of Ripley. e66 head of butchers' cattle, 60 calves and 700 sheep and lambs offered tor eels at the East End Abattoir to -day. Trade was slow exceps log for the best cattle, and a number of good large steers were bought by shippers at 4 1,2o to 4 3-4o per lb. & few choice email cattle were bought by tbe betobere et the game rates,. Pretty good animals sold at from 8 ego to 4 1-40 per lb, comm. to dry dem and thrifty young eider at from 2 AC to 8 lele per lb, while the leaner WYE; eaul ItItall balls sold at from 2a to 2 1 2o per lb. Calves sold at from 412 to 812 snob. Skippers mud front e 38o to 8 1-2o per lb or good large sheep, and the butchere paid about 3o for the °there, Lambs sold at from g 2.25 to $ 3,75 each. Fit hogs solifiit from do to 7 1-4o per lb weighed off the ears. I • • Cerefne tend Going . • • Miss Florence Garrett visited feriae in Blyth this week, • Mrs Medd returned home *le week /min visiting friend' in Blyth, Mrs W H Mew and son, Sohn, were visiting in Holyrooa recently. Ruftis Andrews', of Cleveland, is at les home, Ontario street, on a Iwo weeks` vele NV 3 Paisley WAS UP to Ripley for geit;• oral days this Week valuating hotel pro- perty in a transfer. Frank Byline has returned home after a month's tear with hie brother, in Toronto, and is again around with his dray. , T Bell, sI Montreal, General Paris - eager Agent on the G. V .Tt., was here this week °Colony and. milled on ticket agents A 0 Pattieon and R Marone, .......Missedebelettelleherejoinede_witheMre. Chisholm, Dire Vanstone and other Wing. hareitris and are taking a trip Round the lakes. They go as far as Duluth and will be away for a few weeke Mrs 15 T Ilandecotate Mader Earle, and Mr A B Handiootabe left Monday morning for their home in WinnlPeg after pleasant three menthe' eke wieh the fortneee parents, Mt and Mei SilasBritt, Mies Graham, WhO has been the guest of Mrs 13 r Rookie, left for her home in St Themes this week. While here she heel a plearant visit and many citizens appreeisted her -singing it a number of weal eveninge oat. The congregations of Willie and Odtario oared churahee were favored with solos by this young ledy. She is the leading supremo In the St Thomas Baptist church. Among those ewes' on the Canedieri Preis' excluteion to the Merintimelproviness from IMO cotinty ere Mr and Mrs D Mc- Gillfotiddy, of the Goderioh Signal, and Mr and Met et Holmes, Of the New nikA. There are over One hundred "leafier and gentlemen IMMO in the party. They left fdonereal on ihe 15th takiegin Mahar travel. Moneton, St John, Frecieriaten end Method juridic/Is In N. D.J. Surnmer- eldie and Cherlottetown in le E. 1., Pla- ten, Sydney, XS* Otsego*, Trate Hale fax,* Digby and Rentyille ln N. 8. and other teeny pleoce in Quebec) 'winding silo old eity, returning to littintreal on the 801h. The 'party from Huron **petit to reach home about dor ard Of &plea/bet, Macmordie end -niece, of London, enema here Jilonday and are the guests of Mr and Mrs A Monteith, Ontario street. They will oleo visit Mende near Xippen. Realest Twitchell, who attended the 'photographers' codvention in Detroit, vent a few day e of teat week with hie parents here before returning to Toronto. • Mise L MVmma a OS, after a levisit it month with her cousin, Miss Armstrong, here, returned home to Toronto en Monday. She had bee visiting here for a .month, Mice Sarni, who has been the guest of Miss Menlo Houston for several wake returned to her home in Toronto on Mon- day. She will also visit the Pan Amer. ken and other points. 13. Coate, of the Toronto Globe, and Steward Macpherson, of Brantford, are home for a two weeks' holiday. They will be accompaned by E. Archibald and spend part Of the time camping ist the lake. Rey Mr and bfre wade len Tuesciey on an extended trip to Port William on Late Superior, to vied their eon, who has lately moved. there from Dakota. It is thew intention to visit other points West bo. fore returning.. B. Ketchen,:who has been here gnarls: ing-the-pnlpit-of-WillisePeesbyteria church, is now taking a few holidays. He went to his hoes° in Brumfield on Monday and from there goes to Goderich ter Emend a two weekre ygoation. Dr A. 13 Selene hat rebutted to Oltnton from Lembton riounty and with Mrs Smiler, and eon are the pease of her par. este, Mt and Mrs A Monteith. They will be here for several weeke or so before reaming to their home at AMA_ Arbor, Miohigan, Mt and Mrs 03 RoCollexte of Hallooe, Mich. ; Me and Um F 11 SOW, of Green Bay, Ugh., and Pallet Burwell, of Port Bur- well, One are visitors at St Panl'sltectery, The former left for their home on Twee nay rind the letter three peels remained until the end of the week. _„Tteiv Mr Hovnion of Retteribury Wee* Methodist tolitirch,'arrivect home On More. day evening eatlier than expected, He him been easy on 'edition for e month attending the time in Rockford and Alliaton and ether poitas end same beck, feeling much benefited in health after Me met and will take °barge of hie pulpit on next Sunday. The teaohere have all retailed to their reheat, among them 'tenet -Mier Lily Ionhatoe to Allot+, MN F. Xing Dash- wood, Miss Sheppard to Midaleaex oomity, Mies O'Neil to Verna. Rise Ohidiey to Hallett, Mimi Gnesie Taylor to Tuolter- ville, Mae Diary /Wined to Pe elhoro, Mite May Stewart to fit Jorteph, Mls near Fgrnonville • Time and space did not allow us to offer all the lines wo wanted to on bargain clays, so we wish to inform New 11ra readers that we have several more lines of goods which you, 'perhaps want, and at the prices we are quoting, will pay yoil• to buy new. Prominent araoug`theso are a line of Stamped Linehs at Hall Price Choice line of Tray Cloths, fringed and stamped, ready for- etelling, Ronelugy 1170,50o, now only 25o; regular 850, now only We ropier 25o, now Dnl7.411810E, S.R-eNguilnaerinoilioece, oneovrl uarc%eyttro.ped on geed linen. Regular 250, now oy • DRESSER OOVER13,-0hoicie line,finsoy edge, with fringed senate Regular. 75o, now 380; regular 40a, now 20o; regular 850, now 1.80. SIDE BOARD COVERS, --Choice linen fauoy edge, with fringed ends, ' now 180; regular 75o, now 88e; reguler 81.00, now 60e, Fancy Combs and Pins Paper Books An assortment of smell hair pins, 4 • for 50, another at 3 for 5e,ep1endia & line of paper covered books, sold ooes vA 53 and 2 for ....- ..... uu regular at 25o, each An assertant of Combs, side oombs, back comibs eta. • • , 1VC A line of hooks slighly ehopworn, to. " • Belt Buckler tor 9o, worth 25o and 35o. day, 3 for ••••••• *44044. .0•••••••• VM. 5 School Books Reduced 10 per cent. Any school book you may want on Saturday will be Vub- ject to 10 per cent discount. This win be a good opportunity, - to get your supply for opening of schools. 'COOPER & CO.9 CLINTON., To California and Back. , 00401.14.41 • Tothe Editor of at New Era: *- DEAR SIR.-r•One of the first pieces of advice we receiyed upon reaching San Vranbisco was to take home • sonYenirs and our -reputations- Possi big, we should have done pot for, as I mem ien- ed betore it is the land of superlatives.. The greatest pride of San Francisco is undoubtedly Golden Gate Park. It has an area of 1000 acres, gleen over to beautiful lawne streets, drives, lakes, conaervatory, museum, buffalo and deer paddocks, children's playgrounds, grandstandand aeditorium, baseball ground?, tennis grounds and bicycle paths; aviary, &c. . • Sutro Heights is one of the best known attractions of the city. They belong to ex -Mayor Sutro,but are open to the public as long as the regulations are observed. The statuary, flowers and walks are inegnificent, and constit- ute one of the fairest sights it was ever my pleasure to gaze RPOIL Chinatown, by. night, must not be r otter). With a licensed guide we e it tour of the Chinese quarter. T e stores of Oriental goods, the lit tie tie vegeteble and meat markets, the nar ow streets crowded with the ce- testi Is in their pictureeque costumes, the o buildingsoccupied asjelly as a hive o bees, the occasional -rtatid well caredef r and attractive Joss Howe. or a fine 0 inese'-restaurant were all of in terest to s. I must confess that -there were tins , especially going through factory org • 8 in it purerportion- of the that I wit; d coold-haye left WY of. tchitey‘opium d. ens and other low We left San raflctiaco on the evening of July 20.h a arrived in Seattle on the 22nd. The est interesting pointon the route was -, .unt Shasta, which re- mained in sight r the greater part Of the day, first on o e side of the train, then on the othe RS we wound our way through the ht Is. At the far-fam- ed Shasta springs a 13 op of ten Minu.es was made to entail° a I the pessengers to taste of the great Mend waters as they bubbled out fro • the mountain eide. An N. P. boat I roue Se t tie landed us in Victoria and on Canad u soil. Can- adian soil- yes, and it se • ed to ine that I breathed a different ir an in- tangeable, indescribable, 'ndeflnite; something seemed to preva e the at- mosphere and put me more i. accord with my eurroundinge It rce • have been fancy, but fancy or no f near', I felt the better for it. Victoria, the capital of Britis Col. melee, and the most important oft north of San Francisco, is situate on Vancouver Island. It overlooks t e straits of Fuca, across which may had a'y iew of the Olympian Range, While to the east Mt. Baker is conspic- uous with his snow-capped top.. From Beacon Hill Park a fine view of the waters and mountains on all sides is obtained, but the park has it beauty of its owa that is rarely excelled ' Small lakes nestle like pearls among the for - este of the park, lakes clear as crystal, where birds "float double, swan .and .shitacivr" sparkling steeareis are to he seen 01 every hand, while wild flowers andetlents are scattered rouria in rich profusion. The Government buildings of Victoria rank among the finest in the continent. They cost $1,000,000 and are a striking piece of architectur- al skill and design. Esquirnaltethe rendezvous of the Brit hill navy in the Nor' h PacifIc is reach- ceby.eineelecetec train ear. liereeare imosensefortificationfebefir eel's l• ed to me Most strongly were those evidences of the strength of the British Dominion riding majestically upon the waters. There was the flagehip 'War- assaW the tiers of gunethe most modern appliances for dealing out death to mankind and destruction to property, from he big 80 poundere down to the pistols and Maxims which fire 500 'shots it Minute; f thought that the Was rightly named. Several war- ships were aleo in the harborencluding it couple of torpedo boas and one tor. pedo boat. destroyer. The view of the fishing fleet on the way from Victoria to Vancouver is a sight better to be forgotten. Thoustmas Of craft dot the sea as far as the view Can extend, the white sails flashing and eparkling in the morning sun and dazzl- ing_the eye of the beholder. Vancouver, with a population of 25,. 000, has. ea 'it were,tspeting up in it night. In 1880 there was not it single building where to -lay some of the tin - eat residencee, business hedges and Streeter on the western coast are to be found, Leaving Vancouver by 0. P. et. we eroseed the Golf of Georgia and were on Mir way for the Selkirks and the Rockies. We sebri reach the Fraser river and follow Ite course Inc no miles. Soon we are at the itiouriteineand here We find Where nature has worked with it Iamb hand. All that has gone be. fore pale* Into insignificance, For 8* miles there is a succession of views un- equalled for grandeur on the American ccntinent. 'Too fast does the traill speed Os grasisrin detail any adequate conception of the beauty of term ttnd-' imagery displayed. Here you see gush- • ing out the headwaters of mighty riv- ers that flow it thousand miles east or • west. You enter and escape by gates they have cut, your track is; laid. along the ravine, pathway& they have • hewneusd you behold the very source of 1 their currents in somecrystal lake or in some vast 'body of ice borne Upon the • shoulders of mountains mantled with 9ternal &Wit. Now you are in the bottom of Agee raymes beside the bounding etream, and you strain your eyes to toppling crags around which are ban-. nered the fleeciest of summer clouds; but again you are on the heights and the giantsofthe forestappear below but as shrubs. Here you can book on it . wilderness of icy peaks, ‘,.., glaciers and spires of black rock, Mere you Cautiously descend the depths of pro- . found gorges, and find yourselt un- shrouled in the . shadow of it forest. Now you are clinging to the side of a , cliff arid sood de -eh -through a tunnel Only to burst upon some fresh scene of • glory. And thus we pass Kicking - Horse Page, Rower Pass, the Cathedral; Peak, Mount Stephen and Sir Donald .. . till, with thaelimitable grandeur of the' scene, the eye loses the powerof dis- crimination. , - , . At Revelstoke we left the main line s ter the LardeauDuncan nuningdustrict, 1 the objective point•of our trip. Here ' our eye was delighted with views of another nature but I shall not attempt to describe in a let ter like this any of . the mining or mining metbods. Suf- fice it to say that we were both amply . satisfied as to the future of that district with its abundant • evidence of vast , wealth, We spent several days there, sometimes climbing the hills, at other crossing snow from 50 to 100 feet deer), While travelling from Thompson's Landing to Trout Lake City on horse- back a severe thunder storm arose. The reverbations, the echoes RS they iteW from one peak to a another, the tongues of lightning as they seemed to spit fire at the points, was a scene of it lifetime, and I coulu appreciate as nev- er before Byron's description of a thun- derstorm among the Alps "Far along From peak to peak, the rattling crags among Leaps the live thunder! Ntii3tfror onelcce cloud . titd7g7, AVAittiltIhTgighalilla• iiittifyftshcrtne Back to the joyous Alps who call to her alonst!' But we are back on the main line again .and speeding through and be- yond the mountains Here we are et Banff, the Mecca of tourists and inval. idslat Calgarry, "the sirloin of Canadar and soon .the Rockies appear but a8. enormous tents encamped on the out. - skirts of the rolling prairie, Regina, Brandon, Portage. la Prairie. and then we reach Winnipeg, the Chicsgo of Canada, These places are too well. nOwn to need any description. "In Canada, even the frogs clo not cr ak, but sing" exclaimed an °Ohm - teas ic Englishman after a tour througla our unladen, and as I think of the • 'vast xtetit, the unlimited productive- ; twee,' e al tin lantwealth and urib unit. ed po sit:ditties of the. Lelia ot the• Ma le the varied attractions and beauties f our Lady of the Snows, 1 am lost in, admiration and repeat o'er and oPer a in • "Breathes here d man wail sent so dead Who miter iiintArcifnahtiaTtheianictiado ,This is any o •, Your yeretf Ltruly cristturt.. Dedicated to i. re 3 H 0‘. Ohl clamorous 1%0E4 00134 Your neer requires a n ze _ Of cedar wood; For taAl 60080 was toyer be n Thet, in the early mop, could he geed, .Through the fences hewfltorut 1,. Be the hole however Bitten. TO join his pards; _ figUaks and hisses right 6114 lett, TM the termite, near bereft. Play their cards. which consist of Woks and stones,. Aimless, hoottles, boots end Wriest Near to hand; Bach intended for the Pale Of a member of the great . "Baylleld Band" alua he wriggles into space With eceelereted. mice, Agile/rides Tine Renlietta, Striving ha•rd to nukea & encash) dies. Goode wedeues on setenely -hwesringjnek ab her obeeenew tittle gocelVer terpneVil do tier For It certainly On to her !Attie genie. Polish Meek end tisane paper With the Roarvka outs a caper. Meet 'sublime; I Vet epite of all thole genertitione Geese hired increase to nations • .It's 4 *dine. :10111kr. Ett. Louis, No. 8441 Bode Ave., on August 201h, the .wife of W. le Chita (nti WOO Dolly Fair), oI tedeugbiere ,