HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-08-23, Page 2" August , 23rt1901 THE CLINTON NEW ERA, Does This Orstreern You? It willaffeid us a gi od deal of salts - faction if subset ibers will kindly see to it that their subset ipt lone are paid in advance. The price of paper and printing material of all kinds has ad- vanced verrinaterially during the poet year, while the price of material has emained the same. Our white paper costs us lc per lb. more than' it did last year. This vendetta it all the more ne- cessary that subscribers pay promptly. Will those who have not paid remit us . at once the amount of their subietTp. tion. One dollar or two to a subscrib- er may seem a small amount, but when hundreds such are scattered around it becomes a serious matter. R. HOLMES tint** Atit FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1901. Uaraecia's trade with New. Soritb Wales diming the past year showed an Increase over the previous year. - Of the eighty-one senators called at the time of cobfederation by rope proclarnatien to the senate, only six aremaineetwo from Ontario, one from Quebec, two from Nova Scotia, and Otte from New Bi unowick. a II' At a meeting of Liberals held recent- ly it • is said Isaac Campbell was the xaan spoken of as successor to Hon Thomas Greenway in the leadership of the local Liberals. Campbell is very popular with a huge sectioa of the party. • • • A day or two ago it was announced in despatches from the east that the re- pealing of the Dunkin Act in a town- ship in Quebec meant the last of 'that act, and that nowhere in Canada wa it in force. That is a mistake, for M.T. H. Stewart, of the Ontario License De- partment, said that there were three townships in the Pi ovince of Ontario in which the Dunkin Ant was still in force These were Mainfiet.. in Welland county; Sarawak, in Grey county; and Hallowell, in Prince Edward county. • 8 C Under a new regulation issued by the Postmaster -General of the United Stater, journals which are in effect gift enterprises or advertising circulars will hereafter be excluded from the pr allege ot using the mails at the cheap rale granted to bona fide periodicals. It viJuld be a good move to take eirmier action in Canada. Here the petal ser- vice now carries this class of matter through the mails at half the rate which has been charged in the United States, and therefore a greater loss tc the pub lic treasury. If a reasonable rate Were. charged it would help up the revenues of the Postonice Department consider- ably. • . " • • • • Details have been received by the steamer Moans, of the destruction by fire of the department stores of An• thony Borden &Sons, in Sydney, Aus- trent.. These monster department stores, which were among the . largest in the world, employing over fifteen hundred hands, and serving an aver age of thirty thousand customers daily were wiped out by fire on July 12, and in the conflagration four of theemploy lees were binned to death, and one lost, his life by iumping from the roof of the burning building, vvbile the fire- men were endeavoring to raise a lad. der to save him. The loss was 'over S3,000,000 in all. • • • The Manitoba Free Press reports as follows;-eThe official figures will pro- bably show that in the fiscal year 190e- 1l:CI, • 32,000 immigrants for Manitoba aid the Territories were repartee at the Winnipeg agency. It is learned from the custones returns and other sources that about 8.000 more entertd the country at points west of Winni- peg, notably in Southern Alberta,mak- ing a grand total of 90 000. Of the 3'2,- 000 who reported at the immigration commissioner's office in Winnipeg, nearly 9,000 came from the United States; of these 5,209 were citizens of the United States and 3,600 persons coming from the States but not Amer- icans by terth or naturalization.. There' is reason for believing that about 5,000 inunigrants entered the country at points weet of Winnipeg, so that the whole immigration front across theline amounted to 14,000. • rg)le... • • • • "", %A • • II After the Liberal victory of let tbe Conservative press raised a. tremend- ous howl about the introduction of the - spoils system. It was one of their numerous false alaims, for as a matter of fact the Liberal Government Show. edapoderation andforbearance in their treatment of Conservative oilleehold. ere. It was left to a ConservatiVe blovernment to introduce the spoils; syiitem. The Roblin Government Of Manitobeehtiveprobehly.theworst tee cord in Canada for vindictive partisan- ship in tae civil service. Official OW official has been dismissed Without even the pretence of any other crime than the holding of Liberal opinione." We do not hear the •ELMO wails of agony as used to pierce the air wheh a Conservative tideavalter was reti!ate. ad by a Liberal. Liberals kneed ova. to take a defeat without Whining, and they do not labor under theCoheeetati ie delusion that they have a, prescrip'. tive right to offices. But ir. .yew of ail the preaching and howling' of the ,Conservative press abeut tbe spoils system, the record of the Roblin Gitil- retnent is certainly both instructive Sind aminang.-Gtobe, W. F. Stewart, of the National Role ler Flour mill, Bruesele, has taken has Mc. Wm. H., Into partnetsbilatend the new fir& will be known as WPF. Ste. Wart tit Son. , , This week We record the death, of %t• wha deputed this life 'teat Friday and. was burled on Stuideae. This le the fourth death in the familas leaving a nonand daughter. 'age (154.vice 'Of intereet to Brutelel teal's/is performed, a' tile Ititat Presbyterian chutch, Victoria, lateite WhenahtelteaiDDr.laiireipbell onitect In holy bonds of matrimony Statile*. Craig, Pretattetor elbeAltinitftrifY Steen* (Ytieriarte W6 grand' MISS Car* rie E. Beer, danghter Of Gee. E Beer* formerly of l3rneeele, until recently head milliner in 1), Spencer's .stoto In Nertaimo. • Crisp County ClippingS G. Mame re, harnessanaket, has Pur' (*imbed E J. Skelton's house and lot in Wingham for 0875. A serious accident oceurred on Thurs. 1 day week to Miss Ida letcSpadeen, of eVinthrop, who Was driving to A berry paicti. D. M. Ross, treasurer of McKtilopt is having a handsome two-story brick whoitinstehre6rpec.ted on bis line farm east of W. G. Strong, of Gerrie, Organizer for the 0. CU., wee united in marriage on Aug.eth, to Pere Hattie Mothervilfe, •.of Perth, Ont. . V. Kneehtei has liiii4iBVeirdence in Seaforth and has rentiovedhis family to Stratford, where he has secured a good situntiori in a ferniture factot y. Jas. Jamieson, an olci and respected 1 esident of Brucetield, and formerly of Seafort le intends removing to Dakota Lbs month. where he has -a eon and _ two daughters residing. J. B. Swarts is preparing to build large brick stables for his racehorses in Winithans. An enlargement of the kitchen, a drilled set 11 and windmill are other improvenients contemplated. Sas, flislop, who has conducted ' a, veraeittecessful mercantile bnsinese M Or urnarty for several years, has dispos, ed ot his buns to Mr Ira Andrew,of Exeter. air filslop intends moving to Toronto, where he will eager° in the dry goods besilless. W. 13 Rae, of Wiogharn, has entered the naatiimoniel state. The happy event took place on Wednesday of last week. The bride is Miss Maggie Dark- er, of Thorold,and the interesting cere- mony was perforated by Rev. I. Kay, at the residence of the bride's mother in Thorold. The followingefrom the British Whig, Kingeton, refers to a brother of W. F. - Mooers, Goderich : A quiet wedding e le celebrated at the home of John Bell, Pine street,Wednesday afterncion week, when his charming and accom- plished daughter, Nellie IL, was mated in marriage to Andrew Maclean, jr, son of Andrew Maclean, grocer,OntariO street. sting event occurred at hie% noon on eclnesday of last week et t he eeidence of Hugh McQuarrie; Blytb,when his youngest daughter,A.n- nie, was united hi the holy bonds of matt imony to A M. Babb, a prosperous young business map of Teeswater. The nuptial knot was tfed by Rev. A. Mc- Lean. pastor of St. Andrew's church, Barth. An early wedding was iroletnnized by Rev. Faaset Westsof St.Peter's church. on Tbursday morning week. Edward Tighe, second son of Mr and Mrs J, P. Tighe, Goderich, •and Miss Beatrice Carney, of Collsorne, were the prin- cipals in the happy eveet. Mr and Mrs Tighe will make their home in Wing. ham, where Mr Tighe has secured a po- sition in tbe new stove factory. Reports from the residents of Gorrie say that there ie a probability that the smallpox has a hold there. It is, espe- cially certain from the fact, that three more cases are said to have developed in Alliston, from which place. Ashton came to Gorr ie. .The ease is well quar- antined as well as the home of Mrs Cole's. parents, near' Gorrie, where it was thought probably the disease had been carried. . . Philip Butler, of Seaforth, a:lad fif- teen years of age, was sent up by Mag. ietrate Beettie, on the 10th inst., on a charge of breaking into the store of E Dawson. •Butier was up before His Honest Judge Doyle and pleaded guilty to two charges, that of breaking usto the shop with intent to steal and that of theft. His Honor sentenced the lad to four years af the Ontario Reformat- ory for Boys at Penetanguishene. , tit bat might have proved a fatal ac- cident happened in East Wawanosh on Friday week. Allan McBurney, son of Hugh McBurney,wae assisting a neigh- bor, with drawing in drain, and Was tw- ine, the hay fork. It. was suppoired that he was either standing on the tope, or got entangled in it, for when the horse started the young man was thrown sever al feet in the air. He fell head first on the waggon. rack. One of his ribs wee broken and his head vrasinjter- We have to chronicle the death of Mrs R. Weir, of Turnberry,who nestled' away early on Tuesday morning, '13th inet., at the age of 55. Her maiden name Was Jane Johnston; she came to 'I'urnirerry with het parents in 1857 or '58, from the township of Cartwright. One sieter. liars John RobinsoO,Of Tut ri- berry, Mid one brother, William, now in the West. .• remain of the family. WPM= formerly owned the Wingham grist mill. Mrs Weir leaves a sorrow - mg and three sons and three daughters. . A former resident of Lower Wing. ham; Jae. Thom, papsed away at his home in Grandin, N. D. keit week,aged 75 years. The deceased came to Huron from Dalhousie about 32 year afro and kept a, general stere in Lower W.ing- ham. in 1882 be sold out and moved with his family to Ovendill, N. D., where he watt engaged In the same line of businees up to the time of his death, He leaves a widow, throe daughters and one Boit to mownhis loss. A bt other Willitein lives near St Helens, and another nee' Zetna. A difficulty ,in S. S. No. 7, "Stephen tOwnship_, is to be yetitilitted in the cetirta. SOMO dispute tweed regarding• the .sitei of the eehoot house, and some of the:trustees decided to retROVO the building from one conceseion to anotto -ere ---The-eeet-efehtelspelepsfloard ob- tained an inatnictiett feiSM the Otifiar 'prevent the eeinoattl, Niitvelthstands use the l injunction those 'trustees in favor of reCatival continued working.. 'Then the havi Was invoked to cohunit the removers for disobedieitee of the . injunctions Wei the tttletees who Worked ea hard at •ther ientereal, have to replace thehtiliditig,onthe old tate; until the ease IMMO before the Irtretrtit 'ler deelaidfi la September. ykordity Week, Of the death of Mr* • iteed'Was. received by friends:here airoadfootser. cif Bag End, Tucker. smith, Mrs Ordedfoot" diedLat the „reeidence of her :eon-iti.latv, are Jaei, ilduat;srd, of Tielealige, ICsiatitatokieg.and. 'She bad attained the ,gried age Of &I Veers and Mx Menai*: alba had resid- ed With her,...daughter gatoPie ever since 1807. `She had Mily " been ill a Very short time,' When her daughter, BireJetni,RObb,, OfTeekelteMith, Who hed„ Petra Snelling bee,hitother,ittild 01141 er frames tabotA * month 40, tbe oid iadv we. Oita eti.joitiVg i40:01 and, was talking.of takrog.tt 0030 trlp to ifie, her filen& in Buren: „flei noisiden, pail* was land gorttapn,..f0,' ing a daughter of MS. PioerteOno: DYs'eat, Seettleattit She Caine to Uttliadk, in 1850, and was marrica to her late hilei3tind sfl he etri*td nt New 'Yorks .1 -Thefeattiedittlet to Eitirott contitysind 'Nettled On Brig, rA4 rat* 11OW citpled by W. 0...Breadfo6t, atid eh Ofiritinned to refitdei tO reside thete nn - til the death of her lineband tome thirs teen years ago. She leaves a family of seven sena and tour daughters livir g. British FarmerOur Superior ' He Can Olye Pointers to Cant. diana in Rearing! Live Stock. F. W. Hodson, Live Stock tomenae. moiler of the Donmaion, who went to England to study live stock conditions, nas returned. In an interview he said that excepst in the matter of pig growing the British farmer is very notch ahead c.f the Ontario farmer. oh is quite true that here anct there sections may be found where A very fine grade of bacon is produced, but, taking the whole country, it is safe to tray that the hogs bred in Great _Britain would rank number three at any of our paaliiitalliiiieele-fti sheep breeding the British farmer eeems to have almost reached perfection. They are producing tilers on a very much better sheep than in any part of America. The rank and tile of the cattle are much better than ours, but they are also much better cared forand better finished for the -butcher,- rot made abnormally fat, but fed so that the carcass will produce a large amount, Of lean meat. Horses in all packs are better kept there taari they are here, and are finer specimens than are to be seen in Canada,' The Englishman, may remark, is a perfeet horsensan. The horses in England are not worked as long horns as they are in Canada or the United States, and receive a great deal of grooming and attention, and they show it. But, while thelivestoOk in Britain is on the whole better than ours'We have many breeders of pure bredllye stock who are doing better work and producing ablunals wield) give better results than nine -tenths of the pure bled animals that are to be obtained in Great Britain, I found the English farmer t� bean exceeding- ly skilful man in the eulti%ation of the soil". . . eauada's Great Fair. Matters never looked more promis- ing for Toronto Exhibition, to be held fromeing. 20 to Sep, 7, than theY do this year. Entries in all departments, are good, while in live stock and man- ufactures they are well in excess of previous years. ' The show of cattle is bound to be simerior lo anything ever seen in Canada before, a number it of prize, animals haying beenimport- ed especially tor exhibitions' at ;Toron- to; The Right Ron Sir Wilfreel.Lant- ter, Premier of the Dominion. on Tues- day next; Aug. 27, will ubdoubtedly have the gratification of opening the best of the twenty.three succeseive annual exhibitions that will have been held at the capital of the Province. It will be thoroughly representative of the iodusteial arts, agricultural and horticultural products and general re- sources ef tbis great country, and will abound lir entertaining as well as in- structive features. As becomes these warlike times the military will be much in evidence, arrangements hav- ing been Made by permission. of the General Officers Comnaanding and the Minister of Militia for daily prac- tice with Maxims and other guns by the Royal Canadian Artillery, and for various' cavalry evolutions by the Roy- al Dragoons. There will be tbe usual trotting, pacing and running races, ballotheascents by a man vsho escape from a bomb that explodes a thousand feet in air, an entertainment of great variety infront of the grand stand, athletic sports'butter-tnaking . tests, judging competitions, experiments in photography try wire, an internatron- al military tot too on theopersingniabt, the beat dog show in America, lectures on the cultivation of the sugar beet, mueicaor a score of the finest bands in America, and in fact more attractions and novelties thenn could be enum- erated in a column of this paper the whole being. nightly crowned by &representation of the Bombard meat of the_Taku total; by the allied ft/tees in China, concluding with a brilliant display of fireworks. While every day will be a great day from Aug. 26 to Sept. 7, t he elay af day?, will be Tuesday. Sept, 3, when a reunion of Canadian Old Boys and students of all the colleiscis and schools in Canada will be held. The following day will be Farmers' Day, hut the probabilities are that vvith a full program every day and faverable rates on the railways the grounds will always be filled with de - 'willed crowda. Canada's Great Ex- position will play second fiddle to no other, • Ediwated Pr /3issinean.., .° in a day Marked by the consolida- tion of business interests perhaps ne more important step has been taken than the recent organization Under the name of the Federated Business Col.: leges of Ontario. Limited, of nine of the Mod widely known and oldest es- tablished business colleges of the province. This Federation includes the British American BusinessCollege, of Torento,estabiurhed over forty years with D, Hoskine, principal; F. 0. B. tt, of London, with J W. westerveit principal ; Hamilton fl, 0...with 0. R. McCullough, principal: The Sarnia (atimmo's) B. 0., With W. Brookeipriir- Cipal t The Metropolitan B. C.; I Ottawa, With S. P. Willie, principal; the Gelb B. Os with G. E. Wiggine. principal e, tbe Berlin B. C., with air Young, prin- cipal ethe Hovel City B. O., Guelph. with J. W. Wigging, Principal, and the St. Catharines' B. C., with , T. E. Wright, principal. Anlotig the advantages that will ,come to young men and women pre- paring themselves for the activities of business by putting themselves 4n dose touch with so strong an amalgamation of bodiless ednctitore will be very ob. vitOwttrutiolente=themeeives ae-Well-oa to parents andguerdiane. It it a rola of i he colleges that thestudebt front one,, college can at any time be `. transferred to any other college inthe Federation and they have the choice ate py tirne of tbeentirla nine large end *ell managed II " .. 'A very handsoree Prospectini of the eederated Baines* collsgst , heir jut* •ems leaned from tbe press,which is ell. pecialIkvaluable to all who, toritemp. late tailing a laisibess 'education. A, copy, Of tlinkpicamectlis Will 'be sent tet agyone yello Will mtke a tiplictettcm to the ealleot neareet his or her home. . • Beet. Sugar. airlamm••••••mo SIgnlittratiohlikekihg to Cotteintte us that beet Anger Will ere long crowd cane anger offithe Market. Mr Have. • theyerand the dther 'greet rsugat re- • there in the Iltiftedi3tatteare„defriand. higtrotentiOn. by 0 • reductien ,of the it6pOrt Mt, ni eltiget to etrtible the•ni 'tO‘.6114etc, the Aribreachateititto of the beet sugar matkiiracturste.1 ThEi, eon. .letitionitt the:tried& present oonditioiti 'this bidet We ‘t,h0 'upper hand ' and fe paYingbittufsethe diOldeede to ,.those Whcsbliee ° Made. itieelitftletitS in the huslhesir.' -0401Ea1ititS ate leaning dint there 'ate" *Mit poteibilitteir for their, capital in this induette. $o law eleehie Peterftide.let eai*efriOd, ground has been heokart Which may lea to the - all the Sugar coneutiled the Domino. I lalleillaferittire at home of, at, letelt, it% Whit* Would be ne considerable market and will be one of • . . Properties for Sale or to Let eonetantl rosily Th • contract has been awatcled for the ereetion of a large beet sugar factor y nt Wellacebur g tete cost of over $600,- 000. The Company have made every arrangement to have the factory corn- letecl by August.Ist. 1902. The Wel aceburg pipers say that ind cations are that the acr age under contract for growth of bees. next treason will be secured in a short time as applications are already cool- ing in from every direction. The cone. any expect to handle 1700 car Wade of eets during next season. At several ether points in the Province meetings have been held and ' citizens .heve be, come interested in this new industry which_peerdeee Ruch great tbitige, • If the naetter Oftlie establietiment of a factory here 19 not to he allowed to languish, those ilterested ought to be taking etepe to agitate the question. We would suggest that a meeting he called for its discussion and kir the ap- pointnaent of conamitteee who may be- gin woik necessary for the proper maturing of a scheme having in view the erection of a factory. It does not appear to us wise that these proceedings should be delayed awaiting thegovernment report on the present experiment in sugar -beet grow- ing in this district. All the facts seem to prove this point to be an excellent one for such an industry, -Ogg INTER, ESTED, 4••••••I To 'Rent. Cottage on P. Mee* et. ii.pOHNely Jto Tuv RIDOUT, 19. tf , House tor Sale. Two story house, tin Maple street, for sal on easy terms of payment. APPly to 0 . May -61-M 0, TWITCHELL 1.01adeSIDOr0* LETTERS OF CONDOLENCE, -.- The Quarterly Board Meeting of the Meth- odist Church, which met at Kinburn Aug. the 12th, 1901, passed the follow- ing resolutions of condolence. Aug. the l2tb,1901. . Dean NEB WOODMAN. -Although late, on account of our Board not having met since the death of your husband, and our unwill- ingness to obtrude on the sacred privacy of grief until the poignancy of its first pangs has beware blunted. we sympathize so sincerely in your affliotion that we can- -not longer restrain ourselves from making it known, and yet, so ineffectual is all.hum. an consolation, that we scarcely know how to express our deep sense of the heavy stroke under which • you have .been pros- trated. Yours is a sad bereavement,* brit we doubt not, from your strong faith in Hitt who "doeth all things ,wisely and well" you will be sustained and comforted by His own consolations, which are . neith- er few nor small. The recollections of him who has so letely departed, end_ tin= we were sconsimbed to meet tao often on our Beard, is so full ot painful regret. that we will not dwell on the dark side of the pia- tare,but look rather to the brighter aspect, in faith that he has gone to the happy land, and what is loss to you and us, is to him 'unspeakable gain. We add our fervent prayers that you may be divinely comforted in your sore trial and be aroused, from neavailingseregrete, by the compan- ionship of Him who is a husband to the widow. . Signed in behalf of the Londes. bora Quarterly Board. • T. B. Coormxn, Pastor , M. litamirvarTe Secretary . • Aug. the .12th, 1901 Deis R. B. Jurrenv.-Mey God himaelf comfort you! We will not be so absurd as to attempt it. If we may- judgo from observations, it should seem that, in this hour of great trial He witholds not his Con- solations from you. We know that (0 the faithful these are neither few nor small, and though we feel for you, yet do we sin. .oerely rejoice in this, that whereas there kr. biltone true Comforter in the nniveree, under' afflictions such as goons, ytin both know him, and know where to seek him,. Dear brother and Member of our Board we sympathize with you most, affectionately, and on neither. are nor will be, soon for- gotten in such prayers as we can offer for you. We repeat that youmay be divinely comforted inyour more trial and be tensed from unavailing regretai by claims of duty to those waose welfare demands your care • and affection. Signed in behalf of the Londesboro Quarterly Board. , T. B. COVPIAND Fedor • U. BEAITIOVAIIIS Secretary To R. B. JeftrysEeq., . ' Dees Sin AND Biros - The Officers and members of Cour( Pride of the Wet, No 31, C.O,F,. here by convey to you and your children their • heartfelt and brotherly sympathy in the afflictions through which you have lately passed, first in the death of your eister.in-law and second and more severe in the death of your partner in life and affectionate moth- er of your children. We prey that the blessing of God (who does all things well) May continue to rest upon you and your children. And while we believe that you sorrow not as those without hope still we know that it is human to sorrow in ouch cam, Remember Jesus wept in sympaehy and he changes not. Your lose is their gain, for to depart and to be with Christ is far better than so remain here. The promise it that God will be all 'in MI to thae who need him and put their trust In biro. In behalf cif the "CoUrt We are, lours sincerely, L. B. C., John Brunedon, Richard Adams. • • • • iteirtisers' Hand Rook. The I901 edition Of the. Canadian. Newspaper Directory ts just. received Thies the third edition of this 'valuable hand beak, seems to keep well up to the•idendat d get by the former editors; end In sense respects is an Improve - went, beingarinted on thinner paper and is therefore more compact. The sectional nape of the provincee, which have heretofore been bound in with the book are issuedas a supplement and enclosed in a special envelope, making them much Mare convenient to use, ' The information regarding the differ. ent paperer and the towns in which they are publiehed is very fallen& complete, arid Will be found invaluable to anyone who has deUngs with lhe newepepers, of tile country. " The -book initiblialied` by A. ?Adam w&-thee;:ihelteorte:nftrroenial, oneandePni(idnoefel'ON:nviadel3rtati: er Advertising Agency 61 Wit country. , The McKim Agency is a Vving de- monstration of a succesefill, systems,- tie- up.to-date'husirsess conducted niton,•original and ;Independent lines, and with all established reputation for straightforward and upright dealings. eweseeseeessesereesteaseeemseeweemereoseeseas THAT 1011CIIES The SPOT re ir to • OWN •Weak alidlsispuro 13loodb; Lkeral; ,X14140$ 0$10136 Complaint, EU, , All Droggiste, orwrite aired to A, tit MoLgOIN Oridt deb; °nit given adttonce.M Apply to L. A.0..ok, M. D. • -----•-•-- - - • 4.1111143 will buy a roonsy, own Portable house with good lot -the property recently occupied by Frank 1110XISS for SALE or to RENT. on victoria st:, near Organ Factory, $800 For Rent or tor Sale, Tne fine brick, 2 story dwelling on Albert St. -tleintple by rs Peter (look. Possession Apply at once tow- Bity1)0140, Boy Wanted Wented, mart. aetive bar to leans prtnting aeele et NNW NBA °Mee. Apples Wanted. OM. ••••P 1116 -best price paid for Fall and winter OPPlea, CANTELON, Clinton, Ausseett. - Carpet Loom tor Sale. Newcombe's patent fly -shuttle Carpet LOOM 1 for sale. Is in first-class repair, and will be sold. elleap. A snap for anyone wanting an I Attrutgio.19....e etftlhis kind. Mao house to rent. GEO. 'OT3. .• Rai Aster '&0. •°lintel:1. • Stray Steers. Strayed from lot 14, Cen.-1.4, • Hid -lett; on or. about the 1St° of May. 4 tier -year old steers,1 white, 1 epotted, 2 red. Any information leadieg to recovery will hetraitably rewarded .Tune 7-tf WM, BRYANT, Idlyth. Bull for Service. - • 1 The undersigned keeps for SertIce.en Let sk Fail in For Sale, Cor,, 2, Tueliersraitli, the thorobred Short Horn Buil, Strathoona. of Hillside, No. MOS, two years old June ard. Tm ers 41.4 with privelege of returning. June 7-tf HARRY JOHNS — The west half Of lot 24, flayfleld Con., God- erivh tewuship, containing 100 acres of geed land, is offered, for sale OA 0•BY terms. Good barn, log house, plenty of water and small orchard. Particulars on application to tf-. • J. P. TISDALL, Clinton • • Rent. • For Sale or to R • -- The two story house on Queen St, at present occupied by the undersigned is offered for sale, as owner is moving to Toronto. Tbere is I or an > ere of land with • number of choice bearing fruit trees thereon. House is tram., with aecommodation for small family, will be sold cheap, Apply at °nee for particulars. July 190f. L. S. SCOTT, Clinton . . . • Farm tor Sale. • . . . ......._ 100 Acres, West i6,Lot 80,1st Con.,East Witwa- nosh: good roads, good water, near P. O., church, school, six miles from Blyth, lease ex - Ores, Oat. 81, 1901. Purchaser has privilege to • ohm& and sow fall wheat. Part of purchase money can lay on mort; gage, •'B. MARSHA.1.4.L. June 28-.1m. Auburn. .....-.... STORE FOR SALE. . . . The premises occupied by R. J. Cluff, and consisting of a first elass brick odor., on Albert Street 'Clinton, is offered for sale on easy trmn Also Cottage on Albert Street, with two lots, stable. and 'all- oonvienees. Particulars - on appication to Mrs V. Robertson. Clinton or Mrs C. W. McGregor. Constance., 4.4,A ' . FARM FOR SALE, . Subscriber offers for Sale his farm of 156 acres, situated on the Maitland' concession, Colborne: About- 240 'acres cleared, frame house, bank barn, plenty of water and in good state ot cultivation,' of a mile from school and 2 miles from Holrnesville. Terms reasonable. Dect14-tf RICHARD RAKER, Clinton P.0 . For Sale or to Rent. ' . . . The choice brick house on the corner of rut - ten and Joseph streets, belonging Oath's estate of the late Richard Heywood. Is offered either' for sale or to rent. It contains room for ordi- nary family, hi practically a new house,' with all conveniences, and three-tenthof an acre Oland. If the property is not sold or rented, part 01 11 will be recited. • Apple to - . W. COATS Exeoutor Clinton. ,. FAUN .FOR SALE . _- Subscriber offers for sale; his farm of 100 acres, lotNo. 84,situated on 10th con., town- ship of •Hullett, litres -.Co.', about OS acme cleared and in a good state et cultivation, bal. game Bush. On the farm bilk good frame bowie,. large bank titan and other out buildings, go' d bearing orchard; and well Watered. Apply te JOSEPH MORRIS, March 22-41 . Londesboro. • . . • 1FORSALE, . • . .... , ___ , . The framehottaire on Orange street, mew - pied by the undersigned, is offered for sale. on reasonable termEt1- The lot is 4o1 an acre, with hard "and soft water, stable, good fruit and vegetable garden, The Louse contains halt, parlor, two bedroonle; clothes cloeet, clining- room, summer kitchen, cellar and woodshed, 'is centrally located, noesession_given any time to suit 'Purchaser. ELIE ABETH GRAHAM te . Choice Farm for Sale ' • Subscriber offertffer sale Malin° feria of 147 acres, being lot 2-5, con. 18, Hullo* All clear- ed but four acres. Brick house (ands's° frame house for hired man);biulk Mien, _spring creek, bearing orchard of 2 acres, B4 miles from Lon- desbore, soil flret.class andin good oondition. Possession at any:tinae, terms to snit purchaser , Jan 4-1 m.....tt W. HILES. Lcindesbore. .Real Estate tor Sale. • -- The parcel of groan& adloining- -St:Paul's Rectory, consisting of lot 218, Rattelibtiry St., and tot Mk PrInn•ga St.. Is afrArarl fe..- guile. Etioh lot is about 80 by 192 feet. Together they make an exceptionally fine site for a lirst.class residence.' Apply to Wm. 4. Phillips or CO. Ranoe,i }AMU "Wardease, Clinton. dimwit 16-41. • ChOice Farm to Rent. That excellent and wen situated farm on the 2nd den., of Goderich township, at preeent oo, cupied by the undersigned, is offered to rent. It consists of 160 scree of excellent land, in work- ing condition, well drained. Well watered: atid Well fenced. Brick nouse, large barn, good bearingorchard, miles from Goderich, on good gravel road. Possession 01 907 time. ' JOHN WALLIS. Aug 25-4 Clinton • Choice Farm tor Sale. That choice) and well situated farm of 86 sores being lot $4, Maitland Concession, on the Huron road, Goddrich townshila, le•nging to the estate et the late Bernthal Balms& All oleided, smd meetly all under eeltivation, Briek In use, barn, bearing or. °herd, well watered With apring creek. Si. stelae .4 miles of Clinton and 8 rnhIs of Gods *rich, Will be gold on reeeoneble torero. ' A13017 to W S HOLMES. Egeont, r, Ant. 2-1 Lueknow, Choice Cottage tor Sale. • W. Foster, Albert St, North, . Offers ble emnfortoble Cottage for seta. Tke henna contains three bedrotrui dining *4re', AoPogari4ri otigtE' &rare° th ir!lod et:* w"ataethyriteli..eitifetell-elvtattoeillarincgt"Psetable. rh;p154141ace.. .10 nula serod ratite of MaoiP felt' "irlicat ist±in onitation. Mining the old Spooner ' /4:11:4 "Ittr north f fotivrottsvitly on the Atm. 2-1, W. Albert lit. North. Farm for Sale. Let 20 Holton read, Maitland Concesiioli GOderieh Tit. Containing 91 mares, kbottt 60 acres hat been worked balance pasture end •Weedialid. A. tweet failinWeprhig creek runs through the farm. On PIO term Are house barn, shoetree, quantity of itemioelt;roek elm, Baseercied and other Wilber es Welt ite Abram 'drums of good building stone. Al 4miles from ,Clintep0 534 (rem Cioderieh ail.11% from Hot. rasa/huh PrLo.rtehts pessesslob ant 'the . SAM.1/ WALTER, HOIntereine, Chit Thsambeetis of last year's *hewing for the • CANADA BUSINESS College, Chatham, Oat« ateeede all previews, records. 504 pupils secured ;ow "Olitibtle dining the twelve Menthe ending Sena 0, 1061. Ir will /101 pay yore to attend eltlewheret Write for bends( Ine catalogue and list of stadenti P • . Di illeLAOHLA,ll (ft CO., Chsham, Ont. • • Lumber for Sate. Suitable for Farm Ettilldings. Root Elm 2 and 21 1-nci;s tl,ick, wise ele.00 per1,1. eat Elm 1,4 11 and 2 inches thick, price Hard Ideple L 11, 14, 2 and 8 inches thick. price 1200.per Id, W, DOBERTY & Co. MI5 • Clinton. Men Wanted. Wantedlin thel/tegine, district, by the first of September, four or five Good Engineers, those acquainted with Traction ,Engines for threshing portieres perferred;could also fined good berths for four or fitioatood separator men able to take charge of large Cyclone ,out Rte. All acirearponda.nee must enclose stamp for answer, stating wages required. JAMES CHURCHILL, Box 866, Atig 2-1. Regina, Assa. N Notice is hereby' given that the Oomacil of Ib, Corporation of the Town of Clinton intends to oonsi root a granolithie sidewalk along the, east side of Victoria. Street, from Ontario to South Corner of Rattenbary- House, mato aasess tlie final cost thereof upon the nrbbarties benefitted, and not eidimpt by law Irons assessment, The estimated cost of the proposed work is Seam, of which sum as 80 It to, be provided out of the genets' funds of the mumleipality. A Court of Revision will 'be.. held on Fri- day, Aug. 22r0, 1901, at 8 o'clock eon. in the Council Charober,tor. the purview) of hoaxing complaints against the proposed .assessment • or accuracy of the frontage measurements, and any other complaints which persons inter- ested may desise to make, and which is by law cognizable by the said Court • Dated at Clinton, this 7th day of Aug. WE WM. 'COATS, Clerk. NOTICE:7-- Notiee 11 hereby ;diem that theCouncil of the Corporation of the'Town of Clinton intsnds to construct a granolithie sidewalk along the south side Wellington street -from North to Orange street and to assese the final cost thereof upon the properties benedtted, and not exempt by law from assessment. The es- timated cost of the proposed work is' $279,60, of which mina $47.50 is to be provided out of the general funds of the innisic,ipslitY. A Court of Revision will be held on Fri day, • Aug. 2Srd, 1901, at 8 o'olook p.m., lo the Co melt Ohs mber, for the purpose of hearing complaints against theproposedaesessment or accuracy of the frontage ineesuretnents, and any other complaints which persons interested raay desire to make. and -which is by law cog- nisable by the said Court. Dated, at Clinton, this 7th day of Aug. 1901 • ' WM. COATS, Clerk. ProfessionalandOthereard s JAMES socrrr Notice is hereby riven that the 'Connell of theCorporation of the Toweofelinton hate nis to construct it granolithio sidewalk Meng the . West. side Orange street from Huron to • Joseph street, and ' to /Wiese the final cost thereof upon the proper des ben( fitted, andnot exempt by law from assessment, The •••itiniatecl cost of the proposed work le 8377.25, of which sum $94,50 is to be provided outof the general funds of the municipality. • A Court of Revision will be held on Fri- dey, 'Aug. 22rd, 1901, at 8 o'clock p.m., in the Council. Chamber, for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessment or •Ol arisoy of the frontage -measurements, and any other complaints which persons JO. tweeted may &mire to makeand whlchis by laDwacoir alcahilieuron,h thetsiagd7th dayiConrt. teof Aug. 1601 W21. COATS. CII•rk. )3arrister, solicitor, &o., orener-Milett :LUliee:,°11:Tut.so Streets • „BRYDONE.., MOM '1'0 LOAN. BARRIBTER, solaciTon, NPTABY PUBLIC, ETC, 0111ce-Beaver Block, Upoitalre, Op•posolt&soteseevrPhoto eallery CHARLES BEAGER, ---"ffint-e=uppositty comorne-noto Every young persOn should take a course in the LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE 'which re -opens, under new management, on Monday, Sept. 2nd, 1901. • • Malan free on application. C. A. FLEMING, A. 14,./doINTYRE, President. Secretary. MehILLOP MUTUAL VIRE • --; INSURANCE CO. FARM• 'Sc .npianD, TOWN PROPER • 01.11,,Y T.N8 u Rip . • orirxotob • McLean. President. airmen P. 0 Thor. Fraser, vice-president, Brutelleid 04 Tbor. E. Bart, Secy-Trette., Seaforth P. 0.,* W. O. Broadfoot.tilepteter of Losses, fieaforth P.O. Dingell:he W. G. otoadfoot, Seatortn; John 0, Grieve Winthrop P. 0.tGeorge Dale. Seaforth: Joha Benneweis,Dubbn; Jas. Evans, Beechwood 0.1 Witt, HarIook P. 0.1 Thordas Fraser Bruoefleld.,2_. John 11, McLean, Kippen ,Yainee Cannon,: 011iaton. Minurre Robert Smith, Oarlock; gobt. MolIlilan. Hare lezeltraeamereeuremine,-agroondvine Yee, Hoirnesville ; Goers. laitirdiel and Jehil C. aforrisor. auditors. Parties destroue to iffect /matinee or trans. act other hesinests Will be promptly attended te on application to an* of the above oftlieerti addressed to theirrestettive ofileee THE TORONTO EXHIBITION Aug. g6th te Sept..7th $65,000•••PTREAR $65,00 'Naval and Military Dieplalli Daily •13otalisrdramitl of Take Forts by BRILLIANT $()J3 International Farces Oradea - TA* Stook Show on the Continent Ali our cow:4We .RetantrOell •',lova gala High Clara Entertainment Feature. MILITARY TATTOO, AUGUST 27 A...6 ....NA. Grand Re•union Osnsdian via Boys • and Old College Students, • Testae/413110. 81'd i4tatio0a not* alt unei of travel ANDIMW SMIT11,10,11413,V,S, President 11 HILL Mentor TORONTO ovionmainvotr-.***K 45,111?" Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Couvoyarac M GA 'CAMERON formerly of Cameron Holt it Cameron BARRISTER AND saucy:con, ,nat,,e—n.....Aton St Opposite Colborne pause • , (10DERIO3i. ONT • GARROW & GARROW 13ARRISTERS, SOLICITOUS, ETC, Office -Corner Hamilton St. and the Square. • Ooderiekilont, 3. T. GAMOW, Q. OW CRAB. GannOW,1D PROUDFOOT & HAYS. 4 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOURIES PDX, - iPuocsons IN TEE MARITIME Coiner, &o. • office: North id., next door tofaigna1 ;Private Funds to lend atlowefit rates - of interest. • W. PROUDFOOT. ' R.0.BAYS. JOHN RIDOUT, . CONVEYANCER, . COMMISSIONER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money to lend On Mortgage and Note security. . • • Office -HURON MEET, oranTon DR, AGNEW. •IDENTISZ CLINTON • Officeadjeining Photo Stadia. Office Hours -9 to 5 . AlTBASJIELD EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERSOXI• • . , E.)frktuErHOLMES 16,E.nsits,. , . • (Stweisiar te:Dr. T. C. Ernie). . • ' • Specialist in .10rovrn and Bridge Work L S.-Graduitte'Royal College Lentel, Sur. ” goons of Ontario, Toronto. • • • . S.-First-olass Honor -graduate of Den - tat Department of Toronto University. Special attention L,iiaaid . to preservation ot children's teesh. Will visit Bayfield every If°331cre. 0..over W. Taylor & Son's shoe store. ' • • • - DR. WM. GRAHAW- ztoentiate()f the Royal College of PhysioiaXii London, England.. Wit" apild Itatd.eslgnee Eng-ocu, op audits, DAscoucheur, eto., office and. residence.On. O. 3. W. SHAW, PHYSIC/IAN, sunenort tario et., opposite English churcl‘formerly 00. exuded by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. TAIL STANBURY, GRADUATE OF THE • Medical Department of Victoria Univer. sity. Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and . Dispenearift New York, Coroner of the County of Huron. Bayfield Ont. , DR. J. FREEMAN. VETERINARY SURGEON, • - Member of the Veterinary Medical-Meet:de; gong of London and Edinburgh, and. Great. ' ate. of the Ontario Veterinery•College, . . . ' TREAT DISEASES OF era. eitneass , Office open night • and day,. opposite St. Patire•-churcir,. Ontario Street: . Clinton, • DP. 0, W. THOMOSON • . • Surgeon, Etc..' • • . Special attention givento diseaseS of the • .Eye, Ear, Throat and No. • '. • • Mee and Residence : • • • klbort Street, 2' Blecke Earth etRatteidinry . II' E. BLAOKALL VETERINARY 80g0/0021 U • RonoraryGradnate of thOOntarioVeterins rip College. Wrests ail diseases of domesticated as 1 mala on the roost modern and acientifiepritel pies office- inireediately south of the New Era Ofilee. Residence - Albert Bt., Clinton. Cal ' night ordav attendedto promptly MABRIACE LICENSES isatedby the un- signed -at-his-,Itesidence,Mary_--streeti Chu ton, . • ' Jampa quoivr, ari, • JAMES CAMPBELL,. __LONDES110110, ISSUER OF siattRIAGE LICENSEil, No witnesses required PARNOOMB, MEMBER OF 46.813'26 OP' Al • P. L. B., Provincial Land Surveyor midi Ciyil Engirieer, London, tant..-Ognise as Gia EiteWart's Grocery Store, Clinton ••••••••••ramem. ••••••••0•10.••••••••••••••*11.111.11•1=MMIAMM. W. GLEN CA MPBEL Organists and kfusitial 'Director of North . Street Church, Goderichand teacher On KAM, PIPE ORGAN an THEORY, is pre. pared to take a limited atmloar of Puplislini the above, For ferule apply this office:or to ' MliCA.M.PBELL may be seen- from 11,a. m., SO 2 p.ra,, at the Olarendon Hotel, Xlintolk Friday of each Week. CLINTON WOOD and COIL TARO. riber is prered to p'rOmptly it Mt or. 'dere for Wood or Coal, which.' Will bosom at lowest yit*, woe ori bead Street LAVES • IMPLEMENT ROOMS W. WHEATLEY b. ,L, MACPHERSON INSURANCE. Fite, • /We, ilicident Orricg .M.AsMAY Omer, erzente JOHN W YEQ notmtsvidat, A.grarofit-Motali4oebileteoreect:Entalzasgulaitoond:0001Vh."---Omostittor thdi: mono. "( RILLOY McsitaL InstritANCE CO: .AO eltnisie of /10,1142W itridetere .t a', Wren at Wile rept/tented. Monett° 'bled Irma 41, per °met mare. First-class n Companies. cent up, aocordintr to matitre'OffIseeletite.-* RA rev °WANT)" tHE Lffr AND. Daily men to Aloimetvithoret pestsl cod wil fetch him Fr QUEEN VICTORIA. includhat specie!, Memorial tributes frobs.the most smite entBritielt laid ()Medla0 letatelionen, and "The Life at Eine Ildvrard VII." Side 10x7X. about 000 pages better illustrated than any rivet itionork. ritten by Dr ne,,Cotitter, front Ren- ee 6111tabrated Eislibrianatid Jennie,. rgrand John A. CosRteditor, Omani= Mar trezinnrse4:249..er QranLriar$102475gmttae.wew by"; crediera 1 "Erttlettieettel free tO Vie,t14ral?loill Guelph. Ont. Lea) trio Navigation Co. Steamer ',Urania.° SHORT ROUTE • .. . . TO ; grpreVVGAND Ohio. One Way Return, te. litoittleeves Poet Stanley evert TrietdalktiffTlitirineY at 11 p.mn. Sitturdere ALI4TIOkiiti 41n este et „ell 10041 ticket °Ma* For further information, Write Wm, Wootton, Wenaate. • T. IN isrshall Med, Cell.. roots. Atts, Wmikertalle, Ofilt* 'esomedwrirsiall1111111111011dismie,---.