HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-08-16, Page 4gust lith, 1901,
Turn the Key
and You'll Get
HE next 30 days is usually the quietest season of the
year in the Dry Goods Business --many good rea-
sons for it being so—it's a general holiday and: visiting time
with scores of people and probably the busiest season with
our friends in the country.
Now, what we're coming at, is this : In order, to tura
these quiet days intoeKEENLY, ACTIVE, business days, we
have arranged with the agents of the Waterloo Furniture
Co„ to offer an elegant Parlor Suite to any one that can
turn the key in the lock attached to part of the furniture.
Here- is our plan„,: With this parlor°suite, comes 1000
keys, put in sealed enni elopes, at the factory; with •each,
purchase of $1.00, one key will be given ; .with $2,00, two.
keys will be given, and so on.. There is only one key .in
the 1000 that will unlock the Furniture. • It is known :' only
by the Furniture Co., who sealed the envelope.
Now on Saturday, August17,17, we commence to hand
out the keys with your purchases, and 'on •SEPTEMBER 17,
we ask all parties holding keys to come to our store and
see if you have the right key. If you Nave•,, --this beautiful
Parlor Suite is yours.
•had hundreds of dollars worth' of NEW GOODS placed in
to stock and have marked them at prices that will insure
their prompt selling. ;,,,
The balance of our :SUMMER STOCK must go at
any price. NO RESERVE -we don't carry goods frorn'.
one season to another.
Our Loss is your Gain: Come- with the crowds.
Special Rates to
Toronto Exhibition,
will bo sold to Toronto et $IN-
GIaE FARE, *3,74, from August 27th,
to September Oth excepting oA the follow-
Extcprsfon bays-
11ttg, 29, Sept. 2, Sppt. 2.6 4,
Oa these days the fare wilt be S$5,
Purchase your tiolcets at Town office and
save delay at station.
F, 1t. Hodgens, town agent,
Clinton, Ont.
Xew Zau,e ionntotL.
Parlor Suite free Newcombe Page 4
First clearing sale—Cooper&Co 4
speiai rates—] R Hodgene 4
"• W • ted --Carpenter- Organ _ Co;. 5
Listowel Business College ... li
rarest City Business College'. .. 5
Attractive price—W L Onmette .... 5
Clearing sale—McKinnon & Co .. .... 5
Real estate—W Q Phillipe. 6
Lost—Davis & Davie ...... '5
Parasols—Hodgen'e Bros 8
A Bi Snap—Jackson Bros. 8
Waned—Jackson Bros. 8
APples—Cantelon Bros... . . 8
church Chimes Church Chimes
WILLIS CHUEcH.—It has been decid-
ed to put in the electric light, retaining
the chandeliers,jp case they are requir-
ed at any time,
Rev. Richard Whiting, B.A., of Mit-
chell, has been extended a call by the
Oficial Board of the Askin Street
Methodist church,to succeed Rev.J. W:
A unanimous invitation has been
given Rev.R.
Exeter Mahn St, to t amain for his fourth year,
and also Mr Brown, of Jatnee Street
Methoaist church. Exeter.
A failure of the Sunday business at
the Pan-American has been experienc-
ed. On week days the attendance
averages 90,000 now; but no more than
10,000 people visit the show on Sunday.
The people of this American continent
are manifestly opposed to violation of
the Lerd'e Day.
'Ihe 1v EW ERA had a pleasant call on
Monday from Rey. Mr Thibadeau, of
Grand Lend, formerly of'Beomiller cir•
cui ., who, with his wife, spent a short
time in town. Mr Ttiibadeau is, like
many other faithful workers who ac-
cept without complaint whatever field
of labor they are allotted to,and devote
their best energies to the work of up•
lifting mankind, satisfied tha He who
knows all things will recognize their
zeal, fidelity and sacriflcies.
ONTARIO ST.—In the course of his ex-
cellent sermon on Sunday evening, one
of the leading thoughts of which Was
that men of character and principle
were required Mall the walks of life to
day more than ever, the Rev. Dr. Gif-
ford said that it was Just as much the
duty of men to give themselves to the
public duties of life, as it was for men
to respond to the call to preach the
gospe'. That this is a truth no one who
thoughtfully studies the matter can
successfully controvert,butit is a truth
Which is greviously overlooked, and ite
more general acceptance would give to
public life in its various phases, a high.
Ler value and more fitting recognition
than at present prevails.
The following refers to a,gentleman
well-known heree--"The Rey. d'arnes
Livingstone, pastor of the Windsor
avenue Methodist church of "Wlndeor,
le that the petrel should he preached)Fici all .
gentleman conducted ea mee hn Hey
er clay in.the betting, shed oaf the
Ate track,where acon regation of the
*bout 500 gathered, although the meet-'
Ing was not advertised. The crowd,
dompoeed of owners, jockeys, broken
down speculators of the turf, brute slid
stable bo e, ate as much attention ae.
Any habltoe •church-gter. The race
Brack authorities have given the neeee-
and Mr Liv
eery per/Weldon In tans
Ieraye he will hold another meeting on
Sunday afternoon. Mr Livingstone is
president of the London Conference
and one of the most magnetic speakers
in the Methodist church in Canada."
of Sttathroy, at. present 'lir g
assisted in the services ioda
Phe Sacrament of Ho ;nem
will be cbserved at 8 a.
will assist the choir rdey
ing will ill r
the o
R •deemer."
large congregation at Ontario street
church on Sunday evening was de-
lighted with the solo "Abid? with ].Ie"
given by Miss Selway,the guest of Mrs
Walter Manning ; she hub a good con-
tralto voice and sings with remarkable
ease and power. •"
S. d.. NoTas.— A welcome meeting
will be given to th0 DOW PtaCerts Capt.
and Aire Dowell, in the S. A. Wracks,
on Thursday evening, An 18th, On
Tuesday evening, Aug, 2tlth, a Very
8 ecial service Will be onducted in the
S. A. barrack§ I3 Staff -Capt. Bawling,
Provincial officer. from London. On
Wednesday evening,Aug.2lst, a magic
lantern service will be held in .the S.A.
barracks; all are welcome.
The union meeting of all the Young
People's Societies in town will be held
f Will:e.churchhon_.Monday eyenin
next, commencing at8 o'clock. Mr
T. Cooper will give a report of the Cin-
cinnati 0. E. convention. which be at-
tended and at which he was one of the
speakers. A most interesting and •help-
ful address may be expected. y p d, A, cahec-
tioh will be taken up in aid of the Huron
county C. E Union. All are invited to
RATTEtrBtIRY ST.—A grand parlor
concert will be given at the residence
of Mr Alex. Armstrong this Friday
evening, the 10th Inst., at 8 o'clock, un-
der the auspices of the Ladies' Aid So-
ciety of Hattenbur
church•a yy St, program,
nexce exceptionally cod. program,
cobalt ting of solos duets, ete, kit be
rendered; silver concretion Will
at the door,
ice cream extra.. .At the League on
Monday evening Rev W. Gifford gays
an address on "An ideal Lea�gg uer,'r
which' was mostinterestinq+ and help;
ful; Miser Grade Shepherd Ted the meet-
ing. Mire Solway will Resist in the
tnusicai part of the eeriicc On Uext thin-
'day morning.
Mr' Holden, of Port Dover. who re
cantly returned from the Yukon,lo
quoted by the London News staying
s ag
that"No Niter governed mining conn-
ttrythan the Yukon exists," Thie is
, th pinion of
an whokntw*anything abouti%r and
tI the
to the
administration e
Additional Local News
VERY Yummier, —On his returnhome
from Manitoba Mr James Buell received.
a very flattering letter from the Winnipeg'
Fair directorate, the following extreot
from which speaks -for itself• --"We trust
that yon enjoyed your trip to Manitoba
and Ire pleased to gay that you judging
gave the best of oatiefaction and we con-
sider onreelyes very fortunate in being able
to obtain ro efficient and popular a judge."
THY MAaxer ,--Mattern are quiteam
the merchant& apples es and other fruit are
Doming in. Applee'are. quotable at from
$1 to $2 per barrel aaoording to quality;.
plume will probably start at 75o , to $1 a
bushel and pearo at from $1 to $1.50 per
barrel, potatoes are quoted at $1. a bushel
and tomo'oes at 8c per lb. Cantelon Bros.
have made shipments locally of apple?iand'
plume and. on Monday 4000 lbs of butter
and 1000dozen of eggs to the eastern mar-
ket, the rulings for, the former being 12o
to 15o and the latter 90 to IOD,
DEATH oil Mlt9 JENXIN8.—The fol-
lowing despatch from San Bernardino,
Cal,. to the Buffalo Express,"" refers to
the widow of the late John Jenkins, a
wealthy resident of, Chicago,nd. -a
relative of the Jenkins family God-
erich township:--"Mra Elizabeth Jen-
kins, who four years ago came to this
section from Chicago, was found dead
in her magnificent home at Ontario,.
Cal., on Tuesday, by two business men
who had—called—de elose•aetransactio
wherebyshe was to purchase the town's
school bondre she body was found
lying on the floor of the parlor, aur-
rouuded by all the luxuries that wealth
can furnish, and wall in an advanced
stage of decomposition, She woe the
principal owner of the Ontario street
railway. So far no will hoe been found.
She has relatives in Chicago."
Dian Goss Ta Tia WasT.--fie exodus
of harvester' to Minitel* and the North
Weed has been greet. This week large
Umbers left different parte of Ontario,
Jantes Hortney the looal agent of the
Manitoba Government has reported that
the total number last week from Outride
end Qdebeo was 9568, the number from
Quebec being 038. Those booked by W.
sokson,' 0, P. R. agent, weret—E. Mo-
Lattgblln, Geo. Farquhar, of Hallett; J.
Thompson, A. Thompson, W. Johnston,
Jos. Miller, le, dloDongall, W. Lindsay
J f►e rd of Giod ri h
and . R. e3 pips , b e township,
W.71 Reiff, of Bruoefield ; A. McEwen
end W. Scott, of Stanley ; J. Sparrow, of
Verna ;,F. Stevenson, of Clinton ; E. Mo.
'Vittle,. W. Moon Bind R. Caldwell, of Dond-
esbero. A. 0. Pett#son,G. T. R. agent,
ticketed quite a few, A. Mcllarva acrd R.
Cnuninghome being among the number.
Those by P. B. H,•�.'od�g,cne, O.. T. B. gent;
W.Oentelon, S, L, Bootf W. Bali, }L
Robertson,Jas Ferguson, W. .Tonkin., Geo
Mair F. l J A l
Met, J. A. Ddarahal . D4ise MO.
•Ferlane, Mien F. Jervis and Mies biotite
FRIDAY ,.. AUGUST 19 , 1901. •
e; onservative Leadership.
A story is in circulation, which may
or may not be true, to the effect • that
W. 1r. McLean, M. P., for East York,
is to drop out of Dominion politica
and go into Local, with the idea that
he may becowe leader in place of Mr
That Mr McLean is ambitious, is
well known, for he was boomed for
the leadership of the party before Mr
Borden.was appointed, and members
of the house know perfectly well that
at one time he thought his chances
were good for gettingit:
In this connection the following cir-
cumstance, which is here is apropos:
When it was pr ,posed to increase Lhe
Premier's salary, and also to •give a
salary to the leader of the Opposition,
in addition to his indemnity, a prc-
mtnentMember of the Opposition said..
"For goodness sakes don't: propose
a salary to the leader of our side of the
House, for we ° have half -a -dozen fel-
tow_e now who think they° are fit for
leader, and if you offer an extrasalary,
the Lord only knows how many more
there would be." "
coming and I o1ln i
DfJenkinsiea lava lloynolde iavisiting at Auburn,
Mies Barrie, of Goderioh, le a great at
R ,
Woe Ida Lindsay, ie visiting at Eg.
monville this week
l iieses Nellie Walker and E. Davis, o f
Detroit, are home visiting.
•\Tisa Annie McQueen, of f.uoan, is the
gMt soMMsi$Jepi3ben$ocnovewa
visittug Miss
I Roberto, of Seaforth, last week,
Mra Qonssable, of St Mary's, is the guest
of her daughter, Mro J. Wiseman,
H. Holden who is home visiting went to
Grand Bend on Tuesday for a few day's.
Miss Louie Andrews, of Zurich Ppblio
School, is visiting et the home of Mr Thos
Miss sera Harris, of Goderioh, was a
guest of Misses Jenkins, Woodlands Farm,
last week.
Mics Jarret, of Toronto, baa been the
guest of Mime Mt'Lamie Houston for the, past
few weeks,
Miss McColl, of St Thames, bas been the
guest of Mra D F Maopberson, Mary street.
this week,
A. Hoes, of Brantford, bee been yisiting
hie friend, N. B. Fleury, and also spent a
few days at Bayfield.
Rev Mr Ciuff andsons, of Strathroy,
are the guests of the former's brother, R.
J. C1uff, for a few weeks.
John Kennel, printer who has been em•
ployed in town few several •menth3, left for
Toronto, on Saturday. '
Mrs Chant and daughters and Mise Ida
Zealand spent last Thursday and Friday
with friends in Tnokersm.th.
Mr H. C. Brewer, of Molson's bank; is
enjoying his holidays at hieBayfield cottage;
he wilt be away for three weeks.
Mr J. Houston is away visiting in Tor-
onto and will likely spend a few weeks
more in the eastern part of the province.
Mies Mabel Harland and Mise Olive
CoolTer have been spending a short while
with Mies Ida Holmen at Bayfield camp.'
Mr J B Hoover went to London last
Monday morning to attend a meeting of
the 1,aeontive Board of the Woodman of
the World.
Geo McLennan returned last ' Friday
from the Canadian baaltwhere he has
been visiting Dr Gibson for the past month.
He gays things are booming there.
Miss Jean "Macpherson went to London
on Saturday on a visit ; she returned with
her oonsin,.Miss Eva Maopberson,who has
been visiting her for some time past.
Among .those returned from camp ,et
Bayfield *hie week are Miseea A Howson;
Jessie Wiseman, Misses J and L Gardiner
and their guests, Mimeo Daisy and May
Mr. Dryden's investment in Dakota,
small or large, may toe good business,
but it's poor politico.
is •
F.' W., Glen, of, Brooklyn, ` at one
time a member of the Dominion
House, 'is,Writing letters to the Ameri-
can papers that would indicate he • is
off his base.
• e •
This talk about the politicians "try-
ing to keep Rikhardson, of Lisgar, out
of Parliament" is pure :rot. The Liber-
als do not care two strawswhether be
is in•parliament or out, and we don't
think the Conservatives are losing any
sleep about it. •
• • a f
Mr J. 8. Gadd, the new proprietor of
the Kincardine Reporter, has' made a
noticeable improvement. The old
large four page has been changed for a
more modern eight -paged paper. The
business men of the town and its many
readers will appreciate the change
Coming and Galina.
Percy Gifford is home from Amherst -
Rev Me Steward is expected home on
Saturday. •�.:.:
Mrs E. Cantelon woe visiting in Londe. -
bora this week,
Mise Della Walker is visiting iriende,
at Bruoefield.
Miss Malloy, of Detroit, ie the 'guest at
3.. Twitobell'e.
Mr and Mrs W. Harland were visitors
with friends in Detroit this week,
Mrs H. E. Rorke is in Lc ndesboro th#et
week the guest of Miss Sadie Hill.
Mies May Reno has been the guest of
Miss Riaoox, Rneen's avenue, London.
Rev. E. A. Shaw left on Tuesday for
Mackinac, ttoketed by agent, F. li, Hod.,
The wife . Dr Hamlin, of Detroit, war
the guest her cousin, Miss Graham,
this week.
Mies Mary Stewart left on Thursday for
St. Joseph's Island, where She his accepted
a echoed there,
Miss Libbis Hisaox, returned to London
Mitt d visit et Clinton, Bayfield, and
Mrs. Cyril Archibald and her daughter
Mise Katie, of Minnesota, aro visiting Mr.
and tlrs. W. W. Ferran.
George and Mise Mabel Twitchell are
spending a few holidays et the lake, at
Point Clark Lighthouse,
Misses Laura and Grass Atkinoon, of
Cinoinnsti, have been visiting their aunt,
Mrs A. Hooper, the past week.
r, John-Bantdord_.18meponding.,a
days at the Vendome, Bernie, with his
wife and eon, who have been visiting there.
Mre Jos Rettenbery took passage by
boot at aoderloh on Taaeday to visit
friends in Sernis,Amberstbnrg and Detroit.
Arthur Scott, returned to his bomb in
Toronto on Thursday lifter sending six
weeks' here et his grandfathers, Mrs Jas.
Scott. -
Mies MoDerm#dand her sinter, Mies
MoDi.rmid, nurse from Cleveland hos.
pltal, spent qday at the home of the Missed
Whitely, Huron street.
The Rev Wm Aylwerd,;Preebyterien) of
Park Hill, called on the Rev Mr Gonne on
Tuesdaylost. Mr Aylward was on his
tray to Bayfield to join his family who are
holidaying there.
Rev Mr and Mrs Deihl and children, of
Ailsa Craig, have. been spending a few
holidays as the guests of Mr and Mrs J.
MoGarva. They also visited friends at
Blyth end .t 'Yar,ea.
Hon J. T. Garrote 'returned home to
Ooderieh on Wednesday night, after a
three weeks' vaaation at Asbury Parir, in
New Jasey. Hie son from Toronto was
with him elk the seasider
Among those taking advantage of the
del* holiday by visiting wsrce--•R, P.
St. r Mee J
a S Thoni*S• M sled
Rookie t . ke n Briar.,
e A, Bria nde and Mr
Teller, Mie
en leer ' f London at Ooderioh • Dr. G. Tl,
Holmes to London; Mr end Hilar J. Snaith
o Weodetook; J. Johnston to Wawanoeh. I
First MidanSu ni ort
at Cooper's Booksto
Saturday, Aug. 17th,
And Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
of the following week.
We have recently made extensive .improvements to the -
interior of our store, which necessitated a- complete re -arrange-
ment of the stock and our plan of display.
To secure your presence and introduce you to the changes.-
we will offer on Bargain Days many Bases of goods which you:
cannot afford to overlook examining.
Price will be no consideration on these days as we have •
deckled these goods SHALL GO OUT on Bargain Days and
we are confident the prices will do it.
This is but a partial list of what we will offer
WALL PAPERS. Window shades.
One hundred double rolls of odd wall On a table in the Wall Paper 'and
Papers, and no two alike, per donWindow Shade department we will
oleroll 3e show small lots of from 2 to 10
shades, sold regularly a4 no, ..40o, .2SG' .
One hundred and twenty rolls odd • 45o and 50o for
Wall Paper. Just 2 Double (4
single) rolls of a kind, Worth reg-
nlarly 7 to 15o, per Single Roll,thec
four rolls for
Odd Ceiling Papers, a table full of
Ceiling Papers, in lots from 6 to
• 20 Rolle, will do nicely for back
bed rooms, • closets, chicks, eto,
regular 8o, 10e, 15o, 20o, bargain
days, per single Roll, 7.+c
Choice designs . with ' Borders and
Ceilings to match, 10o, 150,25o and
Featherof Rocheater.: 35o Papers, at, .... , ..Half Price
Miss Solway, contralto singer of St Pet. T
• -1
era Churob, Toronto, is visiting at the We will trim all Paper free; but cannot
homein of .Mr Walter Manning, anOdntooktario promise to do it on Saturday.
part the' musical exercises of
St. Church, on Sunday last. r^.
Miss Edith Hodtena, of the Dry Goods
Palace,leayes on a couple ofwo3ks'holiday,
on Monday. She goes to London for sev-
eraldays and will spend the rest of her
time in Goderioh,
W F Baskerville, manager at the. Cream,
cry here is away. on a couple of months'.
holidays and intends to take a trip to Win-
nipeg end
in-nipeg`end other points up north. In his
absence the business will be attended y to.
by D L McIntyre. • •
A 11 Lofft and wife, of St Marys, spent,
Sunday here with, the 'former's brother.
Thirty years ago Alf was clerk in the store
of the late J •Hoigens ; now•he is one of the
most proaperons as well as one'of the most
poppplar business "men in the stone tow+,
W McCloskey;eon Of Mr John Mo Clos-
key, of Qoderiah township, who has been
home on a visit,returns to the .uiwaiian Is-
lands next week. The return trip takes
about three weeks. He likes it well out
there, but says he would not cafe to make
it'hie permanent home.
Mrs Edge, widow of the late Rev: Joseph
Edge, has been visiting friends 'in;Goderioh,
She had intended coming to • Clinton. also,
where she bas any number of the 'very
warmest friend& but refrained front corn-
ing solely bemuse "she was afraid her feel-
ings would overcome her too severely,
W F Luxton, who has been manager of
the St Paul Globi, retiresthertfrom on the
1st of September, and will return to Can-
ada to reside,. He was at one time pro- An assortment of Vases, regular 25o
prietor of the Seaforth Expositor, and and 35o, choicefor
subsequently editor of the Winnipeg Fro()
Prise,where he made a mint of money.
We had the pleasure of a call from A.
Campbell, I. P. S. of Kincardine, on .Mon-
daytwhile. on his way home from Detroit,
having come by way of steamer' from
Goderioh.. He was shown the town by his
old friend and former towneman, J. W.
Irwin. •
Ed T. Holmes; formerly of Clinton,Can-'
adieu Immigration agent at Indianapolis,
is et present in charge of a portion of the
Canadian exhibit at the Pan. American,
wherebe is also directing his attention to
immigration mettere. A number from
this section had the pleasure of meeting
him at Buffalo.
Miss Ida Zealand, the gaeet of her aunt,
Mrs HU Chant, left on Monday morning
for Detroit where she goes tome her broth.
er Th'eo, who is laid up at present. Whet
Zealand has been visiting here for the
past month and 'pill also spend the re-
mainder of Angl et with friends et Detroit,
London; and Toronto before her return'ta
St Thomas.
Mr and MreJ. W. Irwin and daughti r
Agnes were in St Thomas boat week. There
way a gathering at the home of Mr D :Barr
and on receipt of a telegram Mr an' Mrs
Irwin went down and•oompleted thefamily
circle. It was also the celebration of their
29th anniversary of their wedding day.
We are sorry to learn that Mr Barr late
been suffering of late with rheumatierit
Alex Rapson, son of Mr John Batmen, of
Hutton, who has been connoted with the
Methodist ministry for several years, as.
now located in the neighborhood of Deice,
sine, Man., when he hoe charge of a nice
oironit, much better than he oonld have
got in the London. Conference. Mr Rap-
son is s young -men of zeal and ability,
and in a new country like Manitoba, will
find ample scope for his talents.
Mr JamesSoptt, the veteran teacher and
ex librarian was *round town this week
seemingly in the beet of health, He hue
passed hie 93rd birthday and hi wonder-
Tnily Trfght i active—for- hie age: He
has voted at every election 'their has been
held since 1847, and his vote, with nnfail-
ing regularity, has been meter the Lit-
He thinks he is good for
Lit -
milcandidate. H
seyeral votes yet, end even his political
opponents would be gl*d if his doge are
extended long enough for him to reoord
Mia.. Clare Scott, grand daughter of Mr
S. Plummer, has opened rip a millinery
establishment on Queen St wart, Toronto,
and her friends here hope that she may
have abundant eaooesa, Sha is it splendid
singer, being formerly ideniflel with Lilo
chewy of Rattenbnry St allure& and we ex-
peot to tee her get into the seeleot circles
in Toronto. Mrs Soott removed to the
city on Satniday. Mr Soott went to Men -
hobo on Tuesday ; he has relatives there
and after making them a visit will return
end take up his permanent abode in the
Air and, Mrs James Snell returned from
their trip west on Monday. Mr Snell went
to Winnipeg an one of the judged' on Hook
for the Provincial Exhibition but took ad-
vantage of the occasion to visit friend*,and
do a little prespeoting, .He thinks theore
will do Wolilf it turns out an average of 20 E.' J. 'O'Snhllvon, .of the O'Snlliven
bobble to the sore ; be eels 11' look* better Business College here, went up to Cloning -
et s distance than it really is. He met wood and other points to start new
many old Mende there, some of whom had brenolre.. Ile aspect* to return nett week. dl but hedoes not think it can be.
demo wet
eIn to compere with fee oonnly of Enron,
nd is quite +content that his lot is omit in
so fevered a ;looailty,
On another table will be shades trim=
med with fringe or lane, the cloth
is goal and so is the roller, these
shades are worth regularly 60o' to
75o, they will be divided into two
lots, and sold at each...t hoe and • 50e.
Curtain Poles.
A staple line which every one knows-
the value of Oak, Mahogany, or
Cherry Pole with wood or brass
rings and end pieces, brackets and - -
pins complete; big value at 25o,
bargain days only, each....,..., ..: 1�C
Whatwe have of Hammocks may be yours for about half
$1 Hammocks for 50o, .$3 Hammocks for $1.50, complete with pillow and stretcher:
Bargains in• the China de.
Japanese hot water Kettles, daintily
decorated and with handles, -raga.
lar 40o and 25o, for... ......• ,
bocolat Pate, fine Japanese Ind
China, nieelydecorated, worth re-
gularly 75o to $1,50," choice for..
Jardineers,varions shapes and styles,
all good lines, regular at 40o and
Geld, choice
Tea Setts, sugar cream and tea,
daintily tinted in pink, worth 75o
bargain deys,.pergtt
Berry sotto, nice Targe bowl and
neppree, daintly decorated. regular
$1.50 for la pieces, now • 90e
Writing Tablets
Good line of tablets, ruled or plain,.
$ 80 80 100 eheets,olioice paper, regi -
„,:15o, bargain day prices each Se
ills : Papetries
Box containing. 50 sheets and 50 en-
velopee,a wonderful bargain at,pe;r
box .. ,
25e -
Bells and Buckles
Leather belts, with solid buckle, dif- • PAPER BOOKS.
ferent colors of leather,regular 25o ,
and 85o, to clear, each.... , ..... OC A line of paper oayered books, good
titles, eneh authors as Carey,
Belt Baokles,up to -date Baoktee,gilt,
on Doyle Alexander, Hol -
silver and steel, regular 350,25o,
mss and ea, regular loo lire,ohoice ...... --bargain day
Cloth Bound Books
Select works by Lyall, Scott, Dumas
Doyle and others,big values at25o,
choice ...2. for 2�ie
Any of the 25 shades ineilk,Cotton,
regular 7o, ea and 10o, bargains
days, for per spool,,...' G`
Assorted Tote at 8c and 1t)c each
Small lot at paper covered books
slightly soiled and Goers dams- lei.
ged, 4for..,.........,.....,..... .
The balance of our secondhand,
Bicycles for sale Saturday for
five dollars each,
School Books Reduced 10 per cent.
An.y school bookyou t'nay want on Saturday will be . sub-
r cent.a
1 ells n t. Tlu will a
jest td 0 -pe con lie , good opportunity
to et -your stz ply for o +enl g llooi — —
ll P __.
Mrs Neverggsli, of Windsor, ieihe:guest
of Mrs A. 0, Pattison,
Mr Albert Beeley is spending a oenple
atdays atthe Pan Americs n
Mr' Polley, of Amherst Island, i* .visit•
in gg her daughter, Mrs Jarnes MoMath.
Mr A K Gifford, and wife of Detroit eld-
given by Miss; Brewer end Bliss Hobson at
Bayfield on Saturday evening.
John Swartz, of Wingh*m, who owns
the great Oanadien power, Harold .11., 2081.
has refused $8000 for the borne. Herold
H. has never lost a heat or rose and is be.
Herat to be one the fastest horses on tint
est son of Roy Dr Gifford) are visiting in oontinent,
town. Mrs A. B. Smillie and little son hsye
Frank Stnitb, In old tin to ee of the returned to s m
d the reainder of August
New Eat, took advsnteige of Brantford t et her parent Mr and Mrs A. Monteith,,
attic holiday and ageet a few days with fedora returnirg to ?h it home at Ann
friends here, T Arbor ; they were -Ideating friend's it Lan -
C. Boger and J.MoEwen have returned don and other rointo.
from Mhos Craig Where they vieitedt et their .lire E. Munro of Goderioh who came
homes' there ; the former went to Berlin on here 'leveret ,weekis ego in datioate health,
Tuesday for a few dive, returns home this weak, very much -he.
R. Orawford, the obliging clerk tet H. et, proved. Shit will be aoconipaned by her
Com tt leaver this *oak for s v#ilt at his
mother, sire R. Fittsimon', who expects
horn* in Tuokerainith end in September
will attend the Phermao ' Doll. m spend a eonple of weeks there, MO
y college. Hr tt>"egory,PrinOiprtl of Yorkton, Aesa.,
-biblio school, and seorotor of the Board
of Trade of the sap
me' a.le was in' town on
Tnesday. Ile returnowest �next week. He
rite eon of Mr E. Gregory, of Raeder, and`
haat o popular on mon wee x "eet to
l ne
Imp y ttk
see him become s neon of prominence end
infiaettaein development of the
lr D Letornel
'11' W
P. a
rt ,
pi ,
C g
Chat Bele.andhis friend, Mr
} . N Henryy sT enr
Reis, from Brantford, attended the hop